Creativ Magazine Issue #40 -Version #2

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a m i t i r a e F Alti








a m i t i r a e F Alti



FROM STREET TO CHIC! Monetizing your life the smart way.


Happy40t h issue! DIGITAL ISSUES At your finger tips W W W . C R E A T I V M A G . N E T Visit and enjoy our free digital copies today! Available on your tablet and Android or Apple phone. Download the Joomag TM app for better visibility.

E D I T O R ' S




I would hate to sound cliché and say “time flies” because it actually does. Welcome to our 40th issue. For the first time in 7 years we are introducing an issue with 2 covers. I could recount the days where I was bamboozled and sold a dream of putting celebrities on the cover and how I was told that over night the magazine would be sold all over the world, basically I was sold unicorns and rainbows. From this experience I gained the knowledge and wisdom to know better and protect what are most dear to me and this magazine is no exception. This issue happened the way that it was supposed to happen. We had the privilege of featuring a gem of an artist, Fatima Altieri, model, singer, actress and philanthropist. I could genuinely appreciate the vulnerability behind her story. She sheds light on an issue that affects so many of us today and ended in such a positive note, that even those not affected would appreciate the sentiment. Moreover, we welcome so many amazing talents impacting the Fashion world and the Art world today. Get to know Doe Wiz's creator Kamar Lewis, a young entrepreneur that went from rags to riches. We also introduced Fashion Designer Bree Billiter introducing a new way to imagine fashion trends of the future. We are also elated in introducing Chef Marie France Michel who is becoming a name to remember in the culinary arts department. So many talented artists in this issue that we had to extend it to 148 pages. It is truly a special edition and we could not be prouder. We would like to show our gratitude to our sponsors and contributors who made this issue possible. We look forward to featuring so many more in the years to come. Raise a glass to art and may we never run out of it until the end of time. Here is to our 40th issue!

6 | CREATIV | Sept - Oct 2020 |

CORHINN BRUNOT Founder and Editor in Chief IG @creativmag Email:


40 issues!! | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 7


Toni Douglas Known by most as "Toni". For eleven years, Toni served her community as a high school English teacher and an Instructional Reading Coach for Miami-Dade County Public Schools. Currently, Toni is in pursuit of publishing her first book, Controlling Your Crazy While Dating Your Non-Existent Boyfriend. In her spare time, Toni enjoys shopping, traveling and writing. In addition to writing for CREATIV magazine, she serves as the blogger for The Millionheiress Club and Keva J Swimwear. One day, Toni is a published author and public speaker. Toni published her first book, Controlling Your Crazy While Dating Your Non-Existent Boyfriend.

Yvonne NOBLES Yvonne is the founder of Life Coaching for Kids, along with her husband Louis with whom she shared her first kiss over 35 years ago. This dynamic duo shine as life coaches, lyricists and motivational speakers. A travel enthusiast from an early age, Yvonne learned much about life while touring the world during her father's military career. An avid reader and award-winning poet, she’s convinced that everyone has a story to be told - it's simply a matter of connecting with those whom you are fortunate to cross paths. To discover the key to unlocking your greatness, follow her on Instagram or contact her at 530.936.7082 to book transformative speaking and coaching sessions.

Tatiana IVY Tatiana is a young, Black, proud Haitian-American woman. Currently a 21-year-old student, she studies Political Science and Women's and Gender Studies as a Senior at Wellesley College. She's passionate about the intersections between the personal and the political, and she considers herself to be a writer, a speaker, and a fierce advocate for equality, equity, and justice. She is someone who believes absolutely everything in life happens for a reason, and she is always grateful for her consistent growth. To connect with her, follow her on Instagram at @http.tatiana and on Twitter at @tatiana_ivy!

Laura shirk Laura is a Toronto-based lifestyle writer known for profiling international artists and retail marketing campaigns. When she's not pretending to know lyrics or dancing in public, she likes to hit the gym, (over)eat and spend time with family and friends. Connect with her on Instagram: @elleeshirk

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Got Talent? BE SEEN... GET PUBLISHED! Are you a fashion blogger? Photographer ? Writer? Become a contributor to our magazine. Email your credentials at


COVER COVER STORY: STORY: Nothing Nothing Is Is What What It It Seems Seems -Fatima Fatima Altieri Altieri

Sept-Oct 2020


14 Pop-UP photography Photography by Brian Pena

16 Pop-UP ART New art expo by Stevenson Valentin


20 VISUAL ARTIST HIGHLIGHT Bringing to Light Climate Change, Patricia Carr Morgan Mourns Love and Loss by Laura Shirk


Model/Subject: Model/Subject: Fatima Fatima Altieri Altieri Creative Creative Director/Visionary: Director/Visionary: Thatiana Thatiana Gustama Gustama Belizaire Belizaire Photographer: Photographer: Kareem Kareem Virgo Virgo Designer: Designer: Hermione Hermione Elma Elma Hair: Hair: Hair Hair Chemistry Chemistry Miami Miami by by Tyiesha Tyiesha Museau Museau Make Make up: up: ChemXeauty ChemXeauty by by Jimmytre Jimmytre Museau Museau


28 36

PHOTAGRAPHER HIGHLIGHT Chic and Sharp by Sherlyne Volel INFLUENCERS MAKING AN IMPACT Flying Solo in the Fashion World is not my thing by Karine Melissa Purchas


40 spotlight on fatima altieri Nothing is what it seems



58 fall fashion presentation Siren by Papillon Dezigns

68 amazing story Doe Wiz by Kamar Lewis

78 fashion week Highlights of Paraiso Miami Beach


84 FOOD IS ART Introducing Chef Marie France Michel


92 FASHION FORWARD COUTURE Getting to know Bree Belliter


102 LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS The M Word by Toni Douglas

106 INTO THE MIND OF GEN Z What Covid-19 taught me that College didn't by Tatiana Ivy

108 STORY TELLING New Beginnings by Yvonne Nobles


112 WORLD ART PHOTOGRAPHY Dare by Doisy Isaiah Felipe Fusion by Seigar Stand Out by Elena Mizonova Silver Heart by Roberto Manetta Gemini by Tim Bracey Pure Magic by Alan Osterholtz Crazy Fashion World by Chechina Irina Radiant by Matt Mcguire Valentino A New Couture by Elly Azizian of Fashion Strokes La Morta by Mateen A Khan Queen Hatter by Anastasia Kharchenko Inhale & Exhale by Whitney Nicole Stepford Wife by Jamie Fry On Seafront by Sergio Nugara

146 pLACES TO vISIT Geothermal Spa Blue Lagoon in Reyjavik Iceland





112 | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 9

Editorial Director

Corhinn Brunot EXECUTIVE MARKETING DIRECTOR Jimmy Moise Didier Brunot


ARTICLES Toni Douglas CONTRIBUTORS Yvonne Nobles Laura Shirk Tatiana Moise

PHOTOGRAPHY Kareem Virgo CONTRIBUTION Dennis Madigan Sherlyne Volel Mike Walker



Reachability WEB DESIGN


12 | CREATIV | Sept - Oct 2020 |


Finally, weight loss advice that really works! Louis shares the insights that made his health journey a success, with 70 lbs gone and still counting.

Learn why the industry norms don't always work. If you're tired of having limited results with all you've tried, this book will change EVERYTHING in as little as 7 days. Whether you're looking to safely drop pounds for that special event or make a permanent lifestyle improvement, hurry and get your copy at Amazon (link: Are you tired of busting your tail in the gym and starving yourself only to end up with little to no results? Have you been wondering if this is just the way it's always going to be? Is there any hope for you? Why can't you just lose the weight? If this describes you, then this book will change EVERYTHING. This information is the key to your getting fast results, to you losing that stubborn belly fat and those eternal love handles and getting in shape without starving yourself and spending ridiculous amounts of time in the gym. In this book you'll learn why the industry norm does not work; you'll be educated on how you should eat and the reasons why you haven't been able to lose the weight yet. You'll learn not only how to lose the weight, but to keep it off because knowledge is power. And this book will get you motivated to burn fat at a rapid pace and kiss it goodbye forever. Louis W. Nobles, Jr. is the co-founder of Climb42. Along with his wife Yvonne Nobles, with whom he first shared true love's kiss nearly 35 years ago, this dynamic duo shine as life coaches, lyricists and motivational speakers. To discover the key to unlocking your greatness, follow them on Instagram and visit them online at With a focus on helping others shatter glass ceilings - both societal and self-imposed - they work tirelessly to propel the masses to reach new heights. Call 561.914.1233 or 803.979.5865 to schedule your next transformative speaking or coaching event.

Pop-Up Photography | Nelson Morales


Model | Mirka Miroslava Dress | Susan Monaco Make up | Mirka Miroslava Photography | Nelson Morales

Model | Mirka Miroslava Dress | Susan Monaco Make up | Mirka Miroslava Photography | Nelson Morales | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 15

Pop-Up ART | Stevenson Valentin

Brisure de chocolat







16 | CREATIV | Sept - Oct 2020 |












Momentum | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 17

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VISUAL ART | Patricia Carr Morgan

Bringing Light to

CLIMATE CHANGE Patricia Carr Morgan Mourns Love and Loss

20 | CREATIV | Sept - Oct 2020 |

Based in Tucson, AZ, Patricia Carr Morgan is a conceptual artist who explores memory, loss and reality through sculpture, interdisciplinary installation and photography. Although stepping into the world of art as a painter, Patricia soon started attaching objects to the canvas. Shortly after, she abandoned the canvas altogether and transitioned to using common materials that related to both her personal life and global culture as a medium. On hand: gallons of asphalt, sheets of baby bottle nipples and personal memorabilia. Moving from strokes to snapshots, it’s the form of photography that presents her most recent series: i love you don’t leave me. Exploring the existence of glacier ice and examining the catastrophic effect of climate change, the multi-faceted body of work builds on Patricia’s photographs from Antarctica and Greenland.

written by

Laura Shirk | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 21

VISUAL ART | Patricia Carr Morgan

22 | CREATIV | Sept - Oct 2020 |

Thinking back to her first photography class, Patricia elaborates on the idea that the medium is an individual journey. Considering we all see and feel differently, what it is the photographer is searching for significantly impacts what he or she captures in the lens of the camera. In relation to her reflecting on the past, the artist touches on a gas explosion that destroyed her house as a teenager. With no bedroom to sleep or kitchen to eat, Patricia experienced an extreme sense of loss at a young age, which is apparent in i love you don’t leave me and the conceptualizing of ice degradation. Combining photography, installation and performance art, the immersive body of work showcases Patricia’s concern and asks bigger questions about interconnectedness, moral obligation and the future of our world. With no project in mind, Patricia accompanied her husband on a trip to Antarctica. Describing her arrival as love at first sight, she knew it was becoming a love lost – one she had to discuss. Bringing to light the crisis of global warming, she reveals the beauty, strength, power, danger and expanse of the continent’s glaciers, icebergs and “unending whiteness”. The title of the series alludes to experiencing love at first sight of the continent and witnessing the gradual disappearance of its natural environment, simultaneously.

