2016 臺灣文博會 成果專刊

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為期 5 天的 2016 臺灣文博會於 4 月 24 日圓滿落幕,本屆文博會結合華山 1914 文創園區、松山文創園區及花博公園爭艷

During the exhibition period, CET attracted 227,104 visitors, which is a 22% increase compared to the year

館三大展場,共吸引 22 萬 7,104 人次觀展,觀展滿意度達 90% ,創歷史新高。展期共計 697 家國內外品牌、 1,132 個攤

before. Visitor satisfaction reached 90%, achieving new historic high. This year’s CET ran from April 20 to April

位參展,辦理 747 場次洽商媒合,預估產值新臺幣 4.77 億元,較前屆成長 21% 。商貿交易之外,今年亦具體實踐「城市

24 at Huashan 1914 Creative Park, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, and Expo Dome, featuring a total of 697

即展場、展場即生活」概念,集結 250 間串聯好店,周邊活動共計 180 場次。 本屆文博會具國際化與跨域之交流整合。首度策辦年度主題展「品東風」,由臺灣的陳俊良設計師與英國、日本、丹麥 3

domestic and international brands, and 1,132 booths; the exhibition also hosted 734 sessions of business matching, achieving an estimated NT$ 477 million in total production. In addition to facilitating 21% more trades compared to the previous year, this year’s CET further built on the concept of “The city is the exhibition, the exhibition displays lifestyles,” gathering 250 CET fringe shops, as well as 180 satellite events and activities.

位國際頂尖大師共同策展,演繹日常生活的文創風景;花博公園爭艷館今年更擴大設置 Talent 100 百位創作者專區,在 競爭激烈的授權產業另闢藍海,同時結合 LINE 原創貼圖、中信兄弟、韓國 Sticky Monster Lab 等超人氣品牌,引爆粉絲

The inaugural annual theme exhibition “Savoring the Rich Eastern Culture” was jointly curated by Taiwanese


designer Chen Jiun-Liang and three renowned curators from UK, Japan, and Denmark, showcasing cultural and

藝潮流展 (Craft Trend Fair )」及日本最大禮品展「東京國際禮品展 (Tokyo International Gift Show) 」簽訂合作備忘錄,

creative sceneries in everyday life. Expo Dome also expanded the Young Talent project, which invited 30 emerging

鏈 結 亞 洲 商 機。 展 會 期 間 更 促 成 多 筆 指 標 型 買 家 重 要 洽 商 交 易, 日 本 Loft 、 Detail 、 Bluespot 、 蔦 屋 書 店、 泰 國 Siam 、 英國 Magma 和國內的涵碧樓等,都表示對設計商品高度採購意願,並希望建立合作開發客製化模式;中國大陸買家則對

designers the year before, and designated the Talent 100 section to showcase young creative talents, exploring the blue ocean in the fiercely competitive licensing industry.

竹製工藝品情有獨衷。而本屆「文創精品獎」精選出 2016 臺灣文博會最具深度內涵與創新趨勢的 30 件作品及 5 件趨勢

The Ministry of Culture also announced that CET has also successfully established international connections,

特別獎成為 2016 臺灣文博會指引專業買家與參觀民眾的決定性指標。「文創趨勢國際論壇」則邀請當代重量級國際專業

signing MOU with “Craft Trend Fair” organized by Korea Creative Content Agency under the Ministry of Culture,


Sports and Tourism, and Japan’s largest “Tokyo International Gift Show.”

「風格與策展」、「華人趨勢」,打開臺灣文創業者全新思維,共同探索華人優質生活的多元面貌與可能。 The Ministry of Culture has pointed out that the 2016 CET has facilitated several important purchases by key 臺灣文博會不僅是商展,更是以「臺灣」為品牌的文化價值輸出活動,建立臺灣從華人世界走向全球的國家品牌,未來 將持續透過跨產業、跨部會、跨文化的參與合作,在交流平台中探索產業新風景。

buyers. In terms of design and craft merchandise, emerging brands Blacktail and Paperself performed well, as Japan’s Loft, Detail, Bluespot, and Tsutaya, Thailand’s Siam, UK’s Magma, and Taiwan’s own The Lalu, have all shown interests in purchasing the brands’ design products, and hoped to establish customized collaborative R&D relationship. Mainland Chinese buyers were captivated by bamboo crafts, whereas Pegacasa’s products of living aesthetics combining wood and metal showed great business potentials.


The licensing section featured popular brands such as LINE stickers, Chinatrust Brothers, and South Korea’s

2016 CET Driving Trade Volume through Cultural and Creative Value

six Taiwanese local original characters also received invitations to participate in various exhibitions as well as

Sticky Monster Lab, and attracted fans from all around Taiwan, and the exhibition saw long queues everyday. The licensing events. The exhibition held at the Ministry of Culture’s licensing pavilion also took on a new look, such as “PS Shop” that showcased licensed products of works by renowned artists Pu Xinyu and Chang Yu, as well as National Taiwan Museum’s “Modern Museologist Project,” which illustrated the development trend of museums as actors of art licensing. The Ministry of Culture hopes that CET is not just a trade fair, but also an event that exports the cultural values of the brand “Taiwan,” establishing a national brand through which Taiwan can step onto the global stage en route the Chinese-speaking communities. In the future, the Ministry will continue to collaborate across industries, departments, and cultures to explore new grounds for the industries on the exchange platform.


目 錄



Foreword | Driving Trade Volume through Cultural and


Creative Value 臺灣文博會


Creative Expo Taiwan

品東風 - 華世代的世界品位

World Class Style From The Hauren World


Trend 2016



Trinity Exhibition

華山 1914 文創園區

The Huashan 1914 Creative Park


The Songshan Cultural & Creative Park


Taipei Expo Dome



63 文創新平台,產業新風景


A New Platform to Transform the Industry


International Buyer


Cultural and Creative Trend Forum


Cultural and Creative Award



Creative Expo Fringe Shops




Event Highlights


文化部自 年起策辦臺灣國際文化 2010

創 意 產 業 博 覽 會︵ 臺 灣 文 博 會 ︶。 自

年 起, 臺 灣 文 博 會 在 過 去 的 基 礎 2014

上 轉 型, 以 展 會 為 主 體, 提 供 文 創 商

品 及 服 務 交 易 平 台 ,鏈 結 生 產 、行 銷 、

通 路 等 環 節, 並 串 聯 周 邊 文 創 活 動、

場 館 設 施、 巷 弄 街 區, 讓 臺 灣 文 博 會

不 只 是 商 展, 更 是 臺 灣 品 牌 及 臺 灣 價

值 的 展 現, 並 逐 年 邁 向 國 際 一 流 展 會

Creative Expo Taiwan



Ministry of Culture launched the first Creative Expo Taiwan(CET) to promote Taiwanese Cultural and Creative Industryin 2010. CET 2014 transforms to connect with the surrounding cultural life circles. A variety of relevant activities will be combined with surrounding businesses to provide buyers, media and the general public an experience of Taiwanese high quality of life styles.

家具家飾館 Furniture & Accessories



品东风 Savoring the Rich Eastern Culture 今年臺灣文博會以「品東風」為題,以中西文化交流質變,導入創意思維轉換新意, 將熟悉的元素和精神,以東方當代語彙引領華人美學走向國際。 繼 2015 首度以「城市即展場、展場即生活」型態,並轉型於華山 1914 文創園區、 松 山 文 創 園 區、 花 博 公 園 爭 艷 館 三 大 展 區 展 出, 2016 臺 灣 文 博 會 則 規 劃 更 加 豐 富 的展出內容,除了邀請國際重量級策展人規劃「年度主題展」以外,將邀集國際組 織、 城 市 和 企 業 參 展, 以 擴 大 國 際 視 野; 於 2015 年 備 受 矚 目 的「 NEXT 」 也 再 度 組 織 台 灣 新 銳 設 計 師 參 展, 展 現 臺 灣 設 計 能 量, 而「 文 創 新 銳 」 區, 更 擴 大 邀 請

100 位來自國內外圖文領域創作者於展會上同台競技。 2016 年 4 月 20 至 24 日,為期 5 天的展覽,臺灣文博會透過創新整合,建構全新的 文創平台,乘載華人優質生活的共同價值,開展更廣更遠的文化體驗。 Using “Savoring the Rich Eastern Culture” as the theme, 2016 Creative EXPO Taiwan introduces creative ideas to explore local cultural identity through cross-cultural exchanges, and reinterprets familiar elements and spirit through contemporary oriental vocabulary to showcase the Huaren aesthetics to the world, displaying the world class living style of the Huaren communities. 2015 Creative EXPO Taiwan followed the concept of “the City is the Exhibition, the Exhibition Displays Lifestyle,” and transitioned into an exhibition held at three venues at Huashan 1914 Creative Park, Songshan Cultural and Creative Park, and Expo Dome for the first time. This year’s Creative EXPO Taiwan will feature broad and in-depth contents. In addition to inviting renowned curators to curate the “Annual Theme Exhibition,” the organizer will also invite international organizations, cities, and corporations to be part of the event in order to broaden its global horizon. The“NEXT” exhibition that attracted much attention the year before will once again mobilize emerging new designers in Taiwan to showcase Taiwan’s design energy; the“Young Talent” section will invite 100 domestic and overseas professionals to compete on the same stage. The five-day exhibition was held from April 20 to 24, 2016, and through innovative integration, the Expo aims to build a brand new cultural and creative platform that vehicles the shared values of quality living, and explores broader and richer cultural experience.

簡介 Introduction



2016 主视觉 - 品东风 | 华世代的世界品位 | 2016 THEME- World Class Style From The Huaren World 2016 年的臺灣文博會,以「品東風」的全球在地化風向,詮釋華人優質生活新引力,無縫接軌 工「 藝 」 與「 文 」 創 的 文 藝 復 興 運 動, 我 們 看 見 美 好 的 時 代 就 是 現 在, 從 小 確 幸 躍 升 大 確 信 的 經典盛世,華人成為世界的出發中心,積極掌握優勢話語權,為雲行雨施品物流形的華風風華, 心任天造出獨一無二的世界臺灣。 2016 CET showcases the global trend of localization with its theme “Savoring the Rich Eastern Culture,” and presents new interpretations of Huaren lifestyle, giving rise to the renaissance of crafts, art, culture, and creativity. We can see that the wonderful time is now, an era where small happiness sublimates into great joys. Chinese culture becomes the world’s new center, and has actively sought the right to speak. Through trendsetting products and styles that showcase free creativity, a unique Taiwan is presented to the world.

簡介 Introduction 06

總策展人暨臺灣館策展 Chief Curator & Curator of Taiwan Pavilion

陳 俊良


Jun-Liang Chen

Savoring the Rich Eastern Culture - when West meets East



the President and General Manager of Freeimage Design

品味東方風格生活,以庶民中觀的大信念,博大著華文化的璀璨視頻,顯影臺灣風尚及思潮交泰 共聚,運營西技東魂的域場,深蘊禪意書畫詩生活,共伴賞花雅儒茶道之求索,陳設怡居項目的 未來鏡界,榮耀人文大美與文人小巧,回歸華世代質本大氣,扮妝美到美好的感質生活,領略物 道之上風測向,落位東指的世中心! Savor! Perceive the aesthetic details in everyday life, sense Nature. Marvel at the innovative brands created in Taiwan gathered here. Notice, upon returning home, how the observable mind leaves behind attachment to material things, becoming attracted to the essential quality of the mind and embracing the purity of the Eastern style of living. Understand, as an ordinary person, the essential principles of the Middle Way. Imbibe the Huaren culture with its abundant intertwined images reflecting Taiwan’s lifestyles and philosophies. Observe how technology from the West has been integrated into the Eastern soul. Appreciate the richness in the painting, the calligraphy and the poetry in the Zen way of life. Enjoy slowly sipping tea and appreciating nature, accompanied by another. Create a comfortable setting in your daily life, in tune with your environment. Honor the beauty of humanity, and the delicateness of the individual. Sense the Huaren world of quality, bringing intricate beauty to life and to the essence of living. Savor, contemplate the past, foresee the future, and realize that the core wisdom of life stands right in the center of Eastern culture.

