Faith On Every Corner - July 2020

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Freedom July 2020

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. ~ Galatians 5:1

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COVER PHOTO BY K A R E N R U H L I have been a photographer since I was a young girl. If there was a need for family photos, I loved taking them - and of course being in them too! Now my favorite place is in back of the camera capturing this amazing country. Craig and I live in North Carolina now. We have lived in California and Ohio as well. We lived and traveled in our motorcoach for over five years. When we moved to North Carolina just about 5 years ago, our son, Chris, told us that I would fall in love with the state and all I could photograph. He wasn’t wrong. It didn’t take long before we started discovering wonderful country drives, beautiful waterfalls, mountain, and the ocean. The other day, we went for a country drive. We wanted to keep this trip under 2 hours. Our country drive took us past the barns you see on the right side of this article and on the front page. While there are many barns that have fallen in to disrepair, there are so many of the old barns still in use. I love shooting both, and feel it is capturing a part of American history. Many of the barns have flags like the second barn on the right. This one has the 13 colony stars and they proudly display the flag for all to see. We love watching the farmers out working in their fields. While we live in a small town, it is just a 5 minute drive until we are in farming country. Crops, cows, pigs, horses, you name it, we pass by it. We are so thakful for the farmers in our country. God bless the farmers, they the unsung heros.


NOTE FROM THE EDITOR As we were putting this issue together, we have been struck by what Freedom means to so many people. There is one article without a by-line that is particularly touching. You may never know where your family or friends have been and how God has brought them to their own personal freedom. It may be freedom from addiction, abuse, mental, spiritual, or financial problems. The writer of the article wanted to share in the hopes that it might touch just one person who needs to read it and know that there is hope in Christ Jesus. Craig and I grew up with dads who had served in the military. We heard their stories of war and could see the love they had for their country. Craig also served in the Navy. We have a strong love for our country and are in deep prayer that all the changes we have seen this year will be righted by God. We invite you to pray daily for our country, for our President and Vice President, and for all of those serving in all capacities, the service men and women, police and fire personnel, national guard, first responders, and those in the medical field who are working tirelessly to keep us safe and healthy. We are praying for you. Thank you for reading our magazine, please share it with your family and friends.



God Bless America by Karen Ruhl

You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love. ~ Galatians 5:13 NIV

Fourth of July, a day that most people think of as a day to party and go watch fireworks. I imagine if you asked people, especially the younger generation, why we celebrate the 4th of July, you would get a variety of answers. Depending on the age group, it would be a fun experiment. I grew up in a time when we knew what the 4th meant to us as a nation. We learned about it in school, and our parents talked about it at home.

system is our nation’s 47,432 miles of Interstate Highways.

Did you know that on July 4, 1776, the 13 colonies claimed their independence from England, an event which eventually led to the formation of the United States?

We are a free country, even when we have a pandemic that may alter our norm. We have freedom of speech, freedom to roam the country over the miles and miles of roadways, freedom to have a family of any size, freedom to own our own homes, freedom to write and read any book we choose, freedom to work where we want, freedom to spend our money as we choose. God has blessed America and we need to continue to stand up and fight for these freedoms. The lyrics to God Bless America says it best.

America is 244 years old and has seen its share of battles, both domestic and foreign. We as a country have weathered illnesses, recessions, rioting, wars, social and religious struggles. There have been so many more issues that could fill this magazine!

God bless America, land that I love Stand beside her and guide her Through the night with the light from above From the mountains to the prairies To the oceans white with foam God bless America, my home sweet home

The United States is the only country with a continuous democracy more than 200 years old, according to Reuters. We have a population of over 382 million people and 4.09 million miles of navigable roadways across our 50 states (Alaska and Hawaii included). The beating heart of this transportation

May God bless you all. I urge you to stay in prayer for our country and our leaders. We pray for you all and hope to hear from you.


Blessings, Karen



3 5 9 11 13 15 17 18 19 21 22 23 25 27 29 31 37

Karen Ruhl


Andrea Marino


Lorrie Manosh


Gittel Fruma


Nicole Byrum


Suzette Humphreys


Melissa Henderson Randi McNiel


Tynea Lewis


Anna Friend Scott Dunn


Lynn Downham


Anna Friend


Craig Ruhl


Joseph Akinrinola


Candace Pope



Cover photo by Karen Ruhl My Declaration of Independence, page 9. It was submitted by someone who has gone through depression. Her prayer is that it touches someone and helps them through the rough waters.




My Inner Studio Book Review

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Road Trippin’ / Photos

Craig and KarenRuhl

Karen Ruhl



By Andrea Marino When we think about freedom, we generally refer to the ‘rights’ of human beings. Every person is given inalienable - or natural rights from God. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are among them. America’s Declaration of Independence upholds these truths of God, maintaining “all men are created equal”. Living in freedom is based on knowing Jesus and trusting Him. I really enjoy riding my bicycle. I feel free in the open air, a delightful breeze upon my skin. All seems right with the world on my bike. But all too soon I encounter obstacles along my way, glass to avoid and cars coming a little too close for my comfort. I don’t like how intolerant I can be when something or someone gets in my way. But I don’t have to lose heart when disturbances come to take control. “Love covers a multitude of sins,” 1 Peter 4:8. The qualities of love are to liberate us from the not so nice nature that we often default to. Regrettably, the spirit of hate and offense, running rampant through our nation lately is very disturbing. Jesus forewarned about the anti-Christ to come, the ‘man of lawlessness’ and ‘son of destruction’. 2 Thessalonians 2:3,4. Lucifer, the serpent of old, is the thief whose nature is to kill, steal, and destroy. Those displaying his character are far from free. We will offer ourselves to someone as obedient slaves. We will be slaves to moral impurity and lawlessness, or slaves to righteousness. Romans 6:16-18. It’s sad to think anyone would reject the love and freedom that Jesus offers. Even when the fifth bowl of judgment is poured over the earth, there will be those refusing to repent while holding up a fist to God. Revelation 16:10,11. In pride, peo6FAITH | MON AG A ZEVERY INE NAM E CORNER

ple believe they can be their own god. Satan told Eve she could be God if she ate from the tree. Genesis 3:1-5. Disobedience and rebellion are of the devil and result in the loss of freedom. The sixty-first chapter in the book of Isaiah prophesied good news of liberty to the captives. The fulfillment of this prophecy is found in Luke 4:18, as spoken from the mouth of Jesus. Everyone needs deliverance from the current world system, corrupted by sin since the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden. We all begin life enslaved to sin, subject to its law of death. Each of us must make a choice to serve God or our flesh. “He leaves us perfectly free… that we can spit in His face or put Him to death.” Love isn’t real without the ability to choose. Freedom is not possible apart from love. I drifted away from God a few times in the course of my life. The last time was twenty-five years ago. My youngest child was two years old, and I had returned to work to help support our oldest daughter who was starting college. It was a hectic period of my life; and the song, ‘Free as a Bird’, by Paul McCartney, was popular. As I jogged around a track at a school near my home, the chorus, ‘free as a bird’ played over and over in my mind, sorrow filled my heart and tears began to flow. I cried out to God to help me be free. I knew I wasn’t. It wasn’t the workload I was carrying with four kids, a husband, and a house. It was spiritual bondage. I could feel it; and it made me miserable. Not only had I gotten sidetracked with the trappings of the world in a want of happiness, but I was also needlessly carting around the guilt and shame of my past without knowing why. I thank God for

that time of unrest. There is a time to put away the old self and all of its thoughts. We come out from under the burden of guilt by moving forward in the truth and are led by His Spirit of love. “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom.” 2 Corinthians 3:17. Now more than ever people, across the globe, need a supernatural encounter with the God of love. The apostle Paul–once a persecutor of those in the Christian faith- did not receive the gospel from a human source, nor was he taught it. He says he received it by a revelation from Jesus Christ on the Damascus Road. Galatians 1: 12, Acts 22:6-10. To which he asked, “What should I do, Lord?” It’s the rescue from the dominion of darkness into the into the Kingdom of His son that frees us now and forever. Colossians 1:13.

