HOW DOES YOUR PAST IMPACT YOUR FUTURE Photo by Benji Aird on Unsplash areas of the past that have a significant IMPACT on you.
The first area is your family lineage.
By Candice Staniek
you ever wondered about how much IMPACT your past has on your future?
When you think of the word IMPACT, what are the first thoughts and images that come to mind? Perhaps, it’s thoughts about how you recently treated someone. On the other hand, it could be decisions you make in your household to impact the environment. Whatever the case, we generally consider how we BE in consideration to how it affects others and our environments. That’s considered to be a forward-looking approach. Now, I’d like to invite you to consider the past in a more expanded way than ever before. I want to briefly explore 4 main
H o w D o e s Yo u r P a s t I m p a c t Yo u r F u t u r e
One of the ways we can reflect upon our family lineage and the impact it has on us is to acknowledge any beliefs, values and behaviours that we have consciously or unconsciously taken on in our own lives. For example, let's say there is a family with middle-class income and one child wants to move into the upper class. What would it take for that child to do so? In short, it would take an in-depth approach to uncover all of the families limiting beliefs around money that left ignored would keep them in the middle-class.
The second area is time you were in the womb. This is a very impressionable time and it’s a time when many of the programs, just like a computer processor, are created. Why is this the case? By week 4 of the embryological development, the nervous system is created. As we know, the nervous system is responsible for secreting molecules, which impact our reactions and emotions. These chemicals are released so quickly that unless we are aware of what’s happening in most cases