City of Edmonds CRAZE Recreation Guide - January-April 2023

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Recreation Program Guide January-April 2023
Edmonds Parks, Recreation & Human Services

Frances Anderson Center

700 Main Street

Edmonds, WA 98020


Recreation Program Locations

City Park

600 3rd Ave S, Edmonds

Edmonds Waterfront Center

220 Railroad Ave, Edmonds

Frances Anderson Center

700 Main Street, Edmonds

Edmonds CC Seaview Gym

19906 68th Ave W, Lynnwood

Hutt Park

187th St SW, Edmonds

Marina Beach Park

470 Admiral Way, Edmonds

Meadowdale Playfields

16700 66th Ave W, Lynnwood

Olympic Beach Park

200 Admiral Way, Edmonds

Pine Ridge Park

20330 83rd Ave W, Edmonds

Seaview Park

8030 185th St SW, Edmonds

Willow Creek Education Center

95 Pine St, Edmonds

Yost Park

9535 Bowdoin Way, Edmonds


Teach with Parks and



Painting - Adult &

Non-School Day


Youth & Adult




Adult Fitness &



Adult Enrichment -

Health & Fitness

Sno-King Youth







Table of Contents
FacilityClosures NewYearsDay(Observed)January2 MLKDay-January16 PresidentsDay-February20
@Edmonds Rec Zone @EdmondsRecZone Visit our Website Register for Programs
Follow Us

How to Register

Create an account online at

Sign up for classes before they start to save your spot!

All NEW customers will need to create an account. Click the ‘Create an Account’ button in the top right corner of the website. For account assistance, call 425-771-0230.

Resident Rates

Edmonds residents receive a discount on programs offered. The prices listed on each class will have a resident and nonresident rate.

Resident rate will be listed first for each class.


Full refunds will be given for classes cancelled by the Parks & Recreation Office.

Refunds must be requested at least 7 business days before the 1st scheduled meeting date.

All refunds will incur a $10 administrative fee per registration.


Check out all of the wonderful spaces available to rent for your event, party, or celebration.

Shelter rentals are available from April-September.

Visit: or call 425-771-0230 Rental Facilities Want more Information?
City Park Shelters Plaza Room City Park Gazebo Hickman Park Shelter

Painting - Adult & Teen


Beingateenagercanbeexhaustingandconfusing!Whynottaketimeoutofyourweekfor thisrelaxingandhealing4weekserieswherewewillusewatercolorpaintingtoexploreself acceptance.Thinkofthisclasslikeayogaclass,justforteens.Insteadofusingbody movementandbreath,wewillusewatercolorpaintingtoaccessthepresentmoment.Each classwillfocusonadifferenttopicandIwillteachanewwatercolorpaintingtechnique.We willdomeditationbreathingexercisesandvisualizationtechniquestopaintfromour subconsciousmind.Youshouldexpecttoleaveeachclassfeelingcentered,grounded,and filledwithpeace.Youwillalsolearnwatercolorpaintingtechniques!




11717 Th 3/23-4/13 $ $


Howgoodwoulditfeeltogiveyourselfpermissiontofocusononething-yourself!?Think ofthisclasslikeayogaclass,insteadofusingbodymovementandbreath,wewilluse paintingwithwatercolorandbreath.Eachclasswillhaveadifferenttopicandwewilluse breathing,andvisualizationtechniquestopaintfromoursubconsciousmind.Youshould expecttoleaveeachclassfeelingcentered,grounded,andfilledwithpeace.Youwillalso learnwatercolorpaintingtechniques!

Allsupplieswillbeprovided.Noartexperiencenecessary.Youjustneedtoshowupwithan openheartandopenmind.


11716 W 3/22-4/12 6pm-8pm


Non-School Day Camps

Edmonds Non-School Day Camps

Edmonds Day Camp – Non-School

Day Programs - Ages 7-12

Edmonds Day Camp is back for non-school days! Join us for a range of fun-filled activities including explosive science experiments, outdoor exploration, arts and crafts, music making, and of course, forever classic camp games– such as capture the flag and dodgeball.

Location: Frances Anderson Center

11460 M 1/30 8am-5pm $40/$46

11461 T 2/21 8am-5pm $40/$46


SwimonoverandbiteintoEdmondsDayCamp’s veryownsharkweek!Afun-filledweekspent celebratingoneofourcoolestcreaturesthrough shark-themedgamesandactivities.Fromthecute andcuddlynursingsharktothestrongandspeedy makoshark–thereisasharkforallofus!

Location:FrancesAndersonCenter 11463

11462 F 3/17 8am-5pm $40/$46
M-F 4/3-4/7 8am-5pm

Non-School Day Camps Discovery Program Camps

Havehands-onfunwithscienceandnatureonyourdayoffofschool!MeetattheAnderson Centerforgames,crafts,andtripstolocalparks(weatherpermitting).10%discountforsiblings.




Doyoumigrate,adapt,orhibernate?Mostofournativeanimalsuseoneofthesestrategies tosurviveduringthecoldwintermonths.Joinusforadaydiscoveringthedifferentways animalssurviveinwinterthroughcrafts,games,andactivities.

11321 M 1/30 10am–3pm $41/$45


Morethan3400animalliveintheSalishSea–doyouknowwheretofindthem?Joinusto exploresharks,whales,andotherlocalmarineanimalsthroughgames,crafts,andactivities.

11396 T 2/21 10am–3pm $41/$45


ExplorenativeWashingtonanimalsallweekwithEdmondsRangerNaturalists.Eachdaywill focusonadifferentanimalgroupasweexploretheworldofsalamanders,coyotes,salmon, rubberboas,owls,andoctopusesthroughgames,crafts,andactivities.

11390 M-F 4/3–4/7 10am–3pm $207/$227


Youth Programs

Adventures in Art - Instructor Jessica Carlson

Adventures in Drawing – Ages 6-9

Landscapes, animals, people - this drawing-bas education program uses a simple drawing meth weekly format where students produce origina of art using artist quality mediums. Students wi to think creatively, expand their drawing skills, become more confident in self-expression, all w having fun in a non-competitive environment o encouragement and artistic inspiration. New dr projects each session. Location: FAC 206 $6 supply fee to be paid to the instructor.

