KJ52 // FIVE-TWO TELEVISION / All The Way Digital

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L O O H C S O T BACK ege Budget g Your Coll in iz im x a M o T Tips



CROSSROAD Magazine // August 2009, Issue #6 KJ52 // Five-Two Television PUBLISHER / CREATIVE EDITOR / FOUNDER // Victor Flavius CHIEF OPERATIONS OFFICER / PARTNER // Steven Johnson MARKETING DIRECTOR / PARTNER // Askia Fountain PUBLIC RELATIONS // Andrew Scott

EDITORIAL CONTRIBUTORS Joshua Flavius Vince Shorb Brenda Williams Scott Harrison Tobias

CREATIVE MARKETING + ADVERTISING The Brand LLC - thebrandllc@gmail.com

PUBLIC RELATIONS ASA Public Relations - ascott@asa-pr.com For any Editorial Request, Comments or Submissions: crossroadmag@gmail.com

MISSION STATEMENT Crossroad magazine is a place for those motivated by faith to transpose their lives from a secular-focused world to a Christ centered life. Crossroad Magazine covers music, healthy living, reviews, books that impact our spiritual and positive growth and lives, articles that inspire change and music interviews. We provide the vehicle and outlet to positively influence each individual. Our vision is to inspire hope to those that feel confused and misguided about their purpose and to build a platform that will plant a seed or help transform individuals one by one. Welcome to the Crossroad. Crossroad magazine is published monthly and is distributed free online. To contact Crossroad magazine, e-mail us at crossroadmag@gmail.com. We appreciate your feed back. Crossroad magazine all rights reserved. reproduction without permission, by any method whatsoever, is prohibited.

















ON THE COVER 20 38 46


10 // FAITH


Not Without Love

nyone who has follow ed Jimmy Needham’ s music expects some so lid theological underpi nnings to his songs, an d Not Without Love de ers. He is an artist wh livo can’t separate his pe rformance from his song, or his life from his message. It is that same spirit which perm eates Jimmy’s highly an ticipated sophomore release, No t Without Love. “I dis covered that zeal and passion for God is a good thing , but if you don’t love people, it do esn’t count for much,” Jimmy confesses. God has calle d us to joy. We have the hope of eternal life. That’s really what this album is all about.”

little to prescribe. Assu ming that is true, I belie ve a word of comfort is in order. Jesus exclaimed after receiving much resistance to His message in John 6:44, “no one can come to me unles s the Father who sent me draws them…”. It is not our job to affect change in our community. Our youth have no more power to make co nverts in their schools than an ant has of dead-lifting a house. At the end of the day it is God and God alone wh o changes men’s hearts, and we must continue to pra y that He does. Success in the se situations is NEVE R how many people have come to Christ by our gospel pre sentations or how we have lived ou r lives, but rather, succ ess for the Christian can be found in the answer to this question: “Was I obedient to wh at God called me to do , who God called me to speak to, what God called me to say, how God called me to live?” If the answer to these questions is “yes”, then rest easy friends. God will acco mplish what He wants, when He wa nts. That being said, it is my opinion that there are many fewer “fire hearted” Ch ristian students laying themselv es down for the Gosp el than we think. Truthfully I’d rat her have 1 high school student that has counted everything a loss compared to kn owing Christ than a thousand youth group activities with ha lf hearted believers in them. Our communities are desp erate for even 1 person who rejec ts the status quo of mediocre Christianity and is wil ling to be a fool in the ir school for Christ and for their cit y.

The new project “N ot Without Love” se nds out a great message – “God doesn’t want show an d sacrifice, He doesn’t wa nt us to tear our garm ents. He wants us to rend ou r hearts.” Canyou sh are more on this message of lov e? Authenticity is vital for us to thrive as Chris tians. Genuine love for God, and not simply heartles s obedience, is the most desir ed vir tue. I have learne d over the past few years tha t my best efforts and greatest attempts to please Je sus consistently fall short of actually impressing Him . His interest is not sim ply in “keepers of the Law” . If that was the ca se, the Pharisees were some godly folks indeed. Ra ther, the Lord is interested in lov ers of Himself. It is pre cisely the point at which we fall in love with Christ that our obedience to His comm ands become a privile ge and So, The song not a burden. That is wh “Tossed by the Wind at many of the songs on ,” reaches out to high “Not school and co Without Love” speak to. llege students head ing off to uncharted waters (the unknow n world). What expe rience did you Many churches across go through that made America have great yo you write this song? uth affect your life How did it programs where the and view the world ha youth go out into the s on Christianity? com- This song was munities, pass out lite written during my last rature, give bible stu year of college. I was dies taking my final and are on fire for the Philosophy course (as Lord, yet it seems lik that was my minor) e it and my heart wa has very minimal im s broken over what I wa pact in teens at sc s witnessing in this hool classroom. I wa especially in the ma s witnessing my class jor cities. What chan mates embracing with ges do open arms an you feel need to happ d open hearts the teach en in order for real ch ing of these dead white ange guys like it wa to come about? s sacred scripture. Do n’t get me wrong, I LOVE This is no easy ques studying philosophica tion. If it’s true that l tho ug ht an d argument. Thinking all the deeply on the above things are happ weighty questions of ening and many of ou life should never be forr youth sook. Most are truly “on fire for the of us would benefit gre Lord” then there seem atly by taking some co s very es in modern ursor ancient philosophy. However, the Christia n


“Our youth have no more power to make converts in their schools than an ant has of dead-lifting a house. At the end of the day it is God and God alone who changes men’s hearts, and we must continue to pray that He does.”

