September Issue Vol 3 Issue 34

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September 2011•Issue 34

ISSN 1920-820 0

Seasonal Recipes • Local Arts Cowichan Events • Community News


Valley Voice Magazine. For people who love to eat, live, play and shop in the Cowichan Valley.


September 2011 Vol 3 Issue 34 The monthly guide to living in the beautiful Cowichan Valley. Published by Cowichan Valley Voice Magazine Sheila & Richard Badman Contact us at: 250 746 9319 Copy Editor Maeve Maguire

Advertising Enquiries Please Call Adrienne Richards 250 510 6596 or e-mail *Non Profit Community Ad Rates available please enquire.


Please upload your information through our website or e-mail the Date, Time, Event Title and Place Please be advised that space is limited to 1st sent, 1st printed. Next deadline Sept 15th for October Issue.

Valley Voices

Bill Jones, Heather Walker, Amanda Reimer, Margit Nellemann, Rick Dennis, Aaron Bichard, Ajay Appelaar, Tracey Paleczka, Marisa Goodwin, Brad Boisvert, Longevity John, Brenda Birch Dumont, Diana Pink, Tania Walter Gardiner, Lynda Diamond, Charles Job, Chris Carruthers, Sandra Galinas-Carr, Debbie Shkuratoff, Robin Massey, Kenzie Cuthbert, Alison Irwin, Jenn George, John Close, Lisa Haché-Maguire, Jennifer Barnes van Elk, Emily Doyle-Yamaguchi, Ted Wright, Jean Crowder, Cindy Hutchison, Peggy Grigor, Cam Macdonald, Vic Nadurak, Peter Sussman, Tim Mock, Kate Skye, Erin Thexton, Lindsay Coulson, Laurie Arbuthnot, Lynn Weaver, Nicolette Genier, Julia Star, Joan Cobham, Vanessa Goodall, Roger Foucher, Maeve Maguire, Sue McKitrick & The Lovely Georgia Nicols

We welcome your story ideas & photo submissions, however Valley Voice magazine reserves the right to edit all submissions for space, clarity, content and style. The opinions expressed in Valley Voice Magazine do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, publishers or other authors. Valley Voice Magazine is distributed through 300 + select locations throughout the Cowichan Valley- Malahat, Mill Bay, Shawnigan Lake, Cherry Point, Duncan, Cowichan Bay, Crofton, Chemainus and Salt Spring Island and to Cowichan Lake, Ladysmith, Victoria, Courtenay and Tofino. Cover Image Peacock at Alderlea Farm, Sheila Badman

Thousands of loyal readers just like YOU look forward to reading the Valley Voice every month.

For wide reaching, good value and effective advertising, contact the cheerful Adrienne Richards for October deadlines and rates.

250 510 6596 4

Pages Table of Contents 4 Community Events Calendar 5 Celebrating All Things Great! 6 On The Farm 8 Fall Feast 9 Cowichan Eating 10 Cowichan Bay Seafood Recipe 11 Local Grass Fed Organic Beef 11 Celebrate and Honour Our Farmers 12 Cowichan Exhibition 13 Island Farmhouse Poultry: Yummy Drummies 14 Cowichan Valley Wine & Culinary Festival 15 Blackberry Bavarois 16 Healthy School Lunches on Demand 17 Talking Arts: Cam MacDonald 18 Reaping The Benefits of Functional Design 19 Orchestra Celebrates Silver Jubilee 20 Trad Mad Festival 21 Sounds of Zimbabwe in the Cowichan Valley 22 Taste of Tea 23 Artist Victor Nadurak Seafire Glassworks 24 The Art of Handbuilding 24 Rifflandia Festival in Victoria 25 CRAFT by Cowichan Valley Artisans 25 Good Bite Mummy Bars 26 6th Annual Gourmet Gala 26 Building The Bridge 28 Chocolate Chip Cookie Challenge 28 MoonDance Free Class Week! 29 A Day To Just Be 30 Are You Drinking Enough Water? 31 Shaping The Green Minds of Children 32 Off The Grid 32 Mold Can Affect Our Health 33 Real Food For Thought 33 South Island Fishing Report 34 Planting Lavender r35 Arcadian Childrens Forest 36 Green Living:Tidy Tips For Back To School 37 Community Farm Store Pages 38 Website, Emails and Verbal Lint 40 Helpful Garden 40 Saving Seeds Workshop 41 Sweet Harvest Time 41 Fall Is The Best Time!42 Is It Your Time to Heal? 42 Crowder’s Corner and Jean’s Letter to Friends 43 Local Green Hero: Judy Stafford 43 What is Coaching? 44 Moonbeams 44 September Horoscopes by Georgia Nicols 45 Outnumbered by Sue McKitrick 45 Cowichan Valley Feature Listings 46 Visit us online at

Community Calendar

September 2011

to Sept 24

Andre St. Cyr, Margot Page, Vic Nadurak on show at Imagine That! Artisans Designs 251 Craig St., Duncan

16 onwards Various

Amadeus Opening Night Chemainus Festival Theatre 1 800 565 7738


Thursday Night Jazz at Cow Bay Pub Cow Bay Pub, 1695 Cowichan Bay Road

17 8:30 am -10pm

Trad Mad Festival $99 for All Day / $45 Dinner/Dance Duncan United Church, 250 929 8226


Thursday Farmers Market Field Beside Cobble Hill Hall Contact Linda 250 510 8343

17 6pm

Zero Mile Meal Eatery Feast at O.U.R. Ecovillage $40 1565 Baldy Mountain Rd, Shawnigan Lk 250 743-3067


3:30pm - 5pm

CGC Saving Seeds Workshop Cowichan Public Library, 2687 James Street

17 11am5:30pm

7th Annual Borscht Festival! Enter your best borscht! Alderlea Farm, 3390 Glenora Road, 250 715 0799

3,10,17,24 10am - 2pm

Honeymoon Bay Outdoor Market Every Saturday! Coffee Mill, Honeymoon Bay 250 749 7233

17 6pm

Dinner Dance & Buffet with Orkestar Slivovica $30 Godfrey Brownell Vineyards, 4911 Marshall Rd 250 715 0504



11 am - 5pm

Junction Artists’ Market - New Feature Artist Every Sunday Whippletree Junction

Sacred Chant Circle with Sadie Bartram Rivendell Yurt, 250-748-2089

7 11-4:30pm

LAST Chemainus Wednesday Market Waterwheel Park parking lot, Chemainus


Resilient Food Secure Communities with Jon Steinman 1565 Baldy Mountain Rd, Shawnigan Lk 250 743-3067 $28

4,11,18,25 4 - 8pm

Sunday Acoustic Jam Crofton Hotel & Pub, 1534 Joan Ave Crofton 250 324 2245

14, 21, 28 8-9:30pm

Adult Beginner/Intermediate Hand Drumming w/Karin Lewis

4,11,18 & 25 TLC’s Keating Farm Estate Summer Tours - Sundays 5250 Miller Road. 250-737-1401 4 - 8pm

19 7-8:30pm

Chakra Yoga Class Rivendell Yurt, 250-748-2089

5,12,19,26 4:45pm

Drop In BINGO Every Monday begins at 6:40pm Chemainus Seniors Centre 9824 Willow St 250 246 2111

23 -25

Cowichan Valley Fall Home Expo Exhibition Park 7380 Trans Canada Hwy FREE

7 2 - 4pm

Canson Paper Demo with Ed Brickler - please register PORTALS Gallery 2687 James Street, FREE 746-1633

23 10am11:30am

Threshold Singing For All Lila Music Centre 3228a Gibbins Rd, 250 701 0978

8 10am2:30pm

Basic Mixed Media Workshop with Sharon Stone $55 PORTALS Gallery 2687 James Street, Duncan 746-1633

24 7 - 9pm

Community Drum Circle with Karin Lewis by donation 250 748 6750 Natasha’s Temple Studio, Duncan

8,15,22 7-9pm

Cowichan Valley Pet Loss Grief Support with Sarah Donnelly BA 250 710 7675 $25 a session/$75


CTRA 25th Anniversary Disc Golf Tournament Beach Party Providence Farm 1843 Tzouhalem Rd, Duncan 250 746 1028

9 ,10 & 11 8am -10pm

143rd Cowichan Exhibition (Sun Hours 8am-4pm) Exhibition Park 7380 Trans Canada Hwy

24 10am-2pm

Blackberry Pie Fest at the Honeymoon Bay Market Coffee Mill, Honeymoon Bay More Info:250 749 3734

10 All Day

Polaroid Workshop with Gord Iverson $99 PORTALS Gallery 2687 James Street, Duncan 746-1633

24 7pm

Jazz Nite at the Bean Washington Cook Trio Dancing Bean Café, Chemainus 9752 Willow St

10 2-6pm

Shawnigan Lake Arts & Multicultural Placemaking Shawnigan Lake Village street festival FREE

25 8pm

Roxanne Potvin, frisky folk-rocker with a pop edge Duncan Garage Showroom, Duncan $15 / $20

10 Doors 6:30pm

Around The World in 80 Days Theatre Gala Fundraiser Chemainus Festival Theatre 1 800 565 7738

26 7pm

Reel Alternatives presents Midnight in Paris

10 9pm

Dave Cambel and friends jazzy, funk grooves Crofton Hotel & Pub, 1534 Joan Ave Crofton 250 324 2245

26 9pm

Big River Johny Cash Tribute Band $15/$17 Crofton Hotel & Pub, 1534 Joan Ave Crofton 250 324 2245


Doc MacLean / Big Dave McLean - Acoustic Blues Duncan Garage Showroom, Duncan $20/$25

27 8pm

For The Love of Words with Bill Levity/Dress Rehearsal Tues Duncan Garage Showroom, Duncan $5 for readers /$10

12 - 17

FREE classes at MoonDance! The Art House, 1756 Wilmot Ave, Shawnigan Lake

27 7pm

Ladysmith Camera Club “ Photo-based Art” Hardwick Hall, 3rd Ave , Ladysmith $5 250 606 7011

12 - 23

Offshore Sculpture Installation by Cam McDonald PORTALS Gallery 2687 James Street, Duncan

29 8pm

Garnet Rogers smooth, dark baritone folk singer Duncan Garage Showroom, Duncan $30 / $35

14 4:30pm -7:30pm

Cowichan Agricultural Society Annual BBQ 5855 Clements Street, Duncan 250 746 3970.

29 5:30pm

5th Thursday Dinner Buffet: “Taste of China” Honeymoon Bay Lodge and Retreat 250 749 4252

14 to

Cowichan Valley Artisans 2nd Annual Show and Sale Benchmark Gallery 28 Station St., Duncan

October 1

Gourmet Gala Tickets $50 Mellor Hall, 7380 Trans Canada Hwy

14 - 18

Cowichan Wine & Culinary Festival Various Locations

Women in Fish – a multi-media presentation Cowichan Theatre, 2687 James Street 250 748 7529 $10

14 & 18 8 - 11pm

Reggae night with Selecta Jahmeeks & DJ Morgwan Noodles of the World 161 Station St. Duncan 250 597 0313

1 7pm

Palm Court Light Orchestra Concert: Roses of Picardy Cowichan Theatre Tickets 250 748 7529

15 7pm to dusk

Dala - two female vocalists on piano and guitar Duncan Garage Showroom, Duncan $15/$20

2 2:30pm Ongoing

Cowichan Valley Artisans Year Round Studio Tour Download brochure at

15 6-9pm

James Barber Fundraisier Valley Voice Magazine. Providence Farm 1843 Tzouhalem Rd, Duncan 250For 746people 4204 who love to eat, live, play and shop in the Cowichan Valley.

2 - 7pm



& 7pm


Natasha’s Temple Studio Pre-register: 250 748 6750

Cowichan Theatre, Proceeds to Cowichan Valley Hospice Services


Diana and Adrienne share Valley Voice info Photo David Pink

Celebrating All That’s Great Dear Readers, As some of you know, I am leaving my position of Advertising Sales with Valley Voice magazine so I can focus on new projects. We are thrilled to welcome and introduce Adrienne Richards, Valley Voice’s new Advertising Sales Representative. As I wrap up the sales for this issue, I’m reminiscing about how my wonderful relationship with this spirit-lifting and heart-warming Cowichan magazine began. Three years ago I saw Valley Voice magazines available around our community. I felt compelled to pick one up and take it home to read; I love magazines— especially fresh, creative ones like the Valley Voice. I was hooked from my first issue and looked for it at the beginning of each month, anxiously waiting to devour it cover to cover. With each issue, the magazine improves and grows with more articles and advertising. Each month I learn about growing

and harvesting food, creative recipes, inspiring arts and people, community events and more. Cowichan Valley Voice magazine celebrates its third anniversary in September. Congratulations to Sheila and Richard on their inspired, community-focused and grass-roots contribution to our community. They were pregnant with twin boys when they gave birth to this wonderful magazine. Sheila and Richard publish each month while being full-time parents to active and adorable twin boys, Tiller and Shiloh. I join with the readers, advertisers, and supporters in applauding and thanking them for their on-going contribution to the betterment and enrichment of all of our lives here in the Warm Land through the colourful pages of Valley Voice magazine.

Happy 3rd Anniversary! 6

Valley Voice Magazine. For people who love to eat, live, play and shop in the Cowichan Valley.


Until Sept 9th • CVAC Portals Gallery MoonDance & Cheryl Bakke-Martin Sept 10 • 2-6pm Shawnigan Lake Arts & Multicultural (SLAM) Placemaking festival Sept 12 - 17 • Various Times TRY ANY CLASS FOR FREE!

(Please see page 29 for more details )

Sept 15 • Film Night Social 7:30pm The Shadow Effect by Debbie Ford featuring Deepak Chopra and others By Donation

Sept 22 • 7:30 - 9:30pm The Year of The Flood by Margaret Atwood Calling All Readers! New Book Club

Sept 24• 12:30 -1:45pm $15

Hula Hoop Dance Workshop Liz Fraser of Parlay Hoop Dance Sept 29 • 7:30pm - 8:30pm

Chant Circle By Donation

Sept 30• 9:30am - 7pm Various Classes

Culture Days

FREE classes and workshops

The ART HOUSE • 1756 Wilmot Avenue Shawnigan Lake Village 250 743 5846 Farmer Brock with his broccoli.

