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序 設計、表演藝術、音樂等跨域大集結,共同編寫臺灣當代文化風景 │

2019 臺灣文博會於 5 月 5 日圓滿落幕,


區,以「Culture On the Move―文化動


今年首度擴大規模將展場延伸至 5 大展

動動」為主題,串聯華山 1914 文創園區、


當代文化實驗場、臺北機廠鐵道博物館 等地,試圖翻轉舊鐵道廊帶過往歷史,

賦予新的文化意涵。今年臺灣文博會規 模創歷年之最,歷時 12 天、共有 21 個

活 工 藝 的 溫 潤 感。「Life! 研 究 所 」 以 「實用美、友善美」主題,發掘兼具實


品, 並 展 示 具 友 善 環 境 概 念 的 設 計 商 品,宣告新時代的友善美生活方式。國

外亮點買家包括紐西蘭博物館 Te Papa

展館、舉辦超過 300 場活動、動員 200

Tongarewa Museum of New Zealand、

逾 570 家國內外品牌參與,共吸引超過

ethos/city'super Limited、荷蘭 Hourlux/

位表演藝術者、總計有 25 國家 / 地區、

德 國 代 理 商 BREVI MANU trade、 香 港

35 萬民眾探索,重新認識臺灣這片土地。




顧問詹偉雄、總策展人劉真蓉領軍,號 召來自設計、表演藝術、音樂界等跨領 域創意人參與,於華山主題概念館「演

國代理商 Notable Designs 等國際選品 灣美術館、涵碧樓、南僑點水樓、林百 貨、新光三越等。





滾等,近百小時表演節目輪番上演,透 另一主題館「編輯地方」,集結桃園、

臺南、屏東及臺東四個地方特色館以及 地方生活誌「本地 The Place」,帶來耳

超過 240 家圖像 IP 品牌,現場吸引多家

包含日本東京電視台 TV Tokyo、日本玩

具商 Kiddy Land、日本公關公司 LEGS

COMPANY、 英 國 知 名 書 店 Magma、

目一新的觀展經驗。「山海廟集 大好辦

連 鎖 咖 啡 品 牌 Cama Café、 文 具 商


SOGO 百貨等。今年亮點展區由「黑青」

桌」活動,匯集臺灣各地 24 家品牌的好



團隊策劃「Talent 100 Moves」,以「地


銳共同創作,以平面和 AR 擴增實境展

方文化」為題,邀集 Talent 100 設計新





括論壇、靜態展、工作坊、音樂表演、 驗, 進 一 步 思 索 環 境 生 態 的 重 要 性。

「NEXT 鐵道博物館」,首度打開國定古 蹟「臺北機廠」的局部圍牆空間,讓民

眾一覽臺北機廠全景,並透過導覽列車、 夜間燈光秀、鐵道音樂會等活動,勾勒 未來城市的無限想像。

以設計品牌為主軸的松山文創園區,今 年共吸引 330 家海內外設計品牌前來參



常用品等多領域設計品牌共同展出,吸 引不少買家前來,促成合作可能。「大




眾更親近原創角色明星,舉辦近百場簽 人偶遊行等活動,並於展場設置 100 台

限定扭蛋機,創造驚喜連連的體驗,更 是參觀爭艷館之必訪熱點。

文化部每年舉辦臺灣文博會,期望以文 化力帶動臺灣文化創意發展,展現臺灣 文化內涵。今年擴大規模串連「文化創

新廊帶」各據點,開啟重新認識臺灣地 方文化的新視野。未來,期望持續透過 城市空間的串連、深度策展的規劃,強 化文化品牌,讓世界看見臺灣價值。

"School On the Move" in Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab hosted various events in its experimental space "Lagoon Apeiron," including forums, exhibitions, workshops, music performance, documentary screening, and shrimp fishing, attracting multitudes of visitors and inviting them to reflect on the importance of environment and ecology. In "Infrastructure On the Move" in TRW Railway Museum, partial wall space was open to the public for the first time, allowing visitors a complete view of the museum. There were also on-train guides, evening light shows, and railway concerts, envisioning a boundless imagining for the future city. Centered on design and craft brands, the Songshan Cultural & Creative Park attracted 330 brands from Taiwan and abroad, which were arranged in various feature sections.

As one of the most popular venues in every year's Creative EXPO Taiwan, Taipei EXPO Park - EXPO Dome was the center for more than 240 graphic IP brands and attracted numerous buyers in stationery, toy, and shopping design. The highlight section "Talent 100 Moves" was curated by Black and Blue Cosmos on the theme of "local culture," inviting artists from Talent 100 to participate in the joint creation in graphic and AR exhibitions. Nearly one hundred events of autograph sessions, fashion and illustration sharing sessions, and character parades were held. Furthermore, a total of 100 exhibition-only gashapon machines were on display, which was a must-see in the EXPO Dome. Every year, the Ministry of Culture organizes Creative EXPO Taiwan with the aim to accelerate Taiwan's cultural and creative developments through cultural power and to showcase the depth of Taiwan's culture. This year's EXPO expanded to connect hubs of "cultural corridor" in order to open up new perspectives of rediscovering Taiwan's local cultures. In the future, the EXPO seeks to strengthen cultural brands through the connection of city spaces and the organization of in-depth curation, so as to make the world witness Taiwan's value.

A Festival of Design, Performance Art, and Music: Portraying Taiwan's Contemporary Culture

Passing on the spirit of cultural concept curation, general consultant Wei-Hsiung Chan and general curator Chen-Jung Liu assembled creative talents from various fields, presenting nearly one hundred hours of performances at "Stage On the Move" in Huashan 1914 Creative Park. The performances showcased an impressive encounter between the traditional and the contemporary. "Places On the Move" consisted of four pavilions representing local cultures from Taoyuan, Tainan, Pingtung, and Taitung, as well as "The Place," a local culture publication, creating a fresh exhibition experience. The "Top Taiwan Feast of Nature and Culture" assembled delicacies from 24 brands in Taiwan, whose lively atmosphere resembled that of traditional roadside banquets.

"NEXT" was based on hotels, assembling design brands in home decoration, furniture, hotel utensils, etc. The "Dainippon-ichi Taiwan EXPO" section was the stage for "Taiwan-Japan Craftsman Workshop", which allowed visitors to understand the traditional materials and techniques, thereby experiencing the warmth of daily life crafts. "Life! Lab", centered on "practical and friendly aesthetics," displaying daily life craftworks that possess qualities of usefulness, local uniqueness, and technical highlight. This section also displayed design works that are environmentally friendly, proposing a friendly-aesthetic lifestyle of the new generation. Significant buyers from abroad included Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarenwa; BREVI MANU trade from Germany; ethos and city'super Limited from Hong Kong; Hourlux, ENTREPOT-KOHEZI, and Misc Group VOF from the Netherlands; and Notable Designs from the United Kingdom. Buyers from Taiwan included National Taichung Theater, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, The Lalu (Sun Moon Lake), Dian Shui Lou, and Hayashi Department Store.

ď˝œ Preface

The 2019 Creative Expo Taiwan concluded on May 5th. Based on the theme of "Culture On the Move," this year's Expo expanded exhibition space to include five venues: Huashan 1914 Creative Park, Songshan Cultural & Creative Park, Taipei EXPO Park EXPO Dome, Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab and TRW Railway Museum, aiming to give new cultural meanings to the history of old railways and corridors. This year's Expo is also the largest in scale by far, lasting for 12 days and consisting of 21 exhibition p a v i l i o n s , w i t h o v e r 3 0 0 ev e n t s , 2 0 0 performers. Over 570 brands from Taiwan and abroad participated, coming from 25 countries / regions. The Expo has attracted over 350,000 visitors to rediscover Taiwan and its culture.


目錄 002 ─ 序

006 ─ 翻轉都市軸線 文化動動動 文化創新廊帶

008 ─ 演變舞台 華山 1914 文創園區

020 ─ 編輯地方:本地│臺東│桃園│ 屏東│臺南│工藝│市集 華山 1914 文創園區

048 ─ 文化大學堂


052 ─ NEXT 鐵道博物館


056 ─ 博覽會-設計品牌 松山文創園區

088 ─ 博覽會-圖像授權 花博公園爭艷館

108 ─ 活動現場



002 ─ Preface

006 ─ Flipping Urban Axes with Culture On the Move Cultural Corridor 008 ─ Stage On the Move Huashan 1914 Creative Park 020 ─ Places On the Move: The Place │ Taitung │ Taoyuan │ Pingtung │ Tainan │ Craft │ Market Huashan 1914 Creative Park

048 ─ School On the Move Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab 052 ─ Infrastructure On the Move TRW Railway Museum 056 ─ Fair On the Move - Design Songshan Cultural & Creative Park 088 ─ Fair On the Move - Licensing Taipei Expo Park - Expo Dome 108 ─ Event Highlights


翻轉都市軸線 文化動動動

Flipping Urban Axes with Culture On the Move 1888 年劉銘傳興建臺灣鐵路,引

進蒸汽機車和鐵道串起臺北城、大 稻埕與基隆港;至 1919 年,鐵路 更進一步串起了首都、港口和北部 重要城市,運送產業物資,串起臺 灣與國際之間產業與文化的連結網 絡,這條舊鐵道線與其周邊的工業 空間,即是「鐵道產業廊道」。

繼承百年前鐵道機械動能給我們 的 提 示 與 靈 感, 搭 配 2019 臺 灣 文博會策展主題「Culture On the Move 文化動動動」,串連臺北城 鐵道線上多樣的產業歷史空間,翻 轉成今日之「文化創新廊帶」,動 態地實驗各種混種對接的方法,與 城市裡的每一個人一起跨越混接新 與舊、傳統與創新、已知與未知、 本土與世界。



1. 空總臺灣當代文化實驗場 Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab 2. 松山文創園區 Songshan Cultural & Creative Park 3. 華山 1914 文創園區 Huashan 1914 Creative Park 4. 臺北流行音樂中心 Taipei Music Center 5. 臺北機廠鐵道博物館園區 TRW Railway Museum 6. 國立臺灣博物館鐵道部園區 National Taiwan Museum – Railway Ministry Park






General Consultant │ Wei-Hsiung Chan


General Curator │ Tammy Chen-Jung Liu

Cultural Corridor

Continuing the legacy of the inspirations that the kinetics of the hundred-year-old railroad machinery offers, along with the theme "Culture On the Move" for 2019 Creative Expo Taiwan, we connect various historical industrial sites along Taipei City's railroads and flip them to form the "Cultural Corridor". We experiment with different combinations of link-ups, transcending and connecting the new and the old, the traditional and the innovative, the known and unknown, as well as the local and the global.



In 1888, Liu Mingchuan facilitated the building of railroads in Taiwan and introduced steam locomotives, along with the railroads, stringed together Taipei, Dadaocheng, and Port of Keelung. By 1919, the railroads had connected the capital, ports and important cities in northern Taiwan, transporting materials for industrial use and forming a network of industry and culture between Taiwan and the world. This old line of railroads and the industrial sites around it formed the railroad industrial corridor.

2019 臺灣文博會展區地圖



Integrating traditional and the modern into the performances taking place within the everyday life, the exhibition space becomes the performance stage.


華山 文創園區 1914

「Culture On the Move」 以城市 為展場,透過進入臺灣每個地方的 採集、綜合展演、分享與創新,真 實呈現動能策展的過程,尋找臺灣 文化在地性與連接全球性的無限潛 能。在華山 1914 文創園區的主題 概念區中,以「編導(Direct)― 演變舞台」和「編輯(Edit)―編 輯地方」兩個行動出發,對接傳統 與創新、探索在地與多元。《演變 舞台》的現場打破了展覽和表演界 線,以「表演」和「紀錄」並進呈 現主題館。

Culture On the Move sees the city as an exhibition venue and employs a large variety of materials, exhibitions, performances, and innovations to uncover local and global p o t e n t i a l i t y o f Ta i w a n e s e culture. Huashan 1914 Creative Park, being the thematic hub, were represented through two approaches: "direct" and "edit," which aim to connect tradition and innovation while exploring the local and the diverse. "Stage On the Move" broke down the boundaries between exhibition and performance, presenting two thematic pavilions based on "performance" and "documentary."

Huashan 1914 Creative Park



Stage On the Move 「 演 變 舞 台 」 以「 編 導 」 回 應 「Culture On the Move」的主題, 打 破 了 展 覽 和 表 演 界 線, 以「 紀 錄」和「表演」為雙主軸策展,從 每個演出背後文化的累進,看見當 代臺灣文化的真實動態。展區以動 態的方式編寫表演者的生命歷程, 展現歲月累積的肢體張力,更邀請 觀眾帶著身體參與,捕捉各形各色 的肢體動態,轉譯成影像。同時, 透過當代及傳統的戲劇、音樂、舞 蹈演出形式,混接民俗技藝、電子 搖滾及民謠音樂、現代話劇及傳統 戲曲等類型,從傳統中再創新、新 舊對接再製與當代表演方式。


General Curator │ Tammy Chen-Jung Liu

Stage On the Move deals with the Culture On the Move agenda by making "performance" and "documentary" the core ideas and building on the concept o f e q u a t i n g ex h i b i t i o n a n d p e r fo r m a n c e s p a c e. B y t h e means of this, it revealed the cultural legacy that supports any performance and showcased the actual life of Taiwan's contemporary culturemakers. The stage showcased performers' life experiences in a dynamic way, focusing on the power of the body. Exhibition also included a section where we


Stage On the Move Stage Consultant │ Yi-Wei Keng


Program Director │ Blaire Ko


Documentary 臺灣文化的演變與進化,是不斷累 積且靈活流露於民間生活藝術之 間的。演變舞台展區以動態的方式 編寫表演者的生命歷程,展現歲月 累積的肢體張力,更邀請觀眾帶著 身體參與,捕捉各形各色的肢體動 態,轉譯成影像,在演變舞台中一 同完成這面大型的身體拓樸創作。


invited everyone to move your body in front of a camera, and the movements of each different body were collected and turned into another grand art creation. By mixing performance forms of contemporary and traditional drama, music, and dance with folk art, electronic rock and folk music, as well as modern and traditional drama, innovations are born from tradition, creating a contemporary means of performance through the encounter of old and new.

The transformation and evolution of Taiwan's culture happens constantly and elastically in the art of everyday life. Stage On the Move showcased performers' life experiences in a dynamic way, focusing on the power of the body. Exhibition also included a section where we invited everyone to move your body in front of a camera, and the movement of each was collected and turned into another grand art creation.

Online Radio 總策劃|小樹 Online Radio General Director │ DJ Tree


Rehearsal Room 每位表演者都需要透過反覆練習與 雕琢,才得以成就台上發光的片 刻。排練場是一切練習的基礎,在 這裡可以跟著表演著認識自己,探 索身體動能時發掘身體的可塑性。

Every brilliant performance takes years of practice. Everyone was invited to rediscover their inner self and to discover the momentum of their body with the performers, in the Rehearsal Room.


Expression of the Muscle 表演者在嚴謹的訓練與生活各種經 歷的累積中,造就身體表現的獨特 性。透過鏡頭的特寫,我們得以近 距離觀看動態身體的不同切面,舞 台上驚艷的瞬間,表演者們力量的 收放、平衡的轉換、細節的動態, 是一切文化的凝聚。

A performer's body is built upon their life journey and training process, shaping the unique expressions of their muscles. We could take a close look at the different aspects of body movement and the splendid

moment in a performance through the close-up camera. Every detail of body expression reflected the culture behind it.