Click on the photo of the book to purchase from Amazon.

i Oswald

Chambers, My Utmost For His Highest, July 19. Oswald Chambers Publications, 1992.

With a yearning to uncover the secret to life at a young age, Andrea embarked on a journey to discover the truth. The study of Psychology proved inadequate, while the forces of darkness were making their presence known. The Hobble, from Ai to Bethel encompasses the author’s personal victory over fear and feeling like a ‘lessen than’ woman. Passionate about God’s Good News in Jesus, Andrea desires to encourage people to never lose hope. Truth begins with a decision to get out of the land of ruin. When not writing, Andrea loves spending time with her children and grandchildren and enjoys cycling on the open roads with her husband, David. Please email her at and visit her FB page, In The Way Everlasting.


Faith On Every Corner Bookshelf Book Review of My Inner Studio Author Melinda Priebe My Inner Studio is Melinda Priebe’s story describing the challenges and heartbreaks she has encountered throughout her adult life. When her artistic and creative writing gifts are sidelined by physical and emotional traumas, Melinda reconstructs her personal studio space by relying on the faithfulness of her Savior, Jesus Christ. In her book, she relates her inner studio to a garden that needed to be properly tended before it would flourish again. She describes the methods she used to achieve her comeback and return to a life filled with restoration and peace. Throughout her journey, scripture verses served as anchor points and reinforcement that she was on the right course. Melinda shares the specific verses she was given during that time and the ones she still clings to today. My Inner Studio includes a brief lesson plan that invites the reader to explore their garden. The book is easy to read while filled with insight and wisdom. We enjoyed reading My Inner Studio and have placed it on the Faith On Every Corner bookshelf with our high recommendation. Melinda Priebe is a Christian artist and author who sustained a traumatic brain injury in 1995. Her mission is to inspire hope in those who have also suffered tragic events. For more information about Melinda, her art, and books, visit her website at https://www. Faith On Every Corner Bookshelf Reviewed by Karen Ruhl & Craig Ruhl

We have now opened up our newest addition, the Faith On Every Corner Bookshelf. If you have a book you would like us to review and feature, please call or email Craig at 828-305-8571 for information. Email:


My Inner Studio is available at Click the book cover to go directly to this book.


M Y D E C L A R AT I O N O F I N D E P E N D E N C E I was trying to run away from my problems. On December 19, 2010, I decided that I had been through enough, and I would make it on my own. I didn’t need anybody else; I just thought I did. I got in the car and took a small suitcase with a change of clothes inside. For someone who was running away, I sure packed light.

There, it happened again. Everybody else knows what is best for me. What about me, and what I wanted?

I didn’t go far either. I stayed within the confines of my little town. I found a motel on the edge of town, paid the clerk, and proceeded to create a fresh beginning for me, myself, and I.

I was not in the mood to thank God at that moment, but the Good News is that God was still there, waiting and knowing that I would thank Him, years down the line.

I was positively certain that I had done the right thing. I had all my eggs in one basket, my basket, and no one was going to keep me from doing what I planned to do.

All I could think of was that it was six days until Christmas, and, where was I? I was in a mental ward because I couldn’t hold things together on my own. There were gifts to be bought and presents to wrap, and Goodness knows that I did not want anyone to find out what had happened to me. It was too embarrassing; I had freaked out, and all because I wanted to live on my own.

I was on my own. For the first time in my life, I was not listening to anyone else telling me what I could and couldn’t do. I was smart enough to determine my life’s destiny; I didn’t need anyone. Hindsight is 20/20. Yep, I said it right. From my hind end, I could see perfectly. At least, that’s what I believed, at that very moment. I went to bed and woke up startled at around 2:30 AM. I was in the middle of a full-blown panic attack. I genuinely believed that I was dying. As much as I tried to call 911 on my own, I couldn’t make my fingers dial the numbers. I couldn’t understand why it was so hard to press three numbers, but I could press one. I pressed “O” waking the motel manager, saying “I need an ambulance, and I can’t call for one on my own. I remember the emergency medical technicians coming into my small hotel room. Somehow, I had managed to get dressed. The next thing I remember is yelling for help because I was sure that somebody was trying to hurt me. As much as I fought the attendants, a shot in the rear is what I needed to get my head straightened out. I don’t remember the ride there. I must have blacked out. I’m sure that they gave me something to help me relax. I was told a couple of hours later that I needed to voluntarily commit myself to the fifth floor that evening. They could not force me to go, but they said, “It is in your best interest.”


As much as I wanted to say NO, and as much as I wanted to not go on THAT floor, I found myself signing the necessary paperwork to be committed.

Now, I can look back and thank God. I was angry as all get out at Him. “How could you let something like this happen to me? Don’t you love me? What were you thinking? I am Your child. What kind of gift is this from You, God?” I got so angry. I wanted to sleep away my days, but something inside of me (hope you smiled, cause I did) made me tell the nurses on staff, after the first day of 22 hours sleeping, that my medicine was way too much, and I couldn’t function on the present dosage.

What am I doing here was now not as big an issue as, God, why am I here? It seems like the same question, but it wasn’t. There were two different answers. What am I doing here was answered easily. I had a panic attack, thought I was dying, contacted 911, all the above, and I wondered what I was doing here. If you note a sense of sarcasm in my voice, you are right. I put myself there. My actions caused a reaction, which caused another reaction, which (do I need to go on?) Now, why I was there was a total mystery for a long time. And then one day, it was like an acorn had hit me on the head, an acorn the size of Nebraska.

In Isaiah 43, God’s Holy Word says, “When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you; and when you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze, For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior.” I wanted to know what God wanted from me, how I could best serve Him, and the answer came. I am here today to tell anyone who will listen, that God is good. How can I say God is good, after all that happened? I was at a crossroads in my life. People might ask, “Why would you show your struggles to the world?” I tell it for one reason. God gets the blame for a lot of things that happen in the world. Maybe, we should try to look at it another way. We make choices every day: good choices and bad choices. We all know the difference between right and wrong, but sometimes we need a good God to remind us when we have “me” moments. What did I learn? I am not perfect. There is ONE GOD, and I’m not Him. I can learn from my mistakes if I am willing to acknowledge I make mistakes. Most importantly, my time on the fifth floor, having the notoriety of being a mental ward, was probably the most humbling experience of my life. What I found there were real people, people that were struggling with life and trying their best to deal with it. I saw people that appeared as if they were inside out. I saw people that were real. I met people that didn’t see me as broken; ironically, they saw me as being so normal in a world of broken people. I thank God for letting me see their hearts and not their behaviors, their struggles to live, and not their inabilities to persevere.

In our everyday world, we are so afraid of appearing less than what we are, so we hide our fears, our frustrations, our anxieties because we don’t want to be seen as crazy. I am here to say that no one on this whole green planet is perfect, and the sooner we become who we truly are and stop pretending to be all sunshine and roses, then and only then, will we all be okay. I found people from all walks of life that were lonely, scared, abused, needy, and in finding them, I found myself. I was comfortable, because I was me, and I knew that I could be me and be accepted amongst the group I met, and just be. I struggle with depression, fear, and anxiety. My doctor calls it a non-specific mood disorder; in short, he says I am a human being that tries too hard to please people. I met people that were hurting right along beside me that had tried to squelch their anxieties and their difficulties to please other people. There, amid all those lives torn apart by emotional baggage, I found comfort. I found strength that if they could make it, I could too. Thank you, my dear friends, for accepting me and making me feel like I was okay. Today, I am “learning” dependence on God. I am learning to trust God. A lot of things I don’t understand, but God knows I don’t understand, and that’s okay too. I live one day at a time. I don’t know what this day holds, but I know WHO holds the day. It’s been ten years. I had an excellent doctor who took over my care that night. I no longer see him, but I will be forever grateful that he came into my life that night. I had been put on twelve different medicines and given all kinds of diagnoses, and today, I am on one medicine for depression. Can God be trusted to work all things together for good? Oh, yeah! “Now we know in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28 WWW.FAITHONEVERYCORNER.COM 10

As I look within, I am reminded of the same process of deadheading and pruning that needs to occur in me. What in me is no longer thriving? What in me is taking up energy that could better be served elsewhere? What reshaping do I need so that I can grow properly? Am I living in freedom and fresh growth or am I trying to survive and bring forth beauty from old blooms?