Adventures in Anime – Ages 7-11

Create a special Anime drawing in this fun workshop that is designed to enhance your drawing skills as well as your imagination! Focus is on Kawaii and Chibi Anime, but you'll be able to incorporate your own style as well. Artist quality mediums used. $3 Supply Fee.

Location: FAC 206 11426 Sat 2/4 10:30am-1pm

For more information, visit:

Class Mon: 1/16, 2/20, 4/3 and Wed 4/5 11420 M 1/9-2/6 5:30-7pm $68/$78 11423 W 1/11-2/8 5:30-7pm $85/$98 11421 M 2/13-3/13 5:30-7pm $68/$78 11424 W 2/15-3/15 5:30-7pm $85/$98 11422 M 3/20-4/24 5-30-7pm $85/$98 11425 W 3/22-4/26 5:30-7pm $85/$98
10:30am-1pm $40/$46
$40/$46 11427 Sat 4/15

Youth Programs


Beginning hula for children includes dance, games, language and other Polynesian styles of Maori and Tahitian. Bare feet required. Girls should wear skirt, boys should wear shorts.

Location: EWC 3 11439 Th 1/5-1/26 6-6:45pm $50/$58 11440 Th 2/2-2/23 6-6:45pm $50/$58 11441 Th 3/2-3/23 6-6:45pm $50/$58 11442 Th 3/30-4/20 6-6:45pm $50/$58

Youth Programs Play-Well TEKnologies


Thisyearwewillagainaskthequestion;willthatmostfamousofgroundhogs,Punxsutawney Phil,seehisshadowanddoomusto6moreweeksofwinter,orisanearlyspringjustaround thecorner?WithtensofthousandsofLEGO®piecesandtheguidanceofanexperienced Play-Wellinstructor,you'llbeabletobuildyourowngroundhogandfindoutforyourself! 11418 M 1/30 10am-12pm


Celebratenature,thinksustainably,andcommemorateEarthDaywithtensofthousandsof LEGO®partsinthisworkshopfromPlay-WellTEKnologies.Participantswilllearnaboutusing theEarth'sresourcesresponsiblyandhowtopowertheirLEGO®creationsusingalternative energysources,allwiththeguidanceofanexperiencedandpassionatePlay-Wellinstructor. 11419 Sat 4/22 9am-12pm


Youth & Adult Programs

These programs are intended for youth and adult participation. Please check each individual class for the age ranges.

CakeDecoratingClass:CactusandSucculentPlantCakes Ages10+


youavarietyofcake,cupcakeandfondant decoratingtechniques.Comemakesomefun cactusandsucculentplants.Studentswilluse buttercream,cupcakesandothersweetstocreate deliciousdesertplants

Thisisgreatforstudents&familiestobecreative together.Pleasebringownapron(optional).

Bringasupplyfeeof$12perpersonpayableto instructor.



11429 Sat 3/18 11am-1pm $32/$37

Clogging - Ages 10+

Clogging is dance characterized by wearing double taps on shoes and emphasizing the down beat of music. Originating in the Appalachian after being brought to the US by immigrants from Europe

Clogging is excellent exercise and fun! Family participation is encouraged from ages 10 and up.

Instructor: Maureen Pettit

Location: EWC Room 1-2 Intro

- Ages 10+ 11267 Th 1/12-3/16 4-5pm $45/$50 11300 Th 3/23-5/25 4-5pm $45/$50 Intermediate – all ages 11268 Th 1/12-3/16 5-6pm $45/$50 11381 Th 3/23-5/25 5-6pm $45/$50

Youth Athletics

Emerald City Floorball

Join Coach Sal from Emerald City Floorball as he introduces this modern version of floor hockey to kids ages 6-12! No experience or gear needed. Shin guards recommended. Come check out this fast-growing sport that's fun, safe and inclusive to all! Location: FAC Gym

Ages 6-9 11350 M 1/9-1/30 5-6:15pm $60/68 11351 M 2/6-2/27 5-6:15pm $60/68 11352 M 3/6-3/27 5-6:15pm $60/68 11353 M 4/10-4/24 5-6:15pm $45/52 Ages 10-12 11346 W 1/4-1/25 6-7:15pm $60/68 11347 W 2/1-2/22 6-7:15pm $60/68 11348 W 3/1-3/29 6-7:15pm $75/84 11349 W 4/12-4/26 6-7:15pm $45/52
for more youth sports opportunities?
out the Sno-King Youth Club information located
on page 45

Youth Athletics

This instructional soccer experience includes age appropriate activities: skill demonstrations, fun games, and instructional scrimmages conducted in a non-competitive, recreational format. Shin guards are required for all classes except Mommy/Daddy

Toreceivecancellationnotifications onyoursmartphone,downloadthe

PAGE 17 Mommy/Daddy and Me Soccer – Ages 2-3.5 W/Adult 11255 Sat 3/4-4/1 9:00-9:30am $103/$118 11260 Sat 4/22-5/20 9:00-9:30am $103/$118 Tot-Soccer – Ages 3.5 – 4.0 11256 Sat 3/4-4/1 9:35-10:05am $103/$118 11261 Sat 4/22-5/20 9:35-10:05am $103/$118 Pre-Soccer – Ages 4 – 5 11257 Sat 3/4-4/1 10:10-10:45am $103/$118 11262 Sat 4/22-5/20 10:10-10:45am $103/$118 Soccer 1: Techniques and Teamwork – Ages 5 – 6 11258 Sat 3/4-4/1 10:50-11:35am $103/$118 11263 Sat 4/22-5/20 10:50-11:35am $103/$118 Soccer 2: Skillz & Scrimmages – Ages 7 – 10 11259 Sat 3/4-4/1 11:40am-12:25pm $103/$118 11264 Sat 4/22-5/20 11:40am-12:25pm $103/$118
freeKidzLoveSoccerapp. ClassesareheldatCityPark.
& Me KLS hotline 1.888.372.5803

Nature Programs


WashingtonStatehassomeofthebestbirddiversityinthecountry,withhundredsofspecies spreadfromcoasttomountaintop.Buthowtotellthemapart?Thisclassisdesignedtogiveyou neededskillstoidentifycommonorunfamiliarbirdsthatyoumaysee.

