2016 cet newsletter vol 1

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在優質的生活文化中開創美學新價值 The Definition of Culture and Living Attitude

。 臺灣文博會徵展開始 2016

。創意美學 大 6趨勢

. 體驗式展覽,是展覽也是表演

. 邀請國際參展者,創造多元文化匯流

. 科技文創當紅,看見無限可能

. 創意生活好品味,把台灣味端上桌

. 只要夠好,小品牌也有大市場

. 創意策展,打造品牌特色


2016文博會徵展開始! 2016 CET Call for Entries!

在優質的生活文化中 開創美學新價值

2015 臺灣文博會成功轉型,2016 臺灣文博會則規畫更加豐富的展出內容, 除了邀請重量級策展人規畫「年度主題展」以外,2016 年還將邀集國外 知名策展人,以及國際組織、城市和企業參展,以擴大國際視野;本屆備

The New Definition of Culture and Living Attitude

受矚目的「NEXT」和「文創新銳」專區,也將再度組織台灣新銳設計、 工藝品牌,以及圖文授權類、最受矚目亞洲新星也將於展會上同台競技。 2016 臺灣文博會於 4 月 20 至 24 日展開,即日起至 2016 年 1 月 31 日止 接受報名。欲參展之廠商可依產品或服務類別,選擇合適之展區報名展出。 The Creative Expo Taiwan (CET) 2015 reinvented itself with the concept of "The City is the Exhibition, the Exhibition Displays Lifestyles". Based on the perspectives of culture, creativity, and industry, CET thoroughly explored the common good values of Chinese exquisite lifestyles. The exposition used the entire city as its stage, and was set up in three concurrent venues. It was the largest creative expo to date. There were 615 domestic and international exhibitors and 1,408 booths, as well as more than 50 activities during the expo period, including the Cultural and Creativity Trend Forum, lectures, new product releases, business matching meetings, and a variety of performances and DIY experiences. The expo attracted a total of 185,835 visitors.

文化是一場流動的饗宴,唯有生活其中而能細心品味 轉型再出發的 2015 臺灣文博會,以「城市即展場、展 場即生活」為概念,從文化、創意與產業等面向,深入 探討華人優質生活的共同美好價值,展覽空間以城市為 舞台,串聯三大展覽區域,為歷屆以來規模最大的一次。 此屆國內外參展單位高達 615 家、1,408 個攤位,展期 間舉辦包含文創趨勢論壇、講座、新品發表會、洽商媒 合會、各式表演及實作體驗等超過 50 場以上各式活動, 吸引超過 18 萬觀展人次,成功打造觀察華人優質生活 的櫥窗。

The Expo is now open to application till 2016.01.31. We sincerely invite you to the Expo and together polish the cultural and creative brand for greater international visibility. Creative Expo Taiwan 2016 will be more exceptional with its rich contents. The well-known curator will design the "Annual Theme", showing the exquisite lifestyle of Taiwan's unique attitude. The highly anticipated "NEXT" and "Creative Startups" section will once again organize Taiwan cutting-edge designs and technology brands. As for graphic authorization category, the most talented Asian rookies will compete in the exhibition. Creative Expo Taiwan 2016 will run from April 20 to 24 and is calling for entries from now to Jan 31, 2016. Companies that would like to participate in the Expo can sign up and select appropriate section based on its service and products.

Creating a high quality exhibition brand image


Creative Expo Taiwan is a platform for global exchanges that combines branding and marking resources, and represents an opportunity for international exchanges and to attract the attention of international buyers and media. CET's efforts at building this high quality brand image has led to it winning the gold award at the “Taiwan MICE Awards” organized by the Bureau of Foreign Trade (BOFT), Ministry of Economic Affairs. It also won the “Taiwan Culture & Creative Industry Awards” organized by La Vie magazine, winning the highest score in the professional section. Such recognition affirms the efforts of the Ministry of Culture and the executive team.

臺灣文博會就是一座向世界發聲的平台,整合品牌與行 銷資源,透過國際交流的機會,吸引國際買家與國際媒 體的關注。致力於打造優質展會品牌的努力,也使 2015 年文博會除獲得經濟部國際貿易局主辦「臺灣會展獎」 金質獎以外,也獲生活美學媒體 La Vie 所主辦「台灣文 化創意產業 100 大獎」之十大年度文創會展獎!並在專 業積分上,獲最高分,代表著對文化部、執行團隊及文 創產業界心血投注的肯定。 引東風,重新定義文化台灣無限價值

2016 臺灣文博會徵展類別

華山 1914 文創園區︱ Huashan 1914 Creative Park

Bringing the East Wind, redefining the values of Taiwan culture

2016 年臺灣文博會以「品東風」為題,以中西文化交 接納在地文化認同,將熟悉的元素和精神,以東方當代 語彙引領華人美學走向國際。2016 年 4 月 20 至 24 日, 為期 5 天的展覽,透過反思、跨越、交流、融合,臺灣 文博會將透過創新整合,建構全新的文創平台,乘載華 人優質生活的共同價值,開展更廣更遠的文化體驗。

工藝藝術 Craft

金石、木竹、陶瓷、玻璃、染織等精緻工藝 meta, stone, wood, bamboo, ceramics, glass, dyeing and weaving and other fine crafts

其他 Others

上述產業衍生商品或服務內容 products or services derived from the above categories

松山文創園區︱ Songshan Cultural and Creative Park

The 2016 Creative Expo Taiwan uses "Savour Eastern Culture" as its theme, representing a cultural exchange between the west and the east, and introducing creative ideas that are transformed with open minds and accepting local cultural identities. With familiar elements and spirits, leading contemporary Chinese aesthetics from the east are brought to the international stage. CET 2016 will be a five day exhibition, from April 20 to 24, 2016. Through reflection, transcending boundaries, exchanges, integration, and innovation, the CET has constructed a new cultural platform that conveys the values of Chinese lifestyles and expresses a wider cultural experience.


