2017臺灣文博會 NEWSLETTER VOL. 3

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03 vol.

2017 creative & culture design newsletter

2017 Creative Expo Taiwan

臺 灣 文 博 會

優質串聯好店 推薦名單出爐!

List of Fringe Shops is out now! ● 2017主題館內容預揭——傳產轉型,賞味無期限! ● 布吉納法索西非工藝、泰國工藝星勢力,都在華山展區 ● 臺灣設計大玩科技加創意,松山展區精彩可期 ● 香港原創角色點亮爭豔,「授權」也是一門好學問 ● 臺北週末何處去?串聯好店報你知!



臺灣文博會主題館 策展內容預揭


Preview : 2017 Creative Expo Taiwan Cultural Explosion for Better Life

品 牌 「 茶 籽 堂 」。這 十 二 年 間 歷 經 金 融 海 嘯 風 波 ,茶 籽 堂 開 始 轉 型 ,

農企業最佳模範 茶籽堂總經理趙文豪自 2004年自父親手中接下清潔洗劑公司,成立 不但有了強烈的視覺辨視度, 2011年開始為了保存臺灣苦茶籽文 化,於全臺苦茶園佈局:石碇、宜蘭、苗栗、東勢、阿里山、從北 到南各地成立契作農場,並發展出五大系列(油、髮、身、家、禮) 商品,且為求永續發展,在宜蘭南澳有了自種苦茶園。 因緣際會在

2017 臺灣文博會邀請「格式設計展策」規劃主題館之內容,包含一系列名人導讀和各式活動,讓觀展民眾可親自參與,與展品產生





方 法 與 土 地 ,並 找 來 土 地 規 劃 師 考 量 與 計 算 農 業 耕 種 的 所 有 成 本 後 ,



sites in camellia farms from the North to South in Taiwan (Shihting,

Yilan, Miaoli, Dongshih, Alishan) since 2011. It has also developed five separate collections of products (oil, hair, body, home, gift). Furthermore, in terms of sustainable development, the firm established

its own camellia farm in Nanau, Yilan. The land was found by chance in Nanao, and the firm invited nearby farmers whose own lands were fallowing to join their task in growing camellia trees.

"Start protecting agriculture in Taiwan by treating farmers well." Cha Tzu

Tang not only provides seeds, planting methods, and lands, but hires

茶 籽 堂 期 盼 能 從 品 牌 走 向 「 農 企 業 」,致 力 保 護 臺 灣 文 化 與 農 業 ,從

the camellia stuff with a good price beneficial for farmers. After that is

生 產 原 料 開 始 往 土 地 紮 根 。關 於 這 十 多 年 來 的 一 路 風 霜 ,趙 文 豪 說 :

In 2017 Creative Expo Taiwan, InFormat Design Curating is invited as a theme pavilion curator. The programmes include a series of celebrity briefing, and other activities that allows visitors to interact with the exhibits and to become part of the exhibition. One of the five issues which will be presented is the traditional industry transition, InFormat Design Curating proposes “Traditional Industry has No Expire Date.” – a new concept that is based on the diligent efforts from one generation to another. Due to the new people, new concept, new design, and new marketing, the old business concept is driven out from time to time. The old labels like “Out of Fashion” and “Sunset Industry” are torn down by the younger generation’s imagination, therefore, the so-called “traditional industry” now has a new-look. Three cases will be included: Cha Tzu Tang ( Camellia Oil Industry ) , SuHo Paper Memorial Museum ( Paper Industry ) , and Five Metal Shop – a branding consultancy with experiences in helping traditional industry transition.

culture of camellia seeds, it has started to establish contract farming


改頭換面煥然一新,讓傳統產業有了不同的意義。以下預揭三個分別代表不同角度的傳產轉型案例:由賣苦茶油起家的「茶籽堂」、 長春棉紙廠關係企業成立的「樹火紙博物館」,以及協助許多傳產轉型成功的設計整合團隊「Five Metal Shop」。

turned strongly visually recognizable, but in order to preserve the

land planners to calculate all the costs of plantations and then purchases when the firm settles down the price of the products. By returning the


lands to the farmers, and turning the hard work into actual gains.


Cha Tzu Tang seeks to move from a brand to "agribusiness", devoting

越多人想為土地說話,彰顯本土的文化價值,我想我們這一代努力 地 耕 耘 , 一 定 會 讓 成 果 富 饒 又 豐 厚 。 」( 文字=陳佳濃 Text=Chia Chen)

Cha Tzu Tang The role model of agribusiness

its power to protection of Taiwanese culture and agriculture by

rooting deep into the land from productions of the stuff first. About the

obstacles the firm has been through over last decade, Chao says: "When you go deep into the land, you realize there are many things

you want to protect. What can we do for Taiwan once we become a

The general manager of Cha Tzu-Tan, Chao Wen-Hao, He took

valuable brand? More and more people from the younger generation

“Cha Tzu Tang”. After surviving through the financial crisis in past

I believe that with the hard work of our generation, the results will be

over his father's detergent company in 2004 and founded the brand

want to speak for the land and demonstrate the local cultural value.

twelve years, Cha Tzu Tang began to transform. Not only has it

rich and fertile."

樹火紙博物館 紙藝的傳承與復興 樹火紙博物館成立於 1995年,是長春棉紙廠的關係企業。若說位於 南投的長春棉紙廠擁有臺灣最後四座手抄紙水槽,至今仍以人手堅

Memorial Museum in Taipei is the front edge of urban promotion of


paper culture and art.


In terms of culture, Suho Paper Memorial Museum joins the innovative

Five Metal Shop

designed for settings of the "Cursive" stage with Cloud Gate Dance


in Hsinchu. The museum also proceeds on preservation of cultural


Residence, and the acid-free papers for preservation of cultural relics.