12 // FAITH

ought to gird themselves before they enter. The truth is, much of what is taught in these courses is absent of a biblical view of God. Again, this should be expected. Not everything is a Bible study. What is shocking me though is how quickly we as Christians drink deep the cup of philosophies of men simply because these guys have PhD’s and grey hair. I saw so many people buy into truths that were so counter to the Word of God, and just like the Word says “professing to be wise, they became fools”. A song started brewing in me. I wanted to tell the story of one of these students. In the song his name is Tossed By The Wind and he is a believer in Christ who leaves his home to head to college with a warning from his mother. “Be sure that no one takes you captive by the deceptions of men”. As he arrives he quickly embraces these doctrines and by the end of the song he’s left broken and hopeless, for only the Truth can set a man free. Thankfully, God was gracious and brought him back at the end. It is not that way with many people though. If you are headed out to college soon, be on your guard. Not everything that glitters is gold. Remember the words of Paul in Colossians 2:3, “In [Christ] are hidden all of the treasures of wisdom and knowledge”. Look no further than Jesus for your enlightenment, Christian. The movie “Fire Proof” was focused and centered on marriage life and the key principle of keeping Christ at the center of that relationship. Today, the divorce rate has increased and more and more young people are beginning to question the purpose of marriage. What advice would you give young men about commitment and the plan God has when it comes to marriage? There is a word that appears all throughout the old testament to describe an aspect of God’s character and it is the Hebrew word hesed. It is most commonly translated as “lovingkindness” but that translation doesn’t fully express the original meaning of this word. It is better translated, “lovingcommitment”; that God, in respect to his people, isn’t going anywhere. Part of what it means to be God is to be totally committed, to make a promise and to keep that promise. Numbers 14:18 says “The Lord is slow to anger, abundant in lovingkindness, forgiving iniquity and transgression…”. Perhaps we can begin to see why God is so vehemently opposed to divorce. It is because divorce in a Christian mar-

riage runs completely against the grain of His character. If it’s true that marriage exists ultimately as a picture of Christ’s love relationship with His Church, then can you think of anything more destructive to someone’s view of Jesus’ love when the best example of that love has a +50% divorce rate? Men who are married or about to be: please consider these things. Malachi 2:6 says God HATES divorce. This is because in it there is no demonstration of “loving-commitment”. There is just selfishness. Thank God that he doesn’t treat us like we treat our spouses. When things get tough, God stays committed to what He said He was going to do. Lets strive to exhibit the character of God. Stick with your spouse and learn to love her as Christ loved the Church. It very evident that your heart and the music you produce are in the right place for the Lord, Your passion for sharing the message of hope and salvation definitely shows in your overall content. As you get ready to engage your listeners at various events and concerts across America, How do you prepare for this journey (spiritually) and what is the one thing that you want them to leave knowing? Before my concerts I try to steal away for a while and open up the book of John. Before each show I try to read John 1 and 3, specifically the parts concerning John the Baptist. I’m beginning more and more to see John the Baptist as a model for how I ought to conduct myself as someone who is a communicator of the gospel, albeit in song. John had one mission, to make Jesus famous. In fact, when he was confronted by the priests as to who he was, he had nothing to say but this: “I am a voice of one crying in the wilderness, “Prepare the way of the Lord.’” He didn’t even dignify himself with a proper name. He was just a voice. That is my goal. To be see through. That at the end of the night people would be vastly more enamored with the person of Christ than me. My mission is to make Jesus is famous. I want His gospel to be heard and embraced. I want to see my generation walk in loving obedience to the Scriptures. I want to see dead men come to life. These are lofty wishes but God will accomplish what he wants. I am just going to continue to be obedient to write the songs that He gives me to share. I’ll let God do the rest.

not without love JIMMYNEEDHAM


14 // FAITH


After The Storm


Nicely packaged with visuals, his songs are colored with pain, the triumph and the joy that comes with the experience and suffering of weathering the storms of life. The Dallas, Texas born and raised producer/singer Greg O'Quin's, after The Storm might be considered another sequel to his previous disc "I Told the Storm" from Conversations, the 1999 Dove Award nominee for Contemporary Gospel Record of the Year. Most of After The Storm is well worth listening to, despite its positive qualities, there are a couple of minor bumps in his music. O'Quin at times seemed to be competing with his soloists on a couple of tracks when leading worship, which takes away from the beauty of the message. I would like to direct the Urban Music Scene readers to a few tracks that first sparked my attention. "Convinced," a song about breaking out from our weakened self-esteem, and “I need you to order Me.", also "Every Little Step" offers encouragement and accountability in our daily walk with Christ. All in all this is a great tool of inspiration to any one in need of support in life’s struggles.


Live Life Loud

Live Life Loud is really about encouraging our fans to do just that. To live your life loud, to embrace all that life brings your way and experience every moment of it to the fullest extent," says Hawk Nelson bassist Daniel Biro. "This is the message we want our fans to come away with after they hear the album." Recorded in Nashville, Tennessee, Hawk Nelson enlisted producer Steve Wilson to craft what was to become a 12-song set that sweeps from the manic to the mellow and all points in between. Live Life Loud was recorded in two separate sessions, due to a hectic touring schedule, and marks the first time the band wrote songs together by just jamming as a band. The album also features collaborations with Chris Stevens, Matthew Gerrard, TobyMac, Trevor McNevan and Bart Millard. This fourth studio album release from the band hits fans' hands on September 22. The first two singles "Live Life Loud" and "Meaning of Life" are currently available on iTunes Courtesy of www.christiantoday.com.





18 // FAITH


Orissa, India

r o f s r h 5 58,34 ER


by Scott Harrison arity Water Photo courtesy of Ch

jumped back but too late, as coconut juice splashed all over my jeans. The upside-down transfer from coconut to steel cup hadn’t factored in the volume differential.

Junash said Gram Vikas’s proposal was initially met with some resistance, as each of Engreda’s 130 families would have to do a “lot of work” that would cost “a lot of money.”

I sat on a plastic chair in the Engreda village Baptist church, tucked away in the rural hills of Eastern India. Men and women of the community had gathered here to thank us for funding a piped water system that brought clean and safe drinking water down from a new well in the mountains.

For Gram Vikas to work in a community, 100% of the people must agree and contribute, and after a short time, they did.


