Advanced virtual AR/VR production solutions such as Epic Games’ Unreal Engine is now broadly used in many broadcast applications. Brainstorm has taken advantage of this technology to improve output quality, enhancing content with their own applications such as real-time graphics created from external data sources, increasing workflow environment’s compatibility and much more, thereby expanding the benefits of the game engine rendering to other content creation areas.
Dalet CubeNG Another great example of collaboration Brainstorm is a specialist company
CG and playout solution. Both run
and integration between Brainstorm and
dedicated to providing industry-leading
on eStudio, the company’s acclaimed
other developers and manufacturers
real-time 3D graphics and virtual set
render engine, which has been for years
to enhance content production is
solutions for all broadcast graphics
the benchmark engine for real-time
Dalet. It includes the Brainstorm
types and workflows, as well as for
broadcast graphics and virtual sets.
real-time graphics engine in its next
feature film production and corporate
generation platform Dalet CubeNG
presentations, with a customer list that
Hyper Realistic Virtual Production
for news graphics and workflows,
includes many of the world’s leading
During the last decades, the advent
which significantly expands on-air and
broadcasters plus a large number
of the digital age has been driving
file-based graphics capabilities. These
of smaller and regional stations.
profound changes in how content is
include support for 4K and user-defined
produced and consumed, and within this
output formats, advanced primitives
solutions for real-time 3D graphics
highly competitive context, successful
and objects for creating 2D and 3D
and photorealistic Augmented Reality,
broadcasters and content providers
graphics. Also includes support for
including XR and Virtual Studios. The
need to be flexible and responsive to
Unicode fonts and languages, and
company’s most significant products
dynamic environments and agile enough
StormLogic., Brainstorm’s acclaimed
are InfinitySet, Brainstorm’s award-
to take advantage of both simplified
transition logic between templates,
winning virtual set and augmented
and more complex infrastructures.
along with extensive options for data-
Brainstorm’s product line includes
reality solution, and Aston, the real-time motion graphics creation,
For example, hyper realistic virtual production based on game engines
driven graphics with external data link. Also, integration with cost-effective PTZ