這個由國內新興設計團隊 Five Metal Shop擔任統籌與創意指導的計

life, and allow the public to join the manufactures of public art works,


creation of "life of paper" according to recent events, collaboration of

Five Metal Shop團隊目前共有五位成員,由曾擔任 JIA品家家品總

Development Institute and the public, and paper arts of daily dining


文化方面,不管是創新的研發如:跟雲門舞集研發「行草」舞台使 用的佈景雲門舞紙、保存新竹蓪草產業研發蓪草紙;或進行文資產 保存:修復士林官邸房間壁紙、製作文物保存所需無酸紙。亦策展 貼近常民生活,不時開放民眾參與公共藝術作品的製作,如:交流 國際紙藝術、根據時事邀請民眾創作「紙的生命」、跟草屯工藝所 及民眾合作製作大型紙裝置藝術、日常餐食情境的紙藝⋯⋯等。 樹火紙博物館自開館以來,以策展、出版、產品、空間規劃、文化 藝術團體合作,嘗試紙的諸多可能以及美學的延展性,體現了紙從 實用到展演的價值。以植物經緯編織成平面紙張,又從平面結構出 文化的高度,這是樹火紙博物館帶給我們生生不息、古老傳統之中 的 創 新 。( 文字=毛奇 Text=Mokki Hsiao)

Suho Paper Memorial Museum The Inheritance and Revival of Paper crafts S uho P aper M e mo ri a l M u s e u m i s fo u n d ed i n 1995, and i s an associated firm of the Chang Cheun Cotton Paper Foundation. If the

handcrafts of paper manufacture and all sorts of advanced papers

from the last four handsheet tanks in the Chang Cheun Cotton Paper


Foundation in Nantou is the baseline of culture, the Suho Paper

researches and developments such as the Cloud Gate Dance Paper

Theatre, and the pith paper developed to preserve the pith industry heritage such as the wall papers for restorations of Shilin Official


Furthermore, the museum holds exhibitions to get close to people's


such as international exchanges of paper arts, public invitations of large paper installation art with National Taiwan Craft Research and



執 行 管 理 ,人 員 精 簡 但 分 工 明 確 ;他 們 在 香 港 也 有 一 群 緊 密 合 作 的 商

Since the day of opening, Suho Paper Memorial Museum has


through exhibitions, publications, products, space planning, and

這 兩 個 在 商 業 市 場 中 貌 似 衝 突 的 觀 點 。( 文字=楊偉成 Text=Aaron Yang)

attempted many possibilities of paper and ductility of its aesthetics cooperation with cultural and artistic groups, and has realized the

盲 點 是 他 們 向 來 的 習 慣 ,未 來 有 意 開 發 自 有 品 牌 ,交 融 日 常 與 設 計 ,

practical and exhibitive values of paper. The way that Suho Paper

Five Metal Shop Support traditional industries to find out the value of design

and cultivation of culture from the planar structure is the continuing

After seeing countless failed cases of transformations of traditional

Memorial Museum introduces papers weaved by crossing plants innovation deriving from traditions it brings us.

industries due to miscommunication, or superficial executions, a new

brand extended by an iron works in Changhua, no.30, is quite refreshing.

This project is supervised and creatively directed by a local newly

developing design team Five Medal Shop, and lasted for over a year.

It has successfully assed appropriate touches of designs on original pieces; the final results are eye catching and yet stick to the roots.

The Five Metal Shop team currently has five members, and Chen Jing Wen who once was the director of JIA Inc. supervises market planning

and execution of project. In terms of designing proficiency, it is managed by Guo Yi Chiao and Chao Yu Ling who respectively received

their advanced studies in Berlin University of the Arts and Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design in University of the Arts London. The

human resources are simple and yet the labor division is specific. The team also has another product development and design team in Hong

Kong, with which they closely cooperate. Since the team is formed four years ago, analyzing problems calmly and helping clients to see the

blind spots have been their habit. In the future they plan to develop

their own brand, and incorporate daily life with design, which are seemingly contradictive to each other in commercial market.





工藝星勢力 Thailand TALENT THAI & Designers' Room



由泰國國際貿易促進部(DITP)所推出的「TALENT THAI & Designer's Room」計畫,提供給年輕泰國工 藝設計師更多躍升國際舞台的機會。為了提升泰國時尚產業與生活風格設計之潛力,扶植包含家具、珠寶、 服飾及禮品設計,並以「生活工藝」為核心概念的等年輕品牌。此計劃的成功不但成為下一代設計師的榜 樣,也提升泰國新一代工藝設計的鮮明形象,更讓設計精良、made in THAILAND產品成功外銷國際。 The TALENT THAI & Designers' Room Project was launched by the Department of International Trade Promotion ( DITP ) as an initiative to introduce young Thai lifestyle & Fashion product designers to the international trade arena. It's aimed at giving an opportunity to talented designers, elevating the designs of furniture, jewelry, clothes and gifts, and therefore improving the potential of Thai lifestyle&fashion industry as a whole. Former participants of TALENT THAI & Designers' Room have become role models for the next generation designers. By adding value to the products through design and branding exports value has been increasing along with the image of Thailand as a source of well-designed products.

西非布吉納法索,兩萬公里以外的距離,遠離世俗、讓創作回歸最原始的本性。取材人類及大自然的單純 語彙、根深真誠獨特的部落文化,善於利用廢棄物作為創作素材,在最有限的資源中以工藝技法賦予全新 樣貌,讓藝術再生、時尚永續。匯集西非工藝大全—— 銅雕、樂器、傢俱家飾、編織、蠟染、皮雕等,將 非洲熱情奔放之美及其拙樸實在的文化力量,充分融合於現代美學生活中,展現直白而震撼的品味論述。


Burkina Faso of Western Africa is twenty thousand kilometers away, far from the mundane world, and allows creative process to return to its original nature. The Western African crafts take materials from pure words of humans and nature, unique, honest, and deep-rooted tribal culture. The craftsmen specialize at using salvaged materials for creations, and using their crafts to provide a brand new look within limited resources, in order to revive arts and continue the fashion trend. Assembling all Western African crafts together-bronze sculptures, instruments, furniture and furnishings, hand-knitted products, batik, and leather carvings, Western African crafts fully incorporate the passionate beauty of Africa and its modest inner cultural power into modern aesthetics of life, demonstrating straight forward and powerful discourse of taste.

