4 CORNER CRYSTAL GRID for Your Home or Office Approximately 15 years ago, I started to get into crystals differently and wanted rose quartz crystals and amethyst clusters to place in the four corners of my home. Angel Lady Terrie Marie, D.Ms. Crystologist, Crystal and Angelic Realm Channel
Hello Beautiful Soul,
A 4 Corner
Crystal Grid is something I put into place when I was still working as an Executive Admin Assistant for the US Border Patrol .. long story for another time!
This was long before I knew anything about the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show. A friend of mine was going and asked if there was anything I wanted. I asked for 8 palm-size pieces of Rose Quartz and 4 Amethyst Clusters.
I was delighted to receive the crystals and began to clear the energies by putting them on a window sill in my meditation/ healing room.
I have been discovering the magic of crystals since 1989 ‌ yes that long! Photo by Caroline Gravino on Unsplash
4 Corner Crystal Grid
A few days later, I intuitively placed one Rose Quartz and one Amethyst Cluster in each of the *major corners* of my home.