AT TAC H M E N T three : Tasmanian N R M p rioritisation p rocess
The six prioritisation principles outlined in the Threatened Species Strategy 2021-2031 align closely with the MCA criteria used by CCA to prioritise threatened and important species: • Prioritising species and places under severe and imminent threat;
• Prioritising species and places where action can make a difference and is cost-effective; • Prioritising species and places of cultural significance; and • Prioritising species and places that are unlike any other.
• Prioritising species and places where recovery action will benefit other species;
Actions in the 2030 Strategies
Actions to address Priorities across all three Themes have been developed by referring to current research and published information and in consultation with the expert panels, existing and identified potential delivery partners and stakeholders. These Actions have been identified to strategically direct Australian Government, Tasmanian Government, and stakeholder investment into management Actions that support cost-effective delivery (including of the RLP Outcomes).
Actions have been prioritised through a structured process, including consideration of: • The six MCA criteria (see Table 1); • Input from experts and stakeholders (expert elicitation); • Assessment of published information (e.g. context, condition, decision support tools); • Values, benefits, costs and likelihood of successful, long-lasting and feasible outcomes; and • The potential to identify future projects (including targets, goals, costs and objectives).
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Forthside erosion control trial