Inadditionto2classroompresentations,participantswillsignupfor1ofthe2offeredfieldtrips totheSkagitandSamishriverflats.FieldTripdatesareFebruary18andFebruary25.Signups willtakeplaceattheclassroomsessions

Carpoolswillbescheduledforfieldtrips.Riderswillowethedrive$10eachforgas. 11467 W 2/15&2/22 7-9pm



JoinexpertnaturalistsforaneveninggettingtoknowthebarredowlsofYostPark.We’lllearn aboutthesefascinatingbirdsaswesearchforestedtrailsforourresidentowls.Requires moderatewalkingonuneventerrain.

11398 T 3/7 6-7:30pm


Nature Programs

Playtime with Forest Friends - Ages 3-4

Join a Ranger-Naturalist for an hour of indoor fun learning all about our local forest animals. Pelts, stories, crafts and puppet play make this indoor program guaranteed fun! All children must be accompanied by an adult. Taught by Discovery Programs staff.

11393 Sat 2/4 10 – 11am $13/$14


JoinDiscoveryProgramsstaffandtheWSUSnohomishCountyExtensionBeachWatchersfora lowtidebeachwalkunderthestars.We’llexplorethebeachasthetidegoesout,thenreturnto theVisitorStationforsomehotbeveragestotakethechilloff.Bringaflashlightanddressfor theweather.MeetattheOlympicBeachVisitorStation.Allagesarewelcomeandno registrationisrequired.

1/18 W 7pm-8:30pm Free



Ourclassesprovidepositivesocialandphysicalexperienceswithemphasis ondevelopmentofmajormotorskills.Childrenprogressattheirownpace throughstep-by-stepmethodsinasafe,funandfitenvironment.

Studentsmusthaveparent/legalguardiansignedwaiveronthefirstdayof class.Parentsstayinroomfor‘18months-2years’class:Forallother classes,parentsmayattendfirstandlastclass.





Adult Athletics

Open Gym Drop In

Participants must register prior to participating. $3/adult; $2/youth/senior (60+). No open gym

January 16, February 20 Hours subject to change 10 5% sales tax included in fee

BASKETBALL - Maximum 15 - Call for schedule

PICKLE-BALL - Maximum 20 - M - F 9:30am-1pm

VOLLEYBALL - Maximum 18 - M, 6:45-8:30pm


30-gameschedulewitha2pointline.Gametimes startat7:30pm.Offensecallsthefouls.Thetopsix teamsadvancetoasingleeliminationtournament.

EdmondsCo-RecCompetitive VolleyballLeagues

Matchesconsistof3gamespernight. Feeincludesa7-week roundrobinTuesdayeveningswithaseasonendingtournament fortop4teams.Maximumof8teamsperdivision.


Matchesconsistof4gameseachnight.Leagueconsistsof9 weeksandaseasonendingtournamentforallteams.Limited to6teamsinbothupperandlowerdivisions.

11190 W 1/11-3/22 7:30-10:30pm $265/team 11191 W 3/29-6/7 7:30-10:30pm $265/team
11238 ADivision 1/10-2/28 7:30-10:30pm $295team 11240 BDivision 1/10-2/28 7:30-10:30pm $295team SpringLeagues 11239 ADivision 3/7-4/25 7:30-10:30pm $295team 11241 BDivision 3/7-4/25 7:30-10:30pm $295team
GamesPlayedatEdmondsCommunityCollegeGym. 11242 Th 1/12-3/16 7:30-10:30pm $550/team 11243 Th 3/23-5/25 7:30-10:30pm $550/team

Adult Athletics

Pickleball Leagues

Matches start at 6:15pm on Tuesday evenings. 6 matches with a single elimination tournament.


Adult Athletics


RegisterforAdultMen’s,Women’sandCoedLeagues.Multipledivisionswillbeavailable foreachleague.Signupforthenightofweekyouwanttoplay(pendingavailability)

Monday-Friday.The$715leaguefeeincludes10games(5doubleheaders)withthetop4 teamineachdivisionqualifyingforasingleeliminationplayoff.USSSAteamaffiliationfee included.GamesofficiatedbyUSSSAandplayedatMeadowdalePlayfieldsweekdays startingat6:10pm.



Adult Fitness & Wellness


AccessBarsisaneasytolearn45-to60-minutehands-ontreatmentthatdeeplyrelaxesthe brainandthebody.Thiscreatesastateofdeeprelaxationandallowsforadecreaseinstress, increasedperformance,increasedcreativityandmorespontaneity.TheBarspointsstimulatea positiveneurologicalresponseinsidetherecipient,triggeringthebody’snaturalabilitytorelax andfacilitatethephysiologicalchangesrequiredforgreaterwell-being.This8hourclassbroken upinto2daysallowsyoutogiveandreceivethebarsonceeachday.Manual&certificate included Mustattendbothdays Kids15&undercanlearntheBarsforfree Bringyourkidsand you’llhavesomeonetopracticewithathome!

*Repeatclassesaresamedatesandtimes.MusthavetakenapriorAccessBarsCertification Class.Location:FAC208Instructor:HollyRuiz

**Repeatclasseslistedbelowaresamedatesandtimesasclasseslistedabove.Musthave takenapriorAccessBarsCertificationClass**

**11370 $175/$192

**11371 $175/$192

**11372 $175/$192

**11373 $175/$192

All-Levels Barre

All-Levels Barre combines ballet, pilates, yoga, and barre techniques to provide a multifaceted, full body workout. This class focuses on strengthening and lengthening muscles as well as balance and coordination through low-impact high energy movements while moving to upbeat music. The exercises are performed both on the mat and at the barre and some small props may be used No prior experience is required as modifications as well as progressions are provided throughout the class. Optional: Bring a set of 2lb weights, loop band and mat.