華山展區 Haushan 1914 Creative Park



華山展區 Haushan 1914 Creative Park 10 09

英國館策展人 Curator of U.K. Pavilion

Jimmy MacDonald

Tent London 創辦人 Co-founder of Tent London

英国的迴响 Britain Has Responded 西方生活中,茶在過去四十年來的影響遠遠落後黑金—咖啡。日漸快速的工作生活節奏與便利性,更是加劇這個現象。 在英國館中將放慢速度,邀請觀者花一點時間,在充滿英國的氛圍中享受一杯英式茶。慢慢地享受一壺現泡茶是最完美




Tea in the West over the last four decades has very much taken a back seat to the brown stuff, coffee. Convenience along with our increasingly fast a moment to enjoy a cup of tea the British way, in a totally British environment. The curators will recreate the perfect British kitchen and have selected pieces by designers and brands who value time honoured craftsmanship whilst producing exquisite contemporary pieces for modern life.


Haushan 1914 Creative Park

paced work life has had a massive role to play in this. Taking a step back the British Pavilion intends to slow thing down a pace, inviting visitors to take


丹麥館策展人 Curator of Denmark Pavilion

Morten Grøn

Design Denmark 執行長 CEO of Design Denmark

镜像丹麦设计 | 延续与转变 REFLECTIONS of Danish design | Continuity and Change 丹麥設計長期以美學和務實聞名,貼近戰後復興的人文和平主義,著重以功能性、精緻工藝、天然材質與製造產業合作 之 核 心, 承 襲 現 代 主 義 的 風 格, 重 視 社 會 責 任 的 內 涵, 深 深 影 響 著 今 日 的 設 計 師, 他 們 以 美 感、 永 續、 創 新 的 精 神 持 「 REFLECTIONS 」 為題,透過鏡像反映著新世代與丹麥設計的傳承。


續 創 作, 體 現 人 本 精 神 設 計 理 想。 Design denmark 為 丹 麥 最 大 設 計 組 織, 呈 現 一 系 列 丹 麥 過 往 及 當 代 的 經 典 設 計。 以

Danish design has long been famous for its beautiful and functional products that fitted nicely into a post-war story of peace and humanity. The design which is also important for Danish designers today. Innovative, sustainable and beautiful solutions are what Danish designers still make. Design denmark – our largest design organization – presents a selection of Danish designs from the past and present. REFLECTIONS demonstrate the continuity and the development of Danish design by mirroring the new with the heritage.


Haushan 1914 Creative Park

was based on functionality, excellent craftsmanship, natural materials and cooperation with industry. Danish Modern had a sense of social responsibility,


日本館策展人 Curator of Japan Pavilion


Toshiki Kiriyama

株式會社 TRUNK 代表取締役 CEO of TRUNK Ltd.

选择的多样性 | 日本饮食文化的智慧与风格 Selecting Diversity | Japanese Dietary Culture -Style and Wisdom 四季分明的天候造就出日本豐富的自然環境,滋潤了孕育飲食文化的土壤,造就日本人「尊敬 自然」的性情反映在風俗 習慣上,簡約無虞的人因信念,也深植於各種飲食道具之中。在 2016 臺灣文博會主題展中,謹以「日本的用餐時分」為 了解喜好同時得到新的發想。



Japan, which has four distinct seasons, has a diverse and rich natural environment, alongside which the Japanese people developed and nurtured their culinary culture and design at the Creative EXPO Taiwan in an exhibition entitled “The Japanese Dining Table”. We hope this will make people rethink about what we are leaving behind us for the future, promote mutual understanding and arouse mutual interest.


Haushan 1914 Creative Park

culinary culture. These traditions, based on the Japanese people’s innate respect for nature, have taken root as a culinary device. Japan will showcase its


and the Taipei Expo Dome, gathering together these three exhibitions streets of Taipei. The CET brings an unprecedented immersion of culture and creations.

文創 1914

and surrounding shops in the


Songshan Cultural & Creative Park,


City – Huashan 1914 Creative Park,


Trinity Expo

(CET) covers three venues in Taipei


The 2016 Creative EXPO Taiwan



家具家飾館 Furniture & Accessories



華 山 1914 文 創 園 區 前 身 為 具 有 百 年 歷 史 風 華 的 臺 北 酒廠, 處處 可 見當 時 所保 留的 古 蹟建 築,也 是 著 名 的 生 活 文 創 場 域。 展 區 以「 工 藝 」 為 主 題, 以 多 元風貌引領大眾窺見文創設計的國際視野。 One could see the still-retained monuments of the century-old elegant Taipei winery. This is one of the most popular living, cultural and creative field in Taipei. The theme of the exhibition area is “Craft” where multiple styles and features are used to lead the public at a glimpse of the artisan spirit and the beauty of crafts.

華山展區 Huashan 1914Creative Park




Artilize Worldwide Co., Ltd.

National Taiwan Craft Research And Development Institute

《 TALES 神話言》以藝術原創和工藝傳承為核心,鍾情於發掘多元豐富,獨具地域色彩的亞洲文化,透過設計傳遞新華




Of all expertise that TALES has demonstrated, it is richness of art, cultures and creativities that successfully promotes TALES as a leading brand in retail

Uphold the characterization process is the national culture, craft home is a continuation of Taiwanese culture carrier concept to craft cultural promotion

business, and honored by global awards as well. In order to execute the fineness and originality, and to implement innovative concepts in design, TALES

and support craft industry, stimulate innovation and vitality of contemporary technology to enhance the cultural tastes of people living, while promoting

collaborates with multiple museums and artists, and as a result, presents home and gifting products with fashionable, innovative and artistic codes. In

continued growth of technology industry.

artistic grace into everyday life.


Exhibitors Highlight

2013, TALES initiates a co-brand project with National Palace Museum, which amazingly transforms ancient treasure into modern novelty, and brings





Korea Crafts & Design Foundation

Toyama, Japan

韓國設計存文化振興院 ( KCDF )係韓國文化體育觀光部轄下一官方機構,希望藉發展暨行銷創意工藝文化和設計以建

富山縣被標高 3000 公尺級的立山連峰所環繞,在自然景觀豐富的土地上孕育出「工業製造」。富山的傳統工藝跨越時代,



KCDF(Korea Crafts & Design Foundation) is a public institution of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Korea, founded to establish the

Toyama Prefecture is surrounded by the 3000 m high Tachiyama mountain range; the land with rich natural landscapes has nurtured Toyama’s famed

identity of Korean crafts and design through the extension and promotion of creative crafts culture and design and enhance the competitiveness to

“industrial manufacturing.” Toyama’s traditional crafts transcend time, and the exquisite techniques cultivated over generations will bring a wave of brand

contribute to the improvement of life of quality of the nations.

new trends.


韓國設計文化振興院 KCDF

Exhibitors Highlight




Tsai Erh-Ping

Tsai’s works are inspired by plants, flowers, birds, and animals in nature, showcasing radiant colors and manifesting childlike innocence. He often says, “I used three lumps of soil to shape my life—home soil, clay, and garden soil.” He believes that he has relied on the three lumps of soil to establish a


career, form a family, and make a living; without soil, he would be like fish out of water, or a tree pulled out from the ground, and not know how to



外,鄉土在他心裡,陶土在他手裡,園土在他家裡,而還有一把土在他的夢裡,就是童年記憶裡的那一片淨土 --- 純樸的 人們,純淨的土地;或許,這些陶藝散記,能喚回那些我們逐漸失去的童心和自然之愛。

For years he has used his works as vehicles to convey a love for nature, considering the fate of these small creatures, and thinking about his own self that has returned to basics. Being abroad, home soil is kept within his heart, clay is held in his hands, and garden soil lies in his garden at home; yet there is another lump of soil that appears only in his dreams—the land of pureness from childhood memory—with simple people, and clean and pure land. Perhaps, these random notes of clay can help us rediscover the vanishing childlike innocence and love for nature.



Exhibitors Highlight



松 山 文 創 園 區, 即 大 家 耳 熟 能 詳 的 松 山 菸 廠, 鄰 近 信 義 商 圈, 平 時 舉 辦 許 多 文 創 活 動, 是 讓 人 可 以 流 連 一 日不感到寂寞的地方,2011 年開放以來,成為臺北的 熱 門 觀 光 景 點 。曾 作 為 製 菸 工 廠 使 用 的 松 山 文 創 園 區 , 展 區 以「 設 計 」 為 主 題, 匯 聚 國 內 外 設 計 品 牌, 將 以 創意新品提供大眾耳目一新的觀展體驗。 Songshan Cultural and Creative Park (SCCP), more notable as Songshan Tobacco Factory, near the Xinyi commercial area, regularly holds all kinds of cultural events, and has become one of the most popular touristic attractions in Taipei since its opening in 2011. The theme of this exhibition area is “Design.” Gathering the domestic and international design brands, new creative products will be used to provide the public a refreshing experience while viewing the exhibition. 松山展區 Songshan Cultural and Creative Park





展出臺灣具有創意及設計感的家具及家飾用品,該館由諸多國內知名品牌領銜,展現多元的創意元素及創新概念,藉由 展示的家用品充分體現華人優質生活美學。 The pavilion showcases creative design furniture and accessories of Taiwan. The pavilion features several famous domestic brands, displaying diverse creative elements and innovative concepts; through the exhibits, the pavilion fully manifests the living aesthetic of huaren.

1. 有情門 STRAUSS 講台灣話的家具「有情門」,以及 STR AUSS 家具, 皆源自 60 年來致力於木器工藝傳承的永進木器廠。 Macro Maison: The Furniture Conveys the Characteristic of Taiwan.

2. 卓玉股份有限公司 Xcellent Products International Ltd. Xcellent 成立於 2001 年,以創新、體驗、實用為核心思維。多年來已開發數十款人體工學椅, 2013 年顛覆傳統燈飾的窠 臼,再推出 LED 設計燈飾,結合家具以 Xcellent 品牌導入市場。 Founded in 2001, Xcellent is a design driven manufacturer with the sense of experience, practical and innovation. Over the years, we have developed dozens of ergonomic chairs. In 2013, we launched a series of LED design lighting to overturn the traditional lighting of the stereotype, combined lighting and furniture, Xcellent brands into the market.

3. 和碩聯合科技股份有限公司 Pegatron Corporation 「和碩聯合設計」為和碩聯合科技股份有限公司所屬的工業設計團隊,由設計總監李政宜帶領,除了原有 IT 產品線,也 致力於非 IT 產品的設計開發。 Led by Design Director Alain-De Lee, PEGACASA is dedicated to the design and development of non-IT products in addition to the existing IT product design, including notebook PCs, smart phones, e-books, network communication equipment, displays, projectors, cleaning robots and more.