On The Farm


egardless of the moody weather, summer is definitely here. August and September are the most frantic months on our farm. Today we picked vegetables for two weddings, the Nanaimo Bowen Road Farmers’ Market, the Cittaslow Market in Cowichan Bay, multiple restaurants, our daily farm stand, and 15 families who subscribe to our CSA program. On other days this week we also harvest and deliver to the Community Farm Store, and pick and sell at the Duncan Farmers’ Market. I did not understand busy-ness until we managed our own business. Like many small business owners, our hours are filled with training staff, building relationships with our customers, and dealing with other small businesses. Not to mention the daily weeding, watering and harvesting required on a vegetable farm. Sometimes, with an email inbox full of important messages and the telephone beeping with voice mail, I forget why exactly we’ve chosen this life. Why do we plow through a list of never-ending to-dos? Why are the floors of our home dusty with farm dirt, cluttered with bins of potatoes, seeds and bulk paper bags? In these moments of doubt I open our fridge, crammed with salmon from a friend and homemade sauerkraut; I eat peanut brittle and cookies left as gifts from customers and our extraordinary pickers. I walk out into our fields with a bowl and a knife, and cut broccoli for dinner. Heather Walker and Brock Summer may be the most frantic time of our year, but for food-lovers like us it is also the most decadent. I am grateful for every busy, delicious minute.


McLeod own and operate Makaria Farm Heather is a writer, editor and passionate seed starter.

Fall’s Feast

Rye harvested with the Island Grains Coop in 2010. Image Kent Goodwin

me feel rich. The fact that it only happened because I ran around like a panicked squirrel gathering nuts for winter gets long forgotten.


hough fall is the very best time of year, it is also the busiest on our farm. This season we have Red Fife and Spring wheat to harvest along with some barley. The challenge in getting all the beautiful food so lovingly grown - dried, canned, frozen and safely put in cold storage is Herculean. Completing all these tasks and preserving the harvest makes enjoying the bounty that much more satisfying. Please take advantage of the wealth of food we grow here in the Cowichan Valley and support our farmers. In September there is still plenty of time to can tomato or apple sauce, pickle beans or beets, freeze a lovely vegetable soup or make some blackberry jam. A wall of brightly coloured jars of canning light up our dark winter days and makes

My tomato harvest is divided into two parts: The beginning where I perfectly skin, seed and can, and the second part where I put whole tomatoes in a bag and throw it into the freezer. Canning should be done with help, preferably as a party on a rainy day. It is best approached as a team sport. Organizing a group of friends, bulk buying produce and then canning all together makes for an excellent way to preserve food. The happy memories of summer fun contained in each jar of course improves the flavour. Also fun is to trade the unique foods your family has stored for something delicious that your neighbours have canned this season.

farm Organic Fair Farm and Garden on your tour around the Valley. We‘re offering gourmet country food, farm grown sodas, delectable organic ice cream and delicious dark chocolate tastings. For more info visit www. It’s our farm’s last big party of the season so please come with

your whole family and enjoy our harvest celebration.

Marisa co-owns Organic Fair and is immersed in food, farm and family.

How about a break from canning? During the Cowichan Wine and Culinary Festival, come visit my family’s

Valley Voice Magazine. For people who love to eat, live, play and shop in the Cowichan Valley.



W Cold Wine & Beer & Liquor Store

Check our website for Entertainment Schedule


Sept 4,11,18, 25 • 4 - 8pm Acoustic Jam Voice, guitar, banjo, fiddle, flute... All are welcome! no cover

The Crofton!

Saturday Sept 3 • 9pm TBA Live Music

Saturday Sept 10 • 9pm Dave Cambel and Friends Jazzy, Funky Grooves

Thursday Sept 15 • 8pm Tim Vaughn Rocking bluesy feel good

Saturday Sept 17 • 9pm Bilgewater Buoys Swamp bluesy rock

endel Berry the iconic farmer, writer and activist once famously saidRecepion, “We all June Artist eat for a Living”. More 4th- 6:00 pm start, show interestingly he is also runs the month of june well known as a man with innovative ideas for solving issues in many aspects of our lives. Wendel urges us to think in patterns to help solve related issues in our community. For example, food, economy and social issues can all be addressed at the same time – with benefits to all.


Providence Farm is a local, living, breathing example of this type of problem solving in action. They provide help to those in our community who need therapeutic programs, provide space for seniors to meet, grow food and provide jobs for the locals. The Sisters of St. Ann gifted the 400 acre farm to the Vancouver Island Providence Community Association to continue this good work in our area. As June 20 -24 •Summer menu launch you can imagine, the job of running this operation is very complex, with a little money spread a long Celebrate Summer Solstice! way. menu One longtime supporter of the farm was another hero of mine – James Barber. Working as the Urban Peasant, James urged us to connect with our food, help others who might be less fortunate than us and in general inject a little more fun in our cooking and lives.

Our local chef community has banded together to help Providence Farm, honor the memory of James, entertain and feed people at the same time. The upcoming James Barber Fundraiser for Providence Farm will be held on Thursday September 15th. (See the ad in this months issue for more info). Invited chefs All shows $10 (or 3 for $25 ) unless otherwise stated Pub Open 7 Days a week from 11am will be cooking up local Tomato Ginger Chutney Beer on Tap • Daily Menu Specials and seasonal products 1534 Joan Avenue Crofton sourced from the farm Ingredients Amount 250-324-2245 and selected valley Grapeseed oil 1 Tablespoon (15 mL) providers. The goal is to Onion, peeled and diced 1 raise funds to help buy a new stove for farm kitchen so they can feed the Stalk Celery, diced 1 program users and staff just a little bit better. Fresh Ginger, minced 3 Tablespoons (45 mL) Curry Paste (or powder) 1 Teaspoon (5 mL) This amazing event, one that will also help kick off this year’s Cowichan Pickling Spice Mix 1 Tablespoon (15 mL) Wine and Culinary Festival, will be a celebration of our local food, a Softened Raisins 1/2 Cup(125 mL) tribute to a Canadian food icon, and a benefit for a wonderful and vital (soaked in warm water 10 minutes) community asset. Brown Sugar (or 4 Tbsp. honey) 1/2 Cup (125 mL) Apple Vinegar 1/4 Cup (65 mL) Many local and invited BC chefs will be coming together to make this Fresh Tomatoes- 4 Cups (1 L) a unique and memorable evening in the Cowichan Valley. It will be an cored, blanched and skinned opportunity to experience what makes this valley a special place for Salt and Pepper To taste eating, giving and of course living. A highlight of the evening will be

Saturday Sept 24 • 9pm

Big River Johnny Cash tribute band $15/$17

the dedication of the James Barber Wood Burning Oven, gifted to the farm by local chefs. The oven will be fired up and serving artisan pizza and other delights at the event and for years to come. Other chefs will be stationed around the historic main building serving a delicious slice of Vancouver Island foods. This will be a chance to put Wendel’s theories into practice and toast our blessed life here on the west coast. All while helping the less fortunate in our community and honoring an urban peasant who real message was “Relax - and just get on with enjoying your time on earth”. Bill Jones is an author, chef and food consultant who can be found at


Method 1. In a saucepan, add the oil and heat over medium high heat for one minute. 2. Add the onion and celery and cook until the onion softens and begins to brown. 3. Add the ginger and the curry paste and pickling spice, stir well to mix. 4. Add the raisins and ¼ cup of the soaking liquid. 5. Add the sugar and vinegar and stir until dissolved. Bring to a boil. 6. Chop the tomatoes roughly and add to the pot. Bring back to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes. Remove from heat and allow to cool to room temperature. 7. Transfer to a storage container and refrigerate until needed. Mixture will thicken slightly as it cools. 8. Store in the fridge for up to a week.

Seared Albacore Tuna over Seaweed Salad Recipe courtesy Lynda Diamond, Island Estuary B&B




Open 10 am to 5:30 pm 7 Days A Week!

Albacore Tuna, sashimi grade 24 oz Seaweed Salad 7 oz

1. In a small bowl, mix together the paprika, oregano, thyme, garlic, sea salt and pepper.

For Tuna Coating

2. Set a small saucepan over medium heat and add the butter, wasabi paste, cumin, wine, vinegar and soy sauce. Reduce the sauce until is starts to thicken, approximately 10 minutes.

Hot Paprika Dried oregano Dried thyme Garlic, finely minced

2 Tablespoons 1 Tablespoons 1 Tablespoons 1 Tablespoons

3. Melt another 1/4 cup of butter and coat the albacore tuna loin with the butter. Roll the loin in the spice mixture to coat evenly.

Sea salt and freshly ground pepper

4. Place a large cast iron pan over high heat and sear the tuna for a minute or less on each side. Be careful not to overcook.

For Sauce Unsalted butter Wasabi Paste Cumin, Local White Wine Balsamic Vinegar Soy Sauce (low sodium)

1/4 Cup 1/2 Teaspoon 1/4 Teaspoon 1/4 Cup 1/4 Cup 4 Tablespoons

Slice the tuna loin into 1/4 inch pieces and place over seaweed salad or a julienne of mixed vegetables and drizzle the balsamic reduction over the tuna. Serve with pickled ginger on the side.

Cowichan Bay Seafoods

We used the balsamic vinegar from Venturi-Schultz and paired the dish with a Pinot Gris from Averill Creek Winery in Duncan. As much as we like Ahi Tuna, it is not sustainable and we have switched to Albacore Tuna. All ingredients listed available from Cowichan Bay Seafoods gourmet foods section.

1751 Cowichan Bay Rd, Cowichan Bay 250-748-0020 E-mail:

Tasty, organic grass-fed beef essential fatty acid. And while grass-fed is great, it reaches its best when the animals are raised to certified-organic standards. Photo,Tim Mock; Managed Intensive grazing (MiG) is key strategy at Windhorse Farm.


he health benefits of an all-grass diet for cattle are becoming well known. Writers like Michael Pollan (Omnivores Dilemma, 2006), and Jo Robertson (co-author, The Omega Diet, 1998; and eatwild. com) have done a great job of summarizing the volumes of scientific results on the benefits of this beef for we humans. Specifically, the all-grass diet leads to beef which is lower in total fat, lower in saturated fat and higher in Omega 3s and CLAs, cancer-inhibiting

On the other side, but no less important in our eyes, is the benefit for the animals and the farm. Grass is the beeves’ (cows fattened for meat) natural diet and when in plentiful supply it keeps them healthy and happy. It minimizes stress on the animals’ digestive systems; they are therefore less likely to need conventional medical intervention. And it is great for the farm environment, helping to build soil depth, diversify soil biology, and sequester carbon.

food writers, and regular beef lovers alike. Words such as fantastic, clean, tender, juicy, beefy taste have been repeatedly heard. Windhorse Farm, located in Glenora, and is one of a handful of certified-organic BC farms producing delicious and healthy grass-fed, finished beef. The farm is certified under the guidelines of the Island Organic Producer’s Association and the Canadian Organic Standards. The 15-acre farm

was purchased by Laurice and Tim Mock in 2007. It became fully certified organic in 2010 and harvested its first beef this summer. In addition to the home acres at Windhorse Farm, other certified-organic land is leased to provide winter feed. To learn more about the benefits of grass fed beef contact: Laurice and Tim Mock at 250 748 2585 or by e-mail

The summer harvest has received high praise from chefs, Valley Voice Magazine. For people who love to eat, live, play and shop in the Cowichan Valley.


Celebrate and Honour Our


all the useful professions in the world, small-scale farming is perhaps the most important yet the most un-sung, underpaid, and underappreciated. Around the world the hard work of farmers keeps the rest of us alive. All the settled areas of the world depend upon farmers for their existence. These are no small accomplishments in the great scheme of things and I am very grateful for their work.


And being a farmer is hard work. It demands physical and emotional strength, stamina, and determination, and the willingness to work all hours of the day and night in any weather conditions whenever necessary. It requires the ability to plan many farm activities, purchases, and work schedules far in advance, and be able to revise those plans at a moment’s notice... and still get the work done and hopefully the bills paid on time. It takes a strong belief in the value of this work and enough desire for the lifestyle and challenge itself to continue doing it. It takes someone with real character and individuality, which is why farmers are often called ‘real characters’! And a farmer has to have a pretty good sense of humour to hold up under the often unforgiving conditions and lack of financial security that the job offers. One of the common jokes farmers share is the story of the farmer who won the lottery. When asked what he would do with the money he answered that he’d “farm until it was gone and then have to get a job that paid”. And for all their hard work...we, the lucky recipients are given the gift of life-sustaining food and the endless pleasure of enjoying it. I am very grateful for this and celebrate the harvest season with them in mind. Thank You to the good farmers of the Cowichan Valley, the farmers of Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands, the farmers of the mainland and in all of BC. Thank You farmers in the rest of Canada and in the rest of the world for the food you provide for us with your hard work. Thank you for the all the different fruit, vegetables, nuts, grains, eggs, milk and meat, and all the different Gail Richards is grandma to two things we can make with these. Remember to celebrate farming and to thank some beautiful little Cowichan Valley boys of your local farmers at the upcoming Agricultural Fairs that are happening all over and former writer, outdoor instructor and Wwoofer. BC this month. They are fun events and can give us a little inkling of some of the elements of life on the farm. And consider Wwoofing or spending time at a farm For more info on wwoofing visit that offers farm holidays.

Murphys Orchard

pasture raised, antibiotic & hormone free chicken and non certified organic apple cider

Sign up for our Organic CSA Veggie box for 2012! For details contact


Makaria Farm

Daily Farm stand open 11-6. Organic vegetables & Strawberries. 4715 Bench Rd. Cowichan Station


NEW - Fresh organic pasta Organic vegetables Farm Store open 10 - 6 Wed - Sun. Russel & Deborah Fahlman 1470 Cowichan Bay Road, 250-743-9019

See these fine farmers every Saturday at the

Cowichan Exhibition

Duncan Market!