41-year-old Junash was the one that spilled on me, but I didn’t mind, and drank two cups of the warm juice. A few minutes earlier, he’d made a speech about what happened here. I learned that the 567 residents of Engreda had big problems with water. Their primary source for years had been a polluted stream in the valley beneath the village, which I saw a few moments later. “In the stream, we would remove a little bit of sand, and the water would ooze out into it. We used to drink that, and the children and adults used to get diarrhea,” Junesh said. “We are poor. Whatever savings we had, we spent on curing our waterborne diseases. The poor remained poor.” Not anymore. Through last year’s partnership with retailer Saks Fifth Avenue, more than $540,000 was raised – enough for 100 water projects in Honduras, India and Ethiopia. Engreda was one of those projects, but the water running from their taps came at a higher price than our funding. The people had petitioned our implementing partner Gram Vikas to help them with the water problem. But before bringing clean water to Engreda, Gram Vikas asked villagers to give a year of their time to construct toilets and bathing rooms on faith. For over 30 years, Gram Vikas has taken a unique approach to development work. For them, sanitation is the key to good health, and community participation is the key to sustainability. “Sanitation” meant toilets and showers here; “participation” - a year plus of hard work.

But their involvement didn’t stop there. After all 130 toilets and bathing rooms were constructed, community members then helped lay pipe from the well Gram Vikas constructed high in the mountain near a spring. It was tough going. Villagers spent more than a month breaking stones in the rocky ground, but beamed with pride at their achievement. I sometimes hear people accuse those in the developing world of laziness. But the more I travel, the more I find that’s just not true. Communities like Engreda give what they have, even if it’s not the cold cash that comes easier for many of us. Written on the wall next to our contribution was theirs, and while not in the form of a check, its value far exceeded ours. The stone, bricks, gravel and labor the people of Engreda added to the project came to $19,851. At least half of that was sweat equity and calculated at the going rate of 17 cents an hour. For comparison, if their labor took place in the United States, where hourly minimum wage is $6.55, they’d have contributed more than $364,000 of labor value - 58,345 hours. In that light, charity: water’s $7,822 contribution for the hard costs of piping, taps and the water tower was a steal. Back at the Gram Vikas compound later that evening, the project coordinator smiled when she learned I’d visited Engreda. “Yes, they’re very happy there. They tell us the water tastes better than coconut milk.” I had to agree. (charity: water supported 38 village water systems in 2008, and hopes to fund at least 50 more in 2009. To support a village in India, you can donate here. 100% of your money will be matched with villagers’ labor to transform communities with clean drinking water.)


GOOD P I H S N O I T A REL maintaining a

urtesy of Isnare.com By Brenda Williams, Co

that you shouldn’t go to ry day. There is a saying eve m n for or pe sha y, wa p is important if you pla of us in some ing a healthy relationshi ain Relationships affect all int e Ma on e. th tru is wi it ly ive and ate effect use or partner, is being able to communic e bed angry with your spo fac s ple we t, cou fac all in t tha en, wh The main issue son not understanding us on living a healthy life. rselves or on the other per ou on d use foc are we another. Too often ter. try to understand them bet need to take the time to e seen too many instances r is to talk to them. I hav tne par ur yo th wi p shi instead of greeting their lthy relation e home from work and com One way to promote a hea ll wi s ent par ir the and had asked your partwhere one of t gotten home from work jus among my own friends e u’v yo if ce, tan ins r n you come in the door lt in them. Fo that they would) but the sed spouse, they look for fau mi pro y the d (an use ng resolved rather than ing in the ho us on the problem not bei foc t ner to take care of someth jus y ma u yo re, the are with someone else. blem is still on to resentment when we ld only to realize that the pro ho o wh us of ny ma There are too “why” it wasn’t resolved. to end a relationship. y wa e Resentment is a sur e py relationship, you hav er to be in a healthy, hap ord In st. ep tru cre of k ays lac a alw is ll s relationships e doubts and problems wi Another factor that affect r, then you will always hav tne par ur yo st ubts and why you feel the tru n’t do ss your concerns and do pre to have trust. If you Ex r. tne par ur yo th time to hear you out and are feeling wi n they will set aside the the up. Talk about what you m, the to h ug eno nt anything because soon onship is importa feelings inside and not say se way you do. If the relati the to on ld ho is do ng you could vice versa. The worst thi you will boil over. you think as well as the ur life. It affects the way yo of as are all o int er trust the other person, onship spills ov ationship where you don’t rel Maintaining a good relati bad a in ed olv inv can actually have the ngs. If you are ich things are heading, it wh in way you look at other thi ion ect dir the ut ny people to fall ill, landstressed out abo not, it can even lead ma or are fighting or are simply it ve lie Be ep. sle h t getting enoug er symptoms. same effect on you as no such as exhaustion or oth nts me ail s iou var for tal ing them in the hospi tner. In fact, most peobetween you and your par or use spo a and u yo en rs, we are all so differhave to be betwe ur friend to your co-worke yo to Relationships don’t just ss bo ur yo m Fro le, while you may diswith each other. certain things. For examp on ee ple struggle to get along agr and er eth tog all have to learn how difficult to come from your co-workers, we ws vie ent that it is sometimes cal liti po ent fer dif find a balance where e completely eone, but you do have to som agree with your boss or hav ct” spe “re or e eon relationships among have to “like” som ich helps to promote better wh of to get along. You don’t all rthe ano e on s siderate toward you can be cordial and con your peers. ://www.isnare.com e Articles Directory http hips Published At: Isnare Fre =396625&ca=Relations ?aid om/ re.c isna ww. ://w Permanent Link: http




way to promote a healthy relationship with your partner is to talk to them.

Maintaining a good relationship spills over into all areas of your life. It affects the way you think as well as the way you look at other things.





o many college students, ‘budget’ is a four-letter word. Because of the expenses associated with attending college many students are forced to live on a tight college budget. With some simple money saving tips you can stretch that tight student budget further than you think which will give you the freedom to be able to fully experience college life. College fun cost money. Unfortunately for many, they miss out on the ‘fun’ because they have a tight college budget. There are simple steps students can take to avoid college debt while having a good time at school.


If you follow a simple student budget, you will have more money available to afford the activities that make college an experience you’ll always remember. What’s more, you will avoid college debt, which means a brighter and richer future for you, your family, and your friends. That is how you will reach your financial goals and enjoy the things in life that make you really like doing. Below are money saving tips that will make your student budget go further.