4. 良事設計有限公司 haoshi design Co., Ltd. haoshi 以「好事」的英文發音命名。生活裡,繁雜的事務影響了思緒,忽略身邊很多的「好事」。所以我們將一種單純、 寧靜放進設計中,以極緻的工藝,表現抽象的生活概念及生活哲學。 haoshi design was established in 2009, named by the Chinese pronunciation “Good things.” In our daily life, emotions are often affected by trifles easily, and it is easy to neglect some “good things” around us that can bring us joyfulness and satisfaction. So we add a kind of purity and peace into our design concept. By using concrete exquisite technical art to present the abstract life concept, designers' life philosophy can present completely and perfectly through the visual art.

5. 大器創意有限公司 DAQI CONCEPT Ltd. 希望回到創造美好事物的本質上,提升使用者的生活品味體驗。 We are a strategic design and innovation design studio. Our work is transforming technologies into our dailylife, create not only meaningful industrial product but also lifestyle.


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Furniture & Accessories

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3.Beyond Object


Beyond Object 由旅英設計師陳函谿和其創業夥伴

The pavilion exhibits stationeries and gifts from around the world that showcase rich sense of design and functionalities. Many of the exhibitors are


brands that have won numerous design awards around the world. The pavilion also has invited Tokyo International Gift Show to be part of the exhibition,

居 家 配 件 與 個 人 配 飾 等 不 同 類 型 物 件, 以 解 構 手

facilitating interaction and exchange between cultural and creative industries of the two countries to spark greater design energy.

法探索物件本質並挑戰製造工藝的極限。 Beyond Object is a design label creating and distributing

1. 吳協衡設計有限公司 BALANCE WU DESIGN CO., LTD.

poetic objects globally - including desktop objects, accessories

BWD collection ,以「在設計與生活之間取得平衡」為宗旨,將歷年的創意作

and tableware. The vision of the brand is to probe the values

品,投入商品化以及量產,持續推廣台灣設計並開發自有品牌商品。 Since 2009, BALANCE WU DESIGN collection is majority include daily product, used different material and medium to explore the design.

2. 創夏設計有限公司 TreAsia Design Co., Ltd.

beyond the physical form itself, creating logical sculptures that servers the daily needs of people. The core of their design value is about finding and expressing the quintessential quality of things from function, material or metaphor. While daring to challenge the norms, Beyond Object’s creations are different in a pure and minimal way of expression ; stressing emphasise

TreAsia 為一台灣原創設計師品牌,以貼近人心的細膩設計、不設限的思考與想

on both physical making quality and metaphysical space for

像,將生活美學注入於品牌與創作之中,分享給喜愛設計、美好事物的你 / 妳。


TreAsia is an original designer brand from Taiwan. It was founded by TreAsia Design; this crossfield team has won more than 10 international design awards. Through the attentive designs

4. 愛心進行銷設計股份有限公司 iThinking

and unlimited thinking and imaginations, we decided to express our fundamental insistence in

Original Design Co., Ltd.

the pursuit of beautiful things by means of our works, so as to share our works with the persons enjoying designs and beautiful things.

「 Design with home in mind 」為 iThinking 品牌 經營的宗旨:將生活中平凡的用品,以家的溫暖 為出發,進而轉換成有生命、具有療癒性,及感 性為訴求的商品,搭配豐富的色彩,隨意創造更 溫馨的生活氣氛! "Design with home in mind" is the fundamental purpose of iThinking brand management: Design household objects with warmth; convert natural biology prototype into living and healing commodities with emotional demands; create a cozy living atmosphere with rich colors!

5. 江口設計工作室 eguchi toys eguchi toys 採用天然材質 , 結合教育和設計 , 製作 適合孩子心理和生理發展的“好”玩具 ! 我們提供 給 孩 子 可 真 實 使 用 的 工 具, 並 考 量 孩 子 的 智 力、

“eguchi toys” provide children something that they can really make use of it. No matter it's a furniture, a cloth, a tool or a



toy, we need to consider capability and size of child's hands, anything what their hands ask for.


Stationary & Gift

inteligence and safety. Do not give them just a toy but provide


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What ystudio create is not just the object itself, but the true meaning behind the object we create. We believe there is a deep meaning of each object, A

Bone 由台灣設計師林進昇成立,致力於創意產品開發。以卓越的設計實力創造出有趣、實用的好創意,用熱情打造出觸

lamp means warmth and hope. A pen means feelings and cherish. Through our products, we hope to bring people more imagination of their lives. ystudio

動人心的好設計,不凡的創意曾榮獲十多個國際知名設計大獎肯定。 Bone collection was founded in Taipei by Taiwan Designer Reads Lin in 2005, with the belief that we could create interesting and functional design by extraordinary innovation. Inspired from the inconvenience when using electric products during daily life. The creativity and highest quality has been also approved by internationally design awards: IF, D&I, Design Plus and red dot. From imaginative sketching to accurate 3D drawing, Bone cares all the producing details. We make the ordinary life different with our different ideas.

believes that the value of simplicity in design is very important. We design products to let people use in their daily life and let people feel the beauty of objects. We hope to express the attitude of people in Taiwan by ystudio stationery.

9. 悅聲志業股份有限公司 C&M AUDIO CO., LTD. Chord&Major 是原創於台灣的耳機品牌, Chord&Major 從「音樂內涵與文化」逆向探究電聲科技的應用,致力探討各類 型音樂的演進、元素、特色與表現基礎,發展出各類型音樂曲風專屬的「調性耳機」。

7. 人田十口品牌有限公司 an branding

Chord & Major is a unique audio brand. The steps we take to improve sound quality go hand in hand with the latest technology. We delve deeply into the

This is an everything. 我們 一起 在進行式的時態中 透過 設計 呈現 美感 敘事 溝通 創造 可能 訴說著 每一個生活中可能的故

world of musical instruments and recording technology, and their final representation within the music they produce. We do this in order to understand

事 every time every day every where every one every you every thing 這是 一個 美好生活的所有。 This is an everything. Through design, we are telling the stories about possibilities in everyday life. every time every day every where every one every you every thing This is a brand new beginning of our beautiful life.

the nature of various musical genres, and develop earphones that convey sound that is faithful to the original recording.

10. 東京國際禮品展 Tokyo International Gift Show 東京國際禮品展 (Tokyo International Gift Show) 為日本歷史悠久且最大規模的專業禮品展。帶來精選於 "Gift Show " 極

8. 物外有限公司 ystudio CO., LTD.

獲好評的創意設計專區 "ACTIVE CREATORS" 之品牌參與 2016 臺灣文博會。


Tokyo International Gift Show is Japan’s oldest and largest professional gift fair. For this year’s CET, Tokyo International Gift Show has brought the


brands in the wildly popular Active Creators section to Taiwan.

文具禮品館 Stationary & Gift



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風格配件館特別將流行及配件等範疇,獨立設置於松山展區。展出手提袋包、飾品及個人配件等富有流行及充滿個人風 格的商品,吸引國內外買主及遊客的目光。 The Style & Accessories Pavilion is specially organized in Songshan Cultural and Creative Park to showcase trendy fashion and accessory brands. The pavilion exhibits handbags, accessories, and trendy products of unique styles, attracting the attention of domestic and international buyers and visitors.

1.PAPERSELF PAPERSELF 是由一群抱著理想的設計師,在 2009 於英國倫敦創立,希望結合了東方傳統工藝及當代設計藝術,為紙找 到新生命。 2010 年 PAPERSELF 首創了紙睫毛,並取得世界多國發明專利保護。獨特的工藝及設計也讓 PAPERSELF 與 植村秀、英國 V&A Museum 等合作,也登上電影飢餓遊戲。

2014 年, PAPERSELF 推出她的刺青飾品貼紙,不僅受到許多人的喜愛,也為 V&A Museum 的 Alexander McQueen 展 覽及紐約大都會博物館的特展製作紋身貼紙。 PAPERSELF is the London based, world's first and leading wearable paper-art brand for lashes, renowned for combining traditional methods of the Chinese craft of paper cutting with contemporary design; allowing them to collaborate with brands such as She Uemura and feature in Hollywood blockbuster the Hunger Games saga. In 2014 PAPERSELF introducing their collection of premium temporary tattoos. This has been a great success, and most notably, PAPERSELF created bespoke pieces for Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty exhibition at the V&A museum in London and China and Through the Looking Glass at the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s Costume Institute in New York.

2. 印花樂藝術設計有限公司 inBlooom CO., LTD. 成立於 2008 年的台灣設計師印花布品牌,工作生活於台北大稻埕 以「圍繞著生活的創作」為核心 靈感取自台灣生態、 台灣記憶 結合圖案設計與印花織品 創造自在特色的印花生活風格。 Taiwan based fabric design studio Located in Dadaocheng, Taipei Taiwan creatures, Taiwan creatives Pattern designs and printing textiles by young artists Unique, genuine and fun Private Brand / Custom Design / Workshop / Art Store.

3. 是也設計有限公司 woodpardy studio 從惜木之心出發,探索木頭的本質,向可能性敞開形成新的視野,在自然與工藝中不停駐地追尋。 It starts from the heart of treasuring the wood, then explores the nature of wood, opens our mind to any possibility forming a new vision. We constantly pursue the dreams of creativity between nature and crafts.

4. 立琦興業股份有限公司 Lichy Enterprise CO., LTD. Slider 是一款專為城市設計的都市自行車,隨著都市脈搏移動,走路距離過遠,開車距離過近,滑行自行車的概念已然成 形。在城市裡我們流動,我們滑行。 transportation.

5. 俏可設計有限公司 Ciao Design Studio LLC 味的時尚自行車品牌,自行設計開發車款與配件,推廣台灣精品與自行車工藝。 "Ciao Design Studio" was founded in 2012 with its design facility & development center based in Taiwan. The key elements in design philosophy are innovation, passion, & responsible. "Gochic Bicycle" is a lifestyle brand under the design company and focuses on urban cycling culture products. All products are designed in-house and all hand crafted in Taiwan. 35

Style & Accessories

「俏可設計」營業項目為設計諮詢服務,包含產品開發與設計、平面、品牌規劃,旗下 Gochic bicycle 是以都市生活品


Sliders is a brand that gather all slider together and slide.Sliders bike is a unique product for slide and ride, which is a different and better way for city





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展出顛覆傳統飲食文化的餐食器皿概念,融合傳統工藝及科技美學,為該館注入設計能量,讓參觀人員彷彿體驗一場優 質華人飲食文化饗宴。 The pavilion exhibits unconventional and innovative tableware concepts to fuse traditional crafts and technological aesthetics; the overflowing design energy enables all visitors to experience a magnificent cultural feast.

3. 二喜設計有限公司 HEE Porcelain CO., LTD. 二喜以台灣文化為素材,設計現代而簡約的餐桌瓷器器皿,手感中蘊含著內化的生活美學。秉持在地生產與關懷傳產承 襲,希望提升台灣的飲食美學,闡揚文化魅力以創造社會價值。 Taking Taiwanese culture as an important design element , HEE Porcelain creates modern and simple style tableware which shows handmade feeling and life aesthetics. We insist on having production in Taiwan for supporting local ceramic industry. It is also our intention to enhance daily diet aesthetics and promote the beauty of culture, in order to create social value.

1. 奇想生活股份有限公司 THAT INVENTIONS CO.

4. 日日商業股份有限公司 Day & Day Trading Corp.

THAT! 為名,從解決廚房料理痛 和如何維持甚至增進美味,開始生產銷售兼具實用感質的產品。更以溫度和時間為核心

生活就像一片白吐司,可以很簡單,也可以加上各式的佐料,創造出不同的風味。 TOAST LIVING 從生活用品的實用性



Our Core Concepts: Time & Temperature Now, under the banner of THAT!, our team is creating a truly new brand of kitchenware – beautiful, practical,

Life is like a piece of toast. You can have it either in plain and simple way, or add different sauces to create plentiful flavors. Design is also like cooking;

elegant solutions to age-old problems in the kitchen. For 2016, we’re growing our core time-and-temperature product line, with big news in connected

designers create enriching experiences or products from the most essential elements and ideas.

kitchens & IOT. It’s the biggest revolution in cooking since man discovered fire.

