There is a magic to Clare Granger’s work, she captures her subjects in oil with a wonderfully distilled and passionate manner resulting in a painting that is positively calming to look at. Her work has deep and very real feeling in it that can only be the result of her personal experiences in the field.
There are some artists that give you so much detail, the more you look at their work the more you see. Clare’s work is equally captivating in that you get drawn into the story of the work with almost minimal detail but maximum suggestion, they are paintings that your eyes are always attracted to however often you pass by.
Mark Coreth (sculptor)
Skimming Stones
requests the pleasure of your company at the
at 2 Park Walk, London SW10 0AD 22 nd October 2024 6 - 8pm
Exhibition dates: 23rd October - 8th November Paintings are for sale on receipt of this catalogue The entire exhibition can be viewed online at www.cricketfineart.co.uk

Reading the Paper
Oil on canvas
100 × 100 cm
Relaxing on the Rickshaw
100 × 100 cm

Oil on canvas

Umbrella Oil on canvas
50 × 40 cm
Bicycle Oil on canvas
50 × 40 cm

Warm Afternoon
Oil on canvas
50 × 60 cm

80 × 100 cm
Oil on canvas
On the Move
Oil on canvas
80 × 100 cm

At the Shoreline
Oil on canvas
100 × 120 cm

The White Sack Oil on canvas
50 × 40 cm
Carrying the Baby Oil on canvas
50 × 40 cm

100 × 100 cm
Goats in the Sun
Oil on canvas
100 × 100 cm

Two White Goats
Oil on canvas

30 × 24 cm

30 × 24 cm
Oil on canvas
30 × 24 cm

30 × 24 cm
Oil on canvas
Bucket and Spade Oil on canvas
Finding Seaweed Oil on canvas
Blue Bucket
Looking for Shells
Oil on canvas
30 × 24 cm

In the Shallows with Grandpa
Oil on canvas
30 × 24 cm

Ears in the Wind
Oil on canvas
30 × 24 cm

Orange Hat
Oil on canvas
30 × 24 cm

Checking the Boat
Oil on canvas
100 × 120 cm
100 × 120 cm

Green Hats
Oil on canvas

Yellow Umbrella
Oil on canvas
80 × 100 cm

Balancing the Basket
50 × 40 cm
100 × 80 cm

Oil on canvas
Tea Plantation
Oil on canvas

Girl and Child
Oil on canvas
100 × 80 cm
Two Boys Oil on canvas
60 × 50 cm
100 × 120 cm

Fishing Boat
Oil on canvas

Oil on canvas
24 × 30 cm
Oil on canvas
100 × 80 cm

Round Basket

Yellow Bucket
Oil on canvas
100 × 120 cm

60 × 50 cm
Pink and Green
Oil on canvas
60 × 50 cm
Holding Hands
Oil on canvas

80 × 60 cm
Blue Cap
Oil on canvas
60 × 50 cm
Market Day
Oil on canvas

Woman in Pink Oil on canvas
100 × 80 cm