1. LIST WHAT YOU WANT - This is a fun exercise that will help you spend money on the things you truly want. Take a pad of paper and write down everything you want. The trip to Europe, surfing lessons, new clothes, and your first condo, whatever you want write it down. Now that you know what you want list them in priority. What is it you want the most; put that at the top of the list and work your way down. With this list you maximize your college budget and are able to purchase the items you want the most. Seeing the items you want to work toward can provide strong motivation for you to earn the money necessary to buy them. Knowing what it is that you want the most and what will make you happiest is a key component for a developing college student budget that allows you to get the items you want while not overextending yourself. 2. DAILY SPLURGES - Those small everyday purchases that on a college budget plan add up more than you may realize. A four-dollar coffee, during the week, adds up to over $1200 a year of needless spending. That’s a 4 star trip to Mexico with your friends for 5 days. What would you rather buy with the $1200? 3. SHOPPING FOR ENTERTAINMENT - It can be fun to window shop, but only if you don’t lose control every time you spot a “bargain.” If you have the will power to keep your student budget, definitely go window-shopping and enjoy yourself. 4. THE GOOD DEAL SHOPPER - If you have a closet full of clothes with sales tags still attached, your discount shopping may cause you to get into college debt. Avoid debt by purchasing items that you truly need and will use. If you’re experiencing buyers regret after a purchase, don’t be afraid to return those items. 5. COMPARE PRICES - If you follow the steps above you will avoid buying on impulse and stick to your student budget. This gives you the luxury of being able to compare prices of a particular item so you can take advantage of discount stores and the Internet for tracking down the best price. 6. AFTER-SEASON PURCHASES - Purchase your beach gear in the winter and your winter gear during summer. This will stretch your college savings longer and it could save you at least 30% to 80% off what you would pay just a few months later.

7. BE CREATIVE - A little creativity goes a long way, especially when you’re tight on funds. Instead of paying $120 for designer jeans, spend $35 for discount jeans pay a tailor $12 to add stitching that mimics designer jeans. You’ll look even better in jeans that have cash in your pocket. 8. A MONEY DIARY - Most of us have cash that vanishes each month to those impulse stops for a double mocha or a drive through snack. To understand how you spend your money, write down everything you spend money on: every coffee, every burger, every bus or taxi fare. Keeping a money diary will help you keep on your college student budget. The purpose of these money saving tips for college students is to make you aware of how you spend your money, and it is the first step in developing a budget. Doing this for a few weeks you will notice where your money goes and, if you’re like most, you’ll end up spending less. After 30 days of keeping a diary, ask yourself: what have you learned? Are there areas where you feel you spend too much? 9. OPPORTUNITY COST - With every purchase you make there is a direct cost (cash) and an opportunity cost. The opportunity cost is the cost of something in terms of an opportunity forgone. In other words, what else you could do with the same amount of money. What is the opportunity cost of spending $470 for an iPhone? It may be very high if it means you will not have the $470 for something that is more important to you. To maintain your college budget Free Web Content, this is a good exercise to repeat from time to time as your income and circumstances change. Five years from now your spending habits will be a lot different than they are today. For most on a college budget there is a liming on how much we can spend. Look at your student budget objectively and get real about your money. Practice these basic college money saving tips and you will be able to afford the lifestyle you want sooner than you think.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR Vince Shorb, young America’s success coach and author of ‘Financially Free by 30’ shows young adults how a simple college savings plan can give them the money necessary to invest and retire young. More information about the first multi-media program designed to help young people live a dream lifestyle and a free 5 step video course can be found at http://www.FreeBy30.com .


l a t i g i D y a W e h All T by Tobias


ed where still g n a ch s a h y g lo o n even though tech nce, love and ta ep cc A . s. d ee n c si a looking for all the b anges.. ch er ev n t a h T . c. et g a feeling of belongin

onomic freefall, of technological flux, ec ke wa the in g lin bb ho in these difficult the music industry is spending less energy are s ist art ing ike the society it mirrors, ord rec , y. And like most of us bottom line. and massive uncertaint just hanging on to the of or fav in s am dre ative times dreaming big cre y it safe, zigged an KJ-52 refused to pla ter ve p -ho hip , him d ng aroun bitious project of st mind-bendingly am of unsettled dust swirli mo do na the tor sily the ea ite s at’ sp de wh t Ye to create opus in our flagzagged, and managed s conceptual magnum thi ers like oth ly ny ote ma rem so ile ng wh inly nothi levision. There’s certa his career, Five-Two Te ace. ging musical marketpl o a new rentead dives headlong int ins -52 KJ ” re, mo is ss call of “le galaxies in our and the party-line siren re the dizzying array of n ptu tio ca en nv ce co on ating t ew tha ch Es d ideas planet, our very d space—indeed our g sounds and words an an klin e tac tim y ldl lds bo ho o e, wh nc e sa ais to the On r to culture and Sonic adventure. Mirro rse yet ultimately point m. ive do un wis ed d ch an en r -dr mo dia hu me hicle of t album. Biography. Ve latter and more. lives—together. Concep wo Television is all the e-T Fiv ’s -52 KJ . ing ell ryt sto society. Evangelistic remote handy. tuned…and keep the y sta s an me all by So



up with the you when you came re we ere Wh , ion rat this gene d a special theme for This whole project ha n was my dia junk… 52 televisio levision? me l Te cia wo so e-T of h Fiv nc of t bu ep a conc s launching or two ago when I wa I think it was a year then though. ck ba a t a vague ide jus s wa it … ge pa e ub YouT wk Nelson) ess, Jeremy Camp, Ha utl (K or rat bo lla co ess and oducere us through the proc th Aaron Sprinkle -pr tak wi ” pe ain Ro ag up My d of me nd tea You ords was “E The first of those rec to record four songs. let go…. o choices.. to hold on or that song? tw of ve e ha u ag yo ss ly) me ral the lite d Is what (figuratively an t’s where it all began. ch the end of your rope u and hold you up… tha yo tch ca Just that when you rea to d Go g stin means you are tru If you are to let go than t clearly to start street buzz, bu nts stu y cit bli pu ll pu um or t is addictgimmicks to sell an alb n for a generation tha er tio eth lva sa tog t d pu an t ist ris art Ch Many points to re, Five-Two Television as a world? there no gimmicks he w/ Christ. s where we are today thi Is . es vic de e bil world.. im running to it mo d the an in t @ en are nm tai we ter ere en wh ed to ning from idea that instead of run Certainly! That was the l for your ed as a teaching too us is ars ye ge na tee ly on your Carlino -based loose The character Chris hypothetiu life around? yo n tur e for you to ion @ 15… this is my cis tak it de t did tha at de wh , ma r ers ve listen @ had I ne where I think I might be Actually its based on iraled to. sp ve ha t I think I migh cal idea based on where



