CP September 2021

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since 2010

ISSUE: 141

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38. 46..


contents since 2010



76. MG Motor Unveils An Exclusive MG RX8 8. Life Is An Adventure 11. ‫هل جربت يوما أن تكافئ نفسك؟‬ Black Edition In The Middle East


2. Phoenix, Arizona Travel Guide 30. Bonus Miles - The Epitome Of

Timeless Luxury 49. A Room With A View FITNESS ART 68. Live La Dolce Vita! 46. Diriyah Contemporary Art Biennale Will 20. How Kickboxing Can Transform Your Open To The Public In Jax District Of Riyadh Body 22. What Is Formerlyme?



36. Swiss Arabian’s Top 4 Fragrance Picks HEALTH 18.How Doctors Keep Calm In The For The Cooler Months Emergency Room 58. The White Eyeliner Trend 32. Seven Simple Tips From Fitness First


72. New September Book Releases 73. Writing Movie Wrongs 74. 5 New Japanese Action Anime Series


42. SICIS: The Taste Of Art 50. Sara Tamimi: Movement Towards

To Ensure You Stay Hydrated, Happy And Healthy


24. Djana Chapuis 38. Joanne Milner 62. Miral Rasem

SOCIAL DIARY Sustainable Fashion 54. How Your Sleepwear Can Affect Your 80. CP Journal Mental Health By State Of Rem TECHNOLOGY 56. Timeless With Mouawad 79. Huawei Nova 8

REGULARS 82. Homework For Grownups 84. Horoscopes

My dear CP magazine readers, This is our September issue. I am glad that as always, our September issue is very special and has an extra dose of latest fashion news. Starting from the cover, we have an exclusive interview with Miral Rasem - a certified style coach and companion. Her interview is very inspiring and I am sure you will find it helpful to give you some fashion inspiration. An interesting feature about Sara Tamimi and her movement towards sustainable fashion is also very interesting. We also have other interesting features on the latest from Mouawad. In this issue, we also dive into the pool and interviewed the first female underwater painter in Kuwait - Djana Chapuis. She is a scuba diving instructor and an active environmentalist. Our travel experts have some great features. Latifa compiles a great travel guide on Phoenix, Arizona and Jose brings another epitome of timeless luxury in his monthly segment "Bonus Miles. Do't miss our topics on fitness whre Fatema AlOthman tells you how kickboxing can transform your body. Till next issue, stay safe, stay healthy. Happy reading! See you next month.

Fatima Hamad AlJutaili Managing Editor


Am I adventurous? I’d like to think so. I’ve done some weird and wonderful things in my time (some definitely more weird than wonderful), not least signing up to a 270-mile cycle challenge from London to Reims. ‘What’s strange about that?’ you may ask. Well, I didn’t even own a bicycle. In fact, I hadn’t so much as sat on a bike for over ten years, so agreeing to become intimately involved with a saddle for four gruelling days was, it has to be said, a tad ambitious. Nevertheless, I filled in the application, began my search for a bike and heedlessly purchased a helmet and a pair of padded shorts. Looking back, it’s not the months of training that feature most prominently in my collage of memories. Nor is it wringing the rain water out of my socks after one seemingly endless torrential downpour, or the monster hills that pushed me to my absolute limit (I can still feel the burn in my thighs today). It’s not even the memory of riding towards Reims Cathedral, tears of relief blurring my vision as determination and euphoria combined to push me over the finishing line. No, the most amazing part of the entire experience and the first thing I think of when I see anything two-wheeled, is the people. In total, thirty-four of us took part in the challenge. As well as our shared resolve to complete the 270-mile route, we were also united in our quest to raise money for the MNDA (Motor Neurone Disease Association). Most had been touched in some way by the disease, many having lost a loved one to the debilitating condition, their emotions adding further power to their pedals. The camaraderie was like nothing I had ever experienced before. Forget the end of season party with your softball teammates, and the team building exercise with your colleagues, this took team spirit and morale to another level. From helping to fix a puncture, to sharing the last banana, the support and encouragement was unending. Never more so than on the very last day when even the fastest, most competitive riders waited for the backmarkers to catch up before completing the final stage of the challenge and riding, as one, to the steps of Reims Cathedral. I’m not ashamed to admit I was one of those backmarkers, my hastily purchased bicycle no match for the expensive, sleek road bikes that would whiz past me in a blur of shiny aluminium and brightly coloured Lycra. But it mattered not. We crossed the line together, cried together and celebrated together. The comradeship was hard to comprehend. It united a group of strangers, bound by a common goal, mutual understanding and respect. When the time came to



say goodbye, the sense of loss felt like a physical blow. Our time together may have been temporary but it was extraordinarily intense. The desire to recapture that bond led to my next major adventure. Along with thirty-nine other intrepid fundraisers, I set out to climb – and conquer – Kilimanjaro. Friendships were formed, memories were made and an impressive amount of money was raised. It was an unforgettable experience enhanced, once again, by the people who shared each magical moment. From the breath-stealing altitude to the beautiful summit sunrise, the sense of kinship was never far away. People of all ages, shapes and sizes took part in those challenges. One of them, a wonderful lady named Alyson, became my closest friend. We talk about the cycle ride often, usually when we’re planning our next, weird or wonderful adventure. She’s currently muttering something about a zip wire. Not just any zip wire. Apparently, it’s the longest zip wire in Europe and the fastest in the world. From my point of view, zooming down a zip line at 100mph whilst suspended over a lake doesn’t have quite the same appeal as cycling through France or even climbing a dormant volcano. It’s not so much the height that bothers me – although, the thought of dangling over a quarry while secured to a bit of wire doesn’t exactly fill me with joy – but the speed. Gone are the days when I’d queue for hours to experience the latest (fastest) rollercoaster ride. In fact, I can barely tolerate a high-speed train so a 100mph adrenalin rush is definitely not on my list of things to do. Alyson tells me it has unbeatable views of Snowdonia - only if you open your eyes! The last time we got together (she lives over 200 miles away) I arranged for us to enjoy a leisurely horse ride in the countryside. Prior to that, I asked her to join me on a hot air balloon flight over Dubai desert. In return, she invited me to sign up for a sky dive (I’m still thinking about it) then followed it up with her crazy zip wire suggestion. Her idea of adventurous is obviously a little different to mine – mine being more pleasure seeking than thrill seeking. That said, it was our sense of adventure that brought us together in the first place. And let’s be honest, life itself is an adventure. It doesn’t matter if you want to jump from a plane or just jump on the next bus. It’s up to you whether you raise money for charity or simply raise a few laughs. It’s all about enjoying what you do and, perhaps more importantly, who you do it with. I’m still not convinced about the zip wire, though!




.‫ مميز‬.‫ حصري‬.‫حلو‬

.‫مع أحمد الزامل‬


Iced AZ Latte




AZ Latte


‫هل جربت يوما أن‬ ‫تكافئ نفسك؟‬

‫اهال ً قرائي االعزاء ‪...‬‬

‫اليوم موضوعي سؤال اريدك ان تطرحه على نفسك ( هل جربت يوما‬ ‫أن تكافئ نفسك؟ )‬ ‫سأشاركم خاطرة كتبتها لنفسي في بداية جائحة فيروس كورونا‬ ‫كوفيد‪… )19-‬‬ ‫النني استحق ‪..‬‬ ‫والنني ال انتظر ‪...‬‬

‫اصبحت عادة لدي ان اهدي نفسي هدية ‪..‬‬ ‫خاصة في االوقات الصعبة ‪...‬‬ ‫الننا ب حاجة ان نفرح ‪...‬‬ ‫والني اقدر ذاتي ‪...‬‬ ‫في ظل هذه الظروف ‪..‬‬ ‫حضرت دورات اون الين ‪...‬‬ ‫واشتغلت بالمجان بداية االزمة ‪..‬‬ ‫اذا ً انا استحق ان ا كافأ نفسي ‪.‬‬

‫وهذا ما حصل فعال ً اهديت نفسي اسوار من االلماس …‬ ‫وكنت فخورة جدا ً بنفسي …‬ ‫حينها حاولت انجاز الكثير في بداية االزمة …‬ ‫وبإعتقادي ان المكافاة لها اثر كبير في انفسنا …‬ ‫وعلى حياتنا … انجازنا …وعطاؤنا‪..‬‬ ‫ال تقل ال استطيع …‬ ‫ال املك الوقت الكافي ‪..‬‬ ‫او حتى المال الكافي ‪..‬‬ ‫المكافأة ان تفعل كل ما يسعدك و تعطي نفسك …‬ ‫ال يوجد قيود ‪..‬‬ ‫بالنسبه لي المكافأة ممكن تبدأ ب يوم تشعر ب انك انجزت فيه‬ ‫بالعمل …‬ ‫تستطيع ان تذهب للسوق وتشتري هدية لنفسك ‪..‬‬ ‫ال يهم ثمنها ‪..‬‬ ‫المهم اثرها على نفسك ‪ ..‬و تقديرك لذاتك ‪..‬‬ ‫واالهم انك ال تنتظر العطاء من احدهم …‬ ‫تعطي نفسك حتى تستطيع ان تعطي غيرك ‪.‬‬

‫‪Lulwa AlKhamees‬‬



‫جرب ان تكافئ نفسك ‪..‬‬ ‫ويسعدني ان تشاركني تجربتك‬ ‫على حسابي ب االنستغرام ‪lulwa.lifecoach‬‬ ‫و سأكون سعيدة ل سماع قصتك ‪.‬‬


Latifah Al-Hazza

PHOENIX, ARIZONA Travel Guide Where To Stay, What To Eat, and More Phoenix is famous for receiving around 300 days of sunshine per year, making this vibrant desert city something of an adventure playground. The Valley of the Sun has it all: Warm desert breezes, swaying palms, southwestern cuisine, and endless shopping. We’ve highlighted our favorite spots to help you get the most out of your Phoenix trip. 12




Where to Stay Best Location: Kimpton Hotel Palomar Phoenix Not only is the Kimpton Hotel Palomar Phoenix ideal for its central location in Arizona’s capital, but also for its trendy atmosphere. Rooms are garbed in contemporary décor (think bold patterns and bright colors) with glass walk-in showers. Guests will also be quick to praise the hotel’s diverse amenities, such as the complimentary bikes, the in-room yoga mats, and the gratis use of EOS Fitness (located adjacent to the hotel).

Best for Couples: The Camby, Autograph Collection Modern and quirky are two words to describe The Camby. It’s a dynamic fusion of the professional and playful. Expect Aztec prints, funky furniture, and turquoise accents in rooms, as well as marble and copper featured throughout. The Camby calls itself, “Southwestern chic” with breathtaking views of iconic Camelback Mountain, plus Arizona’s 5 C’s (copper, cattle, cotton, citrus, and climate) form a fun theme that is apparent throughout the property.

Best for Families: Sheraton Grand at Wild Horse Pass In a land of legends, where wild horses still roam free, you can indulge in a luxury resort experience at this desert oasis. The Sheraton Grand at Wild Horse Pass is located on the Gila River Indian Community. This unique destination resort features custom-designed, culturally themed guestrooms reflecting the traditions of the Pima and Maricopa people. In addition, the resort has 36 holes of golf, a spa offering Native American treatments, onsite horseback adventures, and River Adventure Boat Rentals on the Gila River.

Best Minimalist: The Nest Tiny House at the Garden Experience minimal living in a bright, stylish, modern tiny house on wheels with an artsy and homey vibe. Be inspired by space-saving solutions and original art and sip coffee while gazing out the wall of windows. Get cozy in the spacious loft and relax on the memory foam mattress and luxury linens. Located in Uptown Phoenix, local restaurants and coffee shops are right around the corner. 14


Where to Eat There are a lot of fun things to do in Phoenix, and eating in the many varied restaurants is one of them! Phoenix is a food lover’s paradise with lots of restaurants to choose from and a tremendous diversity of the kinds of foods available. If it’s a type of food, there’s a good chance you can find it.

Quiessence The Farm at South Mountain offers a nearby escape from the city with canopies of pecan trees and an organic-style garden. Rich in history, this agrotourism destination invites you to explore this retreat. Quiessence cooks with locally sourced produce and meat creating a refined hand-crafted menu. Sourcing from the on-site garden, Quiessence’s weekly menu is curated with freshly harvested vegetables, edible flowers, eggs, and herbs. Diners have the option of selecting a four, five, or six-course meal.