Meadowbrook Farm Highland beef, Grass fed, hormone free, all cuts, wonderful sausage. Naydene and Michael Smith

Certified Organic free range chickens, blueberries, & market vegetables Sally & Howard Green

Westcott Farm

Heritage Black Welsh Mountain Sheep Products: Skins, socks, roving, mattress covers. Lorna Kearney


hether you’re coming to the Cowichan Exhibition for the first time or the fiftieth, you’re going to love this year’s fair! Not only will it be celebrating our farms, but the 2011 theme: Trees of The Valley, ties in beautifully with the International Year of Forests. Several classes invite exhibitors to enter a project inspired by trees; do keep an eye out for those special entries when you visit Mellor Hall. They join perennial favourites like honey, home baking, colourful quilts, children’s crafts, flowers, fine arts, and photography. Out in the stables, check out the horses -- they come in three sizes: miniature, regular, and the big draft breeds! Don’t forget to wander through the beef, sheep and poultry barns for a closer look at the other animals and birds that populate rural acreages in Cowichan. Down in the Tractor Pull area, the stars are the antique tractors and their mechanical muscle. New for 2011 is a Sheep to Shawl event organized by local spinners and weavers. They’ll start from scratch on Friday morning with a newly shorn fleece, then turn that raw wool into a handsome woven shawl by Sunday afternoon. And it’s anybody’s guess what weird entries will come in for the premier running of the Duct Tape Competition. It’s open to all ages -- why not challenge your friends to see who’s handiest with a roll...or two or three or more! As well as lots to see, there will be plenty to hear at the Ex. The Cowichan Pipes and Drums lead the traditional walk through by local dignitaries on Friday evening. The swirl of their bagpipes will be followed by The Culprits playing on the main stage. Saturday evening’s entertainment features the ‘Man in Black’ sounds of Big River. On Sunday it’s Hope King. As always expect thrilling rides in the midway, interesting vendors in the market place, and great food booths at the Cowichan Exhibition. We’ve marked our calendars, what about you? Grab a pencil now and circle the weekend of September 9th, 10th and 11th! For more information on classes, entry deadlines, entertainment, admission prices, hours, and booth rentals, go to, call the Office at (250) 748-0822, or drop by the Exhibition grounds at 7380 Trans Canada Highway (Mays Road intersection, west side).

Valley Voice Magazine. For people who love to eat, live, play and shop in the Cowichan Valley.


“It’s fresher from here” Yummy Drummies with Candied Yam Fries

Children don’t know this but there are no actual candy in the yam fries, just yams full of beta-carotene. Chicken dark meat, like drumsticks contain more vitamins A, K, B6, B12, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid and minerals as selenium, phosphorus and zinc than white meat. So not only do they come in a perfect kid size shape ... they’re good for kids too.


Island Farmhouse Drumsticks Mayonnaise Poultry Seasoning Garlic Powder Onion Powder Salt Pepper Flour Parmesean Cheese Yams Cooking Oil Salt


10 Pieces 2 Tablespoons 1/2 Teaspoon 1/2 Teaspoon 1/2 Teaspoon 1 Teaspoon To Taste 1 Cup 1 Cup, grated

2 Large 4 Tablespooons To Taste

Chemainus Theatre Gala Fundraiser

Saturday, September 10 Playbill Dining Room Chemainus Theatre Doors Open at 6:30 $80 w/ $50 tax receipt Group Rate $640 for 10 1 800 565 7738 On Saturday, September 10th at 7pm, 175 lucky people will be attending what promises to be the party of the year! Chemainus Theatre Festival Society, Island Savings, and Save-on Foods proudly present

Around the World in 80 Days - a Gala Fundraiser to be held at the Chemainus Theatre in the transformed Playbill Dining Room. Join our Emcee Jim Jackson as he navigates us on a journey where guests can Flirt with Lady Luck (magnificent draws and prizes), Tantalize Their Taste Buds (exquisite hors d’ouevres, late night dessert bar with cascading chocolate fountains, fine wines at the Wine Lounge and a Martini Bar), and Be Entertained with live world music. And, there’s more! A mystery balloon prize, best costume prizes, and a silent and live auction featuring a Robert Bateman limited edition print, a NASCAR Car Racing Experience, and much more! Call the box office or book your tickets on online at

Thursday Nights in Cowichan Bay


Pre-heat oven to 375F In a large bowl mix drumsticks and mayonaise until well coated. In a separate bowl mix dry ingredients except parmesan cheese. One at a time, gently toss drumsticks in flour mixture and place on cookie sheet. Sprinkle each drumstick with parmesan cheese and place in oven. Peel yams, cut into strips and toss in a large bowl with cooking oil, spread onto cookie sheet, add a little salt to taste and place it in the oven with the drumsticks. The yams don’t need to cook as long as the chicken and I find by the time I prepare the yams the chicken has had a good head start.

1615 Koksilah Road Cowichan Bay BC 250-746-6163 Available locally from The Duncan Butcher, Country Grocer Cobble Hill and Nanaimo, Duncan Thrifty Foods, Chemainus Foods and the Duncan and Chemainus 49th Parallel Grocer.


Cow Bay Marine Pub 1695 Cowichan Bay Road 250-748-2330

Take-Out Bento Box Lunch Special

Tuesday to Friday 3 kinds - $4.99

9875 Maple Street, Chemainus 250-246-1046 Garden and Patio Seating Available Open 11-.3pm for lunch and 4 - 8pm for dinner

The 7th Annual Cowichan Wine and Culinary Festival

Good music and good wine all weekend.


think everyone (who took the time to discover) would agree that the Cowichan Valley has wonderful potential to be a great food and wine destination. The bones are in place, our warm land climate, sheltering mountains, clean air and water. The soil (what the French call terroir) is what adds the magic ingredient to everything we harvest. Seven years ago a festival was planted, much like a grape vine, into the gravelly soil of our valley. Like a healthy vine this festival is now maturing into one fine celebration of the food, wine and community. Geoff Millar of Economic Development Cowichan has calculated this festival brings in $750,000 into the region’s economy. This is a serious chunk for an event that lasts only 5 days, from September 14th to September 18th. The Festival is presenting five new major events in addition to the traditional weekend celebration. At its core, the festival is designed as a self-explore experience, where visitors are encouraged to pick up or download a current festival map before sipping and tasting their way through the Cowichan. All 26 festival participants will have something special going on over five days, and most daytime activities are free of charge. Visitors can also choose to purchase tickets to special participants’ events on Thursday through Sunday. Ticketed events range from $25 to $225 per person and in size from dinners for 24 to parties of up to 200. Reservations are required and tickets are limited.

All shows no cover

September 17 &18 Jazz with Maureen Washington Saturday Afternoon Noon -3pm Orkestar Slivovica Dinner Buffet Dance Saturday Evening 5 -9pm $30 Reservations highly reccommended.

Sunday Afternoon Noon - 4pm

Godfrey Brownell Vineyards 4911 Marshall Rd • Duncan 250-715-0504

“Our community has rallied around our vintners, farmers, food producers and chefs who have created tasting or tour activities and events showcasing the best of Cowichan,” commented Mike Hanson, Festival Director 2011 Cowichan Wine & Culinary Festival. “Together we are offering a truly memorable cultural destination experience.” The festival begins Wednesday, September 14th at 1:30 pm in Duncan with a community Grape Stomp at City Square Stage. After the stomp you are encouraged to visit Bistro 161 for tasting flights of local wine and Tapas or step into El Centro Cafe for fabulous Jazz and their West Coast Latin Menu.

W&C Continued on Page 16

Thank you for supporting our local wineries and for supporting us.

Self Guided Tours Anytime! Using traditi onal11:30am and dry farming techniques Guided Tours at 11am, Fresh cranberries September 23 and 4pm 4:30pm weand are dedicated toavailable growing from premium

vitis vinifera grapes typical to our region

foravailable Vancouver Island Fresh Cranberries from Sept 23. wineries.

7575 Mays Road, North Cowichan September 14th -18th

Complimentary Samples For Visitors • cranberry wine • farm made heirloom cranberry Open 11am - 5pm Daily salsa • cranberry streusel cakes • cranberry Guided Tours at 11am, 11:30am and 4pm tapenades and much more! and 4:30pm

Cranberries • Tours • Cranberry Cafe • Preserves & Gift Shop Valley Voice Magazine. For people who love to eat, live, play and shop in the Cowichan Valley.


W&C Continued from Page 15 Vancouver Island University Later that day, 7 pm, you can attend the Cowichan Wine Tasting in the Comeakin Room at the Quw’utsun’ Cultural and Conference Centre. On Thur., Sept. 15th at 6 pm., Cowichan Chef’s Table and invited BC chefs are hosting a culinary showcase in honour of the late James Barber, Canada’s Urban Peasant. This fundraiser for Providence Farm will feature stations throughout the historic buildings offering culinary delicacies paired with local beer, wine and cider. They will also be officially launching the James Barber Wood Burning Oven project, the chefs gift to Providence Farm. Throughout the festival, participating local wineries and restaurants will be offering a variety of tastings, seminars, live music and a unique Cowichan experience. One of our newest community partners,

will be holding the inaugural Festival Wine Symposium (Saturday) at its newly unveiled Cowichan Campus. This will be a great chance to mingle with wine makers, meet industry personalities and absorb a little wine knowledge at the same time. The wrap up for the festival occurs on Sunday night, when Terrain Regional Kitchen hosts the final party with a sampling of local wine and food delicacies. This is a prime chance for us locals to be tourists in our own back yard and show off to our visitors what we have been carefully nourishing here in our valley soils. Submitted by Bill Jones

September 14 - 18 Various Locations

Shady Grove Folk Arts Society Presents

TRAD-MAD Festival

Old Time Music and Dance have their day in Cowichan Valley

September 17, 2011

Duncan United Church Duncan, BC

9am - Late

Immerse yourself in Old Time Music and Dance!

Blackberry Bavarois Yields: 8 Servings Blackberry Puree 1 Cup Averill Creek Cowichan Black 1/8 Cup Gelatin 3 Tablespoons Dissolve gelatin in blackberry puree and Cowichan Black. Reserve for assembly. Egg Yolks 6 Sugar ¼ Cup Water 5 Tablespoons In a heavy bottom sauce pan bring sugar and water to a full boil to dissolve sugar, in a mixer on high speed slowly add syrup ( sugar water mixture) to egg yolks, whipping until double in volume and cool. Reserve for assembly Whipping Cream 2 Cups Whipped, and reserve in refrigerator until assembly. Egg Whites 4 Sugar 4 Ounces Whip until stiff peak, reserve for assembly. Fold all four components together. Place into desired pan, chill overnight in refrigerator until firm. With a warm wet knife cut into desired shape and serve with fresh berries and a A Culinary Institute of America tasting of Averill Creek’s trained chef, Bradford Boisvert combines his passion for local Cowichan Black. food with his passion for French cuisine at his restaurant Amusé Bistro in Shawnigan Lake.


Feature Workshops

 Explore Clawhammer Banjo Playing with 25 year veterans Ruari McLennan and Bob MacNevin.  Square Dancing American Square Dance Group veteran Peter Sussman will have both beginners and advanced dancers of all ages swinging and dancing within a half hour.  Fiddle Master, Daniel Lapp will take musicians through the wonderful world of Traditional Fiddle and Dance Tunes.  Examine Flat Picking with Todd Butler and improve your techniques and style.  Sing Traditional Songs from around the world with vocal coach Cari Burdett.  Alan Law will demonstrate the important role of Guitar As A Fiddle Accompaniment  47 year veteran mandolin virtuoso Rick Van Krugel, will explore the Old Time Role of the Mandolin PLUS morning, afternoon and evening jams a showcase concert performance and public Old Time Square Dance with live music, caller, Peter Sussman and others! What a day it will be! 

Workshops • Dance • Jams 

Cost for the day is $99 (includes workshops, refreshments, meals, jams and evening concert). Dinner, concert and dance only $45 donation. To register or for more info visit or contact 250-929-8226

Annual CAS BBQ: Celebrating The Farmers That Feed Us

Healthy School Lunches - EASY! uniquely healthy menu. Owners (and moms!) Tina Vander Veen and Laurie Arbuthnot created the lunch company to relieve the burden of making healthy school lunches every day. “We’ve come a long way from just feeding our children a white-bun hotdog for school lunches. Parents and PACs really want to see healthier choices and we’d like to be that option!”


remember my very first encounter with the Cowichan Agricultural Society (CAS). It was the summer after my second year as an agriculture student, and I was both nervous and excited to meet some real life examples (sadly that year I met more books than farmers during my studies). I met farmers who are descended from the Valley’s earliest settlers, to those who had recently moved and were looking for a more rural way of life. There were stories, laughter, a wide range of opinions and no two farmers that were exactly alike. The common thread that brought them all to the table once a month throughout the year however, was their passion for farming. In addition to these monthly farmer meetings, the Cowichan Agricultural Society also hosts an annual harvest BBQ to celebrate the year’s bounty and give the public a chance to meet the faces behind their food. This year’s BBQ features a local food menu, kids’ activities, corn roast, live band and door prizes and will take place on Wednesday, Sept 14th from 4:30-7:30pm outside the Agricultural Hall at 5855 Clements St, in Duncan. Join us in this celebration of local food and for your own opportunity to learn about our Valley’s agricultural spirit. For more information, contact info@, or Dan Ferguson at 250-746-3970.

Emily is a member of the Cowichan Agricultural Society and an aspiring farmer. She is proud to live and eat in the Cowichan Valley.


eeding your family the right foods, while working around busy schedules is tough. Busy parents who find it hard to pack school lunches with good food every day can take advantage of a local healthy lunch service that does it all for them. It works like this: parents order their kids’ school lunches online (www., then Good Bite delivers the lunches to the child’s school. All lunches are freshly made using wholegrain, organic, and local produce (where possible) and all their packaging is biodegradable. Good Bite Lunch Company is part of a growing North America-wide trend to revolutionize kids’ eating habits and support healthier more balanced lifestyles. Shopping local (True Grain Bread, Duncan Farmers’ Market, and the Community Farm Store) has helped them provide quality products on their

Good Bite believes a healthy child is an active child. A portion of proceeds is returned to each participating school’s PAC (Parent Advisory Committees) to fund physical fitness, recreational equipment and other programming. Good Bite also caters to PACs lunch days, providing promotional menus for schools to choose from. Currently Good Bite Lunch Company provides daily lunch delivery to Duncan Elementary, and Thursday and Friday to Ecole Mill Bay. Tansor, École Mill Bay, École Davis Road Elementary, Mt. Prevost Jr. High, and Evergreen Independent School have all used Tina and Laurie’s services for fundraising and they hope to be able to bring their daily lunch service to other progressive schools in the Cowichan Valley this fall. If you are a parent and would like to see the service at your child’s school, contact your school principal and Good Bite!

Good Bite Lunch Company

Tina Vander Veen & Laurie Arbuthnot 250 746 1500

Valley Voice Magazine. For people who love to eat, live, play and shop in the Cowichan Valley.


