Understanding, discerning, and handling disappointment, discouragement, and encouragement can help us get through the difficult seasons of our lives. Let`s start from the top and point out the difference between disappointment and discouragement. Disappointment and Discouragement The difference between disappointment and discouragement is an important thing to keep in mind and to think through before the hard times come. Once the hard times come, it can be more challenging to discern whether we have progressed from disappointment to discouragement. Two important tips to keep in mind are:
Disappointment is a normal part of an
imperfect world. ¡1
Discouragement sets in when we lose sight of hope and resulting courage. Disappointment and Encouragement
The path from disappointment to encouragement is simple to explain, but at times more difficult to practice. However, the good news is that the more we practice moving toward encouragement, the easier it becomes. Simply put, honesty and hope leads to encouragement. Honesty or dishonesty combined with despair leads us into discouragement.
Honesty and Hope Being honest with ourselves and significant people around us is the first step toward finding encouragement in difficult times. Whenever we deny or ignore our true feelings for whatever reason, we set ourselves up for a myriad of problems later like triggered outbursts, health issues, depression, etc. On the other hand, just randomly blurting out all we think and feel can
lead to more complications and challenges. A delay in expressing feelings like anger and disappointment is not the same as completely ignoring and discarding our real feelings. There's a time and place for everything. Finding hope in difficult times is the second step from disappointment to encouragement. Three suggested places for finding encouragement are faith, family, and friends. Since hope is a noun and a verb, it involves our personal belief as well as the subject of our beliefs and the resulting actions that follow. Family that can be supportive in a healthy way can help us find our hopeful focus. The same applies in regard to friends. True friends who are supportive of us in our quest to grow in a positive way and stay on track can be assets in difficult times.
Summing It All Up
Disappointment is a normal response to an imperfect world. Disappointment leads to discouragement when we fail to embrace honesty and discover the hope that leads us to courage. On the other hand, when we are honest and discover hope through faith, family, and friends disappointment will give way to encouragement. Your Application So how do you handle disappointment in your life? Do you become honest with yourself and appropriately honest with others? Do you discover hope that leads to encouragement through faith, family, or friends? Are you generally understanding, discerning, and effectively handling disappointment,
discouragement, and encouragement? This article was written by an SFM affiliate. If you would like more information on a business that has the potential to building a life you would love to live, please visit this link: http://connect.thesixfigurementors.com/sp/free -trial-long-vid/sales-pages?id=skmartin