“We live in a completely visual society, and more and more we experience life with all of our senses and on multiple levels



KJ-52: FIVE-TWO TELEVISION What has been your inspiration behind this project? Life… the news… headlines.. Personal stories… there is a bit of brokenness that is weaved through the album and that comes from some of what ive seen other experience.

THE BROADCAST By far the catchiest, message-proven track with a nice hook is “Calling You,” an example of God’s text message to us (his Word) and to show how much God wants a relationship with us. “Calling you” is a brilliant concept that all young people will relate too. Do you feel it’s harder or even impossible to reach “Generation Text” in times like these, where we live in a technology driven world? Of course not… even though technology has changed where still looking for all the basic needs.. Acceptance, love… and a feeling of belonging etc.. That never changes.

We’re often very self destructive, and the only way we can begin our healing is by letting go.

All your songs have the message of Hope and Salvation built-in with the music. Do you feel like the John the Baptist of the 21st Century? I don’t see too many hiphop artists proclaiming the word. Ha… not sure either way on that. But there are tons of artists proclaiming the word but that’s probably cuz they don’t get the attention they deserve. One of the most important songs on Five-Two Television (that I hope makes it to a single or atleast a video) is ”Help Me” with Pillar vocalist Rob Beckley who by the way does a tremendous job to help make this song come to life. “Help me” speaks to the millions of people that struggle with one of the worst things in life the addiction to pornography, (sample of the words) …next time when the boy she’s texting / that texting turns into sexting / that sexting creates such a mess and / it leaves her mind in a state of depression / she’s blind, can’t see that

the lesson / every time there’s a message she’s sending / of exposing her body her flesh and / leaves her caught in a place of deception… Why do you think the battle of addiction to pornography is overwhelming? And what is your advice to those that are in this struggle? Of course! I wrote that song in direct response to the letters emails and stories that I had heard.. the advice is to get real help… that issue is just as strong as any drug.. . they need real help. xxxx.church.com What was the hardest part of putting Five-Two Television together? The beginning… I had some difficult writers block issues.

BEHIND THE SCENE You are giving away Five-Two Television for FREE? This album has 24 Tracks on it, why? What’s the catch? We are giving away an accompaniment downloadable mixtape… people are sharing music already to reach people so why not equip them to reach those around them w/ it! How do you feel about the songs that are youth are subjected too by artist like Lil Wayne and Eminem, Jermiah etc? Seems like they only promote money, drugs, sex and self-worship. What’s your view on the way the mainstream music is now? Its no different then where it’s been over the last 10-15 years.. Its really nothing new in that dept. that negative side has always been around its just that there was other stuff to balance that out. Looking back 12years ago, did you imagine being an MC and recording music as a tool for leading people to salvation? Ha! I guess 12 years ago I was hoping for it… just not sure if I’d get there though. ;) We just witnessed a big loss in the music community with Michael Jackson’s passing. What would people remember KJ52 most by? Hopefully for reaching people with Christ! Nothing more nothing less. Again the Album is called Five-Two Television – Let everyone know where to get their copy of the new album and to learn more about KJ52. Your local music store and of course itunes.





Men r o F s le y t S r Top 5 Sneake


m, About.com

By Suzy Kasse

oo many sneakers our there to pick from? Don't know what's hot and what's not? Look no further, here are the top 5 hottest sneakers for men - for those who know!


Adidas Forums The Adidas Forum builds upon classic Adidas styling to produce a slightly heavier and chunkier high top sneaker. Adidas Forums are superbly popular in New York, as well as, Asia and Europe. You can find them in all colors and they look great with any outfit. Add old school flair to your overall look. Go for the mids or highs. If you find these in silver, in Asia, you did very well, my friend.

Puma Suede First Rounds Puma First Rounds high tops are hot! The super nice suede uppers and the perfect color combos makes these a stellar must-have. If you can imagine these First Rounds in an alternative color, keep scavenging and I guarantee you'll find what you're looking for. Puma First Rounds are great for people who can take care of suede! Otherwise, go for their leather ones!

Nike Dunks SB Nike Dunks are probably the most visible sneakers on today's city streets. They come in all materials, colors, and themes. Whatever you are looking for, click on the link below and scan for the best prices. You can't go wrong with Nike Dunk SBs!

Nike Blazer Highs Nike Blazer Highs are yesterday's Puma Cydes and are THE sneaker of choice for true slicksters. Nike Blazers are super casual sneakers that feature a high-cut style for plenty of ankle support and a rubber outsole for supreme traction on city streets and on the floors at nightclubs. These are the type of sneakers you add to your collection in various colors and materials! They are all out there so check them out.

Lakai Telford While Lakai is known for making durable skate shoes, you don't have to be a skater to enjoy these. With a retro look and bold color, you will get more than just a few looks wearing these out on the streets. In my opinion, these would be great kicks for the dance floor for Bboys and skateboarders alike. Both highs or lows are quite alright.


TRENYCE The Road to Success By Victor Flavius

LIGHTS renyce’s spotlight came with the hit television show“American Idol”. Her power vocals and stage presence put her in the top 5 of the show’s second season. After adding a certified gold album to her achievements with the AI recording, the American Idol star went on to expand her entertainer title to the acting arena. Following American Idol, Trenyce national television appearances consists of CNN, Live with Regis and Kelly, Extra, ET, Fox, The Early Show, The Wayne Brady Show, the Pulse, Inside Edition, Good Day Live, the Today Show, and TRL.


