2 minute read

An Ounce of Prevention


250-748-4421 4-180 Central Rd, Duncan - Village Green Mall www.lynnsvitamingallery.ca AN OUNCE OF PREVENTION

June is here, and it’s likely we will all be appreciating Dad on his speial day. Whether or not our dad is the Dad-joke-cracking, socks-and-sandals-wearing barbeque meister so often portrayed on social media, chances are he has been there for us many times over the years. He’s an important part of our lives, and we want him to be as happy and healthy as possible.

One of the issues a man can face as he heads into middle age is the onset of benign prostate hydroplasia, or BPH. The prostate starts to enlarge starting around age twentyfive, although it is rare to feel any effects until the forties or beyond. By age sixty, half of all men will have an enlarged prostate.

The prostate gland surrounds the urethra, the tube through which urine travels on its way out of the body. When the prostate begins to swell, it shrinks the tube, making urination difficult. The person may have stronger urges, but be unable to produce much urine. Sleep can be interrupted by frequent bathroom trips. There can be sexual repercussions as well, including a decrease in libido, and less satisfaction in One tried and true supplement used to treat BPH is Saw Palmetto. It has the ability to treat the enlarged prostate, improve urinary function, and (side benefit), has been known to enhance hair growth. It has also shown an ability to boost libido and reduce inflammation.

Maca root is a vegetable that is considered an adaptogen and a superfood. It has been used for centuries to improve libido and improve overall health generally.

Rye grass pollen is used with success in treating BPH. It can relax the muscles of the urethra, improving the force of the urine stream. In some countries, rye grass pollen is a registered pharmaceutical product.

These nutrients and more make up the excellent Prostate Pro, one of the excellent formulas available from CanPrev. This proudly Canadian company has many products that are the result of scrupulous research. They are produced in an approved Canadian facility using carefully sourced ingredients. Their products can be found at quality health food stores, such as Lynn’s Vitamin Gallery in Duncan. Be proactive, take control of your health, treat small issues before they escalate...it’s never a bad idea.

Lynn’s Vitamin Gallery 180 Central Rd unit #4, Duncan (250) 748-4421 www.lynnsvitamingallery.ca

Gina Malkin

Prioritize your future with a free fi nancial review!

Kristy Landry | Financial Advisor | (250) 743-1259 | Kristy.Landry@edwardjones.com


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