Instructor: Kylee Kitchens, a former soloist ballet dancer with the Pacific Northwest Ballet in

11366 1/6-1/7 Fri4-8pm/Sat10a-2p $350/$402 11366 2/17-2/18 Fri4-8pm/Sat10a-2p $350/$402 11366 3/17-3/18 Fri4-8pm/Sat10a-2p $350/$402 11366 4/7-4/8 Fri4-8pm/Sat10a-2p $350/$402
11329 W 1/4-1/25 6:45-7:45pm $52/$60 11330 W 2/1-2/22 6:45-7:45pm $52/$60 11331 W 3/1-3/29 6:45-7:45pm $65/$74 11332 W 4/5-4/26 6:45-7:45pm $52/$60

Adult Fitness & Wellness


Bringyourbabyorlittleonewithyouandenjoythismodified barre/matclass!Momsofallfitnesslevelsarewelcomeasthefocusis tomovethroughtheexerciseswithastrongemphasisonformand alignment.Theclasswillincludebasicbarreexercisesandpre/postnatal safecorestrengthening,allwhileyourlittleoneisrighttherewithyou Thisclasswascreatedwiththeintentiontohelpbuildacommunityfor mamastocometogether,movetheirbodies,andmakenew


Instructor:KyleeKitchens,aformersoloistballetdancerwiththePacific NorthwestBalletinSeattle,WA.


Circuit Training

Join us for a full body workout targeting aerobic fitness, balance and muscular endurance. Participants work through 10-14 exercise stations for a set time, with little rest between exercises. The workout can be modified for your personal needs With machines.

Instructor: Rick Buyce

PAGE 25 11316 M 1/9-1/30 10:30-11:15am $3 11317 M 2/6-2/27 10:30-11:15am $3 11318 M 3/6-3/27 10:30-11:15am $5 11319 M 4/3-4/24 10:30-11:15am $5 11320 W 1/4-1/25 10:30-10:15am $5 11322 W 2/1-2/22 10:30-10:15am $5 11323 W 3/1-3/29 10:30-10:15am $ 11324 W 4/5-4/26 10:30-10:15am $ 11325 F 1/6-1/27 10:30-10:15am $ 11326 F 2/3-2/24 10:30-10:15am $5 11327 F 3/3-3/31 10:30-10:15am $6 11328 F 4/7-4/28 10:30-10:15am $
11269 W 1/4 -1/18 9-10am $30/$36 11277 W 1/4-1/18 6-7pm $30/$36 11274 M 2/6-2/27 9-10am $30/$36 11270 W 2/8-2/22 9-10am $30/$36 11278 W 2/15-2/22 6-7pm $20/$24 11271 W 3/1-3/15 9-10am $30/$36 11279 W 3/1-3/15 6-7pm $30/$36 11275 M 3/6-3/13 9-10am $20/$24 11276 M 4/10-4/24 9-10am $30/$36 11272 W 4/12-4/26 9-10am $30/$36 11280 W 4/12-4/26 6-7pm $30/$36

Adult Fitness & Wellness

Circuit Training Online

Circuit Training is a full body workout targeting aerobic fitness, balance and muscular endurance. These videos will work you through 10-14 different exercises for a set time, with little rest between exercises. Suitable for all fitness levels, exercise experience and ages 16+. Each week a new video will be released and can be watched as many times as you like (recommended 2-4x) before it’s locked and a new video is released Full access to a number of “how to” videos on exercise instruction is included as well as Q&A with instructor via email. Zoom virtual and in person training offered at additional costs. Must have internet and a computer, tablet, phone, smart TV, etc. For best experience dumbbells and/or resistance tubing recommended but not required Videos created by Rick Buyce ACE certified personal trainer with over 20 years’ experience. Instructor: Rick Buyce

11382 1/9-1/30 Online Videos $22/$25 11383 2/6-2/27

Videos $22/$25 11384 3/6-3/27

Videos $22/$25

Videos $22/$25 11385 4/3-4/24


ASoundBathisasensoryexperienceinwhichparticipantsareawashinsoothingsoundwaves. Thesewavesareproducedbyinstrumentssuchasgongs,singingbowls,percussion,chimes, rattles,tuningforks,andeventhehumanvoiceitself.Participantsusuallyliedown(although sittingisalsowelcomed)inacomfortablepositionwhileinstrumentsareplayedtocultivaterest andrelaxationfortheparticipants.Possiblebenefitscanbemeditative,relaxation,anincreased senseofwellbeing,expandedawareness,andaccesstoinnervisionaryexperience.BRINGAYOGA MAT,orBLANKETifyouwishtoliedown.Chairswillbeprovided.Instructor:LaurieBell

11447 M 3/13 6:307:15pm $25/$30

FeldenkraisMethod®-Awareness throughMovement®Lessons

TheFeldenkraisMethod®providesanexperiential foundationfordiscoveringthatmovementdoneinan enjoyableeasywayisinfactwhatweneedtolearn, change,andexpandourabilitiesmosteffectively Classes arenoncompetitiveandnon-judgmental.Allages,levelsof experienceandabilitiesarewelcome.Attendingsingle classesispossiblebypriorarrangementwiththe instructor.Bringamatandalargetowel.Wearloose comfortableclothingwithextralayersforwarmth. Location:W@FACRm.301,T@WFCRm.3


Hatha Yoga

Relaxing music, gentle flowing movements, and the encouragement to go at your own pace make Kerry's classes not only great for building strength and flexibility but excellent for quieting and calming the mind.

Instructor: Kerry Brockmann

& Wellness
Adult Fitness
EWC Room 1&2 11333 Tu 1/3-2/7 6:30-7:45pm $70/$80 11334 Tu 2/14-3/21 6:30-7:45pm $84/$95 11335 Tu 3/28-4/25 6:30-7:45pm $56/$64
11354 W 1/4-1/25 11am-12pm $78/$90 11355 W 2/1-2/22 11am-12pm $78/$90 11356 W 3/1-3/29 11am-12pm $97/$110 11357 W 4/5-4/26 11am-12pm $78/$90 11358 T 1/3-1/31 7-8pm $97/$110 11359 T 2/7-2/28 7-8pm $78/$90 11360 T 3/7-3/28 7-8pm $78/$90 11361 T 4/4-4/25 7-8pm $78/$90