I had been interested and concerned about climate change for a long time and thought about how I might express this concern in my art. Unknowingly, I was to find the answer in Antarctica. | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 23

VISUAL ART | Patricia Carr Morgan Installation: Blue Tears

24 | CREATIV | Sept - Oct 2020 |

“I had been interested and concerned about climate change for a long time and thought about how I might express this concern in my art. Unknowingly, I was to find the answer in Antarctica. The polar ice is a sublime, fragile and an immense force that is slipping away. As it diminishes, I mourn. After traveling to Greenland to photograph more glaciers, I returned to Tucson and began printing my photographs. As I reveled in their beauty, I thought about ways to express the abuse and neglect that we inflict on the polar ice. After experimenting with processes and materials, I discovered using old, expired and neglected film echoed its loss,” she says.

Installation: Blue Tears

The state of the natural world on a global scale elevates the urgency, poignancy and relevance of i love you don’t leave me. As part of the body of work, the art installation Blue Tears and its performance element, represents mourning. Made up of silk organza (an endangered material that allows for transparency and gentle motion) and 18 panels, the installation is central to the performance. One by one, each panel is removed and dropped “to become one with the sea of those below”. At the finale of the performance, a single panel remains to remind the viewer of what was. “The construction of Blue Tears took several years. While I was working on the photographs, I was searching for a way to do a large-scale installation. The polar ice is majestic, immense and fragile; it called for more than I could do twodimensionally. The art installation needed to be tall, strong and endangered. i love you don’t leave me is similar to an elegy. Blue Tears is not an angry admonition, it is an expression of sorrow. During the exhibition and performance, many people experienced the sadness of this loss and felt the need to act now,” she adds. Referencing He Whispers, a love poem by Anna Akhmatova, Patricia describes our dysfunctional relationship with the planet. With a long history of humans taking what we want from Earth, it’s now time to realize that our paradise is disappearing. Encouragingly, the artist notes “…not yet lost, but disappearing.” | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 25

your hair is your crown mend it right! FIND A LOCTICIAN NEAR YOU w w w . l o c t i c i a n s a c r o s s t h e w o r l d . c o m

Featured Stories | Sherlyne Volel




We have to tell the real story of this discovery, We just love how social media is able to bring the world together under one giant global roof. By pure serendipity we discovered Sherlyne's work from Instagram. Perusing down her page, we could only be left in awe of her work so we had to publish her. What we love about her personality is that she takes pride in her photography. This following spread was specifically shot for this issue. We just love how she can put an emphasis on simplicity and elegance. We are pleased to share her story with you and hope we can have to privilege of sharing more of her work with you in the future.

Sherlyne Volel The face behind Sleen Photography

16 | | CREATIV 28 CREATIV | | Jul Sept- Aug - Oct2020 2020| |

Photographer: Sleen Photography / Sherlyne Volel Lighting: Paul-Henry Philémon, Stanley Alexandre Models: Lumumba Bassan Pierre, Fabiola Jean Makeup Artist: Miha makeup Stylist : BS prêt-à-porter| Sept | Jul -- Aug Oct 2020 2020 | | CREATIV CREATIV | | 29 17

Featured Stories | Sherlyne Volel

Sherlyne Volel is a photographer who has been working in the field since 2016. She has always considered nature as an inexhaustible source of inspiration that never deprives her of her presence. Obsessed with all the possibilities offered by nature and her passion for this art, she decided to perfect her skills in portrait and nature photography. At the same time, she also embraces other aspects such as: photo reportage, weddings, storytelling etc. Driven by her desire to go further and further, it was at Fotomatik that she had the opportunity to hone her photographic skills by brilliantly following an intensive training course from November to December 2017, as well as training sessions, seminars and a number of workshops in the years that followed. Apart from Photography, she studied Administrative Sciences and Communication: two more strings to her bow. As far as her work experience is concerned, she has to her credit the coverage of more than fifty events, portrait photos, and a host of nature photos, some more beautiful than others. Thanks to this burning passion for Photography, she has created her own company "GraphixelHaiti" which provides graphic design and photographic work to clients from all walks of life. Over the last few years, she has worked on different types of projects in Haiti but also in different other Latin American countries that required different skills and abilities. Sherlyne Volel is humble, friendly, philanthropic, detail-oriented, flexible and always eager to open her horizons to new challenges. The beauty of her work inexorably carries thoroughness while taking into account the delivery of services within the deadlines and expectations of her clients. In addition, she has interests in entrepreneurship, the design and manufacture of hair products, and most importantly, advanced studies on the latest photo processing software. She has a passion for traveling and enjoys discovering other cultures. She takes pleasure in sharing her adventures with her followers on her #sleenphotograpy account through her photos.

Photographer: Sleen Photography / Sherlyne Volel Lighting: Paul-Henry PhilĂŠmon, Stanley Alexandre Model: Lumumba Bassan Pierre, Makeup Artist: Miha makeup Stylist : BS prĂŞt-Ă -porter

Photographer: Sleen Photography / Sherlyne Volel Lighting: Paul-Henry Philémon, Stanley Alexandre Model: Fabiola Jean Makeup Artist: Miha makeup Stylist : BS prêt-à-porter | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 31

Featured Stories | Sherlyne Volel

Photographer: Sleen Photography / Sherlyne Volel Lighting: Paul-Henry Philémon, Stanley Alexandre Model: Fabiola Jean Makeup Artist: Miha makeup Stylist : BS prêt-à-porter

Photographer: Sleen Photography / Sherlyne Volel Lighting: Paul-Henry Philémon, Stanley Alexandre Model: Lumumba Bassan Pierre, Makeup Artist: Miha makeup Stylist : BS prêt-à-porter | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 33

Featured Stories | Karine Melissa Purchas

Flying Solo in the Fashion World is Not My Thing

by Karine Melissa, MM


he fashion industry has drastically changed over the past few years. From all types of fashion shows around the city to fashion brunches and tea parties, I think the move that forced me to finalize my idea of the relevance of events was when Mercedes-Benz pulled out of Miami Swim Week. If you follow the fashion game closely, you know that it was not necessarily a surprise. What it was though, was a definitive confirmation that this way of thinking had become overpowered by a phenomenon that the world cannot seem to get enough of. Now, let me preface this by saying, fashion shows are a powerful tool in the industry. Nonetheless, it became clear that social media had taken the place of the original concept of fashion show productions. Fashion shows are an opportunity for designers to connect with their consumers and press in an intimate, entertaining, and in-person kind of way. Clearly, that is extremely important. However, the intake of social media and the need to have immediate access to a product is a phenomenon that has taken over the

world. A fashion designer now has the power in their hands to connect with consumers and press from all around the world simply by posting their products on any social media outlet. With this kind of power at their fingertips, why would a fashion industry professional need anyone or anything else? Well, here’s the thing. In my years of expertise, a fashion show is more about the team of people that a designer becomes connected with rather than just the show. Here’s what I mean. When a designer books (let’s just call it) a fashion show experience, they also get a team of people with endless resources and knowledge about the industry (if you book the right team). Teams are an essential part of the fashion industry existence. As much as we may fight it, the world runs on teams of people that we need. I know that no one likes to think that they “need” anybody but, many times we do need people to assist us in bringing our dreams to reality. Photo Credit : Through Jen's Eyes | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 35

Featured Stories | Karine Melissa Purchas

Hence the idea of a fashion show production. When a designer books the right people to produce their show, they gain access to a team of people they can connect with, learn from, and create with. This adds to the cliché, it’s all about who you know. This is by far one of the biggest benefits to having a team. Thus, I have developed a team-based organizational culture. The fashion industry is an ever-changing industry that relies heavily on team-based work. There are rarely any one-on-one tasks. Understanding this, I built relationships and curated a culture of purpose and empowerment for my team members. My organizational structure promotes this goal. I have learned over my twenty years of leadership in the fashion industry, that every person is motivated by a dream. Their dream is what keeps them going. Therefore, everything that I ask of my team members is something that makes them better equipped to reach their personal goals as well as the company’s goals. According to Andrade (2016), in team-based structures, each team member has a specific role. In the organizational structure of one of my companies, Fashion Designers Expo, this concept is modeled.

Each team member is assigned their own departments. There are ten major areas of functioning within the company. Those areas are finance, creativity, beauty, production, technology, branding, image and design, hospitality, community social responsibility, and social media and marketing. The directors for each department are independent contractors that make up the Fashion Designers Expo team (Team FDE, www.TeamFDE. com). Each director has their own style of leadership. However, I have worked closely with the Director of Events over the past decade to intentionally shape the alliances and strengthen the communication skills among team members. According to Nilsen and Curphy (2018), high performing teams just do not happen. It takes a lot of effort from each team member. This team-based organizational structure of Fashion Designers Expo works well in the fashion industry. I believe that we have been able to accomplish more of our personal goals by being connected with this team and other teams in our professional journeys.