In John 15:2, the Bible states, “Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it so it may bear more fruit.� Our Heavenly Father is the Master Gardener. Just as I needed to take the time to deadhead and prune my garden, we need to let the Lord do the same within us. As we allow Him to rid what is dead within us, what is taking up unnecessary space, we will have the freedom for new growth, new blossoms, and new beauty.

I recall a time in my life when things were busy... not necessarily bad, but just nonstop. I by Lorrie Manosh was working full time at a job I loved, raising kids, attending sports events, church minisSitting in the garden the other night deadheading the try, and more. Life was good, and I was busy plants I began to ponder its similarities to our own lives. You see, the purpose of deadheading plants is to regen- doing but my inner garden had become so erate new growth, to rid the plant of negative energy use, overgrown. There were blooms that needed deadheading and so much that needed and to redirect to more productive use, such as growing pruning. Yes, my garden was full, but it was new blooms. It also gives better eye appeal as the worn and dying blooms have reached their end. Beautiful for a not properly thriving. My roots were not gettime, yet no longer thriving. When properly deadheaded ting the nourishment they needed, and many dead blossoms lingered on until I allowed the plant has the freedom to grow and bloom again. Its new blooms give off a fragrance, catch the eye of onlook- the Lord, the Master Gardener, to come and ers, and for a period show forth the beauty intended, but change things. As I began to rest in Him and in time the deadheading process must once again occur. allow the process of deadheading and pruning to occur within me, there was a rebirth in Sometimes it is just one or two blooms within the plant my garden. New life was growing, and I had that are cut back and other sometimes it is all of them a sense of freedom from within as my roots at once. When we deadhead a plant, we get rid of the blossom that no longer blooms. Another process that can were now being properly watered. The once occur is pruning. Pruning is ridding any part of the plant, overgrown spaces were carefully managed to allow light to come in. even recent growth. This is done to train a plant in the way you want it to grow, to restrict growth you do not What does your garden look like? Are you in want to happen, or to just help it grow healthy. need of the Master Gardener to do a work within? We have that choice to release it all to Him and to let Him deadhead and prune. I challenge you today to let go and let God. 12 | M AG AEVERY Z I N E N ACORNER ME FAITH ON

Lorrie Manosh is a children’s author who is passionate about teaching, writing, learning, inspiring others and her faith in the Lord. Her first book, “The Feeling Closet What are you Wearing Today?” released in April 2020, is a book that inspires children to manage their emotions through the use of their feeling closet. Lorrie lives in Massachusetts and is a wife and mother of four with over twenty years of experience in the classroom as an elementary teacher, special educator, principal, professor, and leader in various church programs. Follow Lorrie on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter at

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As my 4-year-old son would say, “I don’t like that!” Yet, here I find myself like the middle line of the preschool song Bear Hunt, “Can’t go over it, can’t go under it, we’ll have to go through it!” I’m so much less enthusiastic than those preschoolers. Three and some years ago, before we moved to Florida, before my life was flipped on its head, back when I had some illusion of stability in my life, I received a word from God. I should not have needed a man to come up to my husband at a conference and tell him, “I don’t know your wife, but this is for her.” It’s in His Word. Even now, I know better, though I struggle with its practice.

Apply your anxious energy toward prayer.

A N I S L A N D I A M N OT by GITTEL FRUMA I have been taking stock of my daily routine as of late. More commitments are continually getting shoved into my stack of to-do lists. I find myself constantly running. I am also perpetually hungry or thinking about food, though I rarely get to it. I live in the vacillation between dopamine highs of task completion and soul-sucking lows of finding one-more-thing I forgot to do. All this is lived in a relative state of sleep deprivation and self-depletion. Right now, while my husband is working out of the state, it’s also done alone. No, it is not healthy. No, it’s not pleasant. No, it’s not permanent. This is a season. This is a long, educational, find-your-bootstraps, lean-on-God’s-strength, learn-youare-not-self-sufficient season. No man is an island. In case you thought being a woman exempted you from that statement, go read your Bible. For none of us lives to himself, and none of us dies to himself. – Romans 14:7 14 | M AG AEVERY Z I N E N ACORNER ME FAITH ON

Mind-blowing, right? I’ll pause so you can soak up the full effect of this obvious, self-evident fact. I think they teach this on the first day of Sunday School. Anyways, turning off the sarcasm… When I am in the mire, it’s hard to imagine there’s something in existence besides me and my muck. Yet, God says so simply, “Just look up, child.” It’s that simple. When I insist on looking at the mud, all I can say is, “Why is there so much mud?!” “Why are you like this?!” God does not intend for me to live there and it’s amazing what He can do with my willingness to look away from me. But you, O LORD, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head. I cried aloud to the LORD, and He answered me from His holy hill. Selah. – Psalm 3:3-4

Whether you find yourself in the muck or on the hamster wheel, remember He’s there by your side. Jesus promised He would send us a better helper. He’s here. Look up and bring your burdens to God! He is your defender. He is your steadfast. He is the one who acts on your behalf. And when you are too tired to lift up your head, ask Him, and even that, He will do for you. The magic is that it’s really not about you. As much as you think you are accomplishing something by driving in rubber-screeching figure-8’s around your life, you’re not getting very far. Take a minute to breathe today. Bring your burdens to God. Realize it’s not all about you. Heaven won’t be any more pleasant because you hyperventilated the whole way there.

Gittel Fruma came to believe in Jesus after growing up as an Orthodox Jew. Gittel lives with her husband and son in Clearwater, Florida. She is currently working on a book about her testimony and recording her first album. You can find her at her website or on Facebook at @ GittelFrumaMusic.



by Nicole Byrum There is rest in the goodness of the Lord my God…

Our God is a God of beauty and His work is displayed throughout the universe! I Those are lyrics from one of my favorite songs, Abunhaven’t seen the earth or heavens in their dantly More, by North Point Worship. Without question, entirety of course, but here is what I have we are all in need of rest for one reason or another. But seen: brilliant sunrises and sunsets, majestic how often do we seek the source of rest in the goodness mountains, the glory of autumn leaves, glisof our God? More times than I would like to admit, I have tening waters and crashing waves, carefully leaned on convenient go-to’s such as movie watching, crafted canyons and waterfalls, white sandy phone scrolling, or some other form of entertainment to beaches, and still forests... to name a few. I find rest. While these means may entertain or even relax have also seen intricately designed insects me, they certainly do not satisfy my soul. Only the good- as well as lions, giraffes, and graceful deer. ness of God can do that. But more than those, I have seen the goodness of God displayed in the beauty of the In Psalm 34:8 David wrote, “Oh taste and see that the faces of my children. Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!” I love that he used the word “taste” to appeal to God’s goodness has also been evident our senses in order to bring this idea right where it bethrough the gift of the people He has given longs- to a personal level. In a physical sense, tasting is me to love in this world. My husband and very personal, for nobody else can “taste” for me, I have children are precious gifts, and I thank God to do that for myself. The same is true in our relationship for them every day. His goodness was also with God. It is deeply personal, and we must taste Him poured out in the giving of my own family for ourselves. Amazingly, the Creator of the Universe inof origin as well as my husband’s. These are vites us to know His goodness personally! Blessings and the best people I know. And although I do refuge abound when we accept this invitation. not have siblings, God has graciously provided wonderful friends throughout my life; In the writing of this, I reflected on the ways I have friends I share childhood memories with and tasted the goodness of God in my life. As memories and friends who have entered my life at various images flashed through my mind, it became apparent stages of adulthood. They have all been that I could see His goodness unfold in four main wayssome of my greatest treasures, and I am bethrough beauty, relationships, faithful direction, and in yond grateful for these brothers and sisters the midst of suffering. in Christ. 16 | ON M AG AEVERY Z I N E N ACORNER ME FAITH