We See Us

展覽分別訪談與拍攝十組不同時 代、領域的表演者,述說著各自的 生命經驗以及尋找自我認同和臺灣 文化價值的過程 ; 從影像中觀看他 們在表演人生中的堅持與轉變,一 字排開有如臺灣文化的縮時演繹, 從他們身上,我們看見我們。

The video of Stage On the Move showed the life experience of ten groups of performers and their long journey of self-exploration to find their own identity and the value of Taiwanese Culture. We could see their transformation as well as persistence when we looked into the video, reminding us of the path where Taiwan's culture has come along. Finally, we see us.


人人 On the Move

Everyone On the Move

臺灣文化天生具有的流動性,給予 創作者巨大的活力!跟著表演者一 起體驗看看吧,從三種身體動態中 體驗創造的瞬間美好,選擇經典戲 曲、自由舞動、驚奇馬戲,一動一 文化,人人 On the Move。

Taiwan's culture holds a natural fluidity that provides great energy to the artists. Follow the performer, create a wonderful feeling through three types of body movements: classic Ta i w a n e s e o p e r a , m o d e r n freestyle dance, and surprising circus art. Movement is culture, everyone is on the move.


Backstage Museum 展覽中以一座橋透視後台的故事, 展示平常看不見的場景:排練室、 梳化間、控制台、設備工具,將後 台打造成為一座動態博物館。

Here at the Stage On the Move, backstage turned inside out to become a museum. From hair and make-up, rehearsals, warning ups, control panels, equipment to the tools, and all the hidden elements in the theatre were showcased in the Backstage Museum.



One-day School 邀請音樂劇「安徒生與莫札特的創 意」、當代舞蹈「小事製作」、馬 戲與雜耍「星合有限公司」、現代 劇團「曉劇團」以及饒舌音樂工作 室「人人有功練」等七組不同領域 表演團隊,帶來各式講座、互動式 展演、工作坊等,以開放交流的參 與形式讓表演場、展場與大眾對接!

Seven performing groups from different fields were invited to hold various lectures, interactive performances and workshops, interacting with the general

public in an open and free way. The performing groups included musical group "AMcreative", contemporary dance group "Les Petites Choses Production",

juggling and circus arts group " H s i n g h o C o. Lt d .", m o d e r n theatre group "Shinehouse Theater" and rap music studio "Kung-Fu Rap".


The Weekend Theatre: Crossover Between the Classics and the Contemporary Performances 以演出對接傳統與當代,跨世代、 跨界重組民間說唱、當代舞蹈、傳 統戲劇、獨立樂團等類型,各式展 演輪番上陣,將一幕幕的臺灣原創 與每個人的生活重新連結。

The classics and the contemporary performances were remixed on the stage with unlimited

Online Radio & Talk Show 由 14 組跨電台廣播人、金鐘 DJ、 網路節目主播、知識型 Youtuber 等王牌陣容組成,每日現場進行主 題脫口秀,以個人獨樹一格的口語 魅力,帶來耳目一新的文化對談!

Fourteen broadcasters from different platforms, including Golden Bell Award winning DJs and intellectual Youtubers, hosted talk shows daily, fascinating the audience with their unique and trendy cultural topics.

possibilities; traditional narrating and singing arts, contemporary dance, traditional folk theatre and independent band were all presented on the same stage, bridging everybody's life experience with Taiwanese originality.

「溯」祭典 - 探尋臺灣文化的儀式劇場 The Root of Sacrificial Ceremony―Exploring Taiwan's Ritual Theater 優人神鼓 U-theatre

用一場融合傳統藝陣、戲曲和當代 擊鼓的儀式劇場,演繹臺灣傳統的 信仰,讓歷史洪流的文化積累當代 化,也引領觀眾深浸在動態的表演 軌跡中,再一次找回臺灣文化根源 的原始動力。


Combining folk procession, traditional Chinese opera and contemporary drum performance, The Root of Sacrificial Ceremony used ritual theater to reveal Taiwan's cultural root and its underlying force from folk religion and history by immersing the audience in dynamic performances.

跨界跨世代 ! 傳統布袋戲尬臺語搖滾樂隊

Crossover Generation! When Hand Puppetry Meets Taiwanese Rock 陳錫煌傳統掌中劇團、拍謝少年

Chen Hsi-Huang Traditional Puppet Troupe feat. Sorry Youth 在地文化大躍動,傳統布袋戲與當 代搖滾樂手聯手演出,由布袋戲大 師陳錫煌率領北管樂師,結合臺灣 土產搖滾樂隊拍謝少年,打造跨界 野台大戲,繼往開來,謝天謝地。

A giant leap of local culture powered by the collision of traditional puppetry and contemporary rock 'n roll, puppetry master Chen Hsi-Huang collaborated with Sorry Youth to create an unprecedented crossover performance.


一日學校系列 : 一日星合馬戲學校之強者我朋友

Incredible Circus Day with Hsingho 星合有限公司 & 合作社

Hsingho Co., Ltd. & HoooH

在一日學校計畫裡,馬戲學校由 前太陽馬戲團表演者陳星合號召 國內外馬戲高手齊聚現場,邀請 大眾進入進入馬戲雜耍的奇幻世 界裡,壓軸更帶來近年最具代表 性、文博限定的釘孤枝雜耍擂台, 現場爭奪 Stage On the Move 的 雜耍之王 !


Former Cirque du Soleil performer Chen Hsing-Ho brought together Taiwanese and foreign circus talents for a performance that transported the audience into a fantastic world of circus art ending with the grand finale "Juggling Battle"

to reveal the king of juggling, the most representative show only available at the Creative Expo Taiwan.

話若欲講透支,目屎耶擦袂離 ~ 鐵獅玉玲瓏駕到!

Here Comes TAIWAN FOLKLORE (fake)! 澎恰恰、許效舜 Chia-Chia Pon/ Hsiao-Shun Hsu 1999 年紅遍全臺,《黃金夜總會》 單元「鐵獅玉玲瓏」即將笑捲演變 舞台!由澎恰恰和許效舜扮演的珠 寶和貴寶到場,以一搭一唱渾然天 成的默契,融合道地臺灣俚語跟自 創的歡笑對話,重現臺灣電視史上 跨越世代的流行經典。

Stage On the Move presented the hit show "TAIWAN FOLKLORE (fake)" that once swept Taiwan's entertainment scene in 1999! Chia-Chia Pon and Hsiao-Shun Hsu assumed their famous roles of Chu Pao and Kui Pao to bring the audience the most authentic Taiwanese humor and witty repartee in a popular creative show that was a definite classic in Taiwanese TV history.



A new modern perspective to explore local characteristics.


文創園區 1914

Places On the Move explored local characteristics addressing landscape, ceremonies, and food culture. Four city pavilions about Taoyuan, Tainan, Pingtung and Taitung were showcased along with the publication The Place , craft installations and market, revealing cultural spirits of Taiwan.


「編輯地方」從地景、祭典儀式、 飲食文化等面向切入探勘,尋找各 地方最在地的獨特性,深度挖掘桃 園、臺南、屏東、臺東四座個性城 市的深度魅力,於今年文博會透過 地方誌、工藝館與市集,展現臺灣 地域文化精神。

Huashan 1914 Creative Park



Places On the Move 以「 編 輯 」 帶 入 Culture On the Move 的概念,經由設計者透徹的

思維,從地景、祭典儀式、飲食文 化等面向切入,尋找各地最在地的 獨特性,呈現桃園、臺南、屏東、 臺東四個城市概念館與地方誌、工 藝館和市集,讓地方再尋找的過程 組織成「編輯地方」。

Exploring local characteristics by means of a modern perspective, several creative minds were invited to 'edit' the local identities addressing landscape, ceremonies, and food culture. Under the theme "Places On the Move", four city pavilions about Taoyuan, Tainan, Pingtung and Taitung were showcased along with the publication The Place , craft installations and market.


General Curator │ Tammy Chen-Jung Liu BIAS 衍序規劃設計共同創辦人,長期 關注公共性議題,擅長以實驗及議題研 究的方式,重新思考城市空間及其文化 表現。 Co-founder of BIAS Architects, Tammy Chen-Jung Liu has focused on public issues for a long time and excels in experimental and strategic planning to reconsider the urban space and its cultural practices.


本地 The Place 最野,最現代

Wilderness is new modern 隨著時代的演變與人們生活意識的 趨向成熟,地方生活的面貌與可 能性也隨之改變,而透過刊物的內 容採集與製作,發掘那些地方上努 力實踐與定義美好生活的人們及事 物。《本地 The Place》系列刊物 的初衷在於探究地方的本質,試圖 跳脫傳統經濟導向的思維,透過編 輯團隊對於地方的深入理解與價值 取捨,挖掘出屬於地方「最野最現 代」的一面。

Lifestyles and possibilities in life change as the local awareness matures with time. The publication focus on the people and things that characterize the beauty of local life. The Place is a series of publication that aims to explore the essence of local places. Through in-depth exploration, the editing team presents the "Wilderness is new modern" aspect of local life.

總編輯|李取中 Chief Editor │ Fines Lee

《The Big Issue Taiwan》 創 辦 人 兼 總 編 輯。2017 年 發 行《週刊編集》,獲 2018 金點設計獎年度最佳設計獎及 Good Design Award Best 100。

Founder and chief editor of The Big Issue Taiwan. In 2017, Lee founded the publication, The Affairs, which won the Best Design of Golden Pin Design Award and the Best 100 of Good Design Award in 2018.

編集計畫統籌|邱承漢 Curator │ Cheng-han Chiu

2011 年將外婆起家厝改建為叁捌地方生活,獨立發行數 本地方刊物與書籍。熱愛土地和旅行,過著返鄉但持續流 浪的雙重生活。

In 2011, Chiu established "3080s local lifestyle": creating local tours, and publishing local books and zines. Now, he keeps on using the power of design, humor, and love to change the world.


感受一下 Enjoy ah! 誠實感受的生活哲學

Authentic experience for living philosophy 「大家會說臺東是臺灣最邊緣的地 方,但換個視角,從太平洋回望, 臺東其實是臺灣的起頭。」臺東的 生活節奏,來自島嶼土地,來自廣 袤海洋。176 公里長的海岸線綿延 至山脈,為這片土地孕育豐富的自 然生態與物產,帶來多元的族群 和文化。文化即生活的哲學,在臺 東,便是誠實感受。

2019 臺灣文博會臺東館以誠實感

受的生活哲學作為策展主軸,藉由 採集和節奏,真實傳遞臺東的生活 哲學。臺東館以自然質樸的材料建 構,將遼闊的戶外景致移植到室內 展場空間。無需過多的說明,而是 透過感受材料的質地、感受生活的 物件、山與海的音樂和氣味,感受 一處彷彿真實活著的臺東。



策展人|游適任 Curator │ Justin Yu

2010 年成立以永續發展為工具的顧問 企劃公司 Plan b,多年來協助各領域


In 2010, Yu co-founded Plan b, a planning consultancy that promotes the notion of sustainable development as a tool. Over the years, Plan b has provided distinctive solutions for a diverse clientele.

策展人|舒米恩 Curator │ Suming

來自臺東的阿美族創作型歌手、演員, 其創作靈感與作品反應自身族群文化在 當代社會的發展現況。

Suming is an Amis singer-writer, actor from Taitung County. His production reflects the development of his own tribe's culture in the context of contemporary society.


"People say that Taitung lies on Taiwan's remote edge, but if you change your perspective and see it from the Pacific, Taitung is actually the origin of Taiwan." Taitung's rhythm of life comes from the soil of the island as well as the vast ocean. Its coastline of 176 kilometers extends westwards to the mountain range, encompassing rich ecological resources and specialties and nurturing diverse ethnic groups and cultures. In Taitung, the philosophy that culture equals life is translated into authentic experiences.


"The 2019 Creative Expo Taiwan – Taitung Pavilion" was curated around the theme of authentic experiences for life philosophy, and conveyed Taitung's true life philosophy through fieldgathering and rhythms. The Taitung Pavilion was built using natural and unadorned materials, bringing its vast outdoor scenery to the indoor exhibition space. Explanation is not necessary; by experiencing the texture of materials, the objects of life, and the music and scent of mountain and ocean, it is as if you are living in authentic Taitung.



桃花源設計事務所 Taoyuan Reflecting 以設計為編輯動能,輻射地方新色彩

Design as curating power, reflecting local charm



本次桃園市政府文化局以編輯地 方館的型態參與 2019 年臺灣文博 會,以「桃花源設計事務所」的姿 態為名,化身一間專注於桃園的設 計事務所,為桃園分析城市相關議 題 進 而 提 出 具 體 行 動, 運 用「 設 計」的思考能量與執行力,疊合桃 園本已具備的地方文化體質,在實 際的策展過程中,為桃園研究分析 城市相關議題進而提出協助城市前 進的具體行動。 挪移 HIP-HOP 精神的「取樣」手 法與編輯地方的「採集」精神,植

入設計、音樂、體育、地方產業、 人文地景等元素,在桃花源現場烹 調出一道道創意滿盈、充滿地方風 情的城市行銷策略。引導觀展民眾 在結合詩性空間場域的地方館中, 透過設計,看見耳目一新的桃園, 並遂行文化驅動的策展精神。期待 透過策展策略,重新統整桃園的文 化地景與風土民情,進而引領民眾 理解桃園文化內涵,回應博覽會的 核心主軸「文化、創意與設計」, 與 今 年 的 大 會 主 題「Culture On the Move」呼應。

策展人|王耀邦(格子) Curator │ Pang Wang

格式設計展策與格式多媒負責人,以策展為核心進行設計與策略之實踐,執 行設計、建築、品牌、文化展覽策劃與都市相關議題研究規劃。

Director of InFormat Design Curating & InFormat Paper. Pang Wang executed exhibitions related to architecture and design issues, planned research projects of urban issues, and devoted to the study of architecture, design and cultural exhibition planning.


The Department of Cultural Affairs, Taoyuan participated in the "Places On the Move" of 2019 Creative Expo Taiwan. The exhibit was presented as a design firm named "Taoyuan Reflecting." Related urban issues was tackled throughout the curatorial process and methods to assist the city on their journey forward were proposed. Employing "design" as reflective energy and action and combining it with Taoyuan's local culture, the exhibition probed


into topics of urban development and proposed specific actions for the city's progress in the actual curatorial process. Borrowing the concept of "sampling" in hip-hop and the spirit of "gathering" in "Places On the Move," the exhibition presented a collection of savory, creative, and authentic marketing strategies for the city, combining elements of design, music, sports, local industries,


and cultural landscape. It guided visitors to see a brand new Taoyuan through design in the poetic space of the pavilion. The idea was to integrate Taoyuan's cultural landscape and local customs so as to allow visitors to understand its culture in depth. It also echoed the spirit of this year's Expo, "culture and creative design," as well as the theme of "Culture On the Move."


