What is Leverage and Some Examples One of the greatest tools for success in anything a person can use is leverage. So what is leverage? One definition of leverage is using a force or factor to it's maximum advantage. Let's use some examples from physics.
A nutcracker is a tool some of us have probably used at times in our lives to open walnuts or other shelled nuts by maximizing
the use of pressure in our hands to crack the shell of the nut. Another tool we have all probably heard of is a fulcrum. A fulcrum is a point on which a lever rests. Force is exerted on one end in order to lift a heavy object on the other end. Leverage Applied to Our Daily Lives So how can the principle of leverage apply in our daily lives? Time, energy, and money are three resources we all deal with daily.
Time can be leveraged by coming up with a streamlined plan daily so that your acitivities are organized in terms of distance proximity and/or similiar activities. One simple example is if I'm planning on going home from work and I
need groceries I stop in the grocery store on the way home if it's on the way. If I'm returning a DVD and the DVD place is in the same shopping center, I take the DVD with me in the morning in order to drop it off after work because I have a streamlined plan for the day.
Energy can be leveraged by doing similiar activities together, distancing activities with similiar energy exertion, and careful planning of time as well. An example from weight training is to pick two different and/or opposite muscle groups to work in one session. Biceps and triceps for example. Go ahead and do 10 reps of barbell curls and then do 10 reps of tricep curls with a couple of seconds in between. Then rest and repeat 5 more sets of each in that order. Money can be leveraged through creating assets that bring regular residual income. Another name for residual income is "passive income" which means making money without having to show up all the time to do the work. This could come in the form of a
business or investments. This is why I'm working with six figure mentors in order to create residual income in the long run. So Where Are You At? So where are you at with how you leverage your basic resources? Do you start your day with a streamlined plan in mind? Do you know how to "stagger" and organize tasks with similiar energy demands? Do you accomplish similiar activities together? Are you aware of and/or building assets through passive income? How many of these areas are you using leverage as a tool for success?
This article was written by an SFM affiliate. To get more information on how create leverage in many areas of your life by creating an online business, check out this link: http://connect.thesixfigurementors.com/sp/ free-trial-long-vid/sales-pages?id=skmartin