Throughout my life, God has shown goodness by faithfully directing my paths. As I think about key decisions- college, grad school, and jobs- I see His hand gently guiding me into the right places at the right times, all for His purposes. I love that His plans have been far bigger than I could ever have imagined for myself. And yet, the goodness of God also shows up in the midst of hurt, loss, and pain. He has resided with me in times of relationship turmoil, discouragement, fear, and confusion. In times of grief, loss, and sorrow, I have felt His peace; beautiful peace which passes all understanding. In these valleys of life, He has never failed to comfort me with His Spirit and Truth. Indeed, His goodness shines brightest in the darkness. Without fail, every time I shift my focus to the goodness of the God who loves me, I find rest for my soul. Every. Single. Time. Remarkably, this rest is available to us any time of the week, any minute of the day. The God who created us graciously calls us to taste and see that He is good- and in doing so, we find our rest in Him.

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Have you tasted that the Lord is good? I pray you will accept the invitation to do so, for it is the best invite imaginable. I promise you won’t regret it.

I am a therapist and writer who is passionate about family, faith, and recovery. I am the author of Remade: Living Free, a book that explores topics related to substance abuse, recovery, and unhealthy relationships from a biblical perspective.


TRUTH AND FREEDOM Presented by Suzette-The Marriage Warrior

The USA’s July 4, 2020 celebration of freedom is upon us. As we enter this season, Americans face matters that seem overwhelmingly confusing. As a marriage counselor, I view the current state of our country in the same condition as a marriage with adultery. Secrets compromise unity and suppress freedom within any viable relationship. Non-disclosed information breaks trust within an institution’s unity and as betrayal is revealed, the initial stage of recovery is DENIAL AND CONFUSION. John 8:32 states “You shall know the truth and the truth sets you FREE.” Freedom has a direct correlation with TRUTH. If truth is replaced with lies and secrets, then freedom quickly turns into bondage. This scripture also reminds us that “you shall KNOW the truth.” Knowing the truth is not only important for freedom but is guaranteed by God; “you… SHALL… know the truth.” Satan, the destroyer, is the father of lies. Since the garden of Eden, Satan has utilized the tool of lies and secrets as a weapon of destruction. It is through God’s grace that secrets are exposed because He knows how hidden agendas damage unity. Unity is the very foundation of any thriving institution and without it… “a house divided cannot stand.” (Mark 3:25). In order to accomplish any said goal, all players have to be on the same page. This is an impossible feat if an agenda is hidden because, as trust is replaced with betrayal, division and rebellion will reside. Secrets have the power to divide marriages, destroy businesses, and disrupt nations. Division is the work of the evil one who achieves his agenda through the vehicle of lies in the form of secrets. The creation story teaches us that Adam and Eve hid because of their shame. Webster defines secrets as “something designed to escape notice, knowledge or observation”. Webster also defines shame as “The painful feeling arising from the consciousness of something dishonorable, improperly done by oneself or another.” As Satan seduces mankind to agree with his agendas, these agreements oppose the moral construct God originally created, which produces shame.

Just as in the garden of Eden, whether it be a marriage or a nation, anytime betrayal enters a system, we have to rely on scripture to guide us on how to untangle the web of lies. Throughout scripture, God addresses deception by exposing it. Full disclosure of TRUTH is God’s pathway towards freedom. Truth is also the conduit for healing because where there is truth, there is hope, and where there is hope there is love, and it is “LOVE that covers a multitude of sins.” (1 Peter 4:8). As Americans war among themselves seeking to define the term “loving and accepting one another,” the fact is that true Love can only operate when the truth is revealed first. Any other way, other than the truth, will lead to confusion, which is authored by the enemy. Satan, the destroyer, is the father of secrets and lies. However, as God’s Spirit shines light in the darkness, His truth will breathe new life. Although truth can be difficult to face, it is the first sign of healing and recovery. Recognize the current national/global upheaval as a sign that God has pressed the reset button. The manifesting confusion is merely the dismantling of hidden agendas within the enemy’s camp. Be encouraged and rejoice! For the United States of America’s freedom was declared and proclaimed by our forefathers as UNDER GOD! Although many American’s may have forgotten this initial vow with our creator, God has not forgotten. Our heavenly father keeps the vows He makes because “He is not a man that would lie” (Num 23:19) and “He never goes against His word.” (Ps 89:34) It’s a good day in our nation!! BLESS THE LORD OH MY SOUL AND ALL THAT IS WITHIN ME BLESS HIS HOLY NAME



Melissa Henderson is a writer of inspirational messages. Her first book for children, “Licky the Lizard”, was released in 2018. She also has a story in the compilations “Heaven Sightings” and “Remembering Christmas.” Her passions are helping in community and church. Melissa is an Elder, Deacon, and Stephen Minister. She and her husband, Alan, moved from Virginia to South Carolina to be near her son, daughter-in-law and first grandchild. The family motto is “It’s Always A Story With The Hendersons”. Follow Melissa on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and at


July 4, 2020, falls on a Saturday. Already, I’ve been seeing advertisements and commercials for special sales during that weekend. Half price clothing, vehicles at a discount cost, and grocery stores have sent emails with “picnic” ideas. Most of these ads have the American flag somewhere in the message or patriotic music playing in the background. A typical July 4th celebration of freedom might include family and friends’ “get-togethers”, feasts of delicious food, and games of badminton or cornhole. Grills might be fired up and hamburgers and hot dogs with the fixin’s could go great with potato salad, chips, and watermelon. As a young girl, I remember my parents preparing food for the special day. Daddy cooked the burgers and hot dogs on the grill outside. Mama cooked corn on the cob, homegrown string beans and squash inside the house and brought everything outside to the red wooden picnic table. One very special memory of July 4th is when Daddy would bring out the old ice cream maker. He added rock salt to the inside of the container. Daddy had already made a creation for the ice cream and was always adding something to make the dessert extra special. Sometimes bananas, other times peaches. I was the lucky one to sit on the old machine while Daddy turned the handle until the cold treat was ready. Turn and turn, sit and sit, wait, and wait. I was an impatient little girl who was ready for the ice cream the minute the cranking started. After what seemed like ages, finally, the handle became harder and harder to turn and

Daddy would state, “It’s ready. Bring your bowl.” Yummy to the tummy. The problem was that the delicious treat was gone way too fast. Evening would come and lightning bugs began dancing in the dark. Mama and Daddy sitting in their lawn chairs and me with a mason jar with holes cut in the top, running around the back yard to catch the bugs. Wonderful and precious memories. These activities and more are possible because of our freedom. Freedom to cook and eat what we want, freedom to enjoy things like making homemade ice cream, freedom to run freely in the back yard, and freedom to gaze at the stars in the night sky. Not every person has freedom in life. I pray for all who seek freedom. Our heavenly freedom is found in one way, through Jesus. Have you thanked God for your freedom? We live in a country where we can share our love for Christ. We can show His love and hopefully bring people closer to Him. This July 4th, enjoy freedom, have fun with family and friends, and thank God for the freedom He has provided. Blessings, Melissa Henderson WWW.FAITHONEVERYCORNER.COM M AG A Z I N E N A M E &O R U R L | 18 19