照片提供|屏東縣政府 攝影|張國耀

吟土風人 Our Pingtung Stories 翻轉。屏東印象

Renovating the impression of Pingtung 從山脈到海洋,從平原到半島,屏 東這片島嶼之南,山林相依,海天 一線,別有一片天地。不論是人文 地景、自然生態、族群歷史、節慶 祭典、物產風俗,盡是千姿百態, 蘊育深刻人情。

2019 臺 灣 文 博 會 屏 東 館 展 覽 以

「吟.土.風.人」為題,採集動 人的屏東故事,累積形成文化,四 大 區 域 結 合 聲 音、 影 像、 舞 蹈、 展覽,宛若戲劇展演般起承轉合:


自撫慰心靈的詩歌傳唱起始,屏東 新與舊的記憶符號承接,結合傳統 祭典意念、音樂和色彩轉化為具生 命力舞姿,再從下一代的孩童視野 一步一步展望未來。邀請你一同靜 聽吟唱、撫摸土地、親吻南風,與 人交流,讓這片南國土地的聲音、 形狀、視角、人文以及未來,透過 眼中所見,耳所傾聽,化為心中所 感,重新體會國境之南相互交織的 精彩故事。

策展人|方序中 Curator │ Joe Fang

現職究方社 JoeFang Studio 創意總監。多次獲得金點 設計標章及德國紅點設計獎等國際獎項肯定,近年來參 與金曲獎、金鐘獎及金馬獎的視覺設計。

Creativity director of JoeFang Studio, Joe Fang has been awarded in various international design awards, including Golden Pin, Red Dot. Recently, he is also the visual designer of GBA, GMA and GHA, which are three major media awards in Taiwan.


照片提供|屏東縣政府 攝影|張國耀



From the mountain range to the ocean, from the plain to the peninsula, Pingtung boasts its proximity to mountain and ocean at the southern tip of Taiwan. In Pingtung, you will find rich and diverse cultural landscapes, natural ecologies, ethnic histories, seasonal festivals, specialties and customs. The exhibition "Our Pingtung Stories" gathered various stories as its foundation to build a stage to display a theatrical story of Pingtung. By collecting sounds, images, dancing and interactions from the local area, t h e t h e m e w a s s u r ro u n d e d with the elements of Pingtung. Starting from soothing poetry and songs, new and old symbols of memories were blended; the spirit of traditional festivals,

music, and colors were combined and transformed into lively dance; finally, the future is gradually glimpsed through the eye of the children, our next generation. Visitors were invited to listen to, touch, feel, and interact with the sound, soil, air, and people of Pingtung, and to re-experience its amazing stories through the sound, shape, view, culture, and the future of this southern land.



Simmering Fire


A city takes its time

臺南,作為四百年前島嶼繁榮的起 點,以其獨有的歷史底蘊,形塑出 有別於臺灣其他縣市的文化面貌。 這座古城依山傍海,得天獨厚的 自然風土孕育出富饒的物產及濃厚 的臺南人情。而臺南人的謙遜與踏 實,讓傳統與創新得以於此緩慢交 融、恣意創造。

2019 臺灣文博會臺南館取「文文

仔火」為概念主軸,以臺語「溫火 熬煮」之意,體現臺南人觀看時間 的方式。在實際的展出上,我們嘗 試將火的概念,延伸出「連結、烹 調、淬鍊、指引」四種面向,並疊 放在過去到未來的時間軸線上。試 圖透過「物件、聲音、影像、裝置」 四種不同載體來梳理城市與個人之 間的情感關係,邀請觀展者一同以 火來探照這座城市的記憶,找尋埋 藏在臺南時光皺褶裡的文化重量。

策展人|游智維 Curator │ Chi-Wei Yu

風尚旅行、蚯蚓文化負責人,透過旅行 設計帶入產業參訪、文化考察、環境永 續等主題,是積極推動臺灣在地深度旅 行的先驅者。

Founder of "L-instyle Boutique Travel Services" and "Join Cultural Integration." Dedicated to bringing i n d u s t r y & c u l t u ra l v i s i t s a n d environmental sustainability into travel experiences, Yu is a pioneer in promoting local in-depth travel in Taiwan.





A s t h e o r i g i n o f Ta i w a n ' s prosperity four centuries ago, Tainan boasts a unique historical background that shapes its distinctive culture, which makes it stand apart from other regions of Taiwan. This historic city is surrounded by mountain and sea, a blessing of natural environment nurturing rich specialties and warm hospitality. The humility and practicality of its people facilitate the gradual blending of tradition and innovation as well as free and unlimited creation. T h e Ta i n a n E x p o Pa r k w a s themed "Simmering Fire." This Taiwanese expression of cooking gently with a small flame echoes



with how people in Tainan are unreserved in living a composed, laid-back lifestyle. In the actual exhibition, the concept of fire was extended into the four aspects of "connection, cooking, distillation, and guidance." which were layered on the timeline that extends from the past into the future. Through four different carriers of memories ― objects, sounds, images, and artwork, this exhibition hoped to settle the relationships between the city and individuals, and invited visitors to explore memories about this city and seek the cultural weight buried inside Tainan's wrinkles of time.



茶 3.1415 Tea 3.1415


With tea as center and craft as radius, the image of culture is presented within the circumference of life. 工藝館以「茶 3.1415」為題,將 茶文化演變的時空路徑作為端點, 論述生活中的工藝百態。期望透 過茶文化的視角,引導觀者在不 同場域中,思考臺灣工藝於當代 日常的精神及價值,在不斷推演 的時代變動中,發現工藝於生活 中的文化路徑。


「 茶 3.1415」 展 區 劃 分 為「 跡 | 脈 絡 與 採 集 」、「 境 | 茶 工 藝 精 神」、「器 | 擺放與應用」、「藝 | 技藝的演進」、「匯 | 未來實驗 室」、「環 | VR 茶故事」與「論 | 過去與未來」七個類別,採集茶 的歷史脈絡,透過茶器陳列展現 出島嶼上的生活樣貌與臺式生活


美 學 觀, 並 從 陶 瓷、 玻 璃、 金 屬 三條材質軸向,呈現創作技藝的 演進。展場更規劃「茶未來實驗 室」和「VR 茶故事」,帶領觀者 探索茶的未來情境與文化路徑。

策展人|徐景亭 Curator │ Gina Hsu

東海醫院設計工作室負責人,相信「就地取材,就 是最在地」。

As the project manager of Dong Hai Hospital Design Studio, She believes that "local materials are the best for reflecting local characteristics."

協同策展人|吳孝儒 Curating Partner │ Pili Wu

PiliWu-Design(無氏製作)負責人,希望發揚臺灣 在東方設計的發言權。

Founder of PiliWu-Design. Wu's goal is promote the visibility of Taiwan's design energy in modern Eastern design.

協同策展人│盧怡安 Curating Partner │ Lu Yi-An

生活雜文作家,關心生活中美好事物,包含藝術、 飲食、旅行。

Lifestyle writer, covers all beautiful aspects in life, including art, gourmet and travel.



Centered on the theme of Culture On the Move, the Craft section presented Tea 3.1415, portraying the discourse of craft in everyday life through the evolutions of tea culture. From the perspective of tea culture, we hoped to encourage viewers to reflect on the spirit and value of Taiwan craft in everyday life through different scenarios, allowing them to discover the cultural


trajectory of craft in our lives. "Tea 3.1415" consisted of seven sections: Trace | Context and Gathering, Scene | The Essence o f Te a M a k i n g , A p p l i a n c e | Display and Arrangement, Craft | C ra f t s m a n s h i p E v o l u t i o n , Convergence | Tea Future Lab, Dadaocheng VR, and Dialogue | Tra d i t i o n a n d t h e F u t u r e, showing the historical context


of tea plucking and Taiwan's lifestyle and aesthetics through the display of tea utensils. The evolution of creative techniques was demonstrated with examples of ceramics, glass, and metal. "The Future Lab" and "Dadaocheng VR" explored tea's future and cultural trajectory.



山海廟集 大好辦桌

Top Taiwan Feast of Nature and Culture 在歡慶之間,我們品嘗豐饒物產

A celebration journey on the tongue



文化是在地的、飲食是生活的,地 方性人事物編輯出的味道,型塑 了臺灣文化的獨特樣貌。「山海廟 集,大好辦桌」這個充滿歡慶的集 合之所,集結了來自各地的品牌主 理人,他們化身總鋪師,以大好辦 桌的型態從早到晚呈現熱鬧澎湃的 廟埕風格,與大眾共享。


向記 - 爺爺的獨家料理、M PAIN Boulangerie & Pâtisserie、茶.山行、野上麵包坊、

錦霞樓 - 阿霞飯店、帕莎蒂娜國際餐飲、湯食家、和興號鮮魚湯、豆油伯、大和頓物


IBS 菩薩寺 X 維摩舍、興波咖啡、Draft Land、法朋烘焙甜點坊、好福食研室、津美 妙、慢食堂、品墨、合方創意 x 撒哈拉精釀

策展人|米力 Curator │ Milly

協同策展人|周琍敏 Curating Partner │ Jasmine Chou

Director of WARM GOODS. Milly has her own opinion of Japanese crafts and focuses on waiting for the right moment to come rather than selling products.

Curatorial consultant of HaveFun Creative Co., Ltd., former chief curator of Original Festival and Good Home Taiwan. Good at space operation and curating, Jasmine has been dedicating to promoting the artistic innovation.

「溫事」主理人,對日本工藝觀察力獨到,不急 著販售兌現而是快樂的等待機會,恰恰是米力對 生活的看法。

合方創意策展顧問,原創基地節、好家在臺灣總策展 人。擅長空間營運、藝文策展,長期推動藝術創新。




Culture is formed within life and life is formed within foods. Those details shape the unique look of Taiwan. "Top Taiwan Feast of Nature and Culture" this year used the concept of roadside banquet to present Taiwan's bustling "Miao Cheng" (temple yard) culture. When the market opened, they became chefs and served you with their best cuisine one after another, inviting you to enjoy the fascinating Taiwan.

Exhibited Brands Hsiang-Gi Food CO. LTD. │ M PAIN Boulangerie & Pâtisserie │ Max & Oia tealounge │ BOULANGERIE NOGAMI │ Jin xia restaurant asha restaurant │ PASADENA INTERNATIONAL GROUP │ Maison de la Soupe │ Ho Hsin Fish Soup │ Doyoubo lndustry CO., LTD. │ YAMATO COFFEE │ Angel Garden Leisure Farm │ Piccolo Polpo │ FU WAN CHOCOLATE │ kaiana workshop │ sa'icelen │ International Bodhisattva Sangha X Vima House │ Simple Kaffa │ Draft Land │ Le Ruban Pâtisserie │ Good Food Lab │ JMM Canteen │ TamaTama slow syokudou │ pinmo │ HAVE FUN CREATIVE X Sahara Brewing



A large forum to debate, think, and discuss about the definition of Taiwan culture.



The "Lagoon Apeiron" exhibition in School On the Move was designed as a "re-interpretation of boundary and memory of the times" to probe into Taiwan's history. The badminton court in former Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab was transformed into an open space for forums and performances, where multiple events and exhibitions were held. Visitors participated in shrimp fishing and barbecuing, as well as chitin recycling from shrimp shells.


2019 臺灣文博會推出文化大學堂 之「混水釣蝦場」特展,運用「邊 界與時代記憶的再詮釋」的行動, 同時以「混水」思維去翻轉及探究 這片土地上的歷史。特展將原本空 總內的羽球館,翻轉成兼具講座與 演出舞台的開放式場域,邀請民眾 重溫釣蝦烤蝦活動,並參與當前蝦 殼幾丁質回收之生態環境議題。

Taiwan Contemporary Culture Lab



Static Exhibition 精選國內外參與設計雙年展設 計師與前衛生物藝術家之作品, 如 Officina Corpuscoli 、 Studio Nienke Hoogvliet、Studio Marlene Huissoud 、 Studio Billie van Katwijk、the Harrison Studio、 Studio Makkink&Bey、TOO MUCH Magazine、黑潮海洋文教基金會 等,透過物質質性在創作中的轉 化,同時作為觀念上的轉變,藉設 計與藝術的角度點出未來可能的軌 跡, 透 過 平 面、 裝 置 與 文 件 呈 現 「混水中的新思」。



The exhibition displayed works from artists participating in Taipei Biennial and avant-garde bio artists, including Officina Corpuscoli, Studio Nienke Hoogvliet, Studio Marlene Huissoud, Studio Billie van Katwijk, the Harrison Studio, Studio Makkink & Bey, TOO MUCH Magazine, and Kuroshio Ocean Education Foundation. Conceptual creation and daily objects illustrated the transformation of materials to symbolize the transformation of perception. Design and art hinted at future possibilities, presenting boundless new thoughts with graphic, installation, and document artworks.


Lagoon Apeiron 兼具講座空間與演出舞台,並可讓 觀眾實際進入互動的開放式場域。 釣蝦活動除了日常消遣以外,也埋 藏著糧食發展歷程,旨在透過民 眾實際參與蝦殼幾丁質的回收過程 中,了解到新材料的發展,以及過 往的歷史將會為我們的未來指向何 方,同時呼應了靜態展中和糧食自 給與生物材料學的關聯的作品。

This was an open space for fo r u m s , p e r fo r m a n c e s , a n d visitor interaction. The shrimp fishing event was not only daily recreation but also epitomized the development of food. It allowed visitors to participate in chitin recycling from shrimp shells, thereby learning the development of new material and how our past pointed to the future. It also echoed works in the Static Exhibition on food selfsufficiency and biomaterials.

策展人|黃偉倫 Curator │ Wei-Lun (Frank) Huang

「草字頭 Double-Grass」與藝術聚落「空場 Polymer」 負責人,擅長以大膽的創意想法與細膩的展覽佈局整合 不同的參展單位,帶給觀展者獨特的感受。

The founder of event-curating organization "DoubleGrass" as well as independent art village "Polymer". Excellence in combining bold creativity with delicacy in exhibitions with different participants merging together, to deliver the unique experience for audience.

思想總監| 張鐵志

Intellectual Director | Tieh-Chih Chang

作 家、 資 深 編 輯 人、 跨 界 文 化 策 劃 人, 現 任 文 化 總 會 並 兼 任 《Fountain 新活水》總編輯。曾任香港《號外》雜誌總編輯暨聯合 出版人、《彭博商業週刊中文版》創刊總主筆、2018 年華文朗讀 節總策劃。

Tieh-chih Chang is a Taiwanese writer who writes about politics, culture and music and is currently the chief editor of a culture magazine Fountain. He has been a chief editor of City magazine in HK, chief consultant of Business Next Magazine, etc. He has involved in organizing various kinds of exhibition and festival.



Inspire our future imagination by walking through the track of the past.


Once the manufacturing and maintenance center of railway vehicles, TRW Railway Museum, the official national historic site located at the heart of Taipei was transformed into the railway museum. During the Creative Expo Taiwan, a part of the fences near Yanchang road was opened up, inviting the public to visit the historic space and imagine the future of the railway museum.


