An Interview with Yvonne Morgan by Karen Ruhl
Yvonne Morgan pictured on the left
After reading last month’s article about her missionwritten by Yvonne, I felt called to interview her in person. We set up a Zoom call and I must admit, I think I listened more than I took notes. I was fascinated by what Yvonne and her husband have been doing for children all over the world.
What did you see on your first mission trip that moved you to continue on?
The children I saw on the trip were filthy and wore rags. Their stomachs distended from constant hunger. They dug through trash piles for scraps of food to stave off the emptiness in their bellies. But How did you get involved in this type of mission slowly, they showed me a purpose in the trip as we work? handed out rations to these poor little ones each day. God revealed to me how I could help poor and I attended a meeting at our church. I heard a preneglected children in His world. He told me how I sentation about a mission trip to Haiti. As I listened, could be His hands and feet. I experienced a strange sensation. I felt God whisper to my heart, “go to Haiti.” The thought unsettled me What are your greatest accomplishments to date? as I wrestled with the idea of a mission trip. I knew God led me to start a charity organization, and I hated camping because of the bugs and lack of creature comforts. So, how could I go on a mission through it, God enabled me to create several ortrip? The thought of missions never occurred to me. phanages. These homes cared for about 60 precious orphans who call me Mom. They were more than I felt ill-equipped for any kind of Christian work. orphans to me. They became my children. During What was God thinking in asking me to do such a that time, we also adopted two teenagers from thing? Kenya. However, I landed in Haiti in July 1997 for a weeklong mission trip working with impoverished chilWhat were some of the hardest things to see? dren. The impact of this trip on my life was enorOne boy we found had never been potty trained mous. and was forced to live in soiled clothes. I wanted to make a difference in his life by providing a home for him.
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