WCC TGA Program 2024

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W elcometothe 25thA nnua l

ThelmaGibsonA wards


Miami-DadeCounty?sfirst Women?sChamber of Commercewasestablished in 1984 by Mrs ThelmaGibson with the belief that businesswomen of all racesand nationalitiesshould haveaforum wherethey could gain momentum, express their thoughts, and cometogether asonevoice? to beheard by all throughout theCounty

In 1984, theChamber had 21members Today hundredsof women and men havebecomepart of theChamber, makingit oneof thethefastest growingwomen?sprofessional organization in Miami-DadeCounty Excitingbusinessimpact luncheonsareheld each month, and eveningnetworkingsocialsand other venuesareoffered to expand businessnetworks

In addition to thesebenefits, theWCCsupportscommunity serviceprojectsimpactingwomen in Miami DadeCounty and supportsyoung women through mentoringand education.



TheWomen?sChamber isdedicated to facilitatingthe advancement of women in Miami-DadeCounty by fostering meaningful businessrelationshipsamongmembers, delivering uniqueeducational programs, and hostingcreativemember events



6:0 0 pm ? Red Car pet hour , Cocktail Par ty, an d Bon appétit

6:55 pm ? Open in g per for m an ce by Violon ist Dan iela Pejcic

7:0 0 pm ? W elcom e - M aster of Cer em on y

7:0 5 pm ? M iam i-Dade Coun ty Chair m an Oliver Gilber t

7:10 pm - W CC Dir ector of Civic En gagem en t, Chr istin e San on -Jules Olivo

7:15 pm ? A w or d fr om our pr esiden t, Dr K ar in e M elissa

7:20 pm ? W elcom e Sen ator An n ette Taddeo, Past W CC Pr esiden t w ho star ted the Thelm a Gibson Aw ar ds

7:25 pm ? Aw ar d Cer em on y begin s an d r ecogn izin g the W CC?s Top 25 M ost I n fluen tial W om en in Busin ess

8:30 pm - After -Par ty Netw or kin g Social hour w ith SheJ H er cules A ver y special TH ANK YOU to our Title Spon sor , Chair m an Oliver Gilber t I I I


H OSTED BY Laur en M ar sican o, ESQ @n etw or kin gm aver ick

DanielaPejcicisaprofessional electricand classical violinist Her yearsof experienceand continuous practicehaveallowed her to havea vast repertoire, from classical pieces to EDM, HouseMusic, and Latin music Danielahashad the opportunity to sharethestagewith renowned artistssuch asFlo Rida, Il Divo, Matthew Morrison, Tini, and Alan Cumming Shehasbeen invited to perform at eventsthroughout the United States, Europe, and Latin America Clientshavepointed out her " talent, charisma, and beautiful personality" asqualitiesthat make Danielaauniqueperformer and entertainer



Dear Honored Guests, Sponsors, and Friends, Welcometo the2024 ThelmaGibson AwardsGala! It iswith great pleasureand immensepridethat I extend my heartfelt gratitudeto each of you for joininguson thisremarkableeveningdedicated to celebratingtheachievementsof women in businessand leadership

Tonight, wehonor thelegacy of ThelmaGibson, atrailblazer who paved theway for countlesswomen to riseand thrivein their chosen fields Her commitment to upliftingour community and empowering women continuesto inspireall of usat theWomen'sChamber of Commerceof Miami-DadeCounty

Thiseveningwould not bepossiblewithout the generoussupport of our incrediblesponsors Your belief in our mission to invest in theprofessional and creativepower of women hasmadeaprofound impact on thesuccessof thisgalaand our ongoing effortsto empower women entrepreneursand leaders throughout our region

To our distinguished guests, thank you for beinghereto celebrateand support theoutstanding achievementsof tonight?shonorees Your presencesignifiesashared commitment to advancingtheroleof women in businessand ensuringabrighter, moreinclusivefuturefor all

Aswecelebratetheaccomplishmentsof theseremarkable women, let usalso reflect on thestrength of our community and theincrediblepossibilitiesthat lieahead when weuplift and support oneanother.

Enjoy theevening, and thank you for your continued support of theWomen?sChamber of Commerceof Miami-DadeCounty

With warmest regards,

KarineM elissaPurchas

President, Women?sChamber of Commerceof Miami-DadeCounty

KaineMelissa WCCPresident 2023 -2025

At t he Wom en?s Cham ber of Com m erce of Miam i-Dade Count y, w e believe in t he pow er of w om en-ow ned businesses and t he incredible im pact t hey have on our local com m unit ies As a leading organizat ion dedicat ed t o support ing and prom ot ing w om en ent repreneurs, w e are t hrilled t o honor t he ?She-Ow ned? cat egory? a dynam ic plat form t hat aim s t o connect , em pow er, and elevat e w om en-ow ned businesses and brands across Miam i-Dade and Brow ard count ies


Ab o u t Ou r Fo u n d e r

Thelma Gibson

ThelmaGibson founded Miami-Dade County?sfirst women?schamber in 1984 Gibson, aregistered nurse, began her career asastaff nurseat Jackson Memorial Hospital in 1947 For morethan 50 years, shehasalso been atrailblazer in education, mental and physical health, community and professional leadership, volunteerism and serviceto her church, community and family.

ThelmaGibson hasreceived numerousawards over theyears, her most recent beingtheLifetime Achievement Award by theU.S. Department of Commerce-Minority BusinessEnterprise This waspresented at the24th Annual Medweek AwardsOctober 21, 2006 Her autobiography, Forbearance, ThelmaVernell Anderson Gibson, LifeStory of aCoconut GroveNative, wasreleased in theFall of 2000 Mrs Gibson also sponsorsthe Gibson Health Initiativehoused at theTheodoreR Gibson Buildingthat providesfreetestingand assistancefor HIV and AIDSinfected persons. Her latest project istheTheodoreand Thelma School of thePerformingArtslocated on Grand Avenuein Coconut Grovewherethestudents receiveacademicswith afocuson theArts

In 1999 theWomen?sChamber established the ThelmaGibson Awardsof Excellenceto honor its founder. Each year, theaward honorsan individual and acorporation that hasexcelled in promotingleadership, excellenceand business development amongcorporateand professional women

IN 1999,

TheWomen'sChamber established theThelma Gibson Award of Excellenceto honor its founder.Each year,theaward honorsindividualsthat have excelled in promotingleadership, excellenceand business development amongcorporate and professional women

Asan experienced event planner, I'vededicated my career to orchestrating lavish and unforgettableoccasions With ameticulouseyefor detail, I transform dreamsinto reality, weavingtogether every element with precision From opulent weddingsto extravagant galas, my passion liesin curatingextraordinary experiencesthat leavelastingmemories. With each event, I bringcreativity and acommitment to perfection, ensuringevery moment isasenchantingasthenext Join meon ajourney whereevery detail matters, and wherethemagictruly comesto life


jo y st c l air

Top 25Most Inf l uencial Woman CO-WORKING SPACE OWNER

Joy St Clair is the founder of Co-Space, a coworking and content creation studio in Miami Gardens A Liberty City native, wife, mom and proud cancer-survivor, Joy has nearly two decades of experience as a global analyst in a Fortune 500 company Inspired by her own journey as a working mother and remote professional, she envisioned a space that would foster collaboration, creativity, and a sense of belonging, bringing a unique perspective to the world of entrepreneurship Her passion for creating an inclusive environment has made Co-Space a welcoming place for any individual who "passes the vibe check" Joy's commitment to creating a welcoming atmosphere hasbeen recognized by prestigiousnewsoutletslike NBC6 Miami, Hy-Lo News, and even the front page of the Miami Herald Co-Space was recently honored with the 2024 Best of Florida Award for Best Coworking Space This recognition is a testament to Joy's dedication to providing a workspace that supports & uplifts her community In addition to Co-Space, Joy is passionate about helping others Joy faithfully contributes her time and energy into organizations like TeenTalks, Honeyshine, Eatwell Exchange and even mentoring those who aspire to start or enhance their own coworking spaces nationally She has even founded the Black Coworking Collective, a platform that enables joint memberships and shared resources among fellow Black-owned coworking spaces

Through Joy St Clair's deep commitment to supporting local businesses and entrepreneurs, Joy has made Co-Space a hub for innovation and growth in theMiami Gardensareaand beyond

Top 25Most Inf l uencial



AnaG Rodrigueziscurrently at Florida Power & Light and hasbeen at FP&L for the past 18 years Anaiscurrently the Community RelationsSpecialist for Palm Beach County and External Affairs Emergency PreparednessCoordinator She ispart of ateam that isresponsiblefor corporatevolunteer campaigns, supporting corporatefundraisersinternally and externally which haveraised over 4 5 million in 2023 for variousnonprofits Ana helpscoordinatelogisticsand planning emergency preparednessfor FPL?steam that supportsEmergency Operation Centers

Anacurrently serveson theHenderson Behavioral Health Board of Directors, Pace Center for GirlsPalm Beach, Digital Vibez, and LOU Foundation Anaserved on the leadership team and wasco-chair of the Identify committeewith EmergeBroward and now ison their alumni committee

Anaisamember of the

- Urban Leagueof Broward County

- Black Professional Network

- Black Chamber of Commerceof Palm Beach County

- YoungProfessionalsof theKravisCenter

- KravisCenter CorporatePartners ExecutiveCommittee

- Junior Achievement of South Florida Circleof WiseWomen

Anahasbeen amentor for theGirlsRule, Pre-Apprenticeship program, and Career Bound Programsfor Junior Achievement of

South Florida In 2022, shewasawarded the Kimberlyn Clark ServiceAward from theUrban Leagueof Broward County and was recognized by TheFloridaPanthers HispanicExcellence Ana recently wasawarded the2023 Spark Award at theJunior Achievement of South FloridaRoseSoireefor her contributionsto thecommunity asayoung professional and ison theGirl?sRule Committeefor Junior Achievement of South Florida Anaalso isamentor with Women of Tomorrow in Palm Beach County Anaalso isa2024 Bust Buddies champion in Palm Beach County Anahas shared her knowledgeand voiceto speak at conferences, summits, and panelson the topicsof community engagement, events and media, and entertainment

Anaalso founded her own mediafirm wheresheservesasaconsultant for brands and artistsin theentertainment industry

Born in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, Ana attended American Senior High in Miami and began her career at FPL upon graduation Sheisthemother of a 15-year-old daughter Makayla Analoves givingback to thecommunity by empoweringtheyouth, and women and beingan advocatefor mental health

Top 25Most Inf l uencial Woman Advocat e and Publ ic Pol icy Exper t Ibis Val des

IbisValdésisadistinguished advocateand public policy expert, currently focused on mobilizing the Hispanic votein FloridaastheHispanic Vote Director for theKamalaHarrisand Tim Walz presidential campaigns Shehaspreviously madeimpactful stridesasPresident of the Leagueof Women Votersof Miami-Dade County, enhancingvoter education and civic engagement initiatives

Recognized asoneof Brickell Magazine'sTop 20 Under 40 in May 2024, Ibis'sadvocacy reached aglobal audiencethrough her involvement in thedocumentary "The HuntingGround (2015)", spotlighted at the Academy Awards In April 2024, her influential work led to an invitation to the WhiteHousefor "Cuban-American Day", recognizing her asasignificant Cuban-American stakeholder in policy discussions

IbisholdsaMaster of Artsin International Law and Human Rightsfrom the UN-mandated University for Peace, specializing in International Development and EconomicRights Beyond her campaign efforts, sheactively participates in theWomen'sChamber of Commerceof Miami-DadeCounty, drivingeconomic empowerment and opportunity for women

A seasoned public speaker, consultant, and writer, Ibis'sinsightsappear in publications such asUnivision, Washington Times, and Rare, providingexpert analysison issues likeeconomicdevelopment, immigration, and women'srights

Kenasha Paul ,J.D

Top 25Most Inf l uencial Woman

social ent r epr eneur and business pr of essional

KenashaPaul, J D isan award-winningsocial entrepreneur and businessprofessional who has dedicated her lifeto building thrivingpathwayslined with access points, opportunities, and resources for underrepresented communities

A dynamic forcein community building, her first major feat started in 2008 when Paul helped theBlack Student Union at FIU go from a student club with athen operating budget of $500 to auniversity-wide council managingasix-figureplus budget and representing nearly 12% of black studentson campus After

graduation, she wasasked to found and lead theFIU Black Alumni Chapter representing over 25,000 black alumni nationwide

Thiswork inspired her launch of the Black Professionals Summit conferencein (2014) whilein law school at NovaSoutheastern University, later advancingthe Summit into theBlack Professionals Network (BPN) in 2016, asa non-profit social learning organization servingall of South Florida?sblack professional community In 2022, the organization expanded nationwide and currently haschaptersin Miami, Broward, Chicago, and LosAngeles with moremarketson theway

Black ProfessionalsNetwork's(BPN) isnow thefastest-growing non-profit organization, with the

mission to support 1million black professionalson their journey towardssuccess, wealth, and legacy with theaim of ensuring90%reach accredited investorsstatus

Her successin buildingsocial capital acrossprivateand public sectors caught theattention of theventure and tech community In 2021, she wasannounced aspart of anovel partnership between theCity of Miami and FloridaInternational University to serveasDirector of the VentureMiami Opportunity Program with afocuson women founded tech businesses In 2024, shewasrecruited by Florida Memorial University to spearhead thelaunch of their Entrepreneurship Center which will open in 2025, as part of apublic-privatepartnership to support Sistrunk residentsand FMU students

Mar t u E. Fr eeman-Par ker

Top 25Most Inf l uencial

Woman Appar el Consul t ing

Martu E Freeman-Parker attended Norfolk StateUniversity in Norfolk, Virginia, wheresheearned aBA in Fashion Merchandising/Consumer Services Shemoved to New York City whereshewent on to gain experienceasafreelancer in theApparel industry asan Assistant Production Manager, MerchandisingAssistant, FabricR&D, Pre-production Manager with many nationally recognized apparel companies Thelist of companiesincludesPolo Ralph Lauren, The Limited, VictoriaSecret Catalogue, Polo Jeans, Calvin Klein Jeans, Gap Inc , TheLimited, Carter?sand CondeNast Publications Martu held permanent positionsasProduction Assistant for Women?sSweaters and Swimwear at J Crew, Pre-Production Manager for Women?s knitsat American EagleOutfitters, and Men?sDepartment Design Coordinator at Urban Outfitter?sin PhiladelphiaPa

Currently based out of Miami Florida, sheoperatesher own apparel consultant businessM E F ProductionsLLC, offering awiderangeof servicesto businessesand individualsin theapparel industry M E F ProductionsLLCprovidesitsclientswith the followingservices: Design Coaching, Line Development, Brand Management, and Fashion businessworkshops Martu istheFounder & Host of Fashion TALKSMiami, amonthly networkingevent for Miami?sLocal Fashion community In 2018 Martu published her first book ?Get the Hell Out From 2021to 2024 Martu wastheManagingDirector of Mana Fashion Services, asubdivision of ManaCommon in Miami Florida Sheiscurrently sitson theExecutive Board of theMiami Downtown Development Authority, Fashion Group International and St Thomas University Fashion Merchandising Program

www mefproductionsllc com


LaTo ya St ir r up

Top 25Most Inf l uencial Woman

Cosmol ogy

LaToyaisaspeaker, coach, strategist, consultant, and mom to two growingboys with aflair for product innovation Sheis theco-founder of Kazmaleje(cosmology), aMiami-based company shestarted with her two sisters- LaTashaand LaTrice- to createinnovativehair toolsand accessoriesfor textured hair LaToyahas been featured in Forbes, EssenceFest, Black Enterprise, Yahoo! Finance, NBC?s Rebound, and SheaMoisture?sTheNext Black Millionairesdocuserieson Roku to nameafew Shehaswon several grants and pitch competitions, allowingher to speak to thepower of findingcreative solutionsto grow an indiebrand LaToya isalso passionateabout sustainability, as KAZMALEJE isthefirst and only hair tool company to becertified plastic-neutral by RepurposeGlobal and iscurrently sold in Target, Walmart, HSN, SalonCentric com, Wegmans, and Claire?s

Top 25Most Inf l uencial Woman Animal Wel l far e Jo ssie Ag uir r e

MFrom ayoungage, Jossiewaspassionate about theplight of animals You could often hear her tellingher family that shewould one day haveafarm whereshewould help animals in need and givethem ahomefor therest of their days Littledid sheknow thetrajectory her lifewould take At 20 shebegan her professional career in thenon-profit world and realized quickly that shewanted to dedicateher lifeto helpingothersand servingthegreater good Shebegan at Jackson Memorial Foundation whereshestarted astheassistant to theVicePresident of Development and quickly worked her way up

to theDirector of Marketingand Events She spent eight yearshelpingthecommunity?s public hospital serveeven moremembersof the community and helped maketheir Galaa cannot missevent of thesocial season After leaving Jackson Memorial Foundation, Jossie spent ayear learningtheother sideof non-profit event world at WOWMKTG, where shehelped plan someof thebiggest non-profit eventsin Miami: NicklausChildren?sHospital Gala, Frost ScienceMuseum Gala, Chapman Partnership Gala, YoungArtsWeek Galaand more Despiteall shelearned whilethere, Jossieheart belonged in doingwork from within anon-profit organization Her next

chapter landed her at CatholicHospicewhere sheacted astheCommunity Development Manager Her timethereallowed her to seea different sideof theworld and work on projects that helped so many, from their Holiday Toy Drivefor children with family membersin hospiceto helping put together Camp Erin, a bereavement camp for children learningto cope with loss Workingat CatholicHospicewasa truly transformativetimefor her After three yearsthere, shefelt that it wastimefor anew challengeand that iswhen her timein Animal Welfarebegan

Initially brought on board astheDirector of Marketingand Events, Jossiespent six years givingavoiceto every dogand cat that entered theshelter in need of aforever family She helped createnew, innovativepartnershipsfor theorganization and worked to createa cohesivebrand identity that would help the organization reach morepeopleviasocial mediaand beyond In mid-2022, Jossiewas offered theroleof Interim ExecutiveDirector and in December 2022 her appointment was madepermanent From themoment she stepped into therole, Jossiehasled with kindnessand empathy Puttingthepeople AND theanimalsat theforefront of every conversation Leadingwith vigor, Jossiehas worked hard to streamlineand createprocesses that will maximizetheir life-savingimpact on Miami?shomelessanimals Jossie?shands-on approach and commitment to theanimalshas re-energized thestaff and hasbrought on many positivechangesincluding: aCommunity Pantry, Community Pet Support Program, new HumaneEducation Program includingKids Camp, BigDogsSnuggleMoreFoster Program and thelist goeson With over 20 yearsin marketing, event and non-profit experience, Jossieutilizesher expertiseto revolutionizethe way wepromote, support, and advocatefor adoptions, spay/neuter and thehumane treatment of animalsand thepeoplethat love them

Nao mi Bl emur

Top 25Most Inf l uencial Woman


Naomi Esther Blemur isan influential leader known for her impactful work asan author, advocate, and entrepreneur Her primary mission isto inspireindividualsto embrace their divinecallingand lead fulfillinglives Astheco-founder of BalancingLifeand theChairwoman for Pearlsof Wisdom (POW), Naomi hasfirmly established herself asawoman committed to fosteringstrong, thrivingand balanced communities

Naomi'seducational background reflectsher diverse interestsand global outlook Shepursued studiesin Italian languageand culturein Italy, Businessin theEuropean Union in France, and International Management and Marketingin Spain Additionally, sheobtained adegreein Accountingin theUnited States Presently, Naomi is furtheringher education by pursuingaMastersin Public Administration, aimingto enhanceher capacity asapublic servant and better serveher community In 2021, Naomi received an Honorary Doctoratein Ministry from Trinity Theological Seminary of South Florida, recognizing her 13 plusyearsof dedication and service

Naomi'sdeep commitment to public serviceisevident through her current rolesasaCommissioner on the North Miami PlanningCommission, elected Chairwomen for theCommission for Women Board and BusinessMember on theNorth Miami Community Redevelopment Agency Advisory Committee In asignificant milestonein 2022, Naomi achieved a historicfeat by becomingthefirst woman of color and Haitian-American to run a statewideraceand secureaparty's nomination, garneringan impressive threemillion plusvotesfrom Democrats, Independents, and Republicansalike Today, Naomi is fully committed to servingthe residentsof North Miami and becomingthecity's

third femalemayor in 98 years

Top 25Most Inf l uencial Woman

SBD Sect ion Chief , Miami Dade Count y Of f ice of Smal l Business Devel opment Law anda Wr ig ht

LawandaWright, anativeMiamian started her professional career with Miami-DadeCounty Officeof Small BusinessDevelopment (SBD) asaTrainingSpecialist II in 2003 Lawandaisalso an ExecutiveBoard member for PaceCenter for Girls-Miami and theDirector of Operations for theFoundation Girl Talk 1on 1, Inc Ms Wright iscurrently theSection Chief for the BusinessOutreach and Education Section for SBD, acommitteemember for the EconomicDevelopment Advisory Committee(EDAC) for Miami DadeEconomic Advisory Trust (MDEAT), member of theOpen for BusinessPolicy Committeewith Miami Foundation, and theWomen and Girlsin Transportation Initiative(WITI) Committeewith USDOT

AsChief sheoverseesateam of professionalswho excel in recruitingand advocatingfor local businessesparticipation on county contractsand providing technical assistance Shedevelopsand maintainsan extensiveprogram of publicinformation; providesone-on-onebusinessdevelopment assessments and meetingswith small and local businessesastheir liaison to County processesand departmentsin order to ensuretheir successin theprograms administered by SBD and other publicentities SheoverseestheMentor Protégéprogram and help local businessesto haveaccessto opportunitiesthat includecontract, performanceand payment issues

Additionally, sheisresponsiblefor coordinatingand conducting activitiesand workshops/seminars In addition to planning, implementing, supervising, researchingand evaluating trainingprogramsfor Miami-DadeCounty certified small businesses Sheservesasan expert Technical Assistance Provider for local educational institutions, large companies, theSouth FloridaAnchor Allianceand other agenciespartneringwith Miami-DadeCounty government

LawandahasaMaster?sin Business Administration and aBachelor?sin Management Information Systems

Lawandacontinuesto bean advocatefor small businessesthroughout Miami-DadeCounty and itscommunities Shehasformed vital partnershipsamongst County departments, municipalities, agenciesand other institutionsto bringsmall businessesall theresourcesthey need to haveeconomicgrowth and viability in South Florida

Dr .Car o l Big g s

Top 25Most Inf l uencial


Senior Vice Pr esident & Chief Nur sing Execut ive, Jackson Heal t h Syst em

Carol Biggs, MBA-HA, DHSc, RN, isthesenior vicepresident and chief nursingexecutiveof Jackson Health System, responsiblefor thestrategicand financial development of thenursing organization for oneof thenation?slargest publichealthcaresystems

Dr Biggsisresponsiblefor providingleadership to plan, direct, execute, and evaluatestrategic and operational prioritiesto ensurequality nursingpractice, continuousimprovement, consistent standards, and policiesthat arein accordancewith thehealth system?svision and mission, as well asall applicablelaws, regulatory/accreditation requirements By workingclosely with themedical staff, Dr Biggsensuresthat best practicesin patient caredelivery areintegrated throughout theorganization

Prior to joiningJackson in 2017, Dr Biggsworked in several well-known medical facilities, includingBaptist Health System, whereshewasthevicepresident and chief nursingofficer at South Miami Hospital

A nativeof Jamaica, Dr Biggsearned her nursingdegreeat RutgersUniversity in New Jersey and her MBA-HA from theUniversity of Miami Shereceived her Doctor of Health Sciences(DHSc) degreefrom NovaSoutheastern University

Dr BiggsistheAssociateDean of Academic Health CentersIntegration at University of Miami School of Nursingand Health Studies(SONHS). Sheisan adjunct faculty member at UM SONHSand at theNicoleWertheim College of Nursing & Health Sciencesat FloridaInternational University Sheisaconsultant and lecturer for variousorganizations involvingphysician and community education, amember of theAmerican Organization for Nursing Leadership, and the American Collegeof Health CareExecutives

With adistinguished career asanurseleader, Dr Biggshas published variousarticlesand hasnumerous accomplishments Among them: Sheserved asthekeynote speaker for theFourth Annual National Nurse Empowerment Conference, and wasselected by Legacy Magazinein 2019 asoneof South Florida's25 Most Influential & Prominent Black Women in Businessand Industry and oneof South Florida'stop Black Healthcare Professionals

Top 25Most Inf l uencial Woman

Chief Nur sing Of f icer f or UHeal t h Syst em Univer sit y El iz abet h Smit h

Elizabeth L Vieito-Smith istheChief NursingOfficer for UHealth System University of Miami wheresheisresponsiblefor all clinical practice, and nursing operationsfor Inpatient, Ambulatory, Procedure, Infusion, Surgical Services, APPPractice, and Physician Practice(UMMG/ACN) Shealso isresponsiblefor theoperationsof Hospital/NursingEducation, Professional Practiceand Nursing Accreditation Programs

Elizabeth started her career asaTraumaRegistered Nurseat Jackson Memorial Hospital and eventually becameaTraumaNurseCoordinator In 1983, she cameonboard to theUniversity of Miami working for theDepartment of Cardiology asaResearch Nurse Shebegan asNursing Supervisor in 1988 at NCCH which later transition to Sylvester ComprehensiveCancer Center (SCCC) / University of Miami Hospital & Clinics(UMHC) and then waspromoted to Assistant Director of Nursingand Education In 1995, shepursued aDirector of Education roleand then assumed the roleof Education Manager for Tenet Health System FloridaRegion In 2003, shereturned to SCCC/UMHCasDirector of Nursing overseeingNursingAdministration, Education, Nursing Quality, Infection Control/EmployeeHealth In 2009, shewasrecruited asthe Chief Nursing Officer for HealthSouth Rehabilitation Hospital of Miami workingin an inpatient acuterehabilitation setting In 2013, shewas recruited by SCCC/UMHC- in theroleof Chief NursingOfficer In 2017, theUniversity of Miami Hospital and Clinics, becameasinglelicensesand expanded to Bascom Palmer EyeInstitute, Sylvester ComprehensiveCancer Center, and UHealth Tower Elizabeth wasnamed Chief NursingOfficer for all threefacilitiesincludingtheir satellites Asof 2022 shenow overseethe University of Miami UHealth System

Her educational background includesadiplomain nursing from Jackson Memorial Hospital School of Nursingin Miami Shecontinued by getting her Bachelor?sDegree (concentration in business) from Barry University In 2009, shereceived her Mastersof Nursing from theUniversity of Miami and in 2012 shegraduated with aDoctor of Nursing Practicedegreefrom theUniversity of Miami

Char ise A. Mo r g an

Top 25Most Inf l uencial


t r ial at t or ney, bar l eader , and communit y cont r ibut or

ChariseA Morgan isan accomplished trial attorney, bar leader, and community contributor Shecurrently servesasStaff Legal Counsel for Zurich North America, protecting theinterestsof insuredsin all phasesof complex liability litigation

Ms Morgan previously served asan AdministrativeLaw Judgefor theGeorgia Department of Labor, adjudicating

employment litigation claims Sheisaproud graduateof Mercer University School of Law, wheresheearned theCALI Award for AppellatePracticeand Procedure, and of FloridaInternational University, whereshe attended on afull academicGolden Drum Scholarship, earningadoubleBachelor of Arts in Political Scienceand English Literature She islicensed to practicelaw in Georgiaand Florida

Throughout her career, Ms Morgan has demonstrated her commitment to service Sheisthecurrent president of theMiami-Dade Bar, thelargest voluntary bar association in theStateof Florida, which servesthe nearly 20,000 attorneysin Miami-DadeCounty She isalso aliaison on the FloridaBar Board of Governors, ViceChair of theFloridaBar Rulesof Civil Procedure committee, and ViceChair of theFloridaBar Standing Committeeon Professionalism Ms Morgan is also amember of theAssociation of CorporateCounsel and an Ambassador for Black Art at thePerezArt Museum Miami (PAMM) In 2018, Ms Morgan becamethe president of the Caribbean Bar

Association, oneof only fiveorganizationsin theUnited Statescreated to connect Caribbean and Caribbean-American lawyersand judges, and to makelegislativeand policy recommendationssupportingthe Caribbean-American community in Florida

Ms Morgan istheproud daughter of a Jamaican father and Trinidadian mother and creditsher West Indian upbringing for instillingadeep respect for thelaw and giving back

Ms Morgan wasa2023 inducteeto the Miami-DadeBar Circleof Excellencefor InsuranceLitigation and awarded the2023 Miami-DadeBar Top 40 Under 40 Award, the 2021Broward County Women Lawyers Community ?Trial-Blazers?award, theBlack ProfessionalsNetwork 2020 Women of Excellenceaward, and the2019 Legacy MagazineProminent Women in Businessand Industry award Sheisa2019 graduateof the FloridaBar William ReeceSmith, Jr Leadership Academy, and served on the FloridaBar YoungLawyersDivision from 2018 ? 2022, beingawarded the2022 President?s Award for outstandingserviceand contribution to thebetterment of thelegal profession

Ms Morgan hasspoken on community and legal panelsstatewide, and moderated candidateand judicial panelsthroughout Miami-Dadeand Broward counties

In her freetime, sheisan avid world traveler, havingvisited morethan 75 countriesand bloggingabout her #selfiestickadventureson her websiteunder thesamename

St ac ey Ber r ig an

Top 25Most Inf l uencial Woman

Ret ail Fashion

Stacey Berrigan isadynamic leader with over 30 yearsof experienceacrossvariousindustries AstheCEO of Olive n' Rose, sheblendsher passion for floral design with her expertisein drivingresults, deliveringmemorable experiencesfor clients Beyond her professional achievements, Stacey isdeeply committed to givingback, having volunteered with disadvantaged and marginalized children in South Americaand worked with abused children

Shealso sitson several education boards, advocatingfor enhanced learningopportunities Her diverse background, which includesleadership rolesin healthcare, thefinancial sector, thetechnology industry, and most recently, theretail industry, isatestament to her creativity, energy, and dedication to makingapositiveimpact both professionally and personally

Bur nadet t e No r r is-Weeks

Top 25Most Inf l uencial Woman

BurnadetteNorris-Weeksisapartner in thelaw firm of Austin PamiesNorrisWeeksPowell, PLLC Sheservesascounsel to variousgovernmental entities, includingcitiesin Broward, Miami-Dade and Palm Beach counties Additionally, her law firm handlesseriouspersonal injury, corporate and real property matters

BurnadetteistheChair of theGreater Fort LauderdaleChamber of Commerce Sheserveson the Board of Directorsfor Habitat for Humanity of Broward and theCommunity Foundation of Broward Sheisa graduateof Leadership Floridaand of Leadership Broward Burnadetteisfounder of theWomen of Color Empowerment Institute, Inc (WOCEI), amembership organization with themission to enhanceand expand leadership opportunitiesby women of color WOCEI spearheads ayearly conferencethat bringstogether hundredsof women in leadership from acrossthecountry Burnadetteisamember of theFederal Judicial NominatingConferencefor theSouthern District of Florida

Burnadette?sextensivecommunity and professional involvement hasearned her the Aboveand Beyond Award from theAmerican Bar Association?sSection of Litigation; theUrban League?sMargaret Roach Humanitarian Award and aLifetimeAchievement Award from theT J Reddick Bar Association Sheisapast honoreeof theNational Trumpet AwardsFoundation and wasrecognized by Legacy Magazineasoneof South Florida?s25 Most Influential and Prominent Black Women in Business Burnadettehasreceived a?Leader of theYear?award from theLeadership Broward Foundation, among other impressiveawardsand recognitions

Burnadetteisadmitted to practicelaw beforethe11th Circuit Court of Appealsand theUnited StatesDistrict Courtsfor the Northern, Middleand Southern Districtsof Florida Sheis married to Aaron Weeksand livesin Fort Lauderdale

AliceN Bravo, P E isthePresident of Alice Bravo & Assoc LLC, aconsultingfirm specializingin engineeringand transit planningand design with afocuson funding and regulatory/policy issues Shehasover 25 yearsof experienceleadinglarge organizations, initiatives, and projectsand has coordinated closely with elected officials, policy makersand agency leadersat the federal, state, and local level regarding highway and transit projects Shehas successfully garnered support/approvalsfor many major infrastructureprojectsin our community

Prior to startingher own firm, Aliceserved as Sr VicePresident/Florida District Leader at a global engineering and professional services consultancy Alicewas

al ic e br avo

Top 25Most Inf l uencial Woman engineer ing, t r ansit pl anning and design

responsiblefor project delivery for abroad rangeof disciplines, includingtransportation, environmental, water, property and buildings, and other infrastructurechallenges

Prior to that, AlicewastheDirector of the Department of Transportation and Public Works(DTPW) for Miami-DadeCounty (County), wheresheoversaw the15th largest publictransit system in theUnited States Under her leadership, DTPW secured the County?sfirst FTA Capital Investment Grant in morethan two decadesfor theSouth Corridor BusRapid Transit Project Alice spearheaded theCounty?sStrategicMiami AreaRapid Transit (SMART) Plan, advanced nearly 20 transit-oriented developments, initiated the conversion of theCounty?snearly 3,000 trafficsignalsto smart adaptivesignals, introduced autonomousvehicle programs, urban air mobility, micro mobility, new appsand fare collection systemsand positioned theCounty asaleader of transportation innovation, while creatingan environment that promotesnew technologiesand collaboration

Prior to her leadership rolewith theCounty, Aliceserved as Deputy City

Manager for theCity of Miami, whereshe oversaw six city departments, including Planning& Zoning, Building, Real Estate Management, and Capital Improvements

AsDirector of Transportation Development with theFloridaDepartment of Transportation District 6, sheoversaw the Port of Miami Tunnel Project, theI-395 reconstruction project, the95 Express Managed Lanesand several major Palmetto Expressway reconstruction projects

Aliceisagraduateof theUniversity of Miami with abachelor?sdegreein civil engineering and FloridaInternational University with a master?sdegreein businessadministration

Aliceserveson numerouscommunity organizations:

-Broward Workshop, Transportation CommitteeCo-Chair

-Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce, Transport CommitteeChair/ FY24-25 Board Member

-Conferenceof Minority Transportation Officials(COMTO)

-Women?sTransportation Seminar (WTS)

-University of Miami - Collegeof Engineering Dean?sAdvisory Board

-International Women?sFederation (IWF)

-University of Miami Citizen?sBoard

-University of Miami Master of Real Estate Development + Urbanism - Advisory Board Member

-TheUnderline- StrategicAdvisory Board Member

-FloridaPolicy Project - Director

w enc ie po w el l

Top 25Most Inf l uencial Woman

Lit igat ion Finance

Dr WenciePowell standsasabeacon of integrity and exemplary leadership in therealm of Litigation Finance With a distinguished background asaBusinessManager and aFinancial MarketsCertificatefrom YaleUniversity, sheredefines excellence Hailingfrom MossPoint, MS, and an esteemed alumnaof Jackson StateUniversity, shenow residesin the vibrant community of South Florida

AstheCEO and founder of ThePowellR of Love, Inc , a non-profit organization, Wencieisdevoted to creatingabetter world by upliftingcommunities, fosteringinclusivity, and collaboratingwith other community-oriented organizationsto serveasacatalyst for positiveimpact Her dedication to service and excellencehasearned her an honorary doctoratein Humanitiesand Philosophy from EE Christian University

Dr Powell isrenowned for her unwaveringcommitment to mentorship, women?sempowerment, and humanitarian efforts Her influential and leadership roleswithin TheMillionHeiress Club LLC, advocatingfor minority women in business, and her current positionson theExecutiveBoardsof theBroward Sickle Cell Association and Destiny?sEliteGirlsInc , underscoreher dedication to makingatangibledifference Additionally, she leadsasthepresident of BluePearlsAQ within theMossPoint Alumni Association School District

Her outstandingcontributionshavegarnered widespread acclaim and prestigiousaccolades, includingthePower of ServiceAward in 2014, theVIA Leader ExcellenceAward in 2016, FloridaGN Woman of Impact 2022 In 2023, shewashonored with the Biden Presidential LifetimeAchievement Award and theSister LeadersDiversity, Equity, & Inclusion Leader Award Furthermore, her inspiringmessageof "BuildingA Stronger Community" earned her thetitleof Ms American Elegancein 2021, and shewashonored International SuccessWomen?s ConferenceTop Influencer 2022

In addition to her philanthropicand professional achievements, Dr Powell?spassion for fashion servesasher lovelanguage, empoweringthosearound her with confidence, positivity, and courage Shehasgraced thecover of ElleMagazineand models for CoutureLaRouge, Beautiful You Fashion Tour, and Model Icon Inc


Top 25Most Inf l uencial Woman


With over 18 yearsof experiencein advertisingand marketing, Liz Atlashasdeveloped adeep passion for her work Sheenjoysthe opportunity to connect with diverseindividualsdaily Her career reflectsacommitment to creativity, communication, and making meaningful connections Outsideof professional life, Lizisawife and amother of two beautiful children Lizalso dedicatestimeto apersonal mission of givingback, assistingher mother in sendinggoodsto theimpoverished communitiesin Nicaragua Thisblend of career excellenceand community service highlightsLiz'sdedication to making apositiveimpact locally and globally

Nat hal ie Co issy

Top 25Most Inf l uencial Woman Hospit al it y Indust r y

NathalieCoissy isadistinguished entrepreneur, celebrated for her significant contributionsto thehospitality industry Her journey began in 2018 with theopeningof Pearl of theIsland Caribbean Restaurant, which sheco-founded Sincethen, Nathalie hasexpanded her portfolio to includetwo additional thrivingrestaurantslocated in Broward County and West Palm Beach, each reflectingher commitment to delivering exceptional culinary experiences Driven by her passion for event planningand design, Nathaliewent on to establish Pearl Event, a premier banquet hall known for hosting elegant weddingsand high-end events

Beyond her successin hospitality, Nathalieis thevisionary founder of theNayaleeBrand Forum, aplatform dedicated to connecting diversebrandsand businesses, fostering collaboration, and promoting growth Her venturesaredistinguished by their celebration of cultureand community, and her leadership and dedication to excellence havemadeher arespected figurein her field

Nathalie?sunwaveringcommitment to empoweringothers, particularly women in business, continuesto inspire, asshestrivesto uplift and createopportunitiesfor those around her Through her dynamicleadership and entrepreneurial spirit, shehasbecomea standout figurein both thebusinessand hospitality industries

isadistinguished entrepreneur, celebrated for her significant contributionsto thehospitality industry Her journey began in 2018 with the openingof Pearl of theIsland Caribbean Restaurant, which sheco-founded Sincethen, Nathaliehasexpanded her portfolio to include two additional thrivingrestaurantslocated in Broward County and West Palm Beach, each reflectingher commitment to delivering exceptional culinary experiences Driven by her passion for event planningand design, Nathaliewent on to establish Pearl Event, a premier banquet hall known for hosting

elegant weddingsand high-end events

Beyond her successin hospitality, Nathalieisthevisionary founder of the NayaleeBrand Forum, aplatform dedicated to connectingdiversebrands and businesses, fosteringcollaboration, and promotinggrowth Her ventures aredistinguished by their celebration of cultureand community, and her leadership and dedication to excellencehavemadeher arespected figurein her field

Nathalie?sunwavering commitment to empoweringothers, particularly women in business, continuesto inspire, asshestrivesto uplift and create opportunitiesfor thosearound her Through her dynamic leadership and entrepreneurial spirit, shehas becomea standout figurein both thebusiness and hospitality industries

Top 25Most Inf l uencial Woman

Ar t Educat ion

Jocelyn Salazar isanativeFloridian, residingin Hialeah In 2018, shestudied Art Education at Florida International University and graduated with Summa Cum Laudehonors Applying knowledgefrom her Art Education degree, shejoined TheEducation Fund and hasbeen workingwith theorganization for over five years Recently, Jocelyn stepped into theroleof Senior Program Manager at TheEducation Fund?sOcean Bank Center for Educational Materials, an 11,000 squarefoot facility that providesfreeeducational materialsto all Miami-DadeCounty Public Schools teachers Her expertisehaspropelled the program forward, making great stridesand surpassinggoals By theend of the2023-2024 school year, Jocelyn and her team distributed morethan $3 million in suppliesand other teachablegoodsto teachersand their studentsin Miami-Dade?spublicschools A trueteacher at heart, Jocelyn hasan immense passion for servingteachersand studentsin Miami-DadeCounty

Shel l ie Ranso m-Jac kso n

Top 25Most Inf l uencial Woman

Const r uct ion Consul t ing

Ms ShellieRansom-Jackson istheOwner and Managing Member of Benchmark Construction Consulting & Management LLC Shehasover 22 yearsof experienceasa FloridaCertified General Contractor and thedistinct honor of beingthefirst African-American Certified Building Official in theStateof Florida Ms Ransom-Jackson holdsaMaster's in PublicAdministration and licensureasaBuildingCode Administrator, PlansExaminer, and Inspector Ms Ransom-Jackson utilizesher practical construction knowledgeenhanced by over 20 yearsof public administration experienceto assist clientsin navigatingthe bureaucracy associated with development Ms Ransom-Jackson and her staff work closely with the Architects, Contractors, Owners, and Governmental entities asan effectiveconduit between theprivateand public sectors Ms Ransom-Jackson servesthemost vulnerablein her community by servingon theSalvation Army Advisory Board Sheservesthebusinesscommunity on the Miami-DadeCounty Small-BusinessAdvisory BoardConstruction and Construction TradesQualifying?A?Board Ms Ransom-Jackson isadevoted mother and grandmother

Riv er a-Tig er a

Top 25Most Inf l uencial Woman Mar ket Devel opment

Aslynn Rivera-Tigerahasbeen aMarket Development Manager for FloridaBluefor over 3 years In her current role, sheoverseesthedevelopment of key strategic partnershipsand developsand leadstheexecution of regional programsfor Miami-Dade, Broward, Palm Beach, and TreasureCoast In chargeof identifying and growing new market opportunitieswith assigned civic and for-profit organizationsto providetargeted education Beforejoining FloridaBlue, shewasaBusinessDevelopment Director for Emergent Physiciansof South Florida, aproud partner of Baptist Health?sFree StandingEmergency Rooms In thisrole, itssolepurposewasto develop outstandingtalent, and provider experienceand deliver cutting-edgeER medicineat the3 FreeStandingEmergency locationsin Miami-Dade Previously, shewasan award-winningSenior BusinessDevelopment and Pharmaceutical Rep for 7years Aslynn hasaproven ability to drive revenue, improvecustomer retention rates, and bringbottom-linevalue to any organization thanksto her 10 yearsof experienceat RegionsBank working for theDepartment of Trust and Investments

Aslynn isamission-driven individual, passionateabout helpingpeople both personally and professionally Her dedication to community engagement led her to bepart of theWomen?sChamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Chairperson for Women?sForum, FIU Alumni Board, United Way, and Jackson Memorial Guardian Angels, and also beingan essential part of developing successful fundraisingstrategiesfor the March of Dimes, focused on helpingto improvethe health of mothersand babies

Currently involved in variousnon-profit and chamberssuch asHonorary board member for South FloridaHispanic Chamber, on the board of theGirl Scoutsof Tropical Florida, Amigosfor Kidshost committeemember, Motivational EdgeAdvisory Council, Woman of Impact 2024 American Heart Association, Miami Herald Silver Knight judgeand part of theProfessional Women?s Council of Doral It iseasy to seethat Aslynn?shigh level of compassion for othershascarried over into all aspectsof her professional career Her biggest blessingsin lifeareher family and her two children Gianna(11) Giancarlo (6) and her amazinghusband Sergio Tigera who shewantsto leavealegacy in this community

Top 25Most Inf l uencial Woman Pr ivat e Cl ient Banking

1st VicePresident

PrivateClient Relationship Manager Amerant Bank PrivateClient

Tina Mar t inez Jar amil l o

Tina?sfirst experiencein Bankingwasin 1992 working for the Customer ServiceCall Center at Citibank However, her career in theindustry would not truly begin until 2000, with SunTrust Bank?sCommercial Credit TrainingProgram Thisbecamethe foundation for her career goingforward, allowingher to grow into variousareasof Bankingincludingunderwritingand analysis, relationship management, commercial lending, portfolio management, retail bankingand management, consumer lending, and privateclients

In December 2021, sheproudly took on anew opportunity, with agroup of 5 of her teammates, to bethefounding?team?of theAmerant Bank Professional & PrivateClient Group As aPrivateClient Relationship Manager, shetakespridein providingwhite-gloveserviceto her clients. By working in tandem with Amerant Bank?sTrust & Investment Division, sheassistsin navigatingher clientsthrough theBankingprocess, whileworkingto protect and maximizetheir assets

Tinagrew up in Miami-DadeCounty, graduating from Miami Sunset Sr High School in 1991 Later that year, sheattended Miami-DadeCommunity College (Miami-DadeCollage) graduatingwith her AssociatesDegreein Business, and Florida International University graduating in 1996 with abachelor'sDegreein Finance

Shehasvolunteered for organizations such asHabitat for Humanity and Junior Achievement Shehasalso been aproud member of theMiami-DadeWomen?s Chamber of Commerceand ishonored to beapast Board Member

Tinalivesin Cutler Bay, Florida She lovesgoingout on theboat, traveling, entertainingat home, and most of all, spendingtimewith her husband Alfredo and daughter Luna


Top 25Most Inf l uencial Woman


Jennifer MolinaisaPuerto Rican from Carolina, Puerto Rico, aFloridaNotary Public, and theMarketingDirector at Peterson'sHarley-Davidson South Asamotorcyclerider, Jennifer lovesconnectingwith peopleand helpingthem, which guidesher work in both marketing and asanotary Her dedication to buildingcommunity hasresulted in successful eventsand initiativesthat bringpeopletogether, celebratingtheridingcultureand fosteringstrong relationships

Gay l e Cat r o pa

Top 25Most Inf l uencial Woman Human

Resour ces

GayleCatropaisadedicated HR professional focused on building meaningful client and talent relationshipswhilecreating effective retention and attraction strategies With international HR experienceand expertisein union negotiations, talent management, and organizational development, shehasaknack for leading high-performingteamsthat drivechangeand innovation Alongsideher professional achievements, Gayle valuesher family deeply Shehasbeen happily married to her wife, Sandi, for over 10 yearsand isalovingdog mom to Buddy and Rigatoni In her sparetime, Gayleservesasacrisiscounselor for theSuicideHotlineand enjoysrelaxingat homewith family and friends

Top 25Most Inf l uencial Woman Real Est at e

Vivian Zumot Dimond istheFounder and Chief ExecutiveOfficer of BayshoreGroveCapital (BGC) Shehasover thirty-fiveyearsof experiencein real estatemarketingand sales, acquisitions& dispositions, development, construction, zoning& land use, property management, and residential & commercial financing Mrs Dimond hasearned a reputation asoneof themost knowledgeableand successful real estateprofessionalsin South Florida

Beforetheformation of BGC, Mrs Dimond managed numerousprojectsin all aspectsof development and wasthefounder of Aman Capital Group, adevelopment company that, among other projects, converted multi-family complexesto nearly 1,200 condominium unitslocated throughout Florida During thegreat recession of 2008, Mrs Dimond restructured projectsand multiplefinancingarrangementswith lenders, without asingleproject beingforeclosed upon Her institutional financingrelationshipsareoneof the strongest facetsof thecompany and shehasalso becomeatrusted and highly sought-after consultant for financial institutionsregardingthe management of their troubled real estateasset portfolios

Since1984 Mrs Dimond hasbeen ahighly recognized real estatebroker in Miami, with deep connectionsto thebusinesscommunity In 2017, Mrs Dimond sold amajority stakein Avatar Real EstateServices, atop-rated brokeragefirm in South Florida, to Brown HarrisStevens(BHS), the highly visibleluxury brokeragefirm specializing in marquispropertiesin New York City, the Hamptons, Hudson Valley, Connecticut, New Jersey, Palm Beach, and Miami Sheremainsthe

Viv ian Zamo t Dimo nd

broker and an owner of BHSin Miami

Beforebeginningher real estatecareer, Mrs Dimond wasrecruited out of collegeby theUnited StatesFederal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), whereshewasassigned to counter-intelligencein Cleveland and Virginia Asidefrom English, Mrs Dimond speaksArabic, French, and Spanish She ismarried to Alan Dimond, asenior litigation partner at GreenbergTraurig, and former president of theFloridaBar They residein Miami and havetwo sonsand two daughters

B riaH arris

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2024 Thelma Gibson Awards


Founder and CEO of Impr ess Tax Ser vice 2024 honoreeof the

Founder and CEO of ImpressTax Service, established in 2018 Sheisadevoted woman of God with adeep passion for serving her community, and her effortshavebeen widely recognized Bria's journey from asmall businessowner to anational serviceprovider isatestament to her vision and commitment

2024 honoreeof the thelmagibson awards


Senior Vice Pr esident of The Mul t icul t ur al Tour ism& Devel opment f or t he GMCVB

ConnieW Kinnard isSenior VicePresident of Multicultural Tourism & Development for the Greater Miami Convention & VisitorsBureau (GMCVB) Ms Kinnard leadsthedepartment?s effortsin promotingmulticultural neighborhoods, attractions, and eventsin Miami TheMulticultural & Tourism department not only leadseffortsinternally, but under Connie'sleadership, thedepartment spearheadsbusinessdevelopment programs for small businessesaround tourism capacity buildingalongwith acultural program called Art of Black Miami Art of Black Miami isa marketingplatform that highlightsall formsof art, artistsand galleriesin Miami that touches theAfrican Diaspora Most recently, her portfolio hasexpanded to includeoversight of

theGMCVB?sBlack Hospitality Initiativewhich isacollegescholarship and workforce development program for thetourism industry In addition, shehasbroadened her scopeof work locally and nationally on advancingDEI opportunities

Connie has worked in the hospitality industry for over 25 yearsand holdsamaster?sdegreein management from the University of Phoenix and a Bachelor of Business Administration from Tennessee State University She is active with numerous civic/service organizations and has served on various professional boards or participated in volunteer organizations throughout her career to include Destinations International (Foundation Board),

Miami-Dade Chamber of Commerce, Christian Community Services Inc , National Museum of African American Music, Nashville City Club, Women of Tomorrow, National Coalition of Black Meeting Professionals and Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc Prior to joining the GMCVB in 2015, Ms Kinnard worked for the Nashville Convention & Visitors Corporation (NCVC) for 19 years and held the position of SVP of Multicultural Sales & Development. She also served administratively as the National Museum of African American Music?s, Chief Administrator respectively from 2003-2008 in addition to but in tandem with her responsibilitiesat theNCVC

2024 honoreeof the thelmagibson awards

Daniel l a Lev ine Cava

Miami-Dade Count y Mayor

Born in New York and raised partly in Latin America, Mayor LevineCavareceived her bachelor'sdegreein psychology with honors from YaleUniversity and graduatedegreesin law and social work from ColumbiaUniversity ShemadeSouth Floridaher homein 1980 to join her husband, Dr Robert Cava, aMiami nativeand practicingphysician Daniellaand Robert raised two children, Elizaand Ted, in Miami-Dade They sharealoveof serviceand outdoor activities, from kayaking the Evergladesto sailingBiscayneBay

Mayoral Accomplishments

DaniellaLevineCavawaselected Miami-Dade County'sfirst-ever woman mayor in November 2020 Asmayor, sheoverseesametropolitan government of morethan 31,000 employees, servesnearly 3 million residents, and manages an annual budget of approximately $12 billion

Mayor LevineCava'sadministration isfocused

on buildingastronger, moreprosperous, more resilient Miami-Dade Sheprotected livesand livelihoodsby deployingapeople-focused coronaviruspandemic response, bolstering small businesses, residents, and public health Sheisprioritizing reformsto keep our county safeand freefrom gun violencethrough the Peaceand Prosperity Plan; reinvigorating a thrivingeconomy that deliverseconomic security and welcomesnew investments; preservingour environment, including BiscayneBay and theEverglades, for generationsto come; and directly engaging with residentsthrough widespread community engagement campaigns, such asThrive305 Learn moreabout theMayor'skey priorities and progress

Shehasdelivered on thesepromisesthrough theFutureReady Plan, an economic development approach that empowersour local workforce, supportssmall business, and

unleashesthepower of innovation Under her leadership, Miami-DadeCounty released the globally renowned SeaLevel Riseand Climate Action Strategiesthat push forward to net-zero greenhousegasemissionsby 2050, and 50% reduction by 2030

Mayor LevineCavahastackled thehousingand affordability criseshead on, increasingtenant protectionsand rapidly acceleratingthesupply of new affordableand workforcehousing She hasmadehistoricinvestmentsin housing solutions, includinganew Officeof Housing Advocacy, expandingprogramsto prevent over 26,000 householdsfrom losingtheir homes, and offering mortgage, utility, and condominium special assessment relief Her stewardship of thecounty?sSMART Plan will expand fivekey transit corridors, connecting every corner of Miami-Dadewith themost energy efficient and reliablepublic transportation options

2024 honoreeof the thelmagibson awards

Gabr iel a Ibar r a

Vice Pr esident of Devel opment f or Fl or ida

GabrielaB Ibarraisahighly accomplished professional, currently servingastheVice President of Development for Florida With her exceptional leadership skillsand unwaveringdedication, sheplaysapivotal rolein maintainingthecompany'sunique culturewhiledeliveringaconciergeapproach that cultivateslong-term relationshipswith clientsand avast network of human resource experts

Under Gabriela'svisionary guidance, Nomi hasstrategically partnered with numerouskey corporateplayers, entrepreneurs, and businessowners, establishingan extensive network of enduringprofessional connections and legacy clientsboth within thestateof Floridaand internationally Her discerning

eyefor identifying top-tier talent enablesher to engagedynamicleaderswho have successfully transformed and scaled organizations

Prior to her current role, Gabrielagained invaluableexperienceworkingwith someof theworld'slargest organizations, honingher expertisein variousindustries Furthermore, shespearheaded thegrowth and acquisition of aleadingSouth Florida-based IT firm, showcasingher exceptional acumen in businessdevelopment

In addition to her professional accomplishments, Gabrielaisalso a multilingual individual and an esteemed alumnaof FloridaInternational University

Her expertisespansdiverseindustries, includingcruiselines, public sectorsat the city, county, and statelevels, aswell as airlines, seaports, and airports

GabrielaB Ibarra'sunwaveringcommitment to excellence, combined with her extensive experienceand visionary leadership, have solidified her reputation asarespected industry professional Shecontinuesto drive impactful changeand foster meaningful connections, positively influencingthesuccess and growth of organizationsacrossvarious sectors

2024 honoreeof the thelmagibson awards


Co-Founder of Lif e Impact Inc.

MadelineHundy, co-founder of LifeImpact Inc , hasbeen apillar of strength, compassion, and servicein theMiami-DadeCounty community for over 40 years Through her tirelessefforts, shehasprovided asafehaven for teen mothers, offeringthem vital resources, guidance, and support to navigatethe challengesof youngmotherhood Her work extendsto theyouth in thejuvenilejustice system, creatingtransformativeprogramsthat offer asecond chancefor thoseat risk

Madelinehasbeen instrumental in getting youngpeopleoff thestreets, offering them a spaceto completecommunity service, receive

anger management counseling, participatein tutoring, and enjoy enrichingsummer camps

Her unwavering commitment to empowering theunderserved, particularly Miami-Dade's vulnerableyouth, haspositively impacted countlesslives, fostering hopeand healingfor thosewho need it most For her lifetimeof dedication and service, MadelineHundy isa most deservingrecipient of theprestigious ThelmaGibson Legacy Award

2024 honoreeof the thelmagibson awards


Pr esident and CEO of The Miami Foundat ion

RebeccaFishman Lipsey isPresident and CEO of TheMiami Foundation, thehome basefor generosity, leadership, and connection focused on buildingaMiami whereeveryonethrives

Sinceher appointment in 2020, Rebeccahas grown theFoundation by 50%, infusinga commitment to equity into every grant program and initiativeat theFoundation Rebecca?sfocuson collectiveimpact leadsthe Foundation to bringpeopletogether to solve community issuesmorepowerfully together Under her leadership theFoundation has tackled seriousissueslikebringinginternet to all disconnected families, buildingaproactive disaster resiliencefund, mobilizingthe philanthropicresponseto both COVID and theSurfsidebuildingcollapse, and incubating countlesscoalitionsand funding collaborativesto addressboth local and national needs

Prior to leading TheMiami Foundation, Rebeccawastheyoungest person in history appointed to theFloridaBoard of Education, overseeingeducational policy impacting 3 million children from kindergarten through college Rebeccafounded Radical Partners, an incubator for social impact ventures She started her career asapublicschool teacher, inspired by her grandparents?experienceas refugeesyearsago

Rebeccawasnamed ?Best Non-Profit Executive?by TheInternational StevieAward for Women in Business; ?Best RoleModel?by Miami Today, and ?20 Under 40? by The Miami Herald ?Sheholdsamaster?sfrom Bank Street Collegeof Education and graduated asvaledictorian of her University of Pennsylvaniaundergraduateclass When she?snot buildingastronger Miami, you can find Rebeccabangingon thepiano, walking ?round theneighborhood with her husband of 19 years, and serving asapersonal assistant to her two youngboys

2024 honoreeof the thelmagibson awards

Dr . Ther esa Bo w e


Dr TheresaBoweisaversatileindividual, excellingasan author, entrepreneur, philanthropist, accomplished luxury real estateprofessional, wife, and mother Growingup in LongIsland, NY, shefaced the challengesof asingle-parent household, being theyoungest of eight siblings Amidst the backdrop of childhood pregnancies, substance abuse, and incarcerationsamongher siblings, Theresaherself experienced child abuseat the ageof 12 Shecreditsher upbringing for instillingin her thedriveand resilienceshe possesses

Although not alwaysfinishingfirst, Theresa defied theoddsand earned acollegetrack scholarship Her athleticjourney led her from

New York to KansasCity, whereshemet her husband, former NFL WideReceiver Dwayne Bowe Transitioninginto entrepreneurship, real estatebecameher initial pursuit Currently, sheoverseestheLargest Real EstateGroup through KW and managesa multi-million-dollar real estateinvestment portfolio

In 2019, Theresaand Dwaynewerefeatured in thedocu-series"LoveGoals," aired on the Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN TV) Theresa went on to co-found 82 WAYS, a501c(3) organization, to educateboth children and adultson healthy boundariesto prevent child abuse Thisendeavor inspired her to author two illustrated children'sbooks, "My

Mommy?sBoyfriend," and "Play Nice"

In 2022, Theresawashonored with aLifetime Achievement Award from President Joe Biden and also earned an Honorary Doctorate in Philosophy Shecontinuesto travel the world asapublicspeaker, passionately advocatingfor her causes Theresa'sjourney exemplifiesthat truesuccessgoesbeyond mereachievements, asshecontinuesto make aprofound impact globally

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