Kai Kai is a Native American-owned and operated restaurant. Renowned for incorporating the essence of the Pima and Maricopa people into the menu and restaurant décor, Kai, the Pima word for “seed,” treats guests to a contemporary approach to Native American cuisine in a rich yet relaxing atmosphere. Each menu has a different watercolor painting about which the waiter tells the legend behind it. The walls have weavings hung on them with plaques that describe their history. Menu items rotate depending on seasonal produce grown on the Native American Reservation. A few highlighted items include escargot, wild mushrooms, and caramel goat cheese served with native “toast” and truffle cream, lemon and black garlic butter; and grilled tenderloin of tribal buffalo with smoked corn puree, cholla buds, chorizo, scarlet runner bean chili, and saguaro blossom syrup. www.cpmagazine.net


What to Do There are so many fun things to do in Phoenix, from seeing the interesting and unique architecture and learning about the beauty of the desert, to hiking the many mountains in and around the city and enjoying the resorts and spas. While winter is one of the most popular times for visitors, travelers can find fun all year round.

Break a sweat on a Sonoran Desert hike The park contains a large variety of plants and animals that call the lower Sonoran Desert home. Along with the most popular feature of the park, the Wind Cave Trail, water seeps from the roof of the alcove to support the hanging gardens of Rock Daisy. The Wind Cave is formed at the boundary between the volcanic tuff and granite on Pass Mountain. Breathtaking views from this 2,840-foot elevation are offered to all visitors.

Find your Zen at Goat Yoga Sarah Williams, owner of Desert Paddleboards has paired up with a neighboring farm to combine two of her most loved activities – yoga and goats. Whether you are in warrior pose, downward dog, or simply meditating, these lovable goats help motivate and challenge you to be your best. During the guided yoga class, these gentle, sweet, and loving animals roam the fields and are placed by the instructor on guests that are in specific poses. Arizona Goat Yoga is said to clear the mind and offers a chance to release endorphins from exercise and increase oxytocin with pet therapy.

Get Pretty High on a Sunrise Hot Air Balloon Ride Your journey with Hot Air Expeditions begins with viewing the inflation of the balloon, where you will get a glimpse of how large the balloons are as they come to life! From there, your pilot whisks you away in the basket for your approximate one-hour flight. During the journey, you will enjoy floating at different elevations, from up to 5,000 feet in the air for a gorgeous overhead view of the Sonoran Desert, to within feet of the desert floor. You will catch a glimpse of local wildlife, plant life, and landmarks. It is common to see jackrabbits, quail, coyotes, and even javelina. Upon landing, you’ll toast to the adventure with flutes of chilled champagne and gourmet cuisine, complete with tables and linens — truly, a toast to the perfect day.

Explore the Churchill The Churchill, a 14,000-square-foot micro marketplace built out of old shipping containers, is a gathering space for the community with dining options and boutique shops. The center holds a monthly fundraiser and requires tenants to complete four community service hours a month. 16


Experience Nature on Horseback The Koli (Kol-he) Equestrian Center spans more than 2,400 acres nestled in the heart of the Wild Horse Pass on the Gila River Indian Community. It is truly an adventure back in time, offering a horseback experience while learning the spiritual culture of the Pima & Maricopa People. Soak up views of three mountain ranges and desert landscapes. Catch a glimpse of the native wildlife which may include sightings of wild Mustangs.

Relax and Experience an Ho’ishp (Sacred Prickly Pear Body Treatment) by a Native American Healer This signature Native American spa treatment can only be given by a Native American healer at Aji Spa. Cactus-infused ingredients and traditional Native American herbal remedies are incorporated throughout the experience. The journey begins in a therapeutic steam capsule with an application of sacred prickly pear red clay. The unique combination of steam and nourishing antioxidants helps detoxify the body and tone the skin. The spa treatment continues with a revitalizing 50-minute full body massage with prickly pear & aloe oil to rehydrate the skin. This beneficial moisture is sealed in with a final application of aloe and prickly pear gel to leave the skin feeling silky smooth. The experience concludes with a soothing cup of prickly pear tea.

Stop and Smell the Flowers … Literally The Desert Botanical Garden is the largest botanical garden in the Southwest, featuring 55,000 plants from across the world. It is home to unique Sonoran Desert plants. The plants are on display throughout five thematic trails that illustrate topics such as conservation, desert living, plants and people of the Sonoran Desert, and desert wildflowers. www.cpmagazine.net


For an emergency physician, there is no “typical day.” The next patient could have appendicitis just as easily as a severe bone fracture. Life in the emergency room (ER)— more commonly known as the emergency department (ED) among physicians—is both unpredictable and fast-paced. But it’s not just the medical knowledge that doctors need to thrive in this environment, there are also a number of personal characteristics they need to display to keep patients in a safe and calm environment. Dr. Ninad Desai, an emergency medicine resident physician, and graduate of St. George’s University, Grenada, reflects on the traits that every emergency physician should display. 18



Cases can vary substantially for doctors who are working in the ER, and they need to be able to rapidly refocus between cases to meet the unique needs of every patient. As for how to maintain good bedside manner during such drastic transitions, it comes down to controlling both their mindset and their conduct. “Emergency physicians always need to have a fine level of composure,” says Dr. Ninad Desai, “we need to be able to compartmentalize different tasks and information and prioritize accordingly.”


Research suggests that being team-oriented is one of the hallmark personality traits of emergency physicians. This makes sense when one considers how much collaboration the role entails. “In the emergency department, patient care involves an entire team, and everyone has to play a role to maximize patient care,” Dr. Desai explains. “The teamwork aspect is really important because we have to be able to communicate and delegate effectively.


A busy emergency department can easily have more than 10 patients at any given time, all with varying needs. The physician running the floor needs to figure out a way to manage all those cases simultaneously. Dr. Desai likes to follow the advice he was once given by an attending. “I always see sick patients first, then discharges, then admissions, and then see new patients,” he says. “The reason why this struck me as important advice is it’s ensuring all the sick patients are taken care of, but also ensuring there is a smooth flow through the unit and that all other patients receive appropriate attention and care.”


Minutes, sometimes even seconds, matter in the ED. This means that emergency physicians need to be able to evaluate situations and make decisions very rapidly. Identifying the resources needed to support a patient in the correct way needs to be done efficiently, and quickly, to ensure the best possible outcome of their health.


Emergency medicine is all about leveraging a variety of resources to find out what a patient is experiencing. For Dr. Desai, that’s one of the primary reasons why he selected emergency medicine as a specialty, something he first experienced during clinical rotations at St. George’s University, Grenada. “Emergency medicine is fascinating,” he says. “You could have a person come to the ED with abdominal pain, and there are potentially 80 different things that could be wrong with them based on that symptom. It can range from something simple like a stomach flu to something more serious like appendicitis.” While every emergency physician is a bit different, many have the above characteristics in common, and we should be proud of the environment our doctors create on the frontline. This article has been shared by St. George’s University School of Medicine www.cpmagazine.net




Having super fun workouts is the secret to staying consistent with your exercise program. Keeping things fun and interesting will make you look forward to your workouts instead of dreading them. And kickboxing is a great way to keep things fun, invigorating and fresh. Doing the same workout week after week gets boring pretty quick. But by throwing in some kicks and punches, you may start to see some immediate results and feel energized about your workouts. Kickboxing can transform your workouts and help you build toned muscle and help increase your endurance. Those two things, everyone wants from their workouts. And you can still get a great workout without the physical contact of full on sparring. Now, let’s explore how Kickboxing is a safe, fun and effective way to burn fat and to build toned muscle. 20


Kickboxing is defined as a fighting system that combines both punching and kicking. We borrow the punching techniques from boxing and combine it with the kicking techniques of Karate and Muay Thai. By combining both punches and kicks, you’re able to work both your upper body and your lower body simultaneously. As well, it takes great stamina to get through a full kickboxing workout session. Because of this, the cardio aspect of your workout will be covered.

Stretching: One of the great benefits of Kickboxing is the increased flexibility you’ll get just from doing the kicks. Some people stretch. But let’s be real, most people skip the stretching part of their workouts. And stretching without purpose can be done carelessly. But with each kick you throw, you’ll be increasing your flexibility and increasing your range of movement. Over time, you’ll become more dynamic, graceful and powerful!

Punching: Let’s be honest. Punching stuff is just plain fun, It’s a great stress reliever and it feels amazing. Punches are done in fast combinations as we punch specialized equipment like focus mitts, Thai Pads and heavy bags. There’s absolutely zero contact to the face or torso in our kickboxing classes. Throwing quick Jabs and powerful right hooks is a great way to engage your triceps, pectorals, deltoids and abs. And doing high volume combination punches will get your heart racing and your lungs burning. It’s an amazing fat burning workout!

Kicking: There’s two primary kicks. Front kicks- like foot jabs and side kicks, And then there’s roundhouse kicks. The best thing to do is just start kicking stuff. Safety is the number one thing when you’re working out! With a few simple tips from your instructor, you’ll be kicking like Champions. Your leg muscles will immediately get toned and defined as soon as you throw powerful, fast paced kicks.

Core training: Basically, we’re talking about your abs. Your core is your centre of power. Every punch you throw and every kick you execute will immediately engage your core. You’ll soon realize how sore your abs are at the end of your kickboxing workout even though you didn’t do a simple ab crunch.

Conclusion Kickboxing can transform you body by working all the major muscles groups in the body. Plus, it will help you develop your endurance and your stamina. Kickboxing is a guaranteed way to get quick results from your workouts. Come in and check out our Kickboxing Group Classes at Rebel gym!




FormerlyMe.com presents “On The Go”


Jim West

FormerlyMe is an online movement to motivate and inspire people to become the best version of themselves by showing them my journey and experience in trying a new workout and lifestyle regime every 30 days. Every post, update, and video is ‘formerly me’ as I endeavor to become the best version of myself and become FormerlyMe. Each month CP Magazine will showcase a part of my journey to becoming the best version of myself. I hope that in turn this inspires and motivates you to start your own journey as well. For this month’s story we will focus on the “On The Go” days of my journey. 22


In September 2021 I had a Cybersecurity conference in Arizona I was a VIP Speaker for and since I was so close to the Grand Canyon I decided to arrive a few days earlier to tour the canyon and also make the drive to Monument Valley, Utah.

Most people will know Monument Valley from the film, Forrest Gump where he was running across the United States and the scene where he decides to quit running is in Monument Valley. Making the drive out took just a bit over 5 hours from Phoenix, but well worth the drive.

Next up would be one of the biggest natural wonders of the world, the Grand Canyon. Words cannot come close to the feeling you get when standing at awe of such a immense sight and colors the canyon has to show. Cut by a erosion, wind, rain and a river over millions of years the canyon is simply astounding.

Follow my journey online at FormerlyMe.com and on the YouTube channel. Next month I will cover more unique experiences. Until next time that has been FormerlyMe! facebook.com/FormerlyMe twitter.com/MeFormerly instagram.com/formerlymeofficial www.cpmagazine.net










Please introduce yourself to our readers.

Hi, I’m Djana, a scuba diving instructor for the last 11 years, an underwater painter and an environmental activist.

Tell us about your education.

I started diving in Thailand, Phuket island and fell in love with marine world from the momrny I took my first underwater breath. Since then I share my love with everyone, teaching them how to scuba dive, educate eco-friendly behavior and give opportunity to limitless adventures.

When and how did you come to Kuwait?

I didn’t know Kuwait even existed, when I first met my future husband. He was on holidays in Phuket, and decided to take scuba course in a dive center, I was working.

Where are you currently working?

Since day one I’m working in 5 star diving center, The Palms Dive Center.

You are a painter but also a scuba dive instructor. How and when did you start painting?

I love art since I remember myself. My father was an artist. But professionally I came across in the south of France, where we were living with my family for 2 years. Every corner of that beautiful countryside, Cote D’Azur, Lavanda fields left an indelible impression that influenced my further life path.

Your art and your art practice are unique. What is your main goal as an artist?

First, when I just started, I had no goals, I was curious. Two of my main passion suddenly came together and you can’t even imagine the joy I felt, painting with scuba. Then, when my colleagues and fellow divers began to admire my work, I thought, why not make something more out of it. In parallel with my work, I was organizing underwater clean-up events. So, the idea came naturally. Now I sell my underwater painting for donation for upcoming “Dive against debris” events, with project AWARE.

How did you discover the idea of underwater painting?

When we lived in south of France, I learned about a pioneer of new movement in art, Andre Laban. He did his first underwater painting back in 1965 at the same coast I was living that moment. He was working with Jacques-Yves Cousteau on the research vessel “Calypso”. Since then he had already more than 800 underwater works. His experience excited me to try it myself.

And how can you actually paint underwater? What special equipment and materials are required for that?

