AT TAC H M E N T three : Tasmanian N R M p rioritisation p rocess
Specific considerations – Water Theme
5.1 Rivers, floodplains and estuaries The ‘Rivers, floodplains and estuaries’ assets have been identified and prioritised across the recognised catchments in the region. Spatial analysis and data sources used to identify strategic importance include: • Conservation of Freshwater Ecosystem Values (CFEV) database • Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) • An assessment of size and proportion of estuary, estuarine conservation values, conservation areas, catchment area (size) and condition assessment (where available) • The socio-economic importance of waterways has also been considered. The other MCA criteria were applied, and rivers and estuaries were ranked. Because CCA is at an early stage of water management, the first action will be to work on planning and prioritisation broadly across the region, particularly in agricultural landscapes, where off-farm impacts could be affecting water quality and ecosystem health, and so require targeted management actions over the next 5-10 years.
5.2 Wetlands and other waterbodies including Ramsar sites Wetland and other waterbodies have been considered based on the named water bodies in the region. Data sources used to identify strategic importance included: • Ramsar sites, nationally important wetlands and conservation areas. • Key Biodiversity Area (size and proportion of wetland) • Conservation of Freshwater Ecosystem Values (CFEV) • Ramsar sites, nationally important wetlands and conservation areas. A ranking system has been applied using the six MCA assessment criteria (Table 1) to identify Priorities for investment.
5.3 Coastal and marine Coastal and marine assets have been identified, taking into account factors such as Key Biodiversity Areas and conservation areas. Habitat types have also been considered to identify the strategic importance and biodiversity values, socio-economic importance, and threatening processes. Feasibility and access have also been identified to inform the MCA. • Three coastal Priorities were identified in CCA’s analysis. Some other coastal landscapes are already prioritised for action under different themes, e.g. Coastal Saltmarsh is a Threatened and Important Community Priority, and the takayna/West Coast area is a Priority under Healthy Country.