Eva Shaw Designs Lookbook | Linesheet 2014

Page 1

EvaShaw Desi gnsi samotherdaughter duo f ocused oncr eat i ngsemi pr eci ousj ewel r y t hati nst i l l sasenseofconf i dence,beaut y, and pr i det ot hosewhoweart hem. EvaShaw anddaught erLi zper sonal l ysour ceal l mat er i al st ocr eat eanddesi gnst r i ki ng&uni que semi pr eci ousst onej ewel r yt hati sbot h af f or dabl e&ver sat i l ewhi l eusi ngt hehi ghest qual i t ymat er i al spossi bl e.Wecanpr oudl ysay t hatal lofourdesi gnsar eMADEI N THEU. S. A. Col l ect i onsar ei nspi r edbyecl ect i ci nt er est s:f r om al oveoft heocean,t oaf asci nat i onofhow cr yst al sgr ow,t oar tand museum ar t i f act sespeci al l ybej ewel edones!Enj oy!


Ev a&Li z

Acol l ect i onofpr eci ousj ewel si nspi r edbyt he

MaharaniC ollection

theMaharaniC ollection

Mahar aniofBar oda,wi f eoft heMahar aj aofI ndi a, whohadani nsat i abl epassi onf orj ewel r y. Her e,youwi l lf i ndever yt hi ngbr i ght ,gl amor ous, ecl ect i candf emi ni ne.Forl ayer i ngandwear i ng al one,t hesear et heper f ectaddi t i onst oever y j ewel r ywar dr obe!

theMaharani Necklace

aquachalcedony, aquamari ne, cubi c zi rconi a, blackspi nel,

MaharaniC ollection

freshwaterpearl, garnet,green onyx, howli te,labradori te, malachi te,metalli c

crystalquartz, pyri te,ruby

& turquoi se.

Or angecar nel i anwi t hbezel setgemsi ngr eenonyx,amet hyst ,l api sl azul i ,moonst one&r ubywi t habovest ones.

Whol esal e:$600

MSRP:$1, 200

onesmayvar ysl i ght l y SKU:MAHNK02 *exactst

MaharaniFri nge Bracelet Gr eenonyxwi t hbezel set ,f acet ed moonst oneandi ol i t e,t ur quoi se,aqua chal cedony,cubi czi r coni a,l abr ador i t e,

* exactst onesmayvar ysl i ght l y

MaharaniC ollection

l api zl azul i ,mal achi t e,met al l i ccr yst al quar t z,pr ehi ni t e&t ur quoi se.

14kt gol df i l l ed,22ktgol dver mei l+ st er l i ngsi l veraccent s. 7i nches Whol esal e:$150 SKU: MAHBR04


Or angechal cedonywi t hbezel set cabochonsi nmoonst oneandcar nel i an, aquachal cedony,aquamar i ne,cubi c zi r coni a,howl i t e,l abr ador i t e,met al l i c cr yst alquar t z&t ur quoi se. * exactst onesmayvar ysl i ght l y

14kt gol df i l l ed,22ktgol dver mei l+ st er l i ngsi l veraccent s. 7i nches Whol esal e:$150 SKU: MAHBR01


Fi ammaEarri ngs

Moonst one,car nel i an&t ur quoi se ear r i ngs ear r i ngs.22ktver mei lear post s

. 2i nches Whol esal e:$45



FlamencaEarri ngs

MaharaniC ollection

Moonst one,cher r yquar t z&mal achi t e ear r i ngs.22ktver mei lear post s.

Fr eshwat erpear l ,l abr ador i t e,gr eenonyx& chal cedonyear r i ngs.22ktver mei lear post s. Moonst one,i ol i t e,l api sl azul i&met al l i c quar t zear r i ngsear r i ngs.22ktver mei l ear post s.