Adult Fitness & Wellness


HealingTouchisanon-invasive,non-manipulativeenergytherapyinwhichthepractitioner, consciously,intentionallyusestheirhandstoclear,energizeandbalancethehumanenergy field,whichsupportsandfacilitatesphysical,emotional,mentalandspiritualhealth Whenthe body’senergyflowsfreelyandvitalizesthecellsoftheorgans,tissues,bloodandbonesatan optimallevel,weareinperfecthealth.Whenthisflowbecomesblockedforanyreason,the bodycells,deprivedoftheessentiallifeforce,becomeweakenedandeventuallydiseased.To regainourhealthandwellbeing,wemustbeginbyrestoringourenergyflowtoanaturalstateof balance.Whentheenergysystemisrepaired,energeticblockagesremoved,thephysicalbody willstarthealing

INDIVIDUALSESSIONS:ThisHealingTouchsessioniswhenthepractitionersimplyactsasa conduit,allowingtheUniversalEnergytoflowoutthroughhis/herhandsinordertoremoveany energyblockspresentintheindividual

11448 Sat 3/18 9-12pm(40minutesperindividualsession) $25/$30


Intro to the Fitness Room

Learn the basics of fitness room use, including machines, free-weights, and body weight exercises. Participants will gain ability to design their own exercise program tailored to individual fitness needs and goals. Instruction provided by an ACE certified personal trainer.

Instructor: Rick Buyce Location: FAC Fitness Room

11293 W 1/4 7:05-8pm $5 11294 W 2/8 7:05-8pm

11295 W 3/1 7:05-8pm $5 11296 W 4/12 7:05-8pm $5

Adult Fitness & Wellness

Iyengar Yoga – Beginner Course

A course for those new to yoga. We will cover the fundamental actions of Iyengar yoga. Iyengar yoga uses precise alignment, attention to detail and breath awareness while making yoga postures accessible for everyone through the usage of props (blocks, straps, blankets.) Contact instructor if you have questions regarding suitability Bring your own yoga matt and 2-3 yoga blankets/beach towels.

Location: FAC Room 301

Instructor: Kristina Bavik, CIYT

11340 Th 1/12-2/16 6:00-7:00pm

Iyengar Yoga - continuing students

A class for continuing students of Iyengar yoga. Iyengar yoga uses precise alignment, attention to detail and breath awareness while making yoga postures accessible for everyone through the usage of props (blocks, straps, blankets.) We will build a strong foundation in the basics of each pose so we can progress with stability to more complex poses. The founder BKS Iyengar called yoga "Meditation in Action" - a way to harmonize the body and mind To join this class, please have some prior Inyengar yoga experience. Contact instructor if you have questions regarding suitability. Bring your own yoga matt and 2-3 yoga blankets/beach towels.

Location: FAC Room 301

Instructor: Kristina Bavik, CIYT

11336 W 1/11-3/1 6:00-7:30pm $120/$132

11337 W 3/8-4/26 6:00-7:30pm $120/$132

Iyengar Yoga - Beginning & Continuing Students

A class for beginning and intermediate students of Iyengar yoga Iyengar yoga uses precise alignment, attention to detail and breath awareness while making yoga postures accessible for everyone through the usage of props (blocks, straps, blankets.) We will build a strong foundation in the basics of each pose so we can progress with stability to more complex poses. The founder BKS Iyengar called yoga "Meditation in Action" - a way to harmonize the body and mind. To join this class, it is helpful to have some prior yoga experience. Contact instructor if you have questions regarding suitability. Bring your own yoga matt and 2-3 yoga blankets/beach towels.

Location: FAC Room 301

Instructor: Kristina Bavik, CIYT

11338 F 1/6-2/24 9:30am-11am

11339 F 3/10-4/28 9:30am-11am


Adult Fitness & Wellness


Mandalameans“sacredcircle”and historicallyhasbeenusedasameditative focus–ameansofturninginward,to stillnessandquiet Itisusedasacreative processforself-discoveryandpersonal transformation.Noartexperience required.Allmaterialsprovided.




Experiencetheilluminatingprocessofgoingwithin,connectingtoyourcenterandfindinga deeperunionofmind,bodyandspirit Wewillcometogetherasagroup,lookatthehistoryof themandala,workwithourownintentionsandasyoucreateyourownmandala,thisprocess invokesarepresentationofyourInnerLight.Iinviteyoutoexperiencethemysteryofthe mandala,allowingyourselftoopenyourheartandletyourtruelightshine. 11452


Duringthisexperientialclass,wewillcometogetherasagroup,lookatthehistoryofthe mandala,workwithourownintentionsandasyoucreateyourownmandala,wewilllookatthe healingpropertiesofGratitude.Iinviteyoutoexperiencethemysteryofthemandala,allowing yourselftoopenyourheartwithinthissafe,supportive,creativeprocess.Noartsexperienceis necessary.

11453 W 2/15 6:15-8:15pm $45/$52


ThelivingEarth,whichitself,isamandalasustainsus;thefoodthatweeat,water,wedrink,and theairthatwebreath.Duringthisexperientialclass,wewillcometogetherasagroup,lookat thehistoryofthemandala,workwithourownintentionsandasyoucreateyourownmandala, wewilllookatthehealingpropertiesofNature.Iinviteyoutoexperiencethemysteryofthe mandala,allowingyourselftoopenyourheartwithinthissafe,supportive,creativeprocess.No artsexperienceisnecessary.

11454 W 3/15 6:15-8:15pm $45/$52

Th 1/26 6:15-8:15pm

Adult Fitness & Wellness

Meditation for Beginners – The Antidote to Stress

Ready to start a daily meditation practice that becomes as automatic as brushing your teeth? I will guide you step by step through my Intention Setting AM and Shavasana Body Scan PM practice so you can get all your questions answered and feel comfortable sitting in the silence. You'll learn how to create a lasting daily practice you'll look forward to each day to reduce stress, have more peace, and awareness in your life! Ready to commit to a 30-Day Meditation Challenge to lock in your daily practice? Sign up for all the Saturday classes in the month, even if you start mid-month and enroll in the remaining classes that month, you will also get a Meditation Journal, 30-day Meditation Challenge Calendar & access to our Telegram group chat for accountability. Bring a yoga mat, pillow/cushion. No class: 1/7, 2/18, 3/11, 3/18, 4/8, 4/29.