So, do I fly solo? No, I do not. This does not mean that it is easy to trust others or that industry people will not cause you some professional heartache and pain. This also does not mean that there are not moments that I have to do things independently. However, the amount of accomplishments that I have been able to achieve with a team have outweighed the thoughts of flying solo in the fashion industry. Teams are an essential part of our professional careers. Now… as we embrace the idea of teams, we understand that effective leadership is a critical part of the process. Good leadership is the essence of why teams actually work. As I continue my doctoral study on leadership among women and teams, I contribute much of who I have become professionally to the teams that I surround myself with. I challenge you to surround yourself with teams that bring out the best in you always.

References Andrade, M. S. (2016). Effective Organizational Structures and Processes: Addressing Issues of Change. New Directions for Higher Education, 2016 (173), 31–42. Nilsen, D., & Curphy, G. J. (2018). Organizations That Get Teamwork Right. People & Strategy, 41(2), 42–45. Retrieved from http://search.





COVER STORY | Fatima Altieri




Nothing is what it seems. You are probably perplexed on the reason why we stated such a fact. It’s simple really, let me explain. In this day and age Social Media tends to be the place where people post about their best moments, not to say that some people aren’t “keeping it real” but most likely you will never know what someone is going through just by looking at their social media pages. In this same token, seldomly do we think that celebrities feel like us or have bad days or bad moments like us. Fortunately to debunk this myth we’ve had the opportunity of interviewing Fatima Altieri, a young Haitian model singer and song writer, shares a tender moment with us knowing that perhaps it was important for her fans to know that SHE also is human.

WHAT IT SEEMS Model/Subject: Fatima Altieri Creative Director/Visionary: Thatiana Gustama Belizaire Photographer: Kareem Virgo Designer: Hermione Elma Hair: Hair Chemistry Miami by Tyiesha Museau Make up: ChemXeauty by Jimmytre Museau

COVER STORY | Fatima Altieri

Model/Subject: Fatima Altieri Creative Director/Visionary: Thatiana Gustama Belizaire Photographer: Kareem Virgo Designer: Hermione Elma Hair: Hair Chemistry Miami by Tyiesha Museau Make up: ChemXeauty by Jimmytre Museau 42 | CREATIV | Sept - Oct 2020 |

One Life To Live Born and raised in Haiti, Fatima grew an affinity for Fashion and Music at a very young age, however her passion for music seems to be greater than the one for fashion, though naturally talented in both, she found her fame by focusing on creating harmonies that millennials and gen Z can certainly dance to. Speaking of modeling, she participated in a plethora of contests, including being a contestant in the Junior Female Model category of the World Championship of Performing Arts in 2014, however immersed herself fully in her music career making her the gem she is today. Fatima opens up about her new decision on moving to the United States, coping with depression and what she is doing for her musical come-back:

I moved to Miami, this year to start school because I had an album that came out in May 2019, and to be quite honest I was in a place in my life where I was depressed after producing the album. I told myself that I wanted a plan B, just in case. I love music, that's my passion, that's my life but at the same time, I was conscious about the fact that I'm a woman in the HMI, the Haitian Music Industry and it's not easy. Especially with the kind of music that I'm trying to make, it's not like I'm just making Kompa, just like everybody. I wanted to come up with my own style and my own stuff, and adding some spice to it however I didn’t get the outcome I was expecting. I was depressed for months and I couldn't really talk about that with anybody just in case they thought it was a joke. My critics thought poorly about the album and to me, it wasn't the fact that I don't like the criticism. I don't mind if it's constructive, but when it becomes a joke and everybody just doesn’t care about the time, the effort, the money, the passion, the late nights that you put in something and just throw it in the garbage. I felt like I was, I don't know. I felt like I was not powerful, I was not able to take in everything and I was like, "You know what Fatima you should literally have a plan B, just in case" because to me it was one of the biggest failures of my life. | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 43

COVER STORY | Fatima Altieri

Model/Subject: Fatima Altieri Creative Director/Visionary: Thatiana Gustama Belizaire Photographer: Kareem Virgo Designer: Hermione Elma Hair: Hair Chemistry Miami by Tyiesha Museau Make up: ChemXeauty by Jimmytre Museau 44 | CREATIV | Sept - Oct 2020 |

Depression is not a subject that we just can't talk about [...] Though I was going through it, I still needed to appear that everything felt normal.

Taking advantage of her scholarship awarded since 2018 she decided to start fresh by enrolling in school to pursue a career in Public Relations. Her focus shifted and she was ready to start a new direction with her life despite her feelings “I lost a lot of confidence, I lost a lot of faith in myself. So, that's why now I'm in Miami. My focus shifted a little and I feel better. I feel like I'm finding my purpose again”

People often view celebrities as this constant brilliance and they can do no wrong; or if they do, then they should be chastised for doing wrong ". Bottom line is we are all human. Mental health really matters, especially in our community. We don't really talk about those things and sometimes it is viewed as taboo. In our community, people usually ask "what are you depressed about? You have shelter, food and clothes on your back, what are you depressed about?". I'm still putting up pictures on Instagram, I'm still putting up a happy face, I'm still smiling, No one likes to be the victim, I’m not looking for pity. Though I was going through it, I still needed to appear that everything felt normal.

So, it's confusing to the public when you come out and say, "I'm not feeling well", but at the same time, you still need to stay relevant because it's your brand, it's your life, it's what puts food on your table. So, it's funny how I'm opening up to you [Corhinn] about these things right now because I didn't feel like talking about it. I wanted to just put it behind me. May 3rd was the anniversary of my album; I didn't even post anything. That's how I've been dealing with it, I want to take away from all that story. But, I hope that me coming out and saying this might help somebody who's going through the same thing or even feels like a failure, to know that things happen. I hope that they can find solace and know that they are not alone. | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 45

COVER STORY | Fatima Altieri Talented people usually diversify and it just so happens that she has acting skills as well‌ It's coming, it's coming. Listen, I always thought that if I didn't make it in the music industry I would have done acting because I have this thing where... before I started singing, I started writing, when I was younger I had all of these notebooks filled with stories. When I started singing and making videos, I realized, "Oh, I could do that" because I could really portray someone that I'm not. I really want act professionally. I want to take courses and eventually have some offers. I actually did at some point, I participated in a film but I didn't have a main role, so it doesn't really count. But I have some offers and even if it's online, I'm going to start taking some classes. I want to know about the industry which will help me become a good actress.

Fatima understands that the entertainment industry is very volatile, there is always someone younger and prettier ready to replace you, so making the decision to have a degree as a plan B feels like the best decision she could have ever made . We commend her on making such a wonderful decision and can only wish her success in her pursuit of happiness and stability. However, Music will always be her first love, she has reassured us that she still has some music in the works and will be more than glad to share it with her public once it is perfectly ready.

Masterpieces take time and a rushed work can only jeopardize the outcome. “ the final product has to be completely amazing and it has to be perfect, that's how I feel because I know what I went through with the previous project. So, now I'm more careful and I listen more, it's not only about me. I know that my music has to come from me, but I need to do it for somebody else, more importantly for women. In the meantime, I'm still doing some modeling here and there. Since I just moved here, opportunities have been coming my way and I’m grateful for that .

Depression is not real in our community

Model/Subject: Fatima Altieri Creative Director/Visionary: Thatiana Gustama Belizaire Photographer: Kareem Virgo Designer: Hermione Elma Hair: Hair Chemistry Miami by Tyiesha Museau Make up: ChemXeauty by Jimmytre Museau | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 47

Cover Story | Fatima Altieri

If you're in the luckiest 1% of humanity, you owe it to the rest of humanity to think about the other 99%." - Warren Buffett Fatima is also the vice president of a non-profit organization servicing young children. It is very common in Haiti where underprivileged children tend to not have the necessary supplies to go to school. Some would even carry their notebook in plastic bags instead of a normal book bag. Whether it rains or shines, the idea is certainly heart wrenching knowing that a book bag is the most essential part of going to school. Through her organization she is able to receive donations not only in monetary form but also in school supplies as well, through campaigns however COVID-19 has put a damper on activities but she hopes on resuming once it is given the all clear.

“It's called It takes love to make a child smile.� We've been running the organization for five years now. We want to continue, to keep doing it for as long as we can. Always hoping for the best.

Model Singer Actress Philanthropist 48 | CREATIV | Sept - Oct 2020 |

Model/Subject: Fatima Altieri Creative Director/Visionary: Thatiana Gustama Belizaire Photographer: Kareem Virgo Designer: Hermione Elma Hair: Hair Chemistry Miami by Tyiesha Museau Make up: ChemXeauty by Jimmytre Museau | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 49

COVER STORY | Fatima Altieri Model/Subject: Fatima Altieri Creative Director/Visionary: Thatiana Gustama Belizaire Photographer: Kareem Virgo Designer: Hermione Elma Hair: Hair Chemistry Miami by Tyiesha Museau Make up: ChemXeauty by Jimmytre Museau

If you were to give an inspirational message to whoever is listening right now, what would it be? I think it would be... I think it would be... it's simple, but I'll have to explain it out. "It would be… IT’S OKAY!". It's okay because I feel like we're living in a world where the fast life is catching up to us. It's okay.! If you're 20, 23, 25 or 30 and you don't have your life figured out yet. It's okay! If you're not married yet. It's okay if you don't have kids yet, it's okay! Don't let society dictate your life. Ignore people that are still in their teenage years that are now millionaires and billionaires on Instagram and Youtube. They don't post their failures, they all post about the happy moments in their lives. I can attest to it. I can testify because I've done it. I've been depressed for six months and I've been only posting nice pictures, but I'm dying inside. So it's okay if you're in this moment in your life where you feel lost. It's okay to take a break, it's okay to pace yourself, it's okay to start over, it's never a failure, it's always a lesson because I know that whenever something bad happens or you feel like a failure, it prepares you for the other steps in your life. I will never make the mistakes that I made during my last album. I know better. So, my message is that… it's okay.

