Get Your Charleston On

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Volume XVII, Issue 1| April 16, 2013

Volume XVII, Special Issue | January 19, 2012

TTHH EE KKEEYY C CHH A AIIN N The OfficialNewsletter Newsletter of the High School KeyKey ClubClub The Official the Egg EggHarbor HarborTownship Township High School

Get Your Charleston On ! Page 4-9

Volume XVII, Issue 1| April 16, 2013



Key Club international managed to raise 35,973 $ for eliminate during District Convention.

2| Contents and Extra News

3| Editor’s message and President’s message

4| Officer’s Introduction

 President Vi Nguyen  Vice President Josh Perez 

5|Officer’s Introduction

 Sergeant at-arms Tyler Loges  Recording Secretary Michael Tran 

6| Officer’s Introduction

 Jasmine Lee  Shirley Luo 

7| Officer’s Introduction

 Webmaster Honson Tran  LTG Cynthia Thurairajah 

8| Congratulations to District Secretary Kelly Tran

9| Congratulations to District Editor Pak Chau

10|Officer Introduction and District Convention experience

 Cristel Villagarcia Bulletin Editor  DCON  Wall of Fame and awards 

11 &12| Committee chair jobs and Reminders and notes


Volume XVII, Issue 1| April 16, 2013


Presidents Message ! Hey Key Cubs! It’s your new president for the 2013-2014 service year, Vi Nguyen. It has only been a week since the beginning of this term and the officers and I are already eager to implement many new ideas for the club! This year we plan to go digital and try to make the signup sheets online, we will have more committee activities, we will be more inclusive, and we will also be reviving the Key Club Olympics! I look forward to working with and getting to know all the cubs during the service year! Let’s make this year better than ever before! Yours in Caring and Service, Vi Nguyen 2013-2014 President Egg Harbor Township High School Key Club

Hey Cubs,

Editors Message !

It’s been awhile since you saw a newsletter well don’t get so excited this year isn’t over yet. This is only the beginning, with the new officer term being in charge now including myself things are only going to get better for key Club. This year we are going to focus on one thing and one thing only, that is to get to know you, yes you a general member better we noticed some of you might feel like an outsider so we want to get to know all you wonderful members and become that family we know we are destined to become. Yours in Caring and Service, Cristel Villagarcia 2013-2014Bulletin Editor EHTHS KEY CLUB


Volume XVII, Issue 1| April 16, 2013


Short Message By Our Present President Hey Key Cubs! How are you feeling? I know for all those that went to DCON that we’re all feeling tired but at the same time pumped to start the new service year! I am excited beyond belief to serve as your president during the 2013-2014 service year! EHT has had a history of amazing president and so I will have big shoes to fill. It has been my pleasure to serve you guys as your Corresponding Secretary last year, and now I am here to stay for one more year to be your president. As your president, I promise to lead our club to newer heights so that we can accomplish even greater things then what we have done in the past. I will always be opened minded so if you have any questions, complaints, or suggestions don’t hesitate to talk to me or your other officers. We are all here to help you grow as leaders and find your passions. Key club is not just about leadership and serving the community but also about forming new bonds and friendships. For this service year, I not only want to be your president but also your friend. Feel free to come talk to me anytime- even if it’s not related to Key Club. We ended last year with great accomplishments, so now let’s start the new one with a bang! I look forward to serving with all of you and thank you again for electing me as your president!

Side Note: Vi was our Corresponding Secretary last Year before Achieving The role of President.

