Get Involved by Scott Dunn
This is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight. (Philippians 1:9 ESV) The ministry that Jesus built was a call to every person to reach out to someone hurting and broken (Matthew 5:1416)—to show them the gospel and bring them to God through Christ. We know He is the only way to Heaven. He is the keeper of the key that unlocks the bountiful blessings that God will lavish upon us by living in His will. We need to be involved in more than just Sunday service. Not because the church needs us (it does, it always needs good folks) but because our Savior, our God desires it! Why You Should Get Involved Aside from God’s wish that we connect to our family in Christ, we should want to for our own benefit and the chance to benefit others. When we get involved, we are being servants of God and showing our brotherly love for our community. We are taking a huge next step because now we are moving beyond being saved and attending church; to proactively showing and speaking our testimony. We become the army of Christ who helps people fight through troubled waters. Have you ever felt the reward of helping a friend through a rough patch? Amplify that a hundred times. When you speak life into someone who is spiritually dead, and they turn from a road to perdition and take the expressway to salvation. That is the amazing feeling of service through God’s will that we crave! How awesome of an award is that?! 24 | M AG A Z I N E N A M E PAGE 3 23
How to Get Involved Getting involved in your church should not be hard. It should be easy because many offer programs like small groups where you can commune with other people whom you may not have met otherwise. Even in times like now, when we have a pandemic still ravaging the world, churches are connecting online, and small groups happen by Zoom. Stop by their guest services desk and ask them about a small group. Maybe your gift is your love for children; ask about volunteering to educate the smallest of the bunch and help raise them in God. For me, personally, this is huge. I cannot express how much I love hearing my kids talk about the Creator. Maybe you are not good with social functions, and that is okay. The church has something for everyone. How can we grow if there are no opportunities to do so? All it takes to get involved is the intentional action of asking how you can help and a willingness to do God’s work in whatever form He has gifted you to excel in. Sometimes those gifts do not even present themselves until you are on the path of something you think you would have never done. Before the pandemic, my wife was going to go on a mission trip to Peru. I never expected her to tell me she wanted to go, but I was all for it.