One of her many accomplishments includes being the very 1st American Idol vet to headline a Las Vegas show. Trenyce starred in the stage production of Dream Girls directed by Bill Myers, portraying Deana, the same role Beyonce filled in the 2006 feature film version. Her theater experience also consists of “Love in the Nick of Tyme” directed by David E. Talbert, “Not a Day Goes by”, Vagina Monologues (celebrity version in LA), and Fat Waller’s Tony award winning Broadway musical “Aint Misbehavin” alongside American Idol winner Ruben Studdard and Idol vet Frenchie Davis.

From American Idol to Broadway, did you expect to move in that direction? when is your album coming out and what would be your focus? You, know...I was not expecting the whole idea of stage to be the center of my career... not in a million years! My sole purpose in life, so I thought, was to become a singer. But I thank God for steering me in this direction because now with the way the industry has changed, it is not enough to just be “a singer”. You have to have at least 2 other talents tucked away for a rainy day. So, I appreciate being able to switch lanes and wear many hats in my field. I have no release date for the album but I have now come up with a concept for it that I think will definitely please my fans and allow me to express the artist I want to be, as well as establish longevity... which has always been my goal. My focus with this album is proving that real music is still wanted and necessary, & the labels may think they know what people want, but it is always best to let them decide. In the end, everyone cannot dominate the same lane. What has been the biggest disappointment in your eyes about the industry since you’ve been on American Idol? The biggest disappointment is the idea that ALL Idols are cookie cutter/popcorn artists. I know I am NOT that and sometimes you are “typed” before you can open your mouth. What I thrive on is being able to open my mouth and change minds... that is true for acting & singing. I wish that the industry would allow more artists IN. Instead of recycling the same types of singers/artists over and over. There are lanes on the highway that they are not even using because they are trying to play it safe. I wish that this was the good ole days when there was variety such as Patti, Aretha, Gladys... and they all dominated the scene in their own right and performed on the same shows together and separately. What is wrong with that? Why are we forced to see the same artist a million times when there are sooooo many others? If we could change that part of it; I think the fans would enjoy watching more than just videos.

Do you still keep in touch with everyone from Idol? how about the judges? Yes, I do. I make it my business to try to locate and get to know more Idols from other seasons as well because we are all coming from the same experience. We are like a club, so I support whenever I can. The judges don’t really contact you after unfortunately. I saw Randy recently when I sang for the NAACP Theater Awards and spoke, but that is the gist of it.

CAMERA What was the hardest thing you’ve tackled while working on stage plays? The hardest thing has been being away from home so long. You are always longing to see your family and friends on a regular basis and sleep in your own bed!!! Take us through a normal day in a Broadway production, not everything but so we can get a visual on the process. A normal day is: Rehearsals 8hrs a day (usually); splitting it into Music rehearsal and Dance rehearsal. Then a week later is tech rehearsal where you actually rehearse onstage to see what works/doesn’t with lights and sound, in between all of it is costume fittings and interviews. Then in 10days the production is mounted and you have opening night with a cast party and then another cast party at the closing of the production. In the midst of it all, you build great relationships that last a lifetime! What was it like switching from your role as Charlaine in “Ain’t Misbehaving to Deena in Dreamgirls? It was very easy for me to go from one to the other...its like changing clothes. You know what size you are already, its just a matter of accessorizing; and that is, in theater, finding the heart of the character and shedding the old character and owning who you are becoming... Getting paid helps too!

ACTION Tell me about your experience in The ASHÉ Foundation event? My participation with ASHE opened my eyes to the reality of the state of our country. There were so many homeless people that were “normal” looking people, and i have to admit that I was shocked. Not drug addicts and alcohol abusers, but whole families, young adults, grandmothers, and people that were just dealt a bad hand or trying to recover from Katrina or being laid off... it is very real! The fact is, we are all just a paycheck away. I spoke to a lot of them who were aspiring artists, lawyers, teachers, etc. and it broke my heart. All of the celebs there took pride in washing their feet. I know I did. I felt humbled and honored to do it. I felt like it was what God needed

me to do. Another experience that made me bow down and thank Him for all he has done for me. It is an absolute blessing to still be working 6yrs later after the show. What do you feel we should focus on more as a country, with so many people that are less fortunate than us (education, Poverty, etc..)? I think this country should focus on the education of our children, the lingering displacement of Katrina victims, bringing home our troops, and the uncertainty of social security. There are a lot of things going on in our own backyard that we should consider. But I would also like to add that our president is doing the best that he can to begin the process of cleaning up such a huge mess. I know that we all have an opinion about the time in which WE think things should be done, but I think it is crucial to realize that the media only shares an ounce of the full picture, so lets please consider his position from every angle! What other charity events or non-profit organizations are you working with and would you consider working with a mentoring program? I never turn down a charity event. I believe that to whom much is given, much is required. The idea that someone looks at me as a mentor means that I have a lot of work to do, and believe me a lot of the foundations and organizations such as Operation Smile, Kenny Lattimore’s ASHE Foundation, LA’s Best Enrichment program, and various opportunities to speak to young teens about self esteem and love of themselves, give me such fulfillment! It makes me appreciate my job even more. I get to do what I love and of course, I love what I do, so in most cases the lessons learned are not just on the side of those listening to me, I learn something new as well, and I don’t take for granted where I am and why God allows me to be put in these positions. I do, however, Thank HIM and give Him all the praise for even thinking I am worthy to be one of the few who affects many.