Exhibition Profile

家具家飾 Furniture & Accessories

傢俱、壁飾、燈具、桌飾、草本香氛品 furniture, wall décor, lighting, table décor, herbal fragrances

文具禮品 Stationery Gift

文具、禮贈品、紙製品、玩具、創意 3C 周邊商品 stationery, gifts, paper products, toys, creative electronics

個人風格配件 Fashion & Accessories

織品、袋包、飾品、鞋、帽、眼鏡等服飾周邊穿搭配件 textile, bags, accessories, shoes, hats, eyewear, other fashion accessories

餐食器皿 Tableware

餐具、食器、茶具、酒器等生活用品 tableware, eating utensils, teaware, glassware, other household utensils

文創服務 Creative & Design Service

設計服務、行銷策劃顧問等文創產業周邊服務 design, marketing and planning consultancy, other services related to the cultural and creative industry

花博公園爭艷館︱ Expo Dome, Taipei Expo Park




角色創作 Character

插畫角色、卡通人物、動漫人物、圖書出版 Illustration, cartoon, animation, comics character design, publishing

動漫遊戲 Animations & Games

動畫、遊戲、電影、音樂、娛樂 animations, games,movies, music, entertainment

藝術圖像 Art, Design, Image

博物館、藝術家、畫作 museums, artists, galleries, designers, image libraries, illustrations

品牌代理 Branding Agenc

商業、運動、汽車、慈善、名人等品牌代理 corporations, trademarks, sport, autos, charity, celebrities

其他 Others

上述產業衍生商品或服務內容 products or services derived from the above categories



體驗式展演,是展覽也是表演, 五感體驗生活的品味 Experiential Performance,Taste Life with 5 Senses. 傳

邀請國際參展者,多元文化匯流 International Exhibitors to Exchang Diverse Cultures 精

承自古老先人智慧,擁有豐富文化底蘊的「東方風」,向來在設計、工藝、時尚、藝術、食藝……各大創意領域,佔有重要的 一席之地。這個悠遠的東方文化已成為我們生活中重要的無形資產,也從未隨著時間更迭消逝,反而在歷代才華洋溢藝術家與

美典雅的和式漆器、琉璃、陶瓷、織品、金屬工藝……等傳統工藝,向來是日本引以為傲的國族象徵。善於保存與尊重傳統文 化的日本人,經由在地工藝家與職人的打造之下,結合設計與時尚的現代包裝手法,再度被賦予了嶄新的生命力。這些新樣式

設計師巧手打造下,翻玩出一件件極富創意又具突破性的作品。體驗式展演更是近年最 CHIC 的一種展覽方式,觀者不只是安靜看著

的工藝品,強調要走進一般人生活之中,讓精美的工藝品更能貼近你我。2015 文博會特別邀請日本工藝團體聯合參展,結合多個地方

展出的工藝品,而是透過一連串的體驗,主動介入藝術與設計的發生。2015 文博會,透過實驗性跨界的品茶多媒體互動展演、工藝家






nherited from the wisdom of our ancestors, "Eastern Style", with plenty of cultural deposits, has always been playing an important role in major creative fields, such as design, crafts, fashion, art and food art...., etc. This distant eastern culture has become an

important invisible asset of our life. Instead of fading away with time and tide, it has turned into different artworks with creativity

he delicate and elegant Japanese lacquerware, colored glass, ceramics, textile and metal crafts, etc... have always been the proud symbols of Japan. Japanese people are good at preserving and respecting their traditional culture. They apply modern

packaging design technique through the creation of local craftsmen and workers and install the artworks a brand new life. These new

and renovation through the talented artists and designers' skillful hands throughout generations. Experiential performance is the

style crafts, emphasized to step into everyone's life, so that the delicate crafts can get closer to you and I. 2015 CET especially invited

"chicest" style of exhibition. The spectators were not just quietly looking at the crafts in the exhibition, they actively got involved in

Japanese crafts groups to participate in the exhibition. It gathered crafts brands from many places, collected the designs made with

the occurrence of art and design through series of experiences. Creative Expo Taiwan (CET) 2015 created all kinds of Oriental Style

professional techniques and presented the creative energy of the long lasting Japanese culture. The current exhibitions usually invite

experience with 5 senses, e.g. the multimedia interactive performance of experimental cross-boundary tea appreciation, craftsmen

international exhibitors to promote diverse culture exchange. It does kindle a spark of refreshing!

performing high end embroidery art onsite, and the modern eastern fashion catwalk with the beauty of geometry.

