Award-winning author Melissa Henderson writes inspirational messages laced with a bit of humor. With stories in books, magazines, devotionals and more, Melissa hopes to encourage readers. Melissa is the author of “Licky the Lizard” and “Grumpy the Gator”. Her passions are helping in community and church. Melissa is an Elder, Deacon and Stephen Minister. Follow Melissa on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and at
Blessing Boxes in the Community By Melissa Henderson Have you heard about this great way to help people in need? I learned about the “Blessing Box” opportunity from an article in a local paper. I had noticed small boxes in various church parking lots and yards. Not knowing why the boxes were there, I guessed maybe each church was doing something different, because of the pandemic. The boxes are not large enough for clothing donations, and I soon learned what these “Blessing Boxes” were about and how they are helping the community. In the article, I learned that these “Blessing Boxes” are meant to help anyone who might need food. Most of the boxes I’ve seen are about four feet tall and two feet wide. Most have two or three shelves inside. Some are decorated with flower paintings on the outside. Others are plain wood or painted one color. There are boxes that have a window in the door to show what is inside. Each one is unique. On a few of the “Blessing Boxes,” there is a Bible verse painted on the side.
What a wonderful blessing to be able to share needed items. There is no judgment, no note saying the items need to be paid for, and no restrictions on what can be taken from the box. What a powerful act of faith. No need to worry if one person takes all the food. More items will be placed in the box when needed. The community has faith in God and knows more items will be provided so more people can be blessed. A simple act of the community coming together to bless people in need. Yes, I wish there wasn’t a need for these boxes. I wish everyone was able to have plenty of food to eat. I am thankful to God for whoever thought of this idea. God has commanded us to “Love one another.” One of the most special ways we can show His love is to share blessings of food with each other. “My command is this: love each other as I have loved you.” (John 15:12 NIV)
There are many opportunities to bless others by This idea is a wonderful way to bless others. A sharing His love. We often have to wear masks person in need can walk to the box, open the door, because of the pandemic and can’t see smiles, but take out what they need, and leave. I’ve seen peo- a wave hello is special. A phone call, a listening ear, ple stop by a box and place canned goods with laughing with each other, crying with each other, easy-open tabs inside. Bottled water, napkins, plas- and praying for each other are all ways to be a tic utensils, crackers, and other items are gently blessing. placed in the “Blessing Box.” I wonder if someone may place a Bible or devotional book inside, too.
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