Honor Flight Randi McNiel It was a small clinic in Springfield, Ohio in May 2004. The World War II Memorial was completed and dedicated in Washington D.C. and became the topic of conversation among World War II veterans. Earl Morse, a physician assistant, and Retired Air Force Captain was hired by the Department of Veteran Affairs to work in the clinic after retiring from the Air Force in 1998. He often asked his veteran patients if they would ever travel to visit their memorial, and most said they probably would, eventually. But as the months passed it became clear that it simply wasn’t financially or physically possible for them to make the trip. Most had given up all hope of ever visiting the memorial that was created to honor their service and that of their comrades who had paid the ultimate sacrifice. Earl wanted to honor these veterans he had cared for the past 27 years. There had to be a way to get them to Washington D.C. In addition to being a physician assistant, Earl was also a licensed pilot and a member of one of the largest aero clubs located at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio. In December of 2004, Earl asked one of his World War II veteran patients if he could personally fly him, free of charge, to see his memorial. Mr. Loy broke down and cried, and graciously accepted the offer. A week later Earl asked a second World War II veteran who also cried and accepted the trip. In fact, many veterans had the same reaction, so Earl began asking for help from other pilots to make these dreams a reality. However, there were two stipulations: • The veterans would pay nothing. The entire aircraft rental ($600 to $1200 for the day) would have to be paid by the pilots. • The pilots would personally escort the veterans around Washington D.C. for the entire day.


Eleven pilots who didn’t even know his patients stepped up to volunteer. And Honor Flight was born. The first Honor Flight was in May 2005 with six small planes taking twelve WWII veterans to visit their memorial. By August there was a waiting list of veterans, and Southwest Airlines was among the first commercial airlines to help accommodate as many veterans as possible. By the end of 2010, more than 63,000 veterans had taken the Honor Flight to see their memorials. In 2011 my dad was accepted for an Honor Flight, and in May of that year, at the age of 91, he boarded a plane for Washington D.C. with 36 World War II veterans from the Denver area. Traveling with them were escorts, called Guardians, and a doctor who checked all medications. There were wheelchairs for those who needed them or for anyone just getting tired. The veterans paid nothing for their trip – but the Guardians who volunteer their time also paid their own expenses, which was about $850. Upon arriving at Baltimore-Washington Airport on Friday, there were hundreds of well-wishers greeting them with loud cheers and thanks. After a good night’s rest, they saw the World War II Memorial first where there was a brief ceremony. My dad was called upon to hold the American flag. They saw other memorials as well, including the Lincoln Memorial and Arlington National Cemetery, with a brief tour of the D.C. area on their way to the airport on Sunday. At one point my dad walked into a coffee shop and asked for a cup of coffee. As he was pulling out his wallet the young man behind the counter said, “Are you with the Honor Flight? There is no charge.” There was another surprise for the veterans on their flight home as each one was called out by rank and name. Upon arriving at Denver International Airport at 10:30 Sunday night, there were again hundreds of people cheering and thanking them, including 3 bagpipers and a drummer in full dress. What an honor for these veterans!

With few World War II veterans left the Honor Flight has moved to honoring veterans of the Korean and Vietnam Wars, as well as those with terminal illnesses. Today there are 130 Honor Flight Hubs in 45 U.S. States. In 2018, 21,189 veterans were flown with 19,383 Guardians. There are 38,054 veterans on the waiting list and people all around the country who specifically go to the airports to cheer veterans as they return from their Honor Flight. Will Rogers said, “We can’t all be heroes. Some of us have to stand on the curb and clap as they go by.” The Honor Flight is a way of paying a small tribute to those who gave so much. It is truly a memorable, safe, and rewarding TOUR OF HONOR!

Photos provided by writer.


Remain Rooted In Him

by Tynea Lewis The scorching heat and lack of rain have caused the plants in my garden to begin wilting. It has been many days since we’ve had a good soaking rain, and they need it. After my early morning walk, I watered the plants, but by the afternoon, they were wilting. They needed the refreshment of water, so tonight I’ll go out and water them again after the sweltering sun has set. I keep my eye on the weather forecast to see when we are expected to get rain. When rain is expected, I keep my hose turned off, but there have been a handful of days the forecasted evening rain never came. The plants go longer and longer without the water they need. When they aren’t refreshed, it’s so easy for them to wilt when the blazing sun shines down on them. Yes, they need sun, but the summer heat can quickly become oppressive. Isn’t it so easy for us to end up in situations like those plants? We put off spending time with God in prayer or reading our Bibles, but when the heat comes, we don’t have what we need to remain spiritually healthy. If we simply wait around to get our fill on Sunday mornings, we will be left wilting. We’re going to be left collapsing when the pressures of this life come. 22 | ON M AG A Z I N E N ACORNER ME FAITH EVERY

We must be intentional about pouring into the Word every day. We must go to God in prayer daily. We must remain plugged into Him. When we are rooted in Him, we will always be given the spiritual nourishment we need. When we are connected to Him, we will be able to bear fruit. “Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” (John 15:4-5 NIV) He is our source of hope. He is our source of nourishment. He is everything we need. Apart from Him, we can do nothing.

Once upon a time, and not so long ago…

Charcoal-grilled burgers and hot dogs Little kids hugging each other’s necks Red, white, and blue t-shirts Small USA flags in the chubby hands of toddlers Inevitable bee stings Carnival rides Cotton candy and candied apples Pesky flies and busy ants Melting ice cream cones, bright orange popsicles Sparklers showering light Blankets on the grass Country music on a transistor radio Bicycles with playing cards attached to the wheel spokes Grandma fanning her face with a pretty lace fan Pinwheels being blown to make them spin Apple pie made from scratch; the crust is so good. Fire trucks poised in readiness Cut-off shorts and bathing suit tops, mom’s eyes rolling Flip-flops and white baby doll sandals Hot butter corn on the cob Older men sitting in webbed lawn chairs Watermelon cold and with seeds Baseball games at the local park Mosquito spray scented the air Town center fountain turned into a wading pool Scraped knees and Bactine Spray Boating on the lake, boat parades Late afternoon rain giving a quick douse of cool Best potato salad, fearing that it has been out too long Eyes wide open, lots of them lifted to the dark skies lit with booming colors…

Today these are more than memories; they are traditions, experiences, and values. No matter what we do or cannot do, one thing remains… Love. Keep sharing the love for family, friends, community, and our country. Happy 4th of July Anna Friend


Never Fear Your Past by Scott Dunn

One of the things I took into consideration before I jumped wholly into this journey that God put before me with podcasting was that I needed to decide if I wanted to erase who I used to be over social media or to leave it. I chose to leave it, and for an excellent reason. To erase my past, who I presented myself as, and who I was, would be a disservice to God. The Bible tells us that in Christ we are created new [2 Corinthians 5:17] but we were molded from that old clay and then plunged into the redemptive fire of Christ and cleansed. We should not fear recrimination from our fellow Christians because they, like us, were not worthy of God’s love and His Grace. The best part is that it’s free for us! It was not free for God because He gave His Son, the right hand of His righteous throne, His most precious thing, because Christ said we were worth it.


If you looked at my Facebook five years ago and then now you would see two quite different people. That is how God moves and while it is a part of me, it is not all of me. Jesus tells us specifically that we cannot long for the past and be fit for God’s kingdom [Luke 9:62]. To erase my past would be to not acknowledge that God grabbed me by the seat of my pants and put me where He wanted me to be. Which is doing this, sharing the gospel and encouraging others to seek God in all things. Even with all the cussing and lewd imagery, I won’t erase it because if I am good enough for Jesus, I should be good enough for you. There is a freedom in your redemption through Christ that goes beyond just your soul. It frees you of who you were so that God can shape you into the vessel He desires. Once God works in you, He will certainly work through you to accomplish His work. As men, we face a lot of pressure to perform our duties and that can cause us to doubt ourselves and to doubt the work that God gives us. A lot of that comes from our past and the failures we endure before finding Him. We look back and see the transgressions we committed and then our resolve flounders.