A LEGACY of College Football by Kimberly Green

It’s Saturday and there is a big fight feel on campus. You wake up and immediately go into rabid fan mode when you start sifting through your college football jerseys. Yes, it’s the kick-off Saturday for college football and you are ready to go! Every fan has their own reason for rooting for a particular team. Although geographic location tends to breed fans for the local cities it’s not always the case in pro sports. Often a person has outside reasons for donning the colors of a team other then the one they grew up watching on television. It could be a fondness in youth for a mascot or team colors. It could be the star football player that was drafted to a team outside of your local market. Whatever the reasoning behind which professional sports franchise you root for it’s obvious that people have a million different reasons to explain why their fan-hood is better than the next persons. However, college football is a much different animal and fans of college football are ravenous fans that don their college football jerseys with a fervor that is unmatched in any other sport. They will paint themselves and wear nothing to a game other than a small thong. They will root in the face of all adversity with the same passion as they would if they were up by fifty points in the third quarter. Tailgating parties have been known to start days before the big game and end days after. It’s tradition and it’s a true battlefield of warriors that spans generations of athletes and scholars alike. Families go to college, not individuals. To clarify; generations tend to go to the same school so it’s easy to see how college sports can become part of a family’s DNA. They spend generations upon generations learning in the same hallowed halls and cheering on the same battered fields of glory. It’s no wonder that you see so many families passing down their college football jerseys to younger generations. You’ll see more authentic vintage jerseys are college football than you’ll see at any other level of sport. With this type of generational heritage it’s easy to see why college football has a die-hard loyal following that any other sports promoter would kill to have. When you wake up on that season kick-off Saturday you’ll surely feel a sense of ability. It’s an ability to cheer your team to the national championships. The ability to become part of a snapshot of history that will live on for all of history, as you become the elder sportsman and you indoctrinate your younger generation into the family fold. You’ll pass down your college football jerseys with pride and you’ll regale stories of when you were in those stands, cheering your team to a national championship. No matter which professional team you root for it will not compare to the passion that you’ll feel for the team that took you to new places as a younger college student. Those were the times of your life and the memories that will mean more to you than any professional ballgame could ever mean. K. Green is a personal shopper specializing in locating the best deals on College football jerseys , football jerseys and other famous apparel.




AMBASSADORS This section introduces you to New Artist, Music, Authors, Ministries, Producers etc..

Ye are the salt of the earth Matthew 5:13


BRITT NICOLE spreading the word of hope photo and bio courtesy of britt nicole

ritt Nicole grew up in the church, her grandfather’s church, actually, along with his TV ministry, which aired weekly on the Charlotte , NC , station WAXN. It was there that Nicole made her first public appearances, singing gospel songs in a trio with her brother and cousin. A scholarship offer from Belmont University to study commercial music was turned down so Nicole could focus on perusing a recording contract. She landed it in 2006 when the Sparrow label came calling. A year later they released her debut album, Say It, featuring the singles “Set the World on Fire” and “You.”


The youthful and petite brunette speaks to her generation in a language they understand – seamlessly transitioning from drinking chai tea and texting friends to the deep desire to inspire her peers to be consumed with a passion for God and to know Him deeply. “I personally lived the experience of being raised in church all my life and being a part of youth group. I always sang about God, talked about God, read about God, but I knew, I knew, I knew that there was something more,” shares Britt, who works with the youth group in her home church when she is not on the road. “I meet a lot of young people who have been in church their whole life and know about God but don’t really know Him as their Father and their friend. They see God as so far away and think ‘Does he really understand me and does he really know what I’m going through?’ My heart is to go into those dry, dry places that need water and fresh fire.” She doesn’t simply write and sing about issues surrounding today’s youth, but Britt shares from personal experiences such as her parents’ divorce when she was only seven years old. “Don’t Worry Now” is a song that Britt explains actually healed her personally through writing it. “I talk about things (on the record) that I’ve struggled with, my weaknesses, hurts and own life experiences and just trying to be real,” says Britt. Britt Nicole is back in the studio crafting her highly anticipated sophomore release, The Lost Get Found, set to hit stores August 11th. Filled with highenergy tracks, extremely catchy hooks, top 40 beats and lyrics that delve into the heart of real issues facing the youth of today. The first single and title track from the album is already making waves at radio while on the road live Britt Nicole continues to touch lives of our youth directly through her songs and her message. The Lost Get Found in Britt’s words is ”... simply about being who we are called to be as Christians, and through that, seeing the lost get found. I believe that when we become who we are called to be, the lost will come to know God.”



SANCTUS REAL my brothers keeper photo and bio courtesy of sanctus real

uccess for Sanctus Real has typically been marked with massive radio singles, including six No. 1 songs and 11 Top 5 hits, albums that have marched up the Billboard sales charts, major tours with some of the biggest names in the business, or draped with various awards, including the Modern Rock Album of the Year Dove Award. But with their newest record, We Need Each Other, the band members feel they have created their most successful album to date because for them, it is just that.


After three records, the guys have finally crafted in their fourth effort the ever-elusive album - definitely not the norm in this season of hit singles. Not that the first single and title track wasn’t infectious enough to climb to No. 1 in record time, which it did, but the real surprise for the listener lies in the album as a whole. We Need Each Other represents a startling leap forward in its songwriting, musicianship and overall production, and for the band, a way to connect to its listeners with a theme worth talking about. Wholeness, family and unity are what Sanctus Real has always been about, but it has never been penned as effectively. Complete with gut-honest lyrics and feel-good melodies from the opening riff to the closing thought, a strong, unyielding sense of unity and community is woven through the very musical fiber of this much-anticipated new album. “There’s a real sense of direction and momentum surrounding the band and the new album,” reflects Sanctus Real lead vocalist Matt Hammitt. “The past several months have been an exciting time for us. We feel like we’ve made the best record of our career and are looking forward to sharing these new songs with our fans.”



K’JON a sure measure faith photo and bio courtesy of kjon


he turning point came for K’Jon while writing music in a Los Angeles hotel room. After years of putting out independent releases while working a day job to support his family in Detroit, he had to figure out his future in the music industry.

“I was missing my family something terrible,” says K’JON. “I was sitting in that room, wondering if writing songs was worth being away from my daughter. I was really going through it.” He began pouring out his feelings into a song. Working so hard in the music business felt like being in a raft in the middle of the ocean. Would his ship finally come in? That idea became the song “On The Ocean.” And as soon as he finished writing and then recording a demo version of the song, he knew he had something special. “I knew I could sell that song to an established artist,” says K’JON. “But a friend told me that if I sold that song—I’d regret it for the rest of my career.” “On The Ocean” is now on its way to becoming a classic. And the warm reception he received from the song convinced K’JON that his destiny was to entertain as a singer-songwriter. After a decade of working hard, his ship has come in. And it’s his time.