This Image; At work on a giant Atlantic salmon, Below Left; The artist takes a break from painting a Humpback salmon. Inset, A view of Cam’s installation at the Comox Valley Art Gallery 2010.

Talking Arts • Cam MacDonald


ood is an important part of everyone’s life of course, and nowhere more than in the Cowichan Valley, where farming, fishing and culinary tourism contribute so much to the local economy. Food related issues such as the loss of farmland to development, degradation of our oceans

and the erosion of food security form a greater part of our daily news and conversations. Now an upcoming art installation at Portals will examine some of these issues. Offshore is the title of the multimedia installation by artist and organic farmer Cam MacDonald, whose interest is in how humans perceive, represent and utilize--both personally and commercially-the natural world. This exhibition represents the most recent incarnation of a five year project that examines overfishing, globalization and the security of an industrialized

food system. Cam’s first effort saw a Vancouver gallery filled with over 1700 cans of food and employed tongue in cheek humour to critique our food system and its labelling practices. Offshore employs the same mix of drawing and sculpture but in a quieter, more enigmatic way. It features large black and white, mixed media paintings of British Columbia’s five salmon species, two towering pyramids of colourful labelled food cans and a soundscape. What do these cans contain? What do their labels mean?

Who manufactured them—and do we trust them? And finally, what is their relation to the giant fish on the walls? Come on down to Portals to see this beautiful and thought provoking work of contemporary art. Offshore runs from Monday, September 12 to Friday, September 23 at Portals Gallery, the CVAC Centre of Arts, Culture and Heritage in the Island Savings Centre at 2687 James Street in Duncan. Opening reception Thursday, September 15th 6 – 8 pm. Artist will be in attendance.

For full design/build service, give us a call

 250.746.5372 • •  18

Image of living roof, Cezar Cristea


Reaping The Benefits of Functional Design

omeowners are not just looking for aesthetics these days – they are looking for efficiency as well as functionality. People want to maximize living space but minimize energy costs and environmental impact. Well that is exactly what you can do if you add a green roof to your living space. Just ask David Coulson, President of David Coulson Design Ltd. and local Cowichan Valley resident, who recently planted a green roof on top of his design studio in Duncan. “I am always looking for innovative and different ways to improve efficiency and quality of life. Gardening is one of my passions and the benefits of green roofs are impressive to say the least”. Now for the WHAT, WHY and the HOW. WHAT – green roofs also known as eco roofs, sky gardens, living roofs or sod roofs (where grass is the key planting component), are simply a vegetated roof cover constructed atop and across a roof deck using engineered soil (called substrate or growth media). Green roofs are either extensive or intensive, with the difference being maintenance requirements. Extensive roofs usually use a thin soil mix of 2 to 5 inches and are intended primarily for low

growing plants from 1’’ to 2 ft. such as alpines, succulents, herbs, some grasses and mosses. Load bearing capacity needed is between 12-30 lbs per sq. ft. Intensive roofs have a soil depth of 6’’ to 3’ and can support a much greater variety of plants but require strong structural integrity. With a soil depth of 6’’ and timber frame construction, DCD’s studio roof is a mix of both. About 50% of the 250 sq. ft space is planted in sedums, with grasses, perennials and bulbs making up the rest. Plants are spaced approximately 1 ft. apart with walking stones interspersed between. Cost? This project came to approximately $25/sq. ft, though extensive roofs average $10-$15/ sq. ft in North America. WHY? The benefits are endless. Green roofs can reduce ambient air temperature, energy use and utility costs; help clean the air and water; utilize local and recycled materials; extend the life of the roof, and also improve aesthetics while creating a green space for humans and wildlife. Now all you need is the HOW. Green roofs

can be used successfully in both new and retrofit construction and are only limited by the slope or pitch of the roof, existing load requirements and budget factors. Ideally the roof should have a gentle slope of 1.5 to 2% to allow for natural drainage and you should try to plant in the fall if possible. Also bear in mind that wind shear is often more of a concern than weight and that in this area snowfall can be up to 40 lb per sq. ft. Excellent plant lists suitable for green roofs are available online, and here in B.C., N.A.T.S. nursery in Langley is the main supplier of green roof material. David and his wife Ulla are very excited about this first roof and will be planting the 2nd and 3rd areas of the roof this fall. The 2nd phase will use a greater degree of native plants for the remainder of the planting, mainly transplants from their own garden – finally somewhere to put all those extra sword ferns. “The three roofs are an excellent mix of sun and shade”, David explains, “so we are creating a planting scheme with this in mind. We are also going to add a seating area for the larger roof and paths linking the three roofs to one another and to my next new project – treehouses!”

Valley Voice Magazine. For people who love to eat, live, play and shop in the Cowichan Valley.


Orchestra Celebrates Silver Jubilee


he Palm Court Light Orchestra announces details of the 2011/12 Season at the Cowichan Theatre. The Orchestra founded in 1986 by Cowichan Valley conductor Charles Job will celebrate its Silver Jubilee, 25 years of performing light orchestral music on Vancouver Island. The season opens in October with the


concert: Roses of Picardy. The song written by Haydn Wood, epitomizes the Victorian and Edwardian period when drawing room ballads were enjoyed by everyone and afternoon tea at the Empress Hotel was the privilege of Victoria’s High Society. The Orchestra is pleased to welcome English mezzo soprano Sarah Fryer to sing this famous song and many others from the era . The Orchestra will perform selections from its own CDs which will include many Palm Court favorites. A few weeks later in November the Orchestra presents Some Enchanted Evening. For those who love Broadway shows this is the perfect concert. The music includes Rodgers & Hammerstein box office hits like South Pacific, Oklahoma and The King & I . Vancouver baritone Andrew Greenwood performs

The Impossible Dream from The Man of La Mancha, Showboat’s Ol’ Man River and selections from Cole Porter’s Kiss Me Kate. On February 14, 2012 the Palm Court Light Orchestra presents the ultimate Valentine concert with a tribute to the great American tenor Mario Lanza. Everyone’s favorite tenor and local heartthrob Ken Lavigne will perform all his famous songs including O Sole Mio, Granada, Be My Love and Nessun Dorma. For this concert the Orchestra will be performing at the Quw’utsun’ Cultural and Conference Centre. Subscriptions and tickets for the Palm Court Orchestra’s Silver Jubilee Season are available at the Island Savings Centre Box Office 250 748 7529.

Learn Fiddle, Banjo, Waltz (and more!) from Trad-Mad Experts their techniques, and our own Cari Burdett has participants singing songs from around the world.

Trad Mad Festival

September 17 9am - late Duncan United Church Tickets $99 for full day $45 For Dinner & Dance 250 929 8226


he Trad-Mad Festival offers Cowichan Valley folk the opportunity to immerse themselves in old-time music and dance in a day of workshops, jams, and performances. At 9 am, we start with coffee and goodies, then break out into the morning workshops: Ruari McLennan and Bob MacNevin, 25-year music and dance veterans, take workshop participants through the important aspects of Clawhammer Banjo playing. Peter Sussman, who began square dancing with the American Square Dance Group in the early 40s, and has taught all ages regardless of experience, has workshop participants swinging and dancing within a half hour. Daniel Lapp, master of the fiddle, explores traditional fiddle and dance tunes with workshop participants. The Flat Picking workshop with Todd Butler helps participants improve

The morning sessions are followed by a jam, then lunch. Afternoon workshops provide new opportunities for performers to hone their skills: Dance concentrating on contras and waltz, and Fiddle staying in tune with the morning. The afternoon guitar workshop with Alan Law addresses the important role of fiddle accompaniment. Rick Van Krugel, a 47-year veteran mandolin virtuoso explores the old-time role of the mandolin, while Cari Burdett and her participants continue to fill the air with song. Again, there is a jam. Dinner is served at 6 pm, followed by a concert showcasing the workshop participants. The evening culminates in a public old-time square dance with live music, caller Peter Sussman, and others. Lunch and dinner are catered by Laura Finch from Island Bagel Co. who will follow the 100-mile principles of local food production and preparation. The donation for full participants (workshops, lunch, dinner, concert, and dance) is now just $99. Those who come for dinner, concert, and dance can donate $45. For a complete schedule, facillitator information, and to register, visit For more information, contact Peter Sussman, Artistic Director, Shady Grove Folk Arts Society 250 929 8226.

Shawnigan Lake Arts & Multicultural (SLAM) Placemaking

Saturday, September 10 2 – 6pm FREE for all ages 250 743 5846 Join in building community and a sense of place in Shawnigan Lake Village. Despite a few vacant shops, ours is a vibrant community, and we invite neighbours and residents of the Cowichan Valley to experience the best of Shawnigan. Our placemaking includes a small street festival with live, multicultural entertainment, food, children’s activities, and more! It is also the unveiling of our Community Corner—a cobb bench (natural-building technique) that can act as a gathering place for community, and will include a book-share and other features based on community dialogue, with thanks to MoonDance Dynamic Arts School and OUR Ecovillage.

Reggae Nights NOW Restaurant

September 14 & 28 8 pm - 11pm 161 Station St. Duncan 250-597-0313 Every second and last Wednesday of the month NOW Restaurant brings you Reggae Night - A combination of delicious global flavors paired with good times and great music. Enjoy the smooth sounds of Reggae, Dub, Electronica and Hip Hop from Bob Marley to King Tubby, with Selecta Jahmeeks and DJ Morgwan at the decks. There is no cover and NOW offers several drinks and tapas specials. This is NOW’s answer to the need for more live music in the Cowichan Valley! So get your groove-on and experience the new nightlife of Downtown Duncan, NOW-Noodles of the World’s Reggae night!

Cooking Classes at Kilrenny Farm! Ravioli Class with Don Genova September 20th, 6-8:30 p.m. $65 Don will show you how easy it is to make your own ravioli like Tortelli di Zucca - a pumpkin-stuffed ravioli from Northern Italy with fresh Kilrenny Farm pasta sheets. Indian Cooking with chef Heidi Fink September 27th, 6-9 p.m. $70 Heiki will demonstrate the wonderful spice combinations and cooking techniques unique to southern India. All classes at the farm 1470 Cowichan Bay Rd. in Cowichan Bay . Please call 250-743-9019 to register.

Valley Voice Magazine. For people who love to eat, live, play and shop in the Cowichan Valley.


In The Cowichan Valley


CVA Studio Tour Brochures are available at Experience Cycling


ed Wright remembers his teacher in art college some years ago asking him whether he would be returning to school the following fall. “I told him that I had a chance to go to Zimbabwe, but that I hadn’t made up my mind. He told me ‘Go! You can’t pass up an opportunity like that.’” Wright took his advice. He and his band, Marimba Muzuva, travelled to Zimbabwe that fall, using money they had earned in the summer busking on the streets of downtown Victoria. It was a trip that changed his life. “I had enjoyed playing the marimbas, but actually hearing the music played in context in ceremonies, hearing it on the radio, in beer halls, on TV, that really brought it to life,” says Wright. The trip cemented a relationship with the Zimbabwe that, in a roundabout way, eventually led Wright to the Cowichan Valley, where, in 2007, Wright created Bopoma, a community centre for teaching and performing the music of Zimbabwe and southern Africa. “It’s been really exciting to be able to share this amazing music and culture with people here,” he says. “Cowichan folks have been very supportive, and particularly seem to enjoy the

community aspects of this music.” Through Bopoma, Wright introduces people to the instruments and music of Zimbabwe, and the culture. “I founded Bopoma to help create the same feeling of community you get wherever you hear music in Zimbabwe,” explains Wright. “There, everybody participates, whether it is playing an instrument, clapping, singing, or dancing. The Shona people there have an expression: ‘If you can walk, you can dance; if you can talk, you can sing.’ For them, everyone’s expression has value, and everyone is able to contribute to the music in their own way.” Wright says that approach is sorely needed in North America. “There are so many people out there who have been told that they are not musical, that they can’t sing,” he says. “But I come from the African perspective. Anyone can do this, and have fun doing it.” Bopoma’s Fall Session begins the third week of September, and introductory marimba workshops are scheduled for September 11th. Call Ted Wright on 250-737-1331 or email for full details.

Ubuntu Fonts by Fonts of Afrika



Ubuntu Fonts by Fonts of Afrika

oroccan mint tea consists of green gunpowder tea, mint, sugar and centuries of tradition. It would be impossible to appreciate Moroccan culture and not experience its tea. Tea was introduced to Morocco by the British and the Dutch in the eighteenth century. Initially, it was a beverage reserved for the privileged but by the nineteenth century most of the country had grown accustomed to the beverage. Today, most people in Morocco consume tea several times a day. Offering tea is an important symbol of Moroccan hospitality and this North African country is now the largest importer of Chinese green tea in the world. Now, let’s get back to the ingredients that make up this delicious tea. Green gunpowder is a traditional Chinese green tea. The leaves are formed into small pellets that resemble gunpowder, hence its name. Prior to preparation, the green tea is rinsed with hot water, sometimes several times, and then steeped into a fine brew of green tea. The mint that is traditionally used to prepare Moroccan tea is Mentha Sativa, also known as spearmint. A generous amount of fresh mint broken into smaller bunches is added

Taste Of Tea

to the gunpowder tea. The tea is then sweetened with sugar as the tea is allowed to soak up the fresh, minty flavour. Moroccans tend to enjoy their tea quite sweet. Once steeped, the long skinny spout of the traditional handhammered silver Moroccan teapot allows for a dramatic pour into a tray of tall, slim glasses. Moroccan tea, experienced the customary way, invites both the tradition of a culture and a treat for all senses. Margit Nellemann is a tea farmer and ceramic artist.

Valley Voice Magazine. For people who love to eat, live, play and shop in the Cowichan Valley.


greater joy is to follow your imagination to create in glass. There are no limits to what may be done.

