https://www.pack-print.de AsiaINNOVATIONPrint Magazine Serving Printing, Packaging and Publishing Industries across Asia Pacific since 1985 Issue 8 2022 Gernot Ringling - Messe Düsseldorf Asia Trade shows are back at long last. We talk to Messe Düsseldorf Asia, the organisers of PACK PRINT INTERNATIONAL and CorruTec ASIA which open in October. Full story page 6

The Independent Judging Panel comprises highly qualified personnel from within Asia and around the world. The independent judging panel has no knowledge of the actual entrants details. ALL ENTRIES ARE NUMBER-CODED. Entries must be commercially produced work.
Silver or Bronze award. Proving
Categories 1-8 : Offset Printing Only 1. Calendars – any format 2. Sheetfed Magazines 3. Book printing – less than 4 colours 4. Book printing – 4 or more colours 5. Limited Editions & Artwork Reproductions (under 1000 print run) 6. Web Offset – Coated stock 70gsm and above 7. Web Offset –LWC (light weight coated) 65gsm or less 8. Offset Packaging products Categories 9 - 21 : Digital Printing Only 9. Book Printing 10. Calendars 11. Personalised photo books – any format. 12. Posters 13. Showcards & Point-of-Sale material 14. Digital Magazines 15. Gold, Silver and Special colours 16. Restaurant Menus 17. Limited Editions & Artwork reproductions (under 500 print run) 18. Digital Proofing (must supply the digital proof and the prinnted product) 19. Digital Packaging 20. Digital Labels 21 Digital - Outdoor Billboard Categories 22-26 : Specialty Categories 22. Multi–Piece Productions and Campaigns Any substrate or print process: Multi–piece Production must be 3 or more items such as folder, leaflets, ring binders, inserts, envelopes including their contents. Campaigns must be 3 or more items with a consistent theme produced during the year by the same printer for the same client. 23. Embellishment Any substrate – any combination - for example: embossing – diecutting – foil stamping –laminatingcoating. 24. Innovation / Specialty Printing The entry must exhibit any innovative and/ special ap plication of machinery, process, substrate or finishing. A short description must be provided for the judges, detailing reasons for entry into this category. 25. Company Self Promotion Any item printed to promote a product or com pany involved in the graphic arts industry. Self promotion cannot be entered into any other Category. 26. Judges Special Award (A job that catches all the Judges’ attention) FREE ENTRY FORM DEADLINE 5PM September 3rd 2020 Send your entries to: 9 Wildwood Place, Mulgrave,3170 Victoria, Australia
The Asian Awards the only regional print quality competition of its kind in Asia. Supported by leading industry-supply any progressive quality print house should enter and prove that they are the best - by winning the Gold, pride quality awareness is what customers love to see. It’s not just empty words, you can prove it.
The Thai Printing Association
The annual Asian Print Awards was founded to recognise outstanding achievement in the print and packaging industries across Asia. With more than half the world’s population represented in this fast growing area, communication in the form of printed matter links Asia’s diverse cultures. It is imperative that such print achievements do not go unrecognised, especially among the population base that Asia enjoys.
The Awards are judged on a wholly quality-oriented set of criteria to ensure that fair play is enacted at all times.

SECTION A (This will not be shown to judges). Please fill the form in capital letters. Entered by (company name): ______________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Person: ________________________________________________ Email______________________________________________ Address: SignatureByInkStockBrandDesignerClientPrintedTitleCategoryTelephone:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Country________________________________entered__________________________ofentry(ie:"Paul'sIceCream"):____________________________________________________________by(Printersname):________________________________________________________________________________________name:________________________________________________________PrePressHouse:___________________________________________________________________________________________ofPrintingMachineused:_____________________________________________________________________________________suppliedby(Merchant’sname):______________________________________________________________________________usedtoproducetheentry:____________________________________________________________________________signinghereyouaccepttherulesandconditionsoftheAsianPrintAwardsoverprintedname_____________________________Name_____________________________________________________ SECTION B Production information to be shown to judges ( tape this securely to the back of your entries) Category entered (Same as above): __________ Entry number (Administrative use only] Title of entry (ie: " Paul's Ice Cream" )__________________________________________Print method: _______________________ Number of ink colours (4-6-8 etc) ________ Any Embellishment (foil stamping etc) __________________________________ Quantity produced (Print run copies): ___________ Other technical details (finishing processes etc) ________________________ FREE ENTRY FORM ASIAN PRINT AWARDS 2020 Deadline for Entries Submission: 3rd September 2022, 5pm Remember to submit 2 copies of each job! Why? - Just in case one is damaged. The Awards Dinner will be held in October on the 20th in Bangkok 7 17th Asian Print Awards 2022 Entries MUST arrive by 3rd September 2022 at 5pm Send all entries to APAM Pte Ltd 9 Wildwood Place, Mulgrave, 3170,Victoria, Australia Contact (+61422869728) Additional entry forms can be downloaded online at All entries are non-returnable unless a prepaid self addressed courier pack can be provided 2022 ASIAN PRINT AWARDS! 1. Have you submitted your best work to be judged? 2. Have you checked the work to make sure its 1st class? 3. Check it one more time! 4. Are their 2 copies of each entry ? 5. Is it packed correctly for shipment with 2 copies of each entry ? 6. Have you left enough time for shipment3rd September 2022 is the Deadline 7. Check the address you have written - it should be Asian Print Awards Pte Ltd 9 Wildwood Place Mulgrave, 3170 Victoria - Australia Contact (+61422869728) Good luck and may the regions BEST Printing Companies WIN! For your free entry form

th 2022AsianAwards Published by Asian Print Awards Management Pte Ltd 65 Chulia Street #46-23 OCBC Centre 049513 PrintSingaporeInnovation Asia Labels and Packaging Innovation Asia Asian Print Awards Packageing Excellence Awards Label and Packaging Conferences PublisherPaul elizabeth@printinnovationasia.comPackagingsha@printinnovationasia.comEditorelizabeth@printinnovationasia.comEditorialpaul@printinnovationasia.comCallaghanElizabethLiewShaJumariSalesElizabethLiew Issue 8 - 22 Contents Page AsiaINNOVATIONPrintAWARDS:EXCELLENCEPACKAGINGMagazine2022_018 022 2022 ASIAN PRINT AWARDS 2022 8th December - Bangkok Thailand. See page 59 of this issue for details Asian Print Awards Entry Form 6 PACK PRINT INTERNATIONAL and inaugural CorruTec ASIA exhibitions in full force come October 10 Global print industry shows post Covid recovery and resilience in face of fresh challenges 14 CGS in China – Opportunity amidst Crisis 18 What is the new black? 22 Parksons Packaging orders four sheetfed offset presses 24 Autonomous mobile robots become next big bet in industrial operations, finds GlobalData 26 Realizing high-quality service and contributing to the community. 30 Leading book printer ventures into full-colour printing on heavy stock 34 Avestar Packaging starting from the world’s largest format packaging printing 38 BookBaby Expands into Digital Roll-Fed Printing with Xeikon 40 First EFI Nozomi 14000 in the Middle East 42 XSYS sharpens its focus in APAC to help customers face challenging market conditions 46 World-first recyclable paper pack for frozen food 48 Gallus Launches a Pure Digital Inkjet Label Press 50 Supporting customers’ growing transition to flexo 52 Nabe Process Corporation Validates CrystalCleanConnect Benefits 54 Indusrty news from the region & around the world 59 Asian PAckaging Excellecne Awards free enrty form and the SHIFT 22 Bangkok Confercne dates and information

Print Innovation Asia Issue 8 2022 6
Q. What impact has this had on the exhibitor support for the exhibition at Bitec on 19th to the 22nd October this year.
PACK PRINT INTERNATIONAL and CorruTec ASIA exhibitions held in BITEC Bangkok in October will give us all a chance to catch up and talk shop, no Zoom or Teams needed! We talked to Mr Gernot Ringling, Managing Director, Messe Düsseldorf Asia.
GR. As the first physical edition since 2019, we are very optimistic, positive and looking forward to PACK PRINT INTERNATIONAL happening at BITEC in October. Our project teams are still hard at work and our usual line-up of exhibitors are all on board, and compared to the previous edition though there is the lack of participation from China, we are generally happy to be at this pace and look forward to welcoming more than 200 exhibitors.
There is no doubt it has been a challenging period for the MICE (Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions) sector these last few years. It is probably fair to say that the MICE industry, the world over, has been one of the most affected sectors by the COVID-19 pandemic, apart from tourism and the aviation sector. International travel restrictions, border control measures, and national restrictions on large-scale events posed multiple challenges.
GR. The last edition of PACK PRINT INTERNATIONAL was in 2019and due to the pandemic and travel restrictions, we had to postpone exhibition dates a couple of times over the last two years. We are looking forward to staging the exhibition this year and again next year – odd years is when the exhibition typically takes place, so it returns to its regular exhibition cycle in 2023.
Q. Its been 3 years (or thereabouts) since we last had the regional PPI and this year will also see the debut of CorruTec ASIA exhibition in Bangkok. Then came along the Pandemic. How has Messe Düsseldorf Asia been able to survive as exhibitions were 100% the hardest hit of any business areas.
PACK PRINT INTERNATIONAL CorruTec ASIA exhibitions in It’s long overdue, we need to get back face to face as we come out of COVID-19 hibernation.

