A Cord of 3 Strands By Cindy J. Evans (to Mark)
A cord of three strands we are with Him, He has woven us in love. With His connection and His power, we have extra strength from above. With His help, we are given an extra measure of grace, showered down on us for good, keeping us in place. All things are held together by Him. I’m glad we’ve become one, yet three. May we stand and forever be faithful, and to God be all the glory! “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.” (Ecclesiastes 4:12, NIV)
Cindy Evans is a published poet living in the greater Atlanta area. When she’s not writing, you may find her attending a church activity, volunteering at the local hospice company or on a prayer walk. Cindy may be reached at: cindy.evans@usa.net
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