Instructor: Holly Ruiz

Location: FAC 208

Pickleball Fitness

One on One Personal Training

Need help meeting your fitness goals? Rick Buyce is an ACE certified personal trainer with over 20 years’ experience and specialized training in senior fitness. Strength training, weight loss, post rehab and injury prevention, athletic performance and nutritional advice Price is per one hour session Two or more sessions pre-paid package cost *$45/55 per hour session.

Instructor: Rick Buyce

Location: FAC Fitness Room

11297 M-S Appointment only $50/60

Increase performance or obtain fitness goals to start playing pickleball. Participants will work through exercise stations, focused on increasing agility, power, balance, cardiovascular and muscular endurance, and injury prevention.

Instructor: Rick Buyce

Location: FAC

1/7-1/28 10-11am $105/$116 11363 Sat 2/4-2/25 10-11am $105/$116 11364 Sat 3/4-3/25 10-11am $70/$78 11365 Sat 4/1-4/22 10-11am $105/$116
11362 Sat
Gym 11289 F 1/6-1/20 2-3pm $30/$36 11290 F 2/3-2/24 2-3pm $40/$48 11291 F 3/3-3/17 2-3pm $30/$36 11292 F 4/14-4/28 2-3pm $30/$36

Adult Fitness & Wellness


The gentle, rhythmic movement of qigong reduces stress, builds stamina, increases vitality and enhances the immune system This ancient Chinese health care system integrates physical postures, breathing techniques and focused intention. Wear comfortable clothing. No class 4/4

T'ai Chi - Taijiquan

An ancient Chinese exercise, T’ai Chi helps build strength, flexibility and balance in mind as well as body. Consistent practice can help reduce tension and increase physical, spiritual and mental well-being. Wear comfortable clothing. Location: FAC Rm. 114

Instructor: Barbara Gleisner

Level 1B

– Must complete 1A

Moving for Better Balance

Moving for Better Balance is an evidence-based falls prevention program that uses the principles and movements of Tai Chi in helping older adults improve their balance and increase their confidence in doing everyday activities without the fear of falling. Moving for better balance is modeled from the Yang style Tai Chi form. No class 1/16 and 2/20. Wear comfortable clothing. *Must complete first session. Location: FAC Rm. 114

Instructor: Barbara Gleisner

Level 1A 11303 Tu 1/3-3/7 10:30am-12pm $105/$ 11301 Th 1/5-3/9 7-8:30pm $105/
11305 Tu 3/14-5/23 10:30am-12pm $10 11304 Th 3/16-5/25 7-8:30pm $10 Level 2 11306 Tu 1/3-3/7 7-8:30pm $105/$12 10307 Tu 3/14-5/23 7-8:30pm $105/$12 Level 3 11308 Th 1/5-3/9 5:30pm-7pm $105/ 11309 Th 3/16-5/25 5:30pm-7pm $105/
and 4/5. Location: FAC Rm. 114. Instructor: Barbara Gleisner 11312 T 1/3-3/7 5:30pm-7pm $105/$121 11314 T 3/14-5/23 5:30pm-7pm $105/$121 11313 W 1/4-3/8 10:30am-12pm $105/$121 11315 W 3/15-5/24 10:30am-12pm $105/$121
11310 M 1/9-3/13 10:30am-12pm $84/$96 11311 M *3/20-5/15 10:30am-12pm $84/$96

Adult Fitness & Wellness

Relationship Red (and Green!) Flags

Have you ever thought about what makes a relationship healthy, unhealthy, or even abusive? Join Prevention Coordinator Olivia Liu from Domestic Violence Services of Snohomish County for an engaging workshop where you’ll learn to differentiate between relationship behaviors You’ll walk away knowing the signs of healthy, toxic, and abusive relationships, and how you can best support those you care about.

Location: FAC Room 206

Instructor: Olivia Liu

11394 M 2/6 4:30-5:30pm FREE

Small Group Personal Training

Work out with your family or friends! Need help meeting your fitness goals? Rick Buyce is an ACE certified personal trainer with over 20 years’ experience and specialized training in senior fitness. Strength training, weight loss, post rehab and injury prevention, athletic performance and nutritional advice Price is per person, per 1 hour session. Find a time that works for you! Location: FAC or EWC 11298 M-S Appointment only

(2 people) 11299 M-S Appointment only

Strength and Endurance Interval Training

Strength & Endurance Interval Training is a full body workout targeting aerobic fitness, balance and muscular endurance. Participants work through 10-14 exercises for a set time, with little rest between exercises. The workout can be modified for your personal needs. No machines.

Location: M@EWC Rm. 3, Th@FAC Rm. 301

Instructor: Rick Buyce

11282 M

6-7pm $30/$36 11283
3/6-3/13 6-7pm $20/$24 11284 M 4/10-4/24 6-7pm $30/$36 11285 Th 1/5-1/19 11:30am-12:30pm $30/$36 11286 Th 2/9-2/23 11:30am-12:30pm $30/$36 11287 Th 3/2-3/16 11:30am-12:30pm $30/$36 11288 Th 4/13-4/27 11:30am-12:30pm $30/$36
(3-4 people)

Adult Fitness & Wellness

Starry Night Sound Bath

Immerse yourself in the healing vibrations of singing bowls, gongs, & drums all while enjoying the ambiance of a starry night with our Galaxy Projector. During this full body listening experience you will hear & feel the sound waves as they flow throughout the room & guide your mind into a deeply restful state The power of sound can help us achieve tranquility in mind, body, & spirit. Come relax, unwind, and simply enjoy this uniquely powerful experience. Please bring: Blanket, yoga mat (or extra blanket), pillow (Extra pillow or bolster for under knees can support your lower back), water, openness to the experience, eye mask (optional)

Instructor: Savannah Powers

You may read more about sound healing & her bio at


Restorative Sound Bath

Delight in the sounds of crystal quartz singing bowls, chimes, and gongs. This sound bath will focus on relaxation and restoration to guide you into a deeply restful state. Come disconnect, breathe, and reconnect We hope you leave this sound experience with a renewed sense of self, feeling refreshed, & restored to take on your week. Please bring: Blanket, yoga mat (or extra blanket), pillow (Extra pillow or bolster for under knees can support your lower back), water, openness to the experience, eye mask (optional)

Instructor: Savannah Powers

You may read more about sound healing & her bio at

Location: EWC Rm. 1-2

11459 M 4/3 6:30-7:30pm $35/$40

6-7pm $35/$40 11458
3/6 6:30-7:30pm $35/$40
EWC Rm 1-2 11456 M 1/9 6-7pm $35/$40 11457 M 2/6

Adult Fitness & Wellness

Sustainable Weight Loss Seminar – “The Hunger Games”

This presentation shows how intermittent fasting and science-based food choices can be used to achieve sustainable, life-altering weight loss and why it works.