Gernot RinglingMesse Düsseldorf Asia
International participation remains strong, and we are encouraged by the response which is testament to the relevance and appeal of PPI, the willingness to travel for business, and more importantly the significance of the Southeast Asian region.
I think it is also interesting to mention that with online events, visitor registration also tends to lack urgency with many people registering a few days before the event. This is very unlike physical events where most visitors tend to sign up weeks and months ahead of the exhibition. On that note, looking at visitor registration numbers to date for PPI, we are encouraged and look forward to healthy attendance throughout the 4-day event. The strong list of participating companies from around the world including leading brand names, are also very encouraging and testament to the industry’s trust in the PPI brand. As we look ahead with optimism, we strongly believe that in-person interactions will remain powerful and unlikely to be replaced by digital events in a dominant way. In fact, in many ways the pandemic has magnified the value and power of human connection and importance of face-to-face interactions, and how all of us miss those magical interactions that make the world of exhibitions so unique. There is merit to having an online presence and a digital extension to the physical trade fair, but purely digital does not work. B2B is still
GR. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the world was thrust almost entirely into a digital space - from weekly online department meetings to webinars to social gatherings. In many cases we were working, talking, recreating, and socialising in an entirely digital world. So much so, there was some level of zoom / video call fatigue across many sectors – including MICE.
Print Innovation Asia Issue 8 20227
Q. Do you have any COVID restrictions being mandated at the show, i.e: mask wearing etc. GR. We will adhere closely to the stipulated rules and regulations by the Thai authorities and BITEC as our venue partner on the mandated health, hygiene and safety requirements, and we will follow the recommendations and advisories of the Department of Health where masks are concerned.
Q. What do you feel the attendees are thinking, do they want to meet at a trade show now it’s possible or has Zoom, Microsoft Teams etc become the new norm for doing business in our region.
INTERNATIONAL and inaugural in full force come October hibernation.Bangkokneeded!

GR. PPI 2022 will include a line-up of knowledge-driven conferences and seminars with highlights that include the 2022 Asian Print Awards – Held annually since 2002, the Awards are a highlight of the printing calendar, where printers and leading suppliers from around Asia are awarded for their print production excellence. There will also be conferences with Food Focus Thailand – centred on design and innovation, as well as a conference on sustainable package design by GS1 Thailand.
Q. What other activities have been organised to help make PPI remain the most important trade event for Packaging and Printing in the Asian region.
predominantly an in-person and faceto-face activity. The pandemic has taught us many things, and high on the list is the value and importance of human-to-human contact. Technology definitely helps on many fronts, from management, control, to sustainability. We continue to learn best ways to combine the aspects of technology while respecting the value of in-person events.
Q. Do you think that the exhibition will reach its projected attendees target, in the past this has been the largest event in terms of numbers for our industry in the region.
Q. What has the feedback been like from the trade associations, in the past they have been very strong supporters, bringing many trade visitors to the show.
GR. With exhibition highlights that include machinery, technology and equipment under the categories of; Artificial Intelligence, sustainability, digital economy, 3D printing, security and safety, to premium design; PPI 2022 will showcase industry heavyweights from international brands such as: Bobst, CGS Publishing Technology International, Epson, Fujifilm, Heidelberg, HP, Konica Minolta, Kyocera, Riso, Tsukatani, Siegwerk, Zund, as well as Comprint, Cyber SM, Nationwide, Sansin Printing Machine Material to name a few.
With the inaugural edition of CorruTec Asia – International Corrugated Technology Exhibition for Asia, happening alongside PPI, this firsttime collaboration with the Thai Corrugated Packaging Association is also testament to the confidence and trust in Messe Düsseldorf Asia and the Messe Düsseldorf group’s elaborate network of over 100 representatives and subsidiary offices around the world.
GR. We continue to work closely with our partner industry associations and the industry at large – in fact it is important to reiterate that PPI is jointly organised by The Thai Packaging and The Thai Printing Associations, so it is an exhibition for the industry by the industry.Aftera decades-long partnership, we continue to be collaborative and have a positive relationship that continues to strengthen with each edition. Together, we are optimistic and confident of a strong showing this year with some of the best packaging and printing technology and innovations on show for the entire regional industry.
Q. Looking ahead from PPI you have several other trade events for our industry in the region, how are these progressing and are you confident they will deliver the goods!
GR. We have a number of trade fairs coming up in the next few months and we are happy to share that they are all progressing well and we are confident that we will see strong and promising turnouts. Though we won’t see preCOVID sizes returning as yet, we are optimistic that by 2024 we will get there.

Global print industry Covid recovery and face of fresh challenges

The results from the survey show an industry that is on average across the globe a little more confident for the future than when last surveyed in 2019, before the pandemic. The Packaging market is strongest, but Commercial, Publishing and Functional markets all show signs of recovery in 2023. Regionally, confidence levels vary e.g. Asia and South America expect better trading in 2023 while Europe is downbeat given the Russia/Ukraine war and its consequences. Investment fell inevitably during the last two years, but printers and suppliers both reported strong plans for capital expenditure. Sabine Geldermann, Director Print Technologies at Messe Düsseldorf, commented: “Printers and Suppliers know they must innovate to succeed in the longer term. The shocks of the last two years pegged back investment, but the survey indicates that the industry expects recovery to start in 2023. All regions and markets forecast higher investment in the coming year.”
The first results from a survey conducted this spring are now available. One important conclusion: overall, confidence is on the rise and all regions and markets forecast higher investment in 2023.
Revenues Prices Utilisation Margins Revenues Prices Margins Key printersmeasuresfinancialfor2022 % net positivebalancevnegative Actual 2022 Forecast 2023 Commercial Publishing Packaging Functional Actual 2019 4020100305060 +46% +71% +39% +18% -25% -10% -23% -48% +50% +64% +16% -18% -4% -36% Key suppliersmeasuresfinancialfor2022 drupa Printer Barometer economic confidence 2022 Global and by region 17% GLOBAL 18% 27% EUROPE 25% 20% 7% S/C AMERICA -14% 17% 36% ASIA 6% 21% 57% drupa 2022confidenceeconomicBarometerSupplierbymarket % Risen % Fallen % Risen % Fallen % net balance positive v negative
industry shows post and resilience in challenges
The findings come from the 8th Global Trends online survey, when over 500 senior decision makers on the part of print service providers and machine manufacturers/suppliers worldwide completed an extended survey in spring 2022. The survey was conducted by the commissioned partners Printfuture (UK) and Wissler & Partner (Switzerland) on behalf of drupa.
The 8th drupa Global Trends Report will be published in September 2022.

Print Innovation Asia Issue 8 2022 12
Globally, since 2019 there has been an increase from 17% of turnover to 26% and this major increase is reflected to varying degrees across all markets. Socio-economic pressures and the global economic market Socio-economic pressures are having a major impact across the globe, although they vary in influence between regions.
Confidence depends on market and region Globally 18% more printers described their company’s economic condition as ‘good’ compared with those that reported it as ‘poor’. For suppliers the net positive balance was even stronger at 32%. As always, confidence varies between regions and markets.
The Packaging market is thriving with Publishing and Commercial facing structural changes from digitisation but with signs of confidence returning. Regionally the picture is mixed with Europe clearly concerned about the consequences of the Russia/Ukraine war but others e.g., Asia and South/ Central America, expect trade to pick up further in 2023 as economic momentum builds post pandemic.
For example, 62% of printers in Asia chose Pandemics as the biggest threat, while in Europe this was chosen by 51%. And while 32% of European printers chose Physical wars, this was chosen by only 6% of those in South/ Central Instead,America.58%of them chose the threat of economic recession.
Print volume and investment plans
Analysis of print volume in 2022 by press type, shows continuing decline in Sheetfed offset among Commercial printers matched by increases among Packaging printers. Flexo volumes continue to accelerate for Packaging printers, while all markets reported increased volumes using Digital toner cutsheet colour and all but Publishing with Digital inkjet rollfed colour. Despite the active decline in the volume of Sheetfed offset in Commercial markets, this was the most popular press type for investment in 2023 across all markets except Packaging, where Flexo led, followed by Sheetfed offset. Digital toner cutsheet colour was the second most popular target for all other markets. Finishing equipment is the second most popular target for investment after new presses. Web-to-Print While there was virtually no increase in the proportion of turnover won by Web-to-Print installations between 2014 and 2019, over the last two years the proportion won by that means has shot up for those with such installations.
The global economic market has experienced more shocks in the last two years than at any time since the Second World War. Yet this survey shows that print is still a central means of communication in all markets and regions and that while there are challenging times ahead, the industry has both the confidence and the determination to succeed. Wise strategic investment will ensure that printers and their suppliers will thrive. Infographics and obtaining the full Infographicsreports showing the key findings are attached to this press release. The full report in English will be released by the end of September and available for sale from The executive summary will be available for free in German, English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian and drupaChinese.has been surveying international print service providers and suppliers since 2013 in order to shed light on industry and global megatrends, market potential and innovations in all key areas of the print industry. For further information on the drupa Global Trends Report and previously published editions (Executive Summaries), please click here:
Richard Gray, Operations Director at Printfuture, stated: “Socio-economic pressures are increasingly important to printers and suppliers alike, so much so that 59% thought these were now either as important or more important than print market pressures.”

Print Innovation Asia Issue 8 202213 Top two print technology investment plans by market 2022 31%18% Global total Sheetfed offset Digital cutsheettonercolour Cap Ex Printers 2022 Global and by market % net balance positive v negative Actual 2019 Actual 2022 Forecast 2023 Commercial Publishing Packaging 5040302010050403020100 Global Print technology2022volumeby % net positivebalancevnegativeCommercialPublishingTotalPackaging % of those with web-to-print with >25% turnover W2P % Commercial Publishing PackagingTotal 20100515253035 -40-20-10010203040 Sheetfedoffset Flexo Digital cutsheettonercolour Digital inkjet rollfedActualcolour2014 Forecast 2022Actual 2019 Publishing –Digital toner cutsheet Sheetfedcolouroffset27% 27% 39% 34% Packaging –SheetfedFlexo offset 26% 30%CommercialSheetfed offset Digital toner cutsheet colour
While the rest of the world is gaining momentum postpandemic, China still struggles as the city lockdowns continue to be a fixture.
“South China has always been a relatively advanced region of China's
CGS in China –Opportunity amidst Crisis
“China’s printing industry is currently dealing in the era of small profits. Now print buyers are demanding higher quality, which causes the profits of printing suppliers to become lower and lower. Meanwhile, competition is fierce. The cost of printing materials is rising, along with the cost of human resources,” said Xiao.
Lilly Xiao, CGS China
“Our business was affected from April to June this year, but from July onwards, some of our key projects came to a close. More projects have also been picked up, so our business is definitely recovering – and recovering fast,” said Xiao.
China’s strict zero-Covid policies has been one of the biggest drivers of the country’s stalled economy and impeded global supply chains. China’s print and packaging industry were similarly “Fromscathed. the beginning of March this year, Covid-19 broke out in several cities including Shanghai and Shenzhen. Since then, Shanghai has been in lockdown. This greatly affected public confidence and led to a lack of consumption motivation. Thus, the packaging and printing of consumer goods also suffered a great impact,” said Lilly Xiao, General Manager of the Greater China region for CGS ORIS.
“In times of crisis, there are opportunities too. We’ve found that in difficult times, more printing and packaging enterprises will start to think printing and packaging industry, which has a high concentration of many excellent printing and packaging enterprises. These enterprises are serving global brand owners and boasts an international clientele, so their standards are high. More and more of these printing groups are choosing CGS’ colour management and prototyping solutions to execute their ideas and visions,” said Xiao.
about implementing solutions that help to optimise the production process. These solutions can ultimately help businesses to control costs, optimise profits and develop in a healthier manner. This is where CGS can come in with our solutions,” Xiao continued.
“That said, packaging printing enterprises are also understanding the importance of colour management systems. More and more people are realising that it is important to do process control or colour consistency by digital means,” said Xiao.
Xiao added that CGS’ current reach in China has been on a steady rise since. Its largest growth segments in the country is South China, specifically the Guangdong province.
Print Innovation Asia Issue 8 2022 14