2. 75i nches Whol esal e:$60 SKU:MAHER08




Peti teFri ngeEarri ngs

1. gr eenonyx+smokyquar t z 2.aquamar i ne+bl ackspi nel 3.f r eshwat erpear l+mal achi t e 3

4.f r eshwat erpear l+car nel i an


1. 75i nches Whol esal e:$20 MSRP:$40 SKU: MAHER02





5.mal achi t e+gol d 6.pyr i t e+gol d 7.car nel i an+si l ver 8.t ur quoi se+si l ver

MaharaniC ollection

wi th 14ktgold fi lled and sterli ng si lver

Peti teFri ngeBracelet

1.gr eenonyx+chal cedony 2.car nel i an+pear l 3.gar net+t ur quoi se 4.bl ackspi nel+l abr ador i t e 5.bl ackspi nel 1





6.pyr i t e+pear l


7i nches Whol esal e:$25

MSRP: $50


7.t ur quoi se+gol d 8.smokyquar t z+gol d 9.bl ackspi nel+st er l i ngsi l ver 10.car nel i an+st er l i ngsi l ver 11.l abr ador i t e+st er l i ngsi l ver 7

12.mal achi t e+st er l i ngsi l ver 8





MaharaniC ollection

wi th sterli ng si lver+18ktgold fi lled.



Gem DropEarri ngs wi t h14ktgol df i l l edandst er l i ngsi l ver

1. t ur quoi se+cher r yquar t z 2. mal achi t e+aquachal cedony 3. t ur quoi se+bl uechal cedony 3


4.mal achi t e+wat er mel on chal cedony 1. 5i nches Whol esal e:$20 SKU: MAHER09


FlamencaNecklace wi th 14ktgoldfi lled chai n & clasp

Bl uehue:moonst one,l abr ador i t e, l api sl azul i ,f r eshwat erpear l ,i ol i t e, cr yst alquar t z,chal cedony,cubi c zi r coni a,aquamar i ne

Redhue:moonst one,cher r yquar t z, r ubyf l our i t e,car nel i an,cubi c zi r coni a,gar net ,l abr ador i t e,smoky quar t z. * exactst onesmayvar ysl i ght l y Adj ust abl e1820i nches. Whol esal e:$90 SKU: MAHNK04


meti culouslyhandcrafted 1


gemstonetasselearri ngs unli keanyyou’ veeverseen!




MaharaniC ollection

Wi t h22ktver mei lpost sandaccent s.

1. Shadesofgr een;pr ehi ni t ewi t hemer al d, per i dot+gr eenonyx.4i n.SKU:TSSLER01 WHOLESALE:$200 MSRP:$400 2.Tur quoi se+pear l 4i n.SKU:TSSLER02 WHOLESALE:$150 MSRP:$300

3.Ruby,gar net+l abr ador i t e.4i n. SKU:TSSLER03 WHOLESALE:$200 MSRP:$400

4. Shadesofamet hyst.3i n.SKU:TSSLER04 WHOLESALE:$100 MSRP:$200 5. Shadesofcar nel i an.3i n.SKU:TSSLER05 WHOLESALE:$125 MSRP:$250 6.Gr eenonyx+pear l .3i n.SKU:TSSLER06 WHOLESALE:$100 MSRP:$200

Af i er ce&moder nNeoNi l el ook, i nspi r edbyAnci entEgypt i anj ewel r y f oundi nar tandmuseums. Thesepi ecesbr i ngananci entand cl assi csi l houet t ei nt ot he21st cent ur ywi t hbr i ghtcol or s,mi xed met al l i csandmoder naccent s,l i ke Swar ovskicr yst al .Thest aroft hi s col l ect i oni sMagnesi t e,ast onei nt he t ur quoi sef ami l y.

Luxe’ orC ollection

theLuxe’ orC ollection

orC ollection Luxe’

orC ollection Luxe’

Crown Collar

Tur quoi semagnesi t ewi t hcopper chai n,st er l i ngsi l ver over copper accent s&st er l i ngsi l verhookcl asp. Bl ackmagnesi t ewi t h22ktgol d ver mei l&pyr i t echai n,22kt gol dover copperaccent s&22kt gol dver mei lhookcl asp. I vor ymagnesi t ewi t hcopperchai n, 22ktgol dover copperaccent s& 22ktgol dver mei lhookcl asp. Adj ust abl et o20i nches. Whol esal e:$100 MSRP:$200 SKU: LUXNKCR

or C ollection Luxe’

Artesi aNecklace Tur quoi se:

( 1)Wi t hst er l i ngsi l verchai nandst er l i ng si l ver over copperaccent s.

