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Cristina Nuñez

Chiasso, Switzerland

Born in Figueras (Spain) in 1962, Cristina Nuñez is an artist-photographer whose work has been published and exhibited internationally. Following a troubled adolescence with drugs, Cristina Nuñez has been taking self-portraits since 1988 as a form of self-therapy, to explore her personal and creative identity and to raise her self-esteem, especially in moments of crisis. In 2007 she started to put together her project SOMEONE TO LOVE, her autobiography in self-portraits, family pictures, video and text. In 2005 Nuñez built THE SELF-PORTRAIT EXPERIENCE®, her method to expore one’s own inner life using the self-portrait, with guidelines for an intuitive perception and choice of the works. Nuñez teaches her self-portrait method in workshops and conferences in galleries, museums, fine art accademies, prisons, mental health centers, universities. CRISTINA NUÑEZ VIDEOS: FACEBOOK PAGE:ñez/135069193176920


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