toConnectGrow Connect to Grow. That is your key to stay ahead in a demanding market. By connecting with MPSConnect, you ensure the best in reliability and productivity from your printing press. You will increase competitive advantages and maximize profits. To improve productivity and profi tability, it’s critical to increase the understanding of your overall label print operation. With MPSConnect, you get real-time insights in the operator activities. You dive into the printing press and see exactly what’s happening. With MPSConnect we see recurring annual cost savings of €50,000 - €100,000 and even more thanks to a more efficient workflow, time management and waste reduction. Unleash your printing potential

CGS recently installed its X GAMUT solution at JINJIA Group in Shenzhen. Specialising in the design and printing of packaging, the JINJIA Group in Shenzhen had purchased the HP indigo 5600 press years ago to digital proof its packaging, specifically for cigarettes. However, the company found that the colours of the Indigo press was far off from the colours produced on their offset machines. Due to this, the spot colours cannot be reproduced on the Indigo quickly and accurately.
As the print and packaging industry continue to grow, so does the need for colour consistency. Due to this, customers in China are seeking colour management solutions for digital press and prototyping solutions for packaging printing.
“JINJIA had two 6+2 offset presses working full time just for proofing. In the past, there were more than 3,000 proofing jobs every year, which costs them more than 50 million RMB! Now, they could make accurate proofs on the Indigo in a matter of several minutes. This can predictably save them 1 million RMB every year,” Xiao continued.
Targeting Brand Owners
“For example, we held the latest workshop in Fujifilm’s branch in Guangzhou on August 12. There, we introduced the advanced digital printing technology, CGS FlexPack packaging proofing system and ECG printing cases, which uses our X GAMUT multi-colour separation solutions. We will continue to organise workshops in different cities, and introduce more of our solutions to the China market,” said Xiao.
“In June, we installed the CGS X GAMUT solution and offered technical training for the JINJIA Group. With CGS ORIS Color Tuner Gamut Viewer X Gamut training for Cigarette packet printing enterprises our X GAMUT, JINJIA is now able to control the colour produced, and maximise the use of the HP Indigo press,” said Xiao. X GAMUT is a fully automatic colour management software for extended colour printing on digital and conventional presses.
“This is why this year, we are focusing on colour management service for brand owners as well. Colour management knowledge and knowhow are also important to them. If brand owners do not understand any colour reproduction technology, the printing providers would have to spend more time and cost communicating with them on colours. We hope to help this colour communication process from the whole supply chain,” Xiao concluded.
Print Innovation Asia Issue 8 2022 16
“Recently, product life cycles are getting shorter and shorter, and packaging and label designs are becoming more variable. Therefore, brand owners demand that the time for proofing and confirmation to be as short as possible,” said Xiao.
CGS is also extending their colour management expertise across the supply chain, specifically the brand owners. Colour management knowledge and know-how are also important to the brand “Printingowners.and packaging companies are not the only ones with colour issues; brand owners are also facing the same difficulties especially when their brand colours are printed on different materials,” said Xiao.
Colour Consistency for Packaging
In addition to workshops, webinars were an effective marketing tool for CGS. This was especially so at the height of the recent pandemic wave that hit the country.
“During the lockdown of Shanghai, together with our dealer, Shenzhen Sunrise, we invited our partners –Fujifilm Business Innovation, Konica Minolta, Ricoh, Landa, SCREEN, Hanglobal, amongst others – to hold more than 10 webinars to introduce various digital printing and colour management technologies and applications on digital presses. We were able to record more than 5,000 attendees to our webinars,” said Xiao.
“This is why you’ll find more and more packaging printing companies are investing in digital presses. As both colour management technology and inkjet technology has matured, proofing on a digital printer is far more achievable,” said Xiao. “However, if the colour consistency is not accurate, then the job switch between digital printing and traditional printing may take up a lot of additional time and incur a high CGS’cost.” colour management solutions ensure accurate and consistent colour.
“In the past two years, we did many user workshops to introduce our solutions and success stories in different cities in China,” said Xiao.
Reaching out to Customers in Times of Crisis In order to reach its customers in times of active lockdowns, CGS has been conducting user workshops to introduce its solutions and success stories. The workshops were held at different cities in China, either at sites of new users or partner locations. Ink Saving is so much more than just reducing costs: It helps optimizing the entire production process. How? Learn more Quality EnvironmentalimprovementresistanceEcofriendlyFasterdrying

Have you seen the latest Rolls-Royce? The Black Badge Ghost. It’s the blackest Rolls-Royce ever specified, featuring the “deepest, darkest, heaviest black” ever put on a Rolls-Royce. The marketing for this new edition is almost all around the all-encompassing black colour scheme.
What is the new black?
But the most exclusive and sought after of all blacks is something called Vantablack. It is the darkest manmade material on the planet, and uses nanoparticles to absorb virtually all light. It has properties useful to industry and naturally has attracted the interest of the art world. Where a celebrated artist obtained exclusive rights to the use of the blackest black. And another responded by creating the pinkest pink pigment, and making it available to anyone to buy – except the aforementioned artist with rights to Vantablack. Colour can certainly stir Theemotions.factis colour is a primal concept that informs, affects, and inspires us every day. We care about colour and respond in different ways to different colours thanks to their weight of associations, such as black for luxury and pink for affection.
This is the realm of colour psychology: the study of how colour affects human behaviour and emotions. It is widely believed that the ability of colours to evoke certain emotions is linked to memories that we have of those specific tones from throughout our lives.
Colour’s central role in our lives is highlighted by the annual interest in Pantone’s colour of the year. Each year, there seems to be more coverage as the media have come to understand the level of interest in this announcement. According to the company, the “courageous” periwinkle shade Very

PRINTINNOVATIONAWARDS20 22 IS NOW Let us catalyse your creativity and extend the boundaries of print together. Shine with us and showcase your talent across the Asia Pacific. Submit your works now at before 30 September 2022, 6pm (SGT) Innovation Print Award (IPA) is an annual competition organised to acknowledge and spur FUJIFILM Business Innovation’s customers creativity and innovation in print.

Thenextensively.there’s blue. With its association with calm and stability. Ford, Facebook, and American Express use blue to express these concepts.
Print Innovation Asia Issue 8 2022 20
Lastly orange which can convey creativity, adventure, and friendliness. It is good at capturing attention and is used by EasyJet and Harley Davidson. So, to gain, a richer and more insightful, appreciation of how your clients aspire to engage with their customers, take a good look at the colours that predominate in the items you print for them. The importance of colour can’t be overestimated. The impressionist master Claude Monet would agree. He said, “colour is my day-long obsession, joy, and torment.” Yeah, a bit extreme maybe but those of us who are not tortured geniuses can also appreciate the beauty and meaning of colour.
Let’s pick just a handful of colours to illustrate how the choice of colour in marketing collateral send signals and evokes emotions.
Peri encourages personal inventiveness and clients will be tuned into colour psychology as their goal is to create a connection with their audience, building brand awareness and loyalty. And without consciously realising it, consumers are already making assumptions about the style and tone of a brand simply from the colours present.
Red. It is one of the most popular colours used by marketeers. And for good reasons. It’s a powerful tone that can stimulate strong emotions, it is used by brands to represent characteristics such as action, boldness and even hunger as seeing red accelerates the blood flow, and in turn the metabolism which can make us hungry. Hence Coca Cola, KFC, and McDonalds all use red

The EFI™ VUTEk® Q3r and Q5r superwide roll-to-roll inkjet printers make you look your best. Because they provide the highest image quality at the highest rated speed. You get a complete print to finished graphic workflow – from RIP to final product – on the same platform. Your new capabilities can encompass automatic in-line quality inspection, inline slitting and cutting, Roll & Tape, and more. Let’s build your brilliant future. Together. Scan to learn how to add colourful capabilities. Your capabilities never looked better © 2022 ELECTRONICS FOR IMAGING, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. | WWW.EFI.COM

Print Innovation Asia Issue 8 2022 22
One of the four presses – a Rapida 106 seven-colour coater press – has already been installed at the Rajpura plant in the northern Indian state of Punjab. The second is currently en route to Sri City in Andhra Pradesh. The third press has been earmarked for shipment in December and the fourth by April next Packagingyear.
Parksons Packaging orders four sheetfed offset presses
Ramesh Kejriwal (2nd from left) ordered four Rapida 106 presses from Koenig & Bauer. During a visit to the manufacturing plant, he was happy to pose with senior sales manager Bhupinder Sethi and Global senior sales director Dietmar Heyduck from Koenig & Bauer, as well as Aditya Surana, managing director of sales partner Indo Polygraph Machinery (left to right), in front of a press from the 106 series
Eight production locations in total following the acquisition of Manohar Packagings Parksons Packaging has been one of India’s most prominent Rapida users. More than 100 printing and finishing units are in use at the eight production plants operated by the packaging group. And more are now joining that number: Parksons Packaging recently concluded the biggest single order by an Indian customer to date and is investing in four high-performance Rapida 106 presses for the extended medium format. The presses concerned – for the most part six-colour coater presses, comprising a total of 29 printing and finishing units – will, in turn, be used in several production locations spread across the Indian subcontinent.
print in medium and half ComeformatsApril 2023, Parksons Packaging will have installed and commissioned 17 sheetfed offset presses from Koenig & Bauer, mainly in medium format, but with one also in half format (max. sheet format 530 × 750 mm). That adds up to more than 130 printing and finishing units. Even apart from the latest press investments, Parksons Packaging is on a clear growth trajectory. At the end of last year, the group acquired Manohar Packagings, a specialist producer of packaging for alcoholic beverages with plants in Goa and Rajpura. This now puts eight production facilities at Parksons’ disposal in seven different locations – in Rudrapur, Chakan, Daman, Goa, Rajpura, Sri City and High-performanceGuwahati. Rapida technology Not for the first time, the team at Parksons Packaging were won over by the outstanding productivity of sheetfed offset presses from Koenig & Bauer. Frequent reductions in job changeover times of 30 to 40 per cent have been made possible.
Soon more than 130 Rapida printing units in use
Production to commence from August 2022