I am not insusceptible to that; in fact, it happens daily but how I deal with it has changed. One of the constant things on my mind is am I doing right by my wife, Bethany, and our kids. I pray over this daily, constantly asking that I be guided on the right path and begging for the knowledge to give the kids, so they chase Him and not run as I did. You must own your past to move forward. Embrace it and accept it as being part of what you are. God put you through those trials so that where you are right now is where you are meant to be. He doesn’t make mistakes and to hide from your past is to perform a disservice to God. Use it as your testimony and let others see Him within you. God has forgiven you and His forgiveness is to forget your sin [Isaiah 43:25] and move on to greater Godly work. If you doubt, pray. He is always listening.

Scott Dunn is a Christian husband and father who has spent over 15 years in the telecommunications industry. He is the founder of Talking with God (, a podcast that seeks to educate and encourage a closer relationship with God. Scott is a northerner who migrated south and has fully acclimated to the wonderful area known as the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. He serves at his local church by helping with the production and online streaming of services. He has a genuine passion for the Christian man and his responsibilities, often writing about them on his blog Here he shares open and real-life experiences so that other men can relate to the human condition and how that relates to a stronger love relationship with God.

If you have not given your life to Christ and are reading this, I encourage you to seek out someone in a local church. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Man will not have all your answers and God does not reveal everything. However, consider this, the freedom found in Christ transcends this life [John 8:36]. There is nobody in this world who can do that except Jesus, and he wants everyone, not just the good ones or the kind ones. No, God has a way of taking ordinary people and working extraordinary things through them. Are you ready to commit your life to Christ and the freedom His grace provides? If so, God is there, ready to love you for all that you are.


Lynn Story Downham is a fourth generation artist who returned to North Carolina in 2014 after twenty-six years on the Florida panhandle. Her seventh family tree commission was for a “family tree for Jesus.” Twenty years later she is a born-again believer with a best-selling print, a beautiful family and a passion for sharing Christ through her art. Find out more on Facebook by looking up “Lynn Story Downham’s Art” or “Lynn Downham Jesus Tree.”

S E E YO U T H E R E By Lynn Downham

“FREEDOM,” cries William Wallace in the movie “Braveheart” with his last breath. It is the cry of every beating heart and it can be defined in countless ways. In many of those ways, it depends upon what country you live in and I think I can safely say that as an American, we live in the freest country in our world at present. My dad taught our family to respect the freedom fighters, the soldiers, and all those with God-given authority. His lifelong support of the Disabled American Veterans taught us to further respect those injured and fallen in battle. He was a major in the United States Air Force and joined the reserves when he retired from active service. His example taught us to place a high value on our country’s many freedoms because so many have fought to keep them intact for future generations. I personally pray for, admire, and respect each family of our brave soldiers and recognize their sacrifices for our nation. I also salute the thousands of policemen and their families for their sacrifices. The above is all true and at this point, I want to take a different tack. Jesus said, “In this life, you will have trials and tribulations...” We will not be completely free on this earth. I want to be free from pain and fatigue, but I know the truth because I have been in God’s Word and I know there is freedom coming that is the stuff of which dreams are made. 26 | ON M AG AEVERY Z I N E N ACORNER ME FAITH

Shakespeare wrote, “I know a place where the wild thyme blows, where oxlips and the nodding violet grows...” Jordan Feliz sings, “I know a place where we can go...” in his song, “The River”. I too know a place. So do you if you are in the Word of God, where all our freedom needs will be met. Our very cores, our spirits, our souls, our hearts long for it. I’m talking about home and yes, if you’ve been reading me long enough you know I’m speaking of heaven. I’ve seen a face that has experienced that freedom in the face of my dad in the dream I recounted in my article, “Surprised By Grace Again”. I’ve seen a glimpse of the foot of the temple at the International Full Gospel Convention in Atlanta, Georgia. I’ve heard the audible voice of God at the log house also previously written about in the article, “Where My Thankful Started”. I have no doubts about the validity of God and His Word anymore. My advice? Cry out you freedom fighters, you soldiers of God, and fight for the freedom of others! God wants freedom for everyone and in the end, we will all praise Him at home in heaven where we will finally be FREE.

“Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thee knowest not.” Jeremiah 33:3

Heaven by Lynn Downham


Carl’s mom writes him letters occasionally. Carl is her only child. Carl’s father died when he was in college. Living in the Arizona, Carl calls his Mom in the Carolinas as often as he can on Sundays. Carl’s mom is in her 80s. She lives in a contemporary world with old fashioned values.



Anna Friend

Dear Carl, Many years ago, after your dad died and while you were enjoying time at the beach, I spent the 4th of July at the town festival, volunteering at the county election board booth for voter registration. I met many young people interested in registering and some had questions regarding political parties. Some of the long hairs stopped to make interesting comments. I remember trying not to stare at their baggy clothes, strings of beads, or wince at their odd smell. I would suggest kids visit the different political party booths. They could ask how the parties supported their individual values and concerns. I didn’t think to ask them about their parents’ views or affiliations. These kids needed to do their own research. I was not much into politics when I was a young wife and mom. You tried to get me to vote when you were 18. You were patriotic and a loyal citizen, just like your dad. I still have your boy scout uniforms. I did not have the interest or take the responsibility to practice my right to vote. I would complain some or give an opinion, but your dad would always say, “When you vote and do something about it, I will listen.” He was right. So that summer I volunteered with a woman who had previously walked me through the process of how to vote using those awful ballots we punched holes into. I was so proud of myself and looked forward to my first voting opportunity. Now I just need to remember to bring my reading glasses. It is simpler these days unless you get behind the woman who talks your head off while in line with a baby on her hip who keeps drooling on its mama’s arms and constantly wants “down”. Ah, Son, as much as that bothered me, I was happy that the mama took the time to be there, and to show me some respect by not ignoring me. This country is struggling, Son, with voting issues, freedoms, rights, history being filtered, and other things significant to our America. I have been praying for our country, its leaders, policymakers, and citizens. Preacher Larry says we cannot bury our heads in the sand. We must seek God for peace, His will be done, and for our country’s freedoms not to be given over to fear. Today, I am thinking of all that makes our nation’s birthday exciting to celebrate. I am looking forward to Shirley being home and maybe going to see some fireworks. I wonder if we will be able to gather for them. Since I am not driving (ahem), I will have to rely on Shirley or a kind friend. Maybe I will just buy some old-timey sparklers and try not to burn myself lighting them or wince if the sparks fall on me. Maybe I will make a hamburger and eat it on a paper plate. Maybe I will wear red, white, and blue clothes and walk the cul-de-sac saying hi to anyone outside. Maybe I will make homemade lemonade or homemade ice cream. Wait, you got rid of my old crank machine when you moved me here. Maybe I will sit and watch the National celebration on PBS. Whatever I decide to do, I will be thankful for what this country has afforded me in liberty, safety, provision of rights, and protection of our beautiful landscapes. It will be a joyful day, and I will give God a hallelujah for my life here in the USA. I hope your plans will go well. Donna said you all bought a new outdoor grill. She said the neighbor bought one, and that you should have one as well. I hope the neighbor doesn’t buy another new toy too soon. I hope the boys make it to your shindig. They love their daddy and mama. Send me pictures. Not on my phone. I still can’t figure out this crazy phone. I don’t think it is all that smart, or I am not smart. Call me son. Happy 4th of July. Be kind. Be happy. Know that God loves you and so do I! Love Mom 1 Timothy 2:1-5 (NLT) I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity. This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth. For, there is one God and one Mediator who can reconcile God and humanity—the man Christ Jesus.