藝再進擊-混得好 X 台灣好風光 IN THE MIX ! Tea Art Revolution—IN THE MIX X Taiwan Amazing Sight !

2015 文博會中,由陶作坊所發起的 Tea Party 2 是當代茶觀點的創作實驗,要將亞洲茶文化提

創新發揚在地文創- Toyama Style

Promoting Local Cultural Creative Industry with Innovation - Toyama Style

升至更精緻境界。其中《混得好 In the Mix》多媒體互動展演,融入調酒藝術、平面視覺、影





更是常見。2015 文博會,Toyama Style 展區以素有工藝都市之稱的富山縣高岡市金屬工



"Tea Party 2" is a creative experiment of contemporary tea aspect launched by Lin's Ceramics


Studio, Among them, "In the Mix" is a multimedia interactive performance blended with


bartending art, visual graphic design, image interaction, electronic music, product design,


furniture design, fashion design, and space shaping, etc. What is amazing is they apply


modern bartending skills and seasonal Taiwanese tea as the ingredients to create a whole

The uniqueness and delicate of Japanese brand name crafts usually make us admire.

new tea experience, fusion of old and new, the east and the west.

Japanese people respect tradition, preserve traditional crafts well and make them flourish continuously. In 2015 CET, Toyama Style Section is themed with the metal crafts and lacquerware of Takaoka, Toyama, which is called "the city of crafts". CET invited 3 major


The Presentation of Centurial Crafts—Suzhou Embroidery

驗手作的細緻溫度 -Union

Experiencing the delicate handmade temperature


「Sense30、Fragile 一碎品、H THREE、PO_I」四個原






Live Model 的形式攤開工藝的製程,讓消費者更接近製作



個性及清雅的格調。2015 文博會,知名刺繡工

The four original brands-Sense30、Fragile、H THREE、


PO_I-which include handmade custom bikes , handmade


leather, hand- dyed leather shoes and customized

Embroidery is one of the Chinese traditional

apparel, attempt to remove the packaging and show us

crafts, containing the enchantment of the thousand year Cathay culture. "Suzhou Embroidery Research Institute" of China Tong Yuan Company is famous for its "fineness,

the technology of the craft-making process through the Live Model in the studio. Therefore the customers can get a closer look to the production process, experiencing the delicate handmade temperature.

delicate, elegance and cleanness". The

companies and several new brands from Toyama to exhibit the living goods with traditional technique and innovation style. It is one of the highlights in this exposition. Each product is delicate, and it makes us understand more about the Toyama crafts companies, see how they make use of traditional crafts and let the crafts get closer to everyone's life.

可取代的民藝之美- Creative Japan Crafts

The Irreplaceable Beauty of Folk Craft Art—Creative Japan Crafts

為什麼這些「老東西」可以看起來這麼的美?!觀眾的驚嘆聲源源不絕於耳,他們的訝異來自 2015 文博 會「日本創新工藝特展」的精美展示品,這個將傳統工藝融入時尚設計,並重新演繹漆藝、琉璃、陶瓷及 織品的創新設計手法,迸發的強烈火花,讓觀看的人感到目眩神迷。從「技術」與「魅力形成」出發,以 設計界普遍導入的 CMF—色彩(COLOR)、素材(MATERIAL)、表面處理(FINISH)」為切入點, 在台灣創意設計中心與日本策展人 Kato Keisuke 合作之下,邀請日本創新工藝企業旗下玻璃、漆藝、紙藝、

craftsmen pour their thoughts, feelings,


inspirations and concentrate their unique


perception, distinct personalities and elegant

"Japan Innovative Crafts Special Exhibition" in 2015 CET. This design combined traditional crafts with

dignity in their embroidery works.

fashion and performed the innovative design of lacquerware, colored glass, ceramics and textile. The sparks made all the viewers fascinated. Starting from "technique" and "charm forming", the 3 entry points are the well-known CMF in designing circle, Color, Material and Finish. Taiwan design Center, cooperated with Japanese exhibitor Kato Keisuke, invited 5 innovations of Japan Innovative Crafts Enterprises. They performed together with the experimental material innovation teams which are popular in European and American design circles. And we can see the experiment possibilities in every technology aspect.




TREND 3 科技文創,看見無限的可能 Technology×Creativity Seeing the Unlimited Possibilities

線的指揮家- QisDesign The Light Conductor - QisDesign

展現科技與美學的創新,屢屢拿下國際設計大獎的 QisDesign,名稱取 自 Kiss Design(親吻設計),這個由各領域設計菁英組成的新銳品牌, 突破傳統燈具不能觸碰的侷限,用奇趣玩轉生活,開啟人與光的互動。