Autonomous mobile robots industrial operations, finds GlobalData
latest Innovation radar report, ‘Smart robotics: how mobile robots can improve productivity’, shows how enterprises and startups are
Kiran Raj, Practice Head of Disruptive Tech at GlobalData, comments: “The advent of AMRs as smarter and more adaptable substitutes to the automated guided vehicles (AGVs) for a wide range of applications in industrial operations is receiving a lot of attention. With advanced mechatronic capabilities, they are becoming an essential choice, particularly amid manpower shortages, as they can move and make decisions on their Abhishekown.”Paul Choudhury, Senior Disruptive Tech Analyst at GlobalData, comments: “Unlike an AGV that developing and adopting autonomous mobile robots across various sectors to improve productivity in the land, water, and air.
Print Innovation Asia Issue 8 2022 24
As automation becomes the new normal for businesses in the era of Industry 4.0 to achieve higher efficiencies and lower costs, autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) are increasingly finding applications in the mobile robotics ecosystem, finds GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company.
Automotive Ford has developed a KUKA-built AMR ‘Javier’ that can operate a 3D printer to print car parts. The auto giant claims that Javier is accurate in its motions, takes short breaks to recharge the batteries, and completes tasks on time while leveraging printer data to learn and enhance its performance over time. can identify impediments in its path but cannot navigate around them, an AMR can navigate using maps created on-site by its software or preloaded facility designs. They are quickly gaining popularity among several sectors owing to their autonomous and versatile nature boosted by emerging technologies such as simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) GlobalData’scapabilities.”

become next big bet in GlobalData
Print Innovation Asia Issue 8 202225
Choudhury concludes: “AMRs are collaborative and adaptable to future implementations since they can avoid barriers and relieve people of repetitive work while allowing them to focus on more productive and enriching activities. As simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) technology and robotics-as-a-service (RaaS) model evolve, more sectors will witness the commercial roll out of new and exciting AMR implementation use cases in the future.”
Retail California’s technology startup Ottonomy developed the world’s first fully autonomous delivery robot ‘Ottobot’, which leverages the company’s proprietary contextual mobility navigation software to navigate through crowded and unpredictable environments. CVG Airport, Cincinnati partnered with the startup to use Ottobots for delivering retail and food items at the airport. Concurrently, retailer Presto has selected the company for the delivery of its orders with Ottobots.
Logistics Chinese logistic startup Geek+ partnered with domestic smart logistics and integrated solutions provider Engero to create the world’s first fully automated intelligent cold chain port warehouse in Tianjin, China. The goods requiring cold chain storage are transported by Geek+’s MP1000R AMRs to the depot area for customs inspection and disinfection, and then moved to the storage area for further processing and distribution.
Packaging Amazon has recently launched its first fully-autonomous robot ‘Proteus' that can autonomously move through facilities to pick up and place goods transporting carts (GoCarts) containing packages. It can be automatically instructed to autonomously carry out its function and move around employees without the need to be confined to any fixed working areas.
Simultaneously, the e-commerce giant is currently testing a prototype of Cardinal, a robotic arm for handling packages of around 20kg.

In April 2018, Daiichi installed their first Speedmaster XL106-8-P with DryStar LED. This peak performance Heidelberg XL Press was installed to meet the increa-sing demand as well as to meet the changing environmental expectations within the printing Sinceindustry.its introduction, the company has achieved and deployed fully autonomous printing using their productivity and reliability for their customers. The latest 2020 Generation Speedmaster is the core printing press for the company. We are able to produce high-level printed products, with “high-quality service“ which was our ultimate goal. We also wanted to contribute to and revitalize the local community.”
The company‘s president, Mr. Hajime Hori, noted that although Japan was being disrupted by the Corona di-saster, they took the decision to purchase the machine to strengthen
Realizing contributinghigh-qualitytothecommunity.
Print Innovation Asia Issue 8 2022 26
Daiichi Printing Co., Ltd.,(Daiichi) with 240 employees, is a comprehensive printing company headquartered in Niigata City, Japan.
The company is constantly aiming to exceed the value and expectations of their clients. With a one-stop service that integrates everything from planning to prin-ting and delivery, as well as digital, video, promotion, and outsourcing. whilst at the same time contributing to the local community.
“The first is the realization of a oneman operation. A similar machine usually requires two operators, but this a more intel-ligent and automated machine and can be operated Heidelberg‘s Push to Stop philosophy, achieving the world‘s highest level of print quality in 2020. Achieving a global OEE average of 20, while it was said to be in the desired percentage range, we actually managed to achieve a figure of 37.7%, which far exceeds the target OEE of 31%.
Three points improving the company’s production model Hironobu Koide, managing director identified three points as the aim of this new press.
In February 2021, Daiichi invested in a second press, the latest 2020 Generation Speedmaster XL106-8-P DryStar LED, which was customized to suit the high levels of productivity and quality that Daiichi had established and wanted to continue achieving.

The third was the redesign of the entire printing production process.
by one person. The additional manpower can be then allocated to other processes so that the productivity of the entire group can be increased.
Print Innovation Asia Issue 8 202227
"The latest 2020 Generation Speedmaster the core printing press for the company. are able to produce high-level printed products, with “high-quality service“ which was our ultimate goal." Mr Hajime Hori President of Daiichi Printing Co., Ltd.
high-quality service community.and
Heidelberg Assistant software is used for the collection of vast amounts of data from internet-connected machines with software for production analysis as well as for predictive Wemaintenance.alsopurchase printing materials online and down-load invoices from
We have reduced the number of fullsize printing presses from six to four. By reusing the factory space created by this, we have optimized the workflow within the factory and improved the efficien-cy of our production control.”
The second is efficiency by moving to a common prin-ting plate size reducing the complexity of plate sizes and automating the plate making process. We now have choices to share the workload between machines and streamline the post press processes.
Accelerate production innovation with the Speedmaster XL106-8-P DryStar LED 2020 Generation

• The most highly automated and most intelligent Speedmaster delivering operator-independent high
One month after the introduction of the 2020 Genera-tion Speedmaster XL106-8-P DryStar LED it has printed more than 2 million impressions, and the production record is about 1.4 times that of the previous year. “In the future, we will aim for 1.5 times more productivity with the two Speedmaster XL106s, which means that we will have three productions from two machines, and another invisible XL106.” Mr. Koide said with a smi-le his willingness to further improve productivity.
• / register measurement control system „Prinect Inpress Control 3“ accurately measures and controls the color and register during printing even at the highest speed.
• Robust mechanical design delivering smooth operation at speeds of up to 18,000 sheets per hour.
Heidelberg eShop. It is a convenient IoT tool that you can use.
Heidelberg Assistant, according to Mr. Kiyoto Minami, General Manager of Product D‘s NET Promotion Office, Manufacturing Headquarters, who introduced Heidel-berg Assistant is an indispensable tool for daily work, I use it every day to see the performance of the machine and turn the PDCA cycle to improve our production efficiency as well as checking the condition of the machine, schedule service calls, order status of parts and maintenance. I use it in various situations such as checking the contract status of the company.
„The first thing I see after coming to work every day is Prinect’ s analyze point, I see the operating status data over time, not just the fixed numbers such as operating time and average number of revolutions.
• Variable air transfer system with dynamic sheet space control provides non-contact paper transfer based on characteristic profiles for excellent print quality for single-sided and double-sided printing.
Print Innovation Asia Issue 8 2022 28
The operators are working hard whilst looking at the OEE on the wall screen of the machine, which is a great motivation. I think this also leads to an improvement in the productivity of the entire factory.
Haruo Nakata, general manager manufacturing, said that Prinect analyze point is indispensable for the business.
The latest 2020 Generation Speedmaster XL106-8-P DryStar LED features include:

Print Innovation Asia Issue 8 202229 Open-up your operating window for flexo production and experience colorconsistency, efficiency and profitability on every job. It’s time to reset the qualityefficiency balance in wide web, flexible packaging with PureFlexo™ Printing. The KODAK FLEXCEL NX System with PureFlexo Printing leverages our expertise in highly controlled ink transfer mechanisms to deliver unprecedented power to: Reset your quality-efficiency balance today. Visit PureFlexo™ Printing. Quality + efficiency + profitability. Now possible, on every job. MIRACLON.COM/GO/PUREFLEXO © 2022 Miraclon Corporation. FLEXCEL and PureFlexo are trademarks of Miraclon. The Kodak trademark, Kodak logo and trade dress are used under license from Kodak. Reduce unscheduled press Experiencestops more predictable color Decrease press-to-proof match issues Save time and money across the production cycle PureFlexo Printing in action Without PureFlexo Printing Digital File Lower Dot GainPureFlexo Printing Dot Bridging Dot Growth Ink Build Up Smoother, more even ink laydown