Burkina Faso The unique charm of Western African crafts

1_設計師 Hamed Ouattara企圖以藝術與雕塑工藝再生物 件。他擅長運用廢棄材料融合自己的設計靈感與生活經 驗,重新組合搭配成具功能性的家飾家俱,注入獨特的 原始美學,深受歐美各國喜愛。 2_設計師 KABORE Abdoul Kader善於利用木材與廢棄金 屬等回收異媒材創作家具。



3_飾品藝術家 ADELINE TOUGMA Adé laïde運用複合媒材 打造具非洲意象的項鍊,讓創作遊走於傳統與現代藝術 間的獨特風格。 4_飾品藝術家 ADELINE TOUGMA Adélaïde以充滿生命力 的非洲花布作為創作素材,手工縫製成各式時尚配件。 5_Centre Lukar有超過 50位布吉納法索藝術、工藝家在 此進行創作,並同時肩負布國工藝人才培育的重責。 6_布吉納法索以盛產皮革聞名國際,設計師 COMPAORE Boukary以手作工藝製成皮雕茶盒,呈現極致的簡約時 尚,經典復古的完美設計,是點綴居家風格的實用小物。




1_Designer HamedOuattara attempts to revive objects in forms of arts and sculptures. He specializes in incorporating salvaged materials into his inspirational designs and daily experiences, and put them together into functional furniture and furnishings. His unique raw aesthetic is beloved in both Europe and America.





2_Designer KABORE Abdoul Kader is good at using woods, scrap metals, and salvaged mix media to create furniture. 3_Jewelry artist ADELINE TOUGMA Adélaïde uses mixed media to create necklaces of the African image, developing a unique style marching between traditional and modern arts.



4_Jewelry artist ADELINE TOUGMA Adélaïde uses African printed clothes full of vitality as creative materials, and hand-sews them into all kinds of fashion accessories. 5_There are over 50 Burkina Faso artists and craftsmen working in Centre Lukaré; it also takes on the duty of cultivation of talents as craftsmen in Burkina Faso.




6_Burkina Faso is internationally renowned for its leather. Designer COMPAORE Boukary uses the handcraft skills to make them into leather-carved tea boxes, presenting an extremely simple fashion and perfectly classic retro design; these boxes are useful objects to decorate your households.


1_NATTAstudio / Siam Bloom

2_PATAPiAN / Laboratory wooden vase

3_May&Clay Ceramics Studio / A girl with animal platespen

4 _CHAT / The flower

5_MAFIA / Heart of thorn

6_BASIC TEEORY / Serpente Red

7_Love Supreme / Embossed L-Zip Wallet

8 _Earth Republic / Ceramic Mug

暹羅綻放飾品系列 心之枷鎖長鍊

木製燒杯形狀花瓶 蛇紋紅項鍊

女孩與動物陶瓷淺碟 壓花錢包

花戒指系列 幾何創作陶馬克杯



Yuan Tai


臺灣 Taiwan

元泰竹藝社為南投竹山在地三十年的老 工廠,早期以代工外銷竹製品為大宗, 代工轉型後,自行開發出臺灣竹產第一 支「元氣竹牙刷」。竹子為優良的天然 材料,不但友善生活、也讓環保永續, 讓竹子進入生活,降低對塑料的需求。

Feel good bamboo tooth brush

Yuan Tai Bamboo Workshop has been established for 30 years in Zhushan, Nantou. Built early success on exporting mainly bamboo products. Yuan Tai now develops its own product - Taiwan’s first “Bamboo Brush. Bamboo is not only life friendly, but also to environmental sustainability, so using bamboo in daily life can reduce the amount of plastic supplies.

取材來自臺灣在地三年以上 孟宗竹材,純水高溫蒸煮, 無添加防腐劑、漂白水,無 化學藥劑添加。100%可於 自然環境分解。


Feel good outdoor cup


松山展區亮點品牌 MIDOTI

Bamboo is sourced in Taiwan and is at least 3-year-old Mengzong. The bamboo is high-temperature pure water processed, and is without preservatives, bleach, and chemicals additives. 100% can be decomposed in the natural environment.


香港 Hong Kong

2014年創立的 MIDOTI,為設計師Sharon Cheung的個人品牌。她從廣告界走 到設計界,作品糅合精緻及簡約美學,獨特的首飾,富有立體感兼顧優美。 Sharon Cheung, an Advertising Professional turned Fashion Accessory Designer and founded her own designer brand MIDOTI in 2014. Her products combine the beauty of visual aesthetics, minimalist design subsistence with delicate and ethereal touch.

S.Z.M.Q. Studio


highlight of Songshan Cultural & Creative Park

臺灣 Taiwan

以設計為魂,工藝為骨,為讓作品保有用心的溫度, 上作美器堅持每件器物都以手工完成,因此每件耗時 長久的作品出世都是一次珍貴的遇見。上作美器,以 器物之心還原生活的本質。

Knot-Lots collection_Choker

樂諾首飾系列 _ 貼頸項鏈 Knot-Lots collection_Bracelet

樂諾首飾系列 _ 手鐲 靈感來自中華傳統祝福吉祥物「如意」,物料採用德國高科技編織的軟金屬, 加上設計師自創的手藝結構,讓首飾營造富有立體感及符合當代簡約的風格。

Focusing on design and featuring crafts, S.Z.M.Q. Studio insists on finishing each work by hand to preserve their diligent warmth. The birth of each work is a precious encounter. S.Z.M.Q. Studio restores the nature of life with the heart of tea ware.

Knot-Lots collection, the design concept comes with a unique designerself-created. Knot-structure inspired by the Chinese traditional happinessblessing object “Ru Yi”. The aesthetic style goes beyond the traditional form and structure of traditional jewelry design. It employed designerself-invented-handcraft-skills, which added in a sense of uniqueness, 3-dimentional touch and simplicity elegant modern look.



Pikka Japan

圓渾厚拙的外表顯露不拘的粗獷美,斑駁而不腐 朽,沉重的份量表達踏實本色。 Under its mellow and solid look, the work shows casual and rough sense of beauty. It is mottled but not decayed. Its heavy weight expresses its downto-earth natural quality.