QisDesign 結合尖端科技與美學設計,推出一系列超越想像力的 LED 燈飾,

人們對於科技一般冷冰冰的印象。從過往至今,台灣都擁有傲視全球的 LED 專業技術,當結合文創開始發展設計,透過各式各

代表性燈具設計之一的 Infinito 餐吊燈,透過燈身的感應器,隨手一揮即可




QisDesign, the name coming from "Kiss Design", presenting the


innovation of technology and beauty, frequently wins international design


awards. The innovative brand consisted of different design field elites, breaks the limit of traditional lamps. It starts the interaction between

echnology brings innovation, and technology changed people's life. When technology meets creative industry and applies

man and light and makes daily life an enjoyable game. Combining with

in people's life, it makes us see different possibilities and breaks our frosty impression toward technology. Up to the present,

cutting-edge technology and beauty, QisDesign released series of LED

Taiwan has possessed the LED professional technology which is pride of the world. When creative industry started to develop design,

lighting beyond our imagination. For example, "Infinito dining lamp", one

after researching and developing different kinds of materials and forms, the beautiful and well-designed lamps are released to capture

of the representative lighting designs: You can wave your hand to adjust

the posture of light and create different levels of color and shadow in the space. It makes technology close to family life, and we can

the brightness and color.

feel the goodness of light and temperature. Besides the designing esthetics and technology innovation light up the beautiful lamps for us, many companies and brands applying the advance technologies such as interactive sensor device and projection art to bring more fun and imagination to our life.


The Most Unbelievable Light Design - Rooster Lighting

創立於 1989 年,提供全方位照明服務。自 2013 年起,雄鷄 正式進入投影光雕範疇,「Lightartworks」 隨之誕生。與澳洲 設計團隊跨界合作,整合雄鷄豐富的照明工程經驗,結合澳洲 「Propaganda Mill」投影光雕的專業技術與人才,兩者總合超 過 60 年的燈光與多媒體執行經驗,帶給台灣前所未有的光雕 藝術。2015 文博會展出四大投影技術,包含「移動式投影光雕 系統」、「光雕臉譜」、「智慧互動投影」、「櫥窗投影」, 以多媒體數位整合展現光的無限可能。 Established in 1989, Rooster Lighting provides all-domain services. After Rooster Lighting formally entered into the field of projecting, "Lightworks" was initiated successively. It cooperated with Australian designing team and integrated Rooster's plenty lighting engineering experiences. Australia "Propaganda Mill" provides the projecting technology and professionals. The two teams altogether have more than 60 years of lighting and multimedia executive experience and bring a whole new projecting experience to Taiwan.


Lighting the Eastern Culture - Xcellent Lighting

東方文化中的簡約、雅趣與智慧特質,正在世界設計潮流中慢慢發酵。東方生活美學思維強調,當思想與設計碰出火 花,便能創造出靈性的設計作品。2015 文博會中,卓玉透過現代燈飾設計手法,以幾何線條重新詮釋傳統東方元素, 從傳統水墨、花格、禪意風格取樣,展現全新的東方美學,同時也演繹台灣燈飾在世界潮流中別樹一幟的東方風格。 The quality of simplicity, elegant humor and wisdom are gradually fermenting in the world designing trends. The thoughts of Eastern life esthetics emphasizes that when thoughts meets design, they will create spiritual works. In 2015 CET, Xcellent Lighting employs modern lighting design technique and interprets the eastern elements with geometric lines. It sampled from traditional Chinese brush drawing, egg crate and zen style and presented brand new eastern esthetics. It also makes the eastern style of Taiwan lightings outstanding in the world trends.

翻 點


Lighting up the Aesthetics of Life - SEEDDESIGN


The Creativity to Transform Life - Pega Design and Engineering

2008 年成立,和碩設計為全球五百大企業,和碩聯合科技的設計中心,

SEEDDESIGN 設計團隊從簡約精神出發,專注於達成圖紙與最終產品的一致



曾被媒體圈譽為「設計界的魔術師」。2015 文博會,和碩設計的創意大

源自 1991 年的品牌,來自一位青年對燈光的想像與對創作的熱情,透過筆尖把






The designing team of SEEDDESIGN starts from the spirit of simplicity,

Founded in 2008, Pega Design and Engineering is among the global

concentrating on reaching the consistence of designing paper and final

top 500 enterprises. Pegatran Corp. Design Center is frequently

product. To practice the neat and natural lines and operational functions at

affirmed with international design awards and praised as "the magician

the same time, they insist doing experiments over and over again and making

in design circle" by media. Its popular creative work "ColorUp" in 2015

breakthrough. This brand, since 1991, comes from the imagination of lamp

CET, is a color absorbing lamp. It presents the image of the dropper. If

and the passion of creation by a youngster. The appearance is both simple

you place the lamp on an object, the color can be absorbed by slightly

and significant. The simple beauty experiences a marvelous process.

squeezing the bottom of the light bulb.




TREND 4 創意生活,把台灣味端上桌 Serving the Taiwanese Delicacy 在

全球設計競技場的舞台上,什麼才是台灣味的設計?有一種說法是「在地」,只要是在設計中融入在地元素,像是台灣花布、 茶器、八家將、歌仔戲、傳統廟宇文化,甚至還有夜市與藍白拖,是否就代表這是最正港的「台灣味」?不可諱言,在全球化

的今日,國與族的差異日漸式微,多數人只能簡單將事物化約成東西方的設計,當台灣設計與其他國家的設計被端上同一座平台,我 們的創意將如何脫穎而出?這是考驗許多本地設計人的課題,也是眾多在地生活器具、家具品牌與設計人要挑戰的重要項目:如何創 造獨樹一幟的台灣風格創意?如何將台灣味推向世界?且讓我們拭目以待!


hat is the Taiwanese design in the arena of global design? Some people say it's "localization". Whether it is Taiwanese style when adding local element, such as Taiwanese cloth, tea set, the 8 police officers of the dead world, Taiwanese

opera, traditional temple culture, even night market and blue and white slippers into design? It cannot be denied that in the world of globalization today, the difference between countries and races is getting smaller. Most people only reduce things as eastern or western design. But when Taiwanese design is placed on the same platform with the design of other countries, how can we stand out? This is not only the lesson for our local designers to learn, but an important item for many local life goods and furniture brand designers to challenge.