O O H , A A H … R E P E AT by Craig Ruhl As we walk over to the high school across the street from the community I live in, daylight quickly fades over the horizon and darkness fills the void. Spreading out our blankets on the hill next to the football field, we eagerly await the show to begin. Suddenly, from the playing field in front of us, a rush of light and sound rises into the sky. A second or two later, there is a brilliant flash and an echoing boom followed by a cascade of red, white, and blue secondary explosions. We hear the first oohs and aahs amongst the throng of onlookers filling the high school stadium bleachers. In quick succession, a series of rockets shoot into the night in an array that will light up the sky with waterfalls of exploding stars that slowly drift back downward. A thick cloud of smoke wafts across the field obscuring the brave men who scurry about tending the incendiary devices and watchfully ensuring the safety of the workers and the observers. It is the start of another annual celebration of America’s freedom.


The above is one of my memories of growing up in the 1950s and early 1960s. The Fourth of July fireworks followed a day full of picnics, parades, and a lot of flags being waved. Families and friends gathered on lawns and driveways, often spilling out into the street. The neighborhoods were noisy, filled with the sound of laughing, and sometimes crying, children. Hot dogs, hamburgers, and corn on the cob sizzled on the charcoal grills. Bottles of soft drinks and beer for some adults sat chilling in galvanized steel tubs filled with ice. Card tables were filled with condiments, chips, pickles, cakes, and pies. The delicious smell of food cooking combined with the sweet scent of suntan lotion and would soon include the acrid bite of gun powder from the fireworks.

Back to those fireworks. There are quite a few things that capture the attention and imagination of a young boy, but I would have to put anything that flashes and goes bang at the top of my list. My parents were conservative in what they allowed us kids to get involved with. Although my mom was always home, she couldn’t keep her eyes on my every move. She tried, but I sought neighborhood friends whose parents were less stringent in their parenting. This gave me access to the fabulous and fascinating world of fireworks. It is cool to take a plastic model of a boat, tape a couple of small firecrackers to the deck with a long fuse, light the fuse and shove the boat out onto the pond or lake. The resulting explosion, flinging parts of the boat into the air, and a cloud of smoke and water mist is very satisfying to a kid. Not safe, but fun. We considered it a rite of passage to advance from ladyfingers, black snakes, and sparklers to bigger and louder incendiaries. A boy achieved maturity and stature when he mastered roman candles, cherry bombs, and the ultimate - the M-80.

When I was still in grade school, we lived in Prairie Village, Kansas. Our home was on 75th Street, forming a border between Kansas and Missouri. If my memory is still correct, it was illegal to have fireworks in our part of Kansas but legal just across the street in Missouri. Well, I had friends on both sides of the street, and I knew how to use them to my best advantage. As soon as fireworks went on sale in Missouri, I gave my allowance money to my buddy on that side of the street, whose parents allowed him to have small firecrackers. I hid the coveted brown paper bag filled with explosive delights away from the prying eyes of my parents until the guys and I could meet up and light them off. Mom was a super sleuth, and she soon discovered the cache. When he came home from work that day, Dad was tasked with disciplining me for the infraction. He gave me a stern talking to that night. Two days later, on a Saturday morning, he loaded me, a shovel, and the offending bag of evidence into the car. He drove us across the street, down a side street and into an empty dirt lot a good distance away with no one nearby. We got out of the car and he handed me the shovel, telling me to dig a hole and then empty the contents of the bag into the hole. My hopes and dreams of setting off firecrackers were about to be buried. As soon as the bag was empty, dad had me stand back a few yards, and he struck a match, lighting the empty bag. Checking to see that I was safely behind him, he tossed the burning bag onto the strings of firecrackers in the hole and ran back to where I was standing. Within seconds fuses caught fire, and the explosions started, sounding like a machine gun was firing on full auto. Loud, I remember it being very loud, and smokey too. I looked at my dad in amazement at what had just happened. A little while after the explosions had stopped, he gave me the shovel again and told me to toss the dirt back into the hole I had dug. When I finished and had tamped the dirt down tightly, dad bent down to look me in the face and said with a smile, “Your Mom and I decided your punishment was to be for you to safely bury the firecrackers. You have now done that. Nobody needs to know what happened between the digging and burying, do they?” I still remember the enormous grin on my dad’s face when those firecrackers started going off. You just can’t take the boy out of the man.

My youth was during the first and second decades following World War II. Patriotism was strong and family traditions included celebrating the birth of the United States of America. Our parents taught us about patriotism, being of service to our country, and passing those traditions down to our children and grandchildren. Americans wore our national pride on our sleeves, and we weren’t shy in living it out or showing it to the world. Fireworks have been a part of those celebrations for as long as America has existed. In many parts of the country, laws, regulations, and civil codes have changed the way we enjoy our patriotic displays, but the memories of my youth are filled with flashes, bangs, oohs, and aahs of Fourth of July celebrations.


I am Joseph, an author, blogger, and content writer from Nigeria. In the field of writing, I deliver unique, grammatically correct and plagiarism-free content. Currently, I work with three online firms specializing in motivation, human capacity development, lifestyle, relationship, and spiritual writings.

Never Miss Your Angel By Joseph Akinrinola Bless the Lord, ye his angels, that excel in strength, that do his commandments, hearkening unto the voice of his word. Psalm 103:20 Angels are spiritual messengers of God to do His bidding. They also serve as a courier to deliver God’s messages, plans, warnings, provisions, and protection to people. At another time, God uses them to mete out discipline to His children or punishments to His enemies. As God’s children, He places Angels at our disposal to send them on assignments. Because they can see and know much that we don’t or can’t see, coming to our aid makes things easier for them. Most times, they deliver tangible blessings while putting on human form. Similarly, God can use a fellow human being as our Angel. This is especially true when such people save us from a great danger, offer unusual help, redeem us from a hopeless situation, or give us direction when we are at a crossroads of life. Whether in their divine or physical state, Angels can be a link between us and our blessing. The experiences of Zachariah and Mary show they can be a source of blessings or a tool for punishment. (Luke 1:5-38) Missing your Angels is like missing God’s assigned blessings for you. Ask any Christian who has spent considerable time with God and he will tell you of an experience when he or she missed an encounter that turned out to be a God sent FAITH ON EVERY CORNER

Angel? But why do we sometimes miss our Angels? Let me share a few reasons we may fail to identify God sent Angels and some experiences of a few people who failed an appointment with their Angels. Occasionally, we discountenance our Angel because they appear casual. We look down on their age, size, qualifications, or their appearance to determine if they worth our attention. And as the saying goes, we miss our opportunity because they come dressed in work clothes. A young graduate in search of a job was turned away because there was no vacancy. While leaving in dejection, the old gateman asked if he would leave his resume and credentials with him. The young man consented reluctantly, wondering how a gateman could help him. A few days later, this applicant was offered an appointment in one of the area banks. What happened? It turned out the son of the gateman was a manager in that bank. That is strange you may say. Yes, this is what happened. He later told his son that after he retired, he still planned to stay healthy by working as a gatekeeper. Imagine what that young man would have lost if he had insulted or walked out on the gateman who turned out to be his Angel. Over time, I have discovered that personal prejudice accounts for many of the reasons why we miss our divine appointments. This may be due to the color of the skin, class, or status.

