Worry, Planning, and "What If?"

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A conversation with a coworker caused me to think about the subject of worry, planning, and “what if?” He proceeded to ask me what I would do if a theoretical situation would present itself in my life based on my current responses. I gave the answer that I live in the present while also planning and preparing for the future. The 5 Questions Relating to Planning

·0 Why plan? Because when you fail to plan, you plan to fail. This witty saying applies to situations where obvious planning is necessary for getting things done and avoiding chaos or significant loss.

·1 When do we need to plan? Some situations have so many “moving parts.” In order to maintain any sense of order that results in efficient progress, some basic planning is required. Other situations involve higher risk of significant losses. Here we need to take extra precautions because of these potential risks.

·2 How do we plan? We plan to reach a goal or outcomes in the most efficient way and also factor in risk. In the end, it's a judgment call as to whether to take more time in order to avoid extra risk, or vice versa.

·3 What do we plan and with whom do we plan? We need to plan when there is a potential higher level of chaos and/or risk. All who are involved in a project or task can take some level of responsibility and have some participation given their personal gifts and share of responsibility.

Worry and Positive Visualization The difference between worry and positive visualization is that worry imagines a future you do not want out of fear. Belief based on hope and love imagines a future you want and are working toward achieving.

Visualizing, Planning, Action, and Evaluating That said, there is a basic 4 step process to achieving our dreams. Visualizing, planning, action, evaluating, and start the cycle again. I've heard this worded differently, but with the same idea behind it. One Relevant Example in My Life I have personal dreams and goals to reach those dreams. Two of my vehicles to help create the life I dream of living are the SFM business (which teaches me how to build an online business), and Arbonne which is a health and wellness business. For more information on how to build an online business, check out this website: https://theinspiredandinformedlife.com/start/home For more information on how to build a health and wellness business, check this website: http://SteveKMartin.arbonne.com/

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