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Make Decisions That Are Right For You & Your Mental Health

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Jim’s Story

Jim’s Story

By Carmen Goebel Photo by Steve Halama on Unsplash

Hello All!!!


I love this greeting, it's generic yet my signature greeting that I’ve used for quite some time..

This month's theme is dedicated to mental health wellness and I truly believe that it will be recognized and valued more and more in the future.

I originally started writing this article about a happiness mindset. This took me down a bit of a spiral of procrastination. As I sit here with my deadline up I am reminded about my feelings these last few months. Actually it’s been since December some time that I recognized it and was aware and wanted to work though it and move on.

ANGER!! Yep, I’ve been so angry that I could feel my blood boil inside.

You see, I work in healthcare and even though I didn’t start till I was already 42, I’ve been there for 13 years. I’m tired, frustrated and oh so angry. I realized through my journey of working and going through so many managers that each one has an agenda. I know that even though I’m a small working part in the system I wanted to be recognized as an asset and feel validated. As a result of my whole belief system from my upbringing, there is also this part in me that tells me I must work through releasing, and I think that in itself is part of the anger I’ve been experiencing.

I realized a few weeks ago that it's time for me to quit my job and move on. I definitely DO NOT align with the beliefs and values of the facility and the manager is definitely not the leader for me! All in all this is how I feel and I have to do what's right for me and my husband. I am saying my husband because even though I am my own person, he is a part of me, a part that is intertwined and my decisions affect him and his affect me as well. And let's face it we are a team. Lol I love him dearly. (Hugs Lynn)

The anger that I perceived these last few months has made me stall projects in my online business and I must own that, because ultimately, it is not my managers fault or anyone's for that matter.

Let me tell you a story to further explain this anger as well……

In 1998 I started dating my now husband, Lynn. We clicked right away and by the summer of 2001 we were married. There were challenges along the way with bringing a man into my life with kids and starting a whole new journey that now seem so trivial and even like someone else's story. Lynn and I had this fun dream/ vision to one day sell our house and buy a motorhome and live a gypsy life cruising North America. One day last month I sat Lynn down and said I really don’t like the place where I’m working and I don’t align with my manager any more. I want to sell our house and buy a motorhome and live closer to my kids, and be a grandma. I really have to chuckle at Lynn’s response. He thought we’d do it when we were older. Hahaha I then replied “How much older do you want to be when we do this”? Even if we only did it for a few years and then had to come back to take care of our parents, at least we could say we did it!

Maybe this is a part of the anger I've been feeling. A discord with my life, my vision. Maybe it's the Universe's way of getting me/us closer to that vision and once it was set in motion it was like my intuition/my gut power settled down.

“I had such heartburn and a gut ache that I knew something was up and about to change. “

Moving forward after lots of talk, Lynn and I have put our house up for sale and are moving to Alberta to be closer to our son and his family to be a support system to them. Both Lynn and I are getting jobs, cause lets face it I don’t think we are ready to retire. What does retiring mean at this stage in the game of life? My mom retired from her teaching when she was 54 and she said that it was way too early. She felt the pressure from the younger generation to move on.

It is mid February and I write this for the March issue on Mental health and wellness. There is something I want to tell you. .Listen to your body, your heart and mind, they talk to you in a different vibration. My anger has basically subsided. There is a lot of work ahead for us but I know it's the right move and I’m so freaking excited to be moving. Our house went up for sale yesterday and it's getting shown today already. YAHOO!!

Carmen Goebel.

Confidence/Visionary/Life Coach, Success Through Vision

Contact at - 1 (306) 728-0127

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