2. 佳鼎國際股份有限公司 Cocera Int'l Co., Ltd.

5. 穆德設計團隊有限公司 MOTOR Design Group Ltd. 穆德設計以「 MOTOR 」的品牌精神為初衷,整合並帶動台灣傳統產業正向發展,堅持 100% 台灣設計、台灣製造,台灣

「集瓷」,匯集幸福 (Now) 與記憶印象 (Past) , 連結過去與現在,產生對話的漣漪,傳遞出『幸福與記憶的新瓷彙』。


Cocera presents a goals, to connect the happiness (Now) and memories (Past), builds up the connection to the past and modern lives; also conveys the

The design group which is led by director-general Motor Hung has plenty of fight. We operate on Industrial Design, Branding, Packaging Design, Visual

new pottery collection of happiness and memory.

Design, interior design and Design Consultant, combined with different territory after boisterous life, we want to seek the peace. Memory is the original creativity for our design. Using wisdom of ancestor and western technology to do the design is our essentiality of thinking. We believe that ‘Eastern Mind Western Objects’ will create a new esthetics of life.

餐食器皿館 Tableware



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文創服務館集結文創設計產業上、中、下游等周邊服務之優秀業者,提供設計服務、品牌策畫與專業技術等文創品牌所 需的服務項目,促使國內文創產業彼此鏈結。 The pavilion gathers excellent companies from top to bottom of the supply chain of the cultural and creative industry, providing services needed by cultural and creative brands, including design services, brand planning, and professional technology, and bridging and connecting domestic companies.

1. 藝術銀行 TAIWAN ART BANK 「藝術銀行」是由政府購買我國藝術家的作品,並以出租的方式租賃作品給政府部門、公私立法人團體或民間企業。展 示於公共空間,並推廣臺灣的藝術家,為生活創造驚喜 ! The Art Bank, initiated by the Ministry of Culture, Taiwan, is launched in 2013 to support and promote Taiwanese contemporary art through the collecting, curating and leasing of art. The collection is on view in public spaces Taiwan.

2. 有 . 設計 uDesign 聯合報系於 2014 年成立「有 . 設計 uDesign 」,提供台灣設計師一個開放的設計平台!舉辦「聯合文創設計獎」,鼓勵 更多設計人才順利與產業接軌,期待提升台灣設計在國際的競爭力! uDesign is an online comprehansive platform of UDN Group launched in 2014, dedicated to promoting Taiwan's design industry. Holding “UDN Design Award” carries the mission to elevate the development of design talents in the industry, wishing to internationalize the design competence in Taiwan.

3. 必思維國際有限公司 THINK OFFICE THINK OFFICE 是具有國際宏觀視野的品牌策略顧問與形象設計公司。 協助客戶打造有願景價值並以真誠態度對人們說 話的品牌,傳遞獨樹一格的溝通方式與幸福品牌體驗。 THINK OFFICE is a strategic branding and design company with international perspective. We help our clients to create visionary, valuable and sincere brands to deliver unique brand experience.

4. 臺北市政府文化局 Department of Culture Affairs, Taipei City Government Adaptive City 不斷提昇的城市是 2016 臺北世界設計之都的核心,如何運用創新的設計思考,克服有限資源,帶給市民更 好的生活,打造具有設計遠見的城市,是臺北市不斷思考的目標。 “Adaptive City – Design in Motion” is the core of World Design Capital Taipei 2016. How can we apply innovative “design thinking” to overcome the constraints that limited resources place on our city’s development, to bring citizens a better quality of life, and to create a forward-looking city with design vision? These are the goals that Taipei City is constantly thinking about and seeking progress toward.

5. 萊馡文創有限公司 Laboratory of Fragrance & Perfume Co. 覺感受與促發嗅覺想像是 LFP 的品牌宗旨。 LFP - Laboratory of Fragrance & Perfume was found in 2015. We focus on the human nature olfactory feeling, and try to help the customer to create


LFP 香料香水實驗室成立於 2015 年,聚焦於人類最為天性的嗅覺感受,並幫助客戶創造由他設計的香水。連結人群之嗅

their own perfume by themselves. Connect the smell feeling from people and induce the olfactory imagination are LFPs' purpose. Creative & Design Service







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2. 西村文化創意事業有限公司 West Village 來自紐約的台灣設計師,以台灣製作與本地天然素材發想,將紐約西村簡約時尚又輕鬆自在的生活態度融入作品。藉由 天然材質的溫暖友善,重新建立人與物品的不同面相與可能。

型文創業者及政府單位一同投入 2016 臺灣文博會的盛會,讓更多人了解台灣文創產業軟實力。

Originated from New York, Taiwanese designer of West Village strives to combine Taiwan’s unique natural material with New York’s simple, relaxing yet

The Rising Force pavilion showcases the Ministry of Culture achievements in fostering and supporting the cultural and creative industry over the past

stylish attitude. The result is the creation of the brand West Village. A brand that crafts infinite possibilities and innovative connections between people

year, and provides more opportunities for cultural and creative SME’s and government agencies to be part of 2016 CET, so that more people can see the

and fashion.

soft power of Taiwan’s cultural and creative industry.

3. 藝數網 YIIiSU 「藝數網 YIIiSU 」兼具科技及數位藝術背景,藉由為藝術量身打造高工藝水平作品載具“藝數框 FR AME ” + 藝術整合與


交流服務平台“藝數集 Art Market ”,致力達到隨心所藝之理想。


”YIIiSU“ combines technology and digital art, tailored a high level of technological machine for art "YIIiSU FRAME" and built a services platform of


integration and exchange for art "YIIiSU Art Market". We have devoted to achieving our vision: Follow your heART.

Pileup Life is established Brand in Taiwan. We utilize local sophisticated manufacture resources to made locally and design locally. We design a chair


standardize all the components. We would like our consumer to have a “Just You Chair” because you decide everything, so it will appear to be the best.

艸艸設計,致力於開發美、好的桌上遊戲。 Soso studio dedicates to the creation of wonderful and fun tabletop games.


Rising Force

modular system for consumers to customize their one of kind chair. We solved conventional chair customization needs by systemize the process and


1. 層層生活有限公司 Pile Up Life CO., LTD.


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NEXT 展区 松山展區內設置的「 NEXT 」專區每年選拔具有潛力的臺灣文創品牌參展,今年臺灣文博會特與經濟部工 業局合作於「台灣設計產業翱翔計畫」中邀請 18 個國內優質設計品牌展出,扶植台灣文創新興世代行銷 全球! "NEXT" is a platform that organizes Taiwan's cutting-edge designers to participate in the exhibition and display the power of Taiwan's design. We have invited 18 talented designer brands this year via cooperating with project of Industrial Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs to present to you the potential and the power of new design generation in Taiwan!

1. 行悅科技有限公司 EGOS Technology Corp. CELIA&PER AH 以 兩 位 小 女 孩 的 名 字 命 名, 分 別 代 表 著 活 潑 與 溫 暖, 並 以「 樂. 活, 聽 見 品 味 」 作 為 品 牌精神,象徵著我們用心、努力、追求,只為了做到更好,與您分享如此觸動人心的每一刻。 We love music! At CELIA & PERAH, we pursuit the quality of music and the way it should be presented. Natural wood delivers natural warm with vitality and we appreciate it. So we create speakers that are made of mother nature's gift.

2. 小黑尾巴 BLACKTAIL 「 BL ACKTAIL 小黑尾巴」由兩位設計師於 2015 年成立,以台灣素材打造摩登生活道具為品牌使命,創 造出粗獷中帶有細膩感的風格配件,帶給人們獨有的時尚生活感。 Taipei-based branding and product designers Tom Cheng and Salem Hung of BLACKTAIL have first launched their collection in 2015, using Taiwan unique materials to build contemporary accessories world. Not only bring everyone an outstanding style of Taiwanese life, but also give a better way to ordinary life.

3. 單挑概念工作室 Singular Concept 單挑概念登記設立於 2014 年 4 月,以開發家電家飾、流行飾品之自有品牌產品為主軸,目標是利用台灣 產業優勢,把台灣設計、台灣製造的精品,帶到國際舞台。 Singular Concept focus on developing sustainable and competitive products ranging from house appliance to fashion accessories. It presents the best quality of Taiwanese design and manufacture to the international market.

4. 翔詠設計有限公司 Studio Kanari Design Ltd. KANARI 堅信在家飾設計美感兼具實用性同時,亦可創造新型態的使用方式。經典設計是在反覆使用下仍 能歷久彌新, KANARI 的設計揉和經典和當代思維,讓商品、環境、使用者有更多互動與連結。 KANARI believes beauty and functionality could be incorporated into furniture and home decor products, which also encourage interaction between objects and users. Classic design is something could be used in daily basis and still be refreshing at any given time; KANARI is dedicated to incorporate contemporary design in classics and to present products involving products, users and environment.

5. 享向設計有限公司 Shiang Design Co., Ltd. 2015 年成立了 Shiang studio 。工作室不侷限設計的領域,從空間到家飾品設計,只要是有趣的設計都想 要參與。 Shiang Studio 集合了不同領域的設計師與藝術家,希望在設計裡帶給大家多一點點的驚喜。 Established Shiang studio in 2015, Shiang design studio makes effort not limited to doing the specific field of design, from interior and we look forward to bringing you more surprises in our design.



design to furniture decoration design if it’s interesting enough. Shiang Studio brings together different areas of designers and artists,

展 區 44

花博公園為 2010 年臺北國際花卉博覽會而規劃整建的 新 活 動 場 地, 經 資 源 整 合 與 主 題 開 發, 充 滿 自 然 與 時 尚 特 色, 其 中 爭 艷 館 為 綜 合 型 展 覽 場 館, 鄰 近 捷 運 圓 山 站。 以 純 白 的 外 觀 結 合 跳 躍 之 花 卉 樣 貌, 展 現 力 與 美 的 建 築 特 色 ,花 博 展 區 以「 授 權 」為 主 題 ,分 為「 角 色 創 作 」、「 藝 術 圖 像 」、「 品 牌 代 理 」、「 Ta l e n t 1 0 0 」 四大專區展出,呈現創意經濟嶄新視野。 Taipei Expo Park, a new multifunctional park designed and constructed for the purpose of Taipei International Flora Exposition in 2010. With resource integration and development, the park is full of natural and stylish features. The Expo Dome, being a multifunctional expo space, is near Taipei Metro Yuanshan Station. A pure white exterior is combined with the boundless beauty of flowers to create architectural features of strength and aesthetics. The theme of the Expo Park exhibition venue is “Licensing”, and it is separated into four main exhibition areas: ”Character”, “Art, Design, Image”, “Brand Agency”, and “Talent 100”. The venue represents new perspectives towards creative agents.

爭艷展區 Taipei Expo Park



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2. 台 6 萌 Taiwan Cuties 6


集合臺灣 6 家成熟的角色創作者「二允兄弟」、「亨利屋」、「蘇阿福拉邦」、「九藏喵窩」、「歐彼兔」、「米粒大叔」,

In recent years, major opportunities of cultural and creative economy can be found in digital contents, popular TV shows, and branding agency.


Character creation, where one source has diverse spinoffs, has also matured in the Taiwanese market. This year’s CET also showcases important

Gathering six established and orginial character brands in Taiwan, 'Taiwan Cuties 6' includes 'Win Brothers', 'DNAXCAT', 'Suave Lapin', 'OBTUZ',

contemporary Taiwanese original characters.

