Trials, Growth, and 3 Natural Illustrations

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To start out this article on trials, growth, and 3 natural illustrations, I would like to expound on a Dr. Martin Luther King quote: “I look to a day when people will not be judged by the color of their skin, but the content of their character.” Focusing on Character Content Let' s focus on the last part of this quote and use three illustrations to make a couple of points on how our character ultimately affects our development when facing trials of various kinds.

·0 Clay, Heat, and Water- Even with relatively low heat, water is driven out of clay and that

clay becomes hardened and more impervious to water. The higher the temperature, the stronger the final product becomes. Here is one “stand alone" illustration that illustrates how a lack of fluidity results from driving out a basic fluid (water).

·1 Russian Proverb and Glass- “The Hammer shatters glass, but it also forges steel.” Here we have an Illustration that points out that internal strength, faith, focus, etc. can result in a diamond under the pressure of trials instead of shattering to pieces like glass.

·2 Water and Tai Chi- Water is a great illustration of flexibility and fluidity when under heat. It changes into three different states of matter depending on the degree of heat. A great Chinese art which illustrates the fluidity of water is Tai Chi. This art uses fluid physical movements for health and self-defense.

Bringing Together the 3 Natural Illustrations These natural illustrations reveal different responses or results to heat depending on the kind of substance and/or the contents within that particular substance. When dealing with character content and personal growth , we see strength, imperviousness, beauty, and fluidity as the results of these natural illustrations. These results can be helpful, positive, harmful, or negative depending on the present situation(s). Here is where the principle of the “harmony of opposites" applies. We need to have all the previously mentioned character qualities available to us when facing any kinds of challenging trials. One Situation I’ve Learned These Qualities Apply To As I've taken a journey to creating the life I dream of living by building a couple of businesses on the side, I've had to learn what situations and how to apply strength, imperviousness, beauty, and fluidity and where not to use these qualities. If you are interested in creating the life you would love to live as well by building your own businesses, check out these links: Your Takeaway So how do you respond during trials? Like clay, glass, steel, or water? During trials where is growth needed which of these 3 natural illustrations portray your responses and which of the 3 illustrations are areas you need to grow in?

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