To make further progress at a new stage in the future, it was essential for us to enter the field of high-quality book printing using multicolor printing on heavy stock. Since 2018, we have seen a growing need for multicolor printing on heavy stock. To meet this demand, we considered the use of a new eightcolor convertible press.
FNanjing Amity Printing, one of China's leading book printers, introduced an eight-color Lithrone G40P 40-inch convertible perfecting offset printing press with an LED-UV drying system in early 2021. Since then, this perfector has played an important role in the company's sustained growth
Press performance far exceeding expectations and customers' evaluations
Printed materials in high demand include polyurethane (PU) printing, four-color double-sided printing of book text, six-color and seven-color printing using special colors, and highcolor printing. After thorough market research and careful consideration, we chose Komori's 40-inch eight-color Lithrone G40P with an LED-UV drying system. We chose LED-UV curing because this printing process makes a significant contribution to environmental protection as well as shorter turnaround times."
Founded in 1986, the company has grown into a global one-stop provider of printing services, from platemaking to printing and postpress processing. Currently, annual sales are approximately $74 million USD, with overseas markets accounting for roughly $50 million USD. The company's products are provided in 192 languages in 140 countries and regions worldwide.
Print Innovation Asia Issue 8 2022 30
Nanjing Amity's president, Liu Lei, explains why the company chose the Lithrone G40P perfector: "Since our founding more than 30 years ago, Nanjing Amity has specialized in high-quality book printing using thin paper, with singlecolor and two-color printing as the mainstay of our business.
Liu Lei, President Li Zhonglei, Manager in charge of production control
One year after the Lithrone G40P went into operation, president Liu gave the new press a positive evaluation, saying, Nanjing Amity Printing, one of China's leading book printers, introduced an eight-color Lithrone G40P 40-inch convertible perfecting offset printing press with an LED-UV drying system in early 2021. Since then, this perfector has played an important role in the company's sustained growth.
Leading book printer ventures into full-colour printing on heavy stock

New solution for direct-to-substrate proofing on uncoated packaging media - now available for FLEX PACK! www.cgs-oris.comLearnmore

"I was impressed by the performance of the new press, particularly in two respects.
An additional indirect benefit is that the LED-UV instant drying system on the new press has significantly shortened the finishing time for postpress processes such as folding and binding. For example, one periodical that used to take seven days to turn around now takes only three. This periodical uses uncoated paper that requires quick drying to prevent scratches during the folding process. These indirect benefits such as shortening the production process, speeding up job execution, and increasing the volume of orders are more important to us than the direct benefits."
Second, customers appreciate the performance of LED-UV printing on the Lithrone G40P, especially when printing on uncoated paper, art paper, and specialty paper for high-quality album printing.
Automation brings more convenient operation and stable color tones Enhanced convenience and stability is the overall assessment of the Lithrone G40P by Li Zhonglei, manager in charge of production control. "The Lithrone G40P can print single-sided using eight colors and double-sided with four colors. Moreover, it can seamlessly switch between single-sided and double-sided printing in just three minutes," Li says. "The Lithrone G40P with the LEDUV drying system is equipped with a color control system. As a result, the automatic feedback function accurately sends prepress plate data to the press, dramatically reducing the
Efficiency, quality, and volume of orders greatly improved by LEDUV drying system Liu talks about the specific benefits of the new installation: "Compared to our existing eight-color press, the Lithrone G40P has improved our production efficiency by 50 to 60 percent and our profitability by at least 10 percent. The extraordinary printing speed, short platechanging time, and high level of automation are direct benefits of the Lithrone G40P.
First, the new machine not only meets 100 percent of the expectations we had when we purchased the equipment, it far exceeds Thanksthem. to careful printing guidance by Komori technicians and the hard work of our employees, we are now capable of color printing on ultra-thin paper. The performance of the new press exceeds existing eight-color offset presses in quality standards, register accuracy, and printing speed.
An art designer who is a publishing house editor has commissioned Nanjing Amity to print books on the eight-color Lithrone G40P press. These customer evaluations prove the superiority and quality of Komori presses."
Print Innovation Asia Issue 8 2022 32

Washing and platechanging operations are completed in approximately three to five minutes, significantly reducing not only job changeover time but also operator processing. It has been more than a year since the new machine started operating at the plant, and its performance has been very stable."
time required for color matching by the operator. In addition, the PDCSX (Spectral Print Density Control System), which is standard equipment on the new press, enables automatic registration and instant confirmation of densities. Automatic registration by the colorimeter monitors and automatically adjusts ink densities from
Print Innovation Asia Issue 8 202233 the beginning to the end of the run, ensuring extremely stable color tones within the lot. As a result, the difficulty of color matching by the operator is reduced and makeready time is substantially cut. The time required from the start of the job to the end of production printing is approximately five to six minutes. We realize that this is a significant improvement in production efficiency, as it was not possible to achieve this with conventional printing methods. Furthermore, the Lithrone G40P is equipped with automatic blanket washing, automatic impression cylinder cleaning, and Full-APC (Fully Automatic Plate Changer).
Komori's service spirit based on "beyond expectations" President Liu and Manager Li highly appreciate Komori's service, which they've experienced for the first time.
President Liu says, "I would like to give big praise to Komori's service. Up to now we have been using printing presses made by other manufacturers. The Lithrone G40P is the first Komori machine we have installed. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Komori technicians for their tremendous support in operator training related to machine operation and press maintenance."
Manager Li adds, "After the machine was installed, when we were still unfamiliar with its operation, one of our operators called a Komori service representative regarding machine operation, and even though it was late at night, Komori service staff were able to get to the site within two hours and take care of the problem. All of our operators and managers share the feeling that Komori provides not only top-notch machines but also top-notch service," he says with deep emotion. Looking to the future, President Liu says, "This is our first Komori installation, but there are many more matters we can work together with Komori on in the future, including the latest Lithrone GX40RP advance, an eight-color perfector, and a fourcolor perfector. We are also actively considering the installation of Komori machines for our web offset presses."

Avestar Packaging starting from the world’s largest format packaging printing
Founded in 2021, Avestar Packaging Group Joint Stock Company is a young packaging printer in Vietnam specializing in folding cartons and flute lamination packaging for numerous brand names such as Samsung, Cannon, Brothers, Verizon, Lego.
According to Mr. Pham Huu Hung, the CEO and the owner of the company, Avestar Packaging Group has been committed to quality, productivity, and innovation since its establishment. In order to fully support its rapid business growth and achieve sustainable profitability, the company has recently collaborated with Manroland for the first time by the introduction of a brand new ROLAND 906 XXL (format 8) with the world’s largest format 1300 x 1870 mm. “Our company will only achieve sustainable profitability when we can combine efficiency and costeffectiveness with consistently high quality output. Our new press ROLAND 906 XXL can absolutely not only fulfil our needs in premium quality and in high productivity, but also bring us the unique competitive advantages in the large format packaging”, Mr. Pham Huu Hung added. In the following, six of the innovative technologies of ROLAND 900 XXL which help the company to increase its productivity and print quality will be highlighted.

Glunz& Jensen A/S (Headquarters) Selandia Park 1 4100 Ringsted Denmark +45 5768 8181 Glunz& Jensen s.r.o Kosicka, 50 08001 Prešov, Slovakia +421 51 7563811 Glunz& Jensen Inc 2185 Hwy 292 Inman SC 23349 USA +1 864 568 4638 ww w .g l u n z - je n se n . co m With a footprint of just 17 sqm (183 sqfeet) FlexiLine 520 Compact makes flexographic platemaking automation a service within everyone's reach. Forget the crazy prices of the competition and Flex Line 520 Compact The greatest innovation since the invention of the flowlines... ask G&J for an offer.

Groundbreaking ceremony of Avestar Packaging
As the largest perfecting press in the world, ROLAND 900 XXL is able to print 64 A4 pages in one single pass, perfecting at 10,000 sheets per hour.
InlineInspector 3.0 detects even the smallest hickeys, splashes, scratches, creases, streaks, scumming or smearing just as reliably as it detects color deviations or substrate defects, which could lower the manpower costs and ensure the premium quality.
One Pass Productivity
InlineColorPilot 3.0 measures and controls register and color automatically without the need of a pull sheet, which not only ensures the high color stability, but also at the same time significantly saves time and wasted sheets and increase InlineFoilerproductivity.2.0isa groundbreaking enhancement solution that meets market demands for more creative, more eye-catching and more vibrant print. With the InlineFoiler, printers can cold foil and overprint a full spectrum of colours inline on a broad range of substrates in a single pass and it can be combined with delicate embossing and effect or spot coatings or varnishes for maximum impact. It could achieve excellent printing effects, while at the same time the productivity could be increased to a very large extent. This function is particularly suitable for the packaging printers like Avestar Packaging Group who would like to differentiate themselves in the competitive market. With all the innovative technologies of ROLAND 900 XXL, Avestar Packaging Group will certainly significantly enhance its competitiveness in the large format packaging printing market.
Manroland’s ‘one pass productivity’ with its trademark ‘highest efficiency, highest quality’ approach, which offers dramatically reduced number of washup cycles and shorter makeready times, is perfect for ensuring increased productivity and maintaining higher margins for large format printers such as Avestar Packaging Group.
Large format press design Large format has no compromise to print quality. The sturdy press construction, drive gears of premium quality and innovative hydrostabilization of ROLAND 900 XXL all combine to ensure the outstanding print quality from one job to the next. In addition, with a longitudinal shaft on presses with five or more printing units, backlash in the gear teeth is eliminated, which maintains prefect register and further ensures the exceptional print quality. Moreover, the 7 o’clock cylinder geometry provides a flatter sheet travel path for the reliable large format production.
Simultaneous Plate Loading (SPL) SPL enables the printing plates in all printing units to be changed at the same time. Furthermore, blanket and impression cylinder can be washed automatically parallel to the plate change, which can save up to 7 minutes per job change. The result is significantly decreased make ready time and work costs, with increased margins and productivity, and greater competitiveness. It is especially beneficial for short run jobs.