最 發

現日常微美好- TOAST & KINTO

有品味的生活家-品家家品 JIA

The Most Tasteful Elegant Life - JIA Inc.

2007 創立,優質居家生活品牌 JIA Inc. 品家家品,鎔鑄傳統素材、工藝和現代

Finding Out the Little Goodness of Life - TOAST & KINTO

設計語法,重新詮釋適宜東西方生活極具代表性的品牌。JIA 就是家,JIA Inc. 品家家品以華人人文起家,邀集國際設計團隊,激盪東西方觀點,跨越文化、跨 越新舊、跨越生活空間,抵達每個人心中最溫暖柔軟的歸屬。

來自台灣的 TOAST 與從日本遠道而來的 KINTO,同樣是來自東方的品牌,

Established in 2007, quality brand of living goods JIA Inc. combines traditional


materials, crafts and modern design methods. It reinterprets the life suitable for


both eastern and western, and is a representative brand name. JIA is home in


Chinese. JIA Inc. started from Chinese humanity, inviting international design


teams to stimulate eastern and western aspects. It crosses the boundary of culture,


generation and living space to reaches the warmest and softest corner of our hearts.

牌共同追求的目標:回歸日復一日的生活,用帶點生活痕跡的質感好物,給 自己平凡度日的溫暖享受。 TOAST & KINTO, the former comes from Taiwan and the latter from Japan, are both eastern brands. The life goods they produce all in the form of low profile and sharp. They convey the life esthetics of our generation. Emphasizing the practicability and familiarity and fusion with local crafts, from "tea and tea set", "handmade coffee life", "table and tableware" to "fragrances", they present four kinds of good experiences of family life. They bring the good designs to more people's kitchens, tables and daily living space.


The Gorgeous Transformation - Green In Hand

向來給人們飽足心靈、滿足胃腸的「掌生穀粒」,為什麼說是 一個販賣「台灣生活風格」的品牌?成立於 2006 年,他們透 過平凡平實平常的白米,想傳達呈現的價值,其實是台灣人的 生活風格。這些包括了歷史的文化風霜、地理的風土條件、人 文的感官飛揚,以及最重要的是:台灣人對待土地的友善態度。 他們的媒介來自土地上的農業作品,憑著對台灣土地滿滿的熱 情,他們走訪全台灣,找出天生的大地耕作者,還有與他們永



Gently Telling the Story - Pinyen Creative Inc.

遠不會再相逢的經典農作,再透過精緻手感包裝與生產故事, 要將這樣天然珍貴的風味分享給更多人知道。在掌生穀粒引領


Searching for Creativity in Tradition - HEE Design







"Green In Hand" used to give us an impression of satisfying



our stomach and spirit, but why we say it's a brand selling

用餐桌器皿表達,紀錄日常生活點滴。2015 文博會期間,更提供以糕餅木模為


"Taiwanese Lifestyle"? they communicate the real value,

瓷土壓坯,成形後進行釉色手工繪彩的瓷器製作 DIY 趣味活動。


Taiwanese lifestyle through ordinary, plain and simple rice. It

HEE Design, located in Wenzhou Street, has rich cultural style. HEE Porcelain

"In order to let more people know about Taiwanese quality products, the design

includes the cultural weathering, geographic local conditions

absorbs Taiwanese local culture, produces locally and concerns about

of Pinyen Creative Inc. is like a fresh ingredient with proper cooking, not over

and humanity senses. With the passion of the land, they

Taiwanese tradition, hoping that the beautiful traditional culture can pass on

flavored, preserving the essence of food and presenting the most natural

visited everywhere in Taiwan to find out the inborn natural

from generation to generation. HEE Porcelain believes that the first joy hides in

freshness and sweetness. Pinyen Creative Inc. insists the ideal of "light design"

farmers and their classic crops. Through the delicate hand-

the heart and the second joy shows in the utensils. The daily things, no matter

releasing the "Taiwanese quality products" series to present the forgotten good old

packaging and production stories, they share the natural

how big or small, can be expressed with utensils on the table instead of words

days and cultural products.

flavor with more people.

or language.