( 2)Wi t h14ktgol df i l l edchai nand22kt gol dover copperaccent s.( shown)

I vor y

( 1)Wi t hst er l i ngsi l verchai nandst er l i ng si l ver over copperaccent s.( shown)

( 2)Wi t h18ktgol df i l l edchai nand22kt gol dover copperaccent s.

Bl ackmagnesi t ewi t h18ktgol df i l l ed chai nandst er l i ngsi l ver over copper accent s( 2t one) .

Adj ust abl et o1618i nches

Whol esal e:$40 MSRP:$80 SKU: LUXNK03

or C ollection Luxe’

Coco Necklace

Tur quoi semagnesi t ewi t h14kt gol df i l l edchai n&Swar ovskicr yst al accent s.

Bl ackmagnesi t ewi t h14ktgol d f i l l edchai n&Swar ovskicr yst al accent s.

I vor ymagnesi t ewi t h14ktgol d f i l l edchai n&Swar ovskicr yst al accent s. Adj ust abl e1618i nches

Whol esal e:$65 MSRP:$130 SKU: LUXNK05

Luxe’ orC ollection


5 3

6 4

or C ollection Luxe’


Ge o C ollection Ra wc r ys t a l sa ndna t ur a ldr uzi e s t a ke ndi r e c t l yf r om t hee a r t ha r e pa i r e dwi t hpr e c i ousge ms t one s a nds pa r kl i ngme t a l l i c sr e s ul t i ng i nj e we l r yt ha ti spa r tf a nt a s y,pa r t e dgy,t ot a l l ymode r na ndye t ,s o na t ur a l .

Geo C ollection

Ar e ve r e nc ea nda wef ort he i nc r e di bl epowe rofna t ur ea ndi t s na t ur a l l ybe a ut i f ulc r e a t i ons i ns pi r e st heGe oc ol l e c t i on.

SmokyLemon Quartz Smokeyl emonquar t z,18ktgol d f i l l edcl aspandaccent s,22ktgol d overbr ass. 7i nches Whol esal e:$175



Ear r i ngs: Smokeyl emonquar t z,18ktgol d f i l l edhooksandaccent s. 2i nches Whol esal e:$45



Not e:duet ot heor gani cnat ur eoft he mat er i al sused,shapeandsi zeoft he st oneswi l lvar ysl i ght l yf r om pi ecet o pi ece.

Geo C ollection

Harvested from wheresmoky quartzand lemon quartzpi kes me et,thi sgemstonehas na turallycolored “ camo” color i ng thati sboth sophi sti cated on trend.

Br acel et :

Gol dcoat edcr yst alquar t zwi t h st er l i ngsi l verchai n,cl aspand& Swar ovskicr yst alaccent s. SKU:GEONKLG04 Si l vercoat edcr yst alquar t zwi t h 22ktgol doverbr asschai n,22kt gol dver mei l&Swar ovskicr yst al accent s. SKU:GEONKLG03 I r i descentcoat edcr yst alquar t z wi t h22ktgol doverbr asschai n, 22ktgol dver mei l&Swar ovski cr yst alaccent s. SKU: GEONKL01

Ei sCrystalnecklaces I r i descent ,t i t ani um coat edcr yst alquar t z wi t h22ktgol dover copperaccent s,14kt gol df i l l edchai n&ver mei lcl asp. SKU: GEONKSM01 Gol dcoat edcr yst alquar t zwi t hst er l i ng si l veraccent s,chai n&cl asp. SKU: GEONKSM04 Si l vercoat edcr yst alquar t zwi t h22kt gol dover copperaccent s,14ktgol df i l l ed chai n,swar ovskicr yst alaccent s&ver mei l cl asp.SKU: GEONKSM03 Adj ust abet o20i nches.

Whol esal e:$43


Sol oquar t zcr yst al swi t h2t onest er l i ng si l verand14ktgol df i l l edchai n. SKU: GEONKSOLO Adj ust abl et o20i nches Whol esal e:$30


Not e:duet ot heor gani cnat ur eoft hemat er i al s used,shapeandsi zeoft hest oneswi l lvar y sl i ght l yf r om pi ecet opi ece.

MountEi sNecklace Nat ur alcr yst alquar t zcl ust er swi t h ar t i st i cl ycar vedpyr i t eskul l s,st er l i ng si l verand18ktgol df i l l edchai n. 22i nches. * Al soavai l abl ewi t hst er l i ngsi l verchai n+gol d accent edquar t zcl ust er .