'RiceMan' and 'Henry Cats & Friends'. They are coming to showcase the power of Taiwan's image licensing.


3. 艾朵國際股份有限公司 Adore Marketing Co., Ltd.

保持純真,用最簡單的姿態找到樂趣。Low Pose 是台灣,也是全亞洲第一個以獨立角色創作發展為核心定位的展覽平台,

艾朵,緣自於英文的 ADORE ,代表愛慕、崇拜與敬佩,希望我們每一次所推出的人、事、物都能一直被 adored ,夥伴

以展覽的形式呈現獨立角色設計團隊的實務分享,並提出相關領域、不同階段的視野。 2016 文博會角色授權展,邀請到


來自台灣、日本、香港、韓國、馬來西亞 5 國共 12 組資深獨立角色設計師 / 團隊,針對原創內容與授權市場進行經驗分享。

Adore means love , worship and admire. We hope everything we do and everyone from Adore are adored. Our partners have a lots practical experiences

Remain innocent, and find happiness with the simplest pose. Low Pose is Taiwan’s first, as well as Asia’s first, exhibition platform that features independent

and creativities, we also hope that through various cross-sector cooperation to create more and more possibilities.

character development and creation; through the format of exhibitions, independent design teams share practical experience of original character creations, and propose visions for related fields and different phases. 2016 CET Licensing Exhibition has invited 12 groups of independent character designers/ design teams from Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, South Korea, and Malaysia to share experience on original contents and licensing market.

角色創作區 Character




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4. 三貝多股份有限公司 San-Byte Creative Co., Ltd. 成立於 2012 年,以「永遠比別人加倍用心」的態度經營,將圖像品牌核心,拓展 到 生 活 創 意 層 面。 範 疇 包 括 圖 像 授 權、 商 品 開 發、 影 音 代 理、 海 外 展 覽 引 荐、 文 創商品開發。代理品牌角色有日本超高人氣貼圖「卡娜赫拉的小動物」、杯緣子、 觸摸偵探 菇菇栽培研究室、歐吉胖 、醜比頭等角色人物。 Founded in 2012, the company strives to “always put in more effort than others,” expanding the scope of image branding to cover creative aspects in life. The company’s business scope includes image licensing, merchandising, video and audio representation, overseas exhibition recommendation, and creative product R&D. The company represents popular Japanese characters including “Kanahei’s small animals,” Fuchiko, Touch Detective Mushroom Garden, Ojipan, and Kobitos.

5. 台北東京影像資訊有限公司 TaipeiTokyo Image & Information Co., Ltd 代 理 開 發 授 權 業 務, 透 過 積 極 與 零 售 商 合 作, 共 同 創 造“ 品 牌 概 念 ”, 實 現 長 久 的合作夥伴關係。 On behalf of developing licensing business, not only negotiating with licensors, we are aggressively approaching to the retailers to create the market. We hope to share the "Branding Concept" with licensees to realize the long lasting licensing partnership.

角色創作區 Character



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艺术图像 Art/Design/Image 藝術圖像區匯聚國家級文資保存單位,如故宮博物院、臺灣博物館、國家美術館、台灣歷史博物 館、以及公有文創資產授權推廣計畫等,這些單位除了常態展出典藏文物之外,近年更著重創作 兼具文化意涵與生活巧思的文創商品,為大眾的日常生活添增文化與生活的新興樣貌。 The section gathers national cultural heritage preservation institutions, such as the Palace Museum, National Taiwan Museum, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, National Museum of History, and Public Creative Assets Licensing and Promotion Program. These organizations not only plan regular exhibitions to showcase artifacts in collection, they have also focused on development of cultural and creative products in recent years, injecting new cultural energy into people’s everyday life.

1. 國立台灣美術館 National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts 1988 年 6 月 26 日開館營運,為國內目前唯一國家型美術館,座落於台灣中部台中市,佔地面積 102,000 平方公尺 ( 含園區雕塑公園 ) ,是亞洲最具規模的美術館之一。 The National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts established in 1988 in Taichung, Taiwan, is the first and the only nationalgrade fine arts museum in Taiwan. The Museum covers 102,000 square meters (including the Public Outdoor Sculpture Park) marks it one of the largest museums in Asia.

國立故宮博物院於 1925 年成立,承襲自宋、元、明、清歷代宮廷收藏的文物。今日的故宮不斷 National Palace Museum was founded in 1925. Imperial collections accumulated throughout the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties were displayed for the enjoyment of the masses for the very first time. Today, the National Palace Museum continues to strive for improvements. It refuses to freeze in 8000 years of Chinese history but would like to carry the civilization into the future. 51




2. 國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum




3. 公有文創資產授權推廣計畫成果區 Commerce Development Research Institute

5. 財團法人資訊工業策進會 Institute for Information Industry, III





The project is to promote the development of cultural and creative industries and the circulation as well as reuse of the national cultural assets. It aims

The CADA– The center of authorization for digital archives is to impetus multi-uses for Taiwanese digital archives and has acted on behalf of agent

to provide public cultural and creative organizations with specialized counseling services so to assist public cultural sectors to derive the material into

for digital pictures of over 15 national museums and schools, independent from museums. It provides service both commercial and non-commercial

creative transformation. Through the matchmaking service, it helps the organizations link to the market.

authorization, with the right and flexibility. CADA owns digital picture and derivative designs, and provides professional service for matching of cross-

4. 新北市政府文化局 Cultural Affairs Department, New Taipei City Government 新北市是一個文化創意能量豐沛的城市,也是一個多元且各項條件優渥的地方,每年吸引將近 3,000 萬人次的觀光客, 是臺灣遊客人數最多的城市之一。 Around 30 million tourists every year are attracted to this city. It is one of the cities in Taiwan that most visitors come.


New Taipei City is a city with plentiful energy to foster cultural and creative industry, where is also a diverse and generous place in any dimension.


domain and couching of Taiwanese industry. It brings Chinese culture and arts to all industries.









品牌代理区 Branding Agency 品牌代理為近年文創重要新商機,包含商業、運動、汽車、慈善、名人等品牌代理,本屆文博會亦首納運動授權品牌, 中信職棒隊以球隊授權展品與棒球咖啡吧參展,是國內文創性展會的突破。

沛肯品牌視覺行銷整合有限公司 Plugin Branding & Visual Marketing Integration Co. Ltd.

In recent years, branding agency has become major business opportunity for the cultural and creative industry, which includes branding agency for

展逸國際行銷有限公司 Flight International Marketing

businesses, sports, automobiles, charity, and celebrities. This year, Creative Expo Taiwan also includes sports branding, as China trust Brothers and sports café participate in the event for the first time, marking an innovative breakthrough of domestic cultural and creative shows.

提供廠商最誠摯及周全的服務,一直以來秉持著「顧客滿意」的信念,及品質第一、服務至上、永續經營為經營三大理念, 致力於客戶所要求的「時間、品質」不遺餘力。英國最具影響力小車 Austin Mini 與臺灣國際塗鴉藝術家 BOUNCE 彩繪 Providing the most sincere and comprehensive services, Sheraton has always strived for “customer satisfaction,” and valued quality, service, and sustainable operation. Sheraton invests all efforts to meet customers’ demands in“time and quality.” Austin Mini, Britain’s most influential small car, and Taiwanese graffiti artist, BOUNCE, collaborate to present the world’s most unique classic car of art.

整且成熟的球隊『中信兄弟』,除了無論是在球隊行銷活動規劃或周邊商品的開發都已相當純熟外,更是全台灣球迷人 數最多的球隊,而共同展出的還有成功為這中信兄弟打造全新品牌視覺形象的運動設計團隊『 PLUGIN 』,以及在球員 經紀領域裡十分具代表性的『展逸運動行銷』旗下的國內及旅外球員授權展示,希望能做為台灣運動產業的領頭羊,藉 此帶動台灣的運動產業。 The very first Sports Licensing Pavilion demonstrates with Taiwan’s national sport, baseball, inviting the most successful professional team in terms of brand management, the Chinatrust Brothers. In addition to having rich experience in planning marketing activities and merchandising, Chinatrust Brothers is the most popular team in Taiwan. Joining Chinatrust Brothers at the pavilion are the team that successfully designed Chinatrust Brothers’ visual image, PLUGIN, as well as licensed displays of players under Flight International Marketing, the leader in sports agency in Taiwan, as the pavilion hopes to act as the catalyst that drives the development of Taiwan’s sports industry.

Branding Agency




1. 喜來恩印刷 / 喜來恩實業有限公司 Sheran


2. 兄弟娛樂股份有限公司 Sports Licensing Brothers Baseball Club





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3. 台北藝術推廣協會 Taipei Arts International Association

5. 台灣連線有限公司 LINE Taiwan Limited

台北藝術推廣協會監製與影舞集表演印象團創作 [Franz & Friends] ,以新創角色結合驚險有趣的奇幻冒險,帶領大家經

不論職業、年齡、專業或業餘,只要您願意分享,人人都能加入 LINE 原創貼圖,讓全世界的 LINE 用戶使用您的貼圖吧!


Everyone is welcome at the LINE Creators Market, just create your stickers and sell them , LINE users around the world could be using your stickers.

Produced by TAIA (Taipei Art International Association) and created by IMT (Image Motion Theater), Franz & Friends passionately leads everyone to experience the beauty of the world. With characters of incredible originality as well as adventures of wowing fantasy and great fun, Franz & Friends spares no efforts promoting the spirits of love and care, which makes it a brand with story and of life.

MEMOBOOK 此次展出包括大師畫作、創意繪本、 beauty 微寫真、名家攝影及個性化文創小物 , 提供方便操作的線上編 輯器、一件就能印製,讓每個生活幸福畫面都能製成書或生活小物陪伴身邊。 MEMOBOOK provides a user-friendly online editor; with the feature of only one piece also can be printed which can make every happy moment in your life into books or gadgets around you.


Branding Agency

What MEMOBOOK is going to exhibit this time includes master paintings, creative illustration books, beauty photo books, and famous photography.


4. 網迅雲端股份有限公司 Memobook Co.,LTD




TALENT 100 本屆臺灣文博會特別針對授權展區特別籌劃「 Talent 100 」專區,邀請來自全世界各地創作新銳參與盛會,包 含插畫、漫畫、動畫、攝影、遊戲創作者、公仔創作者共 6 個類別,由知名媒體、社群網路平台、公協會、及 國際駐台代表等單位推薦,以原創力作為引擎,發動多元的授權文創商機! 100 位新銳創作者當中,包含 80 位國內新銳,以及來自 14 個國家的 20 位國際創作者,都是展場上精彩可期的創作新星! Talent 100 於花博公 園爭艷館展區展出。 This year's Creative Expo Taiwan specially planned and prepared the "Talent100" Area at the Licensing venue, having invited cuttingedge creators— including illustrators, cartoonists, animators, photographers, game creators, and figurine creators—to join the festivities. They were recommended by the media, social networking platforms, public associations, and international representatives in Taiwan. The invited creators include 80 from Taiwan and 20 from abroad, from a total of 14 countries. Talent 100 will be exhibited at Taipei Expo Park – Expo Dome.

2. 羅賓唐跟你鬧著玩的 - 唐威翔 Robin Tang Antics- Robin Tang 創作者以外星人作為創作概念,製作一系列有趣、特殊、令人玩味的雕塑,讓公仔不只是玩具,更是帶給人愉悅心情的 收藏級藝術品。 The creator has made handcrafted toy sculptures inspired by extraterrestrials using special form and color.