The Samaritan woman at the well almost missed her salvation and that of the city due to prejudice (John 4:7-29). Some miss their Angel because of bitterness, anger, and hatred. We could justify our actions because of the unfair treatment from certain people or the community. With such a state of mind, we blindfold our spiritual eyes to the benefits we can gain from them. Such an attitude will make us chose whom to forgive based on our terms instead of reciprocating the unmerited favor we’ve received from God. This somehow robbed us of the help God has placed within our reach. My senior pastor bitterly learned this years ago while he was serving in the Northern part of Nigeria, among the Hausa-Fulanis. This is where you are not free to practice Christianity. It was this experience that created a barrier between him and these people. A Hausa beggar came to him for alms, but he refused. As soon as the beggar left his office, the Holy Spirit told him the car he has been praying for had just walked out of his office. He jumped up and ran out to call the beggar back, but he was nowhere to be found. Our familiarity with God is another reason we miss our Angels. Perhaps because of our education, exposure, and theological know-how, we are too familiar with God. This familiarity makes us predict God and his ways of doing things. We rely so much on our Bible knowledge and prayers. Sometimes we box God into a corner in how we expect Him to work or answer our prayer.

opened for her when it was obvious the woman was not ready to go. The woman apologized for interrupting their prayer. She asked to see the child. After a close look, she asked them for a pen and paper and then recommended a drug for the child. The price was so ridiculous; I think it was less than a dollar. My friend and his wife wondered how such a drug could cure the boy, especially when the woman was not a pharmacist, a doctor, or a nurse. You know what? The medicine worked and that was the end of the sickness. I conclude by saying that you can enjoy the assistance of spiritual and physical Angels if you are sensitive enough. As you know, success happens when opportunity meets preparedness. Most people in the Bible and our contemporary world receive the help of Angels because they position themselves for God’s visitation. The keys to enjoying the fellowship of our Angels are courtesy, hospitality, and friendliness. Those keys that can open a wonderful opportunity to achieve one’s desire. Abraham, Lot, Manoah, Daniel, Mary, Cornelius, and Paul are a few Biblical examples of people who experienced the visitation of Angels.

My friend almost missed his God sent Angel when his son took ill. Because, in the place I came from, most Christians attribute almost every negative experience as demon induced. As a prayer team leader, he had done the best within his reach. He had engaged the prayer of agreement with his team, wife, and other senior ministers but to no avail. This was besides visiting several hospitals. One day as he was praying with his wife over their child’s illness, a neighbor woman came to ask about the welfare of the child. The woman heard them praying, yet she kept on knocking at their door. Eventually, they WWW.FAITHONEVERYCORNER.COM M AG A Z I N E N A M E &O R U R L | 32 33



I lived in So. California for seventeen years. Craig was born in Cali but moved with his parents as a child and returned in the 70’s. The thing I loved most about California - besides being Craig’s wife, was being able to take short drives and visit many charming cities. These photos were taken in Marina Del Rey.

While we were sitting along the ocean front and watching the big sail boats, we got a treat and got to watch a sailing class. We believe this was a class for teens. They had a race at the end of their training. Such fun to watch. Part of the charm of Marina Del Ray is the canals that run through the town. A great way for locals to get to the water or friends houses without having to deal with the traffic. These photos were taken years ago, but still show the charm of a California beach town. Mr. Seagull was rather chatty the day I was taking his photo. I have a feeling he had a lot to say. Or, maybe he was asking me for a food handout! Be careful if you visit, they will swoop down and take your food right out of your hand. I hope you enjoy our road trip today!



Magazine Submission Policy and Guidelines • Faith On Every Corner magazine is digitally published on a monthly basis by Faith On Every Corner, LLC • All submissions are subject to editorial review prior to acceptance and publication • Content: Focused on articles, stories, poems, and testimonies centered on acts of faith and service • Audience: Christian, family oriented • Rights: Contributing writers retain the rights to their work, granting Faith On Every Corner, LLC the right to publish, re-publish, share, archive, and for promotional use. • Word Count: Suggested length is 500 – 750 words. • Submission Format: Microsoft Word documents are preferred. • By-Line: By-line is included in publication, table of contents, and contributor highlights • Acceptance: All submissions will be promptly acknowledged, and the author will be advised via e-mail if their submission has been accepted, of any suggested edits, and which issue it is scheduled to be published in. • Distribution: Writers will be provided with a digital link to the publication in which their published work appears. The link is sharable through social media and is suitable for use on writer’s website or blog. The magazine is downloadable from the publisher’s website. • Compensation: Faith On Every Corner is a free digital magazine. Currently, we do not offer compensation for published content. • Faith On Every Corner reserves the right to change or modify these submission guidelines at any time without prior notice. Please contact us at faithoneverycorner@ for clarification or questions regarding these guidelines. Prior to submitting to Faith On Every Corner, we suggest that you review prior issues of the magazine at


The following are the planned themes for the calendar year 2020, All articles do not reflect our themes.

August - The Heat is On September - Back to School October - Harvest Time November - Thanksgiving December - Christmas While we do like to follow our scheduled themes, we will gladly review suggested topics or content.

Calling All Writers. We would love to receive your article submissions for consideration.

Faith On Every Corner Publisher & Editor in Chief: Karen Ruhl Senior Editor & Business Manager: Craig Ruhl Photography: Karen Ruhl (unless otherwise credited) Staff Writers: Craig Ruhl, Karen Ruhl Submit Articles For Consideration to: Phone: 828-305-8571

Summer is here! Let’s make it a fun and safe one.

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The White Birds “Jan’s story” as told to author Candace Pope “God, please give me the perfect job with perfect hours.” That was my prayer as I walked across the stage, degree in hand. I had achieved my dream of becoming a nurse, but I soon found myself overwhelmed working evening shift on a medical unit in our local hospital. Most of my patients were elderly and terminally ill. Some had loving, supporting families who visited often, but some seemed to have no one on earth who cared. My heart would break when someone died alone. I was naïve at the beginning to believe I could organize my busy schedule so I could spend extra time with those who were alone. Frustration followed me home from work every night. I began to pray for a less stressful job, maybe in a clinic. At the same time, some of my patients were being referred to the new Hospice Department. I was relieved that they would be getting more individualized attention than they could get on our busy medical unit. I must confess, I was also relieved that I wouldn’t have to deal with becoming attached to people who were about to die. There was no doubt in my mind, I could never be a hospice nurse!


Months went by, and no jobs opened up in any clinic areas. However, there were several positions for nurses in Hospice. My head said, “No way,” but my heart was in turmoil. Again, I prayed, “Please, God, something easier.” Finally, I gave up and gave in. I said, “Whatever, Lord. I will do whatever You say.” Soon I was making home visits to patients and their families to make sure they were comfortable. They were all lovely people who appreciated everything I did for them, and I enjoyed the freedom to spend all the time needed not only for nursing care but also for simply visiting and talking. One morning as I was catching up on paperwork in my third-floor office, the family of a patient called to say he had had a bad night. He had been restless, confused, and seeing things that were not there. They asked if I could come right away. As I checked my bag for supplies, I glanced up just as a large white bird lightly bumped the window and flew away. Immediately the bird circled and bumped the window again. I was in a hurry, so I put it out of my mind as I tossed my bag into the car and headed down the road.

My patient was a sweet Christian man who believed without a doubt he was going to Heaven when he died, so I wasn’t surprised when, as soon as I entered his room, he began talking about seeing angels. He said they had been outside his bedroom window all night, waiting to take him home. The family had struggled to keep him in the bed when he had tried to get up and go. Looking me straight in the eyes, he said, “If they come back, I’m going with them.” I told him I believed him, but that both his family and I were concerned he might fall getting out of bed. He agreed to stay put as I finished my visit. I stopped in the doorway as he said, “You know, I’ve been seeing white birds, lots of beautiful white birds flying by the window.” I thought of the bird hitting my office window, but I responded with a light comment and thought about other things as I drove back to the office. When I opened the back door of my car to get my bag, I swiped at what I thought was a fly. But when I opened my hand, there was a small white feather.

Candace Pope, a retired nurse, lives in South Carolina with her husband of 45 years. When not writing, she enjoys golf, tennis, and visits from her children and grandchildren.

God finally had my attention! I have no doubt He was assuring me I was doing exactly what He wanted. I still have that feather, and I hold it in my hand now and then to remind me who is in control.





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