位於信義區的國定古蹟「臺北機 廠」,自 1935 年為鐵道車輛製造 與維修場域,未來將加入文化創新 廊帶。此次文博會打開鄰近菸廠路 之局部圍籬,讓大眾一覽城市中的 歷史場景,共同勾勒臺北機廠成為 國家鐵道博物館的想像。

TRW Railway Museum


「臺北機廠」自 1935 年指定作為火 車製造與維修場所,連帶鐵路沿線產 生許多產業聚落。當時空遷移,產業 聚落功能消逝後,舊鐵道則搖身成為 串連臺北城市空間記憶的軸線。近年 沿線產業空間逐步更新為文化聚落, 鐵道線也從過往產業聚落轉為明日的 文化創新廊帶,而「臺北機廠」便扮 演承續這段歷史的重要現場。此次臺 灣文博會打開鄰近菸廠路之局部圍 籬、設置瞭望臺,使臺北機廠於展期 成為市民皆可親身走訪的公共空間, 讓大眾一覽城市中的歷史「廠」景, 也共同勾勒關於臺北機廠成為國家鐵 道博物館的想像藍圖。 音樂表演 「同根生樂團」以鐵道循聲方式呼 應,詮釋出臺灣歌謠中的集體意識, 並邀請聲音藝術家許雁婷及游上毅, 融合環境聲音及電子音樂共同演出, 讓器樂與聲音在舊機廠的景觀中轉譯 歷史軌跡。 「火車進站」夜光鐵道演出 邀請在臺灣策劃過多場光環境演出的 瓦豆團隊江佶洋,以光束來象徵過去 鐵 道 的 繁 忙, 以 不 同 形 式 的 光 源 設 置,探照出未來鐵道博物館的願景, 並思考文化資產保存的各種可能。


The "Taipei Railway Workshop", was designated a site to manufacture and repair trains in 1935. Since then, industrial settlements have burgeoned along the railroad. As time goes by and the industrial settlements have died out, however, the old railroads b e cam e axis t hat link t he memories of Taipei City. In recent years, the industrial sites along the railways have gradually been renewed to become cultural settlements, while the lines have turned into cultural corridors. The "TRW", therefore, plays a key role in this transformation. For this year's Creative Expo Taiwan, parts of its fences a d j a c e n t to t h e S o n g s h a n C u l t u r a l & C r e a t i v e Pa r k were open for all citizens to visit during the time of the exhibition. It was a demonstration of what the historical workshop in a city center is like, and it invited

NEXT 鐵道博物館

the general public to outline the blueprint of a railway workshop-turned national railway museum. Music Performances T h e p e r fo r m a n c e b y "A Root" aimed to interpret the collective consciousness in Taiwan's songs. It was joined by sound artist Hsu Yen-Ting and You Shang-Yi, who brought ambient sounds and electronic music into the show. Musical instruments and sounds reinterpreted traces of history at the TRW Railway Museum. "Train Coming" Light Show Designed by Chiang Chi-Yang of WeDo Group, who had arranged various light shows in Taiwan, the light show employed light rays to symbolize the busy past of the railway. Different forms of light sources projected the future vision for the museum and reflected on the possibilities of cultural heritage preservation.

策展人|陳漢儒 Curator │ Han-ju Chen

陳漢儒建築師事務所與 BIAS 衍序規劃設計負責人,不斷透過都市 及地域性的策展操作,以空間表現手法傳遞創新思維。

Co-founder of BIAS Architects, Chen is devoted to finding new ways of thinking architecture, landscape and urban environment integrating curating and the practice of architecture.

策展人| Alessandro Martinelli Curator │ Alessandro Martinelli

投身於當代城市狀況的研究與教學遍及臺灣與世界各地,現為 BIAS Architects 衍序規劃設計協同建築師。

Alessandro Martinelli has been involved in research and didactical activities about the contemporary urban condition in Taiwan and around the world. Currently he works with BIAS Architects on architectural and curatorial projects.



Songshan Cultural & Creative Park

Centered on design and craft brands, Songshan Cultural & Creative Park is a platform of exchange for brands, buyers, and craftsmen from both Taiwan and abroad every year. This year, 330 brands from Taiwan and abroad took part this year. Multiple sections were arranged. For instance, "NEXT" was based on hotels, assembling design brands in home decoration, furniture, hotel utensils, and attracting potential buyers for further b u s i n e ss p a r t n e r s h i p s . T h e "Dainippon-ichi EXPO" section was the stage for numerous "TaiwanJapan Craftsman Workshop" events, which allowed visitors to understand the materials and techniques of Taichung's lacquer art, Yuanli's valerian weaving, Sanxia's natural dyeing, and Echizen's lacquer and ceramics, and to experience the warmth of daily life crafts. "Life! Lab" w a s c e n t e r e d o n " p ra c t i c a l and friendly aesthetics," which showcased daily life craftworks that possess qualities of usefulness, local uniqueness, and technical highlight. This section also displayed design works that are environmentally friendly, proposing a friendly-aesthetic lifestyle of the new generation.


以設計品牌為主軸的松山文創園 區,作為品牌孵化之地,每年提供 臺灣品牌與國內外買家、工藝職人 交 流 之 平 台。 今 年 共 吸 引 330 家 海內外設計品牌前來參展,主辦單 位策劃多個特色展區,如以飯店 為主題的「NEXT」展區,徵集裝 飾、家具、酒店日常用品等多領域 設計品牌共同展出,吸引不少買家 前來,促成合作可能。「大日本市 博覽會」展區則舉辦多場「臺日工 藝職人工作營」活動,藉由接觸臺 中漆藝、苑裡藺草編織、三峽天然 染、越前漆器、陶磁器等素材與技 法,重拾生活工藝的溫潤感。「Life! 研究所」以「實用美、友善美」主 題,發掘兼具實用性、地域性以及 技術特色的生活工藝品,並展示具 友善環境概念的設計商品,宣告新 時代的友善美生活方式。



SMANGUS Co., Ltd. 座落於新竹北埔的意念工房成立於 1982 年,從祖父開始奠基傳統工 藝,以細緻手工打造高品質的工藝 設計��,並與老匠師合作打造原 創性品牌,尋求傳統工藝與創新思 維結合的可能。


Smangus has been based in the mountain of Beipu, Hsinchu County since 1982. Since the time of my grandfather, we have dedicated ourselves to making high-quality furniture manually. For years, we have been unceasingly looking for the best way to combine traditional


craft and creative ideas. Smangus, as a new brand of traditional wood craft that uses natural wood as its materials and adds modern artistry to its design, is what we present now. We have created a new field of Taiwanese manual and artistic wooden furniture.


TU Furniture 布森是來自在地三十年木器工廠的 延伸,由傳統木工廠第二代凃展榕 接手,對木頭充滿熱情的他,將過 去室內設計的經驗轉化為家具作品 質感的要求,希望將這份堅持與感 動分享給和熱愛��的您!

Once a woodcraft factory for three decades, FU furniture is now headed by second-generation owner Tu Zhan-Rong, whose passion for wood and experience in interior design are transformed into the pursuit for furniture quality.





CubeeWood 開發團隊來自擁有 40

年豐富製造經驗的金佳億沙發廠。 歷 經 3 年 的 打 樣 及 測 試, 設 計 出 一套兼顧品質與舒適度,並且擁有 合理價位的創新模組化積木沙發 CubeeWood。


The CubeeWood team consists of members from KING Handmade Sofa, a manufacturer with 40 years of experience. After three years of sampling and testing, CubeeWood was born ― a comfortable, high quality, and affordable innovative sofa set that can be assembled and reassembled as building blocks.


[ bi.du.haev ] 來自臺灣的設計公司,專注開發高 質感的生活器具。「極致簡單」是 [ bi.du.haev] 設計的核心概念。單純 的素材,簡潔的設計,再加上手作 的溫度,造就了 [ bi.du.haev] 的商 品。

[ bi.du.haev ] is a design company f r o m Ta i w a n d e d i c a t e d t o producing high-quality living wares. Its core concept is "ultimate simplicity," combining simple materials and design with handmade warmth in its products.


Apipia Design Co., Ltd. APIPIA 品 牌 蘊 涵 著「 美 好 純 粹 」

之意象。以自然、純淨、啟發式的 景觀之美,內化後納入品牌之敘事 情節,循著不同層次衍生出具象形 體,開啟和諧與希望之美。

The vision of APIPIA is "Beauty and Purity," infusing natural, pure, and inspirational scenic beauty into its brand narrative and creating the beauty of harmony and hope following different layers of concrete design.




BIG GOOD DESIGN CO., LTD. 創意興業有限公司創立於 2011 年, 是一家擁有深厚技術的設計公司, 其核心價值為非凡美學、卓越工藝 以及穩定品質,結合高科技與簡約 設計風格,生產許多科技逸品。


Established in 2011, BIG GOOD DESIGN CO., LTD. is a design company with development capabilities. Combining technology with simple design, it aims to provide fine technology products of superb aesthetics, craftsmanship, and stable quality.



DACHUN 設立於西元 2014 年,主要經營的 事業為清潔用品零售業,旗下主要 品牌大春煉皂,採用大量臺灣在地 特色設計,期望送禮的同時,亦能 表達最深的祝福。

Established in 2014 as a retailer of cleaning merchandise, the main brand Dachun Soap applies Taiwan's local feature designs, hoping that customers can send their warmest regards with the products as presents.


tsit-lit tê-sū

一日茶事 tsit-lit tê-sū,是一天之內 跟茶有關的事。以傳統農村奉茶的 心意,重視環境、友善土地、深厚 情感,獻上的不只是對在地小農的 支持,更是人與土地的深情相待。

"tsit-lit tê-sū" means "everything related to tea in one day." It preserves the environment and warm emotion with the hospitality of traditional tea serving, providing support for local farmers and cherishing the connectivity between men and land.



Life! 研究所 - 友善美 Life! Lab–Beauty in Friendliness 全球暖化,異常天氣越來越頻繁, 地球正面臨著氣候變化、人口成長 以及資源有限所帶來的多重壓力。 在生物經濟背後,存在著一個更為 寬泛的概念:「友善環境 / 循環經 濟」,旨在轉變我們的生活方式, 進而減輕地球所承受的負擔。

2019 Life! 研究所以「友善美」為 題,聚集 10 家以友善環境為理念 的品牌,質感與實用性兼具的友善 環境品牌成為新興潮流,從小出現 在課本裡的「愛地球」信念正在甦 醒、發酵、成長。品牌願意投入更 高的成本、時間和心力來經營,是 因為他們每一次生產的都不只是一 個商品,而是一種理念。


As the earth faces different forms of pressure as a result of climate change, population growth, and limited resources, it is getting warmer, accompanied by more abnormal weather conditions. Behind the development of bioeconomy, a widespread idea of "environmentally friendly/ circular economy" emerges, which aims to transform our ways of living and relieve the earth's burdens. The Life! Lab of 2019 Creative Exp o Taiwan pre se nte d t he theme of "beauty in friendliness",


asse m bling 10 brands w it h environmentally friendly ideas. Environmentally friendly brands that combine fine quality and utility have emerged as the faith of "loving earth" in textbooks awakens and grows. The fact that the owners are willing to spend extra money and time and invest more effort to operate their brands is because every time they produce a product, they are not merely making a commodity but also an idea.

Life! 研究所 - 實用美 Life! Lab–Beauty in Utility 在工業化潮流席捲,瞬息萬變的時 代,生活型態的改變以及各種社會 與環境的動盪,改變了人們的價值 觀。伴隨著這樣的時代,臺灣越來 越多年輕一代的品牌,傳承前人製 作技巧,結合地方獨特材料及傳統 文化,發展出帶有當地風格的生活 器物。 不同於早期工藝品,當代生活工藝 多了商業邏輯的思考,不僅止於素 樸造型,更將機能美、獨特性、裝 飾性與設計合而為一,打造出貼近 生活用途,且能控制成本及售價之 下生產的生活工藝品。

2019 Life! 研究所 -「實用美」再 次發掘了 10 家兼具實用性、地域

性及技術特色的生活工藝品牌。生 活中的工藝是真實、親切、沒有距 離的美感經驗。精髓在於「實用之 美」,透過「使用」,美感得以成 為具體的五感體驗。

Living in a time of rapid substantial change and overwhelmed by the tide of industrialization, people have undergone a change in their way of living and all kinds of social and environmental instabilities, resulting in an evolution of value

systems. As a result, more and more emerging brands in Taiwan, inheriting their predecessors' skills, have combined unique local raw materials and traditional cultures to create utensils of local styles sufficient for daily use. Unlike early daily crafts, contemporary crafts are manufactured with a commercial thinking, which not only helps to create objects of simple appearances, but also integrates qualities such as the beauty in function, uniqueness, decorativeness, and design.

Therefore, daily crafts that meet the need of practical utility can be effectively produced with controllable cost and reasonable prices. The 2019 Life! Lab "Beauty in Utility" re-discovered 10 daily craft brands that feature utility a n d r e g i o n a l a n d te c h n i ca l characteristics. The crafts for our daily use render authentic, friendly, and intimate experiences. The essence lies in "the beauty in utility"― through the act of "using," aesthetics is transformed into concrete sense.

台日特快車 Taiwan-Japan Express

由日商 Agile Media Network 旗下 CATAPULT 購物平台為實現 台日優質製品拓展海外,與 flyingV 群眾募資聯手企劃《台日 特快車―前進日本通路大挑戰》,聯手日本大型流通零售商、 進出口物流合作,加速臺灣品牌爭取曝光機會進軍日本市場。

To expand the market for top-quality products from Taiwan and Japan, CATAPULT owned by Agile Media Network collaborated with the crowdfunding platform, flyingV, to launch the program "Taiwan-Japan Express―Into Japan's Channels," which works with large retailers and import export logistic companies in Japan to increase Taiwanese brand's opportunities of exposure in Japanese market.





以製作鋼筆起家。長期深耕台灣, 以知性、美感、流暢的精神研發產 品,並以高品質、大眾化的價格, 為廣大顧客提供優良的書寫工具。

Wen Ming, also known as SKB, is a Taiwanese stationery brand

founded in 1955. It mainly focuses on the retail sales of calligraphy supplies and paper. "Wen Ming Fountain Pen Company" was later founded for the fountain pen parts assembly and sales sector. In 1955, the company was officially renamed "Wen Ming

Fountain Pen Mfg. Co., Ltd." and ever since has been a renowned fountain pen brand in Taiwan. In the 1980s, Wen Ming developed the "SKB-SECRETARY", which gained popularity as a household brand.


The Daydreamer Studio

來 自 彈 丸 小 城 的 產 品 設 計 團 隊 - The Daydreamer Studio 以創意、簡約及趣味 為設計方向,為平凡的生活加添不平凡。

A dynamic design team based in the Orient, The Daydreamer Studio aims to color tedious life with creativity, simplicity and most importantly, with fun! It is keens to observe every tiny parts of life, and we believe a small design for your routine can create a butterfly effect to make things better and happier.



HMM 結合工匠技藝、以更動人的方法 詮釋每一件既存的器物,使之與 人 的 互 動 能 更 為 理 想 ⸺ 人、 技、法( Human - Mechanic Method ) ⸺ 為 人 而 作, 即 是 HMM 想要傳達的精神。

This is a group of design-minded people who care about how the subtleties connect objects with humans. The brand, HMM, stands for Human - Mechanic - Method. Specializing in high quality and

finely crafted coffee ware and office accessories, HMM breathes life into design and interprets these artifacts in a heartfelt way.




Youth from the Hillside:to Create a Great Era 來自屏東的山腰青年 – 部落雜工、 芮米斯和阿笛丹三個品牌。用工藝 設計和視覺設計將傳統文化現代詮 釋,跨越歷史與血統,在多元文化 的土地上開創屬於這一代青年的大 時代。

Here are three hillside youth brands from Pingtung: Buluozagong, Remix and Atitan. Using craft design and visual design to cultural transformation, they pioneer an era of this generation of youth in a land of diverse cultures.




