Printing Innovation Asia Issue 9 2020
Apressia CTX132: Absolutely the Right Decision Manufacturing and marketing learning materials such as notebooks, pencil cases and erasers, with its main efforts going into the production of the 'Japonica Workbooks,' notebooks for elementary school pupils, Showa Note Co., Ltd. in 2017 marked the 70th anniversary of its founding by starting construction of a new plant, which was completed the following year.
For the new plant, Showa Note planned to install a line for perfect binding, and in September 2019, the company installed an Apressia CTX132 Programmable Hydraulic Clamp Cutting System.Yasuo Kawasaki, Executive Director of Showa Note, explains, "We decided to make better notebooks for our customers, items with perfect binding that open up easily. With the installation of the
perfect binding machine, a cutting system was required." "The factory manager liked the Apressia CTX132 when he saw it at the Komori booth at IGAS. Then he visited a printing company that had installed the system and saw it operating. I also went to see a demonstration at Komori's Tsukuba plant. Because of the declining workforce, investing in the Apressia
CTX132, which saves labor through automation, was absolutely the right decision." To promote innovation in moving from the old to the new plant, a setup was devised to not only create a coherent flow from printing to binding and packing but also to improve the stationing of personnel.