Dave Evans recently retired from his career as an estimator for an electrical contractor, but still works part-time. He recently served as Body Care Pastor for a small church and previously taught at a local Bible College for several years. God led him to found and serve in several outreach ministries—a pet therapy ministry, visiting several skilled nursing facilities and retirement homes: a prayer booth on a local street corner to allow people in the community to stop by for prayer needs and an evangelism table, typically set up once a month at various malls or stores, which made Bibles, tracts, DVDs, and other Christian materials available free of charge to interested shoppers. Dave has a bachelor’s degree in business administration/management. As a writer, he has had many poems and articles published in various periodicals and books. And he’s been privileged to do volunteer work for a local police department.
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It was the eve of the crucifixion of Jesus. Gathered in the Upper Room, the disciples listened as He began to speak His final words to them. Distress began to flood their emotions until they were greatly upset by several things He said. A betrayer was among them, and Jesus was leaving them. Peter was soon to deny Him. How could that be? Hadn’t he just declared that he would lay down his life for Jesus? The foundation of their world was starting to shake violently, and life as they knew it would abruptly end. What were they to do? Because the days ahead would be tempestuous and extremely difficult, Jesus directed them, “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.” (John 14:1 NKJV). The imminent storms will assail and buffet you, but you must not be troubled by them. Just as you believe in God, you must also believe in, and trust me. And to help them during their turmoil, Jesus bequeathed His peace to them, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27 NKJV). He offered them His peace, not the fragile, tenuous, or even counterfeit peace the world can offer only in the absence of trouble; but a peace which could prevail even during trouble. The One who calmed the wind and the waves with the simple command, “Peace, be still,” could surely calm the fiercest raging tempests of their human hearts with His peace.