Make Decisions That Are Right For You & Your Mental Health
By ZeSaiphio Designs
Photo by Steve Halama on Unsplash
Hello All!!! By Carmen Goebel
I love this greeting, it's generic yet my signature greeting that I’ve used for quite some time..
This month's theme is dedicated to mental health wellness and I truly believe that it will be recognized and valued more and more in the future. I originally started writing this article about a happiness mindset. This took me down a bit of a spiral of procrastination. As I sit here with my deadline up I am reminded about my feelings these last few months. Actually it’s been since December some time that I recognized it and was aware and wanted to work though it and move on.
“ANGER!! Yep, I’ve been so angry that I could feel my blood boil inside. “
Make Decisions for your Mental Health
You see, I work in healthcare and even though I didn’t start till I was already 42, I’ve been there for 13 years. I’m tired, frustrated and oh so angry. I realized through my journey of working and going through so many managers that each one has an agenda. I know that even though I’m a small working part in the system I wanted to be recognized as an asset and feel validated. As a result of my whole belief system from my upbringing, there is also this part in me that tells me I must work through releasing, and I think that in itself is part of the anger I’ve been experiencing. I realized a few weeks ago that it's time for me to quit my job and move on. I definitely DO NOT align with the beliefs and values of the facility and the manager is definitely not the leader for me! All in all this is how I feel and I have to do what's right for me and my husband. I am saying my husband because even though I am my own person, he is a part of me, a part that is intertwined and my decisions affect him and his affect me as well. And let's face it we are a team. Lol I love him dearly. (Hugs Lynn) The anger that I perceived these last few months has made me stall projects in my online business and I must own that, because ultimately, it is not my managers fault or anyones for that matter.