TREND 5 只要夠好,小品牌也有大市場 If It's Good Enough, A Small Brand Also Has Big Market 誰

說年輕品牌就沒有競爭力?越是年輕越沒有包袱,只要發現市場缺口、只要設計的夠出眾高質感,就越有機會找到屬於自己的 藍海,所能發展的創意可能性也更不受限制。2015 文博會我們看見多家台灣原創品牌,成立的時間從三、五年到六、七年不等,

但各自爆發的能量卻讓我們大感驚奇。靈感來自台灣花布的「印花樂」花布設計、結合地方媽媽工藝的「layoo」包包,或是顛覆聆聽 經驗的「Chord & Major」調性耳機,都相偕找到一個特殊的市場切入點,用心經營特定族群的需求,在小眾利基市場先博得銷售口碑, 再憑著這個光環讓更多人有興趣認識,進一步想要收藏擁有。



Playing with Creativity Simply— Singular Concept Studio

2014 年創立,同年即以「Prism & RAY」系列商品參與 台 灣 設 計 師 週, 隨 後 進 軍 法 蘭 克 福 消 費 展(Ambiente Frankfurt),是受到國內外肯定的年輕品牌。單挑概念 工作室著重在開發台灣有競爭力的產品,無論是家電家 飾、創意燈具、流行飾品,他們以自有品牌產品為主軸, 目標是利用台灣產業優勢,把台灣設計、台灣製造的精 品帶到國際舞台。

ho says that a young brand doesn't have competitiveness? The younger a brand is, the fewer burdens it has. When finding a market gap, as long as the design is high quality and outstanding, it is more likely to find its blue ocean. The creative possibility

is more unlimited. In 2015 CET, we can see many Taiwanese original brands. They have founded from 3 to 5 or 6 to 7 years. But the energy each of them erupts makes us amazed. "inBloom Pattern and Print", inspired by the pattern design of Taiwanese cloth, "layoo" bags combining the crafts of local mothers or "Chord & Major" tonal earphone subverting the listening experience, each of them found the market entry point. They satisfy the needs of specific groups elaborately. Their strategy is to win the public praise in the minority market first, and with this halo, more people would be interested and like to collect and possess their products.

Singular Concept Studio emphasizes on opening competitive products in Taiwan, such as home appliances, home decorations, creative lamps and fashion accessories. Their major products are their own brand name products and their goal is to bring the design and quality products of Taiwan onto the international stage by the advance of Taiwanese industries.


The Beautiful Life Picture in the Cloth -印花樂

成立於 2008 年,台灣設計師布料工作室「in Blooom 印花樂」選擇在迪化街成立第一家店,他們希望能在 這個舊布料市集中,將傳統台灣記憶轉化為新的創作 元素,以嶄新的美學概念闡述對於花布設計與台灣在 地文化的想像。他們結合圖案設計與印花織品的創意,

創造自在而有特色的印花生活風格自有品牌,讓世界 有機會更瞭解台灣文化,更能發現我們的庶民美學。 "in Bloom Pattern and Print", Taiwan designer fabric


Say Thanks to A Good Design - Lo Lat Furniture and Objects

2014 年成立的路力家器具,取自於台語「Lo Lat」,是台灣老一輩人對彼此付出的

studio, chose to establish their first store in Dihua

勞力訴說「謝謝」的問候。秉持「唯有做好基本,才能成就品質」,在 2015 文博會,

Street. They hope to transform traditional Taiwanese

路力家器具展出風格多元的台灣味設計,其中 Y 系列曲木家具、原木兒童桌椅及輕

memories to new creative elements in this old


cloth material market. They employ the brand new


esthetics to express the imagination of cloth design

"Lo Lat", which means "thank you", comes from Taiwanese. With the belief of

and Taiwanese local culture. They combine the

"Only when you do the basic things wells, you can reach the quality", Lo Lat

creativity of pattern design and fabric printing to

exhibited different styles of Taiwanese design in 2015 CET. The "Y series"

make their own brand.

bentwood furniture, crude wood children's table and chair and soft earth-colored ceramic utensils, all of them conveyed light, natural and comfortable design style and presented the originality and texture of Taiwanese design.


The Bags Carrying Hope - layoo bag

「layoo」於 2011 年成立,主要產品為各式文創

設計包款,但他們不僅是販賣包包,而是希望透 過設計,給予地方多一點幫助、工作機會,讓在


Design Beautiful Sound - Chord & Major




& Major 調性耳機」,在 2015 文博會中,以顛覆世代


的「 調 性 聽 感 」(Jazz、Rock、Classical、Ballad、





"layoo" are all kinds of cultural creative bags.


They hope to offer local people more help and


working opportunity through design, and let the

"Chord & Major Tonal Earphone", the Taiwanese

local producers gain the possibility of sustainable

earphone brand which is widely discussed by music

development. Therefore, they once traveled

lovers and earphone fans, produces high quality

long distance, bringing their children and cloth

earphones with different music styles. It helps

materials to Taitung aboriginal tribe to teach how

consumers choose the right device corresponding

to make bags. It makes the consumption of bags

to their styles, tastes and music more intuitively. It

more meaningful and valuable.

can also increase the sensibility of music details and present the complete feelings of different types of music.