Vic Nadurak Seafire Glassworks


lass is something we take for granted, after all we are surrounded by it and it has become a functional part of our lives. Today we use glass to shield us from the elements, cook with it and a myriad of other uses. Glass as an art form has a history of evolution which is entwined with the growth of man. It never ceases to amaze me when reading a book of glass beads to come upon pictures of Egyptian glass. Glass beads that I have created in my studio were actually done far better by the ancient Egyptians, Romans and Chinese. Humility is my companion. While working with glass, the past may offer ideas, but the


The great renaissance of studio glass art came from the Venetians and they still lead in technical mastery and more importantly a masterful conception of form and colour. The Tacoma Glass Museum is a barometer of what is happening in the art glass world. Check the visiting artist calendar, such talent is an indication of the rich legacy left by visiting Venetians and other international glass artists. We all struggle as artists with common demons of time, raw material costs, offshore cheap knock offs, but these only temper the steel of an artist. I say often “I will keep doing this till the money runs out”. Vic Nadurak is a retired shop teacher. Enamored with the clarity and precision of glass, he thought it could be learned in a month or two, that was six years ago....truly a humbling journey of enlightenment and clearer vision. A selection of Vic’s artwork can be seen in the large gallery window at Imagine That! Artisans’ Designs, 215 Craig Street in downtown Duncan from August 29 to September 24.

craft Cowichan Valley Artisans (CVA) is pleased to announce their second annual group exhibition and sale in partnership with Benchmark Gallery. New work from all CVA artisans will feature at the gallery from September 14th to October 23th. You are encouraged to stop by to immerse yourself in some of the finest art and craft the Cowichan Valley has to offer—all in one place!

4th Annual Rifflandia

September 22 -25 Various Locations and Times Victoria, BC Visit website for full schedule The fourth annual Rifflandia Festival will take place September 22 - 25 in Victoria BC. Launched in 2008, Rifflandia Festival has quickly become one of Western Canada’s most exciting annual music events, featuring a truly diverse line-up of acclaimed Canadian and International artists. Highlights for 2011 include City and Colour, Broken Social Scene, De La Soul, Cold War Kids and over 100 more. Centred around the beautiful and historic downtown core of Victoria BC, Rifflandia Festival wristband holders

can access up to four days of performances over multiple stages. This year’s festival included the addition of Royal Athletic Park, which will feature an incredible musical line-up from 12:30pm - 9pm over two stages, a multitude of amazing local food options, plus a tented cinema and other fun things to be announced. In addition to the Park Stages, the festival will host eight evening stages as usual, from 8:30pm - 1am, ranging from theatres to nightclubs (a.k.a. The Rifflandia NIGHT STAGES). Also returning for 2011 is Live!Stock4, War Child Lounge, Win!Landia, Rifflandia Magazine, Artlandia and Wristband Connect! For complete festival information see

A reception will take place on October 7th from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. with all artisans in attendance. The fabulous Stone Soup Inn and Venturi-Schulze Vineyards will round out the evening with samples of their culinary artistry. If you attended last year’s event, you know this is an evening not to be missed. Benchmark Gallery is open: Monday to Friday: 9:30 am to 5 pm Saturdays: 9:30 am to 4:00 pm

Photos courtesy Michael Moore

Valley Voice Magazine. For people who love to eat, live, play and shop in the Cowichan Valley.


Gourmet Gala

October 1st Tickets $50 Doors 5:30pm Mellor Hall, Cowichan Exhibition Park Duncan 380 Trans-Canada Hwy 250 748 1111


he 6th Annual Gourmet Gala will feature even more of what you love...... hours of nibbling and sipping, sampling and sourcing Cowichan’s finest products. Local foods, culinary creations, wines, ciders, beers and the freshest produce in the region are the key ingredients that make up the recipe for this very popular event. Moving to the wonderfully large, new and stunning Mellor Hall will allow more vendors, artisans, restaurants


and food purveyors to display, sample and demonstrate their products. There will be a variety of new features.... including entertainment by musicians AND chefs along with perhaps Cowichan Valley’s BEST silent auction, a chance to bid on a gourmet dinner, a bistro, and much, much more. Here’s three participants you can look forward to meeting at this year’s gala. Now Restaurant: Noodles of the World- Zac Zorisky and Sarah Barnes were friends who reconnected on Facebook! Sarah started a restaurant last October, with Zac as Sous Chef. Things progressed, and today Zac and Sarah offer locallysourced, seasonal, and richly flavoured noodles from every Continued next page

NOW Restauranteur, Sarah Barnes

cuisine – with an emphasis on curry. Specialties include Muo-Shu mango chicken wrap. Urban Spoon gives the restaurant a 91% ‘like’ rating. Sarah loves to create sexy, sumptuous food with varied ingredients, flavours, and texture. Zac weighs in with new ingredients and combinations. Both enjoy the Cowichan lifestyle and enjoy living and working in the valley they love. At the Gourmet Gala, Zac and Sarah promise a special creation, attuned to local food availabilities. Enrico Winery & Vineyards are home to award winning wines and friendly people! Featuring Pinot Noir, Pinot Gris, Ortega, Cabernet Foch, and Cabernet Libra

wines, Enrico’s is pleased to announce a silver place win for our Pinot Grigio at the Okanagan Festival last year. Since 2007, Enrico’s has been lovingly producing quality grapes on 15 acres of some of Cowichan’s best farmland on Telegraph Road. Master Vintner Daniel Cosman brought his expertise from Quebec to produce worldclass blends. The grapes are babied and all growing and harvesting is organic. The grapes are carefully chosen to suit the site and Enrico Wines benefit from Daniel’s passion & expertise. Proprietors Maru and Harry Smith offer a warm Cowichan welcome in their wonderful tasting room. Their presence at the Gourmet Gala marks the first time they have participated and the

event is delighted to welcome them aboard. Another great legend in the Cowichan Valley is Quist Farm. Founded in 1928 (grandfather came to island from Denmark in ‘28-farm founded in ’32), the farm has been producing quality beef, veal, lamb, pork and turkeys to residents and businesses for three generations and counting. David Quist has participated in Gourmet Gala since the beginning. He is quick to point out that the recent emphasis on all things fresh, local, and organic has been his family’s emphasis all along. He likes to showcase just some of the 22 different salamis, 40 different types of sausages or 25 different types of smokies made on the premises of their Cowichan Valley Meat Market. This year the Meat Market

will provide some of the ingredients for the various chef demonstrations as well as demonstrate cooking his products ‘Cowichan style’. The Meat Market opened eight years ago and has been a success ever since. Over 1,000 turkeys are sold every Christmas. When asked what makes those turkeys so special, David just smiles and says ‘family secret’. David feels it’s important for Quist Farms/Cowichan Valley Meat Market to be at the GourmetGala. ‘Anytime there is a community event showcasing local Cowichan products, we are there’. Brenda is President of Social Media is Simple and serves on the Gourmet Gala committee.

Valley Voice Magazine. For people who love to eat, live, play and shop in the Cowichan Valley.


Building The Bridge Image Jenn George


iving on the ‘Island’, we have many opportunities to explore nature. I have spent most of my life in the Valley and rarely taken the opportunity to venture out to the true ‘West Coast’. Earlier last month, a friend gifted me a weekend stay at her cabin in Salmon Beach, near Ucluelet- a

truly magical place. Salmon Beach is located within the traditional lands of the Toquaht People. The beach is beautiful, the people are lovely and there are bears everywhere. When I was younger I remember seeing one small black bear near

the Koksilah River and it scared me half to death. I think I even told my mom to lock the car door so the bear couldn’t get in. Fast forward a few years and I can safely say that my fear is (mostly) gone and I have a new found respect for our furry friends. On day 3 of my vacation, a friend and I hopped in the truck and headed to Toquart Bay. On the drive there we saw a few bears and on the way back we saw a few more (including a mom and twin cubs). By the end of the day we had seen 10 bears! I sometimes forget how lucky I am to live in a place that is so rich, abundant and beautiful. Our Elders have a teaching: respect all living things. I’m so thank-

Here are some Hul’q’umi’num’ words you can learn this month: Black Bear.....spe’uth Little Bear......spi’pe’uth Salmon (sockeye)...thuqi’ Elders............s-ul-hween Our Respected Elders..... sieem s-ul-hween ful I got to see those bears. I’m so thankful that I live here. The Wonderful West Coast! Jenn K. George is the Project Manger for Water, Sewer & Energy Projects for the Cowichan Tribes and on-call news broadcaster for 89.7 SunFM

Disc Golf For A Good Cause


he Cowichan Therapeutic Riding Association has been in operation in the Cowichan Valley since 1986. This year marks our 25th anniversary of service in our community and

we are kicking up our heels with a party! Mark your calendars and come on down for Saturday September 24. The CTRA 25th Anniversary celebration event will feature a disc golf tournament (no experience/skill necessary) and a beach party (including beach volleyball, bocce, family games, food vendors, “refreshment” garden, live music, DJ, and dancing). Entertainment acts will include the “Love Guns” and DJ

“Professor Selector.” The event kicks off at 1pm and runs until 10pm (disc golf registration and play from 1pm – 4pm). General admission and entertainment is free! Visit for more information or call CTRA at 250-746-1028. We can also be reached by email at info@ Pre-registration for the disc golf is encouraged as space is limited. This is a great opportunity to check out CTRA, support therapeutic riding and

get down for a good cause!

Cowichan Therapeutic Riding Association 25th Anniversary Disc Golf Tournament and Beach Party 1pm - 10pm Saturday, Sept. 24 Providence Farm 1843 Tzouhalem Rd 250-746-1028

Is Your Chocolate Chip Cookie Recipe A Prize Winner?


rom the moment I became a mom, I was determined to make the best chocolate-chip cookies. A cookie so delicious it would lure little Hansels and Gretels into my home, thus acquainting me with the children my girls play with. These children would leave spellbound, unconsciously driven to keep my girls safe so they were assured access to my freshly baked cookie-scented kitchen. Having hunted down the best recipe (my friend Shevaun’s Auntie Joanie’s — I will not disclose her location), and having put in my 10,000 hours


of baking, I have perfected the chocolate-chip cookie. To prove it, I am entering these examples of culinary perfection into the Chocolate Chip Cookies class in the Domestic Science category at this year’s Cowichan Exhibition. To my surprise, when I mentioned this to my friends, instead

of kind words of encouragement and acknowledgment of my inevitable win, I was met with contention. “Oh, you are on!” my friend Leanne said, competitive juices making her hop from foot to foot like Rocky Balboa before a fight. Heather was more subtle but just as cunning in her attempt to rattle my confidence, “I might enter more than one class.” Especially cocky given she is due to give birth around the time of the competition. The CowEx is a massive event and has something for everyone: ducttape (professionals may not enter), carving for children 5

and under (who let them at the knives?!), a tractor pull (our favourite last year) and miniature horse competition. It is antiquated, old-fashioned family fun that is more entertaining than ever thanks to our farm-less lifestyles. Think you’ve got a chocolatechip cookie to beat all? Bring it!

Maeve Maguire writes about Life in the Cowichan Valley on her blog www.cowichandale. com.

Try any class for FREE

Community Drum Circle September 24 7 - 9pm By Donation Natasha’s Temple Studio Duncan 250 748 6750

Drumming is an upbeat experience. It’s about people playing together. Play makes us well! When you drum, your right and left brain hemispheres get tuned, you release stress and feel energized. But most of all, it’s fun! The rhythms celebrate our differences while inspiring the primal essence we all share. Drumming renews our connection with each other, ourselves and the pulse of life. Karin has taught hand drumming in the Cowichan Valley since 2005. The next Community Drum Circle happens September 24th, 7 pm - 9pm at Natasha’s Temple Studio, Duncan. Come as you are - drum as you are! Drums to share or BYO. Being In Rhythm Drum Classes for adults and kids begin September 14 and 22. To register 250-748-6750 or

MoonDance Dynamic Arts School Sept 12 – 17 1756 Wilmot Ave, (corner of Wilmot & Dundas) Shawnigan Lake 250 743 5846

Join MoonDance Dynamic Arts School for an action-packed week at the Art House. A variety of talented instructors bring their skills and passion to Shawnigan Lake. MoonDance offers a rich variety of cultural arts, mixed with fitness and fun. Director Lynn Weaver believes “every instance of learning dance from other cultures involves an inherent respect for the people of that culture. Each person who participates in such dances contributes to the preservation of multicultural life on this planet.” MoonDance homebase, The Art House, is a beautiful 900-sqft space in Shawnigan Village, with organic bamboo floor, clay walls, and loads of natural light. Try any class for free from Sept 12th to 17th. Visit our website for class information: www. Art House: The place to move. The place to be moved.

MoonDance Classes Monday

Yoga Shimmy (yoga + belly dance basics) with Robin Massey Drumming for Kids with Josh Nactigal West African Drumming (douns & djembe) with Byron Weaver West African Dance with Lynn Weaver Fitness Fusion Training (yoga + pilates) with Sharon McAuley


Bellyfit (women-only sacred fitness) with Lynn Weaver Afrobics! (drop-in West African dance) with Lynn Weaver Stretch & Strength with Lynn Weaver Hip Hop – all ages Teacher TBA Latin Dance with Danny Mosquera Afro-Colombian Dance with Danny Mosquera


West African Dance with Lynn Weaver Bhangra for Kids age 4-6 with Sunny Thiara


Asana Dance + Inner Wisdom Yoga with Lynn Weaver Hilwi (junior middle eastern dance) with Robin Massey Modern Dance with Jung-Ah Chung


Zumba (Latin Dance fitness)with Roslyn Pringle Yin Yoga with Robin Massey Doun Dance with Aboubacar Camara Bhangra/Bollywood with Sunny Thiara


Creative Dance for 3-6yr olds with Chris O’Connor Big Play for 7-11yr olds (multi-genre movement exploration) with Chris O’Connor Flamenco with Farideh North African Dance with Farideh

Sunday Morning Meditation 10:30 am to noon The focus is on calming abiding practise and cultivating mindfulness. 1555 Longwood Road Cowichan Bay

250 709 9673 Valley Voice Magazine. For people who love to eat, live, play and shop in the Cowichan Valley.


Ironically the more the soul is unbalanced in Earth Way activity, the less and less we experience what the Earth Way is trying to achieve: satisfaction, security and happiness.

A Day To Just Be in Delight


am proposing a national Delight day, the first Sunday after Labour Day , September 11. A day to just Be.. Many of our holidays are spent employed doing all the things we don’t get around to during our regular schedules. So this holiday (Holy Day) could be put aside to simply delight in being spontaneous and joyful.