1. Tomáš Kompaník

3. 章潔 -Ancajaier Yvonne Lu

Tomas Kopanik 來 自 Slovak ( 斯 洛 伐 克 ) , 將 當 地 的傳統民族紋樣轉化為現代的設計元素。最為人所知的作品

章潔出生臺北,現居紐約的藝術攝影師,曾獲多個國際攝影獎,更在 15' 年獲選美國 IPPAwards 年度攝影師殊榮,受到

是 book AHA ,書中的平面設計創作靈感來自 Slovak 的傳統刺繡,並將這些經典的紋樣,以現代的美學重現。

紐約 TIMES 、 CNN 等國際媒體注目。目前兼職”瑪格蘭攝影通訊社 Magnum Photos 紐約辦事處。

此書曾獲得 2015 紅點設計獎、歐洲設計大獎,並代表 Slovak 參與 2015 米蘭世博。

Yvonne Lu is a Taiwanese artist based in New York City. Born in 1986 and later graduated with MFA in photography, she began working as a fine

Tomas Kompanik is a freelance Slovak graphic designer. He lives and works in Bratislava. In his work he focuses on traditional folk patterns

art artist. She is currently working for Magnum Photos, at the same time she is also a well-known blogger in Asia for her art. Through her career in

and their usage in contemporary graphic design. His most famous artwork is the book AHA, that presents traditional Slovak embroidery in

photography, she had received many awards such as IPA (USA), IPPAwards (USA), Nikon Photography Award ( Japan) and PX3 (France). Her works

a modern way. The book has been awarded as the most beautiful Slovak book, it received European design award, prestigious international

also made appearance in many publications such as TIME, CNN and publications worldwide.

Red Dot design award and it was an official present of Slovakia at EXPO 2015 in Milan. Talent 100



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4. 臭跩貓愛嗆人 - 白爛貓 - 麻糬爸

The Haughty Smelly Cat- Mochi Dad 白爛貓的性格有點傲嬌,有點臭屁,有點白爛,有點欠 扁,講起話來超直白,搭上欠扁的動作,讓人看得都忍 不住想給他八蕊,就好像我們身邊都會有的一個嘴賤的 白爛損友… The Haughty Smelly Cat is a little bit arrogant and annoying. Besides, it is so honest that everyone around it can’t help but want to slap it especially when it talks with its annoying poses, just like an annoying friend we all might have in our lives.

5. 冒險少年浩平 - 浩平 Hoping Jones 臺灣原創漫畫品牌以台灣探險博士眭澔平旅遊世界 200 多個國家經歷為藍圖,與少年浩平形象做連結創造出探 索世界的故事。期望藉由其故事,燃起心中探索世界、 冒險的熱情! Taiwan's Original Comic Brand-Hoping Jones Hoping Jones is an original adventure comic produced in Taiwan, based on the famous travels and writings of Dr. Peter Hsu. The character of Hoping Jones channels Hsu's spirit of exploration, which has taken him to more than 200 countries. We hope that this spirit would ignite the same passion in our readers, to expand their horizons and step into the future as a new generation of youth!

6. 接力棒 - 陳泰瑋 Gelly Bomb- Terry Chen 創作者與其工作團隊「接力棒工作室」藉由新科技 ( 如 虛擬實境 VR , 擴增實境 AR 等 ) 以虛實整合的方式顛覆 一般的實境遊戲希望透過接力棒這個意象將實感遊戲 獨 有 的 接 觸 感 動, 透 過 體 驗 不 間 斷 的 接 力 傳 遞 給 世 界 上 的 每 個 人, 將 陌 生 人 們 與 世 界 重 新 連 接 在 一 起, 體 驗超越真實的爆炸性感動。此團隊曾入圍 2015 洛杉磯

IndieCade 國際獨立遊戲大獎。 Gelly Bomb Studio is an alternative reality game design team that mainly develops mixed reality games, introducing technology such as VR and AR, and combines them into reality games. We intend to revolutionalize the cognitve experience for everyday life through gaming experience in alternating life and virtual realities, awakens people’s curiosity of the world. Our goal is to let players enjoy unique life experiences in the real world. They had been selected in the finalist in 2015 IndieCade. Talent 100




亮 眼 成 績, 也 建 構 臺 灣 文 創 新

平 台, 塑 造 臺 灣 產 業 新 風 景。

從 在 地 到 國 際, 從 產 業 到 消


費, 從 展 場 到 城 市, 從 實 體 到

雲 端, 讓 我 們 一 起 回 顧


A New Platform to Transform the Industry


文创新平台 产业新风景

The transformed Creative Expo Taiwan (CET) has accomplished many extraordinary achievements as well as constructed the new platform for Taiwan Culture And Creativity and turned over a new leaf for Taiwan Cultural And Creative Industry—from local to global, from industry to consumption, from the expo to the city, from the entity to the cloud. Let’s retrace how the transformed CET 2015 sculpted the display window of Taiwanese exquisite lifestyle.

趨勢論壇 Trend International Forum



国际买家 International Buyers 強化世界接軌,展現華人生活風采

Connect with the World, Showcase Huaren Lifestyle 臺灣文創產業在政府持續推動下,漸漸邁出穩健的步伐,為了讓臺灣軟實力持 續在國際間受到重視,文博會邀請國際文創產業專業人士與海外重要通路商來 臺,達到通路拓展、趨勢分享與訊息交流之目的,逐步協助臺灣文創產業行銷 國際市場。

2016 臺灣文博會,多達 250 個會外串聯好店,藉由主題多元的臺灣文創推薦 旅行路線,勾勒出城市文創聚落的風格樣貌,涵蓋歷史脈絡、工藝革新、文化 價值等多方層面,以鮮明的臺灣文創在地能量,進而了解文創產業生態,深化 臺灣文創品牌印象。最後以文博會三展區為主軸,呈現臺灣文創設計趨勢及活 力,促進國內文創業者與國際買家之交流合作,進而提昇文創設計產業於國際 知名度,協助國內文創業者於國際市場曝光。 With continued promotion by the government, Taiwan’s cultural and creative industry has experienced steady growth. To further showcase Taiwan’s soft power to the world, CET has invited international cultural and creative professionals and buyers of major overseas channels to Taiwan in order to achieve the goals of channel exploration, trend sharing, and information exchange, helping the marketing of Taiwan’s cultural and creative industry in the global market. With 250 fringe shops, 2016 CET exhibited Taipei’s urban landscape of cultural and creative clusters through recommended tour routes with diverse themes, covering aspects of historical context and development, crafts innovations, and cultural values. By presenting Taiwan’s local cultural and creative energy, CET further manifested the ecology of Taiwan’s cultural and creative industry, and enhanced Taiwan’s brand image. 2016 CET featured three venues to exhibit the design trends and vibrancy of cultural and creative industry, facilitate exchange between domestic enterprises and international buyers, and launched global marketing for Taiwan’s cultural and creative and design industries, helping domestic enterprises to gain international exposure.

國際買家 International Buyers



尋求亞洲華人生活圈新興市場 擴大招募通路買家

Explore Emerging Huaren Markets, Invite Buyers of Distribution Channels 2016 年為擴大國際文創市場網絡,並搶先進入亞洲新興市場布局,買家邀請名單加入大型連鎖通路代理經銷商及授權類 買家如德國 MONOQI 、土耳其 Happily Ever Paper 、日本西武百貨,以及韓國 Ever yday Mooonday 等;同時,搭配中國 新市場崛起趨勢,邀請中國目前最大的設計以及潮流選品店馬克華菲、全方位型商場西安漢神百貨、兼具內涵及品味的 文化交流平臺商務印書館等,而 2015 臺灣文博會與會之國際重要買家,如美國紐約 Leibal 、韓國 Kyobo Hottracks 、泰 國 Room International 、 Siam Piwat 、日本 LOFT 、中國廣東方所、新世界百貨等,因與參展廠商互動頻繁熱絡,促成國 內文創業者於國際市場高度曝光,今年也再度邀請參與。展會期間國際買家與臺灣品牌業者交流互動愉快,除了傳遞交 換國際市場與臺灣文創產業資訊,協助國內文創業者即時了解國際商情及趨勢,進一步促成與國外通路市場的外銷合作。 To further expand international network of cultural and creative markets, and gain early access to emerging Asian markets, 2016 CET has invited buyers from major distribution channels for the licensing fair, including MONOQI of Germany, Happily Ever Paper of Turkey, Seibu of Japan, and Everyday Mooonday of South Korea. Also, in view of the rise of China’s market, CET also invited China’s largest design select shop Mark Fairwhale, Xian Hanshin Department Store, and cultural exchange platform the Commercial Press. Major international buyers that participated in the previous CET, such as Leibal from New York, Kyobo Hottracks from South Korea, Room International and Siam Piwat from Thailand, LOFT from Japan, and Fangsuo Bookstore and Shinsegae from Guangdong, have all been invited to come back, as their rapid interactions with the exhibitors at previous CET brought greater international exposure for Taiwanese companies in the global market. During the exhibition, international buyers and local brands enjoyed pleasant interactions; in addition to exchange international and local information, the CET also helped local cultural and creative enterprises to learn more about global situation and trends, and facilitated collaborations between local companies and overseas distributors.


文博會線上預約洽商媒合平台,建置第二年即獲得顯著成效,今年展前線上預約洽商會 議共計 589 場,加上現場媒合之場次與主題洽商會,洽商場次總計為 754 場,含設計領 域(松山文創園區),工藝領域(華山文創園區)與授權領域(花博爭艷館)。國際買 家普遍對於本次國內參展品牌皆表示高度興趣,如小黑尾巴、良事設計、印花樂、有情 門、行悅科技、祈樂創意、吳協衡、木趣設計、 PAPERSELF 、艾朵國際、雙豬工作室、 台 6 萌等,皆獲得多位買家關注。整體效益調查,預估採購金額約為新台幣 4.77 億元, 較去年成長 21.37% ,顯示出臺灣文創品牌具備行銷國際市場的潛力。

The online platform for making reservations for business negotiation has seen great success in only the second year after its launch. Prior to the exhibition this year, online reservations reached 589 sessions, and combined with onsite sessions and business fairs for specific themes, the total number of sessions reached 754, which included design (at Songshan), crafts (Huashan), and licensing (Expo Dome). International byers have shown great interests in the local brands participating in this year’s CET, such as Blacktail, haoshi design, InBlooom, Macro Maison, Celia and Perah, Vacii, Balance Wu Design, mufun Design Studio, Paperself, Adore Marketing, Double Piggies Studio, and six original characters of Taiwan. Statistics show that B2B procurement and B2C onsite transaction reached approximately NT$ 477 millions, a 21.37% increase from last year, proving that Taiwan’s cultural and creative brands have great marketing potential in the global market. 國際買家 International Buyers



Theme Business Fair Creates Buzz, Domestic Market not to be overlooked


In addition to helping local businesses to explore international market, CET also aims to introduce quality international brands in cultural and


creative, and design industries to Taiwan. This year, CET organized theme business fair for the first time, gathering innovative brands with great crafts


traditions from Tomiyama, Japan, as well as popular products of Tokyo International Gift Show. Domestic buyers have shown great interests and

家代表,如太平洋 SOGO 、 city ’ super 、博客來、 uDesign 、台隆手創館、好樣集團、北投文物館等,皆表示有興趣引進 上述國外廠商之商品進入臺灣市場。

‘super, books.com, uDesign, HANDS Tailung, VVG, and Beitou Museum, and the representatives have expressed interests in bringing these excellent products into the local market.