SARAH REEVES called to be a witness photo and bio courtesy of sarah reeves

orship leader. Song writer. Gifted artist. Girl next door. Prayer warrior. Prayer needer. Advocate for her generation. Intercessor for her generation. Next big thing. Sarah Reeves has been called all these things, and with good reason – the 19 year-old Alabama native is a complex composite of each of these traits and so much more. She is fashionable, she’s commonplace, she’s demure, she’s shy, she’s outspoken, she’s sensitive, she’s bubbly, she’s pensive, she’s completely engaging – and that’s before her first cup of coffee.


“I have one goal and one true destiny,” Sarah Reeves declares with an urgency that is palpable, “and that is to bring people to the heart of God, to help them understand His love, His mercy, and the freedom and power of worship. My goal is to lead the nations into His arms. That’s my calling.” If such a bold declaration from one so young makes you fold your arms and paste a skeptical smirk across your face, Sarah’s sweet, dimpled smile will immediately disarm you. A sampling of her music will convince you of her sincerity, and an examination of her lyrics will reveal a heart far older and wiser than her years. “God called me to be a worship leader when I was 15 years old,” Sarah insists. “I’ve stood on that calling ever since. It takes a lot of prayer to lead worship. It means being the same off-stage as I am on-stage. I realize I’m still a little girl in a great big world. I understand that I am still naïve. But I believe the Bible is true when it says to let no man despise your youth. I have made mistakes and learned from those mistakes. The important thing is to keep my mind on the Word of God, to be true to who I am, and to keep growing.”


BRIAN BATES the love of jesus photo and bio courtesy of brian bates


usic is at its best when it transcends mere entertainment to offer insights that are challenging and life changing. To create that caliber of music, an artist must have really lived, fighting through life’s toughest emotional canyons and embracing the victories that wait on the other side. Brian Bates is such an artist.

Many of the songs on “Worlds Collide” were inspired by Bates’ work in Africa. Over the past two years, he’s helped develop a project called “Mission Bo”, a partnership with World Vision dedicated to bringing clean water, food, healthcare and education to the people of Sierra Leone. “It was a window into learning about things that break the heart of God,” says Bates of traveling to Africa. “We are committed to this 10-15 year development project. Seven buddies and I went over there a year ago for the first time, going to the poorest of the poorest of the poor, no running water, no electricity. It all got under our skin and just completely changed our paradigm about what really matters.” Brian Bates knows firsthand the power of God’s restoration – from his work in Africa, from his own life. That knowledge infuses his music and directs his life. “The bottom line is Jesus is my hero,” he says. “I love him and I love how he lived his life. I want to follow in those footsteps. I wanna take it a little outside the box, but absolutely represent the heart of the Father, just like Jesus did. That’s my goal.”



STEPHEN HURD a gift that is amazing photo and bio courtesy of stephen hurd

hen asked what the most amazing thing was to ever happen to him, Hurd’s mind goes back to his sophomore year in college. His late mother and biggest cheerleader, was dying of a chronic lung disease. “When I was singing to my mother in the hospital bed and watched her body become relaxed from the overwhelming fear of not knowing her plight,” Hurd says. “That was amazing to me. I saw peace come upon her. I could tell you many many amazing moments like that but we don’t have enough time.” One story he did find time to tell was how he joined Integrity Music. Hurd was a popular praise and worship leader in the Washington, D.C. area and had even recorded two custom CDs. He wasn’t actively seeking a record deal but a fan passed one of his CDs on to an A&R rep for Integrity Music. The man called Hurd to discuss a contract. “The first time they called, I couldn’t meet with them,” he says. “It was February and I was in the mountains on a retreat and my pastor John Jenkins wanted me to stay on sight. So, I thought I had lost the opportunity.” A year later, Jackie Patillo had become Integrity’s A&R rep and reached out to Hurd herself. “Several people told me about Stephen,” recalls Patillo who is now VP of A&R at Zomba Gospel in New York. Soon after, Hurd and Patillo sat down with Hurd’s pastor, an attorney and hammered out a deal.


That was over five years ago and Hurd’s amazing journey continues. “I didn’t write Amazing,” he says of the new song. “It was written by my co-producer and friend Justin Savage, a young masterful talent that works with many greats in the industry like CeCe Winans, Israel Houghton, and Donnie McClurkin. I was in my office listening to music for the new CD and Justin started singing and playing this song.... and I said, ..what is that? I NEED THAT SONG on my project and I LOVE IT.... it’s so powerful and works everywhere I sing it. I believe worship teams and choirs all over the world will sing this song. It’s powerful and marries the scriptures from Lamentations 3:21.... God’s mercies are new every morning. And he is so tremendous that when you try to put it in words you bump into ‘Amazing.’” Visit www.integritymusic.com for more information.



THE GLORIOUS UNSEEN an inspiration of hope photo and bio courtesy of the glorious unseen


ike so many college students have during the course of their studies, The Glorious Unseen’s frontman Ben Crist also struggled with that one big question while attending Nashville’s Belmont University: What am I supposed to do with my life?

Summing up the theme of the album is the hopeful title track, “The Hope That Lies in You.” Serving as a battle cry of optimism in our increasingly pessimistic world, Ben wants to encourage listeners to not to live in fear and isolation-even when the media is saying everything is a disaster. Ben and his band, which includes guitarist Ryan Stubbs, bassist Ben Harms, drummer Jon Todryk and pianist Patrick Copeland, have written a new collection of authentic reflections on the ups and downs of the Christian life. “If you sit and listen to the news, it’s very, very depressing. You feel like you don’t even want to leave your couch because there is no hope outside,” Ben says. “It gets us in a mode of isolation. But when we’re out there worshipping, everything is alive. God is alive-and moving. So I envision this song as a reminder of the hope that lies in us as believers-and the hope that lies in God.” Building upon this idea, “All Around” also serves as a poignant reminder that even when everything around us may seem like it’s crashing down, we’re still alive in God.


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