Hey Key Cubs! Firstly, I would like to say I am honored to have been elected as vice president for the following service year. As your vice president, I assure you that I will create a fantastic year of service. I will make sure that our club reaches greater heights and goals for its future. Apart from goals, I am looking forward to working with each and every one of you during the new service year. This will be the greatest service year yet ! Yours in Caring, Love and Service Josh Perez EHTHS 2013-2014 Key Club Vice President

Former Holiday Circle Committee chair Member

Message By Our Present Vice President



Volume XVII, Issue 1| April 16, 2013

Sergeant at arms Message Hello, friends! I'm Tyler Loges, your new Sergeant at Arms. My job, basically, is to say the pledges and make y'all shut up and pay attention to our Dear Leaders Vi and Josh. If all goes right, I'll never have to yell at you all, but I know how you Key Cubs like to be all chitter- chatter so expect to be hearing my voice a lot and at a high volume. Don't take it personally - I'm just trying to get the meeting to run quickly and smoothly. Hopefully we can all be friends. If you ever need someone I'm as accessible as they come. Don't be afraid to talk to me! I'm looking forward to a good year this year, let's do it Key Club! Yours In Caring and Service, Tyler Loges EHTHS 2013-2014 Sergeant at Arms

Message By Present Recording Secretary

Hey EHT Key Club,

Former Webmaster

Although the school year had not ended, the service term did. This year, I’ll be serving each and every one of you as the 2013-2014 Recording Secretary. I hope to fulfill all my promises I made to you during elections like more accurate and frequent hours update. I hope to make new bonds with many of you, as well as working with you in the next school year. As your upperclassman and an officer, I have some advice for you all. To the freshmen, I understand that you just started your high school careers, but don’t let that stop you from going big! Committee Chairs elections are coming up soon. To the sophomores, you’re entering your junior year, a year with a lot of stress; however, don’t let the stress control your life. Everyone in Key Club is here to help you because we are a family. And I’m Docta Tran; I got a PhD in giving advice! (As well as a lot of other things but let’s not talk about that. To my fellow juniors, we’re becoming seniors finally, but our stress doesn’t end until we’re 2nd semester seniors. Don’t let the senioritis get to you; continue to serve because it’s our last year. Lastly, to you seniors, Congratulations, you have gone a long way and we thank you for everything you done. Come back to visit and we’ll welcome you with open arms. And a final word to all, this is a new service year so let’s achieve for better!

Yours in Caring and Service, Michael Dao Tran 2013-2014 Recording Secretary



Volume XVII, Issue 1| April 16, 2013

Message By present Corresponding secretary

Hey! Key Club! My name is Shirley Luo, and I would like to thank each and every one of you for voting me as your new corresponding secretary! It’s a pleasure to be working with my fellow officers members, and I am looking forwards to meeting our new Committee Chair persons. As secretary, I hope to fulfill my duties to our President while keeping our relations strong with district and with each and every one of you! So let’s finish out this year strong and begin next year with bang as the new service year is in progress!

Former membership committee chair member

Yours in Caring and Service, Shirley Luo EHTHS 2013-2014 Corresponding Secretary

Dear Key Cubs,

Message By Present Treasurer

I, Jasmine, am so excited to work with the Key Cubs in the upcoming service year of 2013 – 2014. I hope to forge new, lasting friendships with you all. I want to know what makes you guys smile and things like your favorite type of cookie. My favorite is sugar and if yours is chocolate, I’m sorry because we can’t be friends. It is my honor to serve as treasurer and I can assure you all that I will perform to the best of my ability. It is a bittersweet feeling to see the board of 2012 – 2013 end its term; I know that I will miss them dearly but I cannot wait for our service year to begin as we will reach new heights. Let’s soar together, Key Cubs! Yours in Caring , Love, service, Jasmine Lee EHTHS 2013-2014 Treasurer


Former Membership Committee Chair position


Volume XVII, Issue 1| April 16, 2013

Hello Key Clubbers! My name's Honson, and I'll be your new webmaster this year. My primary job is to maintain the Key Club websites, as well as any other technologies in the club. My goals as webmaster for this year is to make our members become more active users of the site as well as integrating our hours with the site to be updated frequently. I hope you’ll enjoy this new service year with many our new improvements coming soon! Yours in Caring and service, Honson Tran EHTHS 2013-2014 Webmaster