Oil paint, pallet knives, canvas and proper weight system. By trial and error, I created a decent set of tools that makes painting underwater easier. For the last 4 years of my underwater painting experience, I’ve tried many different oil paint manufacturers, even created my own oil paint from natural pigments, that were mined in Canada. I use oil paint and pallet knives, as well as my fingers to create desirable patterns on canvas.

What was the most challenging part of your work?

To establish my working space underwater, to maintain good performance during the session, no matter how hard are the conditions, (low visibility, strong current, surf, heavy boat traffic) and exit water with my fresh painted work. Gladly, I always have my husband to help me. 26






How much preparation both physically and mentally goes into being ready to paint underwater? What is the most enjoyable and riskiest part of the process? Since I have an idea of my future work, I create a small painting, trying different techniques and colors till it looks exactly how I pictured it, underwater I don’t have much time for experiments. The whole process is purely enjoyable for me, that’s why I forget to check my air supply sometimes. I guess that’s the only risky part I have in my work.

How do you ensure that your art stays for a long time?

Oil painting can “live” up to 100 years, I just make sure that sea salt will not destroy it with the time. That’s why after the session I keep my paintings soaked in fresh water for 24 hours, then drying for up to a month or two, and after I change the frame to new custom made one. I use glossy glass finish, to protect paints fading even on a direct sun light.

Where all have you exhibited your work so far?

So far, my work has been exhibited at: -French Institute of Kuwait, may 2017 -Otman museum, Hawally, Kuwait, February 2018 -Cultural center, Var Department, Frejus, France, July 2019.

What has been the response? Were you able to sell your work?

Im glad to say I’ve received a huge number of admirable reviews so far. Many of my underwater paintings travelled to USA, Russia, France, and Australia.

Do you also teach underwater painting? And where?

I am currently working with PADI to establish a professional course of underwater painting. Meanwhile everyone willing to have that kind of experience are welcome in a Palms Dive Center or directly to me, and I can make it true.

What is the best age to learn underwater painting?

There are no limits for painting, though there are for scuba divers, you can start diving from the age of 10 years old.

You are also organizing beach cleanups. How did you get the idea and what are some of your achievements?

The idea of clean ups comes naturally once you become a certified scuba diver. It’s a part of the course. Its only your choice to continue spreading the word and be a role model, help people to understand how fragile our ecosystem is and how much it depends on us. Every single dive I do through the year (almost every week) I do clean up, I have my mesh bag and diving knife with me all the time. The biggest clean up we did was back in 2019, October. 73 participants, both divers and snorkelers cleaned Kubbar island and recovered 140 kg of marine debris, mostly same amount snorkelers recovered from the beach.

Tell us about some of your hobbies?

Since not long ago I became a biker, Harley Davidson. I love this beautiful power, adrenaline. Same as I started my marine captain experience, love to drive the boat through the waves. Back in Russia I was a tattoo master. I play keyboard, learn Spanish and raising a daughter, who is already a good swimmer, diver and regular cleanup participant.

Your message for us at CP magazine.

Dear friends, we all live on the same planet, no matter how different we all are, we can do one thing: Let’s keep our home clean and healthy. And please watch “Seaspiracy” on Netflix. It’s an amazing movie. Thank you for this opportunity, CPMagazine, wish you all the best! www.cpmagazine.net



since 2010





With a recently completed meticulous restoration that celebrates César Ritz’s pioneering spirit, a prestigious central location, five restaurants and bars overseen by one of Spain’s most celebrated chefs, and exceptional leisure and wellness facilities, Mandarin Oriental Ritz, Madrid is the city’s most luxurious hotel.



2nd October 1910 witnessed the grand opening of The Ritz, Madrid. The opening ceremony of what was destined to becomg one of the Europe’s finest hotels was performed by the guests of honour, King Alfonso XIII and his Queen Victoria Eugenia, granddaughter of the English Monarch Queen Victoria. The young King had been instrumental in this exciting new adventure, the creation of the first luxury hotel in Spain. While travelling widely throughout Europe and experiencing the standards of excellence at numerous new Palace Hotels, he was determined to modernise his own country and ensure that Madrid was a city equal to other European capitals, with a truly luxurious hotel that could accommodate visiting guests and dignitaries. More than 100 years later, the unequalled style of hotel management and design which César Ritz originally brought to the city, has been restored and perfected for a new generation to experience at Mandarin Oriental Ritz, Madrid. Spanish architect Rafael de La-Hoz and French designers Gilles & Boissier were instrumental in the restoration of the hotel, maintaining the hotel’s unique character, encapsulated in the Belle-Époque style of the original building. Located within the Golden Triangle of Art, an area defined by the most important museums in the city (the Prado, the Thyssen-Bornemisza, and the reina Sofía Museum of Modern Art), Mandarin Oriental Ritz, Madrid’s 100 rooms and 53 suites are among the finest in Spain. Each of the 100 rooms offer city views and a sophisticated ambience and the average size of all rooms and suites was increased during the hotel’s recent renovation. Ranging in size from 29-49sqm, the Superior, Deluxe and Mandarin rooms offer an abundance of space. Rooms have been designed to be modern yet functional, with elegant furnishings such as four-poster canopy beds and leather chairs, coffee-coloured wood floors and white moulding on the floors and ceilings. Each room offers a state-of-the-art in-room entertainment system and high speed WiFi connectivity. The bathrooms are equally as luxurious, with Dolomite style panelling, fine mouldings and a marble Emperor’s floor. Divided into zoned areas, the bathrooms feature large bathtubs, a rain shower and twin washbasins. Accessible rooms, twin rooms and connecting bedrooms are all available.





CULINARY DESTINATION The re-opening of Mandarin Oriental Ritz, Madrid has quickly established the iconic hotel as one of Spain’s most innovative dining destinations. With renowned chef Quique Dacosta at the helm, the hotel’s five restaurants and bars, each with their own character, include Deessa, the signature fine dining restaurant located in the magnificent Alfonso XIII room, Palm Court, serving relaxed all-day dining and traditional Afternoon Tea, cocktails in the Ritz bar Pictura, champagne and tapas in the Champagne Bar, and al fresco drinks and dining in El Jardín del Ritz. Deessa Celebrated chef Quique Dacosta brings his unique culinary talent to Madrid at its signature restaurant. Located in the stunning surroundings of the Alfonso XIII room and overlooking the Ritz Garden, the perfect setting for Dacosta’s cuisine, which knows no boundaries when it comes to taste. Dacosta, who has previously been awarded a total of five Michelin-stars for his restaurants, is widely regarded as one of the leading lights in contemporary Spanish cuisine oversees all of the hotel’s culinary operations. Palm Court Underneath a stunning crystal canopy ceiling, Palm Court offers an elegant setting for refined all-day dining and Afternoon Tea. As a meeting point for guests and visitors to the hotel, Palm Court serves continental breakfasts, light lunch plates, and classic dishes using seasonal and local produce, all with a signature Quique Dacosta touch. As an homage to César Ritz and his custom of enjoying Afternoon Tea in Madrid, Palm Court provides the backdrop for the hotel’s famed Traditional Afternoon Tea. Pictura With a stylish, sophisticated design, the Ritz bar occupies the elegant space previously known as Goya Restaurant. With a bar counter backed by a museum-inspired mural depicting Spanish artisans, it is one of the city’s most vibrant nightspots. This sophisticated, contemporary venue serving a unique selection of spirits and classic cocktails, is the place to unwind in style. El Jardín del Ritz Open during the balmy summer months, El Jardín del Ritz is the most exclusive alfresco venue in Madrid. Serving creative cocktails and soft drinks alongside a signature amuse- bouche tapas menu designed by Quique Dacosta, it has its own outdoor bar in a chic yet relaxed seating.



AN URBAN SANCTUARY Whether you’re looking to work out, unwind or balance your mind, body and spirit, the Fitness & Wellness facilities at Mandarin Oriental Ritz, Madrid can help you on your journey. An urban sanctuary in the heart of the city, our facilities include a dedicated treatment room, an indoor swimming pool and a state-of-the-art fitness centre. In the serene surroundings of the treatment room, guests can enjoy an array of bespoke holistic therapies, designed by The Beauty Concept to leave the mind, body and soul in perfect harmony.



SWISS ARABIAN’S TOP 4 FRAGRANCE PICKS FOR THE COOLER MONTHS UAE’S first fragrance manufacturer invites perfume fanatics to enter the fall season with more than just a jacket The history of Swiss Arabian is an enchanting tale that spans over 45 years. Swiss Arabian was first founded in 1974 as the first perfume manufacturing house in the UAE by Mr. Hussein Adam Ali - a visionary, with a wealth of knowledge and a deep passion for perfumery. Over the years, the Swiss Arabian Perfumes Group grew from strength to strength. The company was enriched by its association with the Swiss giant – Givaudan one of the world’s largest and most respected manufacturers of exclusive perfume ingredients. Today, Swiss Arabian operates over 70 stores across the GCC with flagship showrooms located at The Dubai Mall in Dubai, Dhahran Mall in Dammam KSA, Al Mubarakiya in Kuwait and Mall of Oman and Salalah in Oman. Swiss Arabian, UAE’s first fragrance house embraces the fall season with their four picks to celebrate the cooler months. As the temperature drops, Swiss Arabian recommends opting for scents that are warm, earthy and full of character. Marking the season with richer concentrations and multi-facetted scents, the leading fragrance house invites customers to gravitate towards heavier selections with woody, spicy, and leather elements to omit a cozy-like feel and identify with the regions most active time of year. Whether you’re going for a walk or sitting by the desert fire with friends and family, Swiss Arabian recommends the below fragrances for another layer to enhance your fall/winter outfit:



Sawalef - Black Rose: Black Rose is

a unisex woody floral ideal for daytime with top notes of saffron, juniper berries and grapefruit, followed by leather, violet and rose at the heart. The fragrance leaves a memorable trail with base notes of raspberry, vetiver and cashmere.

WAAW – Hayaam: Perfect for fall, Hayaam, translates to adoration is a fragrance that combines dazzling citrus and warm earthy ingredients like warm Irish clove, leather, and woody amber.

WAAW – Wajd: Meaning passionate love, is a fragrance with fruity, floral, amber notes. The scent was created to induce the feeling of deep passion with ingredients such as Turkish rose, red apples, and patchouli.

WAAW - Ishq: Meaning the powerful form of love, Ishq is a fragrance that represents timelessness of true love with a burst of warm black pepper and spicy saffron. The scent later depletes and diffuses notes of roses and smooth leather. www.cpmagazine.net




Joanne Milner joined Garrard as Chief Executive in February 2016, launching a period of regeneration and renewal for the much-loved British jeweller. Drawing inspiration from the House’s long and distinguished heritage, Joanne is focused on building a brand that is as relevant to women today as it is proud of its rich legacy. Her luxury expertise is informed by four years as Chief Executive of the etiquette specialist, Debrett’s, where she made the esteemed British business great again and its advice newly desirable in this digital age. Fifteen years in private equity complements this experience, enabling Joanne to balance focusing on global growth with strengthening Garrard’s reputation as one of Britain’s greatest and most trusted jewellers. Her accomplishments since joining the House include the opening of its first boutiques in China, Beijing and Shanghai, raising Garrard’s profile in the Middle East and expanding the digital reach of the business, both organically and through digital luxury platforms, driving omnichannel sales. Joanne was also responsible for reinstating the apprenticeship scheme at Garrard and was instrumental in earning the House the Butterfly Mark from Positive Luxury, which is awarded to luxury brands that are verified as having a positive impact on people and the planet. In recognition of her contribution and commitment to the jewellery industry, in 2019 Joanne was invited to become a Freeman of The Goldsmiths’ Company. “At Garrard we are proud of our remarkable history and have a very compelling story to tell. My goal is to ensure we remain the go-to British jeweller for the next 300 years,” says Joanne. “We are also renowned for delivering the very best service at our flagship store in London. By making this available on a global scale, many more clients are now able to discover what makes Garrard so unique.” Garrard expands further into the Middle East with Kuwait opening at the Ali Bin Ali Luxury multibrand store. This expansion within Kuwait will also showcase a curated selection of Garrard jewels, many of which will be available in the GCC for the first time. 38


Talent Radar Words: José Berrocoso

“My goal is to ensure we remain the go-to British jeweller for the next 300 years”