Location: FAC 208

Instructor: Claes Bavik PhD.

11380 W 1/4 6-7pm $10/$11

Sustainable Fitness and Wellness – Beginners

The course begins with the Sustainable Weight Loss seminar and then we put theory into practice. We will use calisthenics and stretching to build strength and flexibility. We will start developing balance and coordination using non-contact martial art and yoga. Please ask your physician if fasting and exercise is safe for you. No class 1/16

$25 supply fee due to instructor at first class.

Location: FAC 208

Instructor: Claes Bavik PhD

11378 M&W 1/4-2/13 6-7pm $110/$125

Sustainable Fitness and Wellness – “Easy Yoga the Hard Way”

This continuation class “Easy Yoga the Hard Way” is focused on finding mindfulness through the flow of martial art movements and yoga poses. We will continue building fitness and finding the Intermittent Fasting schedule that works best for each participant.

Prerequisite - Sustainable Fitness and Wellness - Beginners. No class 3/6.

$25 supply fee due to instructor at first class.

Location: FAC 208

Instructor: Claes Bavik PhD

11379 M&W 3/1-4/26 6-7pm $160/$180

Talking to Kids & Teens About Healthy Relationships

February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month! TDV is a serious issue that often goes unaddressed, as more than half of people who have been abused or stalked first experienced the abuse between the ages of 11-24 Join Prevention Coordinator Olivia Liu from DVS for a conversation on creating safe dialogues about healthy relationships and dating violence with the teen or kid in your life. Location: FAC

Instructor: Olivia Liu

11394 M 2/6 4:30-5:30pm


Adult Fitness & Wellness

Zentangle - Ages 18+

The Zentangle Method is an easy-to-learn, relaxing, fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. Putting pen to paper in a ceremonial way, with no expectations, demands, or criticism, one enters a space of creative, relaxed focus mindful meditation; the focus is on the process, not the outcome; this process begins and ends with gratitude. Whether for fun, focus, meditation, or therapy, this art form has something for everyone.

Instructor: Laurie Bell


Iinviteyou,tosit,relaxandexperiencethe basicstepsofthismethodandbeintroduced tothevocabulary,toolsandskillsusedwhile youcreateasimplepieceofart Noprevious artexperiencerequired.$5Supplyfeepaid totheinstructor.

11449 W 1/25 6:15-8:15pm $40/$46


We’lluseZentangle®,andtransformrocks intosimpleworksofart.Asyouimmerse yourselfintheprocessofcreating,the stressesofmodernlifecanbeleftbehind Wewillcreateheartfelttokensthatcan spreadkindnesstoothers.Noart experiencenecessary.$5supplyfeedueto instructor.

11450 Th 2/16 6:15-8:15 $40/$46

OrganicZentangle: Tangle-a-Garden

Learningnew‘organic’tanglesand techniques,youwillcreate,“plant”your ownbeautifulgardenbydrawingstructured patterns.Nopreviousartexperience required.$5Supplyfeepaidtothe instructor 11451

3/14 6:15-8:15 $40/$46

Adult Fitness & Wellness

Zumba Moms & Kids

Bring your little ones with you to play and dance while you get a total workout, combining all elements of fitness – cardio, muscle conditioning, balance and flexibility, boosted energy and a serious dose of awesome each time you leave class All ages welcome Dance Level: All Levels

Workout Level: Medium - High Intensity. Music Styles: Latin Rhythms

Location: FAC 208

Instructor: Shannon Foran



Jazzerciseistheoriginaldancepartyworkout!Each55minutesweatsessionblendsdancecardioandstrength trainingtosculptandtoneyourmusclesanddeliveran undeniablemoodboostviaourfull-bodyworkouts

Whetheryou’relookingforphysicalresultsorawayto relievestressandfeelyourbest,ourinstructorswillguide youeverystepoftheway!Suitableforallagesandall fitnesslevels.Wedemonstratebothhigh-andlow-impact options,anddanceexperienceisnotrequired Please bringyourownmatandoptionalhand-heldweights(3-8 pounds).Attendingsingleclassesispossiblebyprior arrangementwithinstructor.





11386 T 1/10-2/14 10:30-11:15am $78/$89 11389 Th 1/12-2/16 4:30-5:15pm $78/$89 11387 T 2/21-3/28 10:30-11:15am $78/$89 11391 Th 2/23-3/30 4:30-5:15pm $78/$89 11388 T 4/4-5/9 10:30-11:15am $78/$89 11392 Th 4/6-5/11 4:30-5:15pm $78/$89
6-7pm $60
3/13–4/24 6-7pm $89 W 1/4-2/15 4:30-5:30pm $95 W 3/1-4/26 4:30-5:30pm $105
M 1/23-2/27

Martial Arts


All classes are for ages 8 and up. Youth/adult classes combined. Build physical and mental strength learning Japanese samurai sword handling. Beginner needs to purchase of Bamboo sword at first class ($40). Continuing level includes full contact wearing armor. Edmonds kendo class is member of Pacific Northwest Kendo Federation/All United states Kendo Federation.

Instructor: Naoaki Tanimura

Location: FAC Gym

Visit for more details. No Classes 1/29-2/8

Taekwon-Do - Ages 10+

Self-defense and physical fitness for the whole family. Open to continuing students.