Pikka包含3個在製程重視環境永續的包款與配件品牌。除了設計精緻外, 更注重品質,並且每件作品都是獨一無二。MUJUS:使用來自厄瓜多爾 與秘魯的天然材料,如採用色彩鮮豔的種子所製成的時尚配件。Sulci: 在菲律賓宿霧生產的天然草編包。Feliz:菲律賓製造的首飾與在日本製 作的公平貿易黃金首飾。

Taiwan Decorative Painting

台漆線 台漆線由創辦人陳協建領軍,掀 起漆界創作的文藝復興。以國際 競賽級的水準,實行漆作技術、 工法創新、材料研發,掀起臺灣 傳統油漆產業的藝術創作風潮。 台漆線將美學與生活空間以漆 作技法完美融合,為不同空間 注入純熟的藝術養分。

臺灣 Taiwan Taiwan Decorative Painting, led by its founder Roy Chen, has stirred up Renaissance in decorative painting. With a standard for international competitions, Taiwan Decorative Painting carries out painting techniques, innovative design and material R&D and has raised an art creation wave for Taiwan's traditional paint industry. Taiwan Decorative Painting has perfectly blended aesthetics with living space with its painting skills and infused proficient art nutrients into different spaces.

Pikka include 3 brands that create ethical and sustainable accessories and bags by hands. Sophisticated design and high quality. Every single piece is unique. MUJUS: Colorful statement accessories made with natural material such as seeds in Ecuador/Peru. Sulci: Raffia bags in natural color made in Cebu, Philippines. Feliz: Accessories made in Philippines and fair trade gold jewelry made in Japan.

1_Crown bag

天然酒椰 編織手提袋 2_Shell long necklace

貝殼長鍊 水中雲集,小橋穿雲是水是雲遶境外, 大地回春花果開,遠處長分春秋來。 Roaming around the water, water roams outside the cloud, cloud blooms like flowers in spring, spring comes long, long away.


日本 Japan

花果盛開,山峰連綿,瀑布飛流直下, 如人生風雨幾十年,路途遇艱險,只有 聰明人才能理解生活況味。 Mountain over mountain, water falls like an eagle. Life is as hard as steel, only the wiser knows the taste of life.

3_TAGUA necklace

厄瓜多爾 塔瓜項鍊

用酒椰做的袋子,重量輕,好攜帶。並有天 然貝殼做為裝飾。


Bag made with raffia. Decorated with shell.

有三種方式穿戴,隨時依場合與穿著變化長 鍊、短鏈,展現不同風情。 3 ways to wear the necklace, long adjustable necklace with ribbon, double chain necklace and shell long necklace. 由有「植物象牙」之美稱的 TAGUA,所製成的 項鍊。顏色多彩,好搭配,適合各種季節。 Necklace made with tagua seeds.





Singular Concept


臺灣 Taiwan

單挑概念以開發家電家飾、流行飾品之自有品牌產品為主 軸,目標是把臺灣設計、臺灣製造的精品,帶到國際舞台。 Singular Concept focus on developing sustainable and competitive products ranging from house appliance to fashion accessories. It presents the best quality of Taiwanese design and manufacture to the international market.




1_Linear Task


藉由汽車產業的電腦彎管製程,實現主體的流暢線條;觸控燈管末 端的 LOGO可開關電源,或長按無段調節燈光亮度。全程臺灣製造。

隱藏在火車月台和廢棄工廠角落中的舊管線,給了我們日常生活中放置 器物實用的靈感。Junctuin系列它可被當作是花器或文具收納組合使用。

Linear Task is a light-weight, stable structured LED lamp which is suitable for any modern home. It applies highest standard (CRI 95), flicker-free dimming light chips with memory functions. Linear Task comes with flat-packaging, and can be assembled easily by the user.

The idea came from the pumping valves, drainage pipes hidden in the corners of train terminals or abandoned factories. Imaging the circulation in between pipelines and junctions, gives inspiration to the installation of table top of everyday life.The vase is designed to be a stand alone container for cut flower, or to form a set of stationary holder.

PEGA Design & Engineering


臺灣 Taiwan

PEGA D&E 和碩設計,是少數具規模的設計顧問公司。具富 創意的設計團隊,以及經驗豐富的工程研發人員,並設置模 型廠與材質實驗室,提供客戶完善商品發展服務。 PEGA Design & Engineering an advanced design consultancy providing creative solutions. PEGA D&E's team includes designers, technologists, strategists, and analysts from different culture backgrounds and specialty fields. A multi-cultural environment makes PEGA D&E an open-minded, stimulating and creative team.


Expo Dome which is used for the licensing exhibition has been divided into three areas. This issue will introduce Taiwan's licensees in Character Area and the original characters in Image Illustration Area of Hong Kong Pavilion. No matter whether they are licensed characters or vivid original characters, they have added more interesting healing atmosphere to life. Licensing industry that has been developing prosperously in recent years creates and uses the reputation, characters, modeling and styles of original characters to promote products with brands of daily life to create a win-win opportunity for creators and licensing units of co-brands. This shows that design is not merely creation, but it is a kind of entire thinking. If one can develop a character popular among the public based on good design, he can accomplish good business.




可以隨意變換色彩的桌燈,無論衣服上的紅色、故事書中的淡藍天 空,只要將燈泡貼近並輕輕擠壓,即可吸取顏色。

一座藉由按壓充氣來點亮的桌燈,隨著氣球膨脹的大小,觀者會 發現燈光也跟著漸漸明亮起來,有別於傳統桌燈開關明滅的直白。

ColorUp is a lamp that can mimic the color of any object or surface. By using the color frequencies detecting and transforming technique, users are able to suck in few hundred frequencies of colors and beam it through the light bulb.

An interactive design encourages you to pump it to shine the bulb; turning physical energy to brightness, the most measurable method in exchange for light. Keep pumping, and enjoy the nuances of the light; Fly your dream with the balloon!!


