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This week was another busy week in the Sixth Form, with the Year 12 Leadership Application process continuing and Year 13 preparing for their Mock Exams that begin after Half Term.
On Monday, the Year 12 Psychology students were fortunate to go on a trip to Surrey University, where we received a tour of the campus and heard several psychology lecturers discuss their careers. We also had the privilege to try out the VR headsets, which have software which is being developed to treat soldiers with PTSD, or those with the fear of heights. Overall, it was a great trip and we enjoyed the opportunity.
Vanessa (Year 12)
In Year 12’s Careers lesson this week, the girls learnt about a variety of different apprentice opportunities available because next week is National Apprenticeship week.
During Thursday morning’s Sixth Form Assembly, the last group of Year 12 girls presented the assembly about movies that changed society. We found out some really interesting facts about the development of animation. The Year 12s are currently applying for various Student Leadership roles, and so they have had the opportunity to present an assembly to the Sixth Form on various dates. Well done to the girls who presented the assembly this week!
On Friday afternoon during PSHCE, the Year 12 students listened to a talk from a finance specialist. They learnt about how important it is to budget and use your money wisely. The Year 13 girls received this talk a few weeks ago and benefited from the skills we took from it.
I hope everyone has a lovely weekend and I look forward to updating you on more Sixth Form news next week!
Emma W (Deputy Head Girl)