STUDIO SMOLL CO., LTD. Studio Smoll 以環境友善與自我實

現為信念,不使用化學物質、黏膠 和縫線,在植鞣皮革原始特性的基 礎上,置入已有專利佈局的新型結 構,讓消費者藉由摺紙的方式便可 自行完成隨身配件。

Studio Smoll believes in e nv i ro n m e n t a l f r i e n d l i n e ss and self-fulfillment. Based on the natural characteristics of vegetable-tanned leather, it introduces a new assembling process, a patented special series of cuts, instead of using chemicals, adhesives, or stiches. This method, which resembles folding paper, allows customers to assemble their purchased products easily.



Sunnyrush 乘載著編藺人掌心的溫度及堅定的 理念,扎實地完成每道工序,只為 傳遞臺灣傳統工藝之美。藺子期望 透過合理的收購價格與設計加值, 提升產業競爭力,為在地創造就業 機會。

The works of Sunnyrush are infused with the warmth of rush weavers and steadfast ideal. Sunnyrush completes all the steps in the production p r o c e s s t h e h a r d w a y o n ly to pass down the beauty of traditional handcraftsmanship in Taiwan. There are currently 30 rush weavers who cooperate with Sunnyrush, and we are s t i l l a c t i v e ly s e a r c h i n g fo r more business partners. The competitiveness of the industry can be improved with reasonable purchase price and valueadded design, and more job opportunities can be created in the local community.




nozzlequiz Design Co., LTD. 提供以機動性為概念的商品,讓穿 戴者隨時能以充滿心思且不受拘束 的造型活動。 NQ 呈現新穎的紋理 與細節,提供多種搭配選擇,展現 獨立街頭風貌,挑戰生活中每個場 景與行動。

nozzle quiz aims to provide functional products, as we believe that people will not be restricted by daily activities with a thoughtful outfit. Designed for those who love to try unique apparel, nozzle quiz focuses on each product to present a distinctive texture and details. We provide plentiful choices to show the world what you choose to become, and allow you to challenge every scenario in daily life and conquer every move.


Greenroom Ideas Cooperation

Greenroom 為 2011 年成立於臺灣 的手工皮件品牌,每一件皮革作品 均採用歐洲進口天然皮革,在臺灣 總公司由專業的設計師,一件一件 親手完成。於 2016 年獲選 LV CITY GUIDE TAIPEI 代表店家。 Greenroom is a handmade leather brand established since 2011 in Taiwan. In order to promote the value of handmade products, and different from the mass production made by machine, all Greenroom products are made of natural leather imported from Europe, and are made in Taiwan's headquarters by professional designers with more than 30 or more production processes. In 2016, it was selected by LV CITY GUIDE TAIPEI as a representative store.


TOAST LIVING 生活就像一片吐司,可以很簡單, 也可以加上各式的佐料,創造出不 同的風味;設計也如同烹飪,以最 基本的元素入菜,創造出無限可能 與豐富體驗! TOAST Living 為平凡 美好的每一天致敬。

Life is like a piece of toast. You can have it either in plain simple way, or add different sauces to create plentiful flavors. Design is also like cooking; designers create enriching experiences or products from the most essential elements and ideas. Focusing on the practical aspects and the essential


elements of objects, we create great experiences and lots of fun for our users. In ordinary days,


TOAST hopes to inspire people's life with our mellow and elegant products.


Our Arts

「臺藝美學」來自臺藝大藝文產業 創新育成中心,致力協助微型文創 品牌。集結了陶瓷、皮革、刺繡、 雕塑與 IP 圖像授權媒材,提供買家 禮品、家飾品、辦公文具、個人飾 品上的選擇。

We are "Our Arts," a designintegrated brand of National

Taiwan University of Arts, which endeavors to promote aspiring local designers. Its selections consist of a variety of categories, including ceramics, leather, e m b r o i d e r y, s c u l p t u r e a n d image licensing. Buyers who are interested in houseware, gifts, office supplies and fashion

accessories could find what they are looking for here. We acts as a bridge between talented designers and professional buyers, and are sincerely looking forward to every visit and further possibilities.





魂生製器的每件器皿都會呼吸,並 且在手工堅持、全力注入靈魂淬 煉中誕生。期待你也能在這找到與 你頻率共振的一只,就像靈魂伴侶 般,一起品嚐最真切的生活本味。

HUNSHEN makes products that breathe. Every handmade ware is produced with heart and soul. It hopes to provide products that resonate with people's feelings and help savor the true essence of life.


Sanshing Four Seasons Blue & White Pottery Studio 三星四季青花瓷位於宜蘭三星純樸 的小村莊,這兒充滿人文和自然 元素,每件器皿追求獨有的樸質手 感,每個青花圖騰都有宜蘭在地故 事與意義,讓您在日常餐桌上感受 宜蘭四季之美。

Sanshing Four Seasons Blue & White Pottery Studio is located i n Y i l a n C o u n t y, S a n s h i n g Township. You can find profound culture and enjoy the nature of countryside here. Each ware is handmade to achieve a uniquely simple touch, and each pattern is embedded with Yilan's local story and meaning. You can feel the beauty of the four seasons in Yilan every day from all these tableware.



過 去未來

Hi, Story

五個博物館館藏,映照出臺灣人的 潛意識層―從潛在記憶、市井生 活、情感技藝、現代知識、到普世 價 值, 構 成 從「 生 存 到 價 值 」 ― 島民進化的殷殷追尋。我們層層走 入,淘洗過去故事與物件中,早已 蘊藏「未來生活」的線索…從過去 (history) 詮釋故事 (story),在故事 裡「發現未來」,說聲 Hi!

The collections of five museums r e f l e c t Ta i w a n e s e p e o p l e' s subconscious ― latent memory, folk life, nostalgic artistry, modern knowledge and universal values inform the islanders' evolving quest from "pursuing livelihood to forming values." Entering each layer to examine historical stories and objects, clues of "a future life" can be discovered. Interpret the stories in history, "discover the future" in them, and just say "hi!"




國立臺灣美術館 x 藝術銀行

National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts x Art Bank Taiwan

「國立臺灣美術館」是國內唯一國 家級美術館,以視覺藝術為主導, 典藏並研究臺灣現代與當代美術發 展特色;除提供各項展覽、長期與 國外美術館交流、積極參與國際性 重要展覽,並致力於多樣性的主題 特展與藝術教育推廣活動,提供民 眾多元化欣賞藝術的環境。 「藝術銀行」是由政府購買我國藝 術家作品,並以出租方式租賃作品 給政府部門、公私立法人團體或民 間企業展示於公共空間,並推廣臺 灣的藝術家,為生活創造驚喜!

"National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts" is the only nationalgrade museum in Taiwan that focuses on visual arts, collecting and researching the unique features of Taiwan's modern and


contemporary art development. In addition to organizing various exhibitions, engaging in longterm exchange and interaction with overseas fine arts museums, and actively participating in major international exhibitions, NTMoFA also strives to offer special exhibitions of diverse topics and themes, activities of art education and promotion, providing citizens an environment to appreciate art through diverse perspectives and means. " Ta i w a n A r t B a n k " c o l l e c t s works by Taiwanese artists through government procurement and leases them to government agencies, private and public organizations, and


private enterprises. Artworks are displayed in public spaces to promote local artists, and create pleasant surprises in everyday life!


Made In Yilan

中興園區歷經時代歇息,民國 103 年由宜蘭縣政府接手,透過工業遺 構的保存與活化,以文創應用、育 成扎根等再造老廠房重生新契機, 並於 106 年 7 月 22 日啟動試營運。

After the end of the operation of Zhongxing Paper Mill, the park had been left as it was until the Yilan County Government took over operation in 2014. Through the preservation and activation of the industrial heritage, the old factory building was regenerated with cultural and creative application and incubation programs, and began operation on July 22, 2017.




大日本市 臺灣博覽會

Dainippon-ichi Taiwan Expo

日本工藝揉合了講究的素材及熟練 的職人技術,在蘊含了生活養分的 風土下孕育而出日本引以為傲的製 物巧技。「大日本市博覽會」乃為 了讓更多人體認到生活周邊的工藝 並進而親近,於 2016 年發起,並 於日本全國各工藝產地陸續展開之 活動。日常生活中不易接觸的職人 工藝或製物現場,在本活動中都能 親身體驗。邁入第 4 個年度的「大 日本市博覽會」,2019 年首次跨出 日本,帶領職人們一同來到臺灣。 本次將帶來以工藝為基底,並融和 現代生活的生活道具及食品等各式 日本製物技巧。

Japanese crafts are known for their attention to materials and proficient craftsmanship, which are proudly made in a land rich in life experiences. The Dainipponichi EXPO was first launched in 2016 in Japan so that more people could understand and experience the making of life crafts, which were not easily seen in daily life. In its fourth session this year, the Expo for the first time held events outside Japan and brought craftsmen to Taiwan, showcasing Japanese craft techniques with life utensils and food.



Taiwan-Japan Craftsman Workshop

四季分明的天候造就了日本豐富的 自然環境,蘊生出各項應用天然素 材製作生活道具的工藝巧技。而臺 灣除優美的天然環境外,多元的歷 史背景,也造就了臺灣多樣化的生 活工藝技術。隨著時代腳步跟進, 這些與生活息息相關的工藝卻逐漸 成為高不可攀的存在。 為了找回熟悉的生活工藝溫潤感, 臺灣文博會特別與日本的工藝產地 再生導師「中川政七商店」跨海合 作,企劃了內容極為豐富的「臺日 工藝職人工作營」。參與民眾可接 觸到越前漆器、越前和紙、陶磁器、 臺中漆藝、苑裡藺草編織、日本郷 土玩具、三峽天然染、南投竹編等 素材與技法,跟著職人們一起創作 各種結合臺日工藝的生活道具。

Distinct seasons in Japan have contributed to its rich natural environment and nurtured craft techniques for life utensils that employ natural materials. Taiwan's natural environment and diverse historic background have also generated its rich life craft techniques. This year's Creative Expo Taiwan teamed up with Japan's Nakagawa Masashichi Shoten―renowned for its re-invigoration of local crafts― and held the "Taiwan-Japan Craftsman Workshop." Visitors could experience craft techniques including Echizen's lacquer, washi (Japanese paper), ceramics, Taichung's lacquer art, Yuanli's valerian weaving, Japan's folk toys, Sanxia's natural dyeing, and Nantou's bamboo weaving




NEXT- 飯店的生活美學 Aesthetics of Living for Hotels 2019 臺 灣 文 博 會「NEXT 展 區 」 以「HOTEL」作為企劃主軸,展現 以用戶為核心的設計思維模式。聚 集兼具設計與製作的空間設計、裝 飾、��、酒店用品等多領域的設 計品牌,共同組成跨領域的設計服 務艦隊。在生活、產業、消費環境 變化極快的今日,品牌須從設計服 務的觀點審視自我。因為,會讓消 費者或事業願意掏錢的是「符合我 想要的生活風格」。

The section "NEXT" of 2019 Creative Expo Taiwan featured "HOTEL" and presented a useroriented mode of thinking of design. Brands that integrate ability and knowledge to design g a t h e r t o d i s p l a y w o r ks o f various lines, including spatial d e s i g n , d e c o ra t i v e o b j e c t s , furniture, and hotel supplies, and together they form a cross-field

design service force. Nowadays, as swift changes are seen in life, industry, and consumer environment, and virtual and physical interfaces co-exist, brands have to self-examine from a perspective of design service, for consumers or businesses will only foot the bill for "the lifestyle that meets their needs".

眠豆腐 Sleepy Tofu

專為東方人研發的床墊專門製造所,提供 100 晚試睡服 務。眠豆腐床墊為臺灣設計製造,98 %壓倒性好評,讓 你躺一秒就不想起來!

Sleepy Tofu is an online mattress maker from Taiwan. We make premium mattress with affordable price. It ranked in the top 3 crowd-funding products in 2018.





LAJOS 透過物品與空間,詮釋人們在生活中的一切

鈑金製成的物件幾乎構成了生活,澄市設計將運用鑽 研已久的工法與美學做結合,設計出與人更為貼近的 生活器具,並賦予器具另外一種生命力與創造力。

LAJOS CO., LTD. 價值,我們需要的不是奢華,而是每一個體驗的環節 都經過細膩雕琢,難以想見的複合式工藝在此更容易 達成,使設計變得超乎想像。


LAJOS, a Taiwanese luxury homewares brand, focuses on the interpretation of emotional connections by identifying the values that improve people's lives. We aim to bring a more liberated, experimental approach to production, pushing our design work to wherever the heady heights of our expansive imaginations take us.

DOUXTEEL hopes to convey the idea that metal productions can be warm and friendly, rendering life and creativity in metal objects. Degree of warmness of the metal surface would vary as human, as life and DOUXTEEL interact with them. Douxteel was formerly a traditional sheet metal factory. Our goal is to combine our highly skilled techniques with aesthetic design.



點 睛 設 計 主 要 以 視 覺 與 產 品 設 計 服 務, 品 牌 DOTdesign 風格具多樣與豐富性,創作以生活趣味為 主。透過設計巧思,讓每位使用者的生活當中,感受 到設計的價值與魅力。

誕生於 2015 年,擅長運用壓克力、金屬與玻璃等材 質,融合簡約美學,設計出流暢而與眾不同的收納產 品。「打開雙眼,看見美好」正是目喜生活所希望傳 遞的價值觀。

Dotdesign Co., Ltd. focuses on visual and product design, providing a variety of styles and fun in life. We hope that users can find joy in our products, and feel the value and charm of design in their life.

Originally focusing on commercial spaces design, Moosy Life added the element of "home" into its products at the end of 2015. With professional product design and manufacturing experiences, we aim to achieve high quality for our products. "Open your eyes, and see beautiful things" is at the heart of our mission, brining all the beautiful things around you at home.

DOT Design

Moosy Life


設計品牌論壇 Market On the Move 松山文創園區│不只是圖書館

Songshan Cultural & Creative Park │ Not Just Library 臺灣文博會「設計品牌」展館,聚 集國內外設計工藝品牌,呈現新世 代的設計思維與創意能量。由商品 到市場,如何打造設計品牌與經營 管理?融合國際品牌專家、創意監 導、設計工作者等的實務經驗與實 用策略,將透過這兩場對談與大家 一一分享。

Design and craft brands from Taiwan and abroad gathered at the Design Brand Pavilion, demonstrating designs and creative energy of the new g e n e ra t i o n . Tw o fo r u m s o n building and managing design brands were held, where brand and creative professionals as well as designers shared their insights on these topics.