I won’t say that there have to be limits on this day in Just do what makes you feel good, in the moment. If you are reading this then you are probably evolved enough to delight in activities which are joyful to you and to others. This is a bench mark of spiritual maturity. Human society at this time is preoccupied with the Earth Way. That is, with constant production, manipulation of things, people and environment. We lose the deep roots of our beings when we lose the ability to simply BE in the moment and …enjoy it. In these moments we are dipping in the net of being which transcends time and place. It is like a drink of cool water on a hot thirsty day. The Earth aspect of our being is a necessary part of our lives. It brings its own kind of delight. A job well done, the satisfaction ownership, the security of discipline and regularity. But when we consider the “why” of our production, the Earth aspect alone can not answer these deeply significant questions.

Ubuntu Fonts by Fonts of Afrika

Photo by Darshan Stevens


registration NOW ON!


Live this day as if you have never been here before and will never pass by this way again. Appreciate every little thing. Just Be. Julia Star is a spiriutal counsellor in the Cowichan Valley. For appointments call 250 709 9673.

Try This!

1. Set aside the De-light day for the first Sunday after Labour Day. This will not subtract from your busy life, it will add to it. When you return to the actives of the Earth Way, you will be rejuvenated and more productive. 2. Decide what you want to do during this day. Make a list of things that make you happy. Then fold up the list and ignore it. Be utterly spontaneous. 3. At the end of the De-light day, review what made you happy, where did you bring light into your life and being? Into others’ lives and beings? Plan to do more of this next De-light Day. 4. Completely forget the list next De-light day. How was your De-Light day? Go to my website and comment on my blog. www.longboatcounselling> and go to Julia’s page

listen globally, play locally.

African-rooted community music... for everyone!


All of the three aspects of our beings (Earth, Air and Water) have a place in our lives. Earth for production and livelihood, Air for relationships and compassion and Water for wisdom and an understanding of the interconnectiveness of all beings. Achieving a balance of these three aspects involves engaging in self-reflection, ego release and soul work.

Retreat and holy days for rest and enjoyment were part of our cultural past, an aspect which has been coopted by those who are spiritually immature.National De-light day is a time to address this imbalance in our lives.

Fall Registration Now on!

Detoxification Are you drinking enough water?


n our modern world, nearly every person carries a chemical burden made of environmental toxins. As the earth becomes more polluted, our bodies inadvertently become a filter for those toxins. Many scientists believe environmental toxins are responsible for an entirely new group of disorders that include autoimmune diseases, mood disorders, multiple chemical sensitivities, and a whole list of “syndromes.” These conditions result when the body’s detoxification pathways become overburdened. Many people have regained their health simply by reducing the toxic burden. Detoxification is the body’s natural way of removing or neutralizing toxins. However, without sufficient energy, nutritional resources, and adequate water, toxins end up being tucked away where they are least likely to affect critical bodily functions. Nothing supports the body’s cleansing and elimination like good water. Water hydrates the blood and the lymph so that toxins can move rapidly through the detoxification pathways. Water is also important during the final stage of elimination,

lubricating the intestines and providing the basis of urine. When you improve the quality and the efficiency of the water you drink, detoxification pathways function more effectively and toxins can be eliminated on a timely basis. Your body is always getting rid of toxins. All the detoxification pathways in the body (livercolon, kidney-bladder, skin-sweat, lung-breath, and lymphatic system) require water. When water is not supplied in abundance, wastes build up in the fluid that surrounds each cell and all the detoxification pathways become sluggish. However, the body is ingenious. It always adapts. Under the stress of dehydration your body will find places to store toxins where they will not immediately interfere with critical life processes. Toxins and wastes can end up in fatty tissue, in joints, and as deposits in arteries. Debbie Shkuratoff Reiki Master, Teacher, Foot Spa Detox Practitioner, Natural Health Consultant.

Julia Star BHD.BEd

Spiritual Counsellor Solving life’s problems with your own inner guidance.

Working with the Whole Person

250-709-9673 $60 / hour Valley Voice Magazine. For people who love to eat, live, play and shop in the Cowichan Valley.


Shaping The Green Minds of Children


f you were to search the tool belt slung around an environmentalist’s hips, packed somewhere between the polar bear pouch and the guilt loop you’d find your children. Kids — aka The Future — have long been a go-to reason why people should change their actions and become more ecoconscientious. As far as persuasive arguments, it’s pretty compelling. If sacrifice isn’t in the definition of parenthood, it should be, and parents are prone to putting

their offspring’s needs before their own.

district-wide level, is nonexistent.

It makes sense at an instinctual level to protect your heirs.

Unless educators have taken it upon themselves to set up zerowaste campaigns on their own time, the culture in the schools doesn’t allow for it.

So why are we not teaching the little people to learn to protect their world as well? Looking around the public school system, you are hard pressed to find an environment that champions the environment. Recycling paper and pop cans is prevalent, but it rarely goes beyond that. Composting, at a

OFF THE GRID Communication


he year was 1986 and we took our young family to the World Fair in Vancouver. The theme was “Communication” and in the First Nation pavilion the Elders talked about smoke signals and used holograms to illustrate their ideas on “thought transference” A few years later we came to live “off the grid” in Sansum Narrows, only the smoke from our fires let our neighbours know that new folks had arrived. There was a real and sometimes scary feeling of isolation, but it enhanced the wilderness experience that we were seeking. Eventually, bowing to our families urgings we got one of the early cell phones. It was the size of a small suitcase with a large black receiver and took a great deal of our solar electricity to charge, and reception was not great. Over the years cell phones have improved though they do seem to have a high attrition rate and a great affinity for water! Along came my beloved Blackberry


It’s time to change that culture. Organics and recycling programs are working in other institutions around the province, and in the controlled microcosm of an elementary or middle school, it should be an easy fix.

So, parents, with a new school year under way let’s aim to help our schools reach zero waste. If we get an early start teaching the kids how to be responsible to their environment, maybe they won’t be scrambling to change their lifestyles in the future. Aaron Bichard is co-owner of Cowichan Recyclists an ecologically sustainable and responsible company helping businesses reduce their impact on the environment.

Let’s Keep Our Cowichan Green Cowichan River, Image Sheila badman

which allowed e-mails and internet access. Heaven! now I really felt connected to my friends. Though now very outdated I still use it. It is a real friend. I must confess to some feelings of jealousy however, when Aubrey “rewarded” himself with a new I-phone after his old phone found its way to the bottom of Burgoyne Bay. By accident of course! The latest communication tool is my net book, complete with “turbo stick” I can now surf the web those long winter nights. All this technology is amazing, a great safety feature and addictive! but necessary? I recently had pause for thought. I phoned my neighbour Gay “Hello I’m back! did you get my text?” “Oh no “ she said “I didn’t check, but I saw the smoke from your fire” Of course!! Joan and Aubrey Cobham are the parents of 7 and grandparents of 4. They live in their “off the grid” cabin in the Sansum Narrows


e all treasure the Cowichan’s natural beauty. So we should all care about its condition. The CVRD Environment Commission surveyed over 80 indicators of our region’s environmental health, from the state of ecosystems to the impact of development. Just like a personal physical, the checkup shed light on what needs work, as well as what’s in good shape.

So, how healthy is our landscape? Compared to some places, the Cowichan enjoys clean air and water (most of the time) and farmland that could grow more food than now. But other indicators showed that our region’s ecological health, resilience and ability to provide services essential to society, are all in decline. A beautiful setting attracts newcomers to the Cowichan, but how we’re accommodating them is critical to nature. Spread-out settlement erodes biodiversity, makes it tougher to reduce carbon emissions and puts added stress on water supplies.

The good news? The Cowichan is bursting with efforts to turn around environmental decline. There’s a lot already going on and some important choices face us. We’ll be in touch! And we’d love to hear from you at

Kundalini Yoga Classes

Victoria, Cowichan Valley, Nanaimo, Denman Island 250-597-8849 or

Mold Can Affect Our Health


efore you know it, summer will be over and the cooler days and nights of fall will be here, and with it the rain. Our west coast weather is a challenge to our homes, and preventing water and moisture from entering them is a problem. Health Canada considers mold to be a potential health hazard and people living in buildings where mold grows are more likely to suffer health problems, especially symptoms such as wheezing, coughing, and headaches. Asthmatics are especially at risk as mold may trigger an asthma attack. Health Canada also states that mold, regardless of its species, be dealt with immediately. Even new homes can have mold problems. If you have had a flood inside your home, leaky roof damage, or basement dampness, you could have mold growth. Excessive mold growth can deteriorate your home, but not all mold is visible. It can grow behind walls, under flooring and in ceilings, and may not be from just one source.

If you have mold, or think you may have mold, and don’t know why or it keeps coming back, you should have a trained professional investigate your home. Your insurance rates could go up and your home could be devalued without the proper intervention. According to the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, bleach is not recommended for cleaning mold. There are safety measures that you should use for cleaning even small areas of mold. For larger areas, a trained professional company should be called in. If you need more information on this topic, visit Island Air Quality Investigation at the Cowichan Valley Home Show Sept 23-25 with your indoor air-quality questions.

Submitted by George Staples, Island Indoor Air Quality Investigation

Real Food For Thought our options?


enetically modified organisms (GMOs) are organisms modified at a genetic level to exhibit a desired quality. This process is called genetic engineering (GE). A well-known example is the Flavr Savr Tomato: tomato genes are injected with fish genes to extend the life of the tomato in transit. On paper, it seems like a great idea; the tomato travels better, and Canadians get tomatoes year round. In practice, though, because the implications are yet unknown, more research from independent sources needs to be done before GMOs are deemed suitable for human consumption. The fact is, we don’t know what the effects of a GE plant are on an ecosystem or on a human, because no studies have been done, particularly over the long term. Flavr Savr production is terminated; however, more than 80% of non-organic soy, canola, and corn crops are GE, with recent additions sugar beet and alfalfa. If we consider the prevalence of these foods in our diet and the diets of our livestock, it’s clear we are guaranteed to consume GMOs in one way or another. Regardless of how careful we are to keep organic and non-organic crops separate, pollination by wind, and animal manures and non-organic compost used to fertilize, contaminate not only organic crops and soil, but our water! We are getting ourselves into a situation where we won’t have a choice about whether we eat GMOs or not, and without required labeling and very little independent testing…what are

One response might be GEfree zones, like the Kootenay Region and Powell River, in which communities commit to eliminate GMOs from their food system in one way or another until further research proves they are safe. In the Cowichan, OUR Ecovillage is making a resolution to become a GE-free zone. To celebrate, they are hosting the Insight Into GMOs Symposium during the Cowichan Wine & Culinary Festival. On September 17th and 18th, see guest lecturers Dr. Huber (a lead scientist on the implications of GMOs crops on soil and livestock) and Jon Steinman (Deconstructing Dinner & GE Free Kootenays), attend the Q&A panel, hear Jon’s lunch talk “Deconstructing Dinner for Resilient Food Secure Communities”, enjoy delicious, local, GE-free meals, site tours, a local-artisan vendor market, and more! To register, visit www. or call 250 743 3067. For information on GMOs and food-security visit www.Kootenaycoopradio. com/deconstructingdinner/. Novel Foods in Canada http:// GE Foods Grown: http:// Genetically_modified_food *Novel Foods in Canada http:// GE Foods Grown: http:// Genetically_modified_food Lisa Haché-Maguire is a blogger and foodaphile concerned with everything from spinning her own yarn to food preservation to helping mamas bring babies into the world

Valley Voice Magazine. For people who love to eat, live, play and shop in the Cowichan Valley.


in over 20 years of west coast fishing adventures.

Fishing Report

South Island It’s not just the fishing…


ishing along our island coast can be very rewarding for both wildlife viewing and a great catch. Recently we had excellent fishing though the whale watching was even better. The humpback whale in my photo performed for hours. It was the best show I had seen

As for the fishing report, this summer was an all round great year for catching salmon and Halibut in the ocean. The water temperatures in our local rivers and lakes has remained cooler this summer which also led to some better than normal trout fishing. The trout should continue to be very good to excellent in both the lakes and rivers through in to December. What’s next ? The ocean fishery is starting to slow with just Coho and

Chum salmon left to be caught. September, October and November are the salmon months for our local rivers. As salmon live a 4 year cycle, mature fish are now beginning their return to most of our local rivers and streams. This can offer some excellent catch and keep as well as catch and release fisheries. Best bet is to stop in at one of the local tackle shops to check for up to date fishing regulations on what you can keep, and which tackle is working the best.

Photos courtesy of Kenzie Cuthbert Humpback whale breaching.

This report was provided by local guide Kenzie Cuthbert. cowichanriverwildernesslodge. com

Soul Comfort Factory Store On discontinued line of goods 20 to 50 % off

50% off - Decorative pillows, Hemp men’s vest, Hemp women’s vest, Dog jackets (8 styles) Long wool vests (breathable nylon/reflective) 20% off - Decorative blankets, ALL baby goods, Slip-on Slippers(hard sole only), Rubber Sole Ankle Slippers • Corner of Jubilee and 4th Street, Duncan • 250 737 1281 34

Plant Lavender in The Fall

CV Lavender Farm Lavender Sale

Plants costs: Net price after discount – 4” peat pots ready to plant straight into ground $3.75. One gallon pots $5.60 and 2 gallon pots $9.80. + Tax. Over twenty varieties available. For more info call 250-701-2885

look great when they flower, and, after pruning, remain a compact ball or hedge with exotically fragrant leaves the rest of the year. THE LAVANDINS are English Lavender Hybrids these are the workhorses of Lavender, starting just as the English Lavenders are finishing, and continuing to mid-summer. They do it all: bloom lots, grow just beautifully, and have powerful long lasting scents. Provence and Grosso are the best known of these.

Lavender farmer”

Planting lavender late in the growing season gives you a jump-start on next year’s flowers.

avender (Lavandula) is such a romantic flower that every gardener sooner or later succumbs to the urge to grow it.

For fall planting it is best done while the ground is still warm, and plant at least two months before the first frost. In this general area September works well to help the plant make good root development into the native soil before frost.

The English Lavenders (Lavandula angustifolias), include, Hidcote, Royal Velvet, Sharon Roberts to name but three of many to choose from, which flower in mid to late June. These

Plants should be pruned every year immediately after bloom. Pruning should not be confused with harvesting. Pruning is necessary to extend the life of the plant. Lavender flower wand


stems are usually a bright green while Lavender leaves are gray. Cut back not only the flower stem, but also about a third of the gray-leaved stems as well.

Valley Voice Magazine. For people who love to eat, live, play and shop in the Cowichan Valley.