TREND 6 創意策展,打造品牌的特色 Creative Curation, Constructing the Unique Features of a Brand 主

題性的裝置、品味獨特的空間、有故事性的場所……,要打造一齣成功的展覽,讓創意被多人看見,從硬體到軟體都要顧及, 但最重要的是「內容」,而「品牌」正是協助打造內容的一大推手。2015 文博會,在眾多企業、廠商、品牌的共襄盛舉下,觀

眾早已眼花繚亂,要如何鶴立雞群,讓觀眾多逗留個幾秒欣賞把玩你的設計品,各家品牌無不使出渾身解數。其中讓人印象最深刻的 莫過於以「品」字規劃的主題館設計,提供各大品牌一個既美麗又完善的展覽平台。再來就是地方特色文創品牌聯手出擊,因為氣質 相近,透過故事性的展演,讓觀者對品牌更加印象深刻。


n in-topic setting, a space with unique taste, a place with a story to tell…in order to conduct a successful exhibition and make one's creativity to be seen by the public, we should care about all aspects of the exhibition, from software to hardware. And the

most important of all is "content". The "brand" is an important assistance to help create the content. 2015 CET dazzled the visitors with numerous enterprises, businesses and brands. All the brands make their utmost effort, trying to stand out and make viewers to linger longer and play with their design. One of the most impressive part is the design of the exhibition hall, featuring the shape of ' 品 ', which provides a beautiful and complete exhibition platform. Another feature is the cooperation of the local-style creative brands. Because of their similar characteristics, they perform in a storytelling way to make visitors more impressive.


A Large Equipment Show Integrated with Culture, Multimedia, Crafts and Life- Trend 2015

2015 文博會共計超過 500 個文創品牌參展,有來自全球超過 20 國家的廠商與買家,主辦單位以「品臺灣」品質與格局,分別 邀請陳俊良、羅申駿、李尉郎三位策展人規劃三座主題館:華山 1914 文創園區強調品格的「源本」、松山文創園區藏匿著令人 「著迷」的創意設計;花博公園爭艷館充滿時尚流行的印記的「賦流形」。 In 2015 CET, the host used "tasting Taiwan" to emphasize the quality and vision, and invited three curators: Junliang Chen, Johnason Lo and WeiLang Li to plan three theme pavilion. In Huashan Creative Park, the theme "The Essence of A Culture" is to emphasize character; in Songshan Creative Park, the "Fascination" creative design concealed in it; in Taipei Expo ParkExpo Dome, the mark of fashion 'Shape is Energy ' combined production, sales, integration and marketing channel.


Make Space For Ourselves- Shiang Ye Industry


A Story of Life – 'chijia' Cooperative Exhibition

2015 文博會「JIA Inc. 品家家品」、「舊振南餅店」,以及「掌生穀粒」聯合策展,

2015 文博會,祥業工業呈現「設計整合製造技術」,希望發展更多源自台灣的原創價值,如同張開一把椅子,便能擁


有一席之地。針對此次文博會,祥業以「造.一席之地」的裝置空間,SITPLS by 祥業工業採用鐵管及鐵皮浪板等傳統


素材,視覺上形成 5 坪大的微型工廠,以鋪滿數百萬顆的塑膠色母原料作為基礎及原點,整體靚紅的空間由此展開。一

Inc. 品家家品」、增添生活喜慶歡樂色彩的「舊振南餅店」與引領農業食尚的「掌生



In 2015 CET, Shiang Ye Industry displayed the "design integrated with production technique", hoping to develop more

In 2015 CET, "JIA INC" house necessities, "Jiu Zhen Nan" cookie store and "Green

value originated in Taiwan. Adopting iron tube and iron corrugated roofing sheet to form a micro factory, paved with

In Hand" grain store had a cooperative exhibition. They worked together to perform

millions of plastic-colored material as the foundation, a fashionable red space appears and then an up-to-date, simple

a drama of life, named "chijia (establish a family)". "Chijia" began with two people in

design and integrally formed chair gradually appears from the ground. It shows how a chair is formed from material,

love, eight tables and eight life scenes. As time went by, viewers can see the good-

design and finally finished.

old-days and the future stories.




2015 年度最佳文創商品- 文創精品獎


Cultural & Creative Award— Top Amazing Exhibits

5 Utsusiwa by Ryosuke Fukusada 經由實驗所產生的材質處理方法與京都的傳統陶窯「秀峰窯」技術結 合,餐具品牌「utsusiwa」就此誕生。形狀雖然看來眼熟,但外觀新 奇,令人不由自主地想觸摸。The "shuhoe kiln" technique combines with the material procession methods from experiment. This is how the brand name tableware "utsusiwa" was born. The shape is familiar but the appearance is marvelous and people just can’t help touching it.

創精品獎是 2010 年臺灣文博會首屆創設的獎項,以建構「華人優質生活」為目標,透過競賽累積台灣產業創新力,創造台

6 世界音樂調性耳機 Major5'14 / 悅聲志業股份有限公司 Chord&Major Classical Tonal Earphone by C&M Audio Co., Ltd.

