Empowering communication tools
Clear-Com is a trusted global provider of professional real-time intercom
real-time from anywhere in the world. Broadcasters choose Clear-Com
of intercom systems in the industry spanning from analog partyline systems
solutions and services, innovating
for their breadth and depth of
to IP matrix and connectivity options.
market-proven wired and wireless
intercom options, for connectivity
Equipped with Clear-Com, broadcasters
technologies since 1968. With over
choices over short or long distances,
can deploy the right solution that offers
five decades of broadcast intercom
and the unparalleled support and
them the utmost flexibility for adjusting
experience, Clear-Com solutions for
commitment they receive from
to on-the-fly changes and maximum
broadcast production are time-tested
every part of the organisation.
extensibility for building upon the
through close working partnerships
Clear-Com’s pragmatic product
existing intercom infrastructure to
with partners, customers and end-users
designs, software features, precision
fit your growing production needs.
to deliver the highest production value
manufacturing and continuous quality
and communications capabilities, swiftly
assurance help ensure that their
cable, audio transports over Dante, MADI
and with ease. Clear-Com’s systems
customers receive the most dependable
or fibre, or have migrated onto an all-IP
deliver the highest quality programming,
and fully featured communication
network, Clear-Com solutions work on
instantly and on cue, allowing
solutions for doing their job effectively.
virtually any network type. Clear-Com has
production crews to communicate in
Clear-Com carries the broadest range
Whether your system runs on four-wire
added IP to their core product offerings