Centennial Crafts Meet Design Trends

當傳統工藝的延續因時代變化和新的市場產生隔閡,聽日本品牌專家、設計工作者,如何透過設計、 包裝、思考等,以新的溝通模式將傳統工藝再現市場,建立全新的品牌形象。 主講: 中川政七商店執行長 千石あや│漆琳堂第八代傳人 內田徹│中川政七商店買手及創意監導專 家 山田遊│新旺集瓷營運長 許世鋼

How does traditional crafts adapt to new markets? Brand professionals and designers from Japan shared their experience in building new brand images, succeeding in market through design, remaking, and concepts. Speaker:Sengoku Aya, CEO of Nakagawa Masashichi Shoten │ Uchida Tooru, 8th-Generation Successor of Shitsurindo │ Yamada Yu, Buyer and Creative Consultant of Nakagawa Masashichi Shoten │ Steve Shu, CEO of The Shu's Pottery




Design Market of Tomorrow 當設計成為顯學與一門生意,設計創作者們除了將創作能量表現於商品,透過社群媒體等網路資源宣傳販售的同時, 還有那些能善用的資源?從資金、法規到電子商務,看起來離設計很遠,卻與每個渴望以設計為業的你息息相關! 引言:Pinkoi 共同創辦人兼執行長 顏君庭 主講:文化內容策進院籌備小組主任 李智仁 博士|波蘭指標電商市場及國際事業處長 Michal Iwanciw

When design becomes business, what resources are available to designers besides promoting and selling works on the Internet? Costs, regulations, and e-commerce may seem far away from design. Yet, they are closely related to anyone aspiring to become a design professional. Opening Remark:Peter Yen, Co-Founder/ CEO of Pinkoi Speaker:Dr. Louis C.J. Lee │ Michal Iwanciw, Market Director of Allegroo




圖像授權館以創意思維為主軸,結 合 文 化、 潮 流、 生 活 為 題 材, 更 以不同的授權商業模式創造合作可 能。展館涵蓋「原創角色」、「插 畫應用」及「年度新銳」三大主題, 以 及「 限 定 扭 蛋 牆 」、「IP 聯 名 輕食區」、「Talent 100 Moves」 與「時尚與插畫特展」企劃展區, 更 舉 辦 舉 辦 授 權 論 壇 IP On the Move,成為臺灣授權業界不可錯 過的年度盛事!

Fair On the Move ― Licensing centered on creative thinking, i n c o r p o ra t i n g t h e m e s s u c h as culture, trends and life to explore the possible modes of commercial collaboration made possible through licensing. The exhibition included three main themes that were "Characters," "Illustration & Design" and "Talent 100," with special sections, such as "Gashapon," "Food Court," "Talent 100 Moves," "Fashion x Illustration Themed Exhibition" and "IP On the Move Licensing Forum," making the exhibition one of the greatest celebrations for the licensing industry in Taiwan.

Taipei Expo Park-Expo Dome



INDOT IMAGE CO., LTD. 定位為原創角色 IP 的發展管理、經營及 IP 授權推廣,以扶植臺灣優質原創插畫為目 標,現已代理微疼、米粒大叔、毛毛蟲、超 直白、賤女奈奈、黑盒子、老闆這魚、熊秋 葵、阿蕉、天天好事、吃到飽阿飽、小黃間、 8 元哥等 13 位臺灣圖文原創作家。今年度於 文博會首度合作臺灣爵士樂創作角色動畫, 更推出角色結合科技應用的新玩法,周末帶 來不間斷的插畫家見面會。

Indot Image focuses on IP management and licensing of original characters and aims to promote Taiwan's original illustrations. It is the agency for thirteen Taiwanese illustrators, including Wei Teng, RiceMan, Indot, Chao Zhi Bai, Fanco, Recorder, LaoBanZheYu, BearJoke, BaNAna, Tian Tian Hao Shi, All Cant Eat, Little yellow studio, and eightyen. At this year's Expo, it combined Taiwan's jazz music and technology with character creation, and hosted illustrator's meeting sessions on the weekend.


GOODSUNDAY Cultural & Creative Industries 主日文創為原創和孕育品牌的經 紀,代理可愛法鬥的「Ghost Shop x 鬼 畫 福 」、 花 卉 創 作「Meow Illustration」、南一書局自創角色 「KIDO 家族」,以風格迥異的三個 品牌吸引不同粉絲群眾前來參觀。

GOODSUNDAY is an agency for Ghost Shop, Meow Illustration, and KIDO illustration. At the Expo, it attracted different groups of fans for these distinct brands.




BEERU 臺灣吧致力於推出兼具資訊與娛樂性 的數位內容,引發網路世代觀眾對於 不同知識與議題的興趣,頻道除創造 數百萬人次觀看外,亦催生如「黑啤 與啤下組織」等角色 IP,並轉化成 令粉絲瘋狂的周邊商品。黑啤是隻愛 吃、充滿好奇心的臺灣黑熊,喜歡聽 故事,也喜歡跟大家分享有趣的事。

Taiwan Bar is devoted to producing informative and entertaining digital contents and aims to inspire interest in the Internet generation for various knowledge domains and topics. Its YouTube channel has accumulated over millions of viewers. Its original character, Beeru and his friends, are successful character IP examples. Beeru is a Taiwan bear with a good appetite and immense curiosity. H e l o v e s s to r i e s a n d s h a r i n g interesting things with all.


A Little Monsters 自思創造為了創造更多生活中的有 趣體驗而存在,透過策展努力讓生 活變得更好玩,同時希望能協助企 業品牌設計有趣的服務體驗,帶來 有感的策展行銷。創造圓滾滾的身 軀帶著一臉厭世神情的怪物-「阿 尼斯特」誠實君,將角色與策展結 合,擄獲大家的目光!

Selfthink aims to create fun experiences in life through curating exhibitions and designing engaging services for businesses as effective marketing campaigns. "A little monsters," an original character with a plump body and a dejected face, attracted much attention from visitors.



PARTNER TOY TRADING CO. 擁有玩具夢想的三個大孩子集結 在 一 塊, 品 牌 初 衷:「 藉 由 將 創 作製作成扭蛋玩具,讓全世界更 認識臺灣 IP」。首次參展更與知 名 IP「 當 我 們 ㄍ ㄡ ˇ 在 一 起 Dog Together」 聯手推出臺灣文博會 限定款扭蛋「金蔥版達磨動物」, 每天扭爆現場!

Founded by 3 people with toy dreams, Partner Toy hopes to introduce Taiwan's IP to the world by making characters into gashapon. It participated in the Expo for the first time and released Expo-only gashapon "Golden Daruma Animals" together with renowned IP brand "Dog Together."


Jiihao Life and Culture Development Inc. 創辦於 2015 年底,同年即成為韓國 Sticky Monster Lab 臺灣代理,並積極拓展亞洲 各國 IP 品牌,運用過往資源及經驗,陸 續打造各式聯名合作及活動,也代理臺灣 品牌「醜醜動物園」、「李翰」、泰國人 氣 角 色「Warbie Yama」、「3Land」、 以及「Peter Jensen」、「不可思議的貓 世 界 」、「Pimpa 貓 臉 少 女 」、「AVO Friends」、「狐獴大叔」等國際角色。

Founded in 2015, Jiihao became the agency for Korea's Sticky Monster Lab in Taiwan in the same year and continues to expand business in IP brands in Asia. It is also the agency for Ugly Zoo and Lee Han in Taiwan, Warbie Yama and 3Land in Thailand, and other international characters, including Peter Jensen, Strange World of Cats, Pimpa, AVO Friends, and Meerkat ojisan.





2004 年迷母以創意發展為核心誕生,14

年來致力於肖像角色經營,開發自有角色 與其延伸相關授權、商品、社群經營及設 計服務等。所經營的角色 Kuroro 為最佳 臺日大使,與 TV TOKYO 東京電視台旗下 角色忍者熊首度於文博合作展出。

MEMES was founded in 2004 and has been devoted to the management of IP characters for 14 years, providing services of licensing, merchandizing, social marketing, and design of its own characters. Its character Kuroro was joined by Ninja Bear of TV Tokyo for the first time at the Expo.



Hello Kitty 45 周年!帶著三麗鷗的 朋友們一起展出,分別是 45 周年 專區、投票區、聯名展出區、拍照 區和商品區,最吸引目光的是即將 推出戽斗星球聯名!三麗鷗的大明 星一個個都長出大大的戽斗,超級 KUSO ! Hello Kitty celebrated her 45th birthday this year along with friends at Sanrio. The exhibition was divided into 5 sections, and the most notable part was the collaboration with Shakurel Planet: Sanrio characters with long jaws were a comical sight to look at.


LINE 原創市集 LINE Creators Market 今年 LINE 原創市集以「夢想成真」 為主軸,史無前例邀集 50 位人氣 貼圖明星共同歡慶 LINE 原創市集 五週年,不僅準備讓所有和 LINE 一起成長的創作者分享歡樂及創作 經驗外,也提供人氣潛力創作者一 個夢想舞台。這次 50 位名人堂得 主中,有受粉絲狂愛的重磅級貼圖 明星「白爛貓」和其作者麻糬爸愛


亂 畫, 以 及 各 種 療 癒 萌 系、 動 物 系、文青系或惡搞醜怪系等眾多本 土、海外卡通動漫角色創作者陣容 一同參加。

Based on the theme of "Dreams C o m e Tr u e," L I N E C r e a t o r s Market invited 50 popular sticker characters to celebrate its 5 th


anniversary. It was an occasion where creators shared their ex p e r i e n c e s a n d s o u g h t t o realize their dreams. Attending characters included Lan Lan Cat and its creator Mochi Dad, as well as creators of cartoon characters from Taiwan and abroad of various styles.


集客玩媒合文創 有限公司

Jioke Creative Marketing Co., Ltd. 集客玩從文創跨足行銷與媒體整合 服務,不只公仔設計量產、品牌操 作曝光、媒合異業結盟,更承辦策 劃大小活動、行銷資源分享整合, 擅長將好的 IP 商化,目前有這群 人、黃阿瑪的後宮生活、連環泡有 三寶等多位知名網紅產品化。

Jioke provides marketing and integrated media services for cultural and creative brands, including mass production of action figures, branding, crossindustry collaboration, and event curating. It has successfully commercialized Internet celebrities including TGOP, Fumeancats, and Corgimango.

映雲科技 股份有限公司


Fandora Shop 為全臺最大角色周邊 商品電商平台,與國內外超過 2000 位知名 IP 共同推出周邊商品,營

業額突破一億銷售額,為少數具備 「商品開發」、「網路行銷」、「線 上通路」的授權品牌商。

Fandora Shop is Taiwan's largest e-commerce platform for IP products in collaboration with over 2000 IP owners from Taiwan and abroad, earning over 100 million NTD in annual revenue. It is one of the few licensing brands adept in merchandise development, online marketing, and online channel.




EXTRA BLEND Inc. 獨家授權代理來自歐美新興活躍的 插畫家與設計師,致力提供完善的 創意整合服務,包含商業廣告、圖 像插畫設計、商品授權開發,達到 創意與商業跨領域結合。

Extra Blend is the exclusive agency for trending illustrators and designers in Europe and the United States, providing integrated creative servi c es i nc l ud i ng advertising, illustration design, and IP licensing.


MACAO ILLUSTRATORS ASSOCIATION 以提升澳門插畫業界專業水平為宗 旨,發掘及培養本地插畫人才,在 文化與商業範疇發揮其專長,積極 推動兩岸四地及海外插畫業界合作 及交流,推廣澳門插畫。

The Association aims to promote professionalism of illustration in Macao and cultivate local talents to excel in cultural and commercial areas. It also sponsors the collaboration of illustrators in Macao, Hong Kong, Taiwan, China, and from the international community.


Plantica Plantica 為花藝家木村貴史所創立 的花藝設計團隊,其創作之 200 多

種花卉圖案受到眾多品牌喜愛,亦 有許多聯名商品或空間設計的合 作, 如 LUMINE 百 貨、 星 巴 克、 資生堂、Kitty、華歌爾、PUMA、 CONVERSE 與 Vivaenne Tam 皆 為 合作對象。今年首度與連鎖咖啡品 牌「Cama」合作,正式進入臺灣 市場!

Plantica is a floral design team founded by Takashi Kimura. It has created over 200 floral images and collaborated with various brands in products or space design, including LUMINE, Starbucks, Shiseido, Kitty, Wacoal, PUMA, CONVERSE, and Vivaenne Tam. Its collaboration with Cama Café this year marked its official entry into the Taiwan market.

日藥本舖 股份有限公司


ECONECO 是日藥本舖代理的插畫

品牌,由日本插畫家繪子貓所繪製 的成熟可愛主題,在日本廣受粉絲 喜愛,有著動物的浪漫幻想世界。

ECONECO is an illustration brand represented by JPMED. Its mature and lovely style portraying the romantic fantasy world of animals is well received in the Japan market.



華研國際音樂 股份有限公司

HIM International Music Inc. 2019 年印花樂攜手擅長操作文創經紀的 「華研國際」,正式推出「印花授權」服 務!印花樂成立十年來,累積了許多印花 圖案,印花授權的對象廣泛,如經典家電 品牌、生活用品、服裝、空間、食品…都 能應用印花樂的圖案,增添產品本身的文 化意涵與話題性。

In 2019, inBloom collaborated with HIM International and launched licensing services for its printed patterns. Throughout the decade, inBloom has developed numerous printed patterns, and the scope of its licensing services is broad, including home appliances, life utensils, apparel, space design, food, etc., adding cultural depth and charm to the products.


QUEMOLICA Co., Ltd. QUEMOLICA 是 Quemoy(金門) 與 Majolica( 馬 約 利 卡 彩 磁 ) 的 複合字,中文為捲毛力卡。品牌 於 2014 年進行馬約利卡採集、分 類與紀錄,重新詮釋這些細膩圖 紋,開發成生活實用小物,沿續 最初的美感。 The brand name QUEMOLICA comes from the combination of Quemoy and Majolica. It began the gathering, categorization and recording of Majolica tiles in 2014, and developed useful life utensils using these intricate patterns.


TALENT 100 視覺化圖像在網路世代已經成了 主流溝通方式,社群媒體蓬勃發 展帶來了前所未有的即時發表舞 台。年年創造排隊人潮的人氣展區 「Talent 100」,今年再度透過徵 選及媒體、公協會團體推薦,匯集 國內外 100 位網路極具人氣的新銳 創作者,跨越插畫、漫畫、動畫、 印花設計、公仔五個授權類別,呈 現亞洲最具思考力的創作舞台。


Visual images have become a mainstream means of communication in the age of the Internet. The flourishing social media has given rise to a stage for real-time displays never seen before. For the popular exhibition "Talent 100", which attracts queues of visitors each year, 100 cutting-edge, profoundly beloved domestic and foreign


creators were either selected or recommended by media or public associations to present their work. There were 5 licensing sections – illustration, manga, animation, printed pattern, and figurines – and they presented the most fascinating display of talent from the world.

Sakubo Sakubo 是來自韓國的藝術家,他 筆下的創作角色 ZUNBO 是溪流裡 的一顆小鵝卵石。某天 ZUNBO 感 受到了水流的拉引,於是決定探出 水面,展開探索大自然的旅程。願 我與你同在,ZUNBO !

Sakubo is the artist from Korea. He created the character ZUNBO, which was a small pebble in the stream. Someday ZUNBO felt some flow from back. ZUNBO came out from the stream, and decided to start his own journey to mother nature. Empathize with you, ZUNBO.


Weien Lee 創作風格為寫實主義,藉以探討社 會議題,透過不同視角的創作引起 大眾對於社會的反思。今年臺灣文 博會帶來最新創作《標本小書們》, 是一本與倫敦大學學院附設標本博 物館合作的作品,以袖珍規格製 作,帶點英國十九世紀精裝書籍風 格,並選用明亮的單色繪製,讓標 本技法不再只是冰冷的想像,用俏 皮、友善且仍帶有古典的插畫風格 傳遞生命本有之美。

Weien Lee is a full-time visual artist whose realist work examines social issues and i n s p i re s re f l e c t i o n t h ro u g h unconventional perspectives. Her latest creation, Little Books of Specimens, is a collaboration work with Grant Museum of

Zoology in London. Made in miniature size, the work is reminiscent of 19th-century hardcover books in Britain. Bright monochromes of playful, friendly, and classical style transform specimen techniques from mere cold speculation into images portraying the innate beauty of life.