臺灣 Taiwan

2004年迷母誕生,以創意為經營核心,13年來致力於肖像角色經 營,開發自有角色與其延伸相關授權、商品、插畫、社群經營、活 動等,為授權產業垂直整合的一條龍服務。


AN-LIANG Marine Lighting


臺灣 Taiwan

電火來自臺語發光的燈具,成立理念在於提供品質優良設計 燈具給消費者,具有工業感與簡單印象的燈具靈感來自於海 洋,在臺灣設計生產燈具已有多年經驗。

MEMES CREATIVE PARTNERSHIP was established in 2004. We provide strong support to our clients with Creative Service. We have devoted ourselves to Character Industry over these 13 years, including customized Character Planning, Design, licensing service and products development. Over the years we have learned many lessons that will save you valuable time and money. We can guide you from design to marketing and production in total solution service.





紅鼻子、大眼睛,充滿好奇心的 Kuroro, 來自一個叫貓眼星雲的地方。 Kuroro來到地球,準備招集志同道合同伴們, 展開一連串的秘密行動。

Duma是隻土生土長的臺灣黑熊,大大的腦袋瓜,可以把豐富的想 像力裝在進去。duma的細膩心思總是讓身邊的人感到溫暖無比。

Red-nosed, big-eyed and curious Kuroro is from a place called Cat Eye Nebula. Kuroro came to the Earth to assemble like-minded companions to launch a series of secret movements.

Duma is a black bear born in Taiwan. His large brain is filled with rich imagination. Thoughtful Duma always makes people around him feel warm.


主日國際有限公司 1


When "Ghost", an illustrator,who is madly in love with French bulldogs met a lively and lovely French bulldog Fubao and became family, the original design of “Ghost Shop X Ghost Draws Fubao” has thus unfolded.

2_atertight Fluorescent Ceiling Lights (Black)

「Rock」有堅固耐用之意,洛克吊燈為船用吊燈改造而成,取其不銹鋼網、 透明厚玻璃、側向出線孔等優點,簡單線條與粗獷的外表,毫無遮掩的光線 投射角度,可變化成壁燈與加裝燈罩

水密日光燈的特製版,工業風日光燈在特別的配色下,變的不 再只是發光體,更是一盞具有個性的藝術品,炫黑的身體以及 古銅的燈網,內部透出白色的光芒,適合各種場所安裝使用。

「Ghost Shop X 鬼畫福」是以法國鬥牛犬「福寶」為主題的插畫品牌,從她 的生活中的動作表情與個性取材,加入一些想像和詼諧幽默,呈現於畫作中。

Rock pendant light named by its firm and strong appearance. The design idea of Rock light is from the marine pendant light, with staineless net、 thick glasses cover、and good illumination. The simple and rough image、 big angle projection make it a popular lighting fixture.Can simply change into wall light and add two kinds of light shade.

Watertight Fluorescent Ceiling Lights is from marine lighting. The black color with vintage image and steel net make it a industrial style fixture. The installation of Watertight Fluorescent Ceiling Light with steel chains can build a outstanding LOFT style.

“Ghost Shop X 鬼畫福 ” is a French bulldog as the theme of the illustrator brand, her name is “Fu-bao”. The illustrations are inspired by a variety of actions, expressions, innocence, greedy personalities in everyday life of French bulldog. They blend the French Bulldog into some imagination and humor arepresented in the paintings.


臺灣 Taiwan

當一位瘋狂愛上法國鬥牛犬的插畫創作者「鬼鬼」,遇見了活潑可愛的法 鬥福寶,而成為了一家人,「Ghost ShopX鬼畫福」的原創設計就此展開。

1_Rock pendant light



屬於授權展區的爭豔館,劃分為三大區,本期將介紹角色創作區的臺灣授權商,以及圖像插畫區內香港展 館的原創角色。無論是各式物件上的角色授權,或是形像鮮明的原創角色們,皆為生活添加許多童趣的療 癒氛圍。近年蓬勃發展的授權產業,創造及運用原創角色的知名度、性格、造型和風格設定,和生活品牌 crossover推 出 商 品 , 為 創 作 者 與 授 權 單 位 製 造 聯 名 加 值 的 雙 贏 機 會 。 此 點 反 映 設 計 不 僅 只 是 創 作 , 更 是 一 種整體思考,以好設計為基礎,開發廣受大眾歡迎的角色,也能成就一門好生意。



The beliefs of DnH is to provide the good quality designed Loft lighting fixture. The industrial and simple image of DnH lighting is come from the marine. The history of DnH is related to the ocean. DnH manufact lighting fixture for many years in Taiwan. And we will continuing design best lighting fixture for people who love Loft and simple style of light.

highlight of Taipei Expo Park Expo Dome



2017 Creative Expo Taiwan List of Fringe Shops are is out Now!

香港館 原創角色精彩創作 Hong Kong's Charactors


柴犬工房 柴犬「SHIBE」是一隻有決心,不輕易放棄的個性小狗。不 時賣萌、發放正能量,傳送開心訊息給身邊所有朋友。 SHIBE, a forever loveable puppy with determination. He is a brave, smart and cheerful doggy with an attitude. SHIBE loves to explore the world and sharing loves and care to people around him. SHIBE distributes a positive and happy characteristic.

2017 臺灣文博會

優質串聯好店 推薦名單出爐!

Mr. Giraffe Workshop

長頸鹿先生工作室 長頸鹿先生,在繁忙的東京都生活著,並在上野公園工作。每日過著上班下班的 沉悶生活,但他仍懂得享受悠閒,善於從沉悶的生活中,尋回一點生活中的樂趣。 Mr. Giraffe Workshop is novelty series which designs revolves around the illustration series Mr. Giraffe. Its stories are periodically chronicled in magazines, and there are novelties and memorabilias being available on the market continuously. Our characters are featured in commercial brand promotions and various out/indoor thematic decorations. Please contact us for business collaborations.

Cafe de bollo

菠蘿油妹妹 由插畫師 He le n Tam所創作的 C a fe d e b o llo 系列。主角菠蘿油妹 妹是香港土生土長的港式麵包,平日在茶餐廳工作,最擅長沖奶茶 及烘麵包,善良的她亦認識了 不少朋友。

臺灣文博會為了呈現「城市即展場•展場即生活」的核心理念,特別 串聯三大展區週邊文創相關組織及商家,共同策辦展會串聯活動,活 絡整座城市帶動文化觀光消費!

