2 minute read
Soulful Saturday with Kathryn Lowther CFS for the Soul
Kathryn Lowther has been a Psychic for over 30 years. She uses a variety of Oracle and Tarot Cards, including Angel, Animal, Romance and Affirmation Cards and utilizes her gifts of Clairvoyance, Clairaudience and Clairsentience to give healing and insightful messages. She will be offering Card and Mediumship Readings at Soulful Saturday on June 11th upstairs in the Community Farm Store. From Victoria, for the past seven years she has found her home in Cowichan. She has taken courses in Tarot, Dousing and Healing and has been practicing Intuitive Readings for over 30 years. She first started reading for friends, and they recommended that she should start charging for the Readings. Over the years, after studying the cards, and taking Energy Healing courses, her intuition increased. More clear images and messages came in like a download. The first time it happened it was like words in the air! ado Kathryn loves the diversity of utilizing a variety of cards including: The Spirit Animal, Angel, Romance, Healing, and Affirmation Cards. Her card collection is expansive and is ever -growing! There are so many beautiful images and messages portrayed in the card
decks. She says that the cards “speak” with symbolism. Why would someone seek out a Reading? Decision making can be a challenge, for example; moving, or seeking a new career- asking the cards, can SOULFUL SATURDAY demonstrate which option could be a with Kathryn Lowther better choice.
CFS for the Soul For a Relationship Reading, we can help to see if it looks like a promising romance. Some clients come to find out a forecast for the coming year. I can see the energy and what may be in store. However, I believe we all have choices, and the Readings should be used as a guide..not to tell someone what to do, or predict certain outcomes. A Mediumship Reading focuses on a loved one that has passed. Kathryn receives messages, images, and information that is given to the client with questions, to confirm if it is indeed the person the client is inquiring about. The messages are often very comforting, to know that the loved one in spirit is doing well, and sending their love. I am often amazed the details that I receive in the Mediumship Readings.. it is heartwarming to be able to create a link for a client, between two people and two worlds. Kathryn uses the cards as a guide, while receiving messages, and images. She also uses the pendulum for confirmation, or yes/no questions. Kathryn will be offering Card and Mediumship Readings at Soulful Saturday on June 11th upstairs in the Community Farm Store. 5380 Trans Canada Hwy, Duncan.
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