God Is Still Looking For Disciples By Joseph Akinrinola
The church needs more disciples now than ever. God needs people who will go all out for the sake of the master. Even if you are a pastor or church founder, are you a disciple? God is still looking for disciples. We may all be Christians, but we are not all disciples. In the kingdom program, the disciples are the stakeholders. Today, God is still looking for disciples. Jesus said you are my disciple if you do whatever I tell you. (John 8:31) But who are these disciples God is still looking for? Who is a disciple? A disciple is a learner. He is someone who is learning to be like his master. Such a person is keyed into the principle of his master, but not his idea or ideology.
The commitment of the three mighty men of David and the early apostles is a mark of a true disciple. (Acts 5:29, 2 Samuel 23:14-17) 1. They stood out among the crowd.
Check anytime Jesus reveals a striking secret about the kingdom, it is always to the disciples and not the crowd. These people are committed to Him. Though the Bible mentioned thirty mighty men of David, these three stood out. God needed committed Christians in Why did Jesus recruit disciples? this end time that will not maintain the status quo, but 1. For companionship–Jesus desired human fellowship those who can think out of the box. The devil and his cohorts are devising new means to capture more peothe way God created man for fellowship. That was ple into their kingdom. In the same way, God expected what you see when he invited the disciples to come kingdom people to rethink how they do evangelism, and pray with Him in the garden of Gethsemane. discipleship, caring, and message delivery. 2. That He may reproduce Himself in the disciples. That was why He trained them for those few years. He 2. Ready to come to the level of the master. imparted them with all they will need for the coming Discipleship is not for the proud and self-sufficient assignment. people. You will not be Christ’s disciple if you are not prepared to bow to your leader, thinking you are more 3. For the continuation of His purpose of coming to educated, richer, or stronger than he is. The three of the world-salvation of mankind. the mighty men of David, despite their level, still come Are today’s believers committed to these three ideals to their master in the cave. Often a true disciple will of Jesus? Do we have our churches filled with disciples identify with the strength and weakness of his leader. or mere believers? Don’t we have more people in the This type of believer does not preach their message in the absence of their principal. They come with a genchurch who are more interested in what the church can do for them rather than what they can do to serve uine reason their principal could not attend a meeting to speak. their redeemer and the perishing world?
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