City Pages Magazine: Could you kindly share some insights into why you chose to expand into Kuwait with Ali Bin Ali? Why was now the right time? Joanne Milner: Our presence in Kuwait represents the exciting next stage in our ongoing expansion within the Middle East. We wanted to better serve our loyal Kuwaiti clientele and we are thrilled that they are now able to enjoy the wonderful Garrard experience much closer to home. Since partnering with Ali Bin Ali Luxury, our relationship has gone from strength to strength, and our latest opening in Kuwait reinforces this. CPM: What are Garrard’s future plans for further expansion into the GCC region? JM: We are known for delivering the very best service at our flagship store in London and opening this up on a global scale is central to our vision for the brand moving forward. The GCC market has always been important to us, and Garrard is becoming well-established across the region. We are thrilled to be expanding our digital presence in the GCC with Ounass, as well as our physical presence with the recent opening in Kuwait. We also look forward to welcoming new clients to discover the world of Garrard. In terms of further expansion, we are amidst planning the opening of a store in Riyadh - stay tuned! CPM: What Garrard collections are displayed? JM: A curated selection of Garrard jewels is showcased in Kuwait; many of which are available in the GCC for the first time. With precedence given to the new and the vibrant, they include a range of diamond Albemarle jewels, that are a bold and abstract twist on a much-loved collection, alongside our Fanfare Symphony, Wings Embrace and Aloria collections. CPM: What specific designs or stones do particularly well in the GCC? JM: Coloured gemstones are a favourite, as evidenced by the ongoing demand for our Fanfare Symphony collection. The malachite and emerald pieces have proved especially popular. The wonderful contrast between the banded hardstone malachite and the lush vibrancy of faceted emeralds really resonates with our GCC clients. CPM: Do you find the jewellery market similar or vastly different across countries? JM: Organically, we are increasingly being recognized for our bright and beautiful stones, which is something that every market is gravitating towards. CPM: What is the Garrard of today? JM: The Garrard of today is colourful, contemporary and conscientious. We are committed to building a sustainable future, which is not only reassuring to our clients but also makes our business stronger.



w w w. g a r r a r d . c o m



SICIS The Taste Of ART



The special edition of Amaretto Armchair was born from the desire to transform the shape of amaretto, the famous Italian cookie, into a fresh and fun armchair. To present a new interpretation of the Amaretto collection, SICIS has chosen the Salone del Mobile 2021, which took place in Milan from 4 to 10 September 2021. The collection created by SICIS Lab is built around united subject matter - a creative universe that draws inspiration from the abstract art, conceptual lines, ever-evolving and enveloping graphics. The thoughtful mix of geometries is the brand’s know-how in giving a new look to the furniture and accessories. Behind the scenes, industrial designers are more influenced by some concepts of the art movements than others which interprets and transmits in the artisans’ touch and the stylistic choices. These paradigms were transferred through the technique of the glass tesserae into original mosaics.

"The best ideas do not come from reason, but from a lucid, visionary madness " E. of Rotterdam www.cpmagazine.net


In fact, tesserae by SICIS is a sort of an internal language to impress the plastic strength of the material and the vibrant play of colour, and, like brushstrokes, to form into unique and fascinating designs and interiors. To finalize ‘the look’, the in-house fabrics transmit into exclusive textures as it would be a playful element of artistic and distinctive ‘clothes’ for Amaretto. ‘Art is, by its nature, temporary. It changes and adapts to the social will, but it helps express ideas and direction of thought’. Thus, the tesserae technique is a continuous evolution of shapes and tones, which allowing composing exclusive puzzles and investigate the plastic side of the material. On the other hand, it explores the flexibility of the fabric on which to create fascinating patterns to decor the armchair.



To discover the World of SICIS, visit official website: www.sicis.com w w w. l a r e s e r v a c l u b s o t o g r a n d e . c o m



JUST UNDER 100 DAYS DIRIYAH CONTEMPORARY ART BIENNALE WILL OPEN TO THE PUBLIC IN JAX DISTRICT OF RIYADH In just under 100 days, the Diriyah Biennale Foundation (DBF), will present Saudi Arabia’s first contemporary art biennale, to be held from 11 December 2021 through 11 March 2022 in the JAX district of Diriyah, just outside of Riyadh. Diriyah is home to a UNESCO world heritage-listed site, At-Turaif, which was the first capital of the Saudi Dynasty, founded in the 15th century.



Diriyah Contemporary Art Biennale will be the Kingdom’s first international contemporary art biennale, providing a platform for discovery and connection to Saudi Arabia’s burgeoning cultural scene and creative communities. Developed by a team of international curators led by Philip Tinari (Director and Chief Executive of UCCA Center for Contemporary Art, China) the Biennale will unfold in six sections, with works from nearly seventy national and international artists examining the theme “Feeling the Stones” and engaging visitors in a dialogue around contemporary art. The Biennale’s location in the area of Diriyah, in the repurposed development of JAX, represents not only a cultural center with a rich exhibitions program, but also a permanent site of dialogue and exchange, welcoming all visitors from the Kingdom and around the world to engage and learn through interactive art experiences. His Highness Prince Badr bin Farhan Al-Saud, Minister of Culture of Saudi Arabia, noted that, “Cultural and artistic exchange are essential ­­­­ in this period of unprecedented growth and development in the creative community in Saudi Arabia. The Diriyah Contemporary Art Biennale is at the forefront of this cultural awakening and flourishing art scene.” Established in 2020 with the support of the Saudi Ministry of Culture, the Diriyah Biennale Foundation assumes a critical role in nurturing creative expression and instilling appreciation for culture, the arts, and their transformative power. The Foundation will organize two of Saudi Arabia's first-ever art biennales, this year’s Diriyah Contemporary Art Biennale and a second biennale in 2022 which will be focused on Islamic arts. Commenting on the key role the Diriyah Biennale Foundation (DBF) is playing as a mediator between the Saudi art world and the international cultural community, Aya Al-Bakree, CEO of the Diriyah Biennale Foundation, said, “The Foundation’s Biennale is the first contemporary art biennale organized, conceived and hosted in Saudi Arabia. We could not be prouder to provide the platform for this historic moment in the evolution and growth in the arts and culture landscape of Saudi Arabia. The Diriyah Contemporary Art Biennale is emblematic of our commitment to showcasing the array of local talent in Saudi Arabia, in dialogue with leading artists from around the world. The Biennale will drive cultural exchange, promote dialogue and understanding, and further establish the Saudi Arabian artistic community as an important cultural voice.” JAX is being repurposed to create a custommade art space to serve as the home to the Diriyah Contemporary Art Biennale and present immersive contemporary art exhibitions, offering an interactive experience for all visitors. As part of this interactivity the Biennale has developed a rich program of talks, events and activities for all generations. www.cpmagazine.net




by travel-expert José Berrocoso


www.aman.com Generous in space, warm and minimalist in design, Aman Tokyo’s bedrooms are furnished with natural textures and timeless Japanese simplicity, overlooking the sprawling cityscape through floor-to-ceiling windows. Aman Tokyo’s Rooms and Suites are lofty urban sanctuaries drawing design inspiration from traditional Japanese residences. High above the bustling city below, they blend wood, washi paper and stone with modern technology and sumptuous fabrics for a unique stay in Tokyo. Every room offers magnificent views including the Imperial Palace Gardens and Mt Fuji on the horizon on clearer days. www.cpmagazine.net


Sara Tamimi Movement Towards Sustainable Fashion Feminine, thoughtful and nostalgic, Sara Tamimi’s collection is a truly confident rebuttal to throwaway fashion. Created to last a lifetime, and inspired by her mother’s vintage closet, the collection is contemporary, elegant, ecological and artisanal. It’s a spectacularly beautiful ode to sustainable living and wearable luxury. Continuing to push boundaries, Sara Tamimi’s second collection ventures into accessories – with the introduction of shoes and belts. Peep-toe mules are expertly made from a slew of pioneering materials, including sustainably grown vegan cactus leather. Meanwhile, chunky belts are constructed from salmon skin, a natural by-product of the fishing industry.



Taking real action towards sustainable fashion, state-of-the-art fabrics feature throughout the collection – including innovative rose-petal satin, Global Organic Textile Standard silk and 100% Oeko-Tex ponti. Alongside ethically sourced Egyptian cotton and vegan leather, even the buttons are thoughtfully made – crafted from an alloy that does not produce any waste, and coated in a smart eco-plating that uses minimal water. Designed for contemporary living, almost every look captures the duality of the modern woman – effortlessly juxtaposing the feminine with the powerful. A vegan leather top and skirt feature fringed strips designed to complement the natural curves of a woman’s body, but also call to mind ancient leather armour. Elsewhere, double-knit leggings with crisscrossed lace detail blur the line between ballerina and warrior. Continuing to push boundaries, Sara Tamimi’s second collection ventures into accessories – with the introduction of shoes and belts. Peep-toe mules are expertly made from a slew of pioneering materials, including sustainably grown vegan cactus leather. Meanwhile, chunky belts are constructed from salmon skin, a natural by-product of the fishing industry. Unconsciously elegant and consciously ecological, Sara Tamimi’s ‘Chapter 2’ collection exudes a quiet confidence. A contemporary and relevant expression of the modern woman; it puts style and sustainability hand in hand. Sara Tamimi’s ‘Chapter 2’ collection will be available online at www.saratamimi.com www.cpmagazine.net


About the Designer Since graduating with a business degree from Sorbonne University and from the prestigious French Fashion University, Esmod, Abu Dhabi-based designer Sara Al Tamimi has been showing up on everyone's radar. Tamimi is an internationally renowned design talent who has been consistently recognized by Vogue Arabia and Harper's Bazaar Arabia as one of the best dressed women in the MENA region. Playing on the designer’s passion for dissimilar textiles, Sara Tamimi's debut collection expresses an appreciation for quality finishing and fit and beautiful fabrics. The designer has turned the collection into a creative reworking and tribute of the 80s’ statement pieces that are unmistakably stylish and timeless, designed for real women with real lives.





HOW YOUR SLEEPWEAR CAN AFFECT YOUR MENTAL HEALTH BY STATE OF REM Invest in rest with luxury loungewear that prioritizes comfort and emotional state

You are what you wear. Just like you pay attention while getting dressed for your daytime affairs, it’s important that you dress right while going to bed, especially since what you wear can make a difference to sleep quality and your overall health. Studies show that when you dress better, you feel better, with added benefits like improved productivity, independent thinking, and increased self-esteem. With a focus on improving mental health in the region, State of REM understands the impact of sleepwear on your mental state and offers luxuriously crafted 100% silk loungewear that not only helps you look good but also feels good on your skin guaranteeing you a restful night’s sleep. 54


Shining the spotlight on silk being a natural fiber, the homegrown brand firmly believes that silk’s natural, anti-aging and anti-itch properties make it the perfect accompaniment to an undisturbed sleep. State of Rem’s Gratitude Collection is crafted entirely in silk with colours that embody kindness, independence, and strength; giving you the peace of mind for a great night’s sleep. From Luella sets to Bella robes, these lightweight and dreamy textures cater to every mood and personality and are available in different lengths and styles. Silk also helps in keeping your body temperature cool by providing a breathable, yet insulating barrier between yourself and the surrounding temperature, which can keep you cool in the summer and warm in the winter, making State of Rem’s nightwear ideal for regulating your temperature while helping you to achieve a more comfortable night’s sleep. Whether you prefer sleeping in full-length attires or shorts, the brand has something to suit all your nightly needs.

The brand was born as a result of covid to highlight the direct impact of loungewear on your mental health, and aids in Mental Health Research in the region by donating AED15 upon every purchase to AlJalila Foundation.




MOUAWAD True glamour is timeless Throughout the iconic styles of decades gone by to the fashions of today and beyond, the ability of precious gemstones to convey powerful femininity and express the wearer’s unique identity is unquestionable. This is the inspiration behind the new #TimelessWithMouawad campaign. The #TimelessWithMouawad campaign launches with models evoking moods from times past, wearing unique Mouawad handcrafted suites of jewelry set with diamonds, sapphires and topaz. Mouawad Co-Guardians Fred, Alain and Pascal Mouawad commented: “Women’s affinity with and love for extraordinary gemstones is well documented, from ancient civilizations to the golden age of Hollywood and far beyond. The #TimelessWithMouawad campaign invites our audience to time travel visually and appreciate how Mouawad’s ability to craft extraordinary jewelry makes it eternally desirable.”














“Never ask a girl with winged eyeliner why she's late.”