Message by our Present Webmaster

Hey Cubs,

Former Recording Secretary

After an amazing weekend in Long Branch, New Jersey with over 600 other Key Clubbers I have transitioned from your recording secretary to your 2013-2014 Lieutenant Governor. For those of you who are not sure what this is, an LTG basically is a communication between a division and the NJ District. After this weekend, all I can say is that I am so proud of Egg Harbor Twp. You guys have put so many hours into service projects and go above and beyond in everything you do. I basically lost my voice after all the cheering and campaigning which has paid off. For those of you who weren’t at DCON, we now have two EHT members on the New Jersey Executive Board. Kelly Tran, your Immediate Past Lieutenant Governor, is now the 2013- 2014 District Secretary. And Pak Chau, your Immediate Past Club Bulletin Editor (who won first place in NJ by the way), is now the 2013-2014 District Editor. With this new board I am sure that EHT will continue to help strengthen Division 1B as well as the New Jersey District. Yours in Caring and Service, Cynthia Thurairajah EHTHS 2013-2014 Division 1B LTG



Volume XVII, Issue 1| April 16, 2013

Volume XV

Congratulations to our beautiful former LTG you are an amazing person with a lovely personality and will do an extravagant job as District secretary. CONGRATS KELLY TRAN



Volume XVII, Issue 1| April 16, 2013

VII, Issue 1|

Congratulations PAK CHAU for winning District Editor all of Key Club wishes you the best and knows you’ll be amazing ! You are creative and charming we love you PAK . CONGRATS !


Message by Present Bulletin Editor

Dear Cubs, These weeks have been amazing I have met so many people that I learned to love and just the thought of seeing them makes me smile. I don’t know what my life would have been like if never ran for editor, or if I never joined Key Club. Before I joined key club those years, I never went to a meeting while Valerie was editor, and I can honestly say I regret that very much. Key Cub, let me tell you something: never be scared to run for office or do something new just because you think the odds are small; and you have no chance If you want to do something, do it because it could change you physically or emotionally, I am honored to be your Bulletin editor and to be pursuing Pak, but my biggest fear is letting you all down. So with that said, Key Cubs ,let me show you why I was the tight choice. Together let’s make this an amazing year and have fun. Yours in carling, Love, and service, Cristel Villagarcia EHTHS Bulletin Editor 2013-2014

District Convention

Top Right to left Erik lim, Sing Lee, Kristopher Tran. Bottom Right to left Kelly Ma, Emily Hua, David Zhang. BY EMILY HUA GENERAL MEMBER

The last couple of days of an ordinary spring break took a sharp turn into an adventurous, unforgettable weekend. Beginning on April 7, 2013, the New Jersey District Convention took place at Ocean Place Resort & Spa in Long Branch, New Jersey. Our club had an amazing opportunity to serve as host club this year, providing eye-catching decorations and devoting our time to bring the theme, the Roaring’ 20’s, to life. This weekend not only reunited old friends, but also brought new friendships and experiences to everyone who had attended. Even first time DCON attendees walked in wide-eyed and shy, but left as wild, outgoing key clubbers. Positive feedback was given about this year’s DCON, many encouraged to come back next year. DCON is not an event that can be simply described with the use of words or pictures; this experience will further open your view of Key Club and how fascinating this organization honestly is. With little time but numerous activities crammed into not even 3 days, DCON 2013 started off successfully. The mandatory sessions were informative and interesting, as well as full of spirit and great sportsmanship for each club. Being able to join in with the chaotic crowd and cheer passionately for your club will probably result in losing your voice, but leave an excited and proud feeling. Different events were also available such as a talent show, contests, dances, and during free time, the boardwalk/beach/mall was open for others to wander. On the last day, a bright and breezy Sunday morning, The Eliminate Walk was held on the boardwalk. At 7 in the morning, everyone, slowly but surely, got up to walk and donate for this great cause. This immense event gave many an opportunity to hang out one last time with their new friends, breathe in the fresh, salty ocean air, and on top of that even fit in that monthly exercise, all for one incredible cause- defeating maternal and neonatal tetanus and helping out that mother and her child. Overall, DCON 2013 was a tremendous experience and will definitely be remembered by many. It had personally left an impression that will be cherished throughout high school. Also, congratulations to Pak Chau for winning District Editor and Kelly Tran for achieving District Secretary! Amazing Job!