I love the message. I love the message and the fact that we are from a country where, we're always taught to be strong, it's okay not to be strong. It's okay to go through those moments. It's okay to just take a step back and just say "okay", let me take care of me and then I can go back into this world. So, I love your message. I love the fact that you're able to survive this way. Any last words that you would like to say? Thank you. I want to say congratulations to the 40th issue of the magazine, thank you for choosing me and keep doing what you're doing. I know that it's not easy, especially for women in this industry and I know that things might get hard, but remember why you started, remember why everything makes sense for you even if it doesn't make sense to anybody. I want to say, thank you, and I cannot wait to see the whole thing come to life.

Model/Subject: Fatima Altieri Creative Director/Visionary: Thatiana Gustama Belizaire Photographer: Kareem Virgo Designer: Hermione Elma Hair: Hair Chemistry Miami by Tyiesha Museau Make up: ChemXeauty by Jimmytre Museau

COVER STORY | Fatima Altieri

Model/Subject: Fatima Altieri Creative Director/Visionary: Thatiana Gustama Belizaire Photographer: Kareem Virgo Designer: Hermione Elma Hair: Hair Chemistry Miami by Tyiesha Museau Make up: ChemXeauty by Jimmytre Museau

52 | CREATIV | Sept - Oct 2020 |

Model/Subject: Fatima Altieri Creative Director/Visionary: Thatiana Gustama Belizaire Photographer: Kareem Virgo Designer: Hermione Elma Hair: Hair Chemistry Miami by Tyiesha Museau Make up: ChemXeauty by Jimmytre Museau

COVER STORY | Fatima Altieri Model/Subject: Fatima Altieri Creative Director/Visionary: Thatiana Gustama Belizaire Photographer: Kareem Virgo Designer: Hermione Elma Hair: Hair Chemistry Miami by Tyiesha Museau Make up: ChemXeauty by Jimmytre Museau

54 | CREATIV | Sept - Oct 2020 |

Model/Subject: Fatima Altieri Creative Director/Visionary: Thatiana Gustama Belizaire Photographer: Kareem Virgo Designer: Hermione Elma Hair: Hair Chemistry Miami by Tyiesha Museau Make up: ChemXeauty by Jimmytre Museau | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 55

Rome wasn't built in one day. issues and counting. Your support is appreciated. Get your yearly Subscription and get your full access.


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ARTISTIC FASHION | Papillon Dezigns

SIREN Exploring the sea brings a sense of peace. The feeling of being in a different spatial dimension, almost like placing yourself into a piece of your past when listening to an old song. The ocean portrayed as that music sheet that denotes each wave phonetically, revealing the angelic voice of a beautiful mermaid. A voice capable of sending your thoughts into deep dreams and fantasies. A voice so powerful that everything around you seems real, but alas placing you in a mirage of your deepest secrets and desires. Papillon is that mermaid. That siren encapsulating your visions and fantasies and bringing them to life. A realistic illusion of living in the mystical sunset and dancing through the breeze and drowning in the waves of an abundance of love. In its newest presentation, Papillon Dezigns is about bringing the extraordinary to life.

58 | CREATIV | Sept - Oct 2020 |

Designer/ Creative Director: Papillon Dezigns Photographer: Dennis Madigan Models: Male - Praise Levi Female - Carol Manya For location: South Shore Long Island, New York Photo Editing : URetouch | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 59

ARTISTIC FASHION | Papillon Dezigns

Designer/ Creative Director: Papillon Dezigns Photographer: Dennis Madigan Models: Carol Manya For location: South Shore Long Island, New York Photo Editing : URetouch

60 | CREATIV | Sept - Oct 2020 | | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 61

ARTISTIC FASHION | Papillon Dezigns Designer/ Creative Director: Papillon Dezigns Photographer: Dennis Madigan Model: Praise Levi For location: South Shore Long Island, New York Photo Editing : URetouch

62 | CREATIV | Sept - Oct 2020 |

Designer/ Creative Director: Papillon Dezigns Photographer: Dennis Madigan Model: Carol Manya For location: South Shore Long Island, New York Photo Editing : URetouch | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 63

ARTISTIC FASHION | Papillon Dezigns Designer/ Creative Director: Papillon Dezigns Photographer: Dennis Madigan Model: Carol Manya For location: South Shore Long Island, New York Photo Editing : URetouch

64 | CREATIV | Sept - Oct 2020 | | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 65

MY BLACK IS BEAUTIFUL Vera Moore Cosmetics is a premium brand of cosmetics and skincare for all skin tones. Vera’s initial locations were in several malls in NY -Green Acres, Atlantic, Manhattan, & Kings Plaza Mall. A proven track record in business, Vera’s cosmetics has been featured in productions on the Broadway Stage, Movies and TVand product placement in the TV series "Superstore” and “Teachers.” Vera Moore Cosmetics is a national key brand in select Duane Reade/Walgreens stores in their new upscale designation of beauty called “Lookboutique.”

Vera Moore Cosmetics can also be purchased on line. www.


Vera Moore, former actress turned entrepreneur is President & CEO of Vera Moore Cosmetics. Vera was contracted on national television (NBC) as one of the first black actresses on the soap opera “Another World” where she portrayed “Linda Metcalf” for ten years and also appeared in several Broadway shows including the Tony Award winning “PurlieVictorious”. As an actress on national television, she immediately experienced the void in the market for quality products for women, especially women of color. Thus the birth of Vera Moore Cosmetics.



Designer/Subject: Kamar Lewis Lead Photographer: Mike Walker Asst.Photographer: Chris Jones Retoucher : Uretouchphotos


Model/MUA: Kianna Tracy Designer/Kamar Lewis Lead Photographer: Mike Walker Asst.Photographer: Chris Jones

ou Holtz once said “Your talent determines what you can do. Your motivation determines how much you are willing to do. Your attitude determines how well you do it.” That’s how I would define this young talented fashion designer Kamar Lewis the founder of Doe Wiz Apparel. An appealing story that needed to be told and subsequently a photoshoot depicting the opportunity to get to know more about the brand, we hope that the following conversation inspires you. When did you first discover that you had a talent for fashion? Fashion for me came as a hidden talent because initially I came up with the logo as a way to leave a visual impression after my performances. My discovery came when I was invited to perform for a few major labels that were seeking for artists to sign to their enterprise, so I made a sweatshirt with my logo on it and wore it at the night club. After my performance, people were asking me questions about my sweatshirt and my logo. Fortunately, that same night I met the chief editor for a popular Hip Hop magazine and he told me I should make it into clothing line, so I took his advice and made a couple more

Retoucher : Uretouchphotos

Looks like there is a deeper story behind the name of Doe Wiz, would you like to elaborate? The name Doe Wiz derived from a few elements that started with one name and eventually became a compound word. As I look deeper within myself, I was always a money maker, the “Bread Winner” so I started calling myself “Doe” which is a street name for “Bread” which is street term meaning “Money” in the urban world. I chose to keep the spelling “Doe” rather than “Dough” because to me “Doe” seem a bit cooler than the actual word “Dough.” The term “Wiz” came a bit later as a term I adopted in short for “Wisdom,” one of my strongest areas because I love to indulge myself in is knowledge. I love to learn new ideas, information, and smarter ways to accomplish difficult tasks. As a youth I have made A’s and a few B’s on my progress report in school to the point where I was able to skip a grade, won bronze, silver, and gold medals for academics, also got the opportunity to graduate at the age of 16 but was scared and decided to wrap up High school at the age of 17.

DOE WIZ A Smart Way to make MONEY

68 | CREATIV | Sept - Oct 2020 |

items and brought them to my job and to my surprise the items were sold out in minutes and I got more requests for additional items from other clients. After a few trial and errors, got the opportunity to do my first fashion show by working with Melody J. Centeno founder of Foster Care unplug and partnered with Heart Share St Vincent witch is a youth outreach program designed to build confidence and self-worth in foster care children.

Designer/Subject: Kamar Lewis Lead Photographer: Mike Walker Asst.Photographer: Chris Jones Retoucher : Uretouchphotos

Graduating young was good and bad for me because I did not know what I wanted to do with my life, so I started to hang with the wrong crowds, as a way to find myself and make some money. After getting in trouble a couple of times, I built up an urge to make money in a smarter way. From one mistake to the other as a young "Doe", I met someone along my troubled path and he said I needed to go back to school like my idol Sean Puffy Combs whom started a major Record and clothing company from the knowledge he gained from attending York College. I decided to follow his footsteps and enrolled back into college

for the third time. I failed college my first 2 attempts due to not being focused, but the third time I prepared myself for success and succeeded with a degree in nursing. I decided that for the third attempt at college, I was going to stop at nothing to get what I came for and I got it, and I got it with style and grace by winning an award that I gave to my mother and she brags about it to her friends. Most may think I would have studied business like my idol, but I chose nursing because I needed a career that will pay me a lot of money so that I can invest which I did with my first of paychecks...