Cafe de bollo is created by Helen Tam, creative illustrator of Yogurt Studio. The main character, Pineapple Bun lady, was born in Hong Kong, is good at making sweetly pastry and nice milk tea in Hong Kong Cafe. Many people would like to be friends with her because of her kindly heart.

2017年擴大串聯好店規模,除了主展場所在的臺北市徵集超過 200家 好店,也邀請所有參展本屆臺灣文博會的縣市政府,一起推薦文創好 店共襄盛舉,全臺總計將近 400家好店將在整個 4月份一起動起來,讓 海內外遊客除了在 4月 19日至 4月 23日展期間可參與精彩的臺灣文博 會展覽,也能透過串聯好店活動體驗原汁原味的在地生活風格。

La La Woodland


串聯好店依照「食樂饗宴」、「玩藝手作」、「品味生活」、「展藝 空間」分為四大類,本期將為大家搶先介紹位於臺北市的風格店家!

La La Woodland是一個香港原創角色品牌, 以 狐 狸 花 仔 、松 鼠 毛 毛 和 其 他 小 動 物 學 習 人 類 生 活 為 主 軸 , 創 作 宣 揚 「 Be Yours e l f 」 的 故 事 。

In order to present the core concept of “The City is the Exhibition, the Exhibition Displays Lifestyles.”, Creative Expo Taiwan specially cooperates with the surrounding organizations and businesses related to the cultural and creative industries in the three main exhibition areas to co-organize a series of events of the exhibition and to activate the whole city and stimulate the cultural and sightseeing consumption!

La La Woodland is a Hong Kong original character brand about a pair of adorable woodland animals Flower Fox and Tail Squirrel, who live in a place call “La La Woodland” where the society believes it is good for animals to imitate human beings life.

a.jin 一個 關於夢的插畫系列,把夢和夢想描繪出 來。a.jin的世界是充滿色彩的,但有時卻 又會 帶有一點點迷幻和黑暗的風格。 A.jin is a series of illustrations about dreams. The world of a.jin is full of colors and hopes, yet hiding a little bit the dark side of us.


串聯好店 線上搶先看!

See fringe shops online now!

In 2017 the scale of cooperating with fringe shops is expanded. Besides Taipei, where the main exhibition is located, gathering over 200 fringe shops, we also invite all the county and city governments who participate in the Creative Expo Taiwan this year to recommend fringe shops of cultural and creative industry. About 400 stores in total in Taiwan will work together throughout April to let the visitors from abroad and inland to not only see the amazing Creative Expo Taiwan from April 19th to April 23rd but also experience the authentic local lifestyle through the activity of cooperating fringe shops. The cooperating fringe shops are categorized into 4 based on “Eating Fun”, “Handmade Arts”, “Savoring Life”, and “Performing Space”. This issue we are going to introduce the stylistic stores in Taipei before anyone else does!



提供設計商品優質的展售平台,透過「生活,可以設計點」的概 念分享國內外設計好物,一同勾勒與豐富設計生活的各種想像。 Provide the excellent sales platform for designed products; share local and foreign designs through the concept of "More Design, Better Life"; illustrate and enrich all kinds of imaginations of designs in life.


喜瑞瓷 Cereiz

擅長將臺灣藝術發揮於陶瓷創作上,深獲藏家與名人喜愛。新 一代喜瑞瓷加入實用、平價、生活化等創作理念,將陶器之美 感落實於大眾。 1


Specialize in adapting Taiwanese art forms into the creations of pottery and porcelain, which are beloved by collectors and celebrities. The new series of CereiZ porcelain adds in practical, affordable, on daily base aspects into the creative concept to apply the beauty of porcelain on to the public.

若水藏館 Ruoshui Art Gallery


為實踐「生活即藝術」的理想,若水活用場地及館藏,策劃展覽、 開設課程,以實質行動建立一個「茶」與「陶」永續共享的平台。 Roushui Art Gallery is renowned for its pottery exhibition and promoting tea culture, adding the flavors into life.

有記名茶 Taipei WangTea 3



創立於 1890年,有記名茶保有完整傳統炭焙窟及精製茶設備,是 間小型的茶博物館,並為政府指定具保存價值的歷史建築。 Taipei Wang Tea used to be a manufacturer and wholesaler for tea but has been transformed into a production, sales, and educational venue, like a tea museum.

Handmade Art 玩藝手作

品味生活 Savoring Life




莫泰藝術 Motai Art

莫泰藝術的銀鹽黑白暗房體驗,讓參與者可在暗房中享受親手 沖洗相片的樂趣,並提供專業攝影服務,滿足大眾對影像的多 層次需求。 Motai Art provide professional photography services and a new way to explore photography and darkroom.


Matt Studio皮件創意設計工作室

專業皮包設計工作室,提供真皮皮件手縫及車縫教學、皮包打 版、五金材料販售、訂製客製化商品等服務。 Matt Studio is a professional leather bag design studio. It does to only provide lessons for hand sewing and machine sewing techniques; It also offers classes for pattern making skills and customized service.



臺灣獨立手作品牌,憑著對舊年代工藝的熱愛,嚴謹選用每一項 的材料,結合老式工法及新思維設計,以減法思考呈現每樣產品。 Patrick's Workshop’s handmade goods are produced with high quality, durable materials. The objective of a workshop is presenting the process of how the products are made and our devotion to every single item that we crafted.

The Central Bank Dormitory of 1949 was registered as a historic building. This is an old house that accompanied the growth of Taipei that provides lifestyle:delicacy that developed from old time, arts and cultural performance and space rental.





Art Laser Unique has flourished from places with rich histories, Qingtian76 and Dadaocheng. The word means "deep and vast". Our customized process includes letting our customers choose the materials, colors, sizes and layouts to make unique gift.

展藝空間 Performing Space




我思文創有限公司 Words Studio

臺灣知名文創與教育培訓機構,以推動產業文創化為使命,跨 足專業課程、文創空間等領域。創辦跨產業沙龍,現為全臺最 大每週跨界交流論壇。

以卡片為主的空間,鼓勵現場書寫卡片,強化人之間的溝通深 度。販售各式季節卡片、禮品、書寫工具。並附設小型展覽空間 與手作教室。

TianDiRen Institute, Taiwan's leading educational training institutions. In order to promote cultural and creative industries into the mission, branched out into professional courses, cultural and creative space domain.

