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Although I loved my son, I felt ripped off from experiencing time and joyful moments raising him. By Dixie Norman
It wasn't
Six years later I met a man and we got along great. In June 2020 I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. It's been wonderful because I felt like this relationship gave me back what I missed out on with raising my son. With this little girl (who is now 6 months) I was able to stay home on maternity, experience raising her with my boyfriend Chris, and felt supported.
until the past few months that I realized just how much network marketing was a true gift. I had dabbled with many network marketing businesses for two decades! The problem was that I never knew the value in it Only two months later we found out I until recently. Six y e a r s a go I gave bir th to my s o n. . . I wa s ear nin g go o d m o n ey, howeve r, h av in g a baby c h an ge d that q ui c kly . I ran o u t of m o n ey q u ic kly a n d w h e n h e was o n ly 3 m o nt h s old , I h ad to go bac k to wo rk . I lef t him w ith m y mo m, and lef t tow n to wo r k in oil an d gas. I of f ic i a lly b e came a s in gle m o m.
It was the hardest but also most rewarding time in my life! 55
The Impact of Network Marketing
was pregnant again. We were excited, however, we realized my maternity would run out and we would be stressed financially.
I became fearful about missing out on raising my children yet again. This is when I saw network marketing in a different light and finally became serious with the gift it presented me. I committed to an amazing company