Sustainability and efficiency Environmental stewardship is important to BookBaby and its authors, and the company has been pacing toward a more sustainable printing process, using vegetable-based inks and paper stocks certified by the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI). And now, those eco-friendly efforts get a boost with the addition of Xeikon’s dry toner presses.
In its quest to increase capacity, the company evaluated several roll-fed printing press manufacturers, with the deciding factor being the need to produce the highest quality books to satisfy their authors’ exacting standards.
BookBaby Expands Roll-Fed Printing with
About 40% of BookBaby’s printing volume is full-color books, and the company works with tens of thousands of photographers, children’s book authors, and other color-critical clients.
BookBaby, one of the leading book self-publishing companies in the U.S., today announced a significant expansion of its book printing capacity.
The company has purchased two Xeikon SX30000 full-color presses to add to its fast-growing book printing operation. The presses will feed into a newly purchased Gen8 Hunkeler finishing BookBaby’sline.
Print Innovation Asia Issue 8 2022 38
end-to-end publishing solution for independent authors has proven so compelling in the marketplace that the company grew revenues by 30% during the pandemic year of 2020, and an astounding 55% in 2021. “We offer today’s authors everything they need to get published,” commented BookBaby president Jim Foley, “from editing, design and layout services, to eBooks, printed books, print on demand, global distribution, and even marketing services to help authors sell more books.
The new Xeikon digital presses add needed printing capacity to BookBaby’s in-house facility and significantly improve the company’s operational efficiency.” Quality was determiningthefactor
SX30000 is the company’s flagship digital press for the graphic arts. Based on Xeikon’s SIRIUS dry toner technology, the press is a single-pass duplex machine capable of running at 98 feet per minute (428 letter pages per minute), a 50% speed increase over previous Xeikon presses.
Xeikon was the clear winner. “They nailed all of our key requirements,” said Nick Smith, BookBaby’s Senior Director of Printing Operations. “We wanted to provide our book printing clients better color quality. We also wanted a more sustainable, cost-efficient process. So after a thorough assessment of the competitive technology, we knew Xeikon’s dry toner-based roll printing technology was the best choice to keep up with the demands of our clientele. Their dry toner color quality was just clearly superior to comparable inkjet Xeikon’spresses.”
The Xeikon SX30000 is suited for a wide range of applications, including high-quality books, direct mail, pointof-sale materials, security documents, and general commercial printing–producing more than 2500 B2 (4/4) sheets/hour.

Going from sheet-fed to roll-fed “We are excited to be the roll-fed printing partner to BookBaby,” said Donna Covannon, Director of Marketing, Xeikon America. “This is a significant evolution for BookBaby. They already have seven sheet-fed presses on the floor, and will increase their book output by close to 50% by adding roll-fed capacity. Our Xeikon SX30000 presses are a perfect match leading color quality, the lowest environmental footprint, and a big boost in operating efficiency.
“We expect the Xeikon presses to drive a significant increase in operating margins for BookBaby,” added Jim Foley. “It’s a win-win-win: Industry-
Expands into Digital with Xeikon for their high-quality, short-run book printing operation.”
We’re looking forward to working with the Xeikon team for years to come!”
"Dry toner is the most sustainable digital printing technology out there. The toners are even FDA certified, although that's not yet a requirement for books, quipped Joel Maxey, BookBaby VP of Operations. Plus, the Xeikon SX30000 does not emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and all prints are perfectly deinkable. Compared with similar competing digital presses, it uses a fraction of the energy and requires lower HVAC capacity than comparable inkjet presses."
Print Innovation Asia Issue 8 202239

Tamer Hozayen, CEO of Caesar Pac, said, ‘Our traditional model was focused on large organisations with requirements for large quantities of boxes. Now, the Nozomi 14000 LED will enable us to penetrate new markets with short-run orders, increase profitability, and provide higher print quality on boxes, while strengthening our positioning as the industry leader.
The investment in the Nozomi 14000 LED means the company can expand its client base to customers requiring smaller order quantities.
Caesar Pac has become the first business in the Middle East to invest in an EFI Nozomi 14000 LED ultra-high-speed digital press from EFI.
Print Innovation Asia Issue 8 2022 40
First EFI Nozomi 14000 in the Middle East
The single-pass inkjet corrugated press is the newest platform of EFI’s printer technology, with a design suited to industrial applications – printing directto-board with the ability to handle all flute types.
The press, which delivers up to 35% lower energy consumption than flexo printing with virtually no VOC emissions, has minimal downtime so packaging converters can print continuously. It also features nonclogging printheads to prevent stops because of damaged boards.
‘We are mindful of our impact on the planet and committed to using sustainable packaging materials, processes, and environmentally conscious suppliers when producing top-quality packaging products for our customers, and that was a major cause for purchasing the Nozomi 14000 LED. Low energy consumption and fully recyclable prints were very important considerations.’
Evandro Matteucci, vice president and general manager at Inkjet, said’, ‘EFI are really excited to be working with and supporting Caesar Pac with the Nozomi 14000 LED, the first singlepass inkjet corrugated board printer in Kuwait. We look forward to helping deliver the benefits of our technology to their clients and brands.’
Kuwait-based corrugated box manufacturer WELCOME THE NEW REVORIA PRESS ™ PC1120 Discover a new world of colour print without limits, driven by AI-powered possibilities. Find out more: Revoria Press™ PC1120 FUJIFILM and FUJIFILM logo are registered trademarks or trademarks of FUJFILM Corporation. Revoria is registered trademark of FUJIFILM Business Innovation Corp.

XSYS sharpens its focus customers face challenging
For the past 22 years, his focus has been on plates and plate processing, helping bring to market a whole host of XSYS innovations, such as nyloflex® Xpress Thermal System and ThermoFlexX SupportingCatena.
“The reaction from our customers to the formation of XSYS as a more agile solo operation has been great,” said Roy Schoettle, VP XSYS Asia Pacific.
Team experience and expertise The APAC region is comprehensively covered by 28 prepress experts and technical engineers, a large team which is set to expand further with six more staff joining over the coming months.
“What is special about the XSYS team in APAC is that most of us have been with the company for decades; in fact, the average length of experience here is 19 years,” said Roy, who himself has been part of the story for 34 years –starting out at BASF and staying on as it became Flint Group and now XSYS.
Print Innovation Asia Issue 8 2022 42
“They understand that we are now in a position to react much faster, because we are more focused and more flexible. But they also know that they are dealing with the same great team which means the continuity is there.”
Roy Schoettle is a team of specialists, who are well-known throughout the region for their dedication and in-depth knowledge of the flexo print process. They include Technical Director for APAC, Supachai Theravithayangkura (known as Milo), who has been with the company for 20 years. He has a bachelor’s degree in printing technology and a master’s in imaging technology. The General Manager for China is Magenta Zheng, who has notched up 18 years after joining the company from Tetra Pak China, where he worked in various technical roles for a decade; while in Japan, customers benefit from General Manager Kaz Yamada’s 28 years of experience in the packaging industry. With more than two decades with XSYS/Flint, Yee Ling Goh is the Narrow Web Key Account Manager who is responsible for sales in the SEA Leading prepress specialist XSYS is bolstering the already large team in the APAC region continue supporting customers in the packaging industry with innovative solutions and top level service that enable them to print solid and stay flexible.
As a complete, standalone entity having separated from Flint Group, XSYS is proactively streamlining its offering in packaging print production for the tag & label, flexible packaging, and corrugated segments. The global company has a unique advantage in the market as supplier of solutions that cover the whole prepress process – from imaging and screening, through plates and platemaking to adapters and Thesleeves.well-known products and brands that keep XSYS positioned firmly as number one or two in each segment where it is active include nyloflex® flexographic solvent and thermal plates & equipment, nyloprint® letterpress plates & equipment, nylosolv® washout solvent, rotec® sleeves & adapters, ThermoFlexX TFxX Imagers, ThermoFlexX Catena Plate Processing equipment, and Woodpecker surface screening solutions.

Converters in the APAC region are experiencing many pressures and challenges that are forcing them to find new innovative technologies and working methods. In a region that has witnessed a lot of change, XSYS is working closely with its customers to ensure they optimize their business models by implementing best-inclass solutions across their prepress
Print Innovation Asia Issue 8 202243
“Likeoperations.inthe rest of the world, the conditions are tough in the Asia Pacific region at the moment with severe cost pressures, fast-rising energy costs, supply chain issues, and lack of highly skilled staff making life difficult for flexo converters,” commented Schoettle. “Sustainability is also on everyone’s agenda, and while before it was mainly just a topic for debate, legislation is now being introduced to reduce the impact of packaging on the environment.” He added, “People and companies who still see the Asia Pacific region as a dumping ground for inferior products will have difficulties to find clients, as the converters in the region are supplying high-end quality packaging and they are continuously improving conditions and the quality of their Innovationoutput.”iscentral to tackling these difficult market conditions. XSYS offers a wide range of market-leading solutions that can improve efficiencies, Roy Schoettle, VP XSYS Asia Pacific
topto focus in APAC to help challenging market conditions
region. Prepress Technical Manager Yves Vanryckeghem is in charge of the engineering team which benefits from his 26 years in print. Finally, the team also includes applications Specialist Gurunath Baji who handles technical support and rotec® sleeve sales for the Indian subcontinent, leveraging more than 20 years of experience in the “I’mindustry.very proud of the amount of talent that we have attracted over the years and of the fact that people stay for a long time,” said Schoettle, “but that doesn’t mean we’re resting on our laurels. We are now actively recruiting to keep up with the growth of high quality flexo in APAC and to maintain our very high standard of service and local support to make sure that our customers can stay competitive.”
Market trends and solutions

General Manager at Kirk Group, John Kapiniaris, explained, “With the Catena+ system, we can maintain a lower cost base by consolidating production and removing manual steps throughout the process. This reduces the human touch and opportunities for errors, so we end up with a superior product.” He added, “As industry leaders and innovators, our continued investment in the latest technology and automation means that we can satisfy our customers’ requests for highest quality print outcomes, maximum consistency and fastest time to market, all whilst maintaining lowest costs and minimizing waste.”
Customer case for automation Automating the manual steps in flexo plate production is considered the main solution to demands for higher quality, lower costs, color consistency and more sustainable operation. XSYS customers are experiencing this concept in action with the ThermoFlexX Catena+, an end-to-end fully automated platemaking line that removes operator intervention and greatly reduces waste to produce brilliant results.
deliver consistent quality, and cut waste in answer to these challenges, such as the nyloflex® Xpress Thermal System, which helps increase sustainability and deliver exceptional plates in less time without the use of harmful solvents and at lower costs. Additionally, brand owners demand color consistency across multiple applications and multiple production sites meaning plates must be of equal high quality, so a job can be reproduced easily no matter where it is being printed. Proximity to customers is another of the main aspects of the XSYS business model. With local technical teams on standby, the company can guarantee that help is always on hand to minimize any unwanted downtime. The teams also educate and train operators in all aspects of machine operation on an on-going basis to help customers overcome the problems with staff shortages and low skill levels.
One of the first in the world to install Catena+ is Sydney-headquartered Kirk Group, which is the largest supplier of artwork services and image carrier solutions across Australia and New Zealand, counting global brands and major printing companies as customers.
The Australian packaging industry leader decided to implement the automated system, combined with a ThermoFlexX TFxX imager, so it could better respond to brand owners’ requirements for faster turnaround, consistently high quality, and reproducible results. As well as allowing the company to optimize its flexo plate production for greater profitability, Catena+ is also an environmentally friendly manufacturing method that produces less plate waste. The Future of Flexo Plate Making + Improve plate print quality and consistency + Lower total cost of ownership + Reduce handling errors + Higher productivity