International Buyers


participated in both sessions, many of which are department stores, e-commerce enterprises, art institutions, retailers or dealers, such as SOGO, city


主題洽商會熱度高 臺灣內需市場不容小覷


At the Cultural and Creativity Trend Forum, Serge Bensimon shared on how to showcase creativity through own experience in life and experience of trips to various countries, realizing wonderful lifestyle through travelling. Chief Curator Chen Jun-Liang said that the most important value of culture is for it to be recognized. This year’s Expo featured natural landscape as the main visual design, as Chief Curator Chen constructed a green corridor using all the types of tea in Taiwan, and believes that if everyone can discover the cultural Taiwan, then Taiwan will have a brighter future. As for the format and planning of themes of museum, Xu Zhengye mentioned that to facilitate the recovery of tourism and industries, China has started building museums in cities and rural villages, giving rise to diverse types of museums; this also poses as a challenge to curators’ ability to think across disciplines in order to showcase culture and design. Museum planning requires compilation and organization of massive information and conveyance of knowledge, but nonetheless, culture is the spiritual root. As for trends in the Chinese-speaking world, Chu Chih-Kang believes that, for cultural and creative products or design, the industries need not to create something; they simply need to discover what they already posses within. As long as they face what they already have with honesty, they will be seen. Therefore, Chu focuses on discovering own history, using memory and past as design elements. Professor Fan Zhou, Dean of the Culture Development Institute of the Communication University of China, is concerned with the development of cultural and creative industries in both Taiwan and China. He believes that every person is a mountain in the industry, and brand significance and value are irreplaceable. Taiwan and the Mainland should work together to create complementary environments and forge consensus, turning value into production value and volume, as well as to further cultivate the culture in order to

2016 文創趨勢國際論壇中,Serge Bensimon 以自身創辦 Bensimon 的經驗及遊歷各國的體驗呈

provide the peoples a sense of happiness in life.


As for contemporary viewpoints, Morten Grøn from Denmark emphasizes that design should start from life, and empathy is design


thinking, considering the problems from others’


perspectives. Many young designers are turning


their attention to wicked social issues, trying


to find solutions through the power of design.


Rationality and practicality of products, not


just looks, are the foundation of Danish design.


Toshiki Kiriyama explored a number of aspects


in order to emphasize the influences of the


combination of modern lifestyle and design,


such as mobile technology and ICT, adaptability, different cultures, homogeneity, and physical perceptions; combined with pictures of gourmet


food, especially because Japanese culture puts


great emphasis on utensils and tableware,


aesthetic concepts are realized at home to influence dialogues between friends through visual elements. On the topic of licensing, Kazuo Rikukawa from Japan and Rebecca Lu,


senior manager of LINE Taiwan’s sticker team, shared the astonishing value of the economy of character, as well as the cooperation

本陸川和男與 LINE 臺灣貼圖團隊資深經理呂苔君則分享角色經濟之驚人產值,以及網路與

between the Internet and sticker producers, which will definitely lead to great business opportunities in the future. As for globalization


and consumer culture, Yutaka Ebina reminded everyone that, while we are striving for cross-border e-commerce, we should also pay


attention to domestic trends and develop value-added services to meet the future needs in the industry. As a culture observer, Chan Tieh-


Chih believes that in this new era, any media should be sensitive to temporal topics, and utilize outstanding contents and elements to


search for all kinds of possible ways of storytelling, becoming new imaginations that change the world.

Trend Forum




就當代觀點而言,來自丹麥的 Morten Grøn,強調設計應從生活出發,同理心就是設計思維,


2016 文创趋势国际论坛 4/21

2016 CET Cultural and Creativity Trend Forum

第一場:當代觀點 Panel 1 : Contemporary Perspective 1 0 :1 0 -1 1 : 00

鏡像丹麥設計 Reflection of Danish Design Morten Grøn / 設計丹麥執行長 CEO, Design Denmark

第三場:全球消費 Panel 3 : Global Consumption 11:10 -11:50

來自生活智慧與創造的行動浪潮 Movement by the Wisdom & Ingenuity 桐山登士樹 Toshiki Kiriyama / 富山縣綜合設計中心設計總監 CEO

and design director, TRUNK LTD.

1 4 :5 0 -1 5 :4 0

我們正在混沌的時代中尋找光亮— 數位時代的新媒體想像 Searching for Light in an Uncertain Era— New Media Imaginations in the Digital Era

1 5 :4 0 -1 6 :3 0

比較台灣、日本電子商務發展脈動 A Comparison of E-Commerce Development in Taiwan and Japan 海老名裕 Yutaka Ebina / 中華優購總經理 President,

Chunghwa Benefit On Group

張鐵志 Tieh-Chih Chang / 巨思文化首席顧問 Chief Adviser, BusinessNext Media Group

第二場:創意授權 Panel 2 : Creative Licensing 1 3 :0 0 -1 3 : 50

13:50 -14:40

動漫品牌的亞洲市場之現狀 The Current State of the Asian Character Business Market

文創人該懂的網路商機:LINE 原創貼圖 Business Opportunities on the Internet for Creative Workers: Line Original StickersLINE Taiwan Sticker Team

陸川和男 Kazuo Rikukawa / 株式會社 Character Databank 董事長兼總經理 President, Character Databank Ltd.

1 6 :3 0 -1 7 :3 0

綜合座談會 Panel Discussion

呂苔君 Rebecca Lu /LINE Taiwan Sticker Team 資深經理

Senior Manager, LINE Taiwan Sticker Team

趨勢論壇 Trend Forum




第四場:品牌與設計 Panel 4 : Branding & Design 1 0 :1 0 -1 1 : 00

Bensimon:與品牌標誌同名的設計師—從家族傳承到創意生活風格 Bensimon, Eponymic Designer of an Icon–From a family heritage to a creative lifestyle Serge Bensimon / Bensimon 品牌創辦人 Bensimon Artistic Director

第五場:風格與策展 Panel 5 : Style & Curating 1 3 :0 0 -1 3 : 50

從設計到策展的互動性策略 Interactive Strategies from Design to Exhibition Planning 陳俊良 Jun-Liang Chen / 文博會總策展人 The Chief Curator of CET

1 3 : 5 0 -1 4 : 40

博物館主題的形態與策劃 The Format and Planning of Museum Themes 徐征野 Zhengye Xu / 中國博物館知名策展人 Famous museum curator in China

第六場:華人趨勢 Panel 6 : Chinese Trends 1 4 :5 0 -1 5 : 40

城市生命—威尼斯建築雙年展計畫 Urban Vitality—the Venice Architecture Biennale Project 朱志康 Chih-Kang Chu / 朱志康空間規劃設計總監 Director, Chu Chih Kang Space Design

1 5 : 4 0 -1 6 : 30

文創發展的競合之路 The Competition and Cooperation of Cultural Creative Industries

范周 Zhou Fan / 中國傳媒大學文化發展研究院院長 The head of Development Research Institute of CUC

1 6 : 3 0 -1 7 : 3 0

綜合座談會 Panel Discussion

趨勢論壇 Trend Forum











文创精品奖 Cultural & Creative Award 文化部為提升台灣文創產業能量,拔擢優秀的創意人才,鼓勵企業重視研發創新,於 2010 年起舉辦「台灣文創精品獎」 選拔,透過競賽累積台灣產業創新力,建構台灣優質生活之輪廓,成為象徵台灣文創產業最高榮譽之一。 10

本屆文創精品獎活動為第六屆辦理,因應臺灣國際文化創意產業博覽會 ( 臺灣文博會 ) 轉型及提升本獎之創意、專業形 象及影響力,並和文博會產生緊密結合,將評鑑標的擴及至報名參展的各式產品及服務,以具國際趨勢觀點評選團現場 評選,使文創精品獎能與國內其他舉辦多年的設計、精品等認證獎項建立市場區隔性。本屆獎項精神主軸延續定義為「華 人優質生活」,與文博會的願景「引領華人優質生活風格」相呼應,希冀提升獎項質感並持續鼓勵用心於創新思維、建 構商業模式的文創產業。本屆獲獎作品計 30 件,另再自 30 件獲獎作品中,評選出 5 件趨勢特別獎。 To enhance the energy of Taiwan’s cultural and creativity industry, honor outstanding creative talents, and encourage enterprises to value the importance of R&D in innovation, the Ministry of Culture has organized the “Cultural and Creativity Award” since 2010. The award encourages innovation of Taiwan’s cultural and creative industry. 9


This marks the sixth year of Cultural and Creative Award. In response to the transition of Creative Expo Taiwan, as well as to enhance the award’s products and services. An international jury will review all exhibits onsite at the exhibition, so that Cultural and Creative Award can differentiate itself from other prestige design awards in Taiwan that have longer histories. The theme of Cultural and Creative Award this year is “Quality Life of Huaren (Chinese-speaking) Societies,” which corresponds to Creative EXPO Taiwan’s vision of “representing the attitudes of Chinese exquisite lifestyle,” and


1. 捲月 Shell ginger rolling chair/ 山川設計有限公司 Yamakawa design co.,Ltd.

7. 凝望時光 Staring the time/ 是也設計有限公司 woodpardy studio

2. 大理石收納袋具系列 Marble Filing Collection/ 同樂工作室 TWO+ LAB

8. Metro 滑板摺疊自行車 Sliders Metro / 立琦興業股份有限公司 Lichy Enterprise Co., LTD.

3. 軟木藍牙喇叭 BIOPOP/ 吳協衡設計有限公司 BALANCE WU DESIGN CO, LTD

9. 溫釋竹桌燈 Hemera Bamboo desk Lamp/ 品研文創有限公司 pinyen creative Inc.

4. 久 , KU Eternity/ 二喜設計有限公司 HEE Porcelain CO., LTD.

10. 黃銅系列 鋼珠筆及自動鉛筆 Classic series Rollerball Pen & Mechanical Pencil/

aims to further elevate the status of the award, and continue encouraging cultural and creative enterprises that focus on innovations and building of

5. 愛拍相機 Eye-Plug Camera/ 愛拍設計股份有限公司 Wee View

business models. 30 products had been awarded, and 5 out of the 30 were specially awarded “Trend Award”.

6. House/ 翔詠設計有限公司 Studio Kanari Design Ltd.

物外有限公司 ystudio co.,LTD 11. 巷弄風景 Alleys landscape/ 二喜設計有限公司 HEE Porcelain CO., LTD.

Cultural & Creative Award

creativity, professional image, and influence, and to further integrate with Creative EXPO Taiwan, the competition is expanded to include all registered


Taiwanese industries through the competition in order to build the foundation for quality life in Taiwan, and strives to become the highest honor in
















28 30

21. 印花布料 Hand-printing Fabrics/ 印花樂藝術設計有限公司 inBlooom Co, Ltd

26. 蓬蓬裙椅 Tutu stool/ 品研文創有限公司 pinyen creative Inc.

17. YEE/ 俏可設計有限公司 Ciao Design Studio LLC

22. 浪草燈 Riyar Light/Kamaro'an 住下來吧 Kamaro'an

27. 雙圓櫃 Duo moon cabinet/ 壹一木設計有限公司 YIH wood studio

13. 福氣 Fu teapot set/ 穆德設計團隊有限公司 MOTOR Design Group Ltd

18. 漢速敷品牌識別設計 Hancure Branding Design/

23. 鳥巢鍋 Nest/ 佳鼎國際股份有限公司 Cocera Int'l Co.,Ltd

28. 環桌 Circle table / 壹一木設計有限公司 YIH wood studio

24. 車頭燈、騎士車燈 Machine Lamp/ 城市坊有限公司 INTERSTATE DESIGN STUDIO

29. P4 無線高傳真曲木音響 P4 Wireless Hi-Fi/ 行悅科技有限公司 EGOS Technology Corp.

25. Funno 流線削筆器 Funno / Pencil Sharpener & Paper Weight/

30. 生命之花-窗花書架 立燈 Flower of Life-Tracert Furniture Desk & Stand light/

14. Bear Papa 棘輪螺絲起子組 Bear Papa Ratcheting Screwdriver Series/ 愛心進行銷設計股份有限公司 iThinking Original Design Co., Ltd 15. 月桃編織吊燈 Shell ginger weaving style chandelier/ 山川設計有限公司 Yamakawa design co.,ltd.