TALENT 100 101

怪奇事物所 Incrediville 「有些怪,是我們都很喜歡、也 很羨慕的怪。在我眼中,它隻身 對抗著平庸的無聊,時時刻刻提 醒沉浮於汲營的我們:生活總是 能找到一些有意思的事。」臺灣 首位以插畫介紹冷知識的創作團 隊,週邊商品於 2019 臺灣文博會 首次獨家曝光販賣!

There are some types of eccentricity that we are all very fond of and jealous of. To me, eccentricity fights banality by itself, reminding us, who are trapped in a daily rat-race, that there is always something interesting in life." The tie-ins

of the works designed by this first group of artists that depicts trivia via illustrations to readers will make their debut in 2019 Creative Expo Taiwan.

The creator of Taipei MRT's "Design station" theme in 2016 a n d t h e d i r e c t o r o f AU D, a next-generation design brand of illustration, Ryan Lin has returned with Uncle Tommy. This time, Uncle Tommy becomes the "Adventurer of Humorous Forest" and embarks on an expedition

to H u m o ro u s Fo re s t o n h i s own. Despite the fierce animals that chase and attack him and all sorts of ridiculous events, Uncle Tommy will still be able to overcome the challenges with his sense of humor.

鬍子大叔 AUD 曾經操刀 2016 年臺北捷運「設計 進站」的插畫設計,新生代插畫 設計品牌「AUD」主理人林志恆, 帶著這位捷運鬍子大叔回歸。於文 博會中,鬍子大叔化身「幽默森林 冒險家」,獨自前往幽默森林中探 險,旅途上將遇到猛獸追擊與荒妙 囧事,即便如此大叔還是能用幽默 來化解各種挑戰。



Moons 今年首度參展的盧森堡網頁與平面 設計師 Irina Moons,在閒暇之餘也 創作大量的網版印刷與插畫作品。 Moons 在今年臺灣文博會以枕頭設 計獲得文創精品獎的肯定。「這個 作品是關於別遺失你的枕頭」,她 笑著說。「你總是可以認出你的枕

頭,因為從它的圖案就知道兩個枕 頭是一男一女。或者有些人也可以 是兩個枕頭都是男生或女生的圖案 啦。」

Taking part in 2019 Creative Expo Taiwan for the first time, Irina Moons is a Luxembourgish web designer and graphic design by profession, but in her spare time

does lots of screen printing and illustration. The artist picked up a Creative Expo Taiwan award this year for her pillow designs (above). "It's about not losing your pillow," she laughs. "You can always recognize your pillow because of the boy and the girl. Or you can have two boys or two girls on both of your pillows."

TALENT 100 103

Talent 100 Moves 今 年 圖 像 授 權 館 特 別 與「 黑 青 」 團 隊 共 同 策 劃「Talent 100 Moves」,邀請創作新銳以「地方 文化」為題,並以臺灣「淡蘭古道」 孕育的稀有蕨類活化石「雙扇蕨」 為載體創作。展場的創作圖像以平 面和 AR 擴增實境展出,只要透過 黑青 APP,便能與 100 種特色雙 扇蕨互動嬉戲,呼應今年文博會主 題「Culture On the Move 文 化 動 動動」-文化從來不是靜止,而是


This year's Talent 100 Moves was a collaboration between "Fair On the Move ― Design" and "Black and Blue Cosmos." Emerging artists were invited to create artworks based on the theme of "local culture" while incorporating the image of "Coupled Dipteris," a living

fossil found along the TamsuiKavalan Trails. The artwork display combined images and AR technology. An APP developed by Black and Blue Cosmos allowed interactions with a hundred types of ferns in the Coupled Dipteris family, echoing "Culture on the Move" and conveying the dynamics of culture that is always evolving and expanding.

限定扭蛋牆 Gashapon IP 授權怎麼玩?臺灣文博會圖像

授權展區將再次掀起扭蛋風潮,今 年擴大辦理邀集超過 70 家國內授 權品牌、海外經典角色、新銳創作 家,共同參與「文博限定扭蛋區」, 將虛擬圖像、原創角色轉化為具有 收藏價值的扭蛋小物。


How to be creative in IP licensing? The Creative Expo Taiwan brought visitors a wave of gashapon in Fair On the Move― Licensing, inviting more than 70 licensing brands, oversea classic characters and emerging


artists to take part in Gashapon, where images and characters were converted into Gashapon collectibles.

IP 聯名輕食區 Food Court 鼓勵 IP 角色與食品業者跨界聯名, 展現授權商業模式,同時為展區增 添活潑性,以最直接的方式展現圖 像 IP 無所不在的渲染力,使 IP 離 生活更近。

The Food Court encouraged crossovers of IP characters and food brands to show a different models of commercial licensing and added liveliness to the

exhibition, demonstrating the power of licensing images and bringing it close to life in the most straightforward way.

「Fashion x Illustration 時尚與插畫」 特展

Fashion x Illustration Themed Exhibition 台北時尚新創中心與臺灣文博會首 次推動國內時尚新銳品牌與新銳 插畫家合作,透過插畫元素進入時 裝 設 計, 跨 界 運 用, 激 盪 創 作 火 花,其中更推出與今年臺灣文博會 嚴 選 的 Talent 100 新 銳 設 計 師 合 作。「SHOUSHOU」 與 兒 童 繪 本 插畫師張筱琦,運用色彩翻玩印 花;「YIBO」 與 藉 由 筆 觸 探 索 世 界 OUNCE Studio,使用絹印手法 讓插畫創作躍然衣料之上。見文化 之間,界限漸步消融,時尚設計與

藝術插畫也經由對話碰撞,顛覆框 架,再度活躍。

For the first time, Fashion Taipei and the Creative Expo Taiwan brought together Taiwanese fashion brands and emerging illustration artists, combining both industries with creative crossovers while featuring emerging designers showcased in Talent 100. SHOUSHOU collaborated

with children's book illustration artist Chang Hsiao-Chi to reveal a creative approach to colorful prints. YIBO collaborated with OUNCE Studio that explores the world with the brush to incorporate silk print of illustrations in clothing. As cultural boundaries dissolve, fashion design and illustrations create new dialogues, subverting the pre-existing frameworks and introducing new creative energies.


圖像授權論壇 IP On the Move 花博公園爭艷館│活動舞台區

Taipei Expo Park- Expo Dome │ Stage

根據國際授權產業協會 (LIMA) 統 計,每年全球 IP 授權相關產值高達 2700 億美元!泛娛樂內容的角色圖 像授權相關產業,儼然成為新時代 經濟顯學。本次邀請到國內外 IP 操 作專家分享策略及經營,齊聚探討 IP 的 現 在 及 未 來 式 -「IP On the Move」。

L I M A' s s t a t i s t i c a l n u m b e r s showed that the annual market size for global IP licensing industries exceeded 270 billion USD, indicating the importance of image licensing and related industries of pan-entertainment. The forum invited IP professionals from Taiwan and abroad to share experience and strategies on IP management.


Long-term Character Management Strategies 在 IP 能量爆發時代,掌握全球授權趨勢是每位 IP 操作家必備要素,從國際趨勢觀察開始,將這一波 圖像授權風潮轉化為角色經營策略,運用創新概念創造歷久彌新的經典角色。 引言:影響行銷管理顧問股份有限公司董事長 張若瑩 主講:國際授權業協會 (LIMA) 全球業務部經理 Sharon Ann Weisman |臺灣迪士尼產品開發設計副理 徐崇展

Keeping up with global licensing trends is crucial for IP management. This topic discussed how image licensing trends are transformed into character management strategies, and how classic characters are created with innovation. Opening Remark:Wendy Chang, CEO of Impact Licensing Marketing Management Consulting Co., Ltd. Speaker : Sharon Ann Weisman, VP Global Business Development of Licensing Industry Merchandisers' Association │ Dan Hsu, Creative Assistant Manager of The Walt Disney Company (Taiwan) Ltd.



IP 經營要跟上潮流! IP Management Up-To-Date 圖像授權經濟顯學與自媒體時代下,明星 IP 熱潮如何延續,從行銷手法、推廣策略、話題操作等面向, 解析當紅 IP 操作 know-how 與關鍵。 引言:遊戲橘子品牌總監 陳秉良 主講:一間宇宙 ( 北京 ) 文化有限公司 共同創辦人敖子睿|簡訊設計 共同創辦人 張志祺

This topic discussed how to sustain the trend of celebrity IP and analyzed the know-how and key factors for successful IP cases from aspects of marketing strategies and trend management. Opening Remark:Ahbin (Eric Chen), Branding Director of Gamania Brand Center Speaker:Zirui Ao, Partner of YIJIANYUZHOU (Beijing) Culture Co., Ltd. │ Chih-Chyi Chang, CoFounder of Simpleinfo



調文化的動態性,透過與臺北舊鐵 道線串聯,打造「文化創新廊帶」 共吸引 25 國家 / 地區、超過 570 家廠商參展、預估達到 35 萬參觀 人次。分別以「演變舞台、編輯地 方、博覽會、文化大學堂、NEXT 鐵道博物館」議題呈現,規模突破 以往,展場規模延伸至 5 大展區、 共有 21 個展館、舉辦超過 300 場 活動、逾 570 家國內外品牌齊聚, 更動員 200 位表演藝術者,為各界 貴賓、媒體、業者、買家、民眾等 不同族群精心安排文創精品獎、展 前記者會、開幕典禮、買家之夜、 Talent's Night、VIP 之夜等活動, 展現臺灣當代文化活力!

Event Highlight

The theme of the 2019 Creative Expo Taiwan was "Culture On the Move," which highlighted the dynamics of culture. Connecting Taipei's historic railway lines, the "Cultural Corridor" attracted over 570 businesses from 25 countries / regions and 350,000 visitors. Five main topics of the Expo included: Stage On the Move, Places On the Move, Fair on the Move, School On the Move, and Infrastructure On the Move. The scale also expanded to include five exhibition venues and 21 exhibition pavilions. Over 300 events were hosted, over 570 brands from Taiwan and abroad gathered, and a total of 200 performers were invited. Various events were hosted for VIP guests, media, brands, buyers and public, including Cultural & Creative Award, Pre-Expo Press Conference, Opening Ceremony, Buyer's Night, Talent's Night and VIP Night, to present the vitality of contemporary Taiwanese culture.


2019 臺灣文博會主題為「Culture On the Move―文化動動動」,強



Cultural & Creative Award 2019


文創精品獎是 2010 年首屆臺 灣文博會創設之獎項,今年已 邁入第九年,旨在透過評選優 秀作品提升臺灣文創產業能 量,拔擢優秀創意人才並鼓勵 企 業 重 視 研 發 創 新。 評 選 邀 請具國際趨勢觀點之評選團, 於評審現場精選出 2019 臺灣 文博會最具深度內涵與創新 趨勢的 30 件作品。評選標準 包 括 文 化 涵 養 運 用、 對 生 活 型態影響的文化性、原創性、 質材運用、時尚風格及實用性 等創新性,以及未來拓展商機 的市場性。 今 年 共 收 到 617 件 來 自 臺 灣 文博會的參展作品,相較於去 年成長 13 %,報名廠商共計 331 家, 較 去 年 成 長 12 %, 經初選後,僅 60 件作品進入 決審,最後 30 件脫穎而出, 其中 5 件作品獲得「年度最佳 文創精品獎」殊榮,並於 4 月 25 日 於 S Hotel 舉 辦 頒 獎 茶 敘及得獎作品展示。

The Cultural & Creative Award was initiated at the first Creative Expo Taiwan in 2010, and is now in its ninth session. By selecting works of excellence, it aims to enhance the energy f o r Ta i w a n ' s c u l t u r a l and creative industries, encourage outstanding creative talents, and motivate businesses towards research and innovation. A review committee consisting of professionals in international trends participated in the review process at the exhibition venue, and selected 30 works that excel in expressive depth and innovative trend for t h e 2 0 1 9 C re a t i v e Ex p o Taiwan. Criteria for the review included: application of cultural depth, cultural

impact on lifestyle, originality, use of materials, innovations in fashion and practicality, and market potential for future business development. A total of 617 works exhibited at Creative Expo Taiwan were submitted for the award, a 13% growth than last year. A total of 331 businesses registered for the award, marking a 12% growth. After the first round of review, only 60 works were selected for the final review, of which 30 were chosen as winners. Five of them were granted the "Cultural & Creative Award of the Year." The award ceremony and exhibition of chosen works took place on April 25th at S Hotel.



陳儀芳委員│誠品生活通路發展事業群經理 陳俊良委員|自由落體設計董事長 汪麗琴│未來式主席 坪井信邦│ 100 percent Inc. CEO 圖像原創類

張若瑩│影響行銷管理顧問公司董事長 張嘉倫│基礎創意總監 Sharon Ann Weisman |國際授權業協會 (LIMA) 全球業務部經理

Product Design

Original Image

Wendy Chang │ President / CEO, Impact Licensing Marketing Management Consulting Co., Ltd. Mark Chang │ Director, Phalanx Creative & Design Co., Ltd. Sharon Ann Weisman | VP, LIMA Global Business Development


Becky Chen │ Sr. Assistant Manager, Eslite Spectrum Store Development Jun-Liang Chen │ CEO, Freeimage Design Grace Wang │ President, Que Sera Sera NOBUKUNI TSUBOI │ CEO, 100 percent Inc.



Best Cultural & Creative Award



2 3


1. TIPA 茶器組合 臻藏版 / TIPA tea set – Deluxe 幸福鍵有限公司 / HappinessKey Co. Ltd. 2. 咖啡勺 / Coffee Spoon 益成金屬工業有限公司 / Dicas Metal Co., Ltd. 3. 「旋動」翡翠戒指 / Swirl Jade Ring Playback Concept Limited


4. 掰掰,我的地球朋友 / Bye Bye, Friends 張元綺 / YuanChi 5. 迷路 / Get Lost 施暖暖 / Noir Noir SHIH


Carpenter Brother & Sister Technology Co., Ltd. 02. 被晒透的時光茶几組 Sunlit Nostalgic Coffee Table Sets 康克貿易

Kang Ke Trading Co., Ltd. 03. 復古打字機 - 客製化鉛字印章 Typewriter-Customizable Stamper 清流文創有限公司

STORY ACCESSORY 04. 旋 ( 立鐘 ) Swirl Clock


Dr. Color Ltd., Co.


01. 漢堡杯墊 Hamburg Coaster

05. 潔顏系列 Facial Soap


Mu Springs Creation Co., Ltd. 06. HANG-ON TEN STATIONERY LIMITED 07. Miniware 天然寶貝兒童學習餐具 新生寶寶入門組

Miniware First Bites Set 狀聲詞有限公司


08. Zenlet 工具卡 ( 銀色 ) Zenlet Tool Card (silver color) 禪與徠特有限公司

ZENLET Co., Ltd.









Cultural & Creative Award



09. 飛鳥 - 海鷗 Mobile Bird – Seagull 江口股份有限公司

eguchi toys

10. 磨石鐘 _20 Terrazzo Clock_20 樺晨燈飾行

Huà chén lighting 11. HMM 版夾 HMM Clipboard


Kiwico Corporation

12. CubeeWood 魔術積木沙發 CubeeWood 金佳億沙發有限公司










Cultural & Creative Award


13. 生命中不能承受之輕立燈 The Unbearable Lightness of Life Floor Lamp 康克貿易

Kang Ke Trading Co., Ltd. 14. 編織手機包 Woven Iphone Sling 嘎瑪魯岸有限公司


15. 古早味菠蘿零錢包 Taiwanese Traditional Bread Wallet 包包羊毛氈企業社

BaoBao Felt company

16. 月涼如水盤 Shimmer Platter 澄市有限公司

Cen shi Co., Ltd.