灣優質生活之輪廓,成為象徵台灣文創產業最高榮譽之一! 2015 年文創精品獎,共選出 30 件最令人驚豔的展品,面對產業

跨界服務和跨國發展的趨勢,評選標準包括文化涵養運用、對生活型態影響的文化性、富有原創、質材運用、美學及實用性等創新 性,以及未來拓展商機的市場性,並邀請具國際趨勢觀點評選團於展會現場評選,最終提供專業買家與觀展民眾決定性的參考指標。 本屆最大贏家為「品研文創」及「兩個八月」,分別有 3 件及 2 件作品獲肯定。

Major5'14 回歸世界音樂的訴求,為了呈現現場採集的空間音景、彈奏 手感與臨場細節。著重音場、聲音的結像以及定位的表現。 Major5'14


is more than electro acoustical technologies. The brand produces

he first Cultural & Creative Award was initiated in Creative Expo Taiwan, 2010. The goal of CCA is to construct the "Quality

headphones that best suit different musical styles by studying the

life". Through competition, it accumulates the creative ability, outlines the Taiwanese quality life and becomes one of the


highest honors in creative industry of Taiwan. 2015 Cultural & Creative Award selects totally 30 most amazing exhibits. Facing the trend of cross-boundary industry and cross-country development, the creative criteria of the selection include connotation, originality, material, textual, esthetics, practicability and future marketability. It invites jury with international trend vision to vote on-site and finally provides professional buyers and visitors an indicative reference. The two biggest winners in 2015 are"Pinyen

history, elements, features, and representations of each genre.

7 Wasara by WASARA Co., Ltd.

WASARA 是以日本傳統的美意識及價值觀為出發點所開發出的免 洗紙器皿商品。秉持環保意識,不使用木材,以甘蔗渣及竹子為原 料 所 製 成, 繼 承 日 本 傳 統 精 湛 的 飲 食 文 化 開 發 精 神。WASARA is

Creative Inc."and "Biaugust Creation Office." 3 and 2 of their products respectively won the affirmation.

the disposable paper vessels developed from traditional Japanese esthetic and value. It holds the environmentally-friendly conscious. Instead of wood, it uses bagasse and bamboo as the materials and inherits excellent traditional Japanese food culture spirit to make the







8 8 綻放︱二喜設計有限公司 Blooming by HEE Porcelain CO., LTD. 綠豆糕為傳統美味的茶點,簡單清新而深得人心。將飾紋延伸到茶食 器皿,畫面猶如百花綻放般的生動優雅。簡約的形體搭配浮雕圖騰, 於手中傳遞著傳統的印記,同時保有現代氣息。Green bean cake is a


delicious and traditional pastry; it is fresh and popular for everyone. The graphic of cake is applied to tableware decoration which is vivid and elegant as flowers blooming. The tableware presents simple form with beautiful totems.

1 金魚時鐘 / 良事設計有限公司 Goldfish Clock by haoshi design Co., Ltd.

haoshi 金魚時鐘由九隻自在悠游的金魚組合而成。數字九具有財富興旺的涵義;金魚在東方則代表吉祥富貴。haoshi Goldfish Clock collects nine leisurely swimming goldfish. In the Eastern culture, number “nine” means flourishing fortune. Goldfish is a symbol of permanent good fortune

and luck.


成立於 1899 年,東京廣田玻璃是東京歷史最悠久的玻璃製品廠商之一。引進現代歐洲玻璃製作工藝,融合了日本獨特審美觀,極為珍貴的設計樣 式,開創玻璃製作工藝的新天地。Initiated in 1899, HIROTA by HIROTA GLASS CO.,LTD. is one of the oldest glass manufacturers in Tokyo. It introduced modern European glass manufacturing crafts, and accompanied with unique Japanese esthetic, the extremely precious design pattern opened a new world of glass manufacturing crafts.

金屬線條所勾勒出的鶴,讓視覺產生虛實交錯,栩栩如生的存在感, 外形輪廓線也因不同角度觀看,而有不同樣貌。Made out of twisted wire, the crane interlaces into a visual compound of the virtual and real.Its life-like silhouette creates different looks depending on where you are standing.

10 金吉春盛系列︱兩個八月創意設計有限公司

3 Lipa/ 可以設計有限公司 Esaila

LIPA 邊桌採取了一個簡潔而直覺式的工法,可隨心所欲調整擺放的方向,砂質的觸感簡約低調,外觀不見任何焊接的痕跡,傳遞極簡工藝的美感。 LIPA is simple, unique as a practical and sculptural side table. The beauty part is, there is no certain angle telling which side should be the front. It is made from one sheet of laser-cut steel then simply bent to form the sturdy legs and surface.



9 丹頂鶴雨傘架︱優游設計有限公司 Crane_umbrella holder by Liberté Design Studio CO.,LTD.

Glorious Spring Blossom Stationery by biaugust CREATION OFFICE


欲將萬物美好悉心收納,線條與區塊透露吉字型體,以金銅銳角安穩 的包覆回憶,而後用質樸的木頭收斂光芒,一如春盛之喜,樂盈金吉。 The concept Refers to Taiwanese traditional crafts "Chunsheng", the

創業於 1916 年,原本以佛具、茶具、花瓶等傳統工藝產品的製造居多,近年來開始應用傳統技術開發製造餐具及裝飾用品等產品,並融合職人的 精湛技術及時尚設計,極受各界青睞。Founded in 1916, it originally manufactured traditional crafts, such as Buddhist altar fittings, tea sets and

combination of wood and copper elevates the quality of stationary

vases. In recent years, it starts to apply traditional technique to develop making tableware and decoration. With the excellent skills and fashionable

prosperity of Taiwanese people. Seeing the vessel from the front, the

design, its products are popular with large number of people.

Chinese character on the body means 吉 (lucky).


in a way, meanwhile characterizes the spirit of down to earth and


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