Global excellence and local presence With over 30 years of experience, Qvest
include numerous renowned media
of experience in the MENA, Qvest
advises and supports organisations and
networks, telecommunication
has gained outstanding market and
companies worldwide on technology
providers, broadcasters as well as
product knowledge in the areas of
implementation in the context of digital
companies and organisations from the
media technology and information
transformation, and is a world-leading
industrial and public sector. In addition
and communication technology.
systems architect, ICT integrator and
to the headquarters in Cologne and
developer of software products in the
Dubai, Qvest operates further locations
business models and the opening up
innovation-driven media industry. The
in Europe, the USA, the Middle East,
of new market segments, business
company’s range of services is aligned
Southeast Asia and Australia.
processes, organisational procedures
to the opportunities emerging from
Thanks to these worldwide Qvest
With the transformation of traditional
and the demands placed on employees
an increasingly digital media value
locations, an equally high standard
are changing. This change dictates
chain such as multi-platform content
of project, delivery and service
that opportunities and risks are
delivery, artificial intelligence, data and
quality is ensured for internationally
constantly evaluated, and that people
analytics, multi-cloud management
active companies – especially in the
are seen as the central factor to be
and IP infrastructures. Qvest clients
MENA region. With almost 15 years
supported by technology solutions.
A recent systems integration project in the MENA: a mobile and fully equipped news production facility with contribution and distribution with IP streaming capabilities. Pictures show test setup of the 100% functional environment in the German Qvest headquarters before shipment.