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BaeNight?s The int er -makings of a f il m. web of hidden secr et s pr emier ed on t he big scr een. Leaving t he audience cl enching f or mor e.

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Arriving to the premiere laid out a red carpet and Sandra Justice (Alexus) greeting the guests with a warm welcome A galore of flashes went off with actors and guests smiling for the cameras while a drone flew around in between the crowd The guests socialized, ordered food, or sat in the lounge waiting to go in Once it was time, the theater was packed with viewers For a synopsis and background of the movie check out our blog post on www creativmag net


Thedirector Luner Eugenestarted off being very honest and transparent Hediscussed with methestrugglesit took in making this movie, especially on ashoestringbudget, to being dismissed by oneactressinvolved, who becametoo Hollywood To not being ableto feed hiscast, to themain actor/actressgoingthrough martial things on & off screen

Hesaid ?thereisapower in unity We showed that theculturecan talk out issues, cometogether and work thingsout to be successful Thismovieisproof it can be done?With addingapieceof advicefor all ?stay humble, becauseyou never know what God hasfor you tomorrow ? Then camemy flow of questionsfor the cast:

Photographer: Droneshotsby skylabs

After themovie, I had thechanceto meet up with thecast for an exclusiveinterview In theroom with mesat, NjieSabik (Sunny), EricClaussen (LeRoy), Delpha Samuels(Chauday), Genji Jacques(Tony), Sharon Pfeiffer (Tony?smother), Luner Eugenethedirector and writer Neicey Johnson

Immediately you could feel theexcitement and camaraderieamongst the crew Thefilm had been three yearsin themakingwith so much dedication, pain, tears, happinessand most importantly passion from all involved Thesenseof accomplishment glowed on their faces

Victor ia Lee: W hat?d you thin k of the scr ipt w hen you in itially r ead it?

Eric Claussen ?oh my goodnessthisisso delicious!?and Genji Jacques?it was thought provoking ? Similaritiesrangamongthe actorsabout the dynamic-nessof thescript whilestill feedingevery emotion for theaudience They wereimpressed by the plot twists; thetopics involved felt human and knew they had to beapart of it

MeanwhileEugeneadmitted ?thescript was rushed! Therecould havebeen moreto the story for thisfirst movie Alongwith adeeper understanding of thecharacter backgrounds ? However, heisexcited for part two, that way fanscan truly know thecharacters backgroundsand haveadeeper diveof the storyline Though thecast discussed extra thoughtson what could becomingfor part two All I can tell you istheexcitement is bubbling

Next, I just had to ask (you?rethinking it too): VL: How wasthe chemistry on and off thecamera?

DelphaSamuelsstarted it off ?Ooo? that wastheforcebehind the excellenceyou seetonight I think everybody had really great chemistry Werespected each other When shootingwestayed as longaswehad to, to get it doneasateam ?

NjieSabik expressed, ?it wasthetablereadingsand rehearsalsfor me Thosemomentswereincredibleand raw Becausethen you got to seetheother actorsin different elements Which madeusdiscover thebondsweall had ?

Sharon Pfeiffer madeapoint to say, ?I loved thewelcoming I received from thisfamily and thecamaraderie You know Luner directsfrom apoint of view for theculture, and I just really felt welcomed ?

They couldn? t leaveout Jacquesfor hisroleand expertiseof being an actingcoach Everyoneexpressed how that helped bringout what they needed to for their charactersand build thechemistry develop the characters to really tell the story I am that person who gets into the mind of the characters to bring them to life The important topic for me was that people have a past but to focus on how they work it out ?

VL: ?W e w an t to kn ow if actin g w as alw ays your passion ??

Sandra Justice ?it?s been a dream of mine to act since I wasalittlegirl ?

Claussen ?I fell in love with it, in middle school when I took a theater class However, I went to college for IT security but actingcameback full circle?

Samuels ?I can say when I was five years old I was at school when the teacher went around the class asking what wewanted to be I said I want to beon TV ?

Then I just had to know: VL: ?What was your favorite actingscenein themovie??

Jacques quick to answer ?I liked when Tony and Alexus werein their intenseargument It wasavery passionate strong part It showed the heart of Tony with what he wasfinding out ?Hefeels?many peoplein theaudience want to see themselves in these characters that?s relatable to something they are currently going through ?

Samuels ?the audience either must love you or they gotta hate you Nothing in between, because then you know you did your job My favorite part was the girl?s nights ?

VL: ?So, do you fin d your self gettin g lost in the char acter H ow do you separ ate your tr ue self fr om the char acter you?r e playin g??

Sabik said, ?that?s a good question I find myself whenever filming whatever project it is When I develop the backstory of that character, I am that person, to where I don? t even know time exists So, you do get yourself lost in themoment of your character ?

Pfeiffer said, ?you have to lose yourself for the character, otherwiseit?sfakeand it shows ?

Now to us fellow writers: VL: ?What was the most meaningful pieceto write??

Johnson said ?so much! It was important for me to

Pfeiffer ?I wanted to be an actor since I was a baby, but as one of six children that didn? t happen Plus, I was a young mother, so I didn? t start acting till about 11years ago ?

Sabik ?I?ve been acting since I was six years old I started off in church, did it all throughout school I wanted to continue through college, but my family said no it was devil?s work I decided to start back up in 2010 ?

Jacques?It all started for mein collegeand after college I continued with thestageplays ?

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