aicm Training News Using your study time effectively during the COVID-19 period It goes without saying that the world is facing an unprecedented challenge as everyone grapples with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, but even during these trying times it is crucial to effectively manage your time in lockdown.
Use this time effectively We are all dealing with time management on top of the undeniably chaotic events that are unfolding due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the time available to you now is one of the most valuable resources you have as you work towards your qualification. You only have so much time in the day, and sometimes it feels like it just flies by. When it comes time to completing your studies, students often wonder where all the time went. The important thing to remember is that there are 24 hours in every day and that is the same for everyone. Because no student has more time than another, sometimes good time management can make all the difference in achieving your qualification or achieving other life goals. Although it may sometimes feel like a waste of time, there are huge time savings to be had when you plan out your day. Below are some of the many reasons why you may want to learn how to plan your everyday life and get organised to manage your work schedule with studies. z It helps to prioritise – a good study plan will help you take care of the important and urgent tasks first. z It helps with being realistic – we often do not realise how long a task really takes. A study plan shows you how long you spend on common tasks such as readings, trainer marked activities and assessment writing. z It helps you procrastinate less – with a written list of tasks you are more likely to sit down and just get it done. z It helps you be more productive – you should know exactly what you will study before you sit down at your desk. z It helps give you more freedom – when you plan, you know that you will be finished at a certain time. Students who do not plan well often find themselves working all evening without realising it.
z It helps reduce guilt – if you know that you have achieved your goals for the day then you can spend your free time without your studies on your mind. z It helps you track your progress – stick to your study plan and you will know that you are on course to get everything that you need to achieve completed. z It helps you plan for the long-term – good organisation removes the uncertainty from your study and helps you focus on getting the best results possible from your learning experience. Good planning is the key to getting the most from all your activities. This discipline also helps create a good study-life balance and will benefit you in many areas of your life for years to come.
Be organised The key message is that good organisation is the key to being successful; with better organisation you will be on top of things from day one and will not have to stress when your assessment is due. I know it sounds too easy, but it really is the key to success. The best approach is one which breaks your goals up into three different types: short, medium and longterm. A great way for students to describe these would be as daily, weekly and term goals. You can record these in your study planner, with daily goals being quite detailed and term goals being more general and giving you an overall understanding of your studies. z Your daily plan can hold a day by day account of your assignments and areas of study. The best time to prepare your study plan is in the evening, when you have finished studying for the day and know what needs to be focused on the following day, so make a to-do list or list of short-term goals for the next day then. z Your weekly plan can be used to give you an overall plan for the week, a list of approaching tasks to be achieved over the next seven days. z Your monthly plan will provide you with a broader view of your studies and will assist you to plan ahead.