Miral Rasem is a certified style coach from the Style Coaching Institute, UK. She has spent over 10 years empowering women by helping them find style statements that work for them. Miral believes that being in vogue is all about making style statements that are uniquely ‘you’. She works with her clients through color analysis, body shape analysis, style personality analysis, wardrobe decluttering, and personal shopping, to create wardrobes that are a reflection of their inner beauty, complete outfits that mirror their ideas, values, and cultural beliefs. Bloom with Miral has given her clients the confidence to play with stylistic elements like clothes, shoes and accessories to discover their personal sense of style. Read on our exclusive interview with Miral this month to know more about her and her service. www.cpmagazine.net


Please introduce yourself to our readers.

Hey guys! My name is Miral Rasem, Founder of Bloom with Miral, a Certified Style Coach and an Accredited Member of the International Association of Style Coaches (IASC). I have spent over 10 years empowering women by helping them find style statements that work for them. I work with clients through color analysis, body shape analysis, style personality analysis, wardrobe decluttering, and personal shopping, to create wardrobes that are a reflection of their inner beauty, complete outfits that mirror their ideas, values, and cultural beliefs.

Tell us about your education.

I have a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and a diploma in Style Coaching from the Style Coaching Institute, UK.

How and when did you get interested in fashion and styling?

Fashion has always been my passion ever since I was a kid. When I used to subscribe to all the fashion magazines available back then using my monthly allowance. When I grew up, styling and shopping on behalf of my friends and family became my ultimate happiness, more like a personal shopper to all my people! That’s when I decided to switch my career from an HR Director to a Style Coach.

What special training did you take to become a certified style coach?

I started off by completing a diploma in Style Coaching from the Style Coaching Institute and moved on to become an Accredited Member of the International Association of Style Coaches (IASC). My eagerness did not stop and went further with styling to receive a certificate in Celebrity Styling from the Institute of Luxury Fashion & Style (FAD).

Why did you feel the need to starting your business officially?

That’s a good question! Well, since I believe that every woman is beautiful inside and out, and the right style statement will empower her to shine her light into the world, I wanted to take part in women empowerment through style! How? By helping them find style statements that work for them, that screams their own soul! Style Coaching helps me achieve that and that is when I decided to start Bloom with Miral.

What is the motto of BLOOM WITH MIRAL? Our motto is Empowering Women Through Style!

Can you tell us the biggest lesson you’ve learned in running a business?

Persistence and patience are key; you may feel stuck at times but keep going until you find your way out to success. 64


Where do you go when you need inspiration for your work?

I go shopping! Mixing and matching in shopping stores gives me all the inspiration I need. I can’t also deny the inspiration I get from watching fashion shows, documentaries about fashion, reading fashion magazines, and working on fashion moodboards.

What are some of the reasons someone should consider working with a style coach?

Before going through the reasons, let me explain the difference between a style coach and a personal stylist: A personal stylist works with individuals on day to day looks, based on fashion trends. However, a style coach works with individuals on refreshing their own style and image, to give women the confidence to go out and conquer the world, to find their own unique voice through fashion, more of a personal branding, including style personality analysis, body shape analysis, image consultancy, color analysis, personal shopping, wardrobe decluttering, and even self-image psychology.

Walk us through the process, how do you work with a new client?

The first thing I do with clients is a one-to-one introductory session where I understand my client’s needs and goals through different questionnaires that she fills up. Afterwards, I start with the body shape analysis session, analyzing her style personality, and evaluating her color scheme. We then move forward to the personal shopping where we manage to upgrading and refreshing her own style and image to let her inner beauty blooms and shines to the world!

What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve had in working with clients?

The biggest challenge is always about trust! My work depends mainly and entirely on my clients’ sincere trust, and if that does not exist, there is nothing much can be done! I listen carefully to their needs to be able to create their style plan that reflects their inner soul. And that’s why I feel so attached to my clients, more of becoming their companion than just a Style Coach! You can say that Bloom with Miral is a brand of trust, a friend and a companion.

When should a woman start thinking about dressing age appropriate, and what recommendations do you have about that?

Well, I don’t really believe in dressing your age as much as I believe in analyzing your own style personality, which never ages! You can be in your 50s and still manage to be super stylish and fashionable if you know exactly your personal branding, and that’s why Bloom with Miral exists! Let’s take Let’s take Diane Von Furstenberg as an example or the Legendary





Iris Apfel who just turned 100 and still manages to be a fashion inspiration to us all!

morning, then move to my booking app to check my appointments and To-do list.

How would you describe your own style?

What are some of your other hobbies?

My style personality is classic and I tend to turn up some traits sometimes add a flare of Dramatic Style Personality too.

What has been the biggest sacrifice you’ve made in starting your business?

As being a mother of two, the biggest challenge would always be in balancing between my business and taking care of my kids, raising them the exact way I want. Super moms do exist, you know!

How do you manage time between work and family life? My family has been my greatest supporters all the way long, which has helped a lot in managing my time between them and my work. And since I used to work in HR, time management is one thing that I know how to excel!

What’s the first app, website or thing you open/ do in the morning? I check my Instagram account the first thing in the

Anything related to Art and Music!

How can clients reach you? Clients can reach me through my booking website, my email address, or by dropping a DM at our Instagram account.

Your message for our readers. Love yourself just the way you are. Be your original self, and always remember that you don’t need to copy anyone else, you don’t need to fit into a “culturally” ideal look; all you need to do is just be authentically and uniquely “ you”.

Your message for CP magazine. Thank you CP Magazine for giving me the opportunity to talk about Bloom With Miral and to give your readers more insights of what a Style Coach is capable of doing. You guys are the best! www.cpmagazine.net


LIVE LA DOLCE VITA! Tuscany Now & More offers the most exquisite rental properties, each with their own renovation story to tell, throughout the length and breadth of Italy, in Tuscany and beyond. Words: José Berrocoso Whether you’re looking for an intimate experience or a party villa, there is great joy in putting up your feet and relaxing for a week, enjoying the best food and wine from the region from the comfort of your own home-from-home. Discover the benefits of renting a fully staffed villa with a chef. Tuscany Now & More has added new addition of luxurious villas to their portfolio for the season. This is following a 500% increase in enquires and bookings. Through these new, undiscovered properties, guests can experience an old farming estate, a country residence or a charming Venetian villa. For added bespoke touched, the concierge can organise exclusive activities such as Tuscan cooking lessons and golf coaching. Guests will be captivated as Italian hospitality meets once-ina-lifetime experiences, available only through the leading rental company in Italy, Tuscany Now & More. With an extensive collection of properties now available, Tuscany Now & More have compiled a list of their top three new villas to explore this year and next. 68


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Breathtakingly Tuscan with Ca’ di Lista

Ca’ di Lista is a spectacular 16th-century Venetian villa with private heated pool, magnificent grounds and personalised chef services. Standing on the hilltop of a private wine estate surrounded by vineyards, the villa boasts spectacular views of the Colli Euganei hills not far from Padua and Venice, and is within walking distance of a 27-hole golf course and Michelin-star restaurant. Ca' di Lista was designed in the 16th-century as a hunting lodge by Dario Variotari, architect, painter and apprentice of Veronese. The villa — owned by the same noble Venetian family who commissioned the project — was later converted into a country retreat, preserving all of its original features such as the 16th-century hand-painted frescoes and 18th-century trompe l’oeil works. This villa boasts many modern comforts such as contemporary seating areas and large frescoed bedrooms which exude a combination of charm and tranquillity.

Countryside Charm with Monsassa

Restored and designed for comfort, Monsassa is a picturesque home set on a hilltop enjoying beautiful views of the stunning countryside near Montespertoli. It’s host to a large open space living area that leads out under a loggia and to a spacious shaded dining area allowing guests to enjoy the best of views. There is a private swimming pool that is set across a well-kept lawn lapping up wonderful scenes of the countryside dotted with hamlets, farmhouses and the famous city of San Gimignano. This villa is set in a convenient location from which to explore central Tuscany with many villages and towns to visit. There is a well regarded restaurant just 400 meters/yards from the villa, set in an olive grove offering healthy local food grown on location. Shops and supermarkets are in Montespertoli, just over 10 minutes' drive from the property and at Tavernelle and Barberino Val D’elsa which are both around 15 minutes' drive. Guests can reach Florence, Greve in Chianti and San Gimignano in 40 minutes by car. Siena only a bit more, about 50 minutes.



Enchanting Chianti Farmhouse with Lamore di Carla

Lamore di Carla is a beautiful stone farmhouse with smaller guest house, set in a little hamlet on a hill top overlooking the stunning Chianti countryside. The lovely home offers a fantastic private swimming pool, air-conditioned bedrooms, en suite bathrooms and lots of shaded outdoor living and dining space. The nearby Chianti towns such as Greve in Chianti are very close; these places are synonymous with charm and offer exceptional food and wine, so the house is perfectly positioned to fully enjoy the treasures of this magical area of countryside. The old stone farmhouse has been restored to a very high standard and fitted with a well equipped kitchen in the main house, and a smaller kitchen in the guest house. The bathrooms are modern and the master bedroom boasts an exquisite marble finish. Villa Vignamaggio is the birthplace of Leonardo da Vinci’s masterpiece, the ‘Mona Lisa’, and where the term ‘Chianti’ was first used to refer to the local wine. The villa’s cantinas are open to the public and are worth a visit during their stay at the heart of Chianti. This 6 bedroom property sleeps up to 10 people



since 2010

New September Releases

The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo

My Sweet Girl

by Amanda Jayatissa

by Taylor Jenkins Reid

by Robert A. Jensen

Aging and reclusive Hollywood movie icon Evelyn Hugo is finally ready to tell the truth about her glamorous and scandalous life. But when she chooses unknown magazine reporter Monique Grant for the job, no one is more astounded than Monique herself. Why her? Why now? Monique is not exactly on top of the world. Her husband has left her, and her professional life is going nowhere. Regardless of why Evelyn has selected her to write her biography, Monique is determined to use this opportunity to jumpstart her career. Summoned to Evelyn’s luxurious apartment, Monique listens in fascination as the actress tells her story. From making her way to Los Angeles in the 1950s to her decision to leave show business in the ‘80s, and, of course, the seven husbands along the way, Evelyn unspools a tale of ruthless ambition, unexpected friendship, and a great forbidden love. Monique begins to feel a very real connection to the legendary star, but as Evelyn’s story near its conclusion, it becomes clear that her life intersects with Monique’s own in tragic and irreversible ways.

The owner of the world's leading disaster management company chronicles the unseen world behind the yellow tape, and explores what it means to be human after a lifetime of caring for the dead. You have seen Robert A. Jensen--you just never knew it. As the owner of the world's largest disaster management company, he has spent most of his adult life responding to tragedy. From the Oklahoma City bombing, 9/11, the Bali bombings, the 2004 South Asian Tsunami, Hurricane Katrina to the 2010 Haitian Earthquake and the Grenfell Tower Fire, Jensen is at the practical level of international incidents, assisting with the recovery of bodies, identifying victims, and repatriating and returning their personal effects to the surviving family members. He is also, crucially, involved in the emotional recovery that comes after a disaster: helping guide the families, governments, and companies involved, telling them what to expect and managing the unmanageable. As he puts it, "If journalists write the first rough draft of history, I put the punctuation on the past."

Paloma thought her perfect life would begin once she was adopted and made it to America, but she’s about to find out that no matter how far you run, your past always catches up to you… Ever since she was adopted from a Sri Lankan orphanage, Paloma has had the best of everything—schools, money, and parents so perfect that she fears she'll never live up to them. Now at thirty years old and recently cut off from her parents’ funds, she decides to sublet the second bedroom of her overpriced San Francisco apartment to Arun, who recently moved from India. Paloma has to admit, it feels good helping someone find their way in America—that is until Arun discovers Paloma's darkest secret, one that could jeopardize her own fragile place in this country. Before Paloma can pay Arun off, she finds him face down in a pool of blood. She flees the apartment but by the time the police arrive, there's no body—and no evidence that Arun ever even existed in the first place.

Dare to Know

Travels with George: In Search of

The Lincoln Highway

by James Kennedy Dark Matter meets Annihilation in this mind-bending and emotional speculative thriller set in a world where the exact moment of your death can be predicted–for a price. Our narrator is the most talented salesman at Dare to Know, a prestigious and enigmatic company in the death-prediction business. While he has mastered the art of death, the rest of his life is an abject failure. Divorced, estranged from his sons, and broke, he's driven to violate the cardinal rule of his business by forecasting his own death day. The problem: apparently he died 23 minutes ago. The only person who can confirm his prediction is Julia, the woman he loved and lost during his rise up the ranks of Dare to Know. As he travels across the country to see her, our narrator is forced to confront his past, the choices he's made, and the terrifying truth about the company he works for--and his role there.


