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June Forecasts
Georgia Nicols M.A. Georgia’s book, You and Your Future is a best seller with international printings in 3 languages. georgianicols.com
Aries (March 21-April 19)
Your ruler Mars will be in your sign for the next six weeks, which is super energizing! Although this can happen once every two years, this time it will be an over-the-top experience for you because at the same time as Mars is in your sign, Jupiter will be in your sign as well. (This can happen only once every 12 years.) This means you’re cooking on all six burners. You feel courageous, eager, enthusiastic and totally confident about carrying out your plans. You’re ready to think big and nothing will hold you back. Grab the baton and run!
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Mercury is retrograde in your sign until June 3; however, the shadow phase of Mercury retrograde will last until June 19. (Be smart and postpone buying ground transportation, computers and cell phones until after June 19.) Despite the annoyances of misplacing items, forgetting appointments and dealing with goofy mistakes, when Mercury is retrograde in your sign, it helps you to study the past, and learn more about who you are because you are the sum of all that you have ever been. Meanwhile, focus on money cash flow and earnings this month.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
You are empowered because the Sun is in your sign until June 21, which means it’s your chance to recharge your batteries for the rest of the year. This is timely because you are popular! For the next year, Jupiter will boost your interactions with others and your involvement in clubs and organizations. Meanwhile, fiery Mars will urge you to formulate goals and pursue them. It also might throw you into a competitive situation with someone else, especially in athletics. Fortunately, it will stimulate your physical activity. You might get a promotion or a boost in your income. Looking swell!
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
This is a fabulous time for your reputation, your career and the impression you create on your peers because for the next year, Jupiter is at the top of your chart making you look successful! Very likely, something will substantiate all this admiration. You will get a raise, a promotion, an award, or earn accolades and public recognition for your efforts. This month, Mars at the top of your chart, will arouse your ambition to go after what you want. Meanwhile, Venus is also at the top of your chart smoothing all your dealings with authority figures. Possibly promoting romance?
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
You’re popular for this month! Your attention is on friends and groups because friendships are important to you. Examine your role in these relationships. Are you a good friend? Should you do more to cultivate friendships? Meanwhile, much activity is taking place in Aries because Jupiter, Mars and Venus are gathered there, which boosts your desire to travel and get a change of scenery. It will increase your ambitions in publishing, medicine and the law. Meanwhile, Mercury retrograde will attract bosses and authority figures from your past back into your world.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Once a year, the Sun travels across the top of your chart for four weeks. That time has arrived, which is good news because it symbolizes that you are in a flattering spotlight (You look mahvalous, dahlink.) Especially to bosses, parents and VIPs. And you don’t even have to do anything special. (It’s smoke and mirrors.) Obviously, you can take this to the bank. Lucky, moneybags Jupiter, Mars and fair Venus are all in one of your Money Houses! Jupiter will stay there for the next year, which will increase your wealth from other sources – the government, loans, inheritances or indirect benefit through your partner. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) You want to get outta Dodge and grab a change of scenery to feel more stimulated about life. You want to study, travel, seek adventure and meet new, interesting people. Yeah! (Likely, this will include partners or close friends because this part of your chart is activated for the rest of year.) Venus and Jupiter will introduce positive, upbeat vibes with those who are close to you; however, Mars is on the scene this month. Mars represents war, so it will create conflict. On the upside, Mars will give you the courage to speak your peace, which might be a good thing.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
This month, you are more in touch with a deeper part of yourself. You want to experience life on a feeling level, not an intellectual abstraction. You might find you are more concerned about finances bills, insurance issues, shared property and money from others. Meanwhile, Mercury retrograde will attract expartners and old friends from your past. “Homer!” “Marge?” However, one thing is certain, anything related to your job will slowly start to improve – no question. Opportunities to improve your existing job or get a better job will come to you. Relations with coworkers will also improve. This is nice.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Once a year, the Sun sits opposite your sign for four weeks and arouses your interest in partners, spouses and close friends. “Sup, hon?” And while you’re focused on this relationship, you can learn more about your own style of relating to others because you have more objectivity right now. Meanwhile, the Sun is your source of energy, and symbolically, it is as far away from your sign as it can get all year. This means you need more sleep. It’s also a good time to consult experts – lawyers, counsellors, accountants or an astrologer. But in the bigger picture, it’s party city for your sign because you want to have fun!
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Roll up your sleeves because this month, you’re productive, busy, hard-working! You will accomplish a lot. You will set your standards high, which is why whatever you do – you will do as efficiently as possible. (Like the wise carpenter: Measure twice, cut once.) You’re happy this month because you like to be efficient. It pleases you. Meanwhile, a strong energy is focusing on home and family for you that will last all year. This burst of energy in your personal life will make you interested renovations, redecorating projects, repairs or just shoving furniture around. Enjoy your home!
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
This is one of the most playful times of the year for you! The Sun will travel through the part of your chart that deals with vacations, parties, playful activities with kids, sports, the entertainment world and just having fun. Your creative vibes will be hot. You want to socialize, and express your talents. Mercury Retrograde has put you in touch with family members you haven’t seen for a while. Meanwhile, optimism will be the theme for all your communications this year. And this month, you will mean what you say and say what you mean!
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Home, family and your private life will be your main focus this month. Many of you will also be more involved with a parent than usual. Meanwhile, this is a wicked Mercury retrograde for you right now so expect transportation delays, car problems, mixedup communications, missed appointments and lots of delays. (Major groan.) However, you will also enjoy coming in contact with relatives, siblings and neighbours you haven’t seen for a while. This will be a great time to study history and do research into the past. But the really good news is that for the next year, you’re going to get richer! Ka-ching! www.georgianicols.com