18. 本革面紙盒 Deluxe Tissue Box Deluxe 後台集創有限公司

Greenroom Ideas Cooperation 19. 蛋定人生 雨傘 遮陽傘 Shock MaMa Eggheads Umbrella, Beach Umbrella, Foldable Umbrella 林佳慧 CHIAHUI LIN 20. No Woman No Cry Irina Moons 21. Nut So Mond'Ster Tomogram Studio


17. 澄市下午茶組 Afternoon Tea Set 澄市有限公司 Cen shi Co., Ltd.

22. 二十四節氣 Twenty-four Solar Terms 吾空空 wukongkong 23. 獨角獸瑪尼 Unicorn Mani


Flit Visual Arts Corp., Ltd. 24. 一株草 A Grass 一球 Ino Lai

25. 2019 花大鼻三角桌曆 為自己驕傲 ! 為自己喝采 Huadabii's 2019 Triangle Table Calendar 黃玟菁 Huang Wen Jing










Cultural & Creative Award



Pre-Expo Press Conference

The Pre-Expo Press Conference was held at Huashan 1914 Creative Park on April 17 th . A video showing the inside of the TRW Railway Museum took the viewers on a tour to the past of the century-old railway. It also echoed the theme of "cultural corridor" for this year's Expo, as the exhibition venues connected five historic industrial spaces along the railway. Passing on the spirit of cultural concept curation, general consultant Wei-Hsiung Chan and general curator ChenJung Liu assembled creative talents from fields of design, performance art, and music, aiming to generate a whole new perspective of Taiwanese culture through cross-discipline interactions of creative energy. In the press conference, Minister of Culture Li-Chiun Cheng and representatives of the hubs of cultural corridor waved a giant flag together to warm up for the Expo.


展 前 記 者 會 於 4/17( 三 ) 在 華 山 1914 文創園區舉行,透過臺北機 廠內部景觀播放,搶先一睹百年鐵 道線的歷史軌跡,同時呼應今年臺 灣文博會沿著舊鐵道廊帶串聯五個 產業歷史空間,打造成「文化創新 廊帶」之主題。今年臺灣文博會將 持續深化文化概念策展,由策展總 顧問詹偉雄、策展人劉真蓉領軍, 號召來自設計、表演藝術、音樂界 等跨領域的創意人共同參與,試圖 透過跨領域創意能量的交流激盪, 開創臺灣文化的全新視野。本次記 者會中,由文化部長鄭麗君、文化 創新廊帶各據點及策展團隊代表, 共同透過大力揮舞大旗,秀出今年 各展館特色,為臺灣文博會暖身。




開 幕 典 禮 於 2019 年 4 月 24 日 上 午 在 華 山 1914 文 創 園 區 盛 大 展 開,今年的開幕典禮特別打造為儀 式劇場,由重量級表演藝術團體 「優人神鼓」擔任表演嘉賓,邀請 藝術總監劉若瑀,率領創團初期成 員江宗鴻、吳文翠、邱秋惠等大師 級人物重回舞台。 典禮另一個亮點為三進三退、引領 表演者遶境進場的半透明發光轎 子,由知名藝術家豪華朗機工的林 昆穎操刀,以當代設計手法、融合 傳統和創新打造,相當吸睛。在啟 動儀式中,文化部長鄭麗君帶領著 貴賓們共同為臺灣祈願,透過傳遞 手上溫暖的光源,共同點亮這頂當 代轎子,象徵著共同為臺灣這片土 地注入源源不絕的文化能量,並激 發出閃爍耀眼的光芒,同時為今年 臺灣文博會正式揭開序幕。

The opening ceremony was held on April 24th, 2019, at Huashan 1914 Creative Park. A ritual theater was created for this special occasion. U-Thaetre was invited as this year's special guest, and its Artistic Director, Rou-Yu Liu, led its founding members, including Zong-Hong Jiang, Wen-Tsui Wu, and ChiuHuei Chiu, to make stage, allowing the audience to witness their exceptional performance again.

Opening Ceremony

Another highlight of the ceremony was a semi-transparent luminous sedan chair that thrice-entered the ceremony, leading the performers in procession into the venue. Designed by the renowned artist Kun-Ying Lin of LuxuryLogico, it was an impressive sight that combined contemporary and innovative design with tradition. During the launch ceremony, Minister of Culture Li-Chiun Cheng led a prayer for Taiwan and lit up this contemporary sedan chair together with participating guests, symbolizing the injection of endless cultural energy for Taiwan and officially commencing this year's Expo.



國際知名採購通路包括日 本 的 連 鎖 通 路 THE LOFT 及 moments、 波 蘭 最 大 電 商 平 台 Allegro、 英 國 博 物 館 Glasgow Museums 及選品店 MAGMA、香港百貨 K11、泰 國百貨集團 Iconsiam 與零售 通 路 ANOTHER STORY、 紐 西蘭經銷商 Hourlux、新加坡 代 理 Becheras Holdings 及 瑞士代理 LaBoiteDesign 等。 授權買家則有日本日經報 旗 下 廣 告 公 司 Nihon Keizai Advertising、 企 業 品 牌 行 銷 公 司 LEGS COMPANY、 日 本 電 視 台 TV Tokyo Communications 、 Sanrio Fan East、大型授權產品連鎖

通路 Kiddy Land,以及新加 坡連鎖服飾 YFS Corporate。 國內買家也帶來許多合作契 機, 包 含 臺 灣 賓 士、 三 創 生 活、S hotel、 雀 客 旅 館 Check inn、涵碧樓、臺灣亞 馬遜、GQ、B&W、總統府、 石尚、特力屋、台北書展基 金會、萊爾富等知名國內通 路參與今年的臺灣文博會。

The Creative Expo Taiwan is the most influential cultural and creative design business exhibition i n Ta i w a n , a t t r a c t i n g prominent cultural and creative brands from Taiwan and abroad and establishing Taiwan as an important hub for these industries. This year's Expo attracted over 500 international buyers from 23 countries and over 3,500 buyers and industry professionals from Taiwan, bringing about nearly 1,000 m a tc h i n g s e ss i o n s a n d creating business trade value estimated at 600 million NTD and more. Prominent international

buyers included: THE LOFT and moments from Japan, Allegro from Poland, Glasgow Museums and MAGMA from Britain, K11 from Hong Kong, Iconsiam and ANOTHER STORY from Thailand, Hourlux from New Zealand, Becheras Holdings from Singapore, and LaBoiteDesign from Sw i t ze r l a n d . L i c e n s i n g buyers included Nihon Keizai Advertising, LEGS C O M PA N Y, T V To k y o Communications, Sanrio Far East, and Kiddy Land from Japan, and YFS Corporate from Singapore.

文創產業創新軟實力 輸出國際最前端

臺灣文博會為臺灣最重要的 文化創意設計商業展會,匯 聚臺灣及國際眾多一線文創 品牌,展現多元豐富的創新 能量,奠定我國文創設計樞 紐地位,成為全球買家競相 參訪的重要商業展會。今年 吸 引 來 自 23 個 國 家, 超 過 500 位國際買家、3,500 位以 上國內買家及專業人士到場, 促 成 近 1,000 場 以 上 洽 商 媒 合,活動產值及後續採購訂 單效益預估高達 6 億元以上。

Buyers from Taiwan also brought numerous business opportunities, including Mercedes-Benz Taiwan, SYNTREND, S Hotel, Check inn, the Lalu, Amazon Taiwan, GQ, B&W, the Office of the President, kiko's Enterprise, Test Rite, Taipei Book Fair Foundation, and Hi-Life.

Soft Power of Innovation: The Cultural and Creative Industries and International Trade Opportunities




為促進臺灣文創品牌商機提升及打 開國際通路,臺灣文博會持續邀 請國內外重要買家於展期間來臺洽 商,並提供一流展後服務,效法國 際活動作法,4 月 25 日專業買家 日當天會後,於國際買家入住飯店 S Hotel 舉辦買家之夜,藉由輕鬆 自在的活動氛圍,讓眾多買家、績 優參展商、2019 文創精品獎得獎 者齊聚一堂,讓國內外買家及得獎 參展商們三方相互交談,替未來合 作商機埋下伏筆。

T h e C r e a t i v e E x p o Ta i w a n invites prominent buyers from abroad and Taiwan for business meetings during the Expo to create business opportunities and open up the international market. Excellent after-expo services are also provided in accordance with international practices. The Buyer's Night took place on April 25 th after the exhibition at S Hotel, where buyers, participating businesses, and winners of the 2019 Cultural and Creative Award gathered and exchanged remarks, facilitating future partnerships.

Buyer's Night


Talent's Night

2019 臺 灣 文 博 會 Talent100

新銳創作專區邀請臺灣以及 來自海外共 100 位創作家一 同參與盛會。有別以往,今 年特別開放 40 名經自由報名 徵選國內創作新銳參展,另 經 由 媒 體、 平 台、 公 協 會、 駐台辦事處等單位推薦名單 中, 選 出 30 位 臺 灣 與 30 位 國際亮點創作新星一同前來 共襄盛舉。 為了促進我國與國際創作者 及推薦單位間的相互交流, 於 本 年 4 月 26 日 會 後 舉 辦 Talent's Night, 藉 由 輕 鬆 自


在的活動氛圍讓眾多買家齊 聚一堂,相互交流臺灣文博 會參展心得及分享目前國際 圖像 IP 市場的趨勢,提升新 銳創作者未來於各地市場發 展的可能。

The Talent 100 section invited 100 creators from Taiwan and abroad. Different from previous years, this year's Expo opened 40 slots for general applications, while the other 60 were selected from the list of recommendations by the media, platforms,

associations, and international offices in Taiwan, with 30 from Taiwan and 30 from abroad. The Talent's Night was held on April 26th after the Expo to provide communication opportunities and potential collaborations between participants, where buyers shared thoughts on the Expo and IP market trends in the global market.

此外,旅館一樓也以「閱在 地,越國際」為題策劃快閃 市集,邀請六個文博會設計 品牌展出,展出品牌如:以 植物纖維與回收塑料為設 計 原 料 的「TrueGrasses 真 草 」、 擅 長 水 泥 製 盆 器 的 「Nihao 泥好製所」、帶來手 工 機 器 人 燈 具 的「Soyee 守

Crossing beyond the limitation of time and venue, this year's Expo collaborated with Taipei's re n o w n e d d e s i g n h o te l C h e c k i n n a n d d ev i s e d theme rooms and periodonly market, allowing visitors to experience quality Taiwan design at a closer range. For the theme rooms, three IP licensing brands participating in the EXPO were chosen, including "Shock MAMA," a character best known for its exaggerated face of dejection, "AUD," which created the colorful world of camping, and "A Little Monsters," known for its signature orange body.

Check inn is a long-term supporter of local design brands, and shared 10% of revenue from the theme rooms with designers, realizing a win-win campaign. A period-only market, "When Local Meets International," was held on the first floor of the hotel. It invited six design brands participating in the Expo, including TrueGrasses, which uses plant fibers and recycled plastics as product materials; Nihao, which specializes in cement pots and utensils; Soyee, which produces handmade robot lamps; Tzulai, which m a k e s t ra d i t i o n a l fo o d utensils; "LeadTrend," which specializes in 3C storage s o l u t i o n s ; a n d b i t p l a y, which is best known for its smartphone lens.

Creative Expo Taiwan in Collaboration with Hotel Chains: Theme Rooms and Period-Only Market Attracted Visitor Attention

本次主題房選定三個文博會 圖像授權領域品牌合作,提 供客房供設計師發揮創意, 展出品牌包含以誇張的厭世 顏為特色的「蛋定人生」、 打造為野外露營的繽紛世界 的「 鬍 子 大 叔 」, 以 及 一 身橘招牌外觀的「一點點怪 獸」。長期關注在地設計的 雀客旅館更以行動力挺,提 撥活動期間 10% 主題房收入 予設計師,創造雙贏。

藝」、再現質樸古早味餐具 的「Tzulai 厝 內 」、 專 精 3C 收 納 小 物 的「LeadTrend 立 物創意」,與以手機外接鏡 頭出名的「bitplay」。

臺灣文博會開拓旅館通路 設計主題房與快閃市集超吸睛

今年首度與臺北知名設計旅 店雀客旅館合作,突破展覽 時間與場地的限制,推出主 題客房與快閃市集,讓國內 外住客有更多機會接觸創意 優質的臺灣設計。


之夜 VIP

2019 臺灣文博會為歷年規模最大,

投入策展團隊人力最多的一年,為 了感謝策展團隊的投入,特別舉辦 2019 臺 灣 文 博 會「VIP 之 夜 」, 讓策展團隊齊聚一堂,互相分享及 交流策展歷程及感想,一起度過難 忘的夜晚。

VIP Night

The 2019 Creative Expo Taiwan is the largest in scale by far and had assembled the biggest team ever. The "2019 Creative Expo Taiwan VIP Night" was held to express gratitude to all the participating members, where they shared thoughts and exchanged experience in a special and lovely night.


我們的約定 ─

The 2019 Creative Expo Taiwan closed with the wonderful performance by Suming. The preparation for the Expo lasted for more than six months, and during the final performance, the organizing team sang and danced together with the indigenous performers, corresponding to the Expo's theme of connecting the traditional and the contemporary and promoting diverse cultures. It showcased the spirit and strength of Taiwan's diverse cultures, and would be remembered as one of the most precious and touching moments in Taiwan's cultural history.


在展期的最後一天,2019 臺灣文 博會隨著舒米恩精彩的表演一同落 幕,歷經超過半年的籌備過程,策 展團隊和原住民表演團體在最後的 表演節目中,一同歡唱、共舞,呼 應今年臺灣文博會對接傳統與當 代、融合多元文化的策展主軸,展 現了臺灣多元文化融合的團結精神 與力量,也再一次的為臺灣文化留 下最珍貴、感動的畫面與紀錄。

Closing Ceremony-Our Promise


國家圖書館出版品預行編目 ( CIP) 資料 臺灣文博會成果專刊 . 2019 / 陳悅宜總編輯

-- 初版 . -- 新北市 : 文化部 , 2019.06 面 ; 公分

ISBN 978-986-05-9360-0 ( 精裝 )

1. 文化創意產業 2. 博覽會 3. 臺灣



名|2019 臺灣文博會成果專刊

發 行 人|鄭麗君

編輯顧問|丁曉菁 總 編 輯|陳悅宜


執行編輯|劉斐平、陳儷方、何英碧、王冠婷、蘇祺斌、王則雅、陳頤倍、李昀、陳宜君 謝其韞、許品潔、黃詩婷、陳姵樺

執行單位|財團法人台灣創意設計中心 出版發行|文化部 地

址| 24219 新北市新莊區中平路 439 號南棟 13 樓

真| 886-2-8995-6482

網 版

話| 886-2-8512-6000

址| www.moc.gov.tw 次|初版

出版日期| 2019 年 6 月

ISBN | 978-986-05-9360-0

GPN | 1010800994


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