The truly innovative, sustainable solution has been designed for the supermarket's Northcoast range of frozen seafood.
The packaging solution created by the company is a significant milestone for both Iceland – in its pursuit of plasticfree packaging – and the frozen food sector, as it represents one of the first successful applications of paper flexible packaging for frozen food.
Mark Armstrong, Packaging Specialist at Iceland, commented: "As everyone knows, we are loud and proud about our forward-thinking ideas and commitment to plastic-free packaging across our products. We previously worked with Parkside in a successful bid to reduce food waste via a lidding film solution in 2017. But we know we can do more. As consumer sentiment continues to grow for circular solutions,
Iceland’s Northcoast products were previously packed in an LDPE bag but, following the project with Parkside, they are now packed in a specially developed recyclable paper pouch with excellent grease and oil resistance. The heat-sealable paper solution was designed to withstand the rigours of frost and moisture in a freezer environment, for prolonged periods of time. This has been achieved by creating excellent heat saleability, and by utilising a range of water-based coatings with high barrier performance, which are designed to break down when re-pulped in the paper recycling process.
it is the perfect time to collaborate once again in a bid to reduce unnecessary plastic in our packaging."
Armstrong continued: "Bag sealing was a challenge, as was ensuring the material had the necessary barrier properties. We also wanted the print to match the existing LDPE bag and therefore a lot of time was spent in artwork and repro to give us the best possible result.”
Sales Account Manager at Parkside, Mark Shaw, said: "It has been a huge privilege for us to work on this project with Mark and his team. Until recently, achieving a high level of grease and oil resistance and heat seal ability for frozen food has been extremely challenging. Typically, a plastic layer such as Polyethylene would need to be extruded or laminated to the paper, which would then need to be removed when recycling post-consumer use. Our leading technology removes the need for the plastic and gives a truly recyclable paper solution with the added benefit of high barrier functionality."
World-first recyclable paper pack for frozen food
Sustainable, flexible packaging solutions specialist, Parkside, has collaborated with Iceland to deliver one of the world’s first paper recyclable packaging solutions for frozen food.

Dario Urbinati, Chief Sales & Service Director, Gallus Group
Joined development by HEIDELBERG and Gallus – integration into Prinect Bringing together almost a century of experience in leading the narrowweb industry, together with the invaluable expertise and key resources of HEIDELBERG, Gallus has capitalized on the strengths of both businesses to develop Gallus One. For instance, HEIDELBERG’s ink testing laboratories were leveraged to develop digital inks specifically for the Gallus One’s Fuji Dimatix print heads - with a second lab utilized to optimise its waveform design, enabling better print performance.
Engineered to spark a transformation across the industry, the Gallus One is built on the market leading Gallus Labelmaster press platform. As a 340mm wide roll-to-roll UV inkjet digital inline labels press, Gallus One utilizes a host of impressive features to achieve high levels of automation and press efficiency, with unrivalled UV inkjet print quality and stand-out print speeds of up to 70 metres per minute. With the new press available to preorder, Gallus hopes to reinvent the way in which converters approach digital label printing – providing either a standalone digital offering, or a complimentary service within a traditional analogue operation.
• Joint development by HEIDELBERG and Gallus – integration into Prinect workflow
• Company announces new Gallus Experience Centre designed to increase cross industry collaboration, innovation and success
all the familiarity benefits of a Labelmaster, Gallus One is a complete solution and not just a standalone print engine. Within the new Gallus One eco system, users have state of the art inkjet technology, a new Gallus One ink set, sophisticated workflow software and a new predictive press monitoring service to ensure minimum press downtime. All of these Gallus elements working in harmony, has enabled us to dramatically increase press efficiency and productivity, to unlock this new market opportunity.”
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“With cloud capabilities in-built within Gallus One, you can not only enjoy remote set-up, but transparent performance monitoring and standardization across your press portfolio and manufacturing sites. In conjunction with the sophisticated press design the Gallus One offers a complete reel-to-reel digital label solution, including all the software and hardware necessary to produce high quality, profitable digital labels. All this, with the highest level of automation available, and the most competitive “OfferingTCO.”
Gallus announces the launch of its first fully digital label press, the Gallus One. Marking a ground-breaking new addition to the company’s conventional and hybrid portfolio of label presses, the Gallus One has been specifically designed to remove the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) barrier for the adoption of reel-to-reel digital labels with the highest level of automation and cloud-based technologies. In doing so, it provides brands, for the first time, with access to cost effective and sustainable, high quality digital labels.
“With the launch of the Gallus One, we are doing more than just bringing a new press to market – we’re providing a unique solution that has the capability to drive the next big opportunity in labels,” explains Dario Urbinati, Chief Sales & Service Director, Gallus Group.
Gallus Launches a Pure Label Press
• Gallus one poised to transform the industry by opening significant business diversification and growth opportunities for converters

Dr. Frank Schaum, CEO Gallus Group, concludes: “Gallus One is an important addition to our portfolio. It provides customers with a unique opportunity to pioneer a new and complimentary category of label service in the quest for significant business growth and “Butdifferentiation.”GallusOne isn’t the only exciting initiative we’re launching today. We are delighted to announce the creation of a new ‘Gallus Experience Center’ - currently being built in St. Gallen, Switzerland and expected to open late this year. As part of our vision for realising ‘the label industry of the future’, the new facility has been specifically designed to aid collaboration across the industry. Once open, we will invite customers, brands and suppliers from across the eco system to use the new facility to meet and share solutions, as well as develop new ideas to help solve key industry issues and create new opportunities.”
Pure Digital Inkjet
The Gallus One also integrates fully with the industry standard cloud-based workflow software, HEIDELBERG Prinect. Prinect allows production managers from start-up label businesses to large and mature label operations, to access insights and production data to ensure optimum production – and they can do that remotely across a secure network, from any smart device. With its portfolio of cutting-edge technologies now extending across the conventional, hybrid and digital label markets, the launch of Gallus One enables the company to meet the needs of customers across each corner of the narrow web labels market.
Print Innovation Asia Issue 8 202249

The decision for Devi Graphics to invest in a FLEXCEL NX System was based on a thorough ROI investigation, which included reviewing the onpress efficiency, precision and quality that they would be able to offer their customers.
The sisters are excited about this next chapter for Devi Graphics: “With the FLEXCEL NX System, we are wellpositioned to support our customers as they take on more narrow-web and midweb flexo jobs, which is already proving to offer an edge over offset for short, medium and long runs,” concludes Kaveri. “And, as so many of them already know and value the efficiency and quality benefits that FLEXCEL NX Plates bring to the press room, it makes our job just that much easier.”
“We were quickly convinced that the FLEXCEL NX Mid System was the best option for us; it’s a proven technology with a system that offers excellent robustness, productivity and imaging consistency. Furthermore, its advanced plate surface patterning options give us a distinct technological advantage that addresses the efficiency, precision and quality requirements of our customers.”
Print Innovation Asia Issue 8 2022 50
Devi Graphics, located in Chandigarh, India, has added flexo to its otherwise offset prepress offering with their recent investment in a FLEXCEL NX System from Miraclon. Installed and supported through Monotech Limited, the system was chosen for its robustness and consistency of imaging, as well as the reliability and quality it offers.
The company, established in 2005 by Tilak Raj, and with day-to-day operations now managed by his daughters, Janvi and Kaveri Satija, is conveniently located in a tri-city area that is better known as ‘Press Site’ for its wealth of local print and packaging businesses –from brands to prepress to consumables and production. Says Kaveri: “Over the past few years we have steadily seen more and more printers invest in flexo presses, while brands are increasingly shifting their offset work to flexo. There was a growing requirement Devi Graphics expands into flexo with KODAK FLEXCEL NX System. Efficiency, consistency and reliability of FLEXCEL NX System support customers’ growing transition to flexo
“We’ve built a solid, trusting relationship with Monotech Limited over the years, so when they suggested we look at FLEXCEL NX Technology, we immediately organized a demo,” continues Janvi.
Supporting customers’ growing transition to flexo for narrow- and mid-web flexo plates to be provided locally, so it made strategic sense to expand our offering.”

Transitioning to a More Sustainable Solution
In 2020, however, the company began looking for a more sustainable solution that could take the company to new levels of quality, cost and cycle time, and create a better ambient work environment for its employees.
Print Innovation Asia Issue 8 2022 52
Nabe Process CrystalCleanConnectCorporationBenefits press rooms are comfortable with a perfect ambient environment for the Hestaff.”added, "We expect our customers to be even more satisfied with the quality we deliver and with our turnaround times. We will be using CrystalCleanConnect and AWP™ plates for more products in the future".
He also found that AWP™ CleanPrint water-washable plates offered other value, adding, “These plates demonstrated a significant improvement in print quality and productivity compared to the conventional solvent-processed flexographic plates. This includes cost savings and faster cycle time due to make-ready time reduction, fewer press stops for plate cleaning, and reduced substrate waste. The AWP™ plates feature high dimensional plate accuracy and stable print repeatability. Plus, since no VOCbased washout solvents are used, there is no odor; and the platemaking and
CrystalCleanConnect: The Details CrystalCleanConnect is the first automated platemaking line from plate imaging to a ready-to-mount plate, replacing a VOC-based solvent processing solution using water wash technology in balance with the CrystalCleanConnectenvironment. is comprised of several highly integrated components that deliver a complete system:
Automated flexographic platemaking system helps company transition to a more sustainable solution
“When we learned about AWP™ CleanPrint water-washable plates from Asahi Photoproducts, we were intrigued,” said Mr. Yasuo Naka, Flexo Division Manager, Nabe Process Co., Ltd. “With water wash versus a solvent washout, platemaking time is significantly reduced, helping us to increase throughput in our plant.”
Nabe Process Corporation, the first company worldwide to install CrystalCleanConnect, was established in 1964 in Takamatsu Prefecture, Japan. When it first entered the flexo market, Nabe Process was using solvent-based photopolymer plates and processors.

