Pain and Power By Dr. Kathleen Oden
Many years before eating healthy was introduced to me, I discovered there was arthritis in my left foot. However, because of being a person who did not run to the doctor for every ailment, I ignored it. Mainly because it would only hurt me the day after walking a mile. This was during the time of my life when the Lord was dealing with me about my weight. Normal everyday walking caused me no problems at all. So, my thinking was, “it can’t be that serious.” This went on for many years… “ignoring it,” yep the ignoring it part, went on for many years. Why? Well, my remedy was to stop walking. Therefore, no pain. Problem solved, right? NOT!!! Fast forward from 2009 to 2015 and I start walking again. But, to make a long story short, I am going to copy and paste an entry made in a diary that was started in 2015, the first year of my healthy living journey.
5/8/2015 Started walking on Wednesday (May 6th) and so far, no arthritis pain in my left foot. This was a no-no in the past (since 2009). I would go walking and the next day my foot would throb with pain. I had it x-rayed and found out that osteoarthritis was in my foot. I would have to wait 1 or 2 days before walking again. Last summer, my right foot was also starting to show some signs of arthritis, but so far it also is showing no signs of pain. Normal daily walking did not bother my foot, but walking for 30 continuous minutes or more daily was not do-able. This is an extremely exciting development! But I will continue to monitor for another week, just to be sure. Last summer it was very painful to walk 2 days in a row. And 3 days in a row was totally out of the question. If the arthritis in my foot is healed OR healing, then I know that the diet I am on is still working for me. And to that, I say, HALLELUJAH AND PRAISE THE LORD AND AMEN AMEN!!! I AM SO THANKFUL TO GOD!!! ******