Cowichan Kids Features


FOREST PROJECT also about soil, water and vegetation. The land left after construction of the new building was mostly rock and shale, low in nutrients but high in attracting weeds!

Mummy Bars! Just for Mums & Dads in the mornings! But warning! Kids’ may love these too! These super no fat bars make a great midmorning pick me up but can also double as a dessert if served with local berries of any sort and a dollop of whip cream! Bon Appétit!

Filling Ingredients


Dates 2 Cups Spelt flour 1/4 Cup (for gluten free bars substitute Quinoa flour) Brown Sugar 1/3 Cup Soda 1/4 Teaspoon Baking powder 1/4 Teaspoon Salt 1/4 Teaspoon Cocoa 4 Tablespoons Mum’s strong morning cold coffee 1 Tablespoon Vanilla 1 Teaspoon Egg 1 *Optional – add 1/3 Cup Chia seeds for all their goodness and/or 1/3 Cup chocolate chips just because!

Method 1. Puree first 7 ingredients in the food processor until it all sticks together in a smooth lump. 2. In a small bowl or cup, beat the coffee, vanilla and egg well. 3. Pour the egg mixture into the date “lump” and blend well until mixed thoroughly. Although messy, we found it easier and quicker to blend with our hands. 4. Once blended add the optional nuts and chocolate and knead together. 5. Press mixture into an 8x8 parchment lined pan, then bake at 35-40 minutes at 325 F. Let cool, cut into squares and hide from the kids! Bars taste best served chilled. Yum!

Real Food That’s Real Good



hat do Winnie the Pooh, Snow White, and Shrek all have in common? They all lived in forests. Stories about colourful characters introduce children to forests at a young age. Arcadian Early Learning has been blessed with a lovely location tucked in a small urban forest in downtown Duncan. The City of Duncan owns the land and leases it to the non-profit (Duncan Daycare Society) for a nominal fee. In the past, the society asked for permission to cut down 11 beautiful mature trees so a new 16-space infant toddler centre could be built. This was a difficult “yes” decision for the mayor and council and in return Arcadian promised to plant a new young forest within five years. Urban forests are not just about trees; they’re

With love and hard work, native, deciduous and ornamental trees and shrubs have been planted and a safe, soft walkway has been created. Arcadian now welcomes young children to this Preschool Interpretive Forest. Here children can learn through rhyming signage about the trees, plants and wildlife they’ll see. They can watch the young trees grow tall and strong, because what better place to be, for a tree, than in beautiful BC. Kate Skye is an early childhood educator, videographer, writer and photographer. She currently manages Arcadian Early Learning in Duncan.

Green Living: Tidy Tips for Back to School


f your household is anything like mine, the shift from those lazy summer mornings to the rush of the fall school routine takes some adjustment. Here are a few things that I know help make things run smoother for us. September seems to be all about schedules and calendars. Figure out what format works best for you, whether it’s the paper calendar on the fridge or software on your smart phone, get it set up and updated. Make use of the calendar to re-establish regular household routines. • Create a menu plan and set up regular grocery shopping days. Having breakfast pre-decided and lunch items shopped for and prepped help those busy mornings’ flow. • Set laundry days will ensure that the kids will have plenty of school appropriate clothes to choose from and getting them out the night before saves those lengthy discussions when you’re trying to get out the door. • Getting all the family members in on the routine always helps. Kids can unload the dishwasher or set the table. Consider making that part of the evening routine so that the kitchen is a calm organized place to start the day. • If you have fewer bathrooms than you have people trying to get ready in them, set up a bathroom schedule to keep everyone on time. Another organization tip is to have a “launch pad” area where lunches, instruments, library books etc are all set for each child to grab and stuff into their back packs on their way out the door.









• H




So with some thoughtful pre-planning and well laid out schedules, you can say goodbye to morning madness and that crazy race to school drive. Here’s to a calm, cheerful morning routine for the kids and yourself too!

Tracey Paleczka, local mompreneur and owner/operator Clean Choice EcoFriendly Cleaning Services

Duncan Dynamics Gymnastics Club Registration for September’s Ongoing Gymnastics is OPEN! Contact us to inquire about class times and days. Island Savings Centre, Duncan – 250-746-0193 – Valley Voice Magazine. For people who love to eat, live, play and shop in the Cowichan Valley.



Valley Voice Magazine. For people who love to eat, live, play and shop in the Cowichan Valley.


WEBSITES, EMAILS AND VERBAL LINT IT’S ALWAYS MOTHER’S DAY AT MATRAEA HEALTH CENTRE: Selena Boily tells me “matraea” is an ancient word for “maternity”. It is also the name of a new complex located in the historic old brick building next to Duncan City Hall. Ms. Boily started Cowichan Midwifery Group a decade ago. Kate Koyote moved from Vancouver to join her in 2003. (The group now includes Fraser Valley recruit Jane Ballory and Ladysmith resident Talia McKenzie.) Selena says she and Kate “have always shared a vision of creating a multidisciplinary health centre where women and their families have everything they need for their health from birth onwards.” That includes Natural Harmony Chinese Medicine Clinic (“Kim Cooper has been busy practicing out of her home clinic in Lake Cowichan for years”); naturopathic doctor Rikst Attema ND; Chandler Family Massage Therapy, featuring mother/ daughter team Penny and Rachel; Kathleen Neilson (“a pre and postnatal fitness instructor and nutritionist offering services in her office and classroom”) ; family counselor Bronwen Smith (“specializing in women’s health, couples counseling and grief and loss”); Serenity Child and Parent Society (“a non profit society planning to create a residential resource designed to keep mothers and babies together”) and Matraea Mercantile (“a Mama and Baby Boutique including organic clothing, cloth diapers, maternity and breastfeeding clothes and supplies.”) Yoga clothing and gear are also available. (Yoga with Jen and Sher are key renters in the community classroom run through Matraea Mercantile.) “Our slogan is ‘embracing wellness, family and community’,” Selena writes. “For us midwives we benefit by continuing to see clients even after our care completes, whether they are seeing another health care practitioner, having their hair cut in Nika’s Salon (Nika Stafford is one of the owners of the Centre) or attending a class in the classroom.” For complete details log onto KEEPIN’ THE FAITH: Youbou’s Gary Dyck is the titular Gary of Gary’s Gospel Mix, two hours of “uplifting, encouraging and faith building music” Sundays 2-4 pm on CICV 98.7 FM. It was fellow New Hope Community Church member Alan Morrison who suggested Gary volunteer his talents at the Cowichan Lake station. Gary’s cross-genre music mix includes folks like Paul Brandt, Sarah McLachlan, Michael W. Smith, Frances Battistelli, Third Day, Alan Moberg and Alan Jackson (to name a few). Outside the Cowichan Lake area you can pick up the program by logging onto By Rick Dennis


Helpful Garden Companionable Campanula


ou’ve seen them. Spreading mats of star shaped bluish or violet flowers spilling over rockery walls. You’ve seen them in garden beds and perennial borders, growing tall and sturdy with large inflated blooms of pink, white and purple. I’m talking about Campanula (pronounced kam-PAN-u-lah, not kam-pan-OOH-lah). This is a huge genus with almost 300 species to choose from. All are beautiful but not all are well behaved. These tough and varied perennials are on most gardeners “gotta have” lists. Some varieties are also on the same gardeners “gotta get rid of” or “just try and get rid of” lists. The majority however are well behaved and add masses of colour and texture to the summer garden over a long blooming season. I’ve got several varieties that have been in bloom for more then 7 weeks as I write this, and some rebloom all season. For rock garden and groundcover selections, look to Serbian Bellflower, Dalmatian Bellflower and Campanula “Samantha”. These all bloom for weeks and are easy to control by simply pulling spent

blooms out by the handful. My favourite is “Dickson’s Gold” with chartreuse foliage and pale blue/violet flowers, a real knockout combination in one plant! For height, choose Peachleaf Bellflower and Campanula Glomerata. Both are tall enough to use for cut flowers and bloom for weeks in the perennial border. Stay away from Campanula Punctata. Though beautiful with its charming and beguiling clusters of mini eggplant like blooms in a wide range of colours, only plant this one in pots. Campanula Punctata has white fleshy roots that will creep through your whole garden and new plants emerge wherever a root gets close to the surface. Years ago, a white form of Punctata hitchhiked into my garden in the pot of something else. I’m still dealing with this invasive plant. It’s like the houseguest that won’t leave. I even dug up an entire garden bed that was infested and screened the soil to remove the roots. Ha! Was I a fool: now it’s everywhere because I stirred up the soil and bits of the brittle roots made it through the screen. Argh! Damn you Punctata!! Bottom line, most of these Campanula are terrific plants in the right situation and garden centres carry numerous varieties. If you are unsure about the variety, do a bit of online research before you purchase and bring home a living nightmare! Ajay Oppelaar is President of the Mill Bay Garden Club. For club membership information or other questions contact him at

Seed Saving Workshop September 3


erhaps the greatest advice that I’ve received when learning how to save seeds for a home garden was to relax! When I first began to explore the field of seed saving, the process felt daunting. Concerns over timing, isolation distances,

2nd Annual Mid Island Expo Photo Contest

Deadline September 24 $15 per entry For submission guidelines and more information visit

cross-pollination, winnowing techniques and storage methods left me a bit frustrated and deterred. However, through trial and error, a bit of reading and a good dose of determination, I’ve slowly begun to learn that the process can be both enjoyable and rewarding. I’ve found that as I learn the

habits of the plants I want to save seeds from, I’m slowly building a methodology to my process of seed saving. Choosing to focus on a few plant varieties to start with (tomatoes, kale, pole beans and amaranth), has allowed me to practice some basic seed saving techniques and has inspired plans for next year to learn to save root crops and onion seeds. No longer do I view the process as a challenge, but simply another avenue in which to enjoy and marvel in nature. Given that the season for seed saving is quickly approaching, the Seed Literacy team at the Cowichan Green Community (CGC) is excited to begin our Fall roster of seed presentations and workshops. If you are like myself, and are keen to save seeds, but would like a bit

of instruction, we encourage you to attend our free Seed History and Seed Saving workshop on September 3rd. Hosted at the Cowichan public library in Duncan from 3:30pm to 5pm, join us for a presentation on local seed production, seed banking and the basics of seed saving. Drawing from the experience and skills of CGC staff and regional experts, this event will be the perfect environment to share and build our skills as seed savers. For further details, please contact vanessa@ or give us a call at 250 748 8506. Vanessa Goodall has a background in food security and is a Seed Literacy Coordinator from the Cowichan Green Community

The Ladysmith Camera Club and the Art Council of Ladysmith and District present the 2nd Annual Mid-Island Photo Expo (MIPE) The organizers are now inviting photographers everywhere on Vancouver Island and the neighbouring Gulf Islands to participate. Photography is exciting, and offers the opportunity for everyone to explore their artistic side. Last year’s show was exhilarating, clearly demonstrating the huge amount of artistic talent on the Island,” said Art Council president Kathy Holmes. Initial submissions must be received no later than Friday, September 23, 2011 as digital files. Up to 60 finalists will be selected to submit ready-to-hang prints for public exhibition and sale at the Ladysmith Waterfront Art Gallery throughout November 2011.Entrants will compete for first, second and third place prizes in each of two categories: colour and black & white. As well, there will be a Best-In-Show prize and a People’s Choice award. There is no limit on the number of images a photographer may submit in either category.

S w e e t H a rv e s T T i m e these dry easily, and you can save them for winter foods.


ow is the time to eat full, ripe, sweet fruit and savour the flavors, letting them wash your taste buds and senses with their gifts to your body. Local fruits include saskatoon berries (leaves are poisonous), black hawthorn, salal, Oregon grape, blackberries, blueberries, blackcaps, huckleberries, thimble berries (if your lucky with their mocha flavour). Many of

Experiencing how edible seeds taste is a treat, and provides a close-up view of foods that contain oils your body accepts. Stinging-nettle seed is ripening with its sweet nutty taste and anti-aging action (caution as the leaves still sting). Plantain seed has a very nutty grounding taste, and is worth finding and eating. Lambs-quarters seed is quite tasty if you change the water twice while you cook it. It tastes like white millet with a pleasant, light, nutty flavour. Red-root amaranth (pig weed) seed is quite nice and well

worth sowing into new garden spaces for spring greens. Sowing seeds now, as they come off the plants, is the natural way, so gather your seeds and plant them now for a garden that will continue growing for you for years to come. Peppergrass is another good plant to harvest now for your winter-heat foods. Smart weeds, like spotted ladies thumb, have nice seed for eating fresh, or saved for cooking. Use cleaver seed for coffees and grass seeds for porridge and breads. Don’t eat Canadian thistle seed as they have toxic alkaloids.

your daily diet gives you a perspective you don’t get through the supermarket window of life, but was a major part of our ancestors’ lives for thousands of years. These foods are like tuning forks whose pure-energy charge resonates through our bodies, cleaning them so they resonate more with the vibrations of the earth around us.

Eating wild foods as part of

Valley Voice Magazine. For people who love to eat, live, play and shop in the Cowichan Valley.

Roger Foucher is a wild food enthusiast who is persuaded by all the creatures around us that they see it right.


Is it Your Time to Heal?


ime To Heal is a community of socially conscious, positively focused individuals who in turn enhance their healing skills and give back to community. This is what we call the “rippled spirit effect” of spirits feeding spirits positive healing energy. Andrew Louisy has been working as a healer for 30 years and has earned a reputation of “by any means necessary he will find a solution” healer. Not only does he approach healing from spiritual and physical avenues, Andrew has developed his own system of acupressure “3 Cubes of

Light” which identifies an individual’s healing points to stimulate healthy polar flow. From courses designed to accelerate individuals to a higher level of being with accountability and awareness to hands-on body treatments to balance and heal physical ailments, wraps, and various healing products Time To Heal is consistently focused on positive solutions that produce long-term stability and growth.

Breaking Futile Family Habits Incorporated Into Our Adult Relations This 4 week workshop is designed to accelerate individuals into a higher state of being. Patterns are basis for everything we do. They form our personality, our emotions, and our actions in every relationship personal and professional. This course is strutured to create a spiral of growth out of futile patterns and instead create a new positive foundation of Self that will empower you to move forward with intention and awareness.