Personal Effects: What Recovering the Dead Teaches Me About Caring for the Living


Washington and His Legacy

by Nathaniel Philbrick Does George Washington still matter? Bestselling author Nathaniel Philbrick argues for Washington's unique contribution to the forging of America by retracing his journey as a new president through all thirteen former colonies, which were now an unsure nation. Travels with George marks a new first-person voice for Philbrick, weaving history and personal reflection into a single narrative. When George Washington became president in 1789, the United States of America was still a loose and quarrelsome confederation and a tentative political experiment. Washington undertook a tour of the ex-colonies to talk to ordinary citizens about his new government, and to imbue in them the idea of being one thing--Americans. In the fall of 2018, Nathaniel Philbrick embarked on his own journey into what Washington called the infant woody country to see for himself what America had become in the 229 years since.

by Amor Towles

The bestselling author of A Gentleman in Moscow and Rules of Civility and master of absorbing, sophisticated fiction returns with a stylish and propulsive novel set in 1950s America In June, 1954, eighteen-year-old Emmett Watson is driven home to Nebraska by the warden of the work farm where he has just served a year for involuntary manslaughter. His mother long gone, his father recently deceased, and the family farm foreclosed upon by the bank, Emmett’s intention is to pick up his eight-year-old brother and head west where they can start their lives anew. But when the warden drives away, Emmett discovers that two friends from the work farm have hidden themselves in the trunk of the warden’s car. Together, they have hatched an altogether different plan for Emmett’s future. Spanning just ten days and told from multiple points of view, Towles’s third novel will satisfy fans of his multi-layered literary styling while providing them an array of new and richly imagined settings, characters, and themes.

Apples Never Fall by Liane Moriarty From #1 New York Times bestselling author Liane Moriarty comes a novel that looks at marriage, siblings, and how the people we love the most can hurt us the deepest The Delaney family love one another dearly—it’s just that sometimes they want to murder each other . . . If your mother was missing, would you tell the police? Even if the most obvious suspect was your father? This is the dilemma facing the four grown Delaney siblings. The Delaneys are fixtures in their community. The parents, Stan and Joy, are the envy of all of their friends. They’re killers on the tennis court, and off it their chemistry is palpable. But after fifty years of marriage, they’ve finally sold their famed tennis academy and are ready to start what should be the golden years of their lives. So why are Stan and Joy so miserable?

Beautiful World, Where Are You by Sally Rooney Beautiful World, Where Are You is a new novel by Sally Rooney, the bestselling author of Normal People and Conversations with Friends. Alice, a novelist, meets Felix, who works in a warehouse, and asks him if he’d like to travel to Rome with her. In Dublin, her best friend, Eileen, is getting over a break-up and slips back into flirting with Simon, a man she has known since childhood. Alice, Felix, Eileen, and Simon are still young—but life is catching up with them. They desire each other, they delude each other, they get together, they break apart. They have sex, they worry about sex, they worry about their friendships and the world they live in. Are they standing in the last lighted room before the darkness, bearing witness to something? Will they find a way to believe in a beautiful world?

FREE GUY Directed by Shawn Levy Written by Matt Lieberman and Zak Penn


WRONGS moviewrongs.com by: JIM WEST

Ryan Reynolds is a juggernaut of a marketing genius. His involvement in any project seems to guarantee laughs and hi jinks galore. This film is no exception to that. The writers in this film take online video gaming and craft a story about a NPC (Non-player Character) and give this film such a heart and sneaks a romance angle in the films final moments that is quite sweet given the subtle clues they put along the runtime. This film is packed full of video game jargon, references, and cameos that are simply amazing to see. Blink and you may miss it cameos by Hugh Jackson, Chris Evans, Tina Fey, the late Alex Trebek, Dwayne Johnson, John Krasinski, and Channing Tatum are sprinkled throughout the film. I also like how they utilized popular game streamers such as Jacksepticeye, Ninja, Pokimane, DanTDM, and LazarBeam throughout the film. This film is wonderfully written and earns a Writing a Movie RIGHT review.

Here comes the spoilers.

The film opens with the introduction to the video game world Free City. Essentially anyone who has played Grand Theft Auto will see the immediate references as the opening montage sets the world and rules up for us. People wearing sunglasses are the players in this world and they get to do anything they want. NPCs are in this game world living their routine lives day by day. Yet Ryan Reynold's character, simply named Guy, yearns for more. He yearns for someone to love. Then one day he sees a girl and is smitten by her. He follows her but get run over by a train. He wakes up the next day determined to get to know her. He takes the glasses off a player in the game and see the world

is more than he saw before. He learns that he needs to level up so he proceeds to do so not by robbing banks or hurting people, but by being the good guy. This catches the gaming communities eyes and he goes viral as Blue Shirt Guy. The owner of the game company Soonami, Antwan, played by the brilliant Taika Waititi wants to capitalize on Blue Shirt guys popularity to drive sales of his upcoming video game release Free City 2. The game was built using the Artificial Intelligence engine that Millie and Keys developed that was bought by Soonami but never released. Millie goes into the game seeking proof that Antwan used their code for Free City, and eventually crosses paths with Guy and he falls for her. Yet as things progress, Keys who still works for Antwan discovers that Guy is an NPC that has changed his code because it is using the AI he and Millie developed. Now they must hurry as Free City 2 release will wipe out the code and AI that is in Free City. As Antwan see sales slump for Free City 2 he decides it is time to kill off Guy. Yet Guy manages to come back and Millie and Keys work to save their game and code. The cameos and video game references galore pack this film for the full runtime. The relationship between Guy and Millie is cute, and even better is the friendship between Guy and his best friend Buddy (Lil Rel Howery). This actually was very well handled and gives the film some expected heart. Even the romance angle that has some breadcrumbs laid out doesn't come up front and center until the last scenes of the film. It also is handled well and to sum it up just sweet. A sweet bow tie of a ending. I can only imagine if they decide to take on a sequel. The possibilities are endless.

Thanks for reading Writing Movie ‘WRONGS’. www.cpmagazine.net




This article will be a guide to my top five new Japanese Action Anime Series that I’m watching and I really like. These Anime has been produced between 2013 and 2021. Some of them have finished already and some are still going. 74



This is the oldest series from this list and it has been produced in 2013 and unfortunately the last season will be in 2022. This anime has a been categorized as Action, Adventure and Horror series with a rating of 9 out of 10. This is the king of anime in-dustry. It’s about a village living inside a wall to prevent the ti-tans from eating them. But the Giant titans gets in and they have to defend themselves.


I will put this anime as the second anime because it has been produced in 2014 and it already ended this year in 2021. It’s about the 7 Holy Knights who called sins, they were protecting the Kingdom from monsters and demons and then has been disassembled. With Action, Adventure, Comedy & Fantasy this is a great anime to watch and it’s available on Netflix to watch.


One of the most favorite anime for me in all time. It’s a story of a world with superheroes and gifted people that make them unique but our main character Izuku Midoriya doesn’t have any gift. Then he meet his symbol of peace All Might and things change for him. Adventure and Action Category and a rating of 8.4


With 28 episodes, 1 season and 1 movie this anime got it popu-larity increasing. It was produced in 2019 and we expect a new season soon. Action and Adventure is what you will expect from this anime and a rating of 8.7. It’s about a family that has been attacked by demons and only 2 members survived. Tanjiro Trying to be a Demon Slayer but his sister has been turned to a Demon. Deserve to be watched.


This is my last anime in the list because it has been produced this year 2021 and I’m still watching it. Action and Drama what makes this anime different and a rating of 8.5. It’s about Takemichi who is a loser in his life get to a death scenario that changes his life. www.cpmagazine.net


MG MOTOR UNVEILS AN EXCLUSIVE MG RX8 BLACK EDITION IN THE MIDDLE EAST MG Motor has revealed a new special edition of its popular seven-seater SUV the MG RX8 in the Middle East this September. The MG RX8 Black Edition introduces a bolder, more assertive look to the range, with a raft of all-black interior and exterior style changes in comparison to other RX8 models. Customers can now purchase the car from the MG distributor in their area. The Black Edition model confidently displays a sleek, stylish black exterior look, that evidently makes it to stand apart from other models in the range. The bold new look is supplemented by black side mirror covers, side mouldings, door handles and roof rails, and rounded off by the Black Edition badge and black chrome finish exhaust and bumper at the rear. The MG RX8 is also powered by an electric side-step that is triggered when you open the door to ensure stepping in and out of your car is convenient. Stunning midnight black 20” alloy wheels further elevate the limited edition RX8’s style. Naturally, the black theme extends to the cabin. The interior of the spacious seven-seater MG RX8 Black Edition is clad in high quality all-black leather, provided by German company ‘Bader’, one of the leading premium leather suppliers in the motoring industry. The highest trim (LUX)



comes with ventilated seats to ensure passengers experience nothing but the best comfort. The MG RX8 is robust and spacious, its ample wheelbase and large third-row space clearly sets itself apart from the competition in its segment. With MG’s newest model, customers can embody who they are by doing what they love without any compromise. Tom Lee, Managing Director of MG Motor’s Middle East operations, commented: “The MG RX8 is a 7-seater flagship that continues to play a leading role as customer’s favourite MG model ever-since its introduction to the region. We continue to work very hard with our partners to deliver the best and most exceptional MG products our customers deserve, and that caters to their needs here in the region. We are confident that with an exclusive special edition from the MG RX8 - in an all-black trim with 13 unique upgrades - customers will experience individuality, exclusivity as well as uniqueness in this special edition.” MG’s seven-seater SUV, the RX8 is a flagship model that is extremely well equipped and spacious. A truly capable 4x4, the RX8 offers a real-time 4x4 Torque on Demand (TOD) System, as well as an advanced 4WD system with six



different driving modes. The RX8 is powered by an efficient 220HP 2.0-litre turbo petrol engine that features Net Blue Technology and develops maximum torque of 360Nm. It is mated to a six-speed automatic gearbox with paddle shift gear change. The car also offers a wireless phone charging and smartphone connectivity with Apple Carplay and Android Auto enable to a 10-inch colour touch-screen. The car offers a ‘theatre-style’ seating design that incorporates a shallow front-to-rear gradient that means passengers in the third-row benefit from an exceptional view with unrivalled 884mm of legroom (the largest third-row space in its class). The MG RX8 Black Edition is now available for sale across the Middle East. This comes at an extremely exciting time for the brand in the region, where it has seen sales rocket over the past couple of years. The car will be available in one trim at $28,900. Prices vary per market and customers are advised to contact their local MG distributor to check stock availability. 78


HERE IS WHY WE THINK THE HUAWEI NOVA 8 IS THE MOST STUNNING CAMERA PHONE YOU CAN GET THIS “BACK TO SCHOOL” SEASON An exceptional 64MP AI Quad Camera for a photography wizardry that captures every moment

Mid-range phones have become very popular amongst users since not everyone can afford flagship phones that tend to come with an expensive price tag. Users of this smartphone category have also become more wary and demanding: they want to get the best and most innovative features at the best possible price, therefore and due to the popularity of this segment, most brands had to step up their games and deliver “affordable flagships” that tend to boast solid features often seen in their flagships for a more accessible price. When it comes to picking one of these phone consumers’ preferences certainly differ. Some prefer multi-camera setups along with the most advanced specs, some people may prefer to have the biggest display possible along with supercharging speeds and others want a solid mid-ranger that delivers all that. Huawei the iconic tech brand is known to deliver across all smartphone categories and one of their many “forte” is the mid-range segment especially the nova series. Huawei recently launched its most stunning camera phone HUAWEI nova 8: Engineered for everyday use, the HUAWEI nova 8 packs a solid 64MP AI quad-camera to explore everything around you, 66W HUAWEI SuperCharge for swift battery refills, 90Hz curved OLED display for total immersion in addition to a Super Device experience powered by EMUI 12 cool features. Read on to find out why we think Huawei’s supernova, the HUAWEI nova 8 is the top 2021 mid-range smartphone available today in (Name of Country) and the most stunning of all mid-range phones this year! A stunning design and display that highlight your taste for a great immersive viewing experience The HUAWEI nova 8 comes in a stunning Blush Gold colourway. From the back, the universe-inspired Nebular Camera System sits elegantly on the exquisite glass panel, giving the device a unique and highly recognisable look. The physical buttons on the side adds functionality and elegance, with a sophisticated glass grinding process, the curved edges from the front and back perfectly fit into the metal mid-frame, making it feel smooth and sleek. Made for the way people today browse and play, the display on the HUAWEI nova 8 supports 90Hz refresh rate and 240Hz sampling rate to make every touch and scroll responsive. With 10-bit colour depth and up to 392 ppi, the display can render up to 1.07 billion colours. Whether for browsing social feeds, reality shows or live streaming, the display shows smoother gradients and more content that is realistic in vivid colours.