Using efficient file nesting results in at least a 10% savings in waste plate CrystalCleanConnectmaterial. is the first automated platemaking solution to improve the ambient operator work environment by eliminating VOC based washout solutions from the plate making process and to improve operator safety by eliminating hazardous operator touch points from 12 to 1. It is also an industry-first with integration of plate cutting into the automated workflow. The first plate is available, including cutting, 70 minutes after the start. printing dots with simultaneous main and back UV LED exposure for an extremely consistent and high-quality plate image.
4. Asahi’s CCC inline plate processor, dryer and light finisher. Asahi AWP™DEW water-washable plates do not need plate drying when processed via an inline air-knife, removing the water from the plate surface. The result is a significant reduction in plate production time, since the drying process, especially with solvent-based platemaking, can take as much as two 5.hours.Kongsberg inline cutting table, a unique integration for the industry.
1. Esko´s automated software hub, that integrates the process from end to end.
Print Innovation Asia Issue 8 202253
2. Esko´s plate handling robot. The operator simply places the plate material on the loading table. The plate handling robot loads AWP™ CleanPrint waterwash plate material on the CDI Crystal XPS and retrieves press-ready plates at the end of the process.
3. Esko’s CDI Crystal XPS. The integrated imager and exposure unit delivers full control over plate floor and
Mr. Yasuo Naka, Flexo Division Manager, Nabe Process Co., Ltd

SPDE connects host computers to production print devices that normally do not directly interact, to provide a powerful enterprise output management system.
Less Substrate Damage and Increased Repeatability
It was found that the Highcon digitally creased box with 10% lower grammage was stronger than the analog creased box which imply a potential saving in paper board of at least 10% without compromising on box Dvirstrength.Harmelech, VP R&D and Chief Technology Officer, Highcon comments: “In an era of rising costs, supply chain challenges and material shortages, we were delighted with the conclusion of the MDPI Journal report – it provides independent specialist confirmation for the benefits of our solution to help support these issues. More specifically, the ability to increase box strength, even with lighter boards, is key to unlocking important financial, operational, and environmental benefits.”
The award-winning ReadyPDF® optimization module has been enhanced in version 9.2 with new features to expand its applications and simplify its user interface.
Increased Compression Strength – Digital crease lines reduce the compression strength of the box to a lesser extent than analog crease lines Increased Box Strength – Digital crease lines are stronger compared to analog. Digital technology does not crush the corrugated board, enabling higher load bearing capability
. Providing an onramp to PDFcentric workflows
Increased Sustainability – Highcon enables lighter weight corrugated board to be used, saving substrate.
Solimar Systems, Inc., the provider of leading workflow software solutions for print production and digital communications, has released version 9.2 of its dynamic output management suite, Solimar® Print Director™ Enterprise (SPDE).
JDF Finishing Controls remove the need to convert PDF files into PostScript or other formats to further optimize the workflow. PDF finishing information in SPDE 9.2 is controlled by a rules-based system of JDF commands using conditional logic to map PDF file finishing commands to the required JDF format, saving processing and production time.
Enhanced with new capabilities to expand its application and ease of use, SPDE version 9.2 features an intuitive operator interface for improved overall job control, enhanced IPP security for compliance, and introduces new Job Definition Format (JDF) compatibility to better control finishing elements of the print process.
Thequality.first-of-its-kind study examined the impact of analogue and digital creasing lines on the performance of corrugated cardboard and finished boxes, conducted by researchers from the Institute of Structural Analysis, Poznan University of Technology and the Department of Biosystems Engineering, Poznan University of Life
Printers can now edit, maintain and add finishing commands throughout a PDF workflow, even when the source file is not PDF, thus supporting multiple industry standards.
SPDE plays a crucial role in the overall Solimar Chemistry™ platform, providing an onramp to PDF-centric workflows while offering robust data optimizations, conversions, job management, and device connectivity for non-PDF workflows.
With Solimar’s continued focus on data security, the Secure IPP Print Server™ within SPDE 9.2 now features additional authentication support, further strengthening this crucial capability. Other enhancements include an expanded API for the submission of jobs, font upgrades, and job ticket conversions.
ReadyPDF now includes a new Preflight Mode that can detect certain PDF characteristics, such as image and text properties, and
ResearchersSciences.measured a broad range of parameters on boards creased by both an analog die cutter and a Highcon digital die cutting system. Measurements were made on areas of the board that were both creased and uncreased, as well as on complete Keyboxes.findings included: Less Substrate Damage and Increased Repeatability – Highcon’s digital technology is repeatable and causes considerably less damage to the structure of corrugated board than analog technology
A peer reviewed scientific research paper published on June 25th in Sensors, an MDPI journal, found categorically that when compared to conventional creasing performed by flatbed analog die cutting, Highcon’s patented DART creasing technology better preserves the inherent mechanical properties of corrugated boards while sustaining high packaging

SPEED UP YOUR PROCESSES with optical systems for UV curing and drying

Other Speciality Films deliver functional surface protection for a variety of special applications, for example photochromic options that alter their tint depending on the light to offer variable shade and effective protection from solar heat. of our innovative products, are offthe-shelf configurable by end users and do not require coding or custom services. Solimar solutions are available through our extensive partner network enabling customers to choose the best solutions for their production environment. This makes Solimar the preferred partner for many global businesses.”
Rowan continues, “SPDE 9.2, and all
the market for safety and security products is growing fast, as companies seek to manage risks from malicious and accidental damage, keeping their premises secure and open for business. ImagePerfect 7300 Safety and Security Films are developed for both exterior and interior application to glass doors, windows and partitions. They deliver effective protection against damage, preventing injury from broken glass, stopping intruders, and keeping the glass intact until it can be replaced.
Businesses and home-owners are increasingly looking for pragmatic solutions to controlling temperature during the hotter months of the year, while managing their energy costs.
ImagePerfect 7100 and ImagePerfect 7200 Sun Protection Films offer an efficient and stylish way to reflect solar energy, minimising heat gain and glare in commercial and residential Likewise,buildings.
Print Innovation Asia Issue 8 2022 56 invoke necessary optimizations as needed. For example, if a user needs to flatten transparencies in a PDF, ReadyPDF can determine if there are transparency elements in the file. If no transparency elements are used, those jobs can bypass the flattening process, saving significant processing time. ReadyPDF is available as a module within SPDE 9.2 and as a stand-alone subscription offering, ReadyPDF® Prepress Server™. These additional capabilities underscore the flexibility and utility of SPDE for managing high-volume variable print. SPDE not only allows users to flexibly integrate various applications and printing systems, but to do so across a broad spectrum of data streams including AFP, IPDS, Xerox VIPP, PostScript, PCL, Xerox DJDE/Metacode, TIFF, and PDF. Moreover, SPDE is integrated with other components of the Solimar Chemistry™ platform to enable intelligent batching, job and piece piece-level tracking, postal optimization and other valuable Marycapabilities.”AnnRowan, Chief Experience Officer at Solimar Systems, comments: “We’re thrilled to bring these major upgrades to our global customers. Some early adopters have shared that they are now able to retain jobs inhouse that were previously outsourced which improves their overall ROI.”
sign-makers, customers now have access to a comprehensive choice of cost-effective, well-engineered films for all types of project, from major corporate, retail or hospitality briefs to work in residential spaces.
Broadening its range of functional self-adhesive films for application to glass Spandex, the one-stop supplier of innovative solutions to the sign, graphics and display industries, is significantly broadening its range of functional self-adhesive films for application to glass, with the introduction of four new ImagePerfect™ product families.
The ImagePerfect 7400 range includes a choice of UV Protection films for interior applications to absorb UV light, preventing fading and damage. These are ideal for museums and heritage buildings or to protect furnishings in commercial and residential spaces.
ImagePerfect™ 7100 Sun Protection films, for exterior application ImagePerfect™ 7200 Sun Protection films, for interior application ImagePerfect™ 7300 Safety and Security films, for interior and exterior ImagePerfect™application 7400 UV Protection and Speciality films, for interior applicationAcrossthe four groups, customers can choose from 52 individual products, covering a huge variety of aesthetic and performance attributes. From specialist window tinters and refit/refurbishment businesses to

Print Innovation Asia Issue 8 202257HP PressesDigitalPageWideCorrugated HP PageWide C500 Press HP PageWide T1190 Press HP PageWide T470S Press Scan to learn more Better.Faster.Economical.

2022 Asian ExcellencePackagingAwards2022 Call for entries Now in our 19th year celebrating the best packaging companies across Asia Deadline Nov 8thFREE ENTRY FORM INSIDE


EXCELLENCE AWARDS HONOURING ASIA’S BEST Asian Packaging Excellence Awards 9 Wildwood Place Mulgrave VIC 3170 Australia DEADLINE TO ENTER 8th November 2022 DEAD LINE November 8th 2022 will be done in Australia with the Awards held in Bangkok 8th December

8th December 2022 10am-5pm + Asian Packaging Excellence Awards 22 from 6-30pm 2022 event will be held in Bangkok on the 8th of December from 10am till 5 pm, followed by the 19th Asian Packaging Excellence Awards dinner, which has been established as a highlight of the packaging year. We are so excited to bring back this event, live and in person this year, and will present topics that have interest for all delegates. Listen, ask questions and network like we use to in past SHIFT events.
Join us for a one-day conference before the Asian Packaging Excellecne Awards on the 8th of December in Bangkok Thailand.
Also talk to suppliers one-on-one during the conference breaks to hear firsthand what they see happening in our industry and what your business should be aware Conferenceof.+
Cocktail Reception + Awards Dinner @US$80pp
Also Hotel
Comming soon : book online Packages available
Book today to secure your seat (Limited Spaces available) Send a mail to
“Getting back to business - will our industry be any different moving fowardWhat do we need to be aware of” Hear first hand from a lineup of world-class speakers, from technical to operations and into the business area, focused on all areas of the Packaging Industry, flexo, gravure, digital, offset etc. Looking at it from an Asian
Bangkok Thailand