4 Tuesdays • 5pm - 8pm

Sept 13, 20, 27 & Oct 4 Cost $360 Time To Heal • 250-597-1099 Find us UPSTAIRS at the Duncan Garage

Fall is the Best Time! To Plant A New Lawn


all is the single best time of year to plant a new lawn from scratch, replace an existing lawn or renovate a struggling lawn. The temperatures are cooling, the weeds are on their down cycle and the rains are coming – all things helpful for a lawn to get established. Whether you decide to plant a new lawn this fall or replace your existing lawn, it is crucial your plan includes 4-6 inches of soil rich in organic matter.

How can you tell?

If your soil isn’t black, it’s likely lacking. I recommend asking your local soil supplier the percentage of organic matter in their soil– if it’s not over 40%, you may want to reconsider. Most lawn issues begin and end in the soil. Grass grows healthy on a bed of soil rich in organic matter (compost), not barren land that just

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happened to be there. Unless an investment is made when the sod is laid or the seed is sown, a lawn will likely fall into a weed –moss - disease cycle and impatient owners will likely turn to chemicals and pesticides to manage this preventable situation. We understand installing a new lawn is expensive, as is replacing an existing lawn so often budgets get tightened up when it comes to lawn installation. Rocky, clay yards are covered with an inch or two of sand (or nothing at all) and laid with sod or sprinkled with generic seed. Everything seems to go well for the first season, but it’s in the grass’ second or third year of life that we get a call from a justifiably confused and frustrated resident asking for help. Invariably the lawn has to be replaced again costing the resident thousands of dollars. We’ve seen this time and time again. A better way exists for lawn care. It involves doing it right the first time by using good soil, and managing things as nature intended. www.lushecolawns John is the owner of Lush Eco Lawns, an organic lawn care company serving the Valley through Parksville.




Local Green Hero: Judy Stafford

Jean Crowder has been the NDP Member of Parliament for Nanaimo-Cowichan since 2004. 1-866-609-9998


lthough this month’s local green hero is someone I work with at Cowichan Green Community (CGC), she doesn’t know I’m writing this article. Judy Stafford is the executive director for CGC, and a local green hero because she’s devoted the last seven years of her life to achieving Food Security in the Cowichan Valley. Food security means that all members of our community have access to enough nutritious, safe, ecologically sustainable, and culturally appropriate food at all times. Judy seeks to make this valley a Food Secure region, which means that one day our community will be self-sustainable in our own food supply, requiring no food to be imported/shipped into the region. This may seem impossible, but one day you will see that Judy is a woman who can move mountains. As a member of the Cowichan Food Security Coalition, Judy has helped develop the Cowichan Food Charter and Food Security Plan, which is a policy envisioned for this valley’s food system to be affordable and ecologically

Judy Stafford (left) and Sarah Mathison (right) at CGC’s Harvest Festival.

sustainable. You may have a copy of the local farm map, and this resource is a pillar to a Food Secure Valley. Can you guess who made this happen? Although she is behind the scenes, Judy is the reason why CGC has initiated so many food-related projects and events throughout the Valley. From community gardens to fruit gleaning programs, canning workshops, farm maps to edible neighbourhood’s, Judy’s a local green hero that’s looking out for everyone living in this valley. Aside from work, Judy is a worka-holic! Honorably, she lives and breathes what she believes in, but you can also find Judy tending her raised garden beds, or harvesting

Crowder’s Corner

Former soldier and disabled veterans advocate, Sean Bruyea, is raising the alarm about proposed changes to injured soldiers benefits. This follows a protest last November by veterans in Cowichan concerned that the Veteran’s Charter left disabled veterans financially vulnerable. The Conservative government has not consulted with any veterans’ groups about these regulatory changes. The most seriously injured Canadian soldiers will earn $58,000 a year but only 219 service members will receive this benefit over ten years. The minimum long term disability income will only be $40,000 a year, just $3,000 above Statistics Canada’s low-income cut-off for families. Reserve soldiers with less than 180 days of service who suffer a disabling injury will only be guaranteed a minimum of $32,400 annually. If these regulatory changes go through, the Conservatives will only spend $130 million on injured soldiers over the next ten years – and $40 million of that will be clawed back in taxes. None of the proposed changes echo the more than 396 recommendations made by Veterans Affairs’ own advisory groups. The Veterans Charter was trumpeted as a “living charter” that would reflect the changing needs of Canadian veterans. The government should live up to that aspiration and work with veterans’ advocates to improve these regulatory changes.

Continued on page 44

Dear Friends,

Jack Layton, 1950 - 2011

Jack Layton was an inspiration to all of us with his hope and optimism. Jack’s passion for humanity and social justice hasYour driven him, and allconstituency of us, to strive to make country aisbetter Jack’s ability to listen community offi ce inourDuncan hereplace. to serve you. Let us help you with fedto and engageeral all Canadian’s has demonstrated his services commitment us all, and hisand generosity and spiritEmployment haves government programs and liketoCitizenship Immigration, Insurbeen a guidingance, force Revenue throughoutCanada, his time indelayed politics. pension cheques and a variety of other government services

and initiatives. We are also here to support community initiatives, and to arrange special greet-

Jack concluded his letter to Canadians with: “My friends, love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. ings for important occasions like birthdays and anniversaries at Jean Crowder’s website which is Optimism is better than despair. So let us be loving, hopeful and optimistic. And we’ll change the world.”

found at or by calling the constituency office our constituency office team

work diligently to ensure theinpeople ofdifficult our community have a strong voice in Ottawa. Our thoughts will are with Olivia and the rest of Jack’sthat family this very time.


Jeanfederal and Jack at Residents are encouraged to write, telephone or email to express their opinions on is-Stornoway, Ottawa (official residence of the Leader of the sues. Opposition in Canada) April 2011

Jean Crowder, MP Nanaimo - Cowichan

How can I help you?

Call or visit your constituency office with questions or concerns about: •Federal Government Programs - such as Citizenship & Immigration, Employment Insurance, Revenue Canada, Pension Cheques, Veterans Affairs or Government Initiatives •Community - Local Events, Special Greetings for Important Birthdays or Anniversaries Most importantly, your constituency office team is here to ensure that the people of our community have a strong voice in Ottawa. Residents are encouraged to write, telephone or email to express their opinions on federal issues.

Contact us at: 101-126 Ingram Street, Duncan Phone: 250-746-4896 Valley Voice Magazine. For people who love to eat, live, play and shop in the Cowichan Valley.



What is Coaching?


oaching is quickly becoming one of the leading tools that people use to live successful and extraordinary lives. Coaching is for the executive that wants to transform his or her business and wants some support doing it, for those wanting to change their career and are unsure what the next steps are, for someone transitioning into retirement and seeking clarity on what that looks like, for the mom that is entering back into the work force and trying Continued from page 43 peas at Growing Opportunities. Summer is her favorite time of the year, and she is an avid kayaker and meditating yogi. However, her staff and friends would agree that Judy deserves more time to kayak beside the mountains than trying to move them. On behalf of every life you’ve enriched, Thank you Judy! Amanda Reimer is a writer for the Cowichan Green Community.

to figure out ways to create balance with being a mom and working. A coach works with you to identify what you want personally and professionally. The coaching relationship is respectful and rooted in trust and honesty. Through coaching sessions, purposeful questions are asked to help identify what is most important to you. When your thoughts, words, and actions clearly align with your personal values and professional vision, you are

Who works with a coach?

Entrepreneurs, business owners, professionals, and people in transition are some of the people who typically work with a coach. Regardless of your professional endeavor or place in life, coaching is proven to work when two factors are present: (1) You are willing to learn, grow, and take action. (2) There is gap

between where you are now and where you want to be. Just like an athlete has a coach to achieve athletic goals, there are coaches to support you in achieving your personal and professional goals. There are certified professional coaches providing service in business, finance, relationships, spirituality, life and more. Tania Walter Gardiner is a personal career coach and team dynamics consultant with Integral Connections. Gain clarity and direction in your business, career, and life.

Moon Beams: Earth Shine


s I begin to write this article about September’s Full Moon, I glance up to the night sky and see what is sometimes called Earth Shine. Earth shine is when the dark portion of the moon can be seen as a faint gray hue instead of its typical blackness. The effect is caused by earth’s sunlight being reflected to the moon illuminating its darkness which is then reflected back down to us here on earth. Neat huh?



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much more likely to naturally and consistently take actions to reach them.

Just eleven days prior to the Autumnal Equinox, September 12th at 2:27AM in Victoria the Full Moon in Pisces will reveal herself. She is known as the Singing Moon (Celtic) referring to the festivities that occur following seasonal harvests & labour, Barley Moon (English Medieval) for the harvest of ripened barley, Colonial American & Algonquin) the early rising moon and its brightness allows farmers to work late harvesting crops, Harvest Moon (Neo-Pagan) at the peak of harvesting, farmers can work into the night by the moon’s light. Traditionally it’s the closest Full Moon to the Autumnal Equinox and two out of three years the Harvest Moon rises in September. Fruit or Barley Moon are other names

used when the Harvest Moon occurs late September/early October. Pisces moon energy is sensitive to environmental influences and one connectedness. We as beings are nourished by being creative in nature and feeling that deep connection with something in which is larger than us. Reach out and try something creative, perhaps with natural elements such as flowers, plants and rocks. Let your inner artist shine as you feel a deep sense of connection through the touch and feel of things in the natural world. Robin Massey is a yoga & junior bellydance instructor in and around Shawnigan Lake.

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September Horoscopes Georgia Nicols M.A. is Canada’s most popular astrologer. A Buddhist, this Vancouver-based astrologer is featured in regional papers across Canada, the United States, and New Zealand.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

You’re still in play mode (romance, the arts, parties and vacations) – yay! Nevertheless, this month, you’re obsessed about getting organized. Buy closet dividers, cleaning equipment, paint, shelving, baskets and containers for all your hobbies, because you want to at least give the appearance of being on top of your scene, which is not easy since you always have so much on the go. Nevertheless, act on this urge! You’re on a health kick, too. “More wheatgrass, anyone?”

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Finally, it’s your turn to party! (Mom always liked you best. ) This is the perfect time for a vacation. It’s also a wonderful time to socialize, schmooze, enjoy the arts, see movies, attend sports events and enjoy playful times with children. And romance can shine now! New love can flourish while existing relationships will get sweeter and cozier. Pleasure is your motto during this time and what a coincidence -- pleasure is your motto for life!

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

You’re earning more than usual but you’re also spending it, plus you’re keen to make your home more beautiful. (There’s nothing like guests arriving to kick one into action, is there?) Your focus on home, family and domestic matters is strong for the next six weeks. No question.

Interaction with a parent might be significant, too. And yet, you’re busy writing, taking short trips and chatting to everyone. But hey – you always are. Geminis don’t sit around getting dusty. Even hectic busy is not too bad. But insane busy is terrible.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

You’re keen to hit the road with short trips, plus run around seeing everyone, while you read, write and talk to everyone. Yada, yada, yada. You’re PowerPoint on steroids! Part of what drives you now is you want to enlighten others about something. Amidst this flurry of activity, do save time for siblings, relatives and neighbours, who also want to see you. Nevertheless, if you need to write, act, teach, market or sell anything – you are unusually empowered. Use this!

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

I smell money coming! (Ah, the sweet smell of success.) Most of this will be the fruition of private, behind-thescenes activity, because you have been busy! Trust your moneymaking ideas. Continue to promote yourself. Not only will money come your way, but you’ll be shopping for treasures for yourself and loved ones. In the next two years, you can put your name up in lights! (Every Leo likes this, whether they admit it or not.)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

This month the Sun, Mercury and Venus are all in your sign giving you a maaahvelous boost of energy, plus attracting people and fortunate circumstances to you. It’s truly your time to shine! Because fair Venus paves the way in all your relationships, by making you especially diplomatic and charming, buy something special to enjoy these social times. Shop for wardrobe goodies because you’ll like what you see in the mirror. Group activities, especially sports and gym classes etc. will please you. Yes!

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

Play it low key this month. Work alone or behind the scenes (It appears secret love affairs are taking place.) Be diplomatic with authority figures. Don’t wake the sleeping giant because you are soft and crunchy on the inside. Your hour in the Sun is a month away and this is when you’ll be especially empowered. In the meantime, enjoy schmoozing with others, especially artistic types and people who are young. Set some goals for your new year – birthday to birthday.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

A social month! Not only will you enjoy schmoozing with others, you’ll be involved with clubs. Friendships will be warm and cozy and new friendships might form. (A friend could become a lover.) You’ll benefit by telling others about your hopes and dreams for the future, because their feedback will help you. Meanwhile, discussions with authority figures are enlightening. Travel or explore opportunities in publishing, the media, medicine, the law and higher education. Good things are possible for you!

Sagittarius(Nov.22-Dec.21) This month the Sun will slowly travel across the top of your chart. (This is the only time all year this happens.) It’s a very auspicious time because it casts you in a good light, and makes you look unusually competent and capable to others, especially bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. They think you’re fabulous! (Milk this for all it’s worth.) Ask for a raise or a promotion. Demand the advantage. Use this next month to promote your ideas and pitch your projects. Travel for pleasure still appeals and publishing and the media continue to hold opportunities for you.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

You’re secretly eager for adventure. You want to blow this pop stand. Therefore, do whatever you can to shake it up a little. You want some juice in your life! Travel anywhere if you can. And if you can’t travel, be a tourist in your own city. Try to learn something new. Sign up for a course or mingle with people from different cultures and other countries so that you feel stimulated and enthused. You’ll love learning anything new. You might have difficulties with partners and close friends, but – hey, you don’t have to react. Your reaction is your business, right?

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

After juggling so many things in the air, finally, the Piper needs to be paid. (Ouch.) Many of you are focused on bills, debt, shared property, insurance matters and inheritances. You have a lot of loose ends here and you want to tie things up. Others can benefit you now so this could be good for you. The good news is, physical intimacy will be sweet and memorable in the month ahead. (Yes!) Think passion plus spoons in a drawer.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

In the month ahead, the Sun is going to be directly opposite your sign. (This happens only once a year.) Since the Sun is the source of energy for all of us – naturally, you will be low energy and will definitely need more rest and sleep. Factoid. Ignore this at your peril. Do not exhaust yourself. Fortunately, discussions with partners and close friends will be supportive and loving. Many of you are more active in sports now or busy with children. Relationships will reveal a lot now.

Valley Voice Magazine. For people who love to eat, live, play and shop in the Cowichan Valley.



Valley Voice Magazine. For people who love to eat, live, play and shop in the Cowichan Valley.



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