Welcome back to another year. I hope that 2022 gives us all back our lives we so desperately want back. In this issue (Dec/Jan) we kick off with a full in-depth interview (not the press release) with Italiya Graphics on the new installation of the HP C500 , followed by an interview with Christoph Thommessen, Managing Director Global Sales for CGS ORIS. Next Karen Prager Challenges and Opportunities for Mono-Material Packaging Businesses in Asia, a must read.
Then its onto customer installation articles, new products from the industry leaders like Heidelberg, Canon, MPS, XSYS, manroland, Miraclon and many more in this jam packed issue. Read it today and get your business up to speed and we catapult into 2022.
Stay safe and we will see you next month with the Asian Print Awards information on what to expect this year