必思維國際有限公司 THINK OFFICE 19. Cantili 懸臂膠帶檯 Cantili Tape Dispenser/ 谿品設計有限公司 PHI LTD

20. 【吸管筷子組】 316L 環保吸管 + 鈦合金筷頭 SUS316L stainless steel straw & Titanium chopsticks/QC 館

谿品設計有限公司 PHI LTD

吳聖霖創意國際有限公司 acdesign associates International Co.,Ltd

Cultural & Creative Award

16. 喜泉 kisen/ 有限会社 四津川製作所 Yotsukawa Seisakusho Ltd.


12. 單車行動綁 Bike Tie/








评审 Jury Morten Grøn

設計丹麥執行長 / CEO, Design denmark

Joseph Lee Cumley MONOQI 行銷總監 / Chief Merchandising Officer, MONOQI

陸俊 Calvin Lu

馬克華菲 第五空間營運經理 / Operations Manager of Mark Fairwhale

何彩鈴 Nina Ho

博客來數位科技股份有限公司 行銷部部長 / Marketing Department Director, Books.Com Co.,Ltd.

余足美 Sophia Yu

遠東百貨 家用家電部經理 / Manager of Houseware Division, Far Eastern Department Stores Ltd.

林佳育 Chia Lin

La Vie 總編輯 / Editor-in-Chief, La Vie

盧淑芬 Florence Lu

ELLE 國際中文版 總編輯 / Editor-in-Chief, ELLE

文創精品獎 Cultural & Creative Award



臺灣文博會自 年 轉 型 以﹁ 城 市 即 展 場、 展 場 即 2015

生 活 ﹂的 理 念 ,串 聯 三 大 主 題 展 場 與 周 邊 組 織 與 商 家 ,

家參 250

今 年 更 擴 大 辦 理 ,以﹁ 慢 活 飲 品 ﹂、﹁ 展 藝 空 間 ﹂、﹁ 食

樂 饗 宴 ﹂、﹁ 品 味 生 活 ﹂ 四 大 類 串 聯, 共 計

與 本 年 度 好 店 串 聯 活 動, 一 同 加 入 串 聯 好 店 的 行 列,

共 同 傳 遞 活 動 宗 旨 及 相 關 內 容, 提 供 完 善 的 城 市 文 化

生 活 圈, 給 予 大 眾 美 好 的 生 活 體 驗。 為 加 深﹁ 城 市 即

展 場, 展 場 即 生 活 ﹂ 的 概 念 之 展 會 特 色, 呈 現 多 元 豐

導 覽 並 結 合 線 上 電 子 集 章, 邀 請 APP

富 的 會 外 樣 貌, 今 年 提 供 許 多 體 驗 活 動 如 線 上 線 下 之

體 驗, 以 O2O

民 眾 一 同 參 與 抽 大 獎! 讓 城 市 的 每 一 個 角 落、 每 一 條

巷 弄 都 充 滿 豐 沛 的 創 意 能 量, 邀 請 大 眾 親 臨 館 場、 參

Creative Expo Fringe Shops

與 活 動 ,感 受 臺 灣 文 創 多 元 價 值 ,翻 轉 臺 北 嶄 新 風 貌 。


CET has had the ideal of transition: "The City Is the Exhibition, the Exhibition Displays Lifestyles" since 2015. It links the three theme pavilions and the surrounding stores. The expo this year is expanded and connects the four categories: "Drinks of Slow Living", "Performing Space", "Eating Fun" and "Savoring Life". There are totally 250 stores attending the "Creative Expo Fringe Shops", promoting the ideas of this activity to provide a wonderful urban culture circle. In order to deepen the concept "The City Is the Exhibition, the Exhibition Displays Lifestyles" and the diverse appearance outside the pavilions, there are many experiential events, such as O2O. The APP navigation combining with online stamp collection. Why not try your luck and draw a lottery? Welcome to the expo to experience the marvelous creativity of Taipei!

趨勢論 串壇 聯城市 TrendCreative International Expo Forum Fringe



品茶集 Pinchajii Tea House

孔雀歐亞料理餐酒館創立於 2003 年,致力推廣台灣好食材,用心創作料理,創造美食的聚會所與輕鬆分享的用餐時光。


Peacock Bistro based on the passion with food and art, the team create menu with organic vegetable from local small-scale farming and supply


certificated seafood.

Pinchajii Tea House is specialized in craft tea grown in Taiwan, where we believe the best oolong tea in the world comes from. Enjoy your special tea moment with us, you will be surprised by the smooth taste and subtle sweetness our delicate oriental tea could offer.


孔雀歐亞料理餐酒館 PEACOCK

Creative Expo Fringe



職人專門所 Takumi Takumi 職人專門所是一個複合式手工鞋創意空間,我們提供快速訂製鞋服務、手作 / 製鞋課程、台灣手作商品販售。 經營理念 - 承襲舊時的傳統工藝,推廣有趣的新興品牌。 Takumi is a fusion & creative space of handmade shoes. Our service include Speedy Custom Made Shoes, Handmade Craft/Shoes Class and Shop of Taiwan Craft Art. Mission - Inherited the traditional craft, promote interesting new brand.

YVONNE COLLECTION 源自於台灣的 YVONNE COLLECTION 創立於西元 1984 年,主要商品為傢飾品、寢具及家居服。 家居服採每季主題性之設計,跳脫傳統一成不變的款式與色系,此外床組採用純棉針織布以帶給消費者柔軟舒適的觸感, 因此成立三十幾年來,品味與品質是 YVONNE COLLECTION 永遠的堅持。 Established in 1984, Yvonne collection leads the home furnishing and house wear trends in Taiwan. Over the past 30 years, we strive to promote a better living. Our merchandise set trends, styling and comforts. Yvonne collection responding to the needs of people throughout the world. People with many different needs, tastes, dreams and aspirations. Trendy yet comfortable,Functional design using only natural material. A great diversity of fun accessories to enrich your life style. Hi-tech fabric development to meet modern healthy living and with the greater environment in mind.

光點華山電影館 SPOT Huashan Cinema 光點華山電影館,位於華山文創園區中六館,原為酒廠再製酒包裝室,

1996 年由文化部規劃指導,改建為電影館,並由侯孝賢導演領軍之團隊 「台灣電影文化協會」經營管理,於 2012 年 11 月正式開幕,為全國首 座國家級藝術電影館。整館空間保留舊建築結構並結合新的創意元素, 為老屋新力之創新展現。 Spot Huashan Cinema is located at M6 in the Huashan Creative Park. This building was a packaging factory and was transformed into a movie theater in 1996 under the Ministry of Culture’s supervision. The theater is now managed by the “Taiwan Film & Culture Association” under the supervision of director Hou Hsiao-Hsien and its team. The theater opened officially in November 2012. It is the first national artistic theater in Taiwan. The whole theater building kept its old structure but some creative elements were added as an expression of innovation.

串聯城市 Creative Expo Fringe



2016 台湾文博会串联好店独家散步路 Exclusive Route for 2016 CET Fringe Shops 《大稻埕茶品東風》 今年臺灣文博會串聯好店,規劃了一條獨家深度散步路線,路線從捷運大橋頭站開始,造訪具有深度文化背景的大稻埕 地區,眾多文創好店一起參與此活動,端出許多創意好物,更邀請台北城市散步邱翊執行長及專業導覽員帶領大家親臨 感受臺灣文創多元內涵。

A Taste of Oriental Tea in Dadaocheng This year’s CET Fringe shop has specially planned an in-depth touring route where visitors start from MRT Daqiaotou Station and walk through the Dadaocheng area rich in culture and history. Many cultural and creative shops participated in the activity, and presented diverse creative products. Taipei Walking Tour CEO Chiu Yi and professional tour guides have been invited to show visitors to Taiwan’s diverse cultural and creative environment.

串聯城市 Creative Expo Fringe



打卡集点送好礼活动 Check in, collect points, and win prizes 於 4 月 1 日至 4 月 24 日至臺灣文博會串聯好店任一店家,掃描該店的 QRcode 、邀請好友 加入,即可獲得一枚電子章,收集 2 枚即可獲得一次抽獎機會,超過百項的獎品,邀請民 眾一同參與抽大獎!獎品將由串聯好店、協辦單位、文博會贊助商等管道徵集,最高大獎 為價值萬元的文創精品。 The campaign ran from April 1 to April 24. Visit any 2016 CET Fringe Shop, scan the QRcode, and invite a friend, you would be awarded an e-stamp. Collect two stamps and you would gain one entry into the lucky draw for a chance to win from over 100 prizes. All citizens were invited to join and win the grand prizes! All prizes were sponsored by CET fringe shops, co-organizers, and CET sponsors, and the largest prize was the Cultural and Creative Award-winning product worth over NT$ 10,000.

串聯城市 Creative Expo Fringe



audience respectively, such as the media, participators, buyers and young talented designers.

2016臺 灣 文 博 會 於 五 天 展 期

Tours, for the different groups of target

100場 以 上 ,

ceremony, gala dinner and VIP Guided


held the press conference, opening


day period of exposition, and particularly


than 100 various events during the five-


Event Highlights

amount of visitors this year, held more


CET 2016 attracted a record-high



家具家飾館 Furniture & Accessories





Event Highlights

展前記者會 Press Conference




Event Highlights

開幕記者會 Opening Ceremony




Event Highlights

交流晚宴 Gala Dinner




主題館記者會 Press Conference of TRENDS 2016

Event Highlights

總統及貴賓導覽 President & VIPS Guide Tour




(上)猴王爭霸讚現場活動 Monkey King Collecting Activity (下)時尚產業展「開幕活動暨品牌匯演」CET Fashion Design Category: Opening & ARTE Collective Show

Event Highlights

東京禮品展 MOU 簽署 MOU Signing Ceremony: CET X Tokyo International Gift Show


國家圖書館出版品預行編目 (CIP) 資料 臺灣文博會成果專刊 . 2016/ 陳悅宜總編輯 .

-- 初版 . -- 新北市 : 文化部 , 2016.08 面 ; 公分

ISBN 978-986-04-9464-8( 精裝 ) 1. 文化創意產業 2. 博覽會 3. 臺灣 541.2933


書名| 2016 臺灣文博會成果專刊 發行人|鄭麗君 編輯顧問|楊子葆 總編輯|陳悅宜 編輯委員|方衍濱、朱砡瑩、李長龍、林御翔、葉景豪、陳文龍、艾淑婷、洪明正 執行編輯|李昀、蕭妤真、吳湘寧、謝其韞、廖珮珊 執行單位|財團法人台灣創意設計中心

出版發行|文化部 地址| 24219 新北市新莊區中平路 439 號南棟 13 樓 電話| 886-2-8512-6000 傳真| 886-2-8995-6429 網址| www.moc.gov.tw 版次|初版 出版日期| 2016 年 8 月 ISBN | 978-986-04-9464-8 GPN | 1010501509

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