Volume XVII, Issue 1| April 16, 2013


Distinguished Club President-Valerie Wong

District Editor– PAK CHAU

Distinguished Vice President-Parth Parikh

Golden member award– Ashan Ikram

Distinguished Webmaster– Michael Tran

Platinum Achievement Club Award

Distinguished Treasurer– Selina Su

Scrap book award– Sahira iqabal

Distinguished Editor—Pak Chau 1st place Bulletin Award– Pak Chau


Volume XVII, Issue 1| April 16, 2013


All Committee Chairs are required to find projects by contacting organization and people; as well as, setting up the project.

(Providing information) Ex.) Public Library, Teachers, Community Center, Temple. Note: This is a leadership position as it involve a lot of responsibility All Committee are required to fill out a CMRF by the end of each month, explaining projects founded by all committee members.

Recognition/Public Relations (3 people) - Artist, Photographers, Video Coverage, Eagle News, Key Clubber of the Month etc. -Any type of newspaper related articles or posts. Also posts for the website - Will be responsible for making our scrapbook at the end of our service year and also the video for contests at DCON 2014.

Special Events (4 people)

- Responsible and Social leaders needed

- Good at planning things ahead and having everything ready on time - Will be responsible for planning our big events like the Kick-off Party, Induction Dinner, VOLLEYBALL-A-THON, the Key Club Olympics, etc. - Must like to decorate as well as be able to go around asking for donations from different organizations

Major Emphasis/Advocacy (3 people)

- Will Plan Holiday Circle and any activities related to advocating the new district fo-

cus. Ex.) Holiday Circle, Swift tutoring, Senior Citizen Pilgrim’s Feast, etc.

Preferred Charities (2 people)

- Will be in charge of activities related to some of the charities we work with. Like planning UNICEF community collections in October. 

Some Organizations we work with: UNICEF, YUDA, March of Dimes, Children’s Specialized Hospital, Children’s Miracle Network.

Kiwanis Family Relations (2 people)

- Organize projects with the Kiwanians as well as the Builders club of Somers Point.

- Good at keeping in touch and keeping updates as well as information between the different levels of the K-Family Ex.) Setting up clean up with the Builder’s club and the Kiwanis, Make cards for Holidays for seniors or for the Soldiers with the Builder’s Club.

Servental (2 people)

- Finding multiple service and environmental projects throughout the service



Volume XVII, Issue 1| April 16, 2013



Txt:(848)467-7127 (609)-742-3455, Josh Perez Vice President



Join the Facebook group if not already part of it and check for updates and projects!

Do you hours and stop procrastinating.

For those of you who have not completed 50 hours email me if you want to complete them,

March of Dimes is coming up SIGN UP!

Run for Committee Chair

Call any officers for questions

Email me if you want to write an article


Shirley Luo Corresponding Secretary

(609)334-5850 Michael Tran Recording Secretary

(609) 892-3049 Jasmine Lee Treasurer


Cristel Villagarcia Bulletin Editor (609)385-7803, Honson Tran Webmaster


Next General Meeting

May 7, 2013

Tyler Loges Sergeant-at-Arms

Next OCC Meeting

(609)412-7505 Cynthia Thurairajah Division 1B Lieutenant Governor

April 23,2013


“Caring - Our Way of Life” 3636 WOODVIEW TRACE INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46268 • 317.875.8755 • US AND CANADA: 800-KIWANIS


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