3 minute read

Spiritual Blueprint - Listening for Intention and Purpose

Angel Jury the Modern Day Oracle - Spirit Journaling - www.sacredsilence. net

No matter your age, we all have a desire to fulfil our souls’ purpose. Some figure it out early in life, whereas others take a lifetime to discover it. I call this our spiritual blueprint, which is full of our intention and purpose. It is the deeper knowing that we came here with our seed of creation that will help us fuel our fire.


Before we are conceived we are attached to our source, the life force the infinite. Within this source is our knowing of intention, this desire to achieve intention creates our purpose, and this purpose is the magic of our entire existence. This is that deep knowing and feeling that we have more to offer, create, and be.

When you are searching for purpose, you are yearning for the connection to intention. This feeling is the desire for reconnection to the source, the one you were disconnected from at birth. When we are born we disconnect from this life force and spend the rest of our lives trying to reconnect. This is that inner knowing of feelings that we commit to in our spiritual blueprint. It is also the fuel that creates our experiences, both good and bad.

Mother Nature is the best teacher, she unselfishly teaches us wisdom every day in our universal school. She displays purpose within the cycles of her seasons. She is all four elements of air, fire, water and earth, as are we. She is lifegiving and every living thing she produces has intention and purpose in it. A tiny acorn has no clue it will be the mighty oak but its intention within gives it purposes to follow its inner knowing. This inner knowing is also in you.

Today’s journaling prompt is simple, you must practice listening. Listening opens the door to your inner hearing of knowledge and wisdom. Pay attention to how the messages are being received. Are you receiving these messages through your consciousness or your soul? Do not listen to hear the mundane narrative. Listen to hear the art of creativity as this sparks your fire, this fire creates purpose and this purpose is the guidance and knowledge of life from your spiritual blueprint. This is the access to your birthright of purpose and intention.

Journaling prompts: Relax and open your journal to a clean page. Play soft sounds of mother nature (waves, birds, wind chimes). With the intention being set, focus on listening (and not hearing) these sounds. Close your eyes and visualize these sounds. Allow your imagination to create a scene for these sounds. Example: If you are listening to waves, see the beach.

Tune in to one specific sound and begin to find the smallest details. Example: Count seconds between


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the waves. Allow your imagination the freedom of expression. In this silence, pay attention to how you are receiving these sounds.

Are they from your inner hearing or your soul’s voice? Your inner hearing will give you a feeling of mundaneness and surface sounds. Your soul’s hearing will make you feel the beauty in the details and listen deeply. When you finish this exercise, journal about your experience. This is an exercise about allowing your soul to lead the way to your intention and purpose. Let your perception of the sounds flow with your soul’s voice and imagination. Let this feeling of creation spark your purpose. Repeat this exercise every day for a week to get you in alignment with your spiritual blueprint of life, your birthright.


by Shiloh Badman

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