Academic exclusions Students who have been academically excluded for whatever reason, will not be able to register, and an academic exclusion indicator will be reflecting on the student’s record. You can check your status by logging into SOS, and going to Academic Registration> Registration Restrictions and checking the section Academic/ International Blocks.
Note that there will be a line for each Academic Block – if you have more than one block, each of these will be shown with the relevant start and end dates. Once the end date is reached, the block will expire, and will not stop you from continuing. If a student feels there are extenuating circumstances (e.g. a death in the family, or illness) that could influence a decision on their re-admittance, the request for appeal must be submitted to the contact person whose name and email address was communicated to you in the letter informing you about the academic exclusion. The faculty will email the necessary appeal documentation, the submission due date, and any other information to the student’s CPUT email address. The student must submit the following via email to the person who has communicated with you: 1. 2. 3.
Request a full Academic Record electronically (visit the website link: for further details); Completed Request for Appeal Form; and Any other supporting documentation, as required.
The respective Academic Department in the Faculty will communicate the outcome of the appeal to the student via the student’s CPUT email address.