Family discount rates available. Uniform details at class. Location: EWC Banquet Rm

Instructor: Kevin Lemm

Beginner 11341 Th 1/5-4/27 5-6pm $112/$129 11343 Sat 1/7-4/29 12-1:30pm $105/$114 Intermediate 11342 Th 1/5-4/27 6-7pm $112/$129 Advanced 11345 Th 1/5-4/27 7-8pm $112/$129 Continuing 11344 Sat 1/7-4/29 1:30-3:30pm $105/$114
11374 M&W 1/4-1/30 6-7:30pm $70/$80 11375 M&W 2/1-2/27 6-7:30pm $70/$80 11376 M&W 3/1-3/29 6-7:30pm $70/$80 11377 M&W 4/3-4/26 6-7:30pm $70/$80

Dancing at the Waterfront

Instructor: Charles England, Golden State Dance

Teachers Association & World Swing Dance Council

Certified Location: Edmonds Waterfront Center


It'stimetolearntodance!EasybasicsinFoxTrot, WaltzandSwing,withemphasisonlead/followskills. Everythingyouneedforanightoutdancing


Stillthecoolest,smoothest,andmostplayfulformof swingontheplanet.WestCoastSwingcanbedanced toalltypesofmusicfrombigbandswingandblues, rhythm&blues,Top40andpopofalleras.


Hot!Hot!Hot!SolidBasicsteps,turnsandstylingin Salsa.PlussomeMerenguejustforfun.Danceall nightlong!


TheAll-Americanswingdance!DancetoBigBand Swing,Rock'nRollandmore.Bothsingleandtriple rhythmstylewillbetaughtinthisfunandeasyclass.

11437 W 2/15-3/15 7-8pm $68/$78 11723 W 4/26-5/24 7-8pm $68/$78
11438 W 2/15-3/15 8-9pm $68/$78 11724 W 4/26-5/24 8-9pm $68/$78
11435 W 1/11-2/8 7-8pm $68/$78 11722 W 3/22-4/19 7-8pm $68/$78
11436 W 1/11-2/8 8-9pm $68/$78 11725 W 3/22-4/19 8-9pm $68/$78


Beginning Hula for Teens & Adults - Ages 12+

Beginning hula includes dance, fitness, and Hawaiian terminology. Bare feet required. Women should wear skirts, men should wear shorts. 11443

Clogging - Ages 10+

Clogging is dance characterized by wearing double taps on shoes and emphasizing the down beat of music. Originating in the Appalachian after being brought to the US by immigrants from Europe. Clogging is excellent exercise and fun! Family participation is encouraged from ages 10 and up.

Instructor: Maureen Pettit

Location: EWC Room

Intro -ages 10+

11267 Th 1/12-3

11300 Th 3/23-5

Intermediate –

11268 Th 1/12-3

11381 Th 3/23-

Th 1/5-1/26 6:45-8pm $60/$69 11444 Th 2/2-2/23 6:45-8pm $60/$69 11445 Th 3/2-3/23 6:45-8pm $60/$69 11446 Th 3/30-4/20 6:45-8pm $60/$69

Adult Enrichment


Multi-partensembleplaywithauthenticdrumsandpercussion(supplied).WarmUp Sessioncovershandtechniqueandrhythmsofthenightatabeginnerpace.Accelerate Sessioncoversthesamerhythmsatanintermediatepace-withaplaceforbeginners too.AttendbothSessionsforthesameprice!Audiotracksandeasynotesforeachpart encouragespracticebetweensessions.Healthy-expressive-collaborative-FUN!


11481 T 2/7-2/28 6:00-8:15pm $60/$69 11482 T 3/7-3/28 6:00-8:15pm $60/$69 11483 T 4/4-4/25 6:00-8:15pm $60/$69

Adult Enrichment


AreyoulookingtoworkonyourSpanishconversationalskills?Wouldyouliketodevelopyour speakingandlisteningskillsandbuildyourvocabularymore?JoininstructorJeanettQuintanilla onenightaweektoconverseandlearnseveraltopics,includingLatinoAmericanculture, geography,history,andgrammar.Takeyourskillsandenjoymenttothenextlevelthrough Spanishconversationandclassdiscussions

RequiredBook:“CompleteSpanishStepbyStep”byBarbaraBregstein,SecondEdition. IntermediatelevelsandSpanishspeakingabilityrequired.

11428 T 1/10-2/28 6-7pm $240/$276

Ukulele Open Jam

Join STRUM a month at a time for relaxed nights playing songs with aloha spirit. Enjoy some beautiful music and community bonding. Music will be provided. Location: EWC Some Ukulele’s will be available to use.

**Per Day Drop In Available for $5/$6 per session. Due at day of attendance.

PAGE 42 11431 W 1/4-1/25 6:00-8:00pm $20/$25 11432 W 2/1-2/22 6:00-8:00pm $20/$25 11433 W 3/1-3/29 6:00-8:00pm $25/$30 11434 W 4/5-4/26 6:00-8:00pm $20/$25

Adult Enrichment - Online


Magazineeditorsandbookpublishersagree:thehottesttrendthesedaysisthetellingof personalexperiences.Learnhowtoaccessandformatyourmemoriesandexperiencesforthe purposeofcreatingarticles,books,andsouvenirmemoirsforcash,friends,and/orfamily. Instructorhashelpedhundredsofstudentsandclientscompletelifestoriesofallkinds.


11484 ScheduleDateswithInstructor $100/$115


Whetherit’salovedone,apet,yourstockportfolio,orawholewayoflife,losscanbe depressingandpainful.Worstofall,weoftenfeelaloneduringrecovery.Inthisunique workshop(oronlineclass),yougettobringyourlosswithyou:revelinpreviousgoodthings, regretthechange,feelaccompaniedinthisjourney,bythosewhounderstand—otherswho haveexperiencedloss.(PSThat’severybody!)Thisonlineclassalsoincludesstoriesoflossfrom others.

11485 ScheduleDateswithInstructor $30/$40


Everyone Gets to Play

Every child should have an opportunity to learn the basic fundamentals and skills of a sport, the understanding of teamwork, communication and good sportsmanship.

"Everyone Gets to Play" has been the motto of Sno-King Youth Club for over 40 years!

Your child's safety, health and wellness, social, physical and motor skill development, the ability to learn and understand rules and strategy of the game, feel good about themselves and their accomplishments and especially to have fun is what Sno-King Youth Club represents. All of these things must happen in a safe, nurturing environment where coaches are screened to make sure they are safe to work with kids and are trained to instruct and mentor as coaches. Sno-King Youth Club, an organization where: "Everyone Gets to Play" That is our tradition and promise!

For more information about our upcoming programming options, please visit SKYC.NET

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