OUR MISSION, OUR BLESSING By Craig and Karen Ruhl are not financially compensated for their content. We encourage authors, writers, poets, and photographers to share their love of Christ through the gifts and talents God blessed them with. It is an honor for Faith On Every Corner to be used in spreading the news of Jesus Christ to all the world. An added blessing we have received has been getting to know our contributing writers on a very personal basis. Many have shared their testimony with us, as we have ours with them. As we read and edit each article, story, and poem submitted for publication, we are educated, encouraged, and comforted. Our faith is strengthened. We pray that the same blessing is passed on to our readers and that they will share our publication with others. As we were putting the finishing touches on the December 2020 issue of Faith On Every Corner magazine, we reflected on the journey this ministry has taken us on. For over three years, we have been blessed to express our testimonies with people around the world. Our magazine is being read in over 73 countries. In some of these areas, it is extremely dangerous to possess or read Christian material. Faith On Every Corner magazine, through its Christian content, may be the only opportunity people in these areas will have to hear the good news of Jesus Christ. That is an enormous responsibility. We have been allowed to serve God through the use of the gifts and talents we and our contributors have been given. It has been a life-changing experience to write for, edit, and publish this monthly periodical. Early on, Karen prayed the Prayer of Jabez over each of us and the Faith On Every Corner ministry. Our ever-faithful God has expanded not only our territory but also the depth of our faith and understanding. He has provided the strength and armor to defend us during the inevitable periods of spiritual warfare we experience in fulfilling this ministry. Our prayers always include a hope that God’s will be done and not ours. Faith On Every Corner has never been about monetary or tangible gain; we purposely do not accept paid advertising. Our contributor writers 30 | M AG A Z I N E N A M E PAGE 3 29
The coming new year brings with it renewed hope and promise. We at Faith On Every Corner have exciting plans for our magazine and several new publications. If you would like to stay informed as these changes occur, please visit the website at www.faithoneverycorner.com and subscribe. Please also visit our Facebook and LinkedIn pages, like, and follow to help us grow our circulation. A final thought: this has been a challenging year for all of us. Through it all, we continue to give thanks for the glorious gift of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. As we prepare for and celebrate Christmas, the time of Jesus’ birth, let us all remember these words: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16 KJV) Merry Christmas, everyone. May God bless you all! You can reach Craig and Karen by emailing: Team@FaithOnEveryCorner.com