Words Studio provide a large selection of greeting cards for different occasions and holidays year-round. We encourage our customers to write their greeting cards in our roomy and comfort store.

小樹屋 Treerful

串聯好店 合作單位 2017 Fringe Shops Partners


The Maji Food&Deli collects all locally-grown and produced souvenir and foods that are delicious, safe and award-winning into one market place. The market also has on-site cafeteria and café.

從傳統印刷業出發,結合嶄新的雷射雕刻技術,傳達給人量身客 製的溫度。目前在青田街七巷六號的老屋簷與歷史深厚的大稻埕 服務。



此市集為崇尚無毒食材者的天堂,匯集臺灣在地好農食材、商品 與特色伴手禮,更設有食堂與復古咖啡吧。

好攸光刻所 UBook Art Laser Unique

BUWU'S designer create quality clothing, handbags, and home accessories using exclusively designed textiles, handbags are made of the finest non-toxic fabrics and handcrafted by local skilled seamstresses.




布物設計的靈感來自於生活體驗,將觀察與感受萃取出來,回 歸於日常物品。以「獨家設計的布花」、「色彩搭配」做為產 品特色。



日常生活 A Day Cafe


小樹屋提供一個專屬、親切及便利的空間,以時計價。可作為 會議室、聚會空間,也有許多小班課程在此舉行,溫馨的空間 氛圍,營造出不同於以往的教學效果。

用咖啡串起不同生活面向的提案,品味手作料理、藝文展覽、日 常選物與各品牌合作的快閃商店,持續傳遞美好生活的想像。

Treeful provides a personal, approachable, and convenient space which is charged on flat rate. It can be used as conference room, gathering space, or to hold seminars. The warm atmosphere helps create a refreshing teaching effect.

A Day Cafe is a design geek’s paradise. The basement includes a boutique that sells items actually used in the cafe. A small gallery is also attached to the cafe, constantly exhibiting pieces from young artists from both Taiwan and overseas.




Tips!! U can find

Pickone is the largest information platform of facilities in Taiwan. It owns the richest information of site plans; whether your need is to hold conferences, seminars, gatherings, or parties, Pinkone can help you select the suitable facility quickly and conveniently. Pickone 官方網站:www.pickoneplace.com Pickone 粉絲團:www.facebook.com/pickoneplace


ts on Accupass web

Fringe Shop’s even


Pickone是什麼呢?對「活動舉辦者」來說,Pickone是一個尋找各種場地的平台,無論是舉辦派對、會議、課程講座、記者會、藝術 展覽等,活動舉辦者只需在平台上輕鬆的下篩選條件,Pickone就會列出適合的場地以及清楚的資訊供活動舉辦者比較挑選;對「場地 /空間經營者」來說,Pickone是一個刊登場地出租資訊的平台,無論是專營活動空間、咖啡廳、商務中心、會議室、餐廳、藝術空間 等,場地經營者都可以使用 Pickone開發的簡易刊登後台刊登場地,透過 Pickone,經營者的場地便更容易地推廣並且成功媒合場租。

Eating Fun 食樂饗宴

1949年的中央銀行宿舍,2006年登記為歷史建築,為第一棟由 民間修繕完成的日式建築。提供食光盒飯、也舉辦藝文展演與空 間租借。

將藝術及手作「藝術化」的選物店。 並以「世界部族」為概念, 蒐集歐、亞、非文化風格商品,販售小量製造、獨立生產的織 品與配件。

布物設計 BUWU


綠舍食光 Green House Space


Gather is a select shop with the concept of Global style. By collecting and presenting delicate pieces by artisans around the world and those wonderful stories behind them.



Patrick's Workshop

Eslite hotel has become the first lifestyle hotel where offers a harmony of love for reading, art exhibitions, musical performance and creative entertainments that exudes the unique culture of Taiwan in Asia.



Ivan Leathercraft is a specialty supplier of leather craft tools and materials, carrying over 100,000 items and counting, and sold over 80 countries worldwide. Winner of 2015 APLF Special Award for Leathercraft Development.

全亞洲首座聚合閱讀、文創展演、音樂、電影、綠意自然的人 文旅館。

拾集 Gather


頤坊皮藝是臺灣首家提供最完善皮革工藝工具與材料的供應 商。自 1980年創立至今,研發生產10萬多種產品。曾榮獲「亞 太區皮革展 MM&T APLF最佳皮革工藝發展獎」殊榮。


誠品行旅 Eslite Hotel






Accupass活動通作為領導的活動平台,為各式活動主辦單位與個人提供雲端化的自助報名和售票服務,更有完善的推廣和社交機制供 主辦單位維護客戶關係,深受各界客戶信賴。Accupass活動通希望能夠協助各式策展單位做更有效的數據分析與管理,帶領策展人一 起走向國際,提供更多有趣的生活體驗。

Accupass is the leading social ticketing platform in Asia. Accupass provides complete cloud solution for event hosting and on-line registration services to customers from individuals to commercial organizers. In addition to its well-known brand and reputation in the Greater China, Accupass is a rare pioneer to help people explore more interesting and colorful life. Accupass 官方網站:www.accupass.com Accupass 粉絲團:www.facebook.com/accupass



文創專家開講 _Expert's Column

文創專家開講 _Expert's Column



Comprehending Demand Before Creating Rewards

Mastering the Market Trends to Create Concepts

city’super/LOG-ON 資深採購 _Patrick Ng

Siam Piwat Co.,Ltd 零售事業集團資深總監 _Parisa Chatnilbandhu 文字・採訪=陳信方 Text=Letter Chen

Q:您如何開始進入採購這個領域? A :我 原 本 在 網 路 服 務 供 應 商 服 務 了7 年 ,2 0 0 3 年 進 入 c i t y ' s u p e r / LOG-ON至今,已經長達 14年。剛開始我主要擔任數據分析師, 有機會和每個部門的買家對話。2004年,我們董事總經理讓我成 為真正的買家,因為他告訴我「除非你深入了解產品採購,否則 你沒有辦法瞭解我們公司的價值。」歷經過文具部門、禮品部門 後,我現在是總部的高級採購員,與香港、台灣與上海的本地採 購 團 隊 一 起 工 作 。我 同 時 也 參 與 業 務 拓 展 、新 店 部 署 、商 店 設 計 、 新概念開發等工作。 Q:對您來說,採購最重要的關鍵是什麼? A:我覺得使用「商品化」(Merchandising)比「採購」 (Purchasing)來得更好。因為你得從獨特的概念與理解客戶的 需求開始,並且找到一個方式實際地去銷售。「採購」只是一個 表面的商業行為,但「商品化」則是一件包括產業知識、理解產 品 、了 解 市 場 的 行 為 。最 重 要 的 是 ,如 何 去 替 客 戶 創 造 更 多 報 酬 , 而不僅僅只是靠著貿易去賺取金錢。 Q:您如何判斷市場需求? A:這很有趣,因為我負責三個市場。每當我要部署一間店,我 需要拜訪這個城市和社區,不斷地與人互動,盡可能滿足越多人 的需求。即便像是香港這麼小的市場,每個地區還是有獨特的需 求,它需要透過數據去研究出差異性,為每個商店創造獨特的組 合,這是一件困難的工作。 Q: How did you get involved in the area of procurement? A: I served for an Internet service provider for 7 years, and I have been working for city’super/LOG-ON since 2003 for 14 years. In the


beginning, I chiefly served as a data analyst and had the opportunity to carry out conversations with buyers in each department. In 2004, our managing director made me a real buyer because he told me, “you can never understand our company’s values unless you dive into merchandising.” After working for my company’s stationery department and gift department, I am a senior buyer of my company’s headquarters, and I work with procurement teams in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Shanghai. Meanwhile, I get engaged in business expansion, the deployment of new stores, store design and the development of new concepts as well. Q : What is the most important key in purchasing? A: I think the term “merchandising” is better than “purchasing” because you have to begin with a unique concept and from understanding clients’ needs. Additionally, you have to find a way to actually sell a product. “Purchasing” is only a superficial business activity, but “merchandising” is an action that includes industrial knowledge and comprehending products and markets. Most important of all, instead of making money with trade, you have to know how to create more rewards for clients.

文字・採訪=陳信方 Text=Letter Chen


Q: How do you start to be a buyer?

A :我 自 從 加 入 S i a m P i w a t 後 ,才 開 始 成 為 一 位 生 活 用 品 的 採 購 。 在這之前,我在泰國知名品牌 grey hound負責品牌出口。

A: I have been started to be a lifestyle buyer since joined with the company. Before this I worked at grey hound.


Q: In your opinion, what is the key point for “purchasing”? And how do you select the products?

A:定價最重要。還有,新穎而且創新的點子,以及在功能上與 可銷售性上,能夠產生差異化,都是很關鍵的因素。至於如何挑 選產品?首先,我們會先依照商店的概念去尋找合適的商品,然 後再去根據商品的銷售價話,以及在採購限額(OTB, open-tobuy)的預算內,審慎地去評估判斷。

A: Pricing, new and innovation ideas, differentiate but yet function and salable. And how do we select the products? Firstly we seeking the product that suit with each store concept and according to merchandising plan and OTB budget.


Q: How do you determine the demand of this market?

A:我們會研究全球趨勢,然後援引我們商店的概念去創造季節 性主題,活化我們的零售空間,讓它變得更有趣。之後,我們再 去提供適合這些主題的商品。

A: We study global trend and apply with our store concept then create seasonal theme to refresh our retail space to be more fun and interest. After that we will source the products that suit with each theme.

Q:您印象最深刻的 EXPO或貿易展是哪個?為什麼? A:我印象最深刻的應該是台灣設計師的創意展,因為那與其他 國家的風格非常不同。

Q: What is the most impressed EXPO or trade show? Why? A: The most impressed Expo and trade show is creativity of Taiwan designers which very differentiate style from other counteties.

Q: How do you determine market demand? A: This is very interesting as I am in charge of three markets. When I deploy a store, I have to visit this city and community and constantly interact with people to meet the needs of as many people as possible. Each region has its distinctive needs even in such a small market like Hong Kong. Data are required to research into their differences so that distinctive combinations can be created for each store. This is a difficult task.

Patrick Ng

Parisa Chatnilbandhu

city super/LOG-ON高級採購員。在大學主修心理與哲學,畢業後進入網路產業服務,扮演客戶與科技間的 橋樑。2003年被 City Super Group挖角,並於 2004年開始負責採購部門,目前為總部高級採購員,負責香 港、臺灣與上海三地市場。

在 Siam Piwat Retail Holding Company Limited(母公司 Siam Piwat Co., Ltd為泰國曼谷知名百貨集團,旗下擁有 Siam Center、Siam Discovery、Siam Paragon、Paradise Park和 ICONSIAM等五大曼谷百貨商場)的零售事業體擔任 資深總監。2013年協助曼谷 Siam Center創建了「The Selected」的零售商店,這個空間主要銷售啟發自藝術、創 意、時尚等生活用品,現在有6間商店,包括4間時尚商店與 2間生活用品商店。

Patrick Ng majored in psychology and philosophy at college. After he graduated, he landed a job in the Internet industry and served as a bridge between clients and technology. In 2003, he was recruited by City Super Group from his previous company, and he has taken charge of its procurement department since 2004. Mr. Ng is currently a senior buyer of the group’s headquarters and is in charge of markets in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Shanghai.

Parisa Chatnilbandhu is working with Siam Piwat Co.,Ltd since 2013 by create the retail space called “The Selected” at Siam Center (Shopping Center ) . The Selected is retail space manage by our company selling llifestyle products with The concept of Art, creative , Fashion. Until now we have 6 Stores already which 4 of Fashion stores and 2 stores for lifestyle design products.


城市即 展場 The City is the Exhibition.

全 台

串 聯

展場 即生活 The Exhibition Displays Lifestyles.

4/1-4/30全臺近400家文創商店大串聯, 歡迎登門探訪,感受臺灣文創的多元活力!

第4期將有更多好店及 活動之相關報導



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