Inside the Nebular Camera System is a powerful quad-camera consisting of a 64MP HD Main Camera, 8MP Ultra-Wide angle Camera, 2MP Macro Camera and 2MP Bokeh Camera, which lets users capture when exploring. Using 4-in1 light fusion technology, the 64MP Main Camera makes it easier for people at all skill levels to take pictures in crystal-clear quality. The night cannot stop people from exploring. The Super Night Mode makes photos sharper, brighter and ready to share. HUAWEI nova 8 also makes wide-angle photos look more natural with its 120° Ultra Wide Angle Camera and anti-distortion AI algorithm. To help people create artful photos, the Bokeh Camera creates natural Bokeh effects for portraits, while the Macro Camera takes up-close shots in clear, minute details, with a focus distance of just 4cm.

Lightning-fast 66W HUAWEI SuperCharge

The 66W HUAWEI SuperCharge support saves users the trouble of charging the device frequently, especially during games and movies. It can be charged to 60 percent in just 15 minutes and 100 percent in 35 minutes.

Super Device Experience and unique EMUI 12 features

Under Multi-screen Collaboration, the HUAWEI nova 8 can be connected with a PC to form a powerful Super Device. Once connected, users can open up to 3 windows on the PC and the PC can access mobile files, while the smartphone can function as the PC’s thumb device, making cross-device file management easier than ever. Launched together at the same time with the HUAWEI nova 8 are HUAWEI WATCH 3 | 3 Pro. Users can enjoy the Super Device functions of both devices: They can use their HUAWEI nova 8 as a starting point to order food or a taxi (compatible with certain apps only) and they will get automatic status updates about their orders directly from their HUAWEI WATCH 3 | 3 Pro without the need to constantly juggle the two devices


Running on EMUI 12, the HUAWEI nova 8 offers a smart and seamless experience. The trusted, innovative and secure AppGallery is available on the HUAWEI nova 8, where users can download a wide range of high-quality apps. With MeeTime, users can have high quality video calls with Huawei device users, while sharing screen in real-time and add mark-ups on it. In a nutshell, if you are looking for a new mid-range smartphone that truly crosses all the boundaries set by other smartphones in the market, then the new HUAWEI nova 8 is the way to go, easily making it our top pick for 2021 mid-range smartphone in (Name OF Country) right now and as per its looks it is definitely the most stunning phone of all the mid-range category! www.cpmagazine.net


since 2010


With her concept for the Rado True Thinline Stillness Lidewij Edelkoort has proven once again to have a seismographic feel for socio-cultural trends. Her idea to express people’s increasing need for sustainability, stillness and clarity in the form of a watch has now been honoured with the Green Good DesignTM Award: the renowned prize was awarded to the first timepiece that Rado and the Dutch trend forecaster have created together. The Green Edition is part of the historic Good Design® award programme. Under the Motto “Build a Better World Now” the programme honours exceptional architecture and product designs that use a “green” concept to follow new paths toward a more sustainable environment. Now Rado and Li Edelkoort, who have known each other for many years, have taken just such a new approach. The flowing forms of the ultra-thin Rado True Thinline in high-tech ceramic served as a model for the unconventional new watch. With the True Thinline Stillness, drawn entirely in white, to check the time of day is a conscious, contemplative act. Li Edelkoort describes this as “knowing, and at the same time forgetting, that time is in our hands.” The idea is “to free us from the hectic pace of everyday life by extending our awareness for a second, recognising the grandeur of a minute and the empathetic nature of an hour.” While the design of the product focused on the desire to slow things down, the packaging was driven mainly by sustainability issues. Its main component, for example, uses recycled plastic in the form of a small box that doubles as a travel case, exemplifying the idea of reusability. It is accompanied by a card holder made from black cardboard, while a QR code replaces the usual instruction booklet. Li Edelkoort is convinced that in the future many consumers will choose to buy fewer, but more beautiful and long-lasting products. In this respect the Rado True Thinline Stillness can certainly be seen as an interpretation of the “less is more” design concept, which complements Rado’s product philosophy. As “Master of Materials” the Swiss watchmaker works with longlasting, scratch-resistant materials and timeless forms with a sensual look and feel. The True Thinline Stillness is 39 mm in diameter and has a 5-mm thin off-white case with a frosted sapphire crystal case back featuring the words “STILLNESS / Lidewij Edelkoort / SINCE 2020”. The white dial appears under a domed white frosted sapphire crystal. White hour and minute hands, a transparent Rado logo and a high-tech ceramic bracelet in matching white complete the entirely monochromatic look.

OPPO Reno6 series, OPPO Enco Air and OPPO Enco Buds wireless headphones on sale now in The Middle East The newly-launched OPPO Reno6 Series, OPPO Enco Air and Enco Buds wireless headphones are now available to purchase in the Middle East. The new series comes with two sleek 5G variations, the Reno6 Pro 5G, and Reno6 Z 5G, each of which are capable of capturing every moment, memory, and emotion with equal ease and elan. Revealed in a comprehensive review with renowned tech influencer Omardizer, and OPPO MEA’s Senior Product Manager, Tarek Zaki, the Reno6 Pro 5G stays loyal to its Reno Series predecessors remaining one of the slimmest and lightest smartphones in its class with the looks to boot! As expected with the Reno6 Series, the Reno6 Pro 5G comes with industry-leading features such as the newly introduced Bokeh Flare Portrait Video, providing professional-quality cinematic portrait effect in real time, the upgraded Flash Snapshot which enables clear quick-capture photos, 65W SuperVOOC 2.0 Flash Charge and pro-gaming engines including the 12GB+256GB mega storage, X-axis linear motor, Ultra Large Vapor Chamber, and many more customized features. Ethan Xue, President of OPPO Middle East and North Africa said, “We are thrilled with the initial response to the Reno6 Series in the GCC which has surpassed Reno5 pre-orders by an incredible 300% since it was first announced on September 7th. We look forward to reviewing the creative entries submitted for the TikTok challenge and as a global technology leader, we will continue to enhance and develop the OPPO experience, ensuring that we offer every user the best in technology, design and features.” Alongside the smartphone launch, OPPO has also introduced two True Wireless Earphones, OPPO Enco Air and OPPO Enco Buds. The Reno6 series is now available for purchase from September 15th, 2021 across OPPO’s e-commerce regional websites and retail partner stores in Kuwait, at a retail price of KWD 245.9 for the Reno6 Pro 5G, and KWD 122.9 for the Reno6 Z 5G.



Huawei announces the one and only 2K HUAWEI MateBook 14 laptop in Kuwait

Huawei Consumer Business Group (CBG) announced today the launch of the new HUAWEI MateBook 14 in Kuwait. The 2K all-rounded sleek laptop shares the MateBook series’ design, innovation DNA; featuring a 2K eye-comfort FullView display, 11th Gen Intel® Core™ Processor, Super Devices features, Large battery with 65W SuperCharge in addition to the new and improved HUAWEI Shark fin cooling system to deliver classleading performance. The rich suite of Super Device features offers enhanced all-scenario multi-device experiences that will help users excel in any office scenario. The HUAWEI MateBook 14 will both be available on Huawei’s official website for pre order in Kuwait, starting 30th September 2021 priced at KWD 349.900 alongside a range of accessories, the gift value is KWD 38.900 . Launched together with the HUAWEI MateBook 14 is its smaller iteration – the HUAWEI MateBook 13 with differences in display size and battery capacity The HUAWEI MateBook 13 | 14 2K eye-comfort FullView display Featuring a 2K resolution 2160x1440, a pixel density of 185 pixels per inch (ppi), and support for 100 percent of the sRGB colour space, 1500:1 contrast ratio and peak brightness of 300 nits , the 14-inch FullView Display brings high-res images and Blu-ray films to life while providing great colour accuracy for colour sensitive tasks such as image and video editing.

The highly accurate multi-point touchscreen on HUAWEI MateBook 14 lets users control the notebook as they would a smartphone, or multiple devices at once with Multi-screen Collaboration. Capturing screenshots is as easy as ever with the Huawei-pioneered Finger Gesture Screenshot feature. The FullView display also supports DC Dimming to eliminate flicker, and is certified by TÜV Rheinland for Low Blue Light emissions. Powerful performance delivers smooth experiences HUAWEI MateBook 14 offers 11th Gen Intel® Core™ Processor i7-1165G7 to deliver powerful performance in a lightweight body. Built on the advanced 10nm SuperFin process, the new processor supports fast and stable performance for users to fully express their creativity, whether they are multitasking or handling computation heavy tasks. Super Device capabilities enabling a true smart office experience The HUAWEI MateBook 14 falls under the range of Super Device Products Huawei recently launched. This laptop can connect wirelessly with compatible tablets like the all-new 12.6-inch HUAWEI MatePad Pro and with monitors like the HUAWEI MateView via a USB-C cable providing you with futuristic multi-device collaboration and crossdevice file sharing with simple drag and drop between the trio.

MICHAEL KORS UNVEILS FALL 2021 MICHAEL MICHAEL KORS AND MICHAEL KORS MENS AD CAMPAIGN Michael Kors is pleased to announce the release of a new Fall 2021 ad campaign for MICHAEL Michael Kors and Michael Kors Mens, starring Bella Hadid, Cindy Bruna and Geron McKinley. The campaign is a continuation of the brand’s 2021 theme, “the eye has to travel,” a line borrowed from celebrated editor and fashion icon Diana Vreeland. While Spring focused on dreaming and Summer on escape, the Fall 2021 campaign is all about adventure, discovery and reconnecting with friends. Shot in Brooklyn and Queens by photographer Sean Thomas and video director Shane Sigler, the campaign captures Bella Hadid and friends meeting up and joyfully journeying across the boroughs for fun, much-missed experiences—from walking the Brooklyn Bridge and biking the boardwalk to taking a moped ride in Long Island City and toasting on a fabulous rooftop. “As life starts getting back to normal, I think everyone is looking forward to venturing out and exploring,” says Michael Kors. “For fall we’re taking our fans on a journey just outside of Manhattan and reminding them of all the things we’ve missed over the past year and half. You can feel the energy and excitement of a fresh start in the air.” The campaign highlights a versatile range of chic dresses and casual separates in a neutral palette of camel, ivory and moss green. Outerwear is a major focus, with the campaign featuring everything from a classic puffer to a tailored wool-blend coat. Key handbags for the season include the new Karlie and Lina bags, as well as the Hamilton Legacy satchel in Signature print and croc-embossed leather. For men, urban essentials like oversized outerwear and Signature print backpacks with graphic stripes are must-haves for fall. The global campaign will debut in August, with print ads running in fall issues worldwide. The images will also appear in digital outlets, as well as social media platforms and traditional outdoor media placement. www.cpmagazine.net






1.Byssinosis is a disease affecting which part of the body?

































2.First performed in 1938, and commonly considered one of the saddest of all classical works, who composed Adagio for Strings (it was used in the 1986 film Platoon)? 3.Which American animator created Daffy Duck and Droopy Dog? 4.What range of hills between Northumberland and the Scottish borders gave their name to a farm breed? 5.On April 1st 1957 the normally serious BBC TV news programme Panorama convinced thousands of English viewers that what type of food grew on trees?


6.A spheksophobic fears which insects?


7.In 1992 which scientist and philosopher was absolved of heresy by the Vatican?

TEST YOUR VOCABULARY Which of the following would most likely be the title of a scholarly book?

8.Who is the patron saint of Portugal? 9.Who composed Maple Leaf Rag?

a. Make Money Online b. Recipes for Weight Loss

c. Principles of Philosophy d. How to Find the Perfect Spouse

10.How many pockets does a billiard table normally have? 11.In which US state was the American Declaration of Independence signed on 4th July 1776? 12.Who, in 1990 became the first chancellor of a united Germany? 13.Which country was previously called Persia? 14.Which car manufacturer has a model called the Favorit?

Use the adjective scholarly when you talk about a person who is focused on learning — in other words, a scholar. You can also describe things that relate to studying or knowledge as scholarly, like a scholarly article in a journal or a scholarly atmosphere in a library. The Old English word scolere, or "student," is the root of both scholar and scholarly, from the Latin word for school, schola.

ANSWER: c.Someone who's scholarly is a serious student. You can describe your studious friend who's always working on a research paper or reading a huge book as scholarly.

15.Who was the wing commander who led the 'Dambusters' bomber raids in 1943?


16.The Faroe Islands are an autonomous province of which country? A car can cover a distance of 522 km on 36 liters of petrol. How far can it travel on 14 liters of petrol?

20.What was the oil tanker which ran aground on Bligh Reef in 1989, spilling crude oil into Prince William Sound, off the south coast of Alaska?

B. 223 km. C. 203 km. D. 302 km.

19.Emerald, 20.Exxon Valdez

ANSWERS: 1.Lungs, 2.Samuel Barber, 3.Tex Avery, 4.Cheviot (sheep), 5.Spaghetti (The highly respected broadcaster Richard Dimbleby provided the voiceover, which was a major factor in achieving the hoax, aside from general ignorance among English people of the times about 'foreign food'.), 6.Wasps, 7.Galileo Galilei, 8.St George, 9.Scott Joplin, 10.6, 11.Pennsylvania (in Philadelphia, in the Pennsylvania State House, subsequently renamed Independence Hall and now preserved as a world heritage site. The building was also the original location of the iconic Liberty Bell, which has since been relocated to the Liberty Bell Centre, also in Philadelphia.), 12.Helmut Kohl, 13.The Islamic Republic of Iran, 14.Skoda, 15.Guy Gibson, 16.Denmark (The Faroes, or Faeroes, comprising 18 islands in the North Atlantic between Iceland and Norway, derive their name from Nordic meaning sheep islands, although now virtually all industry and exports are fishing related. It is impossible to be further than 3 miles from the ocean anywhere on the Faroes.), 17.43, 18.Massachusetts,



18.The fashionable island Martha's Vineyard is in which US state? 19.In Western culture what is the birthstone for the month of May?

A. 213 km.


17.How old was Tony Blair when he became British prime minister in 1997?

HOROSCOPES (March 21 - April 19)

(July 23 - August 22)



Get active in September, Aries. With the sun cracking the whip in your solar sixth house of productivity, it’s time to truly assess your schedule. A new moon in that same sector appears on September 6, opening a doorway for you to improve your work/life balance, take on more responsibilities with your employer, or even find another job. This same lunation could bring news regarding your health, but no matter what, it’s crucial to use this period to become focused on your diet and fitness regimen. Mercury retrograde begins on the twenty-sixth, but it could start to cause confusion in your relationships as early as September 6. Focus on how you can communicate clearly with your most significant partner in business or love. Above all, try to delay signing contracts until October. If you need to do so, try to do it at the onset of September to avoid any unnecessary hiccups.

(April 20 - May 20)

TAURUS A crown of stars dances within your solar fifth house of passion throughout the first half of the month, Taurus. This ensures that you will be in love with life and pursuing your heart’s desires. A new moon appears in this zone on September 6 and could open the door to a new creative project, pregnancy, or even soul mate. Single Taurus should use this period to date and look for someone who ignites them. Powerhouse Mars remains here until midmonth, further fanning the fire in your soul. However, come the fourteenth, it moves into your solar sixth house of productivity, ensuring that you’ll be extremely busy with your job or employer in the weeks to come. If you’re out of work, hunt for a great position at this time. Venus begins a heavenly dance with you on September 10 as she casts a spell on you from across the sky. This can bring harmony to all of your relationships and further aid any Taurus making a commitment in the weeks to come. However, do so prior to the Mercury retrograde, which begins officially on the twenty-sixth. You’ll begin to feel it approaching with each passing week of the month.

(May 21 - June 20)

GEMINI Mighty Mars continues to bring activity to your solar fourth house of domesticity until midmonth, Gemini. You might be hard at work handling a family, home, or real estate affair. With the sun and new moon also aiding your plans, a gateway could open to you in the days following September 6. Some Geminis may move, renovate, or see a roommate come or go. Use this energy to reconnect with family too. However, another major focus this month is on your solar fifth house of passion, fertility, and love. Mars tosses a match to ignite this arena beginning on the fourteenth and for weeks to come, ensuring that more fun is on the way. Whether single or attached, now is the time to kindle a fire in your heart. Singles should be on the lookout for prospective suitors, while committed Geminis can bring the spice back into their union. If you’re looking to spend more time with your children or even conceive, the stars are aligning. Yet with a Mercury retrograde in this same sphere beginning near the end of the month, there could also be some confusion or miscommunication around all of these areas, so tread lightly in October.

(June 21 - July 22)

CANCER For weeks, fiery Mars has brought its energy to your solar third house of communication, Cancer. This has intensified your ability to convey your ideas with tremendous persuasive power. On September 6, a new moon appears in this same sector and opens a doorway for you to further connect with others and broadcast messages of importance to you. Some Cancers could get moving on a writing, speaking, marketing, or branding endeavor. Use the time now. However, this energy might instead focus you more on short-distance travel, allowing you to take a break to set sail into new seas. Enjoy the lively and exciting vibe! Sugarcoated Venus shimmies into your solar fifth house of passion beginning on the tenth, lighting up your heart for weeks to come. If single, now is the time to circulate. You might find someone who thinks you’re the cat’s meow. Attached Cancers can share in this sparkle by enjoying even more pleasure with their one and only or by trying for pregnancy.



Powerhouse Mars has been burning a hole through your finances in recent weeks, Leo, so you’re likely thinking a great deal about money. However, with a new moon opening a door to more prosperity for you on September 6, you could now find that a raise, new job, or lucrative client comes your way. In the week that follows this date, spend your time working very hard to balance your budget and monetize more. You could find that you’re finally in a whole new echelon. Next to note is the shift of comfy Venus into your solar fourth house of domesticity, highlighting your home and family as of the tenth. This promises that you may find dazzling items, furniture, and décor to adorn your castle or have a delightful dinner party with friends at your residence. On September 14, Mars turns a corner to bring fire to your mind and ideas as it cranks up the volume in your solar third house of communication. In the weeks ahead, you’ll likely become even more persuasive, and you could begin to tackle new writing, speaking, advertising, or branding projects.

(August 23 - September)

VIRGO The most important month of the year has arrived for you, Virgo. With powerhouse Mars continuing to give you the power to conquer the world until September 14, the time is now to launch every plan in your mind and heart. A new moon in your zodiac sign appears on the sixth, opening a doorway for you to begin working on an important personal project. This is the most significant lunation of the year to take action to create the life of your dreams and show the world what you’ve got. The universe might feel like it’s starting slow down due to an approaching Mercury retrograde phase that begins on September 26, but lucky for you, you have plenty of time at the onset of the month to soar rapidly. The Mercury retrograde will draw attention to your finances and budget, so expect some delays, missed checks, confusion, and expenses in October. Do your best to prepare yourself now. Above all, don’t sign any contracts in October, because they’ll end up just giving you headaches later on down the line. Siren Venus enchants your voice, words, and ideas beginning on the tenth and for weeks to come, so ask for favors, pitch your projects, or do your best to sign on the dotted line as soon as possible. This could instead inspire you to journey on some short-distance vacations, and if you do so, you’ll have a blessed and memorable time.

(September 23 - October)

LIBRA The onset of September could feel especially slow to you, Libra. This is the perfect time to lie low, recharge, rest, and daydream of what you’d like your life to look like in the years ahead. Mighty Mars will be adding emphasis and activity to your solar twelfth house until September 14, which might actually bring you into contact with medical professionals or therapists. If you’ve been delaying a doctor or dentist visit, do so after the new moon on the sixth. This will improve your life moving forward. However, if you’ve instead felt more anxiety or uncertainty about your future, find ways to meditate or connect with someone who can guide you. Happily, powerhouse Mars enters your zodiac sign on September 14, bringing you unmatched power, charisma, and dominance for the weeks to come. You will have the newfound energy to launch significant projects, take the lead in your relationships, and show the world why you are not second best. Yet with Mercury slowing down in your zodiac sign all month, you could be reevaluating your plans and feeling a bit more confused about what you’re after or what will fulfill you.

(October 23 - November)

SCORPIO Powerhouse Mars brings a surge of excitement to your social life until midmonth, Scorpio, making you the belle of the ball. You love the attention and want the world to be in awe of your beauty and power. Now is the time for you to be lifted up by your personal and professional network. Ask for favors, attend events, and above all be proud of the communities that you belong to. On September 6, a new moon appears in this same sector and opens the door for you to reach toward one of your most heartfelt aspirations. If you’d like to expand your network, do so now and you’ll find connections easily come your way. Hedonistic Venus enters your zodiac sign beginning on the tenth and is here for some weeks to come, ensuring that your life will be filled with sweetness, pleasure, and joy. If single, use this auspicious period to find someone who is just your type. Committed Scorpios can also bask in this radiance by having more fun with their partner or children. A full moon in your solar fifth house of passion also enflames your spirit around September 20, when it reaches a crescendo and sings to the night.

(November 22 - December)

SAGITTARIUS September could be one of the biggest months you’ve seen in your professional life in years, Sagittarius. As mighty Mars continues to blaze a trail through your solar tenth house of achievements until midmonth, you’ll be hard at work dominating in order to reach your ambitions. A new job, promotion, or career height could now be close at hand. Also, a sweet new moon in this same sector appears on September 6, opening a door for you to further advance toward your goals. Don’t waste all of this cosmic energy—make your mark on your industry. Do so as soon as you can, though, because with each passing day in September you inch closer toward to a Mercury retrograde that officially begins on the twenty-sixth and could have you reevaluating some of your big goals. Use the energy of Venus in your solar eleventh house of contacts to network your way to the top in the first ten days of the month too. With Mars joining this same aspirational crown of your chart from September 14 onward, your popularity will continue to go through the roof. This can also bless you socially, likely bringing many exhilarating events and celebrations your way. Watch as your calendar fills up to the brim!

(December 22 - January 19)

CAPRICORN Until September 14, powerhouse Mars is sizzling through your solar ninth house of expansion, Capricorn, encouraging you to spread your wings and fly to new horizons. This energy could manifest in a few different ways, perhaps urging you to pursue long-distance travel now or make plans for it in the future. Academic goals could now bubble up, such as the pursuit of a new study or the fine-tuning of a thesis project. If you’re involved in publishing or media, you might also be especially focused on getting everything right so you broadcast your ideas magnificently. The new moon on the sixth activates all of these areas, giving you the extra push that you need. However, come September 14, mighty Mars turns his attention to your greatest ambitions and professional life. As this planet ignites your solar tenth house of achievements for the weeks to come, be prepared to work hard on a milestone project or take on a promotion. Launch everything that you can prior to the twenty-sixth, though, because yet another Mercury retrograde begins at that time. Next to note is that sweet Venus visits your solar eleventh house of friendships from September 10 onward, ensuring you’ll hear from many friends and likely attend at least one spectacular celebration after that.

(January 20 - February 18)

AQUARIUS The early weeks of September put a great deal of focus on your solar eighth house of shared assets and debts, Aquarius. You might be hard at work fighting for a divorce settlement, venture capital, or increased benefits from your job. A large payout could be close at hand. However, instead, you might be investing a great deal of money on your big plans. This same sphere also highlights the income that comes from your partner, and you may see an influx on their end that equally benefits the both of you. A new moon on September 6 should bring a breath of fresh air to this arena. Lock down everything of vital importance as quickly as you can, though, because Mercury retrograde approaches and officially begins on the twenty-sixth. Next to note is Venus lifting you up and placing your name in the heavens beginning on September 10. As she becomes a jewel in the crown of your solar tenth house, you can guarantee that applause, awards, and opportunities for success will be raining down upon you. Authority figures, VIPs, and bosses will favor you greatly.

(February 19 - March 20)

PISCES As powerhouse Mars sizzles across the sky from you, taking your hand and parading into the night, you’re likely to be enamored of your relationships in the first half of the month. With the red planet energizing your solar seventh house, you’re hard at work collaborating with a teammate, business partner, or lover. The time to unite is now, so don’t hold yourself back in solitude. A new moon in this same zone awakens on September 6 and may provide the impetus to grow closer you’ve been hoping for. Some Pisces may move in together, get engaged, or even marry. Single Pisces can also share in this lovely vibration by putting themselves out there to meet prospective suitors who value commitment. Don’t just dance with a casual affair; go for someone with long-term potential! However, be sure to discuss plans and promises early in the month because you don’t want to get close to the approaching Mercury retrograde, which officially begins on the twenty-sixth. All matters will be foggy in the weeks after this date. The most important full moon of the year—in your zodiac sign—appears on September 20. This lunation could bring a culmination, turning point, or major breakthrough to achieving a personal goal. You could be in the spotlight, so show the world what makes you truly special. With all eyes on you, the world will be entranced by your energy. Use your power wisely and you’ll find that blessings abound around every corner.

mkankw www.mkankw.com


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