Before we get into when to use a hard focus, let’s refresh on the definition of hard and soft focus and talk about the difference between the two. Defining Hard and Soft Focus
·0 Soft focus- Soft focus is looking at your physical environment and/or experiences with a broad or general perception resulting in a broad perspective.
·1 Hard focus- Hard focus is looking at your physical environment and/or experiences with a narrow and specific perception resulting in a narrow and specific perspective. What is the Difference Between Soft Focus and Hard Focus? The key difference between the two focuses involves a narrow instead of a broad approach. Basically they are opposite approaches.
"Focusing on When to Use a Hard Focus" It seems like people generally are used to one of these focuses in their lives vs. the other. However, I believe there is a time and place for both to be used. Most people I know would probably recognize they need more soft focus in general in their lives. But It’s also good to know when you need a hard focus as well so you can make use of both perspectives in a timely way. Use a Hard Focus when:
·2 Recognizing and keeping priorities clear.
¡3 When involved in mutually beneficial agreed upon situations where important factors are being overlooked by the other person or people. Lately, I've have been involved in a couple situations like this. One observation I've made is that one person's hard focus triggers another person's hard focus in order to compensate for unrecognized factors in a mutually agreed upon situation.
¡4 When personal thoughts are going astray into fear, defeat, hopelessness,
discouragement, etc. Difficult situations can create opportunities for us to chose to let our thoughts become caught up in fears, discouragement, etc. One of the basic keys to getting through difficult situations is to eventually get focused on things like hope, positive and productive choices, solutions, etc.
In Summation We can use hard focus when trying to keep our priorities clear, when involved in situations in which important factors are being ignored by others, and when personal thoughts are going astray into unproductive or destructive thinking.
My Hard Focus My hard focus has been to get myself closer to living the life of my dreams. One of the projects I've been working on have been building two businesses. One has products that support health and wellness and the other has educational resources to building an affiliate marketing business. If you are interested in creating the life of your dreams by building your own businesses, check out these links:
Your Takeaway Can you name three instances in your life when you used a hard focus and three instances in your life now that would be examples of when to use hard focus?