Whol esal e:$75 SKU:GEONK03


Not e:duet ot heor gani cnat ur eoft he mat er i al sused,shapeandsi zeoft he st oneswi l lvar ysl i ght l yf r om pi ecet opi ece

NovaEarri ngs Pyr i t e,r hodi um andmoonst oneear r i ngs i nches

Whol esal e:$35 SKU:GEOER03


I nkaEarri ngs Sol arquar t z,pyr i t e,gr eenonyxand ar t i st i cl ycar vedpyr i t eskul l swi t h22kt gol dver mei lear post s.3. 75i nches

Whol esal e:$85 SKU:GEOER04


Geo C ollection

wi t h22ktgol dver mei lear post s.3. 25

Ram Skull Bracelets ( 1)22ktgol doverbr onzer am skul lwi t h14ktgol df i l l edchai n, si l verpyr i t e,smokyquar t zwi t ha bezel set ,f acet ed,or gani cal l yshapedmoonst one. 1

( 2)22ktgol doverbr onzer am

amet hyst ,smokyquar t zwi t ha bezel setf acet ed or gani cal l yshapedl abr ador i t e. 2

7i nches Whol esal e:$75 SKU: GEOBRSK01


Geo C ollection

skul lwi t h14ktgol df i l l edchai n,


Fl ouri tecubesin shadesofgreen and lavender,naturally fluores ce& glow underblackli ! ght. Neckl aces Whol esal e:$200

Br acel et s MSRP:$350

Whol esal e:$100

Adj ust abl e2527i nches

7i nches



Not e:duet ot heor gani cnat ur eoft hemat er i al sused,shape andsi zeoft hest oneswi l lvar ysl i ght l yf r om pi ecet opi ece.

MSRP: $200

1of1 ammoni tefossi l necklace

24ktgoldleafed druzynecklace

naturaldruzy necklace

i ri descentdruzy necklace

wi t hmoonst one,st er l i ngsi l ver+ 14ktgol df i l l ed

wi t hmoonst one,st er l i ngsi l ver +14ktgol df i l l ed

wi t hmoonst one,st er l i ng si l ver+r hodi um

coat edwi t ht i t ani um;al sowi t h moonst one,st er l i ngsi l ver +r hodi um

Adj ust abl e2527i nches.

Adj ust abl e2527i nches.

Adj ust abl e2527i nches.

Adj ust abl e2527i nches.

Whol esal e:$200 MSRP:$300

Whol esal e:$125 MSRP:$250



Whol esal e:$200 MSRP:$350


Whol esal e:$200 MSRP:$350


E ver y br i deneeds

Somethi ng BlueB ridalC ollection

Somet hi ng B lue


1.Fr eshwat erpear land22kt gol dver mei lear r i ngswi t h hi bi scuspost sandf l or al det ai l s.2. 25i n Whol esal e: $150 MSRP:$250 SKU:SBER02





ng BlueB ridalC ollection Somethi

2.Fr eshwat erpear land22kt gol dver mei lt asselear r i ngs wi t ht anzani t e, l abr ador i t e& l api sl azul iaccent s.2. 5i n Whol esal e: $150 MSRP:$250 SKU:SBER03 3.Fr eshwat erpear land14kt gol df i l l edbr acel etwi t h sapphi r eaccent .7i n Whol esal e: $30 MSRP:$60 SKU:SBBR02

4.Fr eshwat erpear land22kt gol dver mei lear r i ngswi t h l ot uspost sandf l or aldet ai l . s. 2. 25i n Whol esal e: $125 MSRP: $225 SKU:SBER04 5.Mot her of Pear land14kt gol df i l l edear r i ngswi t h mooonst oneandi ol i t e.2. 5i n Whol esal e: $150 MSRP: $250 SKU:SBER05

107Sul l i vanSt r eet New Yor k,NY10012 2122262224 i nf o@evashawdesi gns. com Pr ess& Medi aCont act : Evi ePhi l l i ps Evi e@Cr eedsof Love. com 9172393447

www. evashawdesi gns. com @evashawdesi gns

#evashawdesi gns

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