Designer/Subject: Kamar Lewis Lead Photographer: Mike Walker Asst.Photographer: Chris Jones Retoucher : Uretouchphotos


Model/MUA: Kianna Tracy Designer/Kamar Lewis Lead Photographer: Mike Walker Asst.Photographer: Chris Jones Retoucher : Uretouchphotos 70 | CREATIV | Sept - Oct 2020 |

Model/MUA: Lynne Schilling-Rivera Model: Kamar Lewis Designer: Kamar Lewis Lead Photographer: Mike Walker Asst.Photographer: Chris Jones Retoucher : Uretouchphotos

and built a top notched recording studio. After graduating college, I coined the name DOE WIZ because I found “a smart way to make money” by becoming a nurse which coined our slogan and campaign. Tell us about the Spring Summer collection that you just launched? Our Spring/Summer collection was orchestrated to be vibrant, fun, colorful, and full of life and hope. A motto that always worked for our brand. We chose Army Fatigues which is in for the season as a way of showing strength, resilience, and courage also one of our best sellers. We like to use our yellows that come in so many different shades ranging from mango yellow to bright lemon .Yellow brightens up the spirit simulating hope or perhaps a light at the end of tunnel. Reds with touch of

black are always considered sexy. They bring an essence of romance, and confidence. Thanks to Mike Walker from M Fidel Photography, and his assistant Chris Jones from Chris Jones Photography, our models Marcellus Smallwood, and Kianna Tracy, and our Makeup artist Biz partner Lynne Schilling whom contributed their efforts to make my vision for this shoot possible in the midst of a global pandemic. This collection was a breakthrough for us after being quarantined, working with limited supplies, having to follow safety guidelines to ensure our protection as well as other people around us, I was grateful, and delighted with the outcome.

things. I get inspired when I see average people doing great things in their community by strengthening and uplifting each other. I’m inspired by my wife Chantel Gibbs Lewis C.E. O for Shannon Shanone whom during the height of covid19 her and myself joined forces in providing face coverings, shields, and gloves for nurses and other essential workers. I’m inspired by Dorsey Bath and Body whom launched his own set of bath and body products that my wife and I gladly support and enjoy. I’m inspired by my friends and family like Marty Grace whom showed me the power in hard work faith and believing in your brand and power of strength and hard work.

Where does your inspiration stem from in terms of design? I’m inspired by music, art, and life but most importantly the simple | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | | 71


Designer/ Kamar Lewis Model/MUA: Kianna Tracy Model: Marcellus Smallwood Lead Photographer: Mike Walker Asst.Photographer: Chris Jones Retoucher : Uretouchphotos 72 | CREATIV | Sept - Oct 2020 |

I’m inspired by my Dad whom in his eyes I’m still his baby boy that he took me all over the streets of Kingston Jamaica and he did not hesitate to spread the word about all of my accomplishments to his friends. Also, my mom that is super protective of me considering what is going on in the world today facing the challenges of being a black man in America, and I’m happy for her insight and continued reminder about the importance of the “Black Lives Matter” movement. In general my inspiration comes from life experiences and role models whom I admire and transpired to be. We know COVID has impacted our lives around the globe what statement are you trying to make with the COVID themed apparel?

with his grace after what we had artist or entrepreneur? Tell us accomplished that day. about it.

Has any of your art been bought or worn by any celebrities before? If no who would you like to see wearing your apparel? Yes, we had the opportunity to work with a few celebrities, first I want to send my deepest condolences to a dear friend of mine “Fred the Godson” whom had showed his support for our brand on numerous occasion. He has made a huge impact on today’s hip hop community. My brother will be missed and never forgotten. Thanks to the good team of celebrity stylist Renessta Olds C.E.O of ReeneO. StyleLab that made it possible for me to work with Rayvon whom worked with well known international artist Shaggy for one of his number one hit single “You’re my Angel” and to now releasing “I see” with international artist Sugar Bear of which is number 1 on the international charts. Thanks to the good folks at Ja-Irie radio and their djs Dwayne Henry and Craig Patterson that made it possible for us to work with Sean Paul’s artist Chi Ching Chingja, we were able to give a track suit to new international artist Stylo G, who is well known for his hit single “Touch down,” and Charly Black who is well known for his hit single “Gyal You A Party A Party Animal.” I'm willing to work with any artist that is willing to work with me, like up and coming hip hop artist Scorch from Harlem USA. of whom I have had the pleasure to provide styling and cool but edgy looks for his new project that is in rotation now.

The statement I’m trying to make with a theme like COVID19 is you can find beauty in the midst of darkness and if you remain resilient to the current situation, you will overcome any obstacle. At the end of the day, life is going to happen, things may or may not work to your advantage, but we must not let our current circumstances become our reality, but instead find those loopholes in the current circumstance and make it work to your advantage. The day of our shoot and prior, we had hand sanitizers, gloves, face masks, and disposable bags and made it work. We practice social distancing, hand washing, and avoided large groups of which were guidelines from CDC and other health infrastructures that provided information on healthy and safe measures, and fortunately we went home knowing we accomplished our goal. Actually we went home soaking wet because it rained a few minutes after our last shot. Who knows, maybe it was God's Has there been any challenges way of blessing us by showering us that you had to overcome as an

Challenges came from me working on myself. It’s a constant battle and a reminder that goes hand in hand with personal and developmental growth because it's so easy to gravitate to negativity and disruptive thoughts at a time of uncertainty. I’ve learned how to change the narrative of my thoughts by saying and affirming positive behaviors and outcomes that I wish to accomplish. Instead of looking down and falling in a state of depression, I now look up at the brighter aspects of life by staying focused on the things that are working for me in life by suppressing negative thoughts about self-worth. When sales are down, my marketing is up. If my numbers are down, I start reaching out to more people by networking. I remember when my brand Ambassador Mannuel Maddog Ayala usually says “Your net worth is equivalent to your network,” so I don’t see challenges anymore other than challenges being stepping stones and small hurdles that will carry me to the top of the mountain where I sit and humbly thank God for his blessings, strength, and will power to complete my mission and his purpose for me on this earth. My goal is to die empty and leave behind a legacy that will live on forever. | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 73

ARTISTIC FASHION | Doe Wiz Any expectations for the years to come? In the next couple of years, we expect to be an established brand and enterprise that is respected and loved worldwide. We expect a huge growth in our community outreach program with our “A SMART WAY TO GET MONEY” campaign to organize, uplift and embrace smarter ways to get money considering making an income vital to our survival. Our expectations are to inspire more graduates and produce less drop outs resulting in becoming essential in today’s society.

What encouraging words would you have for the younger generation who see you as a role model? My encouragement to the younger generation is not to lose hope or sight for the future of which is in the hands of who is willing to create it. Don’t let anybody tell you what you can’t or can do. Don’t limit yourself or expectations to try to fit in because what you believe in is not as popular with your peers. My words of encouragement are to be the agent of change, ask questions, listen, learn and grow to be the best version of you. Don’t limit your learning abilities, and learn to set goals and committing to them. Know that life has its ups and downs like a roller-coaster but strap up and enjoy the ride and when life throws you a curve ball, you hold that bat of determination and take your best swing, and send that ball of failure right outside the park and you run like your pants are on fire for your goals and dreams and take a dive to the home plate of success, victory, and happiness knowing you did not give up but you gave it your best shot and won the game we call life. Let’s say your best wasn’t enough, take that opportunity to learn and go at it again, and again, and again until you get the results you seek. Just remember the narrative you tell yourself is what will happen, so make it a good one and envision yourself accomplishing your goal. Keep the faith and vision because if you can’t see where you’re going, then how do you expect to get there. Lou Holtz once said “Your talent determines what you can do. Your motivation determines how much you are willing to do. Your attitude determines how well you do it.” We wish Kamar great success in his endeavors and can't wait to see what he will become in the near future.

74 | CREATIV | Sept - Oct 2020 |

Model/MUA: Kianna Tracy Designer/Kamar Lewis Lead Photographer: Mike Walker Asst.Photographer: Chris Jones Retoucher : Uretouchphotos | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 75

9 years, and over 300 episodes, 5 SUR 5 TV has represented the best in entertainment from the Caribbean Islands and the world.




Photo Credits: SIMON SOONG


araiso Miami Beach kicked off their first-ever virtual are trade and marketing platforms”, adds Natalija swim week on August 20 Dedic Stojanovic. The COVID-19 pandemic hit the fashion industry from every angle, severely impacting companies, lives and the market. While there is still no immediate end in sight, there is an opportunity to help the industry by envisioning new ways to support the brands, and reviving the physical experiences as they continue to be an important and much-needed platform for the swimwear industry’s sales, and international collaborations. With the full support of the City of Miami Beach, a number of in person fashion shows and presentations will be produced and live streamed following the strict CDC guidelines on social distancing and other methods preventing the spread of COVID-19. All swimwear enthusiasts will be able to RSVP to these events, and attend based on capacity. “We are fortunate that Florida is reopening much more quickly than expected, making it possible for us to hold Paraiso Miami Beach just a month away from the originally scheduled dates”, said Natalija Dedic Stojanovic, Creative director of PARAISO Miami Beach. “We understand the priorities and challenges that brands are facing at the moment. The fundamental platforms that need to be re- activated for the fast recovery of the fashion system as a whole

78 | CREATIV | Sept - Oct 2020 |

Alongside industry leading brand partners, Beach Bunny, Acacia, Vitamin A Swim, Luli Fama, Agua Bendita, Maaji, and Verde Limón, Paraiso engaged with a highly sophisticated, and creative technology partner theCxn for its new virtual showrooms, who will be supporting in unique ways, helping brands sell their collections in a more creative and visually immersive way. digital platform and marketplace will focus on new business opportunities for brands, and boost the visibility of their Resort 2021 Collections by activating commercial contacts in order to generate new orders. The service will be operational from August to November.

The second annual Paraiso UpCycle Designer- Student Challenge and Mentorship Program focused on raising the awareness on the importance of sustainable practices in the swimwear industry is already in progress, and final looks by five winning students will be presented on Thursday, August 20th. To embrace the rising accessibility of new technologies and taking the first steps into a new frontier of digital exploration, PARAISO will present the first fully virtual fashion show by The Diigitals, featuring their avatar supermodel cast led by @Shudu.Gram launching Lavie by CK swimwear collection. PARAISO Miami Beach will kick off with the special evening and dinner presenting Silvia Tcherassi Resort ’21 Collection celebrating the bohemian spirit and essence of Coconut Grove, a waterfront Miami neighborhood where designer lives.

Following the success of the inaugural edition, the PARAISO UpCycle Challenge is back for a second chapter. Created to raise awareness on fashion sustainability by UpCycling dead stock fabrics from international swimwear designers, this year – the message is louder and clearer. ThePARAISO Upcycle Challenge aims to teach design students that the purpose of their garments can go beyond the aesthetic and involve the wellbeing of the people and the planet. The national competition invites design students to create two pieces from donated dead-stock fabrics, for the opportunity to present at PARAISO, and win designer mentorships. The Application process consists of three rounds and only five students make to the third round to determine the winner. CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 2019 PARAISO UPCYCLE CHALLENGE WINNER: F.I.T. student HANNAH MYERS


Paraiso UpCycle Challenge The UpCycle Project and PARAISO partnered to create a national design student challenge with the goal to raise awareness on sustainability by UpCycling dead stock fabrics from international swimwear and activewear designers.

Beach Bunny Beach Bunny designs for the summer-obsessed and swimwear lovers everywhere with the intent to make every woman feel perfect in her bikini. Beach Bunny uses luxurious customhardware to create one of kind bikinis.

Photo Credits: SIMON SOONG

Silvia Tcherassi A true trailblazer, innovator and trendsetter, Silvia Tcherassi is one of the leading figures in fashion

Agua Bendita's Resort wear 2021 travels through the most emblematic visuals of the Baroque period.

Agua Bendita

Maaji Creates fun fashionable reversible swimwear and bathing suits, bikinis, and onepieces.

Luli Fama Luli Fama is an internationally known, women’s luxury swim and resort- wear brand known for its universally flattering fit and vibrant hues.

(Photo Credit: Lukebeyond) | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 81




F O O D !

CULINARY ARTS | Chef Marie France Michel


Marie France


e are honored to feature our sponsor for the 40th issue celebration. A woman to whom we give all the accolades for her culinary talent and deserves to be known globally. Born and raised in Haiti, Marie France grew up in a loving and warm home with her parents. She went to school at College Saint Louis Bourdon and Quisqueya University. Growing up she spent most of her time in the kitchen with her mother, where she was constantly cooking up new savory dishes and from there found her love for cooking. Marie France passionate about cooking then went to ‘Anne Marie Desvarieux” to study culinary arts. Now she is pursuing her education at Florida International University (FIU) on her Hospitality & Event Management.

She is member of Haitian Culinary Alliance, and National Black Chef Association in Atlanta (NBCA 50 States) where she was nominated in February 2020. Marie France from Haiti is now located in Miami, Florida, where she is running her own catering business as a private chef to promote Caribbean food. With her participation the in event we took the opportunity to get to know her better. The following is a conversation that you are sure to enjoy:

When did you first discover that you had a talent for culinary arts? I first discovered I had talent for culinary arts when I refused to leave the kitchen when my mom would cook. I was so fascinated and wanted to learn everything. When I was 8 years old, I used to take some of her ingredients and cook for my dolls. As the only girl in the house, it was my duty to take over and feed my younger siblings. That’s when I realized that culinary art were my passion and I was determined to pursue it.

How are you in this quarantine time? How has COVID impacted your business? With this unexpected pandemic and having to stay home to quarantine, it did indeed affect all of our daily lives and routines, but I made the best of it by focusing on other things. I spent great quality time with my family, found more time to take care of my herbs garden, worked on projects and passed all my online classes. On the other hand, COVID-19 affected us financially; I stopped working my full time job the first week of March. But I prepared food for my regular clients every day, clients from other states ordered and I’m grateful to be able to run my business during these tough times.

How do you balance your passion with normal life? I balance my passion with normal life by developing a work schedule, dedicating Saturdays and Sundays to my culinary business and weekdays to school and my part time job as well. Have you ever cooked for celebrities or at a televised cooking show? If not is that part of your goals? I have indeed cooked for celebrities, when I used to work at Montauk Yacht Club Resort and Marina in Montauk, NY different celebrities would come and eat at the resort. Televised cooking is actually part of my future project. Do you invent your own recipes at times or just rehash common ones? I often times invent my own recipes and sometimes I rehash common ones, like most chefs would tell you, I like to add my signature on a recipe and come up with different aromas.

Photos provided by Marie France Michel | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 85

CULINARY ARTS | Chef Marie France Michel What big aspirations do you have pursuing your passion? My biggest aspiration is to own a Haitian restaurant, showing other nations how rich and tasty our the Haitian food is. From appetizers, to desserts your palette will ask for more at every bite. Has there been any challenges that you had to overcome as an artist or entrepreneur? Tell us about it. My biggest challenge was when I had to participate in Caribbean Village Food & Rum Festival, with other chefs from Barbados, Jamaica, Grenada and St Lucia and I happened to be the only Haitian chef. It was a great experience to work with those celebrity Chefs, and the public was amazed by the variety of Haitian food I presented and loved it. Any expectations for the years to come? In the years to come I indeed have lots of expectations to come and a lot of projects in the works. I am currently working on a televised cooking show, and my own cooking book. What encouraging words would you have for the younger generation who see you as a role model? To all the young chefs and people who look up to me, do not give up, if you want something you go for it. If you’re passionate about it, stay focused, stay motivated, don’t give up and pursue it. Most importantly stay in school and get an education it is helpful and worth it in anything you want to learn. Thank you for believing in me, it is an honor to be someone you all look up to, and may you also know that I believe in you, and know you can accomplish anything you put your mind to.

Congratulations to Chef Marie France recicpient of the The Chef's Awards 2020 Culinary Excellence Florida Chapter from the National Black Chef Association

86 | CREATIV | Sept - Oct 2020 |

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WHO'S WHO | Bree Billiter

Photographer Julia Silverman Fashion Designer Bree Billiter Model: Paige Mazzie Model: Stephanie Bragagnini Model: Tyler Barrett Model: Isabel Swanson Model: Nastya Bogushevskaya Makeup Artists Team: Stephanie Raven Mohabir/ Katarzyna ŝurawska-Niziołek / Besjana Hoti Hair Stylists: Kiki lopez de victoria / Maria Orloff Hair & Makeup Tamara Cadet

Talent Spotlight

Bree Billiter INDUSTRY: FASHION | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 91

WHO'S WHO | Bree Billiter


When determination meets talent the result is nothing short of a masterpiece. Fashion is an ever changing industry. With forward thinking minds such as Bree's who never stop imagining the next trend. It is our pleasure to introduce you to Bree Billiter an NYC based designer who was raised on the beaches of Cape Cod.

Bree Billiter Fashion Designer

92 | CREATIV | Sept - Oct 2020 |

Bree has been designing since the age of three, and she strives to show the world the power of daydreams through her garments. Her determination and passion have lead her to direct hundreds of NYC creatives in editorials that have been published in over fifty magazines. Her use of airy materials, striking colors, and intricate detail work have garnered attention across the nation and Breeoriginal designs will now be featured in the Harpers PR showroom in LA.

Fashion Designer Bree Billiter Model Jessica Zyrie Makeup Artist Andrew Karrick Photographer Ricardo Paredes | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 93

WHO'S WHO | Bree Billiter Model Casey Mcsherry Model Ashley Rodriguez Model Kimberly Herrand Photographer Eugene Manning Fashion Designer Bree Billiter Retoucher Joao Prado Makeup Artist Liz Chappelle-Meeks Makeup Artist Savannah Shearouse Makeup Artist Stephanie Kelly Wardrobe Stylist Jasmine Safia Wardrobe Stylist Gabriella Wheeler

94 | CREATIV | Sept - Oct 2020 | | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 95

WHO'S WHO | Bree Billiter Model Cyrene Moore Fashion Designer Bree Billiter Makeup Artist Annette Bragas Photographer Jessica Imhoff Hair Stylist Elia Ramirez

96 | CREATIV | Sept - Oct 2020 |

Model Arielle Chambers Model Isabelle Ting Model Sybelle Gaubert Fashion Designer Bree Billiter Photographer Ryan Arnell Makeup Artist Annette Bragas Makeup Artist Anita Azeez Makeup Artist Fere Shirvani | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 97

WHO'S WHO | Bree Billiter Model: Parker Wales Photographer: Rebeca Federico Fashion Designer: Bree Billiter Hair Stylist: Maria Orloff Makeup Artist: Christina Delfino

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Model Alyssa Labrie Model Michelle Garcia Aguilar Photographer Wasi Ferdu Fashion Designer: Bree Billiter Makeup Artist Andrew Karrick Makeup Artist Ariel Contreras-leong

Feed your palette something new! FOLLOW ON INSTAGRAM: @millennialliquors



The Word

A look into the mind of Adrian N. Carter

Speaker Author Leader


In today’s world of Single vs. Taken, there are so many questions that still go unanswered when it comes to relationships. Whether it’s dealing with casual friendships, monogamous relationships, or marriage, many of us are still in the know of what to do. Particularly, what to expect, and how to play things out. To help me answer some of the questions that single daters and married folks still have, I interviewed author and keynote speaker, Adrian Carter. His latest book, Let's Get Married & Do Everything Except Make It Last, focuses on the concepts of loving and guiding in relationships. He breaks down the inspiration behind his new book and leaves readers with a message on gender roles and how to lead in any relationship.

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Hi Adrian, briefly walk me through your story and how it inspired the title of your new book? My nine-year marriage was rigorous to say the least. While separated from my wife and facing an impending divorce, I incurred so much finger pointing and blame for the demise of the relationship. “You’re the man,” I was told. “You were supposed make sure your marriage worked!” I heard it in different ways from different people including my father, mother, church members, and friends-atlarge. It was peculiar to see that a penis holding member of society, like myself, had relinquished all his super powers and had to ensure marital success through the eyes of others. In addition to that, I had to accept that I was divorcing an adult female who appeared to have undermined me every step of the way through our marriage. I learned that fellowship can be more incredulous than leadership.

Can you tell me the key theme/ message of the book? The book uses my personal story to discuss the larger framework of social norms and gender roles in our society, which manifest into conflict in relationships. The book calls into question: traditional thinking, religious indoctrination used to prop traditional thinking, and beliefs that I feel run contrary to a successful relationship.

learned that it is within our deepest desires to love and be loved.

What surprised you the most about relationships after writing this book? I thought women were going to be “BIG MAD” with me after reading the book. But to the contrary, women have been extremely supportive. They’ve praised me, they’ve been open, transparent, and they appreciate the opportunity to have a front seat in the theatre of a man’s mind and emotions. Can you tease us with an excerpt from your book? One that is not in the book description. “Women cannot play both sides of the gender role game to ensure their access to upward mobility while neglecting or absolving themselves of the responsibilities that come with it. Women who appropriate masculinity contribute to the destruction of marriages and romantic relationships overall. Men, likewise, cannot continue to dominate women through their financial and physical means of power. Conflicts in relationships arise through the hegemonic approaches of men confronted with the hegemonic approaches of women.”

What did you learn while writing this book? I learned to tell my own story and not let the world tell it for me. I learned perseverance and the important journey that transparency can take us on. I learned it was okay to be vulnerable and unabashed. I learned it was within my right and capacity to challenge the world for the betterment of men and women. I also | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 103

LOVE AND RELATIONSHIPS | Toni Douglas What message do you want single men and women to take away from your book? I want men and women to challenge their thinking on social norms and gender roles and how they impact the success of relationships. Men and women are pulling from different parts of traditionalism and modernity to create a system of convenience surrounding relationships. This a-la-carte feminism is incongruent with the progress of women in the 21st century. What’s more, is that we are in the middle of a paradigm shift. Women and men are attempting to figure out their new roles. For example, women are more educated and financially stable than ever before. That said, if we want loving, wholesome relationships, then we have to accept women’s roles. One factor I discuss in the book, is not to make finances the focal point of our relationships. Men are not providers alone. Men and women provide for each other within these new roles. What message do you want married men and women to take away from your book? Leadership is gender neutral. Leadership is a set of skills we deploy as needed. Both husband and wife are respective leaders in the relationship. A man, by default is not a more suitable leader. Women lead too. If the relationship is aiming for the greater good and what’s best for the family, then the door that leads to that is an optimal choice that can be opened by either spouse. While these interview questions don’t uncover all there is to Carter’s new book, or the deeper meaning behind relationships, this is a great start to understanding the foundation of the bond you build with others and how to make it last.

104 | CREATIV | Sept - Oct 2020 |

Toni Douglas

A guide for single women who have had enough of flying-off-the-wall behaviors towards situations over a "Non-Existent Boyfriend". Toni provides the tools they need to control their thoughts and actions over a guy that’s not their man..

"CONTROLLING YOUR CRAZY WHILE DATING YOUR NON-EXISTENT BOYFRIEND" Controlling Your Crazy While Dating Your Non-Existent Boyfriend, discusses these everyday truths that women face. Although I’m here to be as authentic as possible in my writing, my book and blog aren’t about my life.






On March 11th of this year, I was a junior college student, alternating between cups of coffee and short naps to get through my midterm exams. Similarly to my past semesters, I knew that the rush of midterms was usually tough, but always temporary, and I was looking forward to a much needed Spring Break in the coming weeks. What I didn’t know was that the break I was about to get from school would actually be a mandatory evacuation from campus, starting the very next day, and continuing on for the next six months. After four action-packed and emotionally-charged days of packing, moving and saying goodbyes, I was sitting in my childhood bedroom in South Florida to officially start my 14-day quarantine. Back in March, the Boston area (where I go to college) was considered a Covid-19 hotspot, so traveling back to live with my family in Florida felt like a terrifyingly risky experience. All of my worrying led me to take the utmost safety precautions along the way, and I am fortunate enough to say that I never contracted the virus or passed it along to anyone in my home. However, the anxieties that I would, stayed with me for the next several months, as my school kept students off campus for the rest of the semester and all of my summer plans were canceled.

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By May, I knew the rest of the year would present its challenges for me as it has for all of us: personally, politically, physically, and emotionally. It was all of these challenges that forced me to grow a lot over the last few months, and to learn so many things from my quarantining experience so far that an ordinary year of college could not teach me. I have seen those closest to me suffer losses, make compromises, and live in constant fear they would soon experience more of both. I have spent countless hours in conversations about what the rest of 2020 could look like, anxiously awaiting the next inevitable announcement that something else in our world has changed. Ultimately, I have learned that things never really stop changing. And with that realization, I have come to feel so much peace. Because if things never really stop changing, then I, and you, and all of us, have yet to see our darkest hours—but we have also yet to see our brightest days. The Earth will keep spinning, and the sun will keep rising, and the waves will keep crashing. We will laugh again,

and cry again, and one day, we will hug again. So, tell them you love them today, because you may not be able to tell them tomorrow. And if you’re able to tell them you love them tomorrow, then simply tell them again. Believe there is beauty in the broken. Manage to find the magic in the mundane. There’s a fine line between them. Find it. I’ve learned that this discovery is key to staying inspired to love, to dream, and to create. The time of Covid-19 has taught me that we can survive all of this only by finding joy in the routines of our every day. I’ve found it in noticing the beauty of how the sun feels the same on my skin, regardless of where I am in the world. I’ve also found joy in the magic of hugging someone I love without the fear of putting them in harm’s way. Both of these are invaluable—and exactly the kind of thing that college never could have taught me.

Tatiana Ivy | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 107

STORY TELLING | Yvonne Nobles



along on autopilot is a surefire way to evade success. Pull up a chair, and let’s take a few minutes to have a You must gain and retain control of the wheel. Sure, little heart-to-heart, just us two. obstacles will arise and try to take you off course – selfdoubt, challenges, naysayers. When the inevitable bump I know, I know – these days, it seems nearly impossible in the road rears its ugly head, you must be more to spare a single second, no less minutes what with all determined than ever to stay the course. that must be done; but I insist, take a load off – I promise you won’t regret it. E.valuate – Next comes an honest assessment of where you currently stand, and the factors that brought you You see, it’s become resoundingly clear that failing to here. It’s easy to deceive others – and, worse yet, take time out from the mundane, routine demands of ourselves – when it comes to acknowledging where we making it through each day is exactly what’s gotten us are in relation to where we want to be. No need to fret: in this mess to begin with. “What mess?” you say. The no matter our current status, this is the just the dizzying merry-go-round that has left so many of us beginning; it only gets better from here! feeling burnt out, overly exhausted and at wit’s end. S.trive – Then there’s the matter of goal setting. So I propose that each of us do our part to STOP the Remember: the sky’s the limit. Avoid the tendency to madness and take a firm stand against the feelings of confine your efforts to imaginary boundaries, be they overwhelm and despair. Dispose of insanity’s welcome societal or self-imposed. Stretch as far as you possibly mat and when it stealthily knocks at the door of our can – reach for your aspirations with every fiber of your deepest thoughts, scream “NO MORE” so it can do an being. And never question if the effort is worth it; we about-face; we must let dark thoughts know in no inevitably reap what we sow. uncertain terms they need to find a new home – anywhere but here. E.xpress – Any plan is doomed to fail without communication, and this is especially so when it is the Full disclosure, there is a catch: for change to manifest architectural layout of your very life. It is essential to in your life, YOU must first want it to do so. We often talk things through – no matter if that means working trudge along, day after day, doing the exact same thing things out in your own mind or sharing your dreams we did the day before; after all, it’s much easier than with others in your circle of support. Say the things you jolting ourselves awake with a splash (or bucket) of need to say to stay focused and driven. Be open to the freezing water and facing the reality that our lives could feedback others may give; a word of caution: receive it be so much more. with a grain of salt realizing that feelings – both good and bad – are contagious. One foe that must be conquered at all costs is fear. Sadly, it has become most pervasive the world over given recent T.ake-off! – With your destination firmly in mind, all unprecedented levels of uncertainty. Many are left that remains is to begin your journey. Don’t allow feeling powerless as the very items they once controlled procrastination to keep you in the same place for weeks, are now fresh causes of anxiety. All the more reason to months, or even years. If a target seems too large in grab life by the horns and insist on sending this message scope, take baby steps: break it into smaller, achievable loud and clear: we will never back down! tasks that will give you a motivating sense of accomplishment each time you strike one off your list. The key to survival in the jungle of modern living is an awareness that life is not dictated by what happens to What are you waiting for? This is officially your personal you, but rather by how you view and react to new events. invitation to carpe diem. Why dilly dally when so many The following steps serve as a roadmap to help you amazing achievements lie in store? arrive at what pessimists deem impossible to attain. Here’s to pressing the R.E.S.E.T. button and celebrating R.esolve – The first step is to decide firmly on a course new beginnings! of action. Growth is never automatic; in fact, coasting

Yvonne Nobles is the founder of Life Coaching for Kids, along with her husband Louis with whom she shared her first kiss over 35 years ago. An avid reader and awardwinning poet, she’s convinced that everyone has a story to be told . | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 109

e e r f pr x e s

e e r on i s W E




DARE Stylist - Aura Roberts MUA - Aura Roberts Photographer - Doisy Isaiah Felipe

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Stylist - Aura Roberts MUA - Aura Roberts Photographer - Doisy Isaiah Felipe | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 113

Stylist - Aura Roberts MUA - Aura Roberts Photographer - Doisy Isaiah Felipe

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Stylist - Aura Roberts MUA - Aura Roberts Photographer - Doisy Isaiah Felipe | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 115


FUSION Photographer: Seigar Artisan/Sculptor: J. Miguel Granados Fashion Designer: Laura Hernรกndez Noah Model: Mabe Hernรกndez Makeup Artist: Dailos Gonher Photography Assistant and lighting: Hugo Cebriรกn Serrano Location: De Curbelo Shop

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Photographer: Seigar Artisan/Sculptor: J. Miguel Granados Fashion Designer: Laura Hernรกndez Noah Model: Mabe Hernรกndez Makeup Artist: Dailos Gonher Photography Assistant and lighting: Hugo Cebriรกn Serrano Location: De Curbelo Shop | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 117

FREE EXPRESSION | Elena Mizonova

STAND OUT Photographer: Elena Mizonova Model: Veronika Meshkova @Lemi Models Wardrobe Stylist/Fashion Designer: Dina Stolpovskich Makeup Artist: Evgenya Prysyazhnyuk Model: Lemi Models Wardrobe: Terranova

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Photographer: Elena Mizonova Model: Veronika Meshkova @Lemi Models Wardrobe Stylist/Fashion Designer: Dina Stolpovskich Makeup Artist: Evgenya Prysyazhnyuk Model: Lemi Models Wardrobe: Terranova | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 119

FREE EXPRESSION | Roberto Manetta

SILVER HEART Photographer: Roberto Manetta Model: Claire Poupy Concept,styling,makeup,painting by Roberto Manetta Location:Nonza Beach,Corse Island,FR

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Photographer: Roberto Manetta Model: Claire Poupy Concept,styling,makeup,painting by Roberto Manetta Location:Nonza Beach,Corse Island,FR | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 121


GEMINI Photographer: Tim Bracey Model: Emily Thornhill Makeup Artist: Sarah Mizell

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Photographer: Tim Bracey Model: Emily Thornhill Makeup Artist: Sarah Mizell | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 123

FREE EXPRESSION | Alan Osterholtz

PURE MAGIC Photographer: Alan Osterholtz Model: Brenna Caristo Warddrobe by Brenna Caristo Light painting by Alan Osterholtz Long exposure light and pure magic

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Photographer: Alan Osterholtz Model: Brenna Caristo Warddrobe by Brenna Caristo Light painting by Alan Osterholtz Long exposure light and pure magic | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 125

FREE EXPRESSION | Chechina Irina

CRAZY FASHION WORLD Photographer: Chechina Irina Retoucher: Dennis Starikov Female Model: Anna Radionova Makeup Artist: Anastasia Gnitko Organizator: Elena Shushlyapina Wardrobe Credits: Anastasia Gnitko 126 | CREATIV | Sept - Oct 2020 |

Photographer: Chechina Irina Retoucher: Dennis Starikov Female Model: Anna Radionova Makeup Artist: Anastasia Gnitko Organizator: Elena Shushlyapina Wardrobe Credits: Anastasia Gnitko | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 127


RADIANT Wardrobe Stylist/Model/Makeup Artist/Hair Stylist: Amanda Robillard Photographer: Matt Mcguire Wardrobe : Sheer Top with Electrical Tape 128 | CREATIV | Sept - Oct 2020 |

Wardrobe Stylist/Model/Makeup Artist/Hair Stylist: Amanda Robillard Photographer: Matt Mcguire Wardrobe: Sheer Top with Electrical Tape | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 129



By Elly Azizian of Fashion Strokes Fashion Illustrator: Elly Azizian Valentino Haute Couture Fall/Winter 2020-21

Fashion Illustrator: Elly Azizian Valentino Haute Couture Fall/Winter 2020-21

As the ready-to-wear world continues to grapple with what fashion looks like in the COVID era, the houses of Haute Couture rose to the challenge of reimagining their latest collections with all the innovations we’ve come to expect from these masters of experimentation. While general reviews for these experiments varied, it’s clear that fashion’s future will be strongly intertwined with the digital world; a world that brings with it as many pitfalls as it does opportunities. Where technology often presents its users with an element of detachment, how can the elite houses of Haute Couture continue to foster immersive and emotional experiences for their clients? | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 131


Past events of Paris’ couture week were not only displaying fashion expression, but also, theatrical brilliance and high production. From the anticipation of receiving the decadent invitations, to the energy bubbling across Paris’ lavish venues, clients could feel the air move off of the billowing fabrics around them in dramatic glory. It was a perfectly controlled environment. Designed to cement each brand’s creative prowess, stir up PR buzz, inspire brand loyalists and ultimately sell once-in-alifetime works of art, this environment has now reverted to our digital screens. Although this avenue provides entre direct-toconsumer and on a much larger scale, how does someone sitting at home connect to a story of illusion and Haute Couture. Fashion Illustrator: Elly Azizian Valentino Haute Couture Fall/Winter 2020-21

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No brand this season has navigated these connectivity intricacies better than Maison Valentino. Under the inspired leadership of creative director Pierpaolo Piccioli and in collaboration with the digital genius of Nick Knight at Show Studio, they put together a multisensory streamed show second to none. Piccioli and Knight took viewers on a beautifully sentimental journey and not simply through a cinematic experience, but specifically by relating these magical works of fashion to our current emotions.

In past years Piccioli has become an expert on bridging the gaps between high fashion and real life with collection subject matter that speaks to current issues and uses the stagecraft of couture to take a stand in these conversations. Described as a story of dreams “suspended in space and time” a feeling we can all relate to nowadays, the Fall/Winter 2020 collection Of Grace and Light captured all the hope we yearn for during uncertainty with an ethereal set of 15 all-white looks displaying the incomparable savoir-faire of this house, taking mono-tone and making it wholly unique through expert fabric manipulations, voluminous cuts, and the most delicate and intricate details. An optimistic fantasy world where exaggerated silhouettes float in the dramatic spotlight, an electrifying brightness amidst the dark. The final ingredient to this momentous collection was Knight’s haunting projection of seemingly banal images from nature, which once hitting the pristine white canvases of fabric ignited a mythical cocktail of the familiar with the surreal. As more-andmore we reconnect with nature through isolation, and desperately search for light in the darkness, this collection captured an everresonating sentiment with its narrative of rebirth and ushering in a new era of couture.

Fashion Illustrator: Elly Azizian Valentino Haute Couture Fall/Winter 2020-21 | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 133

La Morta


Wardrobe Stylist/Creative Director/Photographer: Mateen A Khan (M.A.K Studios., Inc) Female Model/Makeup Artist: Dana Janette Jacquart

Concept and Photography by : Mateen A Khan

These images are composed exactly the way they are meant to be. My model Dana Jacquart is also a creative director and it was our understanding to work on theme that can be understood by everyone. Something that represents reality but through illusion and in a form of art. These images are the representation of the current time we are in. A representation of La Morta the princess of death and destruction, the female grim reaper yet she in sorrow and pain watching the world around her, killing themselves, and human beings killing other human beings. If you look closely you see her wickedness but from afar you see a reflection of the Virgin Marry but in a black veil and in sorrow. Her eyes shed tears yet they are false. The black ribbon roses represent the materialistic beauty. She is surrounded by green leaves and trees the busy background that represents the busy life of the world that is in light and darkness yet she stands alone in the 134 | CREATIV | Sept - Oct 2020 |

middle. Her hair, eyes, and skin are white. In the art industry, the color white is called "No Color" it's blank. She represents all races and cultures. She sees the world doesn't need her anymore. She represents every human emotions (sadness, loneliness, failure, death, care, love, life, power, etc) yet she herself is confused. This is a representation of human life, anyone looking at her can make their own story to relate to her. She is La Morta!

These images are meant to show the extreme wickedness, and some to show her soft side.

Wardrobe Stylist/Creative Director/Photographer: Mateen A Khan (M.A.K Studios., Inc) Female Model/Makeup Artist: Dana Janette Jacquart | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 135

FREE EXPRESSION | Anastasia Kharchenko

QUEEN HATTER Photographer: Anastasia Kharchenko Female Model: Elizaveta Verbovaya Makeup Artist/Hair Stylist: Ksenia Areshina Wardrobe Credits: @vasilenko_creates

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Photographer: Anastasia Kharchenko Female Model: Elizaveta Verbovaya Makeup Artist/Hair Stylist: Ksenia Areshina Wardrobe Credits: @vasilenko_creates | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 137

FREE EXPRESSION | Whitney Nicole

INHALE & EXHALE Creative Director/Photographer: Whitney Nicole Model: Roman Urkell Styled by Willie Johnson

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Creative Director/Photographer: Whitney Nicole Model: Roman Urkell Styled by Willie Johnson | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 139



Photographer: Jamie Fry Female Model/Wardrobe Stylist/Makeup Artist/Hair Stylist: Angelica Wright

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Photographer: Jamie Fry Female Model/Wardrobe Stylist/Makeup Artist/Hair Stylist: Angelica Wright | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 141


ON SEAFRONT Creative Director and Editor: Davide Giunta Photographer: Sergio Nugara Model: Giuliana Cappello MUA & Hair Stylist: Davide Martorana

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Creative Director and Editor: Davide Giunta Photographer: Sergio Nugara Model: Giuliana Cappello MUA & Hair Stylist: Davide Martorana | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 143


Creative Director and Editor: Davide Giunta Photographer: Sergio Nugara Model: Giuliana Cappello MUA & Hair Stylist: Davide Martorana

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Creative Director and Editor: Davide Giunta Photographer: Sergio Nugara Model: Giuliana Cappello MUA & Hair Stylist: Davide Martorana | Sept - Oct 2020 | CREATIV | 145

Writer's Corner | Places To Visit

Geothermal Spa Blue Lagoon in Reykjavik, Iceland The Blue Lagoon (Icelandic: Bláa lónið) is a geothermal spa in southwestern Iceland. The spa is located in a lava field near Grindavík and in front of Mount Þorbjörn on Reykjanes Peninsula, in a location favourable for geothermal power, and is supplied by water used in the nearby Svartsengi geothermal power station. The Blue Lagoon is approximately 20 km (12 mi) from Keflavík International Airport, and is one of the most visited attractions in Iceland. Courtesy of Wikipedia

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