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Ican? t believe we are in 2023 already!! With that being said, I made a promise to myself for 2023 and beyond, that I would no longer accept ?breadcrumbs? from the people in my life No more accepting the bare minimum, no more accepting breadcrumbs and no more settling (that includes friendships as well) I am being intentional with my heart, love, mind and time

Allow meto clarify a little what I mean by ?breadcrumbs? ?Bread crumbing or breadcrumbs?isn? t just what weuse to fry food, bread crumbing is when people in your life lead you on by just giving you the bare minimum effort You ever noticed, when you?re using breadcrumbs to fry or coat food, for themost part, you don? t usealot?Well same for the people who were in my life, they were giving me a little time, little love, little loyalty, everything was littleand unfortunately I accepted it!

Bread crumbing is when they lead you into believing that an occasional phone call, text, date, or an occasional ?I love you? WITH NO FOLLOW THROUGH is enough to satisfy you You see, they gave just a little to grab my attention, grab my heart, just to appease me, which left mewanting more Themost hurtful thing was they knew they had no intentions or desires of giving me the more that I deserved or expressed Their ?breadcrumb? action, left me with a hunger for more, though deep down in my soul, I knew their lack of intention, their lack of feeding my hunger, consequently, played with my mind and my self worth The worst part is it magnified a lot of my insecurities and triggers past emotional trauma and pain It?s another form of leading someone on, it?s a form manipulation and often timeslead to heartbreak

I learned that I was placing the wrong people as a priority or in the wrong position in my life, which led me to being ok with accepting the bare minimum I wasok with theonceaday or week text, the occasional once a week dateetc I madeexcuses because they were busy, because of ?xyz?, now don? t get me wrong, life does happen However, what I do know, people make time for WHO and WHAT is important to them There?s no way, when you are involved with someone who you claim to havefeelingsfor, that you can go a whole day without having a conversation or checking on them There were times, I would go a week without quality time, yet, I was offering the most inner parts of me, making excuses, being too darn understanding for their behaviors, while I received just a little taste to quench my palette I had to remember, I am the COO (God is the CEO) of my life Which means I have the right ad power to demote and promote people in my life I have the God-given right to place them in the correct position in my life (that?s a whole other topic), because not everyone deserves to be in the front row, or in VIP or in box seats of my life Thisgoesfor friendshipsaswell

Once I understood what I was asking for wasn? t crazy or a lot, I realized I had diminish my worth, my value by accepting less than, when my daddy abovesaysI am worthy of it all! Weall know when we are not receiving what we desire or when we over compromise, it?s this deep feeling in the pit of your stomach that screams ?WARNING, THEY ARE PLAYING WITH YOUR HEART, MIND AND TAKING YOUR KINDNESS FOR GRANTED? Don? t get me wrong, everything has moderations, but relationships (or friendships) all have necessities in order to bloom, grow and evolvein ahealthy way

As I continuemy healing processand I as grow as the rose in the concrete, I am confident with voicing when something or someone doesn? t make me feel good I am learning to walk away, when it doesn? t serve me well Just as I am aware of how I want to be treated, I am just as aware as how I treat those who are in my life I don? t give breadcrumbs of my love, time, or friendship; therefore, I no longer accept that from those who claim to loveme

Small reminder, allow people to be themselves and show up as who they really are and then place them in the correct position, will alleviate breadcrumb relationships

With that, you owe it to yourselves to